#' @import checkmate
# @import data.table
#' @importFrom data.table data.table :=
#' @importFrom stats binom.test
.calcBinomTestVector <- function(successes,
probSuccess = 0.5,
indexResult= 1,
conf.level = 0.95) {
# Check types and validity of arguments
assertIntegerish(successes, lower = 0)
assertIntegerish(failures, lower = 0)
assertChoice(returnType, c("p.value","", "statistic", "parameter",
"estimate", "null.value", "alternative", "method", ""))
assertInt(indexResult, lower = 1)
assertNumber(conf.level, lower = 0, upper = 1)
assertNumber(probSuccess, lower = 0, upper = 1)
dt = data.table(successes, failures)
dt[, pp := binom.test(c(successes, failures),
n = NULL,
p = probSuccess,
conf.level = conf.level)
[returnType][[1]][indexResult], by = list(successes, failures)]$pp
#' @import checkmate
#' @importFrom Rsamtools indexBam
.checkAndCreateIndexFile <- function(BAMfile) {
# Check types and validity of arguments
assertFileExists(BAMfile, access = "r")
indexFile = paste0(BAMfile,".bai")
if (!testFile(indexFile, access = "r")) {
warning("Could not find index file ", indexFile," for BAM file ", BAMfile,
". Attemtping to produce it automatically...", sep = "")
#' @import checkmate
#' @import Rsamtools
#' @importFrom Rsamtools scanBamFlag
.constructScanBamFlagsGen <- function(isPaired = NA,
isProperPair = NA,
isUnmappedQuery = NA,
hasUnmappedMate = NA,
isMinusStrand = NA,
isMateMinusStrand = NA,
isFirstMateRead = NA,
isSecondMateRead = NA,
isSecondaryAlignment = NA,
isNotPassingQualityControls = NA,
isDuplicate = NA ) {
assertFlag(isPaired, na.ok = TRUE)
assertFlag(isProperPair, na.ok = TRUE)
assertFlag(isUnmappedQuery, na.ok = TRUE)
assertFlag(hasUnmappedMate, na.ok = TRUE)
assertFlag(isMinusStrand, na.ok = TRUE)
assertFlag(isMateMinusStrand, na.ok = TRUE)
assertFlag(isFirstMateRead, na.ok = TRUE)
assertFlag(isSecondMateRead, na.ok = TRUE)
assertFlag(isSecondaryAlignment, na.ok = TRUE)
assertFlag(isNotPassingQualityControls, na.ok = TRUE)
assertFlag(isDuplicate, na.ok = TRUE)
flags = scanBamFlag(isPaired = isPaired,
isProperPair = isProperPair,
isUnmappedQuery = isUnmappedQuery,
hasUnmappedMate = hasUnmappedMate,
isMinusStrand = isMinusStrand,
isMateMinusStrand = isMateMinusStrand,
isFirstMateRead = isFirstMateRead,
isSecondMateRead = isSecondMateRead,
isNotPassingQualityControls = isNotPassingQualityControls,
isDuplicate = isDuplicate
#' @import checkmate
.collectFilesGen <- function(patternFiles,
recursive = FALSE,
ignoreCase = TRUE,
verbose) {
# Check types and validity of arguments
assertCharacter(patternFiles, any.missing = FALSE, min.chars = 1, min.len = 1)
patternGiven = ifelse(length(patternFiles) == 1, TRUE, FALSE)
if (patternGiven) {
directory = dirname(patternFiles)
patternFilesRed = basename(patternFiles)
# Identify the BAM files that need to be processed #
if (verbose)
message("Search for files with the pattern '", patternFilesRed,
"' in directory ", directory,
" (recursive: ", recursive,", case-sensitive:",!ignoreCase,")")
filesToProcess.vec = list.files(path = directory,
pattern = patternFilesRed,
full.names = TRUE,
recursive = recursive, = ignoreCase)
} else {
filesToProcess.vec = unique(patternFiles)
# Check if readable and existent
for (i in seq_len(length(filesToProcess.vec))) {
assertFileExists(filesToProcess.vec[i], access = "r")
# Check if they are all BAM files
if (!all(grepl(filesToProcess.vec, pattern = "*.bam$", = TRUE))) {
stop("All specified files (", paste0(filesToProcess.vec, collapse = ","),
") must be BAM files, but at least one file did not end with \".bam\"", sep = "")
# Make sure only files ending with the correct ending are processed
index = which(grepl(paste0(".","bai","$"), filesToProcess.vec, perl = TRUE))
if (length(index) > 0) {
filesToProcess.vec = filesToProcess.vec[-index]
if (verbose)
message("Found the following files:\n", paste(filesToProcess.vec, collapse = "\n "))
if (patternGiven) {
nFilesToProcess = length(filesToProcess.vec)
if (nFilesToProcess == 0) {
warning(paste0("No files to process in folder ", directory,
" that fulfill the desired criteria."))
} else {
if (!is.null(directory)) {
} else {
if (verbose)
message("The following ", nFilesToProcess," file will be processed:\n ",
paste(filesToProcess.vec, collapse = "\n "))
#' @import checkmate
#' @import Rsamtools
# @importFrom Rsamtools ScanBamParam scanBam
.extractFromBAMGen <- function(,
fieldsToRetrieve = scanBamWhat(),
readGroupSpecificity = TRUE,
simpleCigar = FALSE,
reverseComplement = FALSE,
minMapQ = 0,
verbose = TRUE) {
assertClass(, "GRanges")
assertFileExists(file, access = "r")
assertSubset(fieldsToRetrieve, scanBamWhat(), empty.ok = FALSE)
assertInteger(flags, min.len = 1, any.missing = FALSE)
assertInt(minMapQ, lower = 0)
if (minMapQ == 0) {
minMapQ = NA_integer_
# Because data types are coerced to IRangesList,
# which does not include strand information (use the flag argument instead).
if (readGroupSpecificity) {
param = ScanBamParam(which =,
what = fieldsToRetrieve,
flag = flags,
reverseComplement = reverseComplement,
simpleCigar = simpleCigar,
mapqFilter = minMapQ,
tag = "RG" )
} else {
param = ScanBamParam(which =,
what = fieldsToRetrieve,
flag = flags,
reverseComplement = reverseComplement,
simpleCigar = simpleCigar,
mapqFilter = minMapQ)
return(scanBam(file, param = param))
#' @import checkmate
.filterReads <- function(bamObj,
strandPar) {
assertList(bamObj, any.missing = FALSE, min.len = 1)
assertSubset(strand.vec, c("+","-","*"))
assertCharacter(alleleCur, min.chars = 1, len = 1)
assertSubset(strandPar, c("both", "sense", "antisense"))
nReadsDeleted = 0
for (i in seq_len(length(bamObj))) {
indexToDelete = c()
# Filter strand
if (![i]) & strand.vec[i] != "*" & strandPar != "both") {
# Filter only those with the desired and specific strand.
# This cannot be done before because in ScanBamParam, data types are coerced to IRangesList,
# which does not include strand information.
# The flags are also not suitable because the strand information flag is set globally
# and cannot be individual for each entry.
if (strandPar == "sense") {
indexToDelete = which(strand.vec[i] != bamObj[[i]]$strand)
} else {
indexToDelete = which(strand.vec[i] == bamObj[[i]]$strand)
# Filter read group
if (! & alleleCur != "allReadGroups") {
# Check if read groups are actually defined in the file. If not, there is nothing to do.
# Important: the where parameter here
if (exists("tag", where = bamObj[[i]])) {
if (exists("RG", where = bamObj[[i]]$tag)) {
index = which(bamObj[[i]]$tag$RG != alleleCur)
if (length(index) > 0) indexToDelete = c(indexToDelete, index)
} else {
warning("Read groups cannot be extracted from BAM file (no tag RG found) for region ",i,".")
} else {
warning("Read groups cannot be extracted from BAM file (no tag RG found) for region ",i,".")
if (length(indexToDelete) > 0) {
# Delete the reads completely in strand, pos, and qwidth
# Potential improvement: Unlist bam[[1]] and create
# indexToDeleteSignal to delete all information in one step
bamObj[[i]]$strand = bamObj[[i]]$strand[-indexToDelete]
bamObj[[i]]$pos = bamObj[[i]]$pos [-indexToDelete]
if (exists("qwidth", where = bamObj[[i]]))
bamObj[[i]]$qwidth = bamObj[[i]]$qwidth[-indexToDelete]
if (exists("seq" , where = bamObj[[i]]))
bamObj[[i]]$seq = bamObj[[i]]$seq [-indexToDelete]
if (exists("tag", where = bamObj[[i]])) {
if (exists("RG", where = bamObj[[i]]$tag)) {
bamObj[[i]]$tag$RG = bamObj[[i]]$tag$RG[-indexToDelete]
#bamObj[[i]]$rname = bamObj[[i]]$rname [- indexToDelete]
nReadsDeleted = nReadsDeleted + length(indexToDelete)
list(filteredReads = nReadsDeleted,
bamObj = bamObj)
#' @import checkmate
.generateDefaultReadFlags <- function(pairedEndReads = TRUE) {
par.l = list(
"readFlag_isPaired" = TRUE,
"readFlag_isProperPair" = TRUE ,
"readFlag_isUnmappedQuery" = FALSE,
"readFlag_hasUnmappedMate" = FALSE,
"readFlag_isMinusStrand" = NA,
"readFlag_isMateMinusStrand" = NA,
"readFlag_isFirstMateRead" = NA,
"readFlag_isSecondMateRead" = NA,
"readFlag_isNotPrimaryRead" = FALSE,
"readFlag_isNotPassingQualityControls" = FALSE,
"readFlag_isDuplicate" = FALSE
if (!pairedEndReads) {
par.l$readFlag_isPaired = NA
par.l$readFlag_isProperPair = NA
par.l$readFlag_hasUnmappedMate = NA
par.l$readFlag_isMateMinusStrand = NA
par.l$readFlag_isFirstMateRead = NA
par.l$readFlag_isSecondMateRead = NA
par.l$readFlag_isNotPrimaryRead = NA
#' @import checkmate
#' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb fetchExtendedChromInfoFromUCSC
.getGenomeData <- function(genome,
includeChrM = FALSE){
# See ?fetchExtendedChromInfoFromUCSC for a list of supported chromosome sizes
assertChoice(genome, c("hg38", "hg19", "hg18", "mm10", "mm9", "dm3", "sacCer3", "sacCer2"))
# library("BSgenome") may also be used together with seqlengths(NFKB)=seqlengths(Hsapiens),
# but this requires the download of hundreds of data for a particular genome
# use a try-catch construct in case the default approach to determine chromosome sizes fails
result = tryCatch( {
chromInfo.df = suppressWarnings(fetchExtendedChromInfoFromUCSC(genome))
chromInfo.df = chromInfo.df[which(chromInfo.df$SequenceRole == "assembled-molecule"),]
rowChrM = which(chromInfo.df$UCSC_seqlevel == "chrM")
if (!includeChrM & length(rowChrM) == 1) {
chromInfo.df = chromInfo.df[-rowChrM,]
# Quickly transform to a regular data frame
chrSizes.df = data.frame(chr = chromInfo.df$UCSC_seqlevel,
size = as.numeric(chromInfo.df$UCSC_seqlength))
rownames(chrSizes.df) = chrSizes.df$chr
}, error = function(e) {
warning("Could not obtain chromosome sizes using GenomeInfoDb, try fallback implementation...\n")
assertChoice(genome, c("hg19","hg38", "mm10", "mm9"))
if (genome == "hg19") {
chrSizes = list(
"chr1" = 249250621,
"chr2" = 243199373,
"chr3" = 198022430,
"chr4" = 191154276,
"chr5" = 180915260,
"chr6" = 171115067,
"chr7" = 159138663,
"chrX" = 155270560,
"chr8" = 146364022,
"chr9" = 141213431,
"chr10" = 135534747,
"chr11" = 135006516,
"chr12" = 133851895,
"chr13" = 115169878,
"chr14" = 107349540,
"chr15" = 102531392,
"chr16" = 90354753,
"chr17" = 81195210,
"chr18" = 78077248,
"chr20" = 63025520,
"chrY" = 59373566,
"chr19" = 59128983,
"chr22" = 51304566,
"chr21" = 48129895,
"chrM" = 16571
} else if (genome == "hg38") {
chrSizes = list(
"chr1" = 248956422,
"chr2" = 242193529,
"chr3" = 198295559,
"chr4" = 190214555,
"chr5" = 181538259,
"chr6" = 170805979,
"chr7" = 159345973,
"chrX" = 156040895,
"chr8" = 145138636,
"chr9" = 138394717,
"chr11" = 135086622,
"chr10" = 133797422,
"chr12" = 133275309,
"chr13" = 114364328,
"chr14" = 107043718,
"chr15" = 101991189,
"chr16" = 90338345,
"chr17" = 83257441,
"chr18" = 80373285,
"chr20" = 64444167,
"chr19" = 58617616,
"chrY" = 57227415,
"chr22" = 50818468,
"chr21" = 46709983,
"chrM" = 16569
} else if (genome == "mm9") {
chrSizes = list(
"chr1" = 197195432,
"chr2" = 181748087,
"chr3" = 159599783,
"chr4" = 155630120,
"chr5" = 152537259,
"chr6" = 149517037,
"chr7" = 152524553,
"chr8" = 131738871,
"chr9" = 124076172,
"chr10" = 129993255,
"chr11" = 121843856,
"chr12" = 121257530,
"chr13" = 120284312,
"chr14" = 125194864,
"chr15" = 103494974,
"chr16" = 98319150,
"chr17" = 95272651,
"chr18" = 90772031,
"chr19" = 61342430,
"chrX" = 166650296,
"chrY" = 15902555
} else if (genome == "mm10") {
chrSizes = list(
"chr1" = 195471971,
"chr2" = 182113224,
"chr3" = 160039680,
"chr4" = 156508116,
"chr5" = 151834684,
"chr6" = 149736546,
"chr7" = 145441459,
"chr8" = 129401213,
"chr9" = 124595110,
"chr10" = 130694993,
"chr11" = 122082543,
"chr12" = 120129022,
"chr13" = 120421639,
"chr14" = 124902244,
"chr15" = 104043685,
"chr16" = 98207768,
"chr17" = 94987271,
"chr18" = 90702639,
"chr19" = 61431566,
"chrX" = 171031299,
"chrY" = 91744698
if (!includeChrM) chrSizes[["chrM"]] = NULL
# Quickly transform to a regular data frame
chrSizes.df = data.frame(chr = names(chrSizes),
size = as.numeric([1,]))
rownames(chrSizes.df) = chrSizes.df$chr
#' @import checkmate
.getParameters <- function(parsValid.l,
parName= NULL) {
assertList(parsValid.l, min.len = 1, all.missing = FALSE)
checkCharacter(parName, any.missing = FALSE, min.chars = 1, len = 1))
parName.df = data.frame(parName = names(parsValid.l),
parType = as.character(unlist(parsValid.l)),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
rownames(parName.df) = names(parsValid.l)
if (is.null(parName)) {
} else {
rowIndex = which(parName.df$parName == parName)
if (length(rowIndex) != 1) {
stop("Could not find value of parameter ", parName," in data frame.")
#' @import checkmate
#' @importFrom utils read.table
.parseBed6File <- function(path_bedFile,
headerLine = FALSE,
linesToParse = -1,
verbose= FALSE) {
assertFileExists(path_bedFile, access = "r")
assert(checkInt(linesToParse, lower = -1, upper = -1),
checkInt(linesToParse, lower = 1))
userRegions.df = read.table(file = path_bedFile,
header = headerLine,
nrows = linesToParse,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
if (nrow(userRegions.df) == 0) {
stop("No entries found in file ", path_bedFile,"\n", sep = "")
nCols = ncol(userRegions.df)
nColsOrig = nCols
if (nCols < 2 | nCols > 6) {
stop("Wrong number of columns in file ", path_bedFile,
": Expected 2-6, found only", nCols,
". At least two columns are needed (chromosome, start\n", sep = "")
# Check column 1, always present
assert(checkInteger(userRegions.df[,1], lower = 1, any.missing = FALSE, min.len = 1),
checkCharacter(userRegions.df[,1], min.chars = 4, pattern = "chr", any.missing = FALSE, min.len = 1))
# Column 2: (Start) position, always present
assertInteger(userRegions.df[,2], lower = 0, any.missing = FALSE)
# Set the column names
if (nCols == 2) {
colnames(userRegions.df) = c("chr","start")
if (nCols == 3) {
colnames(userRegions.df) = c("chr","start","annotation")
assertCharacter(as.character(userRegions.df[,3]), min.chars = 1, any.missing = FALSE, min.len = 1)
if (nCols == 4) {
colnames(userRegions.df) = c("chr","start","end","annotation")
assertInteger(userRegions.df[,3], lower = 0, any.missing = FALSE)
assertCharacter(userRegions.df[,4], min.chars = 1, any.missing = FALSE, min.len = 1)
if (nCols == 5) {
colnames(userRegions.df) = c("chr","start","end","annotation","strand")
assertInteger(userRegions.df[,3], lower = 0, any.missing = FALSE)
assertCharacter(userRegions.df[,4], min.chars = 1, any.missing = FALSE, min.len = 1)
assertSubset(userRegions.df[,5], c("+","-","*","."))
if (nCols == 6) {
colnames(userRegions.df) = c("chr","start","end","annotation","score","strand")
assertInteger(userRegions.df[,3], lower = 0, any.missing = FALSE)
assertCharacter(userRegions.df[,4], min.chars = 1, any.missing = FALSE, min.len = 1)
assertInteger(userRegions.df[,5], any.missing = FALSE)
assertSubset(userRegions.df[,6], c("+","-","*","."))
if (nCols < 3) {
userRegions.df$annotation =
paste0("seq", seq_len(nrow(userRegions.df)),":",
userRegions.df[,1],"_", userRegions.df[,2])
if (nCols < 6) {
userRegions.df$score = rep(".", nrow(userRegions.df))
if (nCols < 5) {
userRegions.df$strand = rep("*", nrow(userRegions.df))
if (verbose)
message(" Add strand information for all regions. Assume strand is irrelevant (*)...")
if (nCols < 4) {
userRegions.df$end = as.numeric(userRegions.df[,2])
userRegions.df$annotation = as.character(userRegions.df$annotation)
# Do a few more tests to see if the content is valid
userRegions.df$strand[which(userRegions.df$strand == ".")] = "*"
# Check if the chromosome names conform to the "standard" chr{Nr}
if (length(which(grepl("^chr", userRegions.df$chr, perl = TRUE))) != nrow(userRegions.df)) {
if (verbose) message(" Modify chromosome names because they do not start with \"chr\"")
userRegions.df$chr = paste0("chr", userRegions.df$chr)
# Test if end is an integer
if (!all(floor(userRegions.df$end) == userRegions.df$end) |
!all(floor(userRegions.df$start) == userRegions.df$start)) {
stop("Either start or end positions do not contain valid numbers. ",
"Please check if you, for example, accidentally include the header line. ",
"In that case, adjust the parameter headerLine accordingly.", sep = "")
if (max(userRegions.df$end) > 536870912) {
stop("At least one end position is larger than 536870912 (", max(userRegions.df$end),
"), which is not supported by the IRange package\n", sep = "")
userRegions.df = userRegions.df[, c("chr","start","end","annotation","score","strand")]
list(userRegions.df, nColsOrig)
#' @import checkmate
#' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb sortSeqlevels
#' @import GenomicRanges
# @importFrom GenomicRanges GRanges
#' @importFrom IRanges IRanges
.parseAndProcessUserRegions <- function(par.l,
verbose = TRUE) {
assertList(par.l, min.len = 1, all.missing = FALSE)
assertDataFrame(chrSizes.df, min.rows = 1, min.cols = 1)
listFunction = .parseBed6File(par.l$path_userRegions,
par.l$headerLine, par.l$linesToParse,
verbose = verbose)
if (verbose) message(" Parse the user regions file")
userRegions.df = listFunction[[1]]
nColOrig = listFunction[[2]]
nRegions = nrow(userRegions.df)
if (verbose)
message(" Finished parsing. Number of entries processed: ", nRegions)
if (par.l$linesToParse != -1) {
warning("The parameter \"linesToParse\" has been set to a non-default value. ",
"Only a subset of all lines have been parsed\n")
# Check if the user wants to use unassembled chromosomes. If yes, remove them.
regionsUnassembled = which(!userRegions.df$chr %in% as.character(chrSizes.df$chr))
if (length(regionsUnassembled) > 0) {
" user regions originate from unassembled or unknown chromosomes. ",
"They have been deleted.\n")
userRegions.df = userRegions.df[-regionsUnassembled,]
# Normalize everything to fully closed one-based coordinates.
# GRange coordinates are fully closed, and 1 based!
# See
# Adjust positions by one if zero-based coordinates
if (par.l$zeroBasedCoordinates) {
if (verbose)
message(" Increase start and end coordinates by one because they are zero-based")
userRegions.df$start = userRegions.df$start + 1
userRegions.df$end = userRegions.df$end + 1
# Similar to the BED standard with half open intervals, we also need those
if (par.l$endOpen & nColOrig != 2) {
# only do it when the user did specify end coordinates already
if (verbose)
message(" Decrease end coordinates by one because coordinates have to be closed at the end")
userRegions.df$end = userRegions.df$end - 1
if (par.l$startOpen) {
if (verbose)
message(" Decrease start coordinates by one because coordinates have to be closed at ",
"both start and end according to the BAM standard)")
userRegions.df$start = userRegions.df$start + 1
# Check if some of the positions are larger than the chromosome sizes
index.vec = which(userRegions.df$start > chrSizes.df[userRegions.df$chr,]$size)
if (length(index.vec) > 0) {
stop(length(index.vec), " regions (starting with annotations ",
paste(userRegions.df$annotation[head(index.vec)], collapse = ","),
") have invalid start positions that exceed the lengths of the corresponding chromosomes. ",
"Has the genome assembly version be specified correctly?", sep = "")
index.vec = which(userRegions.df$end > chrSizes.df[userRegions.df$chr,]$size)
if (length(index.vec) > 0) {
stop(length(index.vec), " regions (starting with annotations ",
paste(userRegions.df$annotation[head(index.vec)], collapse = ","),
") have invalid end positions that exceed the lengths of the corresponding chromosomes. ",
"Has the genome assembly version be specified correctly?", sep = "")
if (!all((userRegions.df$end - userRegions.df$start + 1) == 1)) {
stop("Only SNPs are supported, not regions of length > 1. At least one region has a length >1.")
userRegions.df$SNPPos = userRegions.df$start
# Add the regionSize Parameters to the boundaries of the regions
userRegions.df$start = userRegions.df$start - par.l$regionSize
userRegions.df$end = userRegions.df$end + par.l$regionSize
indexRegions = unique(c(which(userRegions.df$start < 0), which((userRegions.df$end + par.l$regionSize) > chrSizes.df[userRegions.df$chr,]$size)))
if (length(indexRegions) > 0) {
invalidRegions = paste0(userRegions.df$chr[indexRegions], ":",
userRegions.df$start[indexRegions], "-",
userRegions.df$end[indexRegions], "(",
userRegions.df$annotation[indexRegions], ")", collapse = ", ")
stop("For the following ", length(indexRegions), " user regions, either the chromosome starts or ends have been exceeded ",
"after incorporating the regionSize parameter:", invalidRegions,
". Delete or modify these regions from your regions file or adjust your regionSize parameter accordingly.")
userRegions.df$length = userRegions.df$end - userRegions.df$start + 1 # Because intervals are fully-closed
# Check for duplicate rows and filter them
nDuplicateRows = length(which(duplicated(userRegions.df)))
if (nDuplicateRows > 0) {
userRegions.df = userRegions.df[!duplicated(userRegions.df),]
warning(nDuplicateRows, " duplicate region removed in file ", par.l$path_userRegions,
" out of ", nRegions," regions. New number of regions: ", nrow(userRegions.df))
# Check if the IDs are unique. If not, throw an error
if (length(unique(userRegions.df$annotation)) != length(userRegions.df$annotation)) {
warning("All IDs from the user regions file must be unique. However, some of the IDs ",
"were identical and have been changed by adding \"_1\", \"_2\", etc to make them unique")
duplicatedIDs = duplicated(userRegions.df$annotation)
# Change the IDs so that they are all unique
currentDuplicationIndex = 1
for (i in seq_len(nrow(userRegions.df))) {
if (duplicatedIDs[i]) {
currentDuplicationIndex = currentDuplicationIndex + 1
userRegions.df$annotation[i] = paste0(userRegions.df$annotation[i],
} else {
currentDuplicationIndex = 1
assertCharacter(userRegions.df$annotation, unique = TRUE, any.missing = FALSE)
# Finally, order the user regions by chromosome and strand.
# This is important for the scanBam function so that it does not change the order of the regions
#userRegions.df = userRegions.df[order(userRegions.df$chr, userRegions.df$start),]
# TODO: test if working and compare results
gr = GRanges(seqnames = userRegions.df$chr,
ranges = IRanges(start = userRegions.df$start, end = userRegions.df$end),
strand = userRegions.df$strand,
annotation = userRegions.df$annotation,
SNPPos = userRegions.df$SNPPos
gr = sortSeqlevels(gr)
gr = sort(gr)
#' @import checkmate
#' @importFrom DESeq2 DESeqDataSetFromMatrix estimateSizeFactors counts sizeFactors
.scaleLibraries <- function(rawCounts.m,
verbose = TRUE) {
# Check types and validity of arguments
assertMatrix(rawCounts.m, min.rows = 1, min.cols = 1)
# Use DeSeq to compute the size factors and scale the libraries
# Make sure we have column names
if (testNull(colnames(rawCounts.m))) {
colnames(rawCounts.m) = paste0("sample",seq_len(ncol(rawCounts.m)))
# column names don't matter because of the specific design matrix (only intercept fitting)
colData = data.frame(condition = colnames(rawCounts.m))
dds = DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = rawCounts.m, colData = colData, design = ~1)
# Test how many genes will be skipped for determinging the size factors
log.vec = apply(rawCounts.m,1, function(x) {any(x == 0)})
nGenesNorm = length(which(!log.vec))
if (verbose)
message("Number of genes on which library normalization using DeSeq2 is based on out of ",
nrow(rawCounts.m),":", nGenesNorm)
if (nGenesNorm == 0) {
stop("All genes have at least one zero count in one of the samples. ",
"Size factor normalization cannot be performed.", sep = "")
# Print a warning if the number of rows with at least one zero is too high,
# as the size factors are only based on rows with no zeroes altogether
percThreshold = 0.5
if (nGenesNorm < (percThreshold*nrow(rawCounts.m)) | nGenesNorm < 50 ) {
warning("The proportion of genes that can be used for normalization among all samples is lower than ",
percThreshold," or 50 altogether. Size factors will still be determined but may be inaccurate.")
# Regular DESeq2 workflow not needed here
dds = estimateSizeFactors(dds)
res.l = list()
res.l$adjCounts = counts(dds, normalized = TRUE)
res.l$sizeFactors = sizeFactors(dds)
names(res.l$sizeFactors) = colnames(rawCounts.m)
#' @import checkmate
#' @importFrom stats sd
.normalizeMatrixForClustering <- function(target.m,
verbose = TRUE) {
assertMatrix(target.m, any.missing = FALSE, min.rows = 1, min.cols = 1)
valueToAdd = 0.01
SdS = apply(target.m, 1, sd)
# SdS = rowSds(target.m)
zeroSds = length(which(SdS == 0))
if (zeroSds > 0) {
if (verbose) message(zeroSds," regions had a standard deviation of 0 across all bins. ",
"For normalization and plotting purposes, a small value of ",
valueToAdd," was added")
SdS = replace(SdS, SdS == 0, valueToAdd)
target.m = (target.m - rowMeans(target.m)) / SdS
#' @import checkmate
#' @importFrom cluster clara silhouette sortSilhouette
#' @importFrom reshape2 melt
#' @importFrom stats complete.cases
.pamClustering = function(target.m,
...) {
assertMatrix(target.m, any.missing = FALSE, min.rows = 1, min.cols = 1)
assertIntegerish(nClustersVec, lower = 2, any.missing = FALSE, min.len = 1)
target.m_new = target.m[complete.cases(target.m),]
if (nrow(target.m) > nrow(target.m_new)) {
warning((nrow(target.m) - nrow(target.m_new)),
" rows in the matrix contained NAs and they have been removed.")
target.m = target.m_new
# Init the objects that are returned
clusterplot.list = vector("list", length(nClustersVec))
avgSilInfo = c()
q = vector("list", length(nClustersVec))
for (i in seq_len(length(nClustersVec))) {
.pamClustering = clara(target.m, nClustersVec[i])
pam.clusters.m = as.matrix(.pamClustering$clustering)
pam.clusters.m =, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
clusterplot.df = merge(x = pam.clusters.m, y = target.m, by = "row.names")
clusterplot.df = clusterplot.df[, -1]
colnames(clusterplot.df) = c("cluster", binAnnotation)
clusterplot.df = clusterplot.df[order(clusterplot.df$cluster, decreasing = TRUE),]
# Collect results
avgSilInfo = c(avgSilInfo, .pamClustering$silinfo$avg.width)
clusterplot.list[[i]] = clusterplot.df
q[[i]] = .generateClusterPlot(clusterplot.df,
clustersToPlot = NULL,
res.l = list(clusterplot.list, avgSilInfo, q)
names(res.l) = c("clusteringMatrix","averageSilhouette","plots")
#' @importFrom lattice levelplot panel.levelplot panel.abline
#' @importFrom grDevices gray
#' @import checkmate
.generateClusterPlot <- function(clusterplot.df,
clustersToPlot = NULL,
...) {
assertInt(nColumns, lower = 1)
assertDataFrame(clusterplot.df, min.rows = 1, ncols = nColumns + 1)
checkSubset(clustersToPlot, unique(clusterplot.df$cluster)))
if (testNull(clustersToPlot)) {
clustersToPlot = unique(clusterplot.df$cluster)
# Select only the clusters the user wants
clusterplot.df = clusterplot.df[which(clusterplot.df$cluster %in% clustersToPlot),]
clusterplot.df = clusterplot.df[order(clusterplot.df$cluster, decreasing = TRUE),]
clusterplot.df = t(clusterplot.df[, -1])
rownames(clusterplot.df) = rownamesPlot
colnames(clusterplot.df) = seq_len(ncol(clusterplot.df))
nNumbersYAxis = 5
yPos = seq(1, ncol(clusterplot.df), max(floor(ncol(clusterplot.df) / nNumbersYAxis), 1))
colors = gray(100:0/100) # white for low read counts
#colors = gray(0:100/100) # black for low read counts
p = levelplot(as.matrix(clusterplot.df), xlab = xAxisLabels , ylab = "User regions",
scales = list(y = list(at = yPos)),
col.regions = colors, aspect = "fill",
panel = function(...) {
panel.abline(v = verticalLinePos , type = "o", pch = 22, lty = 2, col = "red")
#' @importFrom BiocParallel multicoreWorkers MulticoreParam
#' @import checkmate
.initBiocParallel <- function(nWorkers) {
assertInt(nWorkers, lower = 1)
if (nWorkers > multicoreWorkers()) {
warning("Requested ", nWorkers, " CPUs, but only ", multicoreWorkers(), " are available and can be used.")
nWorkers = multicoreWorkers()
MulticoreParam(workers = nWorkers,
progressBar = TRUE,
stop.on.error = TRUE)
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bplapply bpok
#' @import checkmate
# .execInParallelGen <- function(nCores,
# returnAsList,
# iteration,
# verbose = TRUE,
# functionName,
# ...) {
# start.time <- Sys.time()
# assertInt(nCores, lower = 1)
# assertFlag(returnAsList)
# assertFunction(functionName)
# assertVector(iteration, any.missing = FALSE, min.len = 1)
# res.l = list()
# if (nCores > multicoreWorkers()) {
# nCores = multicoreWorkers()
# }
# if (nCores > 1) {
# res.l = tryCatch( {
# bplapply(iteration, functionName, ..., BPPARAM = .initBiocParallel(nCores))
# }, error = function(e) {
# warning("An error occured while executing the function with ",
# nCores," CPUs. Try one last time in parallel...")
# #lapply(iteration, functionName, ...)
# }
# )
# failedTasks = which(!bpok(res.l))
# if (length(failedTasks) > 0) {
# warning("At least one task failed while executing in parallel, ",
# "attempting to rerun those that failed: ",
# res.l[[failedTasks[1]]])
# res.l = tryCatch( {
# bplapply(iteration,
# functionName,
# ...,
# BPPARAM = .initBiocParallel(nCores),
# BPREDO = res.l)
# }, error = function(e) {
# warning("Once again, an error occured while executing the function ",
# "with multiple CPUs. Trying again using only only one CPU...")
# lapply(iteration, functionName, ...)
# }
# )
# }
# } else {
# res.l = lapply(iteration, functionName, ...)
# }
# if (verbose) message(" Finished execution using ",nCores," cores.")
# .printExecutionTime(start.time, verbose = verbose)
# if (!returnAsList) {
# return(unlist(res.l))
# }
# res.l
# }
.execInParallelGen <- function(nCores, returnAsList = TRUE, listNames = NULL, iteration, abortIfErrorParallel = TRUE, verbose = FALSE, functionName, ...) {
start.time <- Sys.time()
assertInt(nCores, lower = 1)
assertVector(iteration, any.missing = FALSE, min.len = 1)
assert(checkNull(listNames), checkCharacter(listNames, len = length(iteration)))
res.l = list()
if (nCores > 1) {
res.l = tryCatch( {
bplapply(iteration, functionName, ..., BPPARAM = .initBiocParallel(nCores))
}#, error = function(e) {
# warning("An error occured while executing the function with multiple CPUs. Trying again using only only one CPU...")
# lapply(iteration, functionName, ...)
# }
failedTasks = which(!bpok(res.l))
if (length(failedTasks) > 0) {
warning("At least one task failed while executing in parallel, attempting to rerun those that failed: ",res.l[[failedTasks[1]]])
if (abortIfErrorParallel) stop()
res.l = tryCatch( {
bplapply(iteration, functionName, ..., BPPARAM = .initBiocParallel(nCores), BPREDO = res.l)
}, error = function(e) {
warning("Once again, an error occured while executing the function with multiple CPUs. Trying again using only only one CPU...")
if (abortIfErrorParallel) stop()
lapply(iteration, functionName, ...)
} else {
res.l = lapply(iteration, functionName, ...)
end.time <- Sys.time()
if (nCores > multicoreWorkers()) {
nCores = multicoreWorkers()
if (verbose) message(" Finished execution using ",nCores," cores. TOTAL RUNNING TIME: ", round(end.time - start.time, 1), " ", units(end.time - start.time),"\n")
if (!returnAsList) {
if (!is.null(listNames)) {
names(res.l) = listNames
#' @importFrom Rsamtools countBam scanBam ScanBamParam
#' @import checkmate
.calculateGenomeWideBackground <- function(fileCur,
nReadsToCheck = 1000,
verbose = TRUE) {
if (verbose) message(" Calculate background average")
# Read BAM file and automatically determine the read size or at least a good proxy for it
param = ScanBamParam(flag = .constructScanBamFlags(par.l),
reverseComplement = par.l$readFlag_reverseComplement,
simpleCigar = par.l$readFlag_simpleCigar,
mapqFilter = par.l$readFlag_minMapQ,
what = "seq")
res = scanBam(BamFile(fileCur, yieldSize = nReadsToCheck),
param = param)
readLengthBAM = max(width(res[[1]]$seq))
effectiveGenomeSizeProp = .getUniqueMappabilityData(par.l$assemblyVersion,
verbose = verbose)
genomeSizeTotal = sum(.getGenomeData(par.l$assemblyVersion)$size)
# Obtain total number of reads in BAM file.
# Subject the reads to the same constraint as for the signal files
nReadsTotal = countBam(fileCur, param = param)$records
avgBackground = (nReadsTotal / (genomeSizeTotal * effectiveGenomeSizeProp)) *
(par.l$binSize + readLengthBAM - 1)
if (verbose) message(" Average background: ", avgBackground)
.printExecutionTime <- function(startTime,
verbose = TRUE) {
endTime <- Sys.time()
if (verbose)
message(" Execution time: ", round(endTime - startTime, 1),
" ", units(endTime - startTime))
#' @importFrom utils object.size
.getMemoryProfile <- function(object,
verbose = TRUE) {
if (verbose)
message(" |Size of object: ", format(object.size(object), units = "Mb"))
if (requireNamespace("pryr", quietly = TRUE)) {
if (verbose) {
message(" |Total memory used by R according to pryr::mem_used: ",
round(as.numeric(pryr::mem_used()) / 1024 / 1024,2), " Mb")
} else {
message(" The package pryr is not available, cannot compute memory consumption... ")
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