#' @title Cross-sample segmentation
#' @description SCOPE offers a cross-sample Poisson likelihood-based
#' recursive segmentation, enabling shared breakpoints across cells
#' from the same genetic background.
#' @usage segment_CBScs(Y, Yhat, sampname, ref, chr,
#' mode = "integer", max.ns)
#' @param Y raw read depth matrix after quality control procedure
#' @param Yhat normalized read depth matrix
#' @param sampname vector of sample names
#' @param ref GRanges object after quality control procedure
#' @param chr chromosome name. Make sure it is consistent with the
#' reference genome.
#' @param mode format of returned copy numbers. Only integer mode is
#' supported for scDNA-seq data.
#' @param max.ns a number specifying how many rounds of nested structure
#' searching would be performed. Defalut is \code{0}.
#' @return A list with components
#' \item{poolcall}{Cross-sample CNV callings indicating
#' shared breakpoints}
#' \item{finalcall}{Final cross-sample segmented callset of
#' CNVs with genotyping results}
#' \item{image.orig}{A matrix giving logarithm of normalized
#' z-scores}
#' \item{image.seg}{A matrix of logarithm of estimated
#' copy number over 2}
#' \item{iCN}{A matrix of inferred integer copy number profiles}
#' @examples
#' Yhat.sim <- normObj.scopeDemo$Yhat[[which.max(normObj.scopeDemo$BIC)]]
#' segment_cs_chr1 <- segment_CBScs(Y = Y_sim, Yhat = Yhat.sim,
#' sampname = colnames(Y_sim),
#' ref = ref_sim, chr = 'chr1', max.ns = 1)
#' @author Rujin Wang \email{}
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges GRanges
#' @importFrom IRanges IRanges RangesList Views countOverlaps
#' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb seqnames
#' @export
segment_CBScs <- function(Y, Yhat, sampname, ref, chr, mode = "integer",
max.ns = 0) {
if (, unique(as.character(seqnames(ref)))))) {
stop("Chromosome not found in the reference genome. Make sure that
all chromosomes are named consistently. \n")
stbin.flag <- min(which(as.character(seqnames(ref)) == chr))
Y <- Y[which(as.character(seqnames(ref)) == chr), ]
Yhat <- Yhat[which(as.character(seqnames(ref)) == chr), ]
ref <- ref[which(as.character(seqnames(ref)) == chr)]
poolcall <- NULL
message("Cross-sample segmenting for ", ncol(Y), " samples.")
chpts0 <- c(1, nrow(Y))
cs.scan <- compute_cs_lratio(Y, Yhat, sampname, chpts0)
i <- cs.scan$i
j <- cs.scan$j
Z <- cs.scan$Z
init.cs.finalmat <- cs.scan$finalmat
if (!is.null(init.cs.finalmat) && nrow(init.cs.finalmat) > 0) {
# Further cross-sample nested searching
chpts <- init.cs.finalmat[, c(1, 2)]
if (is.null(dim(chpts))) {
chpts <- t(as.matrix(chpts))
keep_going <- 1
# number of nested searching
num_ns <- 1
while (!all(keep_going == 0) & num_ns <= max.ns) {
nested.output <- search_cs_nested(Y, Yhat, sampname, chpts)
keep_going <- vapply(nested.output,
function(z) z$is.nested, numeric(1))
newchpts <- NULL
for (r in seq_len(length(keep_going))) {
if (keep_going[r]) {
newchpts <- rbind(newchpts,
nested.output[[r]]$finalmat[, c(1, 2)])
} else {
newchpts <- rbind(newchpts, chpts[r, ])
chpts <- newchpts
num_ns <- num_ns + 1
# backward compute Z after nested searching
temp <- NULL
for (r in seq_len(nrow(chpts))) {
idx <- which(i == chpts[r, 1] & j == chpts[r, 2])
if (length(idx) != 0) {
temp <- c(temp, Z[idx])
} else {
temp <- c(temp, rep(NA, 4))
cs.finalmat <- cbind(chpts, temp)
cs.finalmat <- cs.finalmat[![, 3]), ,
drop = FALSE]
cs.finalmat <- cs.finalmat[order(-cs.finalmat[, 3]), ,
drop = FALSE]
} else {
cs.finalmat <- matrix(data = c(chpts0, 0),
nrow = 1, ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE)
cs.loglikeij <- rep(NA, nrow(cs.finalmat))
cs.mBIC <- rep(NA, nrow(cs.finalmat))
kappa1 <- 3/2
kappa2 <- 2.27
N <- ncol(Y)
T <- nrow(Y)
for (s in seq_len(nrow(cs.finalmat))) {
tau <- sort(unique(c(as.vector(cs.finalmat[seq_len(s),
c(1, 2)]), 1, nrow(Y))))
m <- length(tau) - 2
if (m > 0) {
J <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = m + 2, ncol = N)
Y0 <- Y
Yhat0 <- Yhat
Y0[Y0 <= 20] <- 20
Yhat0[Yhat0 <= 20] <- 20
muhat <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = m + 1, ncol = N)
rhat <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = m + 1, ncol = N)
muhat[1, ] <- round(apply(Y0[seq_len(tau[2]), ,
drop = FALSE], 2, sum)/tau[2])
rhat[1, ] <- round(2 * (apply(Y0[seq_len(tau[2]), ,
drop = FALSE], 2, sum)/apply(Yhat0[seq_len(tau[2]),
, drop = FALSE], 2, sum)))
for (r in seq_len(m)) {
muhat[r + 1, ] <- round(apply(
Yhat0[(tau[r + 1] + 1):tau[r + 2], ,
drop = FALSE], 2, sum)/(tau[r + 2] - tau[r + 1] + 1))
rhat[r + 1, ] <- round((apply(Y0[
(tau[r + 1] + 1):tau[r + 2], ,
drop = FALSE], 2, sum)/apply(Yhat0[
(tau[r + 1] + 1):tau[r + 2], ,
drop = FALSE], 2, sum)))
carriershat <- rhat[2:(m + 1), ] - rhat[seq_len(m), ]
carriershat[carriershat != 0] <- 1
J[2:(m + 1), ] <- carriershat
deltahat <- muhat[2:(m + 1), ] - muhat[seq_len(m), ]
deltahatJ <- deltahat * J[2:(m + 1), ]
if (is.null(dim(deltahatJ))) {
deltahatJ <- matrix(data = deltahat, nrow = 1,
ncol = length(deltahat))
deltahatJ.sq.sum <- apply(deltahatJ^2, 1, sum)
deltahatJ.sq.sum <- max(deltahatJ.sq.sum, 1)
# M and pi
M <- sum(carriershat)
pihat <- M/(N * m)
cs.temp <- create_chptsmat(cs.finalmat[seq_len(s), c(1, 2),
drop = FALSE], chpts0)
L <- matrix(data = NA, ncol = N, nrow = nrow(cs.temp))
for (r in seq_len(nrow(L))) {
yact.temp <- apply(Y[cs.temp[r, 1]:cs.temp[r, 2], ,
drop = FALSE], 2, sum)
lambda.temp <- apply(Yhat[cs.temp[r, 1]:cs.temp[r, 2], ,
drop = FALSE], 2, sum)
yact.temp[lambda.temp < 20] <- 20
lambda.temp[lambda.temp < 20] <- 20
L[r, ] <- (1 - round(2 * yact.temp/lambda.temp)/2) *
lambda.temp + log((round(2 * (yact.temp/lambda.temp)) +
1e-04)/2.0001) * yact.temp
cs.loglikeij[s] <- sum(L)
term1 <- cs.loglikeij[s]
if (M == 0) {
term2 <- 0
} else {
term2 <- -M/2 * log(2 * cs.loglikeij[s]/M)
term3 <- -log(choose(T, m))
# term3 <- - m * log(choose(T, m))
term4 <- -M/2
term5 <- -sum(log(deltahatJ.sq.sum))
term6 <- -m * (kappa1 - kappa2)
if (pihat == 0 || pihat == 1) {
term7 <- 0
} else {
term7 <- (M * log(pihat) + (N * m - M) * log(1 - pihat))
mbic <- term1 + term2 + term3 + term4 + term5 + term6 + term7
cs.mBIC[s] <- mbic
} else {
cs.mBIC[s] <- 0
cs.mBIC <- round(cs.mBIC, digits = 3)
cs.finalmat <- (cbind(cs.finalmat, cs.mBIC)[seq_len(which.max(cs.mBIC)), ,
drop = FALSE])
poolcall <- create_chptsmat(cs.finalmat[, c(1, 2), drop = FALSE], chpts0)
colnames(poolcall) <- c("st", "end")
finalcall <- NULL
image.orig <- log(pmax(0.001, Y)/Yhat)
image.orig[image.orig <= -2] <- -2
image.orig[image.orig > 2] <- 2
image.seg <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = nrow(image.orig),
ncol = ncol(image.orig))
iCN <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = nrow(image.orig),
ncol = ncol(image.orig))
colnames(image.seg) <- colnames(Y)
colnames(iCN) <- colnames(Y)
for (i in seq_len(nrow(poolcall))) {
st_bin <- poolcall[i, "st"]
ed_bin <- poolcall[i, "end"]
yact.ind <- colSums(Y[st_bin:ed_bin, , drop = FALSE])
lambda.ind <- colSums(Yhat[st_bin:ed_bin, , drop = FALSE])
if (mode == "integer") {
chat.ind <- round(2 * (yact.ind/lambda.ind))
} else if (mode == "fraction") {
chat.ind <- 2 * (yact.ind/lambda.ind)
chat.ind[chat.ind > 14] <- 14
image.seg[poolcall[i, 1]:poolcall[i, 2], ] <-
matrix(nrow = (poolcall[i, 2] - poolcall[i, 1] + 1),
ncol = ncol(image.seg),
data = log(chat.ind/2), byrow = TRUE)
iCN[poolcall[i, 1]:poolcall[i, 2], ] <-
matrix(nrow = (poolcall[i, 2] - poolcall[i, 1] + 1),
ncol = ncol(iCN),
data = chat.ind, byrow = TRUE)
temp <- cbind(colnames(Y), rep(st_bin, ncol(Y)),
rep(ed_bin, ncol(Y)), chat.ind)
temp <- temp[chat.ind != 2, ]
finalcall <- rbind(finalcall, temp)
rownames(finalcall) <- NULL
colnames(finalcall) <- c("sample_name", "st_bin",
"ed_bin", "cnv_no")
finalcall <-
finalcall$st_bin <- as.numeric(paste(finalcall$st_bin))
finalcall$ed_bin <- as.numeric(paste(finalcall$ed_bin))
finalcall$cnv_no <- as.numeric(paste(finalcall$cnv_no))
poolcall[, "st"] <- poolcall[, "st"] + stbin.flag - 1
poolcall[, "end"] <- poolcall[, "end"] + stbin.flag - 1
finalcall[, "st_bin"] <- finalcall[, "st_bin"] + stbin.flag - 1
finalcall[, "ed_bin"] <- finalcall[, "ed_bin"] + stbin.flag - 1
return(list(poolcall = poolcall, finalcall = finalcall,
image.orig = image.orig, image.seg = image.seg, iCN = iCN))
create_chptsmat <- function(mat1, st_end) {
st <- st_end[1]
end <- st_end[2]
mat1 <- mat1[order(mat1[, 1]), , drop = FALSE]
if (mat1[1, 1] != st) {
newchptsmat <- matrix(data = c(st, mat1[1, 1] - 1, mat1[1, ]),
ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
} else {
newchptsmat <- t(as.matrix(mat1[1, ]))
if (nrow(mat1) > 1) {
for (r in 2:nrow(mat1)) {
if (mat1[r, 1] != mat1[r - 1, 2] + 1) {
newchptsmat <- rbind(newchptsmat, matrix(data =
c(mat1[r - 1, 2] + 1, mat1[r, 1] - 1, mat1[r, ]),
ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE))
} else {
newchptsmat <- rbind(newchptsmat, matrix(data = mat1[r, ],
ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE))
if (mat1[nrow(mat1), 2] != end) {
newchptsmat <- rbind(newchptsmat,
matrix(data = c(mat1[nrow(mat1), 2] + 1, end), nrow = 1, ncol = 2))
compute_cs_lratio <- function(Y, Yhat, sampname, this.chpts, msgprint = TRUE) {
Z0 <- NULL
if (this.chpts[2] - this.chpts[1] < 2) {
return(list(i = NA, j = NA, Z = NA,
finalmat = t(as.matrix(this.chpts)), is.nested = 0))
} else {
lmax <- nrow(Y) - 1
for (sampno in seq_len(ncol(Y))) {
if (msgprint) {
message("Calculating scan statistic for sample ",
sampno, ": ", sampname[sampno], ".")
y <- Y[, sampno]
yhat <- Yhat[, sampno]
if (any(yhat < 10)) {
if (any(y[yhat < 10] < 10)) {
y[yhat < 10] <- 10
yhat[yhat < 10] <- 10
ysum <- sum(y)
yhatsum <- sum(yhat)
num <- length(y)
y <- c(y, rep(0, lmax))
yhat <- c(yhat, rep(0, lmax))
i <- rep(seq_len(num), rep(lmax, num))
j <- rep(seq_len(lmax), num) + i
yact <- rep(0, length(i))
lambda <- rep(0, length(i))
for (k in seq_len(num)) {
yact[(lmax * k - (lmax - 1)):(lmax * k)] <- cumsum(
y[k:(k + lmax)])[-1]
lambda[(lmax * k - (lmax - 1)):(lmax * k)] <- cumsum(
yhat[k:(k + lmax)])[-1]
i <- i[j <= num]
yact <- yact[j <= num]
lambda <- lambda[j <= num]
j <- j[j <= num]
# integer mode
chat <- round(2 * (yact/lambda))
idx.noLeft <- which(i == this.chpts[1])
idx.noRight <- which(j == this.chpts[2])
chat.L <- rep(NA, length(chat))
chat.R <- rep(NA, length(chat))
yact.L <- rep(NA, length(chat))
yact.R <- rep(NA, length(chat))
lambda.L <- rep(NA, length(chat))
lambda.R <- rep(NA, length(chat))
for (x in seq_len(length(chat))) {
if (x %in% idx.noLeft) {
yact.L[x] <- 0
lambda.L[x] <- 0
} else {
yact.L[x] <- sum(y[seq_len((i[x] - 1))])
lambda.L[x] <- sum(yhat[seq_len((i[x] - 1))])
if (x %in% idx.noRight) {
yact.R[x] <- 0
lambda.R[x] <- 0
} else {
yact.R[x] <- sum(y[(j[x] + 1):length(y)])
lambda.R[x] <- sum(yhat[(j[x] + 1):length(y)])
chat.L <- round(2 * (yact.L/lambda.L))
chat.R <- round(2 * (yact.R/lambda.R))
chat.L[which(] <- 2
chat.R[which(] <- 2
lratio.C <- (1 - chat/2) * lambda +
log((chat + 1e-04)/2.0001) * yact
lratio.L <- (1 - chat.L/2) * lambda.L +
log((chat.L + 1e-04)/2.0001) * yact.L
lratio.R <- (1 - chat.R/2) * lambda.R +
log((chat.R + 1e-04)/2.0001) * yact.R
lratio <- lratio.C + lratio.L + lratio.R
chat[chat > 14] <- 14
Z0 <- cbind(Z0, lratio)
Z <- rowSums(Z0)
winlag <- this.chpts[1] - 1
i <- i + winlag
j <- j + winlag
if (sum(Z > 0) > 0) {
if (sum(Z > 0) >= 2) {
finalmat <- (cbind(i, j, Z))[Z > 0, ]
finalmat <- finalmat[order(-finalmat[, 3]), ]
s <- 1
while (s <= (nrow(finalmat))) {
rowstart <- finalmat[s, 1]
rowend <- finalmat[s, 2]
rowsel <- (finalmat[, 1] <= rowend &
finalmat[, 2] >= rowstart)
rowsel[s] <- FALSE
finalmat <- finalmat[!rowsel, ]
if (is.vector(finalmat)) {
finalmat <- t(as.matrix(finalmat))
s <- s + 1
if (sum(Z > 0) == 1) {
finalmat <- (cbind(i, j, Z))[Z > 0, ]
finalmat <- t(as.matrix(finalmat))
finalmat <- finalmat[finalmat[, 2] - finalmat[, 1] > 1, ,
drop = FALSE]
finalmat <- finalmat[finalmat[, 3] > 10, , drop = FALSE]
finalmat <- round(finalmat, digits = 3)
if (nrow(finalmat) == 0) {
is.nested <- 0
} else if (nrow(finalmat) == 1 & finalmat[1, 1] ==
this.chpts[1] & finalmat[1, 2] == this.chpts[2]) {
is.nested <- 0
} else if (nrow(finalmat) > 2 &
length(unique(finalmat[, 3])) == 1) {
is.nested <- 0
} else if (max(finalmat[, 2] - finalmat[, 1]) <= 5) {
is.nested <- 0
} else if (nrow(finalmat) == 1 & (this.chpts[2] -
this.chpts[1]) -
(finalmat[1, 2] - finalmat[1, 1]) == 1) {
is.nested <- 0
} else {
is.nested <- 1
} else {
finalmat <- NULL
is.nested <- 0
# Avoid losing the boundaries
if (!is.null(finalmat) && nrow(finalmat) > 0) { <- min(finalmat[, c(1, 2)])
if (this.chpts[1] < {
idx <- which(i == this.chpts[1] & j == ( - 1))
idx2 <- which(finalmat[, 1] ==
if (length(idx) != 0) {
Z.temp <- Z[idx]
if (Z.temp > 0) {
finalmat[idx2, 1] <- this.chpts[1]
} else {
finalmat <- rbind(c(this.chpts[1], - 1, 0),
} else {
finalmat[idx2, 1] <- this.chpts[1]
max.ed <- max(finalmat[, c(1, 2)])
if (this.chpts[2] > max.ed) {
idx <- which(i == (max.ed + 1) & j == this.chpts[2])
idx2 <- which(finalmat[, 2] == max.ed)
if (length(idx) != 0) {
Z.temp <- Z[idx]
if (Z.temp > 0) {
finalmat[idx2, 2] <- this.chpts[2]
} else {
finalmat <- rbind(finalmat, c(max.ed + 1,
this.chpts[2], 0))
} else {
finalmat[idx2, 2] <- this.chpts[2]
if (!is.null(finalmat) && nrow(finalmat) > 1) {
for (r in seq_len(nrow(finalmat))) {
singlepoint <- finalmat[r, 1] - 1
sg.idx <- which(finalmat[, 2] == singlepoint - 1)
if (length(sg.idx) != 0 && r < sg.idx) {
finalmat[sg.idx, 2] <- singlepoint
for (r in seq_len(nrow(finalmat))) {
singlepoint <- finalmat[r, 2] + 1
sg.idx <- which(finalmat[, 1] == singlepoint + 1)
if (length(sg.idx) != 0 && r < sg.idx) {
finalmat[sg.idx, 1] <- singlepoint
if (!is.null(finalmat) && nrow(finalmat) > 1) {
finalmat <- create_chptsmat(finalmat[, c(1, 2),
drop = FALSE], this.chpts)
return(list(i = i, j = j, Z = Z, finalmat = finalmat,
is.nested = is.nested))
search_cs_nested <- function(Y, Yhat, sampname, chptsmat) {
message("Performing cross-sample nested search... \n")
nest.list <- vector("list", nrow(chptsmat))
for (r in seq_len(nrow(chptsmat))) {
nest.list[[r]] <- compute_cs_lratio(Y[chptsmat[r, 1]:chptsmat[r, 2], ,
drop = FALSE], Yhat[chptsmat[r, 1]:chptsmat[r,
2], , drop = FALSE], sampname, chptsmat[r, ], msgprint = FALSE)
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