##' Non-negative conjugate gradient algorithm
##' C-implementation, details follow.
##' @title Non-negative conjugate gradient algorithm
##' @param A the A matrix of the system: Ax = b.
##' @param b the b vector of the system: Ax = b.
##' @param type for the conjugate-gradients method. Takes value '1' for the Fletcher-Reeves update, '2' for Polak-Ribiere and '3' for Beale-Sorenson.
##' @param trace tracing information on the progress of the optimization is produced.
##' @return list containg regression coefficients and some additional information.
##' @author Maarten van Iterson
nncg <- function(A, b, type=1, trace=FALSE)
if(type < 1 || type > 3)
stop("Wrong type!")
##some error checking
if(!all(is.finite(b)) || !all(is.finite(A)))
stop("Data contains non-finite values!")
if(ncol(A) != nrow(A) | nrow(A) != length(b))
stop("Dimensions do not match!")
output <- .C("nncgc",
n = as.integer(ncol(A)),
x0 = as.vector(b*0, mode="double"),
A = as.vector(A, mode="double"),
b = as.vector(b, mode="double"),
fmin = as.double(0),
fail = as.integer(0),
type = as.integer(type),
trace = as.integer(trace),
objfcount = as.integer(0),
gradcount = as.integer(0), PACKAGE="SSPA")
list(par=output$x0, value=output$fmin, counts=list('function'=output$objfcount, gradient=output$gradcount), convergence=output$fail)
congrad <- function(object)
##extract control parameters
samplesize <- Samplesize(object)
theta <- Theta(object)
distribution <- distribution(object)
bin <- object@control$bin
scale <- object@control$scale
trim <- object@control$trim
symmetric <- object@control$symmetric
verbose <- object@control$verbose
from <- object@control$from
to <- object@control$to
if(scale == "cdfpval")
statistics <- Pvalues(object)
statistics <- Statistics(object)
resolution <- length(theta)+1
tb <- trimbin(statistics, nbins=resolution, bin=bin, plot=verbose, symmetric=symmetric, trim=trim)
x <- tb$x
b <- tb$y
##extract functions from object
df1 <- df1(object)
pf1 <- pf1(object)
qf0 <- qf0(object)
N <- samplesize
K <- switch(scale,
pdfstat = function(x, y) df1(x=y, y=N*x),
cdfstat = function(x, y) pf1(q=y, y=N*x),
cdfpval = if(distribution == "norm" || distribution == "t")
function(x, y) 1 - pf1(q=qf0(p=1 - y/2), y=N*x) + pf1(q=-qf0(p=1 - y/2), y=N*x) ##two-sided t norm
function(x, y) 1 - pf1(q=qf0(p=1 - y), y=N*x) ##one-side f chisq
A <- midpoint(K, from, to, resolution-1, x)
A <- cbind(K(0, x), t(A))
beta <- nncg(A, b, trace=verbose)$par
object@pi0 <- beta[1]
if(beta[1] > 1)
warning("Estimated pi0 > 1!")
const <- sum(beta[-1]/(1 - beta[1])) * (theta[2] - theta[1])
lambda.hat <- beta[-1]/(const * (1 - beta[1]))
object@lambda <- lambda.hat
object@theta <- theta
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