
Defines functions connSQLDataFrame mutate.SQLDataFrame filter.SQLDataFrame select.SQLDataFrame .extractCOLS_SQLDataFrame .extractROWS_SQLDataFrame

Documented in connSQLDataFrame filter.SQLDataFrame mutate.SQLDataFrame select.SQLDataFrame

### Basic methods

#' SQLDataFrame methods
#' @name SQLDataFrame-methods
#' @description \code{head, tail}: Retrieve the first / last n rows of
#'     the \code{SQLDataFrame} object. See \code{?S4Vectors::head} for
#'     more details.
#' @param x An \code{SQLDataFrame} object.
#' @param n Number of rows.
#' @rdname SQLDataFrame-methods
#' @aliases head head,SQLDataFrame-method
#' @return \code{head, tail}: An \code{SQLDataFrame} object with
#'     certain rows.
#' @export
setMethod("head", "SQLDataFrame", function(x, n=6L)
    stopifnot(length(n) == 1L)
    n <- if (n < 0L) 
             max(nrow(x) + n, 0L)
         else min(n, nrow(x))
    x[seq_len(n), , drop = FALSE]

#' @rdname SQLDataFrame-methods
#' @aliases tail tail,SQLDataFrame-method
#' @export
## mostly copied from "tail,DataTable"
setMethod("tail", "SQLDataFrame", function(x, n=6L)
    stopifnot(length(n) == 1L)
    nrx <- nrow(x)
    n <- if (n < 0L) 
             max(nrx + n, 0L)
         else min(n, nrx)
    sel <- as.integer(seq.int(to = nrx, length.out = n))
    ans <- x[sel, , drop = FALSE]

#' @description \code{dim, dimnames, length, names}: Retrieve the
#'     dimension, dimension names, number of columns and colnames of
#'     SQLDataFrame object.
#' @rdname SQLDataFrame-methods
#' @aliases dim dim,SQLDataFrame-method
#' @return \code{dim}: interger vector
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ##################
#' ## basic methods
#' ##################
#' test.db <- system.file("extdata/test.db", package = "SQLDataFrame")
#' conn <- DBI::dbConnect(DBI::dbDriver("SQLite"), dbname = test.db)
#' obj <- SQLDataFrame(conn = conn, dbtable = "state", dbkey = "state")
#' dim(obj)
#' dimnames(obj)
#' length(obj)
#' names(obj)

setMethod("dim", "SQLDataFrame", function(x)
    nr <- length(normalizeRowIndex(x))
    nc <- length(colnames(x))
    return(c(nr, nc))

#' @rdname SQLDataFrame-methods
#' @aliases dimnames dimnames,SQLDataFrame-method
#' @return \code{dimnames}: A list of character vectors.
#' @export

setMethod("dimnames", "SQLDataFrame", function(x)
    cns <- colnames(tblData(x))[-.wheredbkey(x)]
    cidx <- x@indexes[[2]]
    if (!is.null(cidx))
        cns <- cns[cidx]
    return(list(NULL, cns))

#' @rdname SQLDataFrame-methods
#' @aliases length length,SQLDataFrame-method
#' @return \code{length}: An integer
#' @export

setMethod("length", "SQLDataFrame", function(x) ncol(x) )

#' @rdname SQLDataFrame-methods
#' @aliases names length,SQLDataFrame-method
#' @return \code{names}: A character vector
#' @export

setMethod("names", "SQLDataFrame", function(x) colnames(x))
## used inside "[[, normalizeDoubleBracketSubscript(i, x)" 

### "[,SQLDataFrame"
.extractROWS_SQLDataFrame <- function(x, i)
    i <- normalizeSingleBracketSubscript(i, x)
    ridx <- x@indexes[[1]]
    if (is.null(ridx)) {
        if (! identical(i, seq_len(x@dbnrows)))
            x@indexes[[1]] <- i
    } else {
        x@indexes[[1]] <- x@indexes[[1]][i]
setMethod("extractROWS", "SQLDataFrame", .extractROWS_SQLDataFrame)

#' @importFrom stats setNames
.extractCOLS_SQLDataFrame <- function(x, j)
    xstub <- setNames(seq_along(x), names(x))
    if (is.character(j) & any(j %in% dbkey(x)))
        j <- setdiff(j, dbkey(x))
    j <- normalizeSingleBracketSubscript(j, xstub)
    cidx <- x@indexes[[2]]
    if (is.null(cidx)) {
        if (!identical(j, seq_along(colnames(x))))
            x@indexes[[2]] <- j
    } else {
            x@indexes[[2]] <- x@indexes[[2]][j]

#' @description \code{[i, j]} supports subsetting by \code{i} (for
#'     row) and \code{j} (for column) and respects ‘drop=FALSE’.
#' @rdname SQLDataFrame-methods
#' @param i Row subscript. Could be numeric / character / logical
#'     values, a named list of key values, and \code{SQLDataFrame},
#'     \code{data.frame}, \code{tibble} objects.
#' @param j Column subscript.
#' @param drop Whether to drop with reduced dimension. Default is
#'     TRUE.
#' @return \code{[i, j]}: A \code{SQLDataFrame} object or vector with
#'     realized column values (with single column subsetting and
#'     default \code{drop=TRUE}. )
#' @aliases [,SQLDataFrame,ANY-method
#' @importFrom tibble tibble
#' @export
#' @examples
#' obj1 <- SQLDataFrame(conn = conn, dbtable = "state",
#'                      dbkey = c("region", "population"))

#' ###############
#' ## subsetting
#' ###############
#' obj[1]
#' obj["region"]
#' obj$region
#' obj[]
#' obj[,]
#' obj[NULL, ]
#' obj[, NULL]
#' ## by numeric / logical / character vectors
#' obj[1:5, 2:3]
#' obj[c(TRUE, FALSE), c(TRUE, FALSE)]
#' obj[c("Alabama", "South Dakota"), ]
#' obj1[c("South:3615.0", "West:3559.0"), ]
#' ### Remeber to add `.0` trailing for numeric values. If not sure,
#' ### check `ROWNAMES()`.
#' ## by SQLDataFrame
#' obj_sub <- obj[sample(10), ]
#' obj[obj_sub, ]
#' ## by a named list of key column values (or equivalently data.frame /
#' ## tibble)
#' obj[data.frame(state = c("Colorado", "Arizona")), ]
#' obj[tibble::tibble(state = c("Colorado", "Arizona")), ]
#' obj[list(state = c("Colorado", "Arizona")), ]
#' obj1[list(region = c("South", "West"),
#'           population = c("3615.0", "365.0")), ]
#' ### remember to add the '.0' trailing for numeric values. If not sure,
#' ### check `ROWNAMES()`.
#' ## Subsetting with key columns
#' obj["state"] ## list style subsetting, return a SQLDataFrame object with col = 0.
#' obj[c("state", "division")]  ## list style subsetting, return a SQLDataFrame object with col = 1.
#' obj[, "state"] ## realize specific key column value.
#' obj[, c("state", "division")] ## col = 1, but do not realize.

setMethod("[", "SQLDataFrame", function(x, i, j, ..., drop = TRUE)
    if (!isTRUEorFALSE(drop)) 
        stop("'drop' must be TRUE or FALSE")
    if (length(list(...)) > 0L) 
        warning("parameters in '...' not supported")
    list_style_subsetting <- (nargs() - !missing(drop)) < 3L
    if (list_style_subsetting || !missing(j)) {
        if (list_style_subsetting) {
            if (!missing(drop)) 
                warning("'drop' argument ignored by list-style subsetting")
            if (missing(i)) 
                return(x)  ## x[] 
            j <- i  ## x[i]
        if (!is(j, "IntegerRanges")) {
            x <- .extractCOLS_SQLDataFrame(x, j) ## x["key"] returns
                                                 ## SQLSataFrame with
                                                 ## 0 cols.
        if (list_style_subsetting) 
    if (!missing(i)) { 
        x <- extractROWS(x, i)
    if (missing(drop)) 
        drop <- nrow(x) & ncol(x) %in% c(0L, 1L) ## if nrow(x)==0,
                                                 ## return the
                                                 ## SQLDataFrame with
                                                 ## 0 rows and 1
                                                 ## column(s)
    if (drop) {
        if (ncol(x) == 1L & length(j) == 1) ## x[, "col"] realize.
                                            ## x[,c("key", "other")]
                                            ## do not realize.
        if (ncol(x) == 0 & !is.null(j) & length(j) == 1)
            return(x[[j]]) ## x[,"key"] returns realized value of that
                           ## key column.
        if (nrow(x) == 1L) 
            return(as(x, "list"))

#' @rdname SQLDataFrame-methods
#' @importFrom methods is as callNextMethod
#' @aliases [,SQLDataFrame,SQLDataFrame-method 
#' @export
setMethod("[", signature = c("SQLDataFrame", "SQLDataFrame", "ANY"),
          function(x, i, j, ..., drop = TRUE)
    if (!identical(dbkey(x), dbkey(i)))
        stop("The dbkey() must be same between '", deparse(substitute(x)),
             "' and '", deparse(substitute(i)), "'.", "\n")
    i <- ROWNAMES(i)

#' @rdname SQLDataFrame-methods
#' @aliases [,SQLDataFrame,list-method 
#' @export
setMethod("[", signature = c("SQLDataFrame", "list", "ANY"),
          function(x, i, j, ..., drop = TRUE)
    if (!identical(dbkey(x), union(dbkey(x), names(i))))
        stop("Please use: '", paste(dbkey(x), collapse=", "),
             "' as the query list name(s).")
    i <- do.call(paste, c(i[dbkey(x)], sep=":"))

### "[[,SQLDataFrame" (do realization for single column only)

#' @rdname SQLDataFrame-methods
#' @export
setMethod("[[", "SQLDataFrame", function(x, i, j, ...)
    dotArgs <- list(...)
    if (length(dotArgs) > 0L) 
        dotArgs <- dotArgs[names(dotArgs) != "exact"]
    if (!missing(j) || length(dotArgs) > 0L) 
        stop("incorrect number of subscripts")
    ## extracting key col value 
    if (is.character(i) && length(i) == 1 && i %in% dbkey(x)) {
        res <- .extract_tbl_from_SQLDataFrame_indexes(tblData(x), x) %>% select(i) %>% pull()
    i2 <- normalizeDoubleBracketSubscript(
        i, x,
        exact = TRUE,  ## default
        allow.NA = TRUE,
        allow.nomatch = TRUE)
    ## "allow.NA" and "allow.nomatch" is consistent with
    ## selectMethod("getListElement", "list") <- "simpleList"
    if (is.na(i2))
    tblData <- .extract_tbl_from_SQLDataFrame_indexes(tblData(x), x) %>% select(- !!dbkey(x))
    res <- tblData %>% pull(i2)

#' @rdname SQLDataFrame-methods
#' @param name column name to be extracted by \code{$}.
#' @export
setMethod("$", "SQLDataFrame", function(x, name) x[[name]] )

### select, filter & mutate

#' @description Use \code{select()} function to select certain
#'     columns.
#' @rdname SQLDataFrame-methods
#' @aliases select select,SQLDataFrame-methods
#' @return \code{select}: always returns a SQLDataFrame object no
#'     matter how may columns are selected. If only key column(s)
#'     is(are) selected, it will return a \code{SQLDataFrame} object
#'     with 0 col (only key columns are shown).
#' @param .data A \code{SQLDataFrame} object.
#' @param ... additional arguments to be passed.
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{select()}: One or more unquoted expressions separated
#'     by commas. You can treat variable names like they are
#'     positions, so you can use expressions like ‘x:y’ to select
#'     ranges of variables. Positive values select variables; negative
#'     values drop variables. See \code{?dplyr::select} for more
#'     details.
#' \item \code{filter()}: Logical predicates defined in terms of the
#'     variables in ‘.data’. Multiple conditions are combined with
#'     ‘&’. Only rows where the condition evaluates to ‘TRUE’ are
#'     kept. See \code{?dplyr::filter} for more details.
#' \item \code{mutate()}: Name-value pairs of expressions, each with
#'     length 1 or the same length as the number of rows in the group
#'     (if using ‘group_by()’) or in the entire input (if not using
#'     groups). The name of each argument will be the name of a new
#'     variable, and the value will be its corresponding value.
#'      New variables
#'     overwrite existing variables of the same name. NOTE that the new
#'     value could only be of length 1 or the operation of existing columns.
#'     If a new vector of values are given, error will return. This is due
#'     to the internal method of 'mutate.tbl_lazy' not being able to take
#'     new arbitrary values. 
#' }
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ###################
#' ## select, filter, mutate
#' ###################
#' library(dplyr)
#' obj %>% select(division)  ## equivalent to obj["division"], or obj[, "division", drop = FALSE]
#' obj %>% select(region:size)
#' obj %>% filter(region == "West" & size == "medium")
#' obj1 %>% filter(region == "West" & population > 10000)
#' obj %>% mutate(p1 = population / 10)
#' obj %>% mutate(s1 = size)
#' obj %>% select(region, size, population) %>% 
#'     filter(population > 10000) %>% 
#'     mutate(pK = population/1000)
#' obj1 %>% select(region, size, population) %>% 
#'     filter(population > 10000) %>% 
#'     mutate(pK = population/1000)  

select.SQLDataFrame <- function(.data, ...)
    tbl <- .extract_tbl_from_SQLDataFrame_indexes(tblData(.data), .data)
    dots <- quos(...)
    old_vars <- op_vars(tbl$ops)
    new_vars <- tidyselect::vars_select(old_vars, !!!dots, .include = op_grps(tbl$ops))
    .extractCOLS_SQLDataFrame(.data, new_vars)

#' @description Use \code{filter()} to choose rows/cases where
#'     conditions are true.
#' @rdname SQLDataFrame-methods
#' @aliases filter filter,SQLDataFrame-method
#' @return \code{filter}: A \code{SQLDataFrame} object with subset
#'     rows of the input SQLDataFrame object matching conditions.
#' @export

filter.SQLDataFrame <- function(.data, ...)
    tbl <- .extract_tbl_from_SQLDataFrame_indexes(tblData(.data), .data)
    temp <- dplyr::filter(tbl, ...)

    if (is(tbl$src$con, "BigQueryConnection")) {
        rnms <- temp %>% pull(SurrogateKey)
    } else {
        rnms <- temp %>%
            transmute(concat = paste(!!!syms(dbkey(.data)), sep = ":")) %>%
    idx <- match(rnms, ROWNAMES(.data))

    if (!identical(idx, normalizeRowIndex(.data))) {
        if (!is.null(ridx(.data))) {
            .data@indexes[[1]] <- ridx(.data)[idx]
        } else {
            .data@indexes[[1]] <- idx

#' @description \code{mutate()} adds new columns and preserves
#'     existing ones; It also preserves the number of rows of the
#'     input. New variables overwrite existing variables of the same
#'     name.
#' @rdname SQLDataFrame-methods
#' @aliases mutate mutate,SQLDataFrame-methods
#' @return \code{mutate}: A SQLDataFrame object.
#' @export
mutate.SQLDataFrame <- function(.data, ...)
    if (is(connSQLDataFrame(.data), "MySQLConnection")) {
        con <- connSQLDataFrame(.data)
        tbl <- tblData(.data)
    } ## FIXME: generalize and remove duplicate code, check for SQLite
      ## cases, any chance to avoid creating new local connections?
    else {
        if (is(tblData(.data)$ops, "op_double") | is(tblData(.data)$ops, "op_single")) {
            con <- connSQLDataFrame(.data)
            tbl <- tblData(.data)
        } else {
            dbname <- tempfile(fileext = ".db")
            con <- DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), dbname = dbname)
            aux <- .attach_database(con, connSQLDataFrame(.data)@dbname)
            auxSchema <- in_schema(aux, ident(dbtable(.data)))
        tbl <- tbl(con, auxSchema)
    tbl_out <- dplyr::mutate(tbl, ...) ## FIXME: use mutate(xx = NULL) to remove column?
    ## once done, add to @param ...: Use ‘NULL’ value in ‘mutate’ to drop a variable.
    out <- BiocGenerics:::replaceSlots(.data, tblData = tbl_out)

    ## check if not-null for the existing @indexes, and update for mutate.
    cidx <- .data@indexes[[2]]
    if (!is.null(cidx)) {
        cidx <- c(cidx,
                  setdiff(seq_len(ncol(tbl_out)), seq_len(ncol(tbl))) - length(dbkey(.data)))
        out <- BiocGenerics:::replaceSlots(out, indexes = list(ridx(.data), cidx))

#' @description \code{connSQLDataFrame} returns the connection of a
#'     SQLDataFrame object.
#' @rdname SQLDataFrame-methods
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ###################
#' ## connection info
#' ###################
#' connSQLDataFrame(obj)
connSQLDataFrame <- function(x)

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SQLDataFrame documentation built on Nov. 29, 2020, 2:01 a.m.