# Common short functions used by multiple function in Repitools.
setGeneric(".validate", signature = c("anno"), function(anno, up, down)
setMethod(".validate", "GRanges", function(anno, up, down)
stop("Mandatory argument 'up' not given.")
stop("Mandatory argument 'down' not given.")
str <- strand(anno)
if(-up > down)
stop("'up' and 'down' window boundaries cross over each other.\n")
if(any(str == '*') && any(str %in% c('+', '-')))
stop("Annotation contains mixed feature types.")
# For unstranded features.
if(any(str %in% '*') && up != down)
stop("Different upstream and downstream window distances don't make
sense for unstranded features.\n")
.getNames <- function(annoGR)
if("name" %in% names(elementMetadata(annoGR)))
return(elementMetadata(annoGR)[, "name"])
.getCpu <- function(maxCPU=FALSE){
if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows"){
message("\n\tCAUTION: Parallel computing using mclapply is not possible on Windows, we therefore set ncpu=1\n\n!")
numCores <- getOption("mc.cores", detectCores())
message("\n\tInformation: The program will take advantage of ",
numCores, " CPUs\n\tIf you would like to change this ",
"please cancel and set explicitly the argument 'ncpu'\n\n")
} else {
if(numCores <= 4){
numCoresRed <- numCores/2
message("\n\tInformation: The program will take advantage of ",
numCoresRed, " CPUs from total ", numCores, "\n\tIf you would",
" like to change this please cancel and set explicitly the ",
"argument 'ncpus'\n\n")
} else {
numCoresRed <- floor(numCores/3)
message("\n\tInformation: The program will take advantage of ",
numCoresRed, " CPUs from total ", numCores, "\n\tIf you would",
" like to change this please cancel and set explicitly the ",
"argument 'ncpus'\n\n")
.myoptimizeDirac <- function(i, sample, control, f, controlMethod){
## lower bound for parameter values (zero not possible)
eps <- 10^(-3)
## doesn't matter if control[[i]] = 0 (R does automatically enlarge it to a vector)
sum.tmp <- sample[[i]]+control[[i]]
## get the number of bins included in this group
len <- length(sample[[i]])
if(sum({ <- which(
message("\nCpG group", i, ":\n\tWe remove ", length(, " bins out of ", len, " in the empirical Bayes\n")
message("\tThe reason is that there are NA's in one of the sample reads")
print(head(cbind("sampleInterest"=sample[[i]][], "control"=control[[i]][])))
f[[i]] <- f[[i]][]
sample[[i]] <- sample[[i]][]
if(length(control[[i]]) != 1){
control[[i]] <- control[[i]][]
if(controlMethod$mode == "full"){
lb <- c(eps, eps, eps, eps, eps, eps)
ub <- c(Inf, Inf, Inf, Inf, 1-eps, 1-eps)
arg <- c(2.14, 1.3, 0.7,0.7, 0.1, 0.8)
paramVec <- solnp(arg, fun=.margDirac,
ineqfun=.ineqn, ineqLB=eps, ineqUB=1-eps,
LB=lb, UB=ub,
y1=sample[[i]], y2=control[[i]],
cons=f[[i]], control=list(trace=F))$pars
if(controlMethod$mode == "fixedWeights"){
lb <- c(eps, eps, eps, eps)
ub <- c(Inf, Inf, Inf, Inf)
arg <- c(2.14, 1.3, 0.7,0.7)
paramVec <- solnp(arg, fun=.margDirac_fW,
LB=lb, UB=ub,
y1=sample[[i]], y2=control[[i]],
cons=f[[i]], weights=controlMethod$weights, control=list(trace=F))$pars
if(controlMethod$mode == "fixedBeta"){
lb <- c(eps, eps, eps, eps)
ub <- c(Inf, Inf, 1-eps, 1-eps)
arg <- c(2.14, 1.3, 0.1, 0.8)
paramVec <- solnp(arg, fun=.margDirac_fB,
ineqfun=.ineqn2, ineqLB=eps, ineqUB=1-eps,
LB=lb, UB=ub,
y1=sample[[i]], y2=control[[i]],
cons=f[[i]], param=controlMethod$param, control=list(trace=F))$pars
# system.time(
# optim(c(2.14,1.34), fn=Repitools:::.marg, method="L-BFGS-B",
# lower=c(eps, eps),
# upper=c(Inf, Inf), cons=f[[i]],
# y1=sample[[i]], y2=control[[i]], ncomp=ncomp)$par)
# system.time(
# nlminb(start=c(2.14,1.34), objective=Repitools:::.marg, cons=f[[i]],
# y1=sample[[i]], y2=control[[i]], ncomp=ncomp,
# lower=c(eps, eps),
# upper=c(Inf, Inf))$par)
.ineqn <- function(arg, y1, y2, cons){
z <- arg[5] + arg[6]
.ineqn2 <- function(arg, y1, y2, cons, param){
z <- arg[3] + arg[4]
.margDirac <- function(arg, y1, y2, cons){
no_control <- length(y2) == 1
## parameters for lambda
al <- arg[1]
bl <- arg[2]
## parameters for beta
a <- arg[3]
b <- arg[4]
## weights are fixed (for beta component and one point-mass)
w2 <- arg[5]
w3 <- arg[6]
len <- length(y1)
denom <- bl + cons
} else {
denom <- bl + 1 + cons
## z-parameter
argZ <- cons/denom
## replicate the z parameter to have one for each observation
if(length(argZ) != len){
argZ <- rep(argZ, len)
## a-parameter
argA <- y1 + y2 + al
## evertyhing before the mixture is part 1 (do it on log-scale)
part1 <- lgamma(argA) - (lgamma(al) + lgamma(y1 + 1) + lgamma(y2 + 1)) +
al*log(bl/denom) + y1*log(argZ) + y2*log(1/denom)
argB <- rep(b, len)
argC <- y1 + a + b
part2 <- w3 + exp(log(w2) +
(lgamma(a + b) + lgamma(y1 + a))-
(lgamma(a) + lgamma(y1 + a + b)) +
log(hyperg2F1_vec(a=argA, b=argB, c=argC, z=argZ)))
s_tmp <- part1 + log(part2)
## check for problematic bins (usually with extreme high control
## values and low to zero sample of interest counts.
w_na <- which(
w_inf <- which(is.infinite(s_tmp))
w_rm <- c(w_na, w_inf)
if(length(w_rm) > 0){
# message("We remove ", length(w_rm), " bins out of ", len, " in the empirical Bayes\n")
# message("The reason might be extreme read density in one of the samples\n")
# print(head(cbind("sampleInterest"=y1[w_rm], "control"=y2[w_rm])))
s_tmp <- s_tmp[-w_rm]
res <- sum(s_tmp)
.margDirac_fW <- function(arg, y1, y2, cons, weights){
no_control <- length(y2) == 1
## parameters for lambda
al <- arg[1]
bl <- arg[2]
## parameters for beta
a <- arg[3]
b <- arg[4]
## weights are fixed (for beta component and one point-mass)
w2 <- weights[2]
w3 <- weights[3]
len <- length(y1)
denom <- bl + cons
} else {
denom <- bl + 1 + cons
## z-parameter
argZ <- cons/denom
## replicate the z parameter to have one for each observation
if(length(argZ) != len){
argZ <- rep(argZ, len)
## a-parameter
argA <- y1 + y2 + al
## evertyhing before the mixture is part 1 (do it on log-scale)
part1 <- lgamma(argA) - (lgamma(al) + lgamma(y1 + 1) + lgamma(y2 + 1)) +
al*log(bl/denom) + y1*log(argZ) + y2*log(1/denom)
argB <- rep(b, len)
argC <- y1 + a + b
part2 <- w3 + exp(log(w2) +
(lgamma(a + b) + lgamma(y1 + a))-
(lgamma(a) + lgamma(y1 + a + b)) +
log(hyperg2F1_vec(a=argA, b=argB, c=argC, z=argZ)))
s_tmp <- part1 + log(part2)
## check for problematic bins (usually with extreme high control
## values and low to zero sample of interest counts.
w_na <- which(
w_inf <- which(is.infinite(s_tmp))
w_rm <- c(w_na, w_inf)
if(length(w_rm) > 0){
# message("We remove ", length(w_rm), " bins out of ", len, " in the empirical Bayes\n")
# message("The reason might be extreme read density in one of the samples\n")
# print(head(cbind("sampleInterest"=y1[w_rm], "control"=y2[w_rm])))
s_tmp <- s_tmp[-w_rm]
res <- sum(s_tmp)
.margDirac_fB <- function(arg, y1, y2, cons, param){
no_control <- length(y2) == 1
## parameters for lambda
al <- arg[1]
bl <- arg[2]
## parameters for beta
a <- param[1]
b <- param[2]
## weights are fixed (for beta component and one point-mass)
w2 <- arg[3]
w3 <- arg[4]
len <- length(y1)
denom <- bl + cons
} else {
denom <- bl + 1 + cons
## z-parameter
argZ <- cons/denom
## replicate the z parameter to have one for each observation
if(length(argZ) != len){
argZ <- rep(argZ, len)
## a-parameter
argA <- y1 + y2 + al
## evertyhing before the mixture is part 1 (do it on log-scale)
part1 <- lgamma(argA) - (lgamma(al) + lgamma(y1 + 1) + lgamma(y2 + 1)) +
al*log(bl/denom) + y1*log(argZ) + y2*log(1/denom)
argB <- rep(b, len)
argC <- y1 + a + b
part2 <- w3 + exp(log(w2) +
(lgamma(a + b) + lgamma(y1 + a))-
(lgamma(a) + lgamma(y1 + a + b)) +
log(hyperg2F1_vec(a=argA, b=argB, c=argC, z=argZ)))
s_tmp <- part1 + log(part2)
## check for problematic bins (usually with extreme high control
## values and low to zero sample of interest counts.
w_na <- which(
w_inf <- which(is.infinite(s_tmp))
w_rm <- c(w_na, w_inf)
if(length(w_rm) > 0){
# message("We remove ", length(w_rm), " bins out of ", len, " in the empirical Bayes\n")
# message("The reason might be extreme read density in one of the samples\n")
# print(head(cbind("sampleInterest"=y1[w_rm], "control"=y2[w_rm])))
s_tmp <- s_tmp[-w_rm]
res <- sum(s_tmp)
## here we assume to get ONE sample of interest,
## ONE control, and ONE value or vector for f.
.myoptimize <- function(i, sample, control, f, ncomp){
## lower bound for parameter values (zero not possible)
eps <- 10^(-3)
## doesn't matter if control[[i]] = 0 (R does automatically enlarge it to a vector)
sum.tmp <- sample[[i]]+control[[i]]
## get the number of bins included in this group
len <- length(sample[[i]])
if(sum({ <- which(
message("\nCpG group", i, ":\n\tWe remove ", length(, " bins out of ", len, " in the empirical Bayes\n")
message("\tThe reason is that there are NA's in one of the sample reads")
print(head(cbind("sampleInterest"=sample[[i]][], "control"=control[[i]][])))
f[[i]] <- f[[i]][]
sample[[i]] <- sample[[i]][]
if(length(control[[i]]) != 1){
control[[i]] <- control[[i]][]
if(ncomp > 1){
# a_gamma, b_gamma, w_1, w_2, a_1, b_1, a_2, b_2
lb <- c(eps, eps, eps,eps, rep(eps, 4))
ub <- c(Inf, Inf, 1-eps, 1-eps, rep(Inf,4))
arg <- c(2.14, 1.34, 0.5, 0.5, 1, 1, 1,1)
paramVec <- solnp(arg, fun=.marg,
eqfun=.eqn2, eqB=1, LB=lb, UB=ub, cons=f[[i]],
y1=sample[[i]], y2=control[[i]], ncomp=ncomp, control=list(trace=F))$pars
lb <- c(eps, eps, eps, eps, eps, rep(eps, 3))
ub <- c(Inf, Inf, 1-eps, 1-eps, 1-eps, rep(Inf,3))
arg <- c(2.14, 1.34, 0.2, 0.2, 0.6, 1, 1, 1)
paramVec <- solnp(arg, fun=.marg,
eqfun=.eqn3, eqB=1, LB=lb,
UB=ub, cons=f[[i]],
y1=sample[[i]], y2=control[[i]], ncomp=ncomp, control=list(trace=F))$pars
} else {
## solnp is in particular better for mixtures of beta priors as you
## can give equality constraints so that the weights sum to one
paramVec <- solnp(c(2.14,1.34), fun=.marg,
eqfun=NULL, eqB=NULL, LB=c(eps, eps),
UB=c(Inf, Inf), cons=f[[i]],
y1=sample[[i]], y2=control[[i]], ncomp=ncomp, control=list(trace=F))$pars
# system.time(Rsolnp:::solnp(c(2.14,1.34), fun=Repitools:::.marg,
# eqfun=NULL, eqB=NULL, LB=c(eps, eps),
# UB=c(Inf, Inf), cons=f[[i]],
# y1=sample[[i]], y2=control[[i]], ncomp=ncomp)$pars)
# system.time(
# optim(c(2.14,1.34), fn=Repitools:::.marg, method="L-BFGS-B",
# lower=c(eps, eps),
# upper=c(Inf, Inf), cons=f[[i]],
# y1=sample[[i]], y2=control[[i]], ncomp=ncomp)$par)
# system.time(
# nlminb(start=c(2.14,1.34), objective=Repitools:::.marg, cons=f[[i]],
# y1=sample[[i]], y2=control[[i]], ncomp=ncomp,
# lower=c(eps, eps),
# upper=c(Inf, Inf))$par)
.marg <- function(arg, cons, y1, y2, ncomp){
if(!(ncomp %in% c(1, 2, 3))){
stop("\n\tThe number of mixture components ",
"should be 1, 2, or 3.\n\n")
no_control <- length(y2) == 1
## parameters for lambda
al <- arg[1]
bl <- arg[2]
## weights
w <- c(arg[3], arg[4], arg[5])
a <- c(arg[6], arg[8], arg[7])
b <- c(arg[7], arg[8], arg[6])
} else {
w <- c(arg[3], arg[4])
a <- c(arg[5], arg[7])
b <- c(arg[6], arg[8])
} else { # assume a uniform prior
w <- 1
a <- 1
b <- 1
len <- length(y1)
denom <- bl + cons
} else {
denom <- bl + 1 + cons
## z-parameter
argZ <- cons/denom
## replicate the z parameter to have one for each observation
if(length(argZ) != len){
argZ <- rep(argZ, len)
## a-parameter
argA <- y1 + y2 + al
## evertyhing before the mixture is part 1 (do it on log-scale)
part1 <- lgamma(argA) - (lgamma(al) + lgamma(y1 + 1) + lgamma(y2 + 1)) +
al*log(bl/denom) + y1*log(argZ) + y2*log(1/denom)
part2 <- 0
## go over the number of mixture components
for(i in 1:length(a)){
argB <- rep(b[i], len)
argC <- y1 + a[i] + b[i]
part2 <- part2 + exp(log(w[i]) +
(lgamma(a[i] + b[i]) + lgamma(y1 + a[i]))-
(lgamma(a[i]) + lgamma(y1 + a[i] + b[i])) +
log(hyperg2F1_vec(a=argA, b=argB, c=argC, z=argZ)))
s_tmp <- part1 + log(part2)
## check for problematic bins (usually with extreme high control
## values and low to zero sample of interest counts.
w_na <- which(
w_inf <- which(is.infinite(s_tmp))
w_rm <- c(w_na, w_inf)
if(length(w_rm) > 0){
# message("We remove ", length(w_rm), " bins out of ", len, " in the empirical Bayes\n")
# message("The reason might be extreme read density in one of the samples\n")
# print(head(cbind("sampleInterest"=y1[w_rm], "control"=y2[w_rm])))
s_tmp <- s_tmp[-w_rm]
res <- sum(s_tmp)
## eqn3(...)
## Equality constraint function used in the optimization of the empirical Bayes step.
## For a mixture of three beta distributions it should gurantee that their
## weights sum up to one
## Arguments:
## arg - parameter vector
## cons - multiplicative offset
## y1 - vector containing the read counts for the sample of interest
## y2 - vector containing the read counts for the SssI control
## ncomp - number of beta mixture components (using a uniform prior ncomp=1)
## Value:
## The function returns the sum of the three mixture weights
.eqn3 <- function(arg, cons, y1, y2, ncomp){
z <- arg[3] + arg[4] + arg[5]
## eqn2(...)
## Equality constraint function used in the optimization of the empirical Bayes step.
## For a mixture of two beta distributions it should guarantee that their
## weights sum up to one
## Arguments:
## arg - parameter vector
## cons - multiplicative offset
## y1 - vector containing the read counts for the sample of interest
## y2 - vector containing the read counts for the SssI control
## ncomp - number of beta mixture components (using a uniform prior ncomp=1)
## Value:
## The function returns the sum of the two mixture weights
.eqn2 <- function(arg, cons, y1, y2, ncomp){
z <- arg[3] + arg[4]
## logit function
.logit <- function(x){
## first derivative of the logit function
.dlogit <- function(x){
## inverse logit function
.invlogit <- function(x){
## get quantile or HPD based intervals
.getcredible <- function(u, method, level, nmarg, y1, y2, al, bl, W, control.available, w, a, b, cons){
if([u]) || is.infinite(W[u])){
return(c(NA, NA))
method <- match.arg(method, c("quantile", "HPD"))
if(ncol(w) != 1){
w_tmp <- w[,u]
a_tmp <- a[,u]
b_tmp <- b[,u]
} else {
w_tmp <- w[,1]
a_tmp <- a[,1]
b_tmp <- b[,1]
if(length(cons) != 1){
cons <- cons[u]
y2 <- y2[u]
eps <- 1e-6
## get idea where the probability mass is
x <- seq(eps, 1 - eps, length.out = 100)
y <- .mydmarginal(x, y1 = y1[u], y2 = y2, al = al[u],
bl = bl[u], W = W[u], control.available = control.available,
w = w_tmp, a = a_tmp, b = b_tmp, cons = cons)
lim <- 2*(1-level)
lim2 <- 1- lim
mq <- .myquantile(c(0.01, lim, lim2, 0.99),x,y)$x
x <- c( seq(eps, mq[1], length.out=100),
seq(mq[1]+eps, mq[2], length.out=nmarg/2),
seq(mq[2]+eps, mq[3], length.out=100),
seq(mq[3]+eps, mq[4], length.out=nmarg/2),
seq(mq[4]+eps, 1-eps, length.out=100))
y <- .mydmarginal(x, y1 = y1[u], y2 = y2, al = al[u],
bl = bl[u], W = W[u], control.available = control.available,
w = w_tmp, a = a_tmp, b = b_tmp, cons = cons)
ll <- (1-level)/2
q <- c(rev(ll), 1-ll)
return(.myquantile(q=q, x,y)$x)
return(.myhpd(level, x,y))
## get quantile based intervals
.getcredibleDBD <- function(u, method, level, nmarg, y1, y2, al, bl, W, control.available, w, a, b, cons){
method <- match.arg(method, c("quantile"))
if(length(cons) != 1){
cons <- cons[u]
y2 <- y2[u]
eps <- 1e-6
# x <- seq(eps, 1-eps, length.out=nmarg)
# y <- Repitools:::.mydmarginalDBD(x, y1=y1[u], y2=y2[u], al=al[u],
# bl=bl[u], W=W[u], control.available=control.available,
# w=w[,u], a=a[u], b=b[u], cons=cons[u])
## get idea where the probability mass is
x <- seq(eps, 1 - eps, length.out = 100)
y <- .mydmarginalDBD(x, y1=y1[u], y2=y2, al=al[u],
bl=bl[u], W=W[u], control.available=control.available,
w=w[,u], a=a[u], b=b[u], cons=cons)
lim <- 2*(1-level)
lim2 <- 1- lim
mq <- .myquantile(c(0.01, lim, lim2, 0.99),x,y)$x
x <- c( seq(eps, mq[1], length.out=100),
seq(mq[1]+eps, mq[2], length.out=nmarg/2),
seq(mq[2]+eps, mq[3], length.out=100),
seq(mq[3]+eps, mq[4], length.out=nmarg/2),
seq(mq[4]+eps, 1-eps, length.out=100))
y <- .mydmarginalDBD(x, y1=y1[u], y2=y2, al=al[u],
bl=bl[u], W=W[u], control.available=control.available,
w=w[,u], a=a[u], b=b[u], cons=cons)
ll <- (1-level)/2
q <- c(rev(ll), 1-ll)
return(.myquantile( q=q, x,y)$x)
## function to numerially derive the HPD interval based on a grid of density values
.myhpd = function(level, x, y, delta=0.001, maxiter=15){
delta <- delta^2
# the lower HPD limit must be between zero
lower1 <- x[1]
# and the 1-level quantile
tail <- 1-level
tail_low <- .myquantile(tail, x, y)
# if the y-value at the 1-level quantile is smaller than
# the right most denisty value, the density is not well-behaved
# and we return the 1-level quantile and 1 as result.
if( tail_low$y < y[length(y)]){
return(c(tail_low$x, 1))
# find the level qunantile and the corresponding y-value.
# if the y-value at the level quantile is smaller than
# the left most denisty value, the density is not well-behaved
# and we return 0 and the level quantile as result.
tail_high <- .myquantile(level,x,y)
if( tail_high$y < y[1]){
return(c(0, tail_high$x))
# if the 1-level quantile is equal to the first grid value
# or the level quantile is equal to the last grid value we
# return the quantile. The reason is probably that there are
# not enough point in the grid of x and y values.
if( tail_low$idx == 1 || tail_high$idx == length(x)){
return(c(tail_low$x, tail_high$x))
# if we have a well-behaved density find the HPD interval
# by interval halving, use zero and the 1-level quantile as start
lower2 <- tail_low$x
diff = 5
while((diff^2>delta) & (i<maxiter))
low <- (lower1 + lower2)/2
lprob<-.mycdf(low,x, y)
idx <- which.min(abs(low - x))
x_c <- x[idx]
if(low > x_c){
ldens <- y[idx] + (y[idx + 1] - y[idx])*(x_c - x[idx])/(x[idx+1] - x[idx])
} else {
ldens <- y[idx - 1] + (y[idx] - y[idx - 1])*(x_c - x[idx - 1])/(x[idx] - x[idx - 1])
uprob <- lprob+level
upp <- .myquantile(uprob,x,y)
udens <- upp$y
diff <- (udens-ldens)/(udens+ldens)
i <- i+1
if (diff<0) lower2<-low else lower1<-low
.mycdf = function(value, x, y){
idx <- which(x <= value)[1]
x.tmp <- x[-1] - x[-length(x)]
y.tmp <- (y[-1] + y[-length(y)])/2
dn <- cumsum(x.tmp * y.tmp)
dn <- dn/dn[length(dn)]
.myquantile = function(q, x, y){
x.tmp <- x[-1] - x[-length(x)]
y.tmp <- (y[-1] + y[-length(y)])/2
dn <- cumsum(x.tmp * y.tmp)
dn <- dn/dn[length(dn)]
idx <- c()
for(i in 1:length(q)){
idx[i] <- which(dn >= q[i])[1]
return(list(x=x[idx], y=y[idx], idx=idx))
.mydmarginal <- function(mu, y1, y2, al, bl, W, control.available, w, a, b, cons, log=F){
if(any(mu < 0) || any(mu > 1)){
stop("mu is not within the support of [0,1]")
if(length(w) > 1){
prior_term <- 0
for(i in 1:length(w)){
prior_term <- prior_term + w[i]*dbeta(mu, shape1=a[i], shape2=b[i])
} else {
# since mu in [0,1] we get 1 using a uniform prior
prior_term <- dbeta(mu, a, b)
denom <- bl + cons
denom <- denom + 1
# res_tmp <- prior_term*mu^{y1}/W* (1- (cons*(1-mu))/(denom))^{-(al + y1 + y2)}
# it is more stable to calculate everything on log scale
res_tmp <- exp(log(prior_term) + y1*log(mu) - log(W) - (al + y1 + y2)*log(1-(cons*(1-mu))/denom))
} else {
.mydmarginalDBD <- function(mu, y1, y2, al, bl, W, control.available, w, a, b, cons, log=F){
if(any(mu < 0) || any(mu > 1)){
stop("mu is not within the support of [0,1]")
denom <- bl + cons
denom <- denom + 1
prior_term <- w[1] * as.numeric(mu==0) + w[2]*dbeta(mu, shape1=a, shape2=b) + w[3]*as.numeric(mu==1)
# res_tmp <- prior_term*mu^{y1}/W* (1- (cons*(1-mu))/(denom))^{-(al + y1 + y2)}
res_tmp <- exp(log(prior_term) + y1*log(mu) - log(W) - (al + y1 + y2)*log(1-(cons*(1-mu))/denom))
} else {
## mixture of point mass at zero, beta distribution, and point mass at one:
## w1*delta_0 + w2*Be(x,a,b) + (1-w1-w2)*delta_1
.diracBetaDirac <- function(x, w1, w2, a, b){
y <- w2*dbeta(x, shape1=a, shape2=b)
y <- y + w1
y <- y + (1-w1-w2)
.methylEstbeta <- function(x, verbose=TRUE, controlCI=list(compute=FALSE, method="Wald",
level=0.95, nmarg=512, ncpu=NULL)){
# check whether the right CI-type is chosen
if(priorTab(x)$ncomp > 1 & controlCI$method != "quantile"){
stop("\n\t The CI options \"Wald\" and \"HPD\" are only available when using a uniform prior for the methylation level!\n\t Please choose either the option \"quantile\" or turn the computation of CI intervals off.")
f <- fOffset(x)
paramTab <- priorTab(x)
cpggroup <- paramTab[["CpG groups"]]
ncomp <- paramTab[["ncomp"]]
myMean <- myVar <- myAl <- myBl <- myW <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(x),
ci <- list()
control.available <- TRUE
for(j in 1:nsampleInterest(x)){
y1 <- as.numeric(sampleInterest(x)[,j])
if(nrow(control(x)) == 1){ <- !
y1 <- y1[]
y2 <- 0
control.available <- FALSE
} else {
if(ncontrol(x) == 1){
y2 <- as.numeric(control(x)[,1])
} else {
y2 <- as.numeric(control(x)[,j])
# only compute methylation estimates for bins with
# sensible values for control and sample of interest <- !
y1 <- y1[]
y2 <- y2[]
cpggroup <- paramTab[["CpG groups"]]
cpggroup <- cpggroup[]
len <- length(y1)
# the first two entries of paramTab save
# cpggroup levels and number of components
params <- paramTab[[3+j]]
al <- params[1, cpggroup]
bl <- params[2, cpggroup]
## will change for different mixtures
w <- a <- matrix(1, nrow=1, ncol=1)
## for b we need the full length as it directly goes to hyperg2F1_vec
b <- matrix(1, nrow=1, ncol=length(cpggroup))
} else {
w1 <- params[3,cpggroup]
w <- rbind(w1, 1-w1)
a <- params[c(5,6),cpggroup]
b <- params[c(7,8),cpggroup]
} else {
w1 <- params[3,cpggroup]
w2 <- params[4,cpggroup]
w <- rbind(w1, w2, 1-w1-w2)
a <- params[c(6, 8, 7),cpggroup]
b <- params[c(7, 8, 6),cpggroup]
cons <- f[,j]
if(length(cons) > 1){
cons <- cons[]
# reset for every sample!
A <- B <- W <- 0
if( verbose )
message(paste0("\nSample ",j, ":\tGetting mean and variance\t"))
z_arg <- cons/(cons + 1 + bl)
} else {
z_arg <- cons/(cons+bl)
a_arg <- y1 + y2 + al
for(i in 1:ncomp){
ab <- a[i,] + b[i,]
y1a <- y1 + a[i,]
y1ab <- y1a + b[i,]
A <- A + w[i,]*exp(lgamma(ab) + lgamma(y1a + 1) -
(lgamma(a[i,]) + lgamma(y1ab + 1))) *
hyperg2F1_vec(a=a_arg, b=b[i,], c=y1ab + 1, z=z_arg)
B <- B + w[i,]*exp(lgamma(ab) + lgamma(y1a + 2) -
(lgamma(a[i,])+lgamma(y1ab + 2))) *
hyperg2F1_vec(a=a_arg, b=b[i,], c=y1ab + 2, z=z_arg)
W <- W + w[i,]*exp(lgamma(ab) + lgamma(y1a) -
(lgamma(a[i,])+lgamma(y1ab))) *
hyperg2F1_vec(a=a_arg, b=b[i,], c=y1ab, z=z_arg)
tmp_mean <- A/W
tmp_var <- B/W - (A/W)^2
rm(a_arg, ab, y1a, y1ab, z_arg, A, B, b)
b <- matrix(1, ncol=1, nrow=1)
} else {
rm(a_arg, ab, y1a, y1ab, z_arg, A, B)
if( verbose )
message(paste0("Sample ",j, ":\tGetting Wald-based credible interval.\n"))
ll <- (1-controlCI$level[1])/2
logit_mean <- .logit(tmp_mean)
logit_sd <- sqrt(.dlogit(tmp_mean)^2*tmp_var)
lci <- uci <- rep(NA, length(x))
lci[] <- .invlogit(logit_mean - abs(qnorm(ll)) * logit_sd)
uci[] <- .invlogit(logit_mean + abs(qnorm(ll)) * logit_sd)
#ci[[j]] <- cbind(lci=lci, uci=uci, width=uci-lci)
ci[[j]] <- cbind(lci=lci, uci=uci)
} else {
if( verbose )
message(paste0("Sample ",j, ":\tGetting ", controlCI$method, " credible interval.\n"))
controlCI$ncpu <- .getCpu(maxCPU=FALSE)
method <- controlCI$method
level <- controlCI$level[1]
nmarg <- controlCI$nmarg
ci_tmp <- mclapply(1:len, .getcredible,
method = method, level = level, nmarg = nmarg,
y1 = y1, y2 = y2, al = al, bl = bl, W = W,
control.available = control.available, w = w,
a = a, b = b, cons = cons, mc.cores=controlCI$ncpu)
ci[[j]] <-, ci_tmp)
colnames(ci[[j]]) <- c("lower.limit", "upper.limit")
myMean[,j] <- tmp_mean
myVar[,j] <- tmp_var
myW[,j] <- W
colnames(myMean) <- colnames(myVar) <- colnames(myW) <- colnames(sampleInterest(x))
names(ci) <- colnames(sampleInterest(x))
methEst(x) <- list(mean=myMean, var=myVar, ci=ci, W=myW)
.methylEstDBD <- function(x, verbose=TRUE, controlCI=list(compute=FALSE, method="quantile",
level=0.95, nmarg=512, ncpu=NULL)){
# check whether the right CI-type is chosen
if(controlCI$method != "quantile"){
stop("\n\t The CI options \"Wald\" and \"HPD\" are only available when using a uniform prior for the methylation level!\n\t Please choose either the option \"quantile\" or turn the computation of CI intervals off.")
f <- fOffset(x)
paramTab <- priorTab(x)
cpggroup <- paramTab[["CpG groups"]]
ncomp <- paramTab[["ncomp"]]
myMean <- myVar <- myAl <- myBl <- myW <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(x),
ci <- list()
control.available <- TRUE
for(j in 1:nsampleInterest(x)){
y1 <- sampleInterest(x)[,j]
if(nrow(control(x)) == 1){ <- !
y1 <- y1[]
y2 <- rep(0, length(y1))
control.available <- FALSE
} else {
if(ncontrol(x) == 1){
y2 <- control(x)[,1]
} else {
y2 <- control(x)[,j]
# only compute methylation estimates for bins with
# sensible values for control and sample of interest <- !
y1 <- y1[]
y2 <- y2[]
cpggroup <- paramTab[["CpG groups"]]
cpggroup <- cpggroup[]
len <- length(y1)
# the first two entries of paramTab save
# cpggroup levels and number of components
params <- paramTab[[3+j]]
al <- params[1, cpggroup]
bl <- params[2, cpggroup]
# beta parameters
a <- params[3, cpggroup]
b <- params[4, cpggroup]
# weights for second and third component
w2 <- params[5, cpggroup]
w3 <- params[6, cpggroup]
w <- rbind(1-w2-w3, w2, w3)
cons <- f[,j]
if(length(cons) > 1){
cons <- cons[]
} else {
cons <- rep(cons, length(y1))
# reset for every sample!
A <- 0
B <- 0
W <- 0
if( verbose )
message(paste0("Sample ",j, ":\tGetting mean and variance\t"))
z_arg <- cons/(cons + 1 + bl)
} else {
z_arg <- cons/(cons+bl)
a_arg <- y1 + y2 + al
ab <- a + b
y1a <- y1 + a
y1ab <- y1a + b
W <- w3 + w2*exp(lgamma(ab) + lgamma(y1a) -
(lgamma(a)+lgamma(y1ab))) * hyperg2F1_vec(a=a_arg, b=b, c=y1ab, z=z_arg)
A <- w3 + w2*exp(lgamma(ab) + lgamma(y1a + 1) -
(lgamma(a) + lgamma(y1ab + 1))) * hyperg2F1_vec(a=a_arg, b=b, c=y1ab + 1, z=z_arg)
B <- w3 + w2*exp(lgamma(ab) + lgamma(y1a + 2) -
(lgamma(a)+lgamma(y1ab + 2))) * hyperg2F1_vec(a=a_arg, b=b, c=y1ab + 2, z=z_arg)
tmp_mean <- A/W
tmp_var <- B/W - (A/W)^2
rm(a_arg, ab, y1a, y1ab, z_arg, A, B, b)
b <- matrix(1, ncol=1, nrow=1)
} else {
rm(a_arg, ab, y1a, y1ab, z_arg, A, B)
if( verbose )
message(paste0("Sample ",j, ":\tGetting ", controlCI$method, " credible interval.\n"))
controlCI$ncpu <- .getCpu(maxCPU=FALSE)
method <- controlCI$method
level <- controlCI$level[1]
nmarg <- controlCI$nmarg
ci_tmp <- mclapply(1:len, .getcredibleDBD,
method = method, level = level, nmarg = nmarg,
y1 = y1, y2 = y2, al = al, bl = bl, W = W,
control.available = control.available, w = w,
a = a, b = b, cons = cons, mc.cores=controlCI$ncpu)
ci_tmp_mclapply <-, ci_tmp)
ci[[j]] <- cbind(lci=ci_tmp_mclapply[1,], uci=ci_tmp_mclapply[2,])
myMean[,j] <- tmp_mean
myVar[,j] <- tmp_var
myW[,j] <- W
colnames(myMean) <- colnames(myVar) <- colnames(myW) <- colnames(sampleInterest(x))
names(ci) <- colnames(sampleInterest(x))
methEst(x) <- list(mean=myMean, var=myVar, ci=ci, W=myW)
.belongsTo <- function(value, rangeStart, rangeEnd){
res <- (value >= rangeStart) & (value <= rangeEnd)
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