#' @importFrom stats kmeans
#' @importFrom methods is
clus <- function(data, k = NULL, max.k = 5) {
if (is.null(k))
k <- nclusterPar(data, max.k = max.k)
if (nrow(data) < 1000 & (k <= 5)) {
k <- kmeans(data, k, nstart = 100, iter.max = 1e+06)
} else {
kknn <- try(specClust(data, k, nn = 7))
while (is(kknn, "try-error")) {
k <- k + 1
kknn <- try(specClust(data, k, nn = 7))
nclusterPar <- function(data, max.k = 5) {
result <- lapply(seq(10), function(j) {
idx <- sample(seq(nrow(data)), min(500, nrow(data)))
to.test <- matrix(0, nrow = 10, ncol = 3)
e <- 3
for (i in 2:10) {
kknn <- try(specClust(data[idx, ], i, nn = 7))
if (!is(kknn, "try-error")) {
to.test[i, 1] <- kknn$betweenss/kknn$totss
to.test[i, 2] <- kknn$tot.withinss
} else {
e <- i + 2
for (i in e:10) {
to.test[i, 3] <- (to.test[i, 2] - to.test[i - 1, 2])/to.test[i - 1, 2]
c(which.max(to.test[, 1]), which.max(to.test[, 3]))
result <- t(data.frame(result))
min(max.k, floor(mean(result, na.rm = TRUE) + 0.5))
clustercom2 <- function(result) {
test <- matrix(0, ncol = length(result$all), nrow = length(result$all))
for (i in seq(length(result$all))) {
for (j in seq(length(result$all))) {
if (i != j)
test[i, j] <- adjustedRandIndex(result$all[[i]], result$all[[j]])
for (i in seq(length(result$all))) {
test[i, i] <- mean(test[-i, i])
found <- FALSE
if (sum(test < 0.7) > 0) {
i <- 2
} else {
i <- 1
while (!found) {
k <- kmeans(test, i, nstart = 100, iter.max = 5000)$cluster
max <- 0
for (c in unique(k)) {
score <- mean(test[which(k == c), which(k == c)])
if (score > max & length(which(k == c)) > 1) {
max <- score
idx <- which(k == c)
if (max > 0.8)
found <- TRUE
if (i > 3)
found <- TRUE
i <- i + 1
res <- t(data.frame(result$all))
res <- res[idx, ]
cl.max <- floor(mean(apply(res, 1, function(x) length(unique(x)))))
res <- data.frame(result$all)
da <- apply(res, 1, paste, collapse = "#")
indUnique <- which(!duplicated(da))
indAll <- match(da, da[indUnique])
da <- res[indUnique, ]
test <- wMetaC(da, (cl.max + 1), hmethod = "ward.D", minN.cluster = cl.max)
adjustedRandIndex <- function(x, y) {
x <- as.vector(x)
y <- as.vector(y)
if (length(x) != length(y))
stop("arguments must be vectors of the same length")
tab <- table(x, y)
if (all(dim(tab) == c(1, 1)))
a <- sum(choose(tab, 2))
b <- sum(choose(rowSums(tab), 2)) - a
c <- sum(choose(colSums(tab), 2)) - a
d <- choose(sum(tab), 2) - a - b - c
ARI <- (a - (a + b) * (a + c)/(a + b + c + d))/((a + b + a + c)/2 - (a + b) * (a + c)/(a + b + c + d))
#' @import cluster
#' @importFrom utils combn
#' @import clusterCrit
#' @importFrom stats as.dist cutree hclust median
#' @import Matrix
wMetaC <- function(nC, hmethod, enN.cluster, minN.cluster, maxN.cluster, sil.thre, height.Ntimes) {
# This is to obtain the weight matrix for each cluster solution for following meta-clustering
N <- nrow(nC) #number of points
C <- ncol(nC) #number of clustering methods/times; or K
AA <- Reduce("+", apply(nC, 2, getA)) #sum over obtained matrices; execute along the column and then matrix sum
AA <- AA/C
indA <- Matrix::which(AA != 0, arr.ind = TRUE) #find non-zero indices of AA
nd <- vapply(AA[indA], function(x) x * (1 - x), numeric(1))
newAA <- sparseMatrix(i = indA[, 1], j = indA[, 2], x = nd, dims = c(N, N))
w0 <- 4/N * Matrix::rowSums(newAA) #the weight for each point
e <- 0.01
w1 <- (w0 + e)/(1 + e) #adjusted point weight
x <- as.vector(vapply(seq(C), function(i) {
paste(nC[, i], "_", i, sep = "")
}, rep("a", nrow(nC)))) #convert the matrix (N*C) to vector (concatenating them)
newnC <- matrix(x, nrow = N, byrow = FALSE) #reshape a vector to a matrix; by column
R <- unique(x) #all unique labels
allC <- length(R) #number of all unique labels
cb <- combn(allC, 2) #all possible combinations (n*(n-1)/2)
alls <- apply(cb, 2, getss, R = R, x = x, w1 = w1) #calculate the weight s for all combinations
S0 <- sparseMatrix(i = cb[1, ], j = cb[2, ], x = alls, dims = c(allC, allC)) #triangle part of the S
S <- S0 + t(S0) + diag(allC)
if (missing(sil.thre)) {
sil.thre <- 0
hres <- get_opt_hclust(S, hmethod, N.cluster = enN.cluster, minN.cluster, maxN.cluster, sil.thre, height.Ntimes) #solely using the silhouette index as the criteria
tf <- hres$f
v <- hres$v
cat("The number of clusters before voting is: ", hres$optN.cluster, "\n")
newnC[] <- vapply(newnC, function(q) tf[match(q, R)], numeric(1)) #apply to every element; reorganizing the clusters for different results
finalC <- apply(newnC, 1, function(d) names(sort(table(d), decreasing = TRUE)[1])) #find the most repeated elements for each row
N.cluster <- length(unique(finalC)) #note that the number of clusters for meta-clustering is not determined by previous selection, but by the unique number in the final round.
perc <- 0.5
if (N.cluster == 1) {
# better not to have only one cluster
finalC <- apply(newnC, 1, function(d) {
x <- sort(table(d), decreasing = TRUE)[seq(2)]
n0 <- length(x[1])
if (x[2] >= n0 * perc) {
y <- names(x[2])
} else {
y <- names(x[1])
N.cluster <- length(unique(finalC))
cat("The optimal number of clusters for ensemble clustering is:", N.cluster, "\n")
# For ease of visualization
uC <- unique(finalC) #unique clusters
y0 <- apply(newnC, 1, function(q) {
t <- rep(0, N.cluster)
for (i in c(seq(N.cluster))) {
t[i] <- length(which(q %in% uC[i]))
}) #need to reorganize before counting
# print(dim(y0))
y0 <- t(y0) #transpose
x0 <- matrix(0, nrow = N, ncol = N.cluster)
# print(dim(x0))
tw <- 0.5
# print(uC)
for (i in seq(N)) {
xind <- which(finalC[i] == uC)
x0[i, xind] <- 1 #the correct clustering result
allind <- which(y0[i, ] != 0) #all the counts
diffind <- setdiff(allind, xind) #some other counts which are not the correct cluster
if (length(diffind) != 0) {
x0[i, diffind] <- tw * y0[i, diffind]/y0[i, xind] #use a reduced weight
out <- list() #declare
out$finalC <- finalC
out$x0 <- x0
getA <- function(rowColor) {
# This is to obtain the weighted co-association matrix for clustering solution rowColor
N <- length(rowColor) #number of points
L <- levels(factor(rowColor))
# find indices for each cluster, then all combinations of indices
tmp = vapply(L, function(k) {
r <- which(rowColor %in% k)
expand.grid(r, r)
}, c(list(1), list(1)))
# reshape to the indices
allind <- matrix(unlist(t(tmp)), ncol = 2, byrow = FALSE) #need transpose
A <- sparseMatrix(i = allind[, 1], j = allind[, 2], x = 1, dims = c(N, N)) #non-zero entries
getss <- function(pind, R, x, w1) {
# This is to get the element of S
pairk <- lapply(pind, getnewk, R = R, x = x, N = length(w1)) #run for two indices
intset <- intersect(unlist(pairk[1]), unlist(pairk[2])) #set intersection
ss <- 0
if (length(intset) != 0) {
uset <- union(unlist(pairk[1]), unlist(pairk[2])) #set union
ss <- sum(w1[intset])/sum(w1[uset])
getnewk <- function(k, R, x, N) {
# This is to get the original index of the sample
k1 <- which(x %in% R[k]) #find samples with k-th cluster
d1 <- unlist(strsplit(R[k], "_")) #the name contains only two parts; get the numbering part
d <- as.numeric(Matrix::tail(d1, n = 1)) #the last element of the split arrays
newk1 <- k1 - (d - 1) * N #the index
get_opt_hclust <- function(mat, hmethod, N.cluster, minN.cluster, maxN.cluster, sil.thre, height.Ntimes) {
# if no agglomeration method for hierarchical clustering is provided
if (missing(hmethod) || is.null(hmethod)) {
hmethod <- "ward.D" #the default hierarchical clustering agglomeration method is 'ward.D'
# if no minimum number of clusters is provided
if (missing(minN.cluster) || is.null(minN.cluster)) {
minN.cluster <- 2 #by default, we try the minimum number of clusters starting from 2
# if no maximum number of clusters is provided
if (missing(maxN.cluster) || is.null(maxN.cluster)) {
maxN.cluster <- 40 #by default, we try the maximum number of clusters as large as 40 or the number of cells minus 1, whichever is smaller.
# if no threshold for the maximum Silhouette index is provided
if (missing(sil.thre) || is.null(sil.thre)) {
sil.thre <- 0.35 #by default, we use 0.35 to determine whether we use Silhouette index as the criteria to determine the optimal number of clusters
# if no threshold for the height difference is provided
if (missing(height.Ntimes) || is.null(height.Ntimes)) {
height.Ntimes <- 2 #by default, we select the first height which is (height.Ntimes) times larger than the immediate consecutive height
# just use simple criteria to determine whether they are feature vectors or similarity matrix, and then we use
# different ways to measure the distance
if (Matrix::isSymmetric(mat)) {
# symmmetric matrix
d <- as.dist(1 - mat)
flag1 <- 1
} else {
d <- as.dist(1 - cor(t(mat)))
flag1 <- 0
h = hclust(d, method = hmethod) #ward to ward.D
# if N.cluster is given, we simply use the given N.cluster for hierarchical clustering if (!missing(N.cluster)
# && is.numeric(N.cluster)) {
if (is.numeric(N.cluster)) {
if (!is.numeric(N.cluster)) {
stop("The given N.cluster is not a numeric!")
if (N.cluster%%1 != 0) {
stop("The given N.cluster is not an integer!")
if (N.cluster < 2) {
stop("The given N.cluster is less than 2, which is not suitable for clustering!")
v <- cutree(h, k = N.cluster) #for different numbers of clusters
f <- v #the optimal clustering results
sil <- silhouette(v, d)
msil <- median(sil[, 3])
ch0 <- intCriteria(data.matrix(mat), as.integer(v), "Calinski_Harabasz")
CHind <- unlist(ch0, use.names = FALSE) #convert a list to a vector/value
optN.cluster <- N.cluster
hres = list()
hres$f <- f #optimal clustering results
hres$v <- v #different numbers of clustering results
hres$maxsil <- max(msil)
hres$msil <- msil
hres$CHind <- CHind
hres$height <- h$height
hres$optN.cluster <- optN.cluster
#' @importFrom igraph arpack decompose graph
#' @importFrom stats cor dnorm qnorm
fast.table <- function(data) {
if (!
data <-, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
da <-"paste", c(data, sep = "\r"))
ind <- !duplicated(da)
levels <- da[ind]
cat <- factor(da, levels = levels)
nl <- length(levels(cat))
bin <- (as.integer(cat) - 1)
pd <- nl
bin <- bin[!]
if (length(bin))
bin <- bin + 1
y <- tabulate(bin, pd)
result <- list(index = bin, weights = y, data = data[ind, ])
createFolds <- function(vec, k) {
tmp <- round(seq(1, max(vec), length.out = k + 1))
res <- list()
for (i in seq(k)) {
res[[i]] <- tmp[i]:tmp[i + 1]
mydist <- function(data, k = 20, distance = 2) {
m <- dim(data)[1]
q <- dim(data)[2]
D <- matrix(nrow = m, ncol = k)
C <- matrix(nrow = m, ncol = k)
folds <- createFolds(seq(m), k = ceiling(m/1000))
for (idx in folds) {
tmp <- data[idx, ]
dis.tmp <- 1 - cor(t(tmp), t(data))
for (i in seq(length(idx))) {
tmp1 <- order(dis.tmp[i, ])
tmp1 <- tmp1[2:(k + 1)]
D[idx[i], ] <- dis.tmp[i, tmp1]
C[idx[i], ] <- tmp1
list(D, C)
getClosest = function(X, Y) {
m <- nrow(Y)
n <- nrow(X)
res <- matrix(0, n, m)
for (i in seq(m)) {
tmp <- (X - rep(Y[i, ], each = n))^2
res[, i] <- rowSums(tmp)
apply(res, 2, which.min)
Laplacian <- function(DC, k, normalize = "none") {
normalize <- match.arg(normalize, c("none", "symmetric", "random-walk"))
m <- dim(DC[[1]])[1]
INDEX <- matrix(c(rep(seq(m), k), as.vector(DC[[2]])), ncol = 2)
ind <- which(INDEX[, 2] < INDEX[, 1])
INDEX[ind, ] <- INDEX[ind, c(2, 1), drop = FALSE]
INDEX2 <- fast.table(INDEX)
ind <- which(!duplicated(INDEX2[[1]]))
INDEX <- INDEX2[[3]]
i <- c(INDEX[, 1], INDEX[, 2])
j <- c(INDEX[, 2], INDEX[, 1])
X <- as.vector(DC[[1]])[ind]
x <- c(X, X)
# graph.laplacian ??
result <- sparseMatrix(i = i, j = j, x = x, dims = c(m, m))
D <- Matrix::rowSums(result)
if (normalize == "none")
return(Diagonal(x = D) - result)
if (normalize == "symmetric") {
TMP <- Diagonal(x = 1/sqrt(D))
result <- TMP %*% result %*% TMP
return(Diagonal(m) - result)
if (normalize == "random-walk") {
return(Diagonal(m) - Diagonal(x = 1/D) %*% result)
AUC <- function(y) {
l <- length(y)
x <- 0:(l - 1)
y <- y - y[1]
res <- numeric(0)
for (i in seq(l)) {
A <- 0
A <- y[i] * (i - 1)/2
B <- y[i] * (l - i)
C <- (y[l] - y[i]) * (l - i)/2
res[i] <- A + B + C
specClust <- function(data, centers = NULL, nn = 7, method = "symmetric", gmax = NULL, ...) {
call <-
if (
data <- as.matrix(data)
# unique data points
da <- apply(data, 1, paste, collapse = "#")
indUnique <- which(!duplicated(da))
indAll <- match(da, da[indUnique])
data2 <- data
data <- data[indUnique, ]
n <- nrow(data)
# data = scale(data, FALSE, TRUE)
if (is.null(gmax)) {
if (!is.null(centers))
gmax <- centers - 1L else gmax = 1L
test <- TRUE
DC.tmp <- mydist(data, 30)
while (test) {
if (nn > ncol(DC.tmp[[1]]))
DC.tmp <- mydist(data, nn * 2)
DC <- list(DC.tmp[[1]][, seq(nn)], DC.tmp[[2]][, seq(nn)])
sif <- rbind(seq(n), as.vector(DC[[2]]))
g <- graph(sif, directed = FALSE)
g <- decompose(g, min.vertices = 4)
if (length(g) > 1) {
# warning('graph not connected')
if (length(g) >= gmax)
nn <- nn + 2 else test = FALSE
} else test <- FALSE
W <- DC[[1]]
n <- nrow(data)
wi <- W[, nn]
SC <- matrix(1, nrow(W), nn)
SC[] <- wi[DC[[2]]] * wi
W <- W^2/SC
alpha <- 1/(2 * (nn + 1))
qua <- abs(qnorm(alpha))
W <- W * qua
W <- dnorm(W, sd = 1)
DC[[1]] <- W
L <- Laplacian(DC, nn, method)
f <- function(x, extra) as.vector(extra %*% x)
if (is.null(centers))
kmax <- 25 else kmax <- max(centers)
U <- arpack(f, extra = L, options = list(n = n, which = "SM", nev = kmax, ncv = 2 * kmax, mode = 1), sym = TRUE)
ind <- order(U[[1]])
U[[2]] <- U[[2]][indAll, ind]
U[[1]] <- U[[1]][ind]
if (is.null(centers)) {
tmp <- which.max(diff(U[[1]])) + 1
centers <- which.min(AUC(U[[1]][seq(tmp)]))
if (method == "symmetric") {
rs <- sqrt(rowSums(U[[2]]^2))
U[[2]] <- U[[2]]/rs
# result = kmeans(U[[2]], centers = centers, nstart = 50, iter.max = 100, ...)
result <- kmeans(scale(U[[2]], center = TRUE), centers = centers, nstart = 500, iter.max = 1000, ...)
archeType <- getClosest(U[[2]][indAll, ], result$centers)
result$eigenvalue <- U[[1]]
result$eigenvector <- U[[2]]
result$data <- data2
result$indAll <- indAll
result$indUnique <- indUnique
result$L <- L
result$archetype <- archeType
result$call <- call
class(result) <- c("specClust", "kmeans")
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