#' Calculate the components of the influence functions
#' @param rcm an rcm object
#' @param Dim the required dimension
#' @return An n-by-p-by-d array with the influence of every observation
#' on every alpha parameter
NBalphaInfl = function(rcm, Dim) {
if (length(Dim) > 1) {
stop("Influence of only one dimension at the time can be
extratced! \n")
# Extract the parameters
alpha = rcm$alpha[, Dim]
centMat = buildCentMat(rcm)
nLambda1s = NROW(centMat)
lambdas = rcm$lambdasAlpha[seq_k(Dim, nLambda1s)]
lambda1s = lambdas[seq_len(nLambda1s)]
# Multiple centering requirements now!
lambda2 = lambdas[nLambda1s + 1]
lambda3 = if (Dim == 1) {
} else {
responseFun = rcm$responseFun
CC = rcm$covariates
X = rcm$X
p = ncol(X)
n = nrow(X)
d = ncol(CC)
envGradEst = if (is.null(rcm$envGradEst))
"LR" else rcm$envGradEst
thetaMat = matrix(rcm$thetas[, paste0("Dim",Dim)], byrow = TRUE, n, p)
NB_params = rcm$NB_params[, , Dim]
NB_params_noLab = rcm$NB_params_noLab[, Dim]
psi = rcm$psis[Dim]
sampleScore = CC %*% alpha
# A linear combination of the environmental variables yields the
# sampleScore
mu = extractE(rcm, seq_len(Dim))
X = correctXMissingness(X, mu, rcm$NApresent,
muMarg = extractE(rcm, seq_len(Dim - 1))
tmp = (X - mu)/(1 + mu/thetaMat)
tmp2 = rowMultiply(tmp, NB_params[2, ])
if (envGradEst == "LR") {
mu0 = muMarg * c(exp(buildDesign(sampleScore, responseFun) %*%
NB_params_noLab *
tmp0 = (X - mu0)/(1 + mu0/thetaMat)
# A n-by-p-by-d array
score = switch(responseFun, linear = if (envGradEst == "LR") {
psi * (vapply(seq_len(d), FUN.VALUE = tmp, function(i) {
tmp2 * CC[, i]
}) - NB_params_noLab[2] * vapply(seq_len(d), FUN.VALUE = tmp0,
function(i) {
tmp0 * CC[, i]
} else {
psi * (vapply(seq_len(d), FUN.VALUE = tmp, function(i) {
tmp2 * CC[, i]
}, quadratic = if (envGradEst == "LR") {
psi * (vapply(seq_len(d), FUN.VALUE = tmp, function(i) {
tmp2 * CC[, i]
}) + 2 * vapply(seq_len(d), FUN.VALUE = tmp, function(i) {
rowMultiply(tmp, NB_params[3, ]) * CC[, i] * c(sampleScore)
}) - NB_params_noLab[2] * vapply(seq_len(d), FUN.VALUE = tmp0,
function(i) {
tmp0 * CC[, i]
}) - 2 * NB_params_noLab[3] * vapply(seq_len(d), FUN.VALUE = tmp,
function(i) {
tmp0 * CC[, i] * c(sampleScore)
} else {
psi * (vapply(seq_len(d), FUN.VALUE = tmp, function(i) {
tmp2 * CC[, i]
}) - NB_params_noLab[2] * vapply(seq_len(d), FUN.VALUE = tmp0,
function(i) {
tmp0 * CC[, i]
}, stop("Unknown response function provided! \n")) +
rep(c(lambda1s %*% centMat) + lambda2 * 2 * alpha +
if (Dim > 1) rowSums(rcm$alpha[,
seq_len(Dim - 1), drop = FALSE] %*% lambda3) else 0, each = n *p)
JacobianInv = -solve(LR_nb_Jac(Alpha = c(alpha, lambda1s, lambda2, lambda3),
X = X, CC = CC, responseFun = responseFun, psi = psi,
NB_params = NB_params,
NB_params_noLab = NB_params_noLab, d = d, k = Dim,
centMat = centMat,
nLambda = nLambda1s + Dim, nLambda1s = nLambda1s, thetaMat = thetaMat,
muMarg = extractE(rcm, seq_len(Dim - 1)), n = n, ncols = p,
envGradEst = envGradEst,
alphaK = rcm$alpha[, seq_len(Dim - 1), drop = FALSE], preFabMat = 1 +
X/thetaMat, allowMissingness = rcm$NApresent,
naId =$X)))[seq_len(d), seq_len(d)]
# Return only alpha indices, don't forget the minus sign!
rownames(JacobianInv) = colnames(JacobianInv) = names(alpha)
tensor(score, JacobianInv, 3, 1)
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