pi0 = "numeric",
lambda = "numeric",
theta = "numeric",
control = "list",
info = "list"),
prototype(PilotData = "PilotData",
pi0 = numeric(1),
lambda = numeric(1),
theta = numeric(1),
control = list(),
info = list())
##Generic Accessor functions for class "SampleSize"
setGeneric("Pi0", function(object) { standardGeneric ("Pi0")})
setGeneric("Lambda", function(object) { standardGeneric ("Lambda")})
setGeneric("Theta", function(object) { standardGeneric ("Theta")})
setGeneric("Control", function(object) { standardGeneric ("Control")})
setGeneric("Info", function(object) { standardGeneric ("Info")})
##' @rdname Pi0-methods
##' @aliases Pi0
setMethod("Pi0","SampleSize", function(object){ return(object@pi0)})
##' @rdname Lambda-methods
##' @aliases Lambda
setMethod("Lambda","SampleSize", function(object){ return(object@lambda)})
##' @rdname Theta-methods
##' @aliases Theta
setMethod("Theta","SampleSize", function(object){ return(object@theta)})
##' @rdname Control-methods
##' @aliases Control
setMethod("Control","SampleSize", function(object){return(object@control)})
##' @rdname Info-methods
##' @aliases Info
setMethod("Info","SampleSize", function(object){ return(object@info)})
##Show method for SampleSize
##' @rdname show-methods
##' @aliases show
setMethod("show", signature("SampleSize"), function (object) { cat(str(object)) })
##Overload Generic plot method for class "SampleSize"
##plot density of effect sizes
##' @title plot-method
##' @param x SampleSize-object
##' @param y not used
##' @param threshold effect-size threshold
##' @param ... additiol plotting options
##' @export
setMethod("plot", signature(x="SampleSize"), definition = function(x, y, threshold = 0, ...)
object <- x
dots <- list(...)
main <- dots[["main"]]
if(is.null(main)) main <- "density of effect sizes"
xlab <- dots[["xlab"]]
if (is.null(xlab)) xlab <- "effect size"
ylab <- dots[["ylab"]]
if (is.null(ylab)) ylab <- ""
if(threshold != 0)
lambda <- truncateEffectsize(object, threshold)
lambda <- Lambda(object)
xyplot(lambda~Theta(object), type="l", xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, main=main, ...)
checking <- function(x, y)
if(length(y) > 1)
if(length(setdiff(x, y)) > 0)
stop(paste("Parameter '", x, "' is not allowed. Should be one of '", paste(y, collapse="', '"), "'!", sep=""))
if(typeof(x) != typeof(y))
stop(paste("type mismatch: ", x, y))
deconvControl <- function(control)
defpar <- list(method = c("deconv","ferreira"),
pi0Method = c("Langaas", "Storey", "Ferreira", "Userdefined"),
pi0 = seq(0.1, 0.99, 0.01),
adjust = TRUE,
bandwith = NULL,
kernel = c("fan", "wand", "sinc"),
from =-6,
to = 6,
resolution = 2^9,
verbose = FALSE)
if(length(setdiff(names(control), names(defpar))) > 0)
stop(paste("Unknown control parameter:", setdiff(names(control), names(defpar))), collapse=", ")
##set defaults
conpar <- defpar
##overwrite defaults if given
conpar[names(control)] <- control
##some more checks
tmp <- lapply(names(conpar), function(x) checking(conpar[[x]], defpar[[x]]))
##get only one option
conpar <- lapply(conpar, function(x){
##some logical checks
if(conpar$pi0Method == "Userdefined" && all(names(conpar) != "pi0"))
stop("must specify fraction of non-differently expressed genes!")
else if(conpar$pi0Method == "Userdefined" && length(conpar$pi0) > 1)
stop("must specify a single fraction of non-differently expressed genes!")
else if(conpar$pi0Method == "Ferreira" && length(conpar$pi0) == 1)
stop("must specify a grid of values!")
else if(all(conpar$pi0 < 0) || all(conpar$pi0 > 1))
stop("All pi0-values must be between 0 and 1")
congradControl <- function(control)
defpar <- list(method = "congrad",
integration = c("midpoint", "trapezoidal", "simpson"),
scale = c("pdfstat", "cdfstat", "cdfpval"),
trim = c(0.01, 0.99),
symmetric = TRUE,
bin = c("epdf", "ecdf"),
from = -6,
to = 6,
resolution = 500,
verbose = FALSE)
if(length(setdiff(names(control), names(defpar))) > 0)
stop(paste("Unknown control parameter:", setdiff(names(control), names(defpar))), collapse=", ")
##set defaults
conpar <- defpar
##overwrite defaults if given
conpar[names(control)] <- control
##some more checks
tmp <- lapply(names(conpar), function(x) checking(conpar[[x]], defpar[[x]]))
##get only one option
conpar <- lapply(conpar, function(x){
##some logical checks
if(conpar$scale == "pdfstat")
conpar$bin <- "epdf"
conpar$bin <- "ecdf"
if(conpar$scale == "cdfpval")
conpar$symmetric <- FALSE
conpar$trim <- c(0, 1) #always between 0, 1 and sum to 1
if(conpar$trim[1] < 0 | conpar$trim[2] > 1)
stop("trimming values should be within 0 and 1!")
tikhonovControl <- function(control)
defpar <- list(method = "tikhonov",
integration = c("midpoint", "trapezoidal", "simpson"),
scale = c("pdfstat", "cdfstat", "cdfpval"),
trim = c(0.01, 0.99),
symmetric = TRUE,
bin = c("epdf", "ecdf"),
from = -6,
to = 6,
resolution = 500,
modelselection = c("lcurve", "gcv", "aic"),
log = TRUE,
penalty = 0,
lambda = 10^seq(-10, 10, length=100),
verbose = FALSE)
if(length(setdiff(names(control), names(defpar))) > 0)
stop(paste("Unknown control parameter:", setdiff(names(control), names(defpar))), collapse=", ")
##set defaults
conpar <- defpar
##overwrite defaults if given
conpar[names(control)] <- control
##some more checks
tmp <- lapply(names(conpar), function(x) checking(conpar[[x]], defpar[[x]]))
##get only one option
conpar <- lapply(conpar, function(x){
##check set binning
if(conpar$scale == "pdfstat")
conpar$bin <- "epdf"
conpar$bin <- "ecdf"
#' defineEffectSizeRange
#' @param object pilotdata object
#' @param from lower limit effect-sizes
#' @param to upper limit effect-sizes
#' @param resolution should be power of 2 default length statistics round to nearest power of 2
#' @return effect-size range
defineEffectSizeRange <- function(object, from, to, resolution)
##'TODO use trimmingbinning function for this!
##Resolution must be a power of 2, for the FFT and smaller than test statistics
if(resolution >= length(Statistics(object)))
resolution <- 2^floor(log2(length(Statistics(object))))
warning("Resolution should be smaller than number of test statistics!")
else if(resolution%%2 != 0)
resolution <- 2^ceiling(log2(resolution))
warning("Resolution is set to a power of 2!")
##Input range must be symmetric for the fast gnhat calculation
if(abs(from) != to)
to <- max(c(abs(from), to))
from = -to
warning("Input range is made symmetric!")
seq(from = from, to = to, length = resolution)
##' User friendly interface to class "SampleSize"
##' @details
##' The default method is 'deconv' which is a kernel deconvolution density estimator implementated using fft.
##' The 'nncg' is a nonnegative conjugate gradient algorithm based on R's implementation see optim.
##' 'tikonov' implements ridge-regression with optimal penalty selection using the L-curve approach.
##' Higher order penalties are possible as well using a transformation to standard form.
##' The 'control' argument is a list that can supply any of the following components, however per method some logical checks are built-in:
##' \itemize{
##' \item{deconv:}{
##' \itemize{
##' \item{method:}{'deconv', 'ferreira'}
##' \item{pi0Method:}{the pi0 estimation method one of 'Langaas', 'Storey', 'Ferreira', 'Userdefined'}
##' \item{pi0:}{if method = 'ferreira' grid pi0-value need to be suppled e.g. seq(0.1, 0.99, 0.01)}
##' \item{adjust:}{Default TRUE, adjust pi0 esitmate if density of effect size is somewhere negative.}
##' \item{a:}{Adjust pi0 better approach suggested by Efron. Symmetric range around zero of size 0.5.}
##' \item{bandwith:}{Default NULL uses 1/sqrt(log(length(statistics)))}
##' \item{kernel:}{Either 'fan', 'wand', 'sinc' kernels can be used.}
##' \item{from:}{Density of effect sizes should be estimated from = -6}
##' \item{to:}{6}
##' \item{resolution:}{Density of effect sizes should be estimated on 2^9 points.}
##' \item{verbose:}{Default FALSE if TRUE additional information is printed to the console.}}
##' }
##' \item{congrad:}{
##' \itemize{
##' \item{integration:}{'midpoint', 'trapezoidal', 'simpson'}
##' \item{scale:}{'pdfstat', 'cdfstat', 'cdfpval'}
##' \item{trim:}{0.01, 0.99}
##' \item{symmetric:}{TRUE}
##' \item{bin:}{'epdf', 'ecdf'}
##' \item{from:}{-6}
##' \item{to:}{6}
##' \item{resolution:}{500}
##' \item{verbose:}{Default FALSE if TRUE additional information is printed to the console.}}
##' }
##' \item{tikhonov:}{
##' \itemize{
##' \item{integration:}{'midpoint', 'trapezoidal', 'simpson'}
##' \item{scale:}{'pdfstat', 'cdfstat', 'cdfpval'}
##' \item{trim:}{0.01, 0.99}
##' \item{symmetric:}{TRUE}
##' \item{bin:}{'epdf', 'ecdf'}
##' \item{from:}{-6}
##' \item{to:}{6}
##' \item{resolution:}{500}
##' \item{modelselection:}{'lcurve', 'gcv', 'aic'}
##' \item{log:}{TRUE}
##' \item{penalty:}{0}
##' \item{lambda:}{10^seq(-10, 10, length=100)}
##' \item{verbose:}{Default FALSE if TRUE additional information is printed to the console.}}
##' }
##' \item{'ferreira:'}{}
##' }
##' @title User friendly interface to class 'SampleSize'
##' @param PilotData object of class 'PilotData'.
##' @param method estimation method one of 'deconv', 'congrad', 'tikhonov' or 'ferreira'. See 'Details'.
##' @param control A list of control parameters. See 'Details'.
##' @return object of class SampleSize.
##' @author Maarten van Iterson
##' @references
##' Langaas, Storey, Ferreira, Hansen, van Iterson
##' @seealso \code{\link[stats]{optim}}
##' @export
##' @importFrom graphics abline curve grid hist par points
##' @importFrom utils str
##' @importFrom methods new
##' @examples
##' m <- 5000 ##number of genes
##' J <- 10 ##sample size per group
##' pi0 <- 0.8 ##proportion of non-differentially expressed genes
##' m0 <- as.integer(m*pi0)
##' mu <- rbitri(m - m0, a = log2(1.2), b = log2(4), m = log2(2)) #effect size distribution
##' data <- simdat(mu, m=m, pi0=pi0, J=J, noise=NULL)
##' library(genefilter)
##' stat <- rowttests(data, factor(rep(c(0, 1), each=J)), tstatOnly=TRUE)$statistic
##' pd <- pilotData(statistics=stat, samplesize=sqrt(J/2), distribution='norm')
##' ss <- sampleSize(pd, method='deconv')
##' plot(ss)
sampleSize <- function(PilotData, method = c("deconv", "congrad", "tikhonov", "ferreira"), control=list(from=-6, to=6, resolution=2^9))
##create new SampleSize-object with PilotData
object <- new("SampleSize", PilotData)
##verify method
method <- match.arg(method)
control[["method"]] <- method
##fill control parameters for the specific method
control <- switch(method,
deconv = deconvControl(control),
congrad = congradControl(control),
tikhonov = tikhonovControl(control),
ferreira = deconvControl(control))
if(method == "deconv")
theta <- defineEffectSizeRange(object, control$from, control$to, control$resolution)
if(distribution(object) != "norm")
stop("Deconvolution estimator can only be used with distribution = 'norm'!")
theta <- seq(from = control$from, to = control$to, length = control$resolution)
##update SampleSize-object
object@control <- control
object@theta <- theta
##estimate density of effect sizes
object <- switch(method,
deconv = deconvolution(object),
congrad = congrad(object),
tikhonov = Tikhonov(object),
ferreira = Dn(object, doplot=control$verbose))
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