.addBreakpointMutations <- function(region, percSNPs, indelProb, maxIndelSize){
regionSize = length(region)
adjustBy = 0
if(regionSize > 3 & percSNPs > 0){
## place SNPs
idx = sample(x=c(TRUE,FALSE), size=regionSize, replace=TRUE, prob=c(percSNPs, 1-percSNPs))
region = replaceLetterAt(region, idx, sample(x=c("A","C","G","T"), size=sum(idx), replace=TRUE))
if(regionSize > 3 & indelProb > 0){
## place maximum one indel into each region (50/50 if deletion or insertion)
type = sample(c("del","ins"), 1)
doIndel = sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), 1, prob=c(indelProb, 1-indelProb))
if(doIndel & type == "del"){
start = sample(1:(regionSize-maxIndelSize), 1)
end = start + sample(1:maxIndelSize, 1)-1
region = DNAString(paste(subseq(region, 1, start-1), subseq(region, end+1, length(region)), sep=""))
adjustBy = adjustBy + (end-start+1)*(-1)
if(doIndel & type == "ins"){
pos = sample(1:regionSize, 1)
numNuc = sample(1:maxIndelSize, 1)
insSeq = paste(sample(c("A","T","G","C"), numNuc, replace=TRUE), collapse="")
region = DNAString(paste(subseq(region, 1, pos), insSeq, subseq(region, pos+1, length(region)), sep=""))
adjustBy = adjustBy + numNuc
return(list(region, adjustBy))
.execDeletion <- function(genomeSeq, c, posDel, posIns_1, posIns_2, posInv, posDup, posTrans_1, posTrans_2, bpSeqSize, i, bpFlankSize, percSNPs, indelProb, maxIndelSize){
pos = posDel[i, ]
start = as.integer(pos$start)
end = as.integer(pos$end)
## add random mutations (SNPs an/or indels) at the breakpoints flanking regions (5' and 3')
## take care not to exceed the genome limits
## take care to adjust coordinates of other SVs correspondingly
sf = max(1, start-bpFlankSize)
ef = min(length(genomeSeq), end+bpFlankSize)
flankingRegion1 = subseq(genomeSeq, sf, start-1)
flankingRegion2 = subseq(genomeSeq, end+1, ef)
flankingRegion1 = .addBreakpointMutations(flankingRegion1, percSNPs, indelProb, maxIndelSize)
adjustBy = flankingRegion1[[2]]
flankingRegion1 = flankingRegion1[[1]]
flankingRegion2 = .addBreakpointMutations(flankingRegion2, percSNPs, indelProb, maxIndelSize)
adjustBy = adjustBy + flankingRegion2[[2]]
flankingRegion2 = flankingRegion2[[1]]
## paste genome: fist part of chromosome - flanking bp region (5') - deleted region - flanking bp region (3') - rest of the chromosome
genomeSeq = DNAString(paste(subseq(genomeSeq, 1, sf-1), flankingRegion1, flankingRegion2, subseq(genomeSeq, ef+1, length(genomeSeq)), sep=""))
adjustBy = adjustBy + (end-start+1)*-1 # adjust positions by deletion size
posDel = .adjustPositions(posDel, c, end, adjustBy)
posIns_1= .adjustPositions(posIns_1, c, end, adjustBy)
posIns_2= .adjustPositions(posIns_2, c, end, adjustBy)
posInv = .adjustPositions(posInv, c, end, adjustBy)
posDup = .adjustPositions(posDup, c, end, adjustBy)
posTrans_1 = .adjustPositions(posTrans_1, c, end, adjustBy)
posTrans_2 = .adjustPositions(posTrans_2, c, end, adjustBy)
return(list(genomeSeq, posDel, posIns_1, posIns_2, posInv, posDup, posTrans_1, posTrans_2))
.execInsertion <- function(genomeSeqA, genomeSeqB, c1, c2, posDel, posIns_1, posIns_2, posInv, posDup, posTrans_1, posTrans_2, i, bpSeqSize, bpFlankSize, percSNPs, indelProb, maxIndelSize){
## chrA
pos = posIns_1[i, ]
startA = as.integer(pos$start)
endA = as.integer(pos$end)
copied = pos$copied
insSeq = subseq(genomeSeqA, startA, endA)
## remove or copy sequence on chrA
if(copied == TRUE){
## nothing to do in this case
## add random mutations (SNPs an/or indels) at the breakpoints flanking regions (5' and 3')
## take care not to exceed the genome limits
## take care to adjust coordinates of other SVs correspondingly
sf = max(1, startA-bpFlankSize)
ef = min(length(genomeSeqA), endA+bpFlankSize)
flankingRegion1 = subseq(genomeSeqA, sf, startA-1)
flankingRegion2 = subseq(genomeSeqA, endA+1, ef)
flankingRegion1 = .addBreakpointMutations(flankingRegion1, percSNPs, indelProb, maxIndelSize)
adjustBy = flankingRegion1[[2]]
flankingRegion1 = flankingRegion1[[1]]
flankingRegion2 = .addBreakpointMutations(flankingRegion2, percSNPs, indelProb, maxIndelSize)
adjustBy = adjustBy + flankingRegion2[[2]]
flankingRegion2 = flankingRegion2[[1]]
genomeSeqA = DNAString(paste(subseq(genomeSeqA, 1, sf-1), flankingRegion1, flankingRegion2, subseq(genomeSeqA, ef+1, length(genomeSeqA)), sep=""))
## adjust coordinates downstream of insertion
## (take care, that the end of ins1 is adjusted as well!)
adjustBy = adjustBy + (endA-startA+1) * -1
posIns_1$end[i] = posIns_1$start[i]
posDel = .adjustPositions(posDel, c1, endA, adjustBy)
posIns_1 = .adjustPositions(posIns_1, c1, endA, adjustBy)
posIns_2 = .adjustPositions(posIns_2, c1, endA, adjustBy)
posInv = .adjustPositions(posInv, c1, endA, adjustBy)
posDup = .adjustPositions(posDup, c1, endA, adjustBy)
posTrans_1 = .adjustPositions(posTrans_1, c1, endA, adjustBy)
posTrans_2 = .adjustPositions(posTrans_2, c1, endA, adjustBy)
## update genome if insertion happens on the same chromosome
if(c1 == c2){
genomeSeqB = genomeSeqA
## insert sequence from chrA into chrB
pos = posIns_2[i, ]
startB = as.integer(pos$start)
endB = as.integer(pos$end)
## add random mutations (SNPs an/or indels) at the breakpoints flanking regions (5' and 3')
## take care not to exceed the genome limits
## take care to adjust coordinates of other SVs correspondingly
sf = max(1, startB-bpFlankSize)
ef = min(length(genomeSeqB), startB+bpFlankSize-1)
flankingRegion1 = subseq(genomeSeqB, sf, startB-1)
flankingRegion2 = subseq(genomeSeqB, startB, ef)
flankingRegion1 = .addBreakpointMutations(flankingRegion1, percSNPs, indelProb, maxIndelSize)
adjustBy = flankingRegion1[[2]]
flankingRegion1 = flankingRegion1[[1]]
flankingRegion2 = .addBreakpointMutations(flankingRegion2, percSNPs, indelProb, maxIndelSize)
adjustBy = adjustBy + flankingRegion2[[2]]
flankingRegion2 = flankingRegion2[[1]]
genomeSeqB = DNAString(paste(subseq(genomeSeqB, 1, sf-1),flankingRegion1, insSeq, flankingRegion2, subseq(genomeSeqB, ef+1, length(genomeSeqB)), sep=""))
## adjust coordinates downstream of insertion
adjustBy = adjustBy + endA-startA+1
posDel = .adjustPositions(posDel, c2, startB, adjustBy)
posIns_1 = .adjustPositions(posIns_1, c2, startB, adjustBy)
posIns_2 = .adjustPositions(posIns_2, c2, startB, adjustBy)
posInv = .adjustPositions(posInv, c2, startB, adjustBy)
posDup = .adjustPositions(posDup, c2, startB, adjustBy)
posTrans_1 = .adjustPositions(posTrans_1, c2, startB, adjustBy)
posTrans_2 = .adjustPositions(posTrans_2, c2, startB, adjustBy)
## update genome if insertion happens on the same chromosome
if(c1 == c2){
genomeSeqA = genomeSeqB
return(list(genomeSeqA, genomeSeqB, posDel, posIns_1, posIns_2, posInv, posDup, posTrans_1, posTrans_2))
.execInversion <- function(genomeSeq, c, posDel, posIns_1, posIns_2, posInv, posDup, posTrans_1, posTrans_2, bpSeqSize, i, bpFlankSize, percSNPs, indelProb, maxIndelSize){
pos = posInv[i, ]
start = as.integer(pos$start)
end = as.integer(pos$end)
## add random mutations (SNPs an/or indels) at the breakpoints flanking regions (5' and 3')
## take care not to exceed the genome limits
## take care to adjust coordinates of other SVs correspondingly
sf = max(1, start-bpFlankSize)
ef = min(length(genomeSeq), end+bpFlankSize)
flankingRegion1 = subseq(genomeSeq, sf, start-1)
flankingRegion2 = subseq(genomeSeq, end+1, ef)
flankingRegion1 = .addBreakpointMutations(flankingRegion1, percSNPs, indelProb, maxIndelSize)
adjustBy = flankingRegion1[[2]]
flankingRegion1 = flankingRegion1[[1]]
flankingRegion2 = .addBreakpointMutations(flankingRegion2, percSNPs, indelProb, maxIndelSize)
adjustBy = adjustBy + flankingRegion2[[2]]
flankingRegion2 = flankingRegion2[[1]]
invertedSeq = reverseComplement(subseq(genomeSeq, start, end))
genomeSeq = DNAString(paste(subseq(genomeSeq, 1, sf-1), flankingRegion1, invertedSeq, flankingRegion2, subseq(genomeSeq, ef+1, length(genomeSeq)), sep=""))
posDel = .adjustPositions(posDel, c, end, adjustBy)
posIns_1= .adjustPositions(posIns_1, c, end, adjustBy)
posIns_2= .adjustPositions(posIns_2, c, end, adjustBy)
posInv = .adjustPositions(posInv, c, end, adjustBy)
posDup = .adjustPositions(posDup, c, end, adjustBy)
posTrans_1 = .adjustPositions(posTrans_1, c, end, adjustBy)
posTrans_2 = .adjustPositions(posTrans_2, c, end, adjustBy)
return(list(genomeSeq, posDel, posIns_1, posIns_2, posInv, posDup, posTrans_1, posTrans_2))
.execTandemDuplication <- function(genomeSeq, c, posDel, posIns_1, posIns_2, posInv, posDup, posTrans_1, posTrans_2, bpSeqSize, times, i, bpFlankSize, percSNPs, indelProb, maxIndelSize){
pos = posDup[i, ]
start = as.integer(pos$start)
end = as.integer(pos$end)
## add random mutations (SNPs an/or indels) at the breakpoints flanking regions (5' and 3')
## take care not to exceed the genome limits
## take care to adjust coordinates of other SVs correspondingly
sf = max(1, start-bpFlankSize)
ef = min(length(genomeSeq), end+bpFlankSize)
flankingRegion1 = subseq(genomeSeq, sf, start-1)
flankingRegion2 = subseq(genomeSeq, end+1, ef)
flankingRegion1 = .addBreakpointMutations(flankingRegion1, percSNPs, indelProb, maxIndelSize)
adjustBy = flankingRegion1[[2]]
flankingRegion1 = flankingRegion1[[1]]
flankingRegion2 = .addBreakpointMutations(flankingRegion2, percSNPs, indelProb, maxIndelSize)
adjustBy = adjustBy + flankingRegion2[[2]]
flankingRegion2 = flankingRegion2[[1]]
s = min(end-start+1, bpSeqSize)
bpSeq = paste(subseq(genomeSeq, end-s+1, end), subseq(genomeSeq, start, start+s-1), sep="")
dupSeq = subseq(genomeSeq, start, end)
dupSeq = paste(rep(dupSeq, times + 1), collapse="")
genomeSeq = DNAString(paste(subseq(genomeSeq, 1, sf-1), flankingRegion1, dupSeq, flankingRegion2, subseq(genomeSeq, ef+1, length(genomeSeq)), sep=""))
adjustBy = adjustBy + (end-start+1)*(times) # adjust positions by length of additional sequence
posDel = .adjustPositions(posDel, c, end, adjustBy)
posIns_1= .adjustPositions(posIns_1, c, end, adjustBy)
posIns_2= .adjustPositions(posIns_2, c, end, adjustBy)
posInv = .adjustPositions(posInv, c, end, adjustBy)
posDup = .adjustPositions(posDup, c, end, adjustBy)
posTrans_1 = .adjustPositions(posTrans_1, c, end, adjustBy)
posTrans_2 = .adjustPositions(posTrans_2, c, end, adjustBy)
return(list(genomeSeq, posDel, posIns_1, posIns_2, posInv, posDup, posTrans_1, posTrans_2, bpSeq))
.execTranslocation <- function(genomeSeqA, genomeSeqB, c1, c2, posDel, posIns_1, posIns_2, posInv, posDup, posTrans_1, posTrans_2, i, bpSeqSize, bpFlankSize, percSNPs, indelProb, maxIndelSize){
## chrA
pos = posTrans_1[i, ]
startA = as.integer(pos$start)
endA = as.integer(pos$end)
balanced = pos$balanced
inverted = pos$inverted
## chrB
pos = posTrans_2[i, ]
startB = as.integer(pos$start)
endB = as.integer(pos$end)
## eventually invert the translocated sequence (only when exchange between different ends; 5'<->3' or 3'<->5')
if(inverted == TRUE){
transSeqA = reverseComplement(subseq(genomeSeqA, startA, endA))
transSeqB = reverseComplement(subseq(genomeSeqB, startB, endB))
transSeqA = subseq(genomeSeqA, startA, endA)
transSeqB = subseq(genomeSeqB, startB, endB)
## chrA ----> chrB
## add random mutations (SNPs an/or indels) at the breakpoints flanking regions (5' and 3')
## take care not to exceed the genome limits
## take care to adjust coordinates of other SVs correspondingly
sf = max(1, startB-bpFlankSize)
ef = min(length(genomeSeqB), endB+bpFlankSize)
flankingRegion1 = subseq(genomeSeqB, sf, startB-1)
flankingRegion2 = subseq(genomeSeqB, endB+1, ef)
flankingRegion1 = .addBreakpointMutations(flankingRegion1, percSNPs, indelProb, maxIndelSize)
adjustBy = flankingRegion1[[2]]
flankingRegion1 = flankingRegion1[[1]]
flankingRegion2 = .addBreakpointMutations(flankingRegion2, percSNPs, indelProb, maxIndelSize)
adjustBy = adjustBy + flankingRegion2[[2]]
flankingRegion2 = flankingRegion2[[1]]
genomeSeqB = DNAString(paste(subseq(genomeSeqB, 1, sf-1), flankingRegion1, transSeqA, flankingRegion2, subseq(genomeSeqB, ef+1, length(genomeSeqB)), sep=""))
## adjust coordinates downstream of translocation
## (take care, that the end of trans1 is adjusted as well!)
adjustBy = adjustBy + (endA-startA+1) - (endB-startB+1)
posTrans_2$end[i] = posTrans_2$end[i] + adjustBy
posDel = .adjustPositions(posDel, c2, endB, adjustBy)
posIns_1 = .adjustPositions(posIns_1, c2, endB, adjustBy)
posIns_2 = .adjustPositions(posIns_2, c2, endB, adjustBy)
posInv = .adjustPositions(posInv, c2, endB, adjustBy)
posDup = .adjustPositions(posDup, c2, endB, adjustBy)
posTrans_1 = .adjustPositions(posTrans_1, c2, endB, adjustBy)
posTrans_2 = .adjustPositions(posTrans_2, c2, endB, adjustBy)
## if balanced: chrA <---- chrB
startA = as.integer(posTrans_1$start[i])
endA = as.integer(posTrans_1$end[i])
if(balanced == TRUE){
## add random mutations (SNPs an/or indels) at the breakpoints flanking regions (5' and 3')
## take care not to exceed the genome limits
## take care to adjust coordinates of other SVs correspondingly
sf = max(1, startA-bpFlankSize)
ef = min(length(genomeSeqA), endA+bpFlankSize)
flankingRegion1 = subseq(genomeSeqA, sf, startA-1)
flankingRegion2 = subseq(genomeSeqA, endA+1, ef)
flankingRegion1 = .addBreakpointMutations(flankingRegion1, percSNPs, indelProb, maxIndelSize)
adjustBy = flankingRegion1[[2]]
flankingRegion1 = flankingRegion1[[1]]
flankingRegion2 = .addBreakpointMutations(flankingRegion2, percSNPs, indelProb, maxIndelSize)
adjustBy = adjustBy + flankingRegion2[[2]]
flankingRegion2 = flankingRegion2[[1]]
genomeSeqA = DNAString(paste(subseq(genomeSeqA, 1, sf-1), flankingRegion1, transSeqB, flankingRegion2, subseq(genomeSeqA, ef+1, length(genomeSeqA)), sep=""))
## adjust coordinates downstream of balanced translocation
adjustBy = adjustBy + (endB-startB+1) - (endA-startA+1)
## if not balanced: chrA <--NOT-- chrB
## code for deleting the segment
## genomeSeqA = DNAString(paste(subseq(genomeSeqA, 1, startA-1), subseq(genomeSeqA, endA+1, length(genomeSeqA)), sep=""))
## adjustBy = (endA-startA+1) * -1
adjustBy = 0
## adjust coordinates downstream of balanced translocation
## (take care, that the end of trans2 is adjusted as well!)
posTrans_1$end[i] = posTrans_1$end[i] + adjustBy
posDel = .adjustPositions(posDel, c1, endA, adjustBy)
posIns_1 = .adjustPositions(posIns_1, c1, endA, adjustBy)
posIns_2 = .adjustPositions(posIns_2, c1, endA, adjustBy)
posInv = .adjustPositions(posInv, c1, endA, adjustBy)
posDup = .adjustPositions(posDup, c1, endA, adjustBy)
posTrans_1 = .adjustPositions(posTrans_1, c1, endA, adjustBy)
posTrans_2 = .adjustPositions(posTrans_2, c1, endA, adjustBy)
return(list(genomeSeqA, genomeSeqB, posDel, posIns_1, posIns_2, posInv, posDup, posTrans_1, posTrans_2))
## misc ################################################################
.adjustPositions <- function(pos, chr, beyondPos, adjustBy){
idx = (pos$seqnames == chr) & (pos$start > beyondPos)
pos$start[idx] = pos$start[idx] + adjustBy
pos$end[idx] = pos$end[idx] + adjustBy
.getBpSeq <- function(genome, pos, bpSeqSize, i){
pos = pos[i, ]
c = as.character(pos$seqnames)
start = as.integer(pos$start)
end = as.integer(pos$end)
seq = genome[[c]]
bpSeq = vector(mode="character", length=2)
## no 5' breakpoint sequences for svs at the beginning of the genome (terminal translocations)
if(start == 1){
bpSeq[1] = ""
s = max(1, start-bpSeqSize) ## take care that breakpoint sequence does not exceed the genome boundaries
e = min(start+bpSeqSize-1, length(seq)) ## dito
bpSeq[1] = as.character(subseq(seq, s, e))
## no 3' breakpoint sequences for svs at the end of the genome (terminal translocations)
if(end == length(seq)){
bpSeq[2] = ""
s = max(1, end-bpSeqSize+1) ## take care that breakpoint sequence does not exceed the genome boundaries
e = min(end+bpSeqSize, length(seq)) ## dito
bpSeq[2] = as.character(subseq(seq, s, e))
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