#' Plot regulon activity and categorical covariates
#' This method plots regulon activity for a given regulon in all samples and
#' adds covariate tracks to evaluate the regulon activity distribution. The
#' samples are order by regulon activity for that particular regulon.
#' Automatic dummy encoding is available for categorical variables.
#' @param tns A A \linkS4class{TNS} object.
#' @param regs An optional string vector specifying regulons to plot.
#' @param attribs A character vector of attributes listed in the column
#' names of the survivalData. All attributes should be either binary
#' encoded or categorical variables for plotting. Available attributes
#' can be checked by running colnames(tnsGet(tns, "survivalData")).
#' Alternatively, attributes can be grouped when provided within a list.
#' @param fname A string. The name of the file in which the plot will be saved
#' @param fpath A string. The path to the directory where the plot will be saved
#' @param ylab A string. The label of the y-axis, describing what is represented.
#' @param xlab A string. The label of the x-axis.
#' @param plotpdf A logical value. If TRUE, a pdf file is created instead of
#' plotting to the graphics device.
#' @param plotbatch A logical value. If TRUE, plots for all regulons are saved
#' in the same file. If FALSE, each plot for each regulon is saved in a different file.
#' @param panelHeights A numeric vector of length 2 specifying the relative heights
#' of the panels (regulon activity plot, and covariate tracks)
#' @param width A numeric value. Represents the width of the plot.
#' @param height A numeric value. Represents the height of the plot.
#' @param dummyEncode A logical value. If TRUE, all categorical variables are
#' dummy encoded. If FALSE, categorical variables are represented as one track
#' and a legend is added to the plot.
#' @param divs A numeric vector of division positions in the covariate tracks.
#' @return A plot of regulon activity and covariate tracks.
#' @examples
#' # load survival data
#' data(
#' # load TNI-object
#' data(stni, package = "RTN")
#' # create TNS object
#' stns <- tni2tnsPreprocess(stni, survivalData =,
#' keycovar = c('Grade','Age'), time = 1, event = 2)
#' stns <- tnsGSEA2(stns)
#' # plot only binary covariates
#' tnsPlotCovariates(stns, "MYB",
#' attribs = c("ER+", "ER-", "PR+", "PR-", "LumA", "LumB", "Basal",
#' "Her2", "Normal"), divs = c(2, 4))
#' # also dummy encode categorical variables (LN and Grade)
#' tnsPlotCovariates(stns, "MYB",
#' attribs = c("ER+", "ER-", "PR+", "PR-", "LumA", "LumB", "Basal",
#' "Her2", "Normal", "LN", "Grade"), divs = c(2, 4, 9, 12))
#' # don't dummy encode categorical variables
#' tnsPlotCovariates(stns, "MYB", attribs = c("ER+", "ER-", "PR+", "PR-",
#' "LumA", "LumB", "Basal", "Her2", "Normal", "Grade"), divs = c(2, 4, 9),
#' dummyEncode = FALSE)
#' @importFrom RColorBrewer brewer.pal
#' @importFrom data.table melt
#' @importFrom stats na.exclude na.pass model.matrix
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom egg ggarrange
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname tnsPlotCovariates-methods
#' @aliases tnsPlotCovariates
#' @export
setMethod("tnsPlotCovariates", "TNS",
function(tns, regs = NULL, attribs = NULL, fname = "covarplot",
fpath = ".", ylab = "Regulon activity (dES)", xlab="Samples",
plotpdf = FALSE, plotbatch = FALSE, panelHeights = c(1,1),
width = 5.3, height = 4, dummyEncode = TRUE, divs = NULL) {
#-- Parameter checks
.tns.checks(tns, type = "Activity")
.tns.checks(regs, type = "regs")
.tns.checks(attribs, tns@survivalData, type = "attribs")
.tns.checks(fname, type = "fname")
.tns.checks(fpath, type = "fpath")
.tns.checks(ylab, type = "ylab")
.tns.checks(xlab, type = "xlab")
.tns.checks(plotpdf, type = "plotpdf")
.tns.checks(plotbatch, type = "plotbatch")
.tns.checks(width, type = "width")
.tns.checks(height, type = "height")
.tns.checks(panelHeights, type = "panelHeights")
.tns.checks(dummyEncode, type = "dummyEncode")
.tns.checks(divs, type = "divs")
tnstatus <- tnsGet(tns, what = "status")
if(tnstatus["Activity"] != "[x]")
stop("NOTE: TNS object needs to be evaluated by 'tnsGSEA2' or 'tnsAREA3'!",
call. = FALSE)
#-- Set divs and attribs
if(is.list(attribs) && is.null(divs)){
divs <- cumsum(unlist(lapply(attribs, length)))
divs <- divs[-length(divs)]
#-- Get data
regact <- tnsGet(tns, "regulonActivity")$dif
status <- tnsGet(tns, "regulonActivity")$status
status <- apply(status, 1:2, as.character)
colnames(status) <- colnames(regact)
survData <- tnsGet(tns, "survivalData")
#-- Get regs
if (is.null(regs)) {
regs <- colnames(regact)
#-- Check dummyEncode
if(!is.logical(dummyEncode) && !(dummyEncode %in% colnames(survData))) {
stop("`dummyEncode` must be either a logical value or a character vector of names of columns to dummy encode.")
#-- Create plotData
plotData <- data.frame(rownames(regact), regact[,regs], status[,regs])
colnames(plotData) <- c("Sample_name", regs, paste0(regs, "_status"))
#-- attribs preprocess
if (is.null(attribs)) {
all_attribs <- plotData[,0]
} else {
covars <- survData[,unlist(attribs)]
if (isFALSE(dummyEncode)){
all_attribs <- covars
#-- Check which covars are not binary
idx <- apply(covars, 2, function(covar) {
!all(covar %in% c(1, 0))
#-- Treat exceptions (class = 0 or 1)
non_dummy_attribs <-[,idx])
non_dummy_attrib_names <- colnames(all_attribs)[idx]
fixed_ndattribs <- sapply(1:sum(idx), function(i) {
col <- non_dummy_attribs[,i]
attrib_name <- non_dummy_attrib_names[i]
if (any(as.character(col) %in% c("0", "1"))) {
col <- paste(attrib_name, col, sep = "_")
all_attribs <- cbind(all_attribs[,!idx], fixed_ndattribs)
colnames(all_attribs) <- c(colnames(all_attribs)[!idx], non_dummy_attrib_names)
} else {
#-- Check which covars are binary
idx <- apply(covars, 2, function(covar) {
!all(covar %in% c(1, 0))
bincovars <- covars[,!idx]
#-- Update divs
if(!is.null(divs) && any(idx)){
nlevels <- apply(covars, 2, function(col){ sum(!})
tp <- lapply(attribs, function(at){
sum(sapply(at, function(i){ifelse(idx[i],nlevels[i],1)}), na.rm = T)
divs <- cumsum(tp)[-length(tp)]
} else {
divs <- cumsum(nlevels)[-length(nlevels)]
if (isTRUE(dummyEncode)){
#-- Make dummy variables for non-binary covars
encoded_covars_ls <- lapply(names(idx)[idx], dummyEncodeCovar, covars)
encoded_covars <-, encoded_covars_ls)
} else if (is.character(dummyEncode)) {
nonDE <- names(idx)[!(names(idx)[idx] %in% dummyEncode)]
encoded_covars_ls <- lapply(dummyEncode, dummyEncodeCovar, covars)
encoded_covars <-, encoded_covars_ls)
encoded_covars <- cbind(encoded_covars, covars[,nonDE])
colnames(encoded_covars)[colnames(encoded_covars) == "covars[, nonDE]"] <- nonDE
#-- Add binary and encoded non-binary covars to plotData
if(is.null(encoded_covars)) {
all_attribs <- bincovars[rownames(plotData),]
} else {
all_attribs <- cbind(encoded_covars[rownames(plotData),], bincovars[rownames(plotData),])
#-- Fix table order --#
attribs <- unlist(attribs)
og_order <- sapply(attribs, grep, colnames(all_attribs), fixed = TRUE)
#fix grep mismatches
idx <- match(attribs,colnames(all_attribs), )
names(idx) <- attribs
for(i in attribs){
if(![i]))og_order[i] <- idx[i]
og_order <- unlist(og_order)
#update order
all_attribs <- all_attribs[,og_order]
#-- Add to plot data
plotData <- cbind(plotData, all_attribs)
attrib_names <- colnames(all_attribs)
#-- Plot covars
allPlots <- lapply(regs, ggPlotCovariates, plotData,
attrib_names, panelHeights, dummyEncode,
divs, xlab, ylab)
if (plotpdf){
#-- Treat fname
if (fname == "covarplot") {
if (length(regs) == 1) {
fname <- paste(fname, regs, sep = "_")
} else if (plotbatch) {
fname <- paste(fname, "regs", sep = "_")
} else {
fname <- gsub(".pdf", '',fname, = TRUE)
#-- Plot
if (length(regs) == 1) { #-- Plot pdf one reg
ggsave(filename = paste0(fpath, "/", fname, ".pdf"),
plot = allPlots[[1]]$grid_plot, height = height, width = width)
} else if (plotbatch) { #-- Plot batch multiple regs
pdf(file = paste0(fpath, "/", fname, ".pdf"),
width = width, height = height)
lapply(allPlots, function(plots) {
} else { #-- Plot each reg in a pdf
for (i in 1:length(regs)) {
new_fname <- paste(fname, regs[i], sep = "_")
ggsave(filename = paste0(fpath, "/", new_fname, ".pdf"),
plot = allPlots[[i]]$grid_plot, height = height, width = width)
msg <- paste0("NOTE: file '",fname,"' should be available either in the working directory",
" or in a user's custom directory!\n")
} else { #-- Plot to the graphics device
for (i in 1:length(allPlots)) {
#-- Return
plot_list <- lapply(allPlots, "[[", 2)
names(plot_list) <- regs
ggPlotCovariates <- function(reg, plotData, attrib_names, panelHeights,
dummyEncode, divs, xlab, ylab) {
#-- Copy data
plotData_reg <- plotData
#-- Change `reg` name (for plotting function)
colnames(plotData_reg)[colnames(plotData_reg) == reg] <- "reg"
colnames(plotData_reg)[colnames(plotData_reg) == paste0(reg, "_status")] <- "reg_status"
#-- Reorder samples
plotData_reg <- plotData_reg[order(plotData_reg$reg),]
plotData_reg$Samples <- 1:nrow(plotData_reg)
#-- Get colors
n <- length(unique(plotData_reg$reg_status))
pal <- pal3(n)
#-- First plot (regulon activity + stratification)
if(length(attrib_names) == 0) {
p1 <- ggDesPlot(plotData_reg, pal, reg, xlab, ylab, xaxis = "bottom")
plot <- list(grid_plot = p1, ggplots = p1)
p1 <- ggDesPlot(plotData_reg, pal, reg, xlab, ylab)
#-- Melt data for second plot
attribData <-[,attrib_names], 1:2, "as.character"))
attribData$Samples <- plotData_reg$Samples
plotData_melt <- suppressWarnings(melt(attribData, id.vars = "Samples",
measure.vars = attrib_names, = "Covariates"))
#-- Second plot (covariate tracks)
p2 <- ggCovariateTracks(plotData_melt, dummyEncode, divs, attrib_names)
#-- Align
grid_plot <- suppressWarnings(ggarrange(p1, p2, nrow = 2,
heights = panelHeights,
draw = FALSE,
padding = unit(3, "line")))
ggplots <- list(p1, p2)
return(list(grid_plot = grid_plot, ggplots = ggplots))
ggDesPlot <- function(plotData_reg, pal, reg, xlab, ylab,
xaxis = "top", flipPlot = FALSE) {
p <- ggplot(plotData_reg, aes_string(xlab, "reg")) +
geom_bar(aes_string(fill = "reg_status"), stat = "identity", width = 1) +
annotate("text", x = 0, y = 1.7, label = reg, hjust = -0.2) +
scale_fill_manual(values = pal) +
scale_y_continuous(name = ylab, limits = c(-2, 2), expand = c(0,0)) +
guides(fill = FALSE) +
theme_classic() +
theme(plot.margin = unit(c(2,4,2,4), "mm")) +
theme(axis.ticks = element_line(size = 0.5,
colour="black", lineend="round")) +
theme(axis.ticks.length = unit(0.8, "mm")) +
theme(axis.line = element_line(size = 0.5,
colour="black", lineend="round")) +
theme(panel.background = element_blank(),
strip.background = element_blank(),
if (xaxis == "top"){
p <- p + scale_x_continuous(limits = c(0, nrow(plotData_reg)+1),
expand = c(0,0), position = "top")
} else {
p <- p + scale_x_continuous(limits = c(0, nrow(plotData_reg)+1),
expand = c(0,0))
if (flipPlot) {
p <- p + coord_flip()
ggCovariateTracks <- function(plotData_melt, dummyEncode, divs, attrib_names) {
#-- Get colors
allattr <- na.exclude(unique(plotData_melt$value))
if (isFALSE(dummyEncode) && !any(grepl("0", allattr))) {
gbpal <- NULL
nattr <- length(allattr)
} else {
gbpal <- c("0" = "grey95", "1" = "black")
nattr <- length(allattr) - 2
attrnames <- allattr[!(allattr %in% c("0", "1"))]
if (nattr <= 12 && nattr > 0) {
addcols <- brewer.pal(nattr, "Set3")
names(addcols) <- attrnames
} else if (nattr > 0) {
addcols <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(12, "Set3"))(nattr)
names(addcols) <- attrnames
} else {
addcols <- NULL
fullpal <- c(gbpal, addcols)
plotData_melt$Covariates <- factor(plotData_melt$Covariates,
levels = rev(levels(plotData_melt$Covariates)))
p2 <- ggplot(plotData_melt) +
geom_tile(aes_string("Samples", "Covariates", fill = "value")) +
scale_fill_manual(values = fullpal, breaks = attrnames) +
scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0,0)) +
scale_y_discrete(expand = c(0,0)) +
theme_classic() +
theme(axis.title = element_blank(),
axis.text.x = element_blank(),
axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
axis.line.y = element_blank(),
axis.line.x = element_blank(),
legend.title = element_blank()) +
theme(axis.ticks.length = unit(0.8, "mm")) +
theme(axis.ticks = element_line(size = 0.5, colour="black",
if (!is.null(divs)) {
p2 <- p2 +
geom_hline(yintercept = length(attrib_names)-divs+0.5,
color = "white", size = 3/length(attrib_names)*5)
return (p2)
dummyEncodeCovar <- function (covar_name, covars_tb) {
covar <- as.factor(covars_tb[,covar_name])
#-- treat exception: NA in categorical data
og.op <- options()
#-- dummy encode
encoded_covar <- 0 + covar),
row.names = rownames(covars_tb))
#-- fix names
level_names <- gsub("^covar", "", colnames(encoded_covar))
colnames(encoded_covar) <- paste(covar_name, level_names, sep = "_")
pal3 <- function(nclass){
ptreds <- rev(colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9, "Reds"))(11))
ptblues <- rev(colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9, "Blues"))(11))
if (nclass == 1){
cols <- "grey80"
} else if (nclass <= 3){
cols <- c(ptreds[c(4)], "grey80", rev(ptblues[c(5)]))
names(cols) <- as.character(seq(1, -1, -1))
} else if (nclass <= 5){
cols <- c(ptreds[c(4, 7)], "grey80", rev(ptblues[c(4, 7)]))
names(cols) <- as.character(seq(2, -2, -1))
} else if (nclass <= 7){
cols <- c(ptreds[c(2, 5, 8)], "grey80", rev(ptblues[c(2, 5, 8)]))
names(cols) <- as.character(seq(3, -3, -1))
} else {
warning("NOTE: please, provide up to 3 sections for stratification!")
cols <- "grey80"
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