#' A function to build the covariate matrix of the constraints
#' @param covariates the covariates, either as dataframe or as character string
#' @param dat the phyloseq object
#' In this case we will 1) Include dummy's for every level of the
#' categorical variable, and force them to sum to zero.
#' This is needed for plotting and required for
#' reference level indepenent normalization.
#' 2) Exclude an intercept. The density function f()
#' will provide this already.
#' @return a list with components
#' \item{covModelMat}{The model matrix}
#' \item{datFrame}{The dataframe used to construct the model matrix}
buildCovMat = function(covariates, dat) {
if ( {
datFrame = covariates
covariatesNames = names(covariates)
} else if (is.character(covariates)) {
if (!is(dat, "phyloseq")) {
stop("Providing covariates through variable names is only allowed
if phyloseq object is provided! \n")
covariates = make.names(covariates) #Ensure valid names
if (covariates[[1]] == "all") {
covariates = as(sample_variables(dat), "data.frame")
# Enable the 'all' option if phyloseq object is provided
datFrame = as(sample_data(dat), "data.frame")[, covariates,
drop = FALSE]
# The dataframe with the covariates
covariatesNames = covariates
} else {
stop("Please provide the covariates either as dataframe
or as character string! \n")
if (nsamples(dat) != NROW(datFrame)) {
# Check dimensions
stop("Data and covariate matrix do not have
the same number of samples! \n")
logVec = vapply(FUN.VALUE = TRUE, datFrame, is.logical)
intVec = vapply(FUN.VALUE = TRUE, datFrame, is.integer)
charVec = vapply(FUN.VALUE = TRUE, datFrame, is.character)
if (any(logVec)) {
datFrame[, logVec] = lapply(datFrame[logVec], as.factor)
# Convert logicals to factors warning('Logicals converted to
# factors! \n', immediate. = TRUE). No warning needed
if (any(intVec)) {
datFrame[, intVec] = lapply(datFrame[intVec], as.numeric)
# Convert integers to numeric
warning("Integer values treated as numeric! \n", immediate. = TRUE)
if (any(charVec)) {
datFrame[, charVec] = lapply(datFrame[charVec], factor)
# Convert characters to factor
warning("Character vectors treated as factors! \n", immediate. = TRUE)
#Drop unused levels
datFrame = droplevels(datFrame)
nFactorLevels = vapply(FUN.VALUE = integer(1), datFrame,
function(x) {
if (is.factor(x))
nlevels(x) else 0L
}) #Number of levels per factor
singleFacID = vapply(FUN.VALUE = TRUE, datFrame, is.factor) &
(nFactorLevels == 1L)
if (any(singleFacID)) {
warning("The following variables were not included in the analyses
because they are factors with only one level: \n",
paste(covariates[singleFacID], sep = " \n"),
immediate. = TRUE, call. = FALSE)
# Drop factors with one level
covariatesNames = covariatesNames[!singleFacID]
nFactorLevels = nFactorLevels[covariatesNames]
datFrame = datFrame[, covariatesNames, drop = FALSE]
#Check for alias structures
checkAlias(datFrame, covariatesNames)
# Center and scale the continuous covariates
datFrame[vapply(FUN.VALUE = TRUE, datFrame, is.numeric)] =
scale(datFrame[vapply(FUN.VALUE = TRUE, datFrame, is.numeric)])
covModelMat = model.matrix(
object = formula(paste("~", paste(covariatesNames,
collapse = "+"), "-1")), data = datFrame,
contrasts.arg = lapply(datFrame[vapply(datFrame,
is.factor, FUN.VALUE = TRUE)], contrasts, contrasts = FALSE))
if (NCOL(covModelMat) == 1)
stop("A constrained ordination with a variable
with only one level is meaningless.\n
Please provide more covariates or perform an unconstrained analysis.",
call. = FALSE)
list(covModelMat = covModelMat, datFrame = datFrame)
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