#' importBedFiles
#' This function is a wrapper that uses \code{RCAS::importBed()} function to
#' import BED files as a GRangesList object
#' @param filePaths A vector of paths to one or more BED files
#' @param ... Other parameters passed to RCAS::importBed and
#' rtracklayer::import.bed function
#' @return A \code{GRangesList} object containing the coordinates of the
#' intervals from multiple input BED files
#' @examples
#' input1 <- system.file("extdata", "testfile.bed", package='RCAS')
#' input2 <- system.file("extdata", "testfile2.bed", package='RCAS')
#' bedData <- importBedFiles(filePaths = c(input1, input2),
#' keepStandardChr = TRUE)
#' # when importing multiple bed files with different column names, it
#' # is required to pass the common column names to be parsed from the
#' # bed files
#' bedData <- importBedFiles(filePaths = c(input1, input2),
#' colnames = c('chrom', 'start', 'end', 'strand'))
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges GRangesList
#' @importFrom pbapply pbsapply
#' @export
importBedFiles <- function(filePaths, ...) {
bedData <- GenomicRanges::GRangesList(pbapply::pbsapply(filePaths, function(f) {
RCAS::importBed(filePath = f, debug = FALSE, ...)
names(bedData) <- gsub(pattern = '.bed$',
replacement = '',
x = basename(names(bedData)), = TRUE)
#' summarizeQueryRegionsMulti
#' This function is a wrapper function to run RCAS::summarizeQueryRegions
#' multiple times, which is useful to get a matrix of overlap counts between a
#' list of BED files with a txdbFeatures extracted from GTF file
#' @param queryRegionsList GRangesList object imported from multiple BED files
#' using \code{importBedFiles} function
#' @param txdbFeatures List of GRanges objects - outputs of
#' \code{getTxdbFeaturesFromGRanges} and \code{getTxdbFeatures} functions
#' @param nodeN Positive integer value that denotes the number of cpus to use
#' for parallel processing (default: 1)
#' @return A list consisting of two data.frame objects: one for raw overlap
#' counts and one for percentage of overlap counts (raw overlap counts divided
#' by the number of query regions in the corresponding BED file)
#' @examples
#' data(gff)
#' data(queryRegions)
#' queryRegionsList <- GenomicRanges::GRangesList(queryRegions, queryRegions)
#' names(queryRegionsList) <- c('q1', 'q2')
#' txdbFeatures <- getTxdbFeaturesFromGRanges(gffData = gff)
#' summaryMatrix <- summarizeQueryRegionsMulti(queryRegionsList = queryRegionsList,
#' txdbFeatures = txdbFeatures)
#' @importFrom parallel makeCluster
#' @importFrom parallel clusterExport
#' @importFrom parallel stopCluster
#' @importFrom pbapply pbsapply
#' @export
summarizeQueryRegionsMulti <- function(queryRegionsList, txdbFeatures, nodeN = 1) {
cl <- parallel::makeCluster(nodeN)
parallel::clusterExport(cl = cl,
varlist = c('txdbFeatures', 'summarizeQueryRegions'),
envir = environment())
summaryRaw <- pbapply::pbsapply(queryRegionsList,
function(x) {
summarizeQueryRegions(x, txdbFeatures)
}, cl = cl)
rownames(summaryRaw) <- c(names(txdbFeatures), 'NoFeatures')
#' getFeatureBoundaryCoverageMulti
#' This function is a wrapper function to run RCAS::getFeatureBoundaryCoverage
#' multiple times, which is useful to get coverage signals across different
#' kinds of transcript features for a given list of bed files imported as a
#' GRangesList object.
#' @param bedData GRangesList object imported from multiple BED files
#' using \code{importBedFiles} function
#' @param txdbFeatures List of GRanges objects - outputs of
#' \code{getTxdbFeaturesFromGRanges} and \code{getTxdbFeatures} functions
#' @param sampleN (default=10000) Positive integer value that is used to
#' randomly down-sample the target feature coordinates to improve the runtime.
#' Set to 0 to avoid downsampling.
#' @return A data.frame object with coverage data at three prime and five prime
#' boundaries of a list of transcript features
#' @examples
#' data(gff)
#' data(queryRegions)
#' queryRegionsList <- GenomicRanges::GRangesList(queryRegions, queryRegions)
#' names(queryRegionsList) <- c('q1', 'q2')
#' txdbFeatures <- getTxdbFeaturesFromGRanges(gffData = gff)
#' getFeatureBoundaryCoverageMulti(queryRegionsList, txdbFeatures, sampleN = 500)
#' @importFrom pbapply pblapply
#' @export
getFeatureBoundaryCoverageMulti <- function(bedData,
sampleN = 10000) {
results <- pblapply(X = names(bedData),
FUN = function(s) {
queryCoords <- bedData[[s]]
cvg <- lapply(names(txdbFeatures),
function(featureType) {
featureCoords <- txdbFeatures[[featureType]]
cvgF <- getFeatureBoundaryCoverage(
queryRegions = queryCoords,
featureCoords = featureCoords,
sampleN = sampleN,
boundaryType = 'fiveprime')
cvgT <- getFeatureBoundaryCoverage(
queryRegions = queryCoords,
featureCoords = featureCoords,
sampleN = sampleN,
boundaryType = 'threeprime')
cvgF$boundary <- 'fiveprime'
cvgT$boundary <- 'threeprime'
df <- rbind(cvgF, cvgT)
df$feature <- featureType
cvg <-, cvg)
cvg$sampleName <- s
return(, results))
#' getIntervalOverlapMatrix
#' This function is used to obtain a binary matrix of overlaps between a list of
#' GRanges objects (GRangesList object) and a target GRanges object. The
#' resulting matrix has N rows where N is the number of intervals in the target
#' GRanges object and M columns where M is the number GRanges objects in the
#' query GRangesList object.
#' @param queryRegionsList A GRangesList object
#' @param targetRegions A GRanges object
#' @param targetRegionNames Optional vector of names to be used as rownames in
#' the resulting matrix. The vector indices must correspond to the intervals
#' in targetRegions object.
#' @param nodeN Positive integer value to use one or more cpus for parallel
#' computation (default: 1)
#' @return A binary matrix object consisting of number of rows equal to the
#' number of intervals in targetRegions object, and number of columns equal to
#' the number of GRanges objects available in the queryRegionsList object.
#' @examples
#' data(gff)
#' input1 <- system.file("extdata", "testfile.bed", package='RCAS')
#' input2 <- system.file("extdata", "testfile2.bed", package='RCAS')
#' bedData <- RCAS::importBedFiles(filePaths = c(input1, input2))
#' M <- RCAS::getIntervalOverlapMatrix(
#' queryRegionsList = bedData,
#' targetRegions = gff[gff$type == 'gene',][1:100],
#' targetRegionNames = gff[gff$type == 'gene',][1:100]$gene_name)
#' @export
getIntervalOverlapMatrix <- function(queryRegionsList, targetRegions, targetRegionNames = NULL, nodeN = 1) {
if(!is.null(targetRegionNames) & length(targetRegions) != length(targetRegionNames)) {
stop("The sizes of targetRegions and targetRegionNames must be equal\n")
cl <- parallel::makeCluster(nodeN)
parallel::clusterExport(cl = cl,
varlist = c('targetRegions'),
envir = environment())
summaryRaw <- pbapply::pblapply(queryRegionsList[1],
function(x) {
myOverlaps <- GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(targetRegions, x)
}, cl = cl)
rowN <- length(targetRegions)
colN <- length(queryRegionsList)
M <-, lapply(X = names(summaryRaw),
FUN = function(x) {
v <- rep(0, rowN)
v[summaryRaw[[x]]] <- 1
v <- data.frame(v)
colnames(v) <- x
if(!is.null(targetRegionNames)) {
rownames(M) <- targetRegionNames
#' runReportMetaAnalysis
#' Generate a stand-alone HTML report with interactive figures and tables from a
#' pre-calculated RCAS database (using RCAS::createDB) to compare multiple
#' samples.
#' @param dbPath Path to the sqlite database generated by RCAS::createDB
#' @param sampleTablePath A tab-separated file with two columns (no rownames)
#' header 1: sampleName, header 2: sampleGroup
#' @param outDir Path to the output directory. (default: current working
#' directory)
#' @param outFile Name of the output HTML report (by default, the base name of
#' sampleTablePath value is used to create a name for the HTML report)
#' @param quiet boolean value (default: FALSE). If set to TRUE, progress bars
#' and chunk labels will be suppressed while knitting the Rmd file.
#' @param selfContained boolean value (default: TRUE). By default, the generated
#' html file will be self-contained, which means that all figures and tables
#' will be embedded in a single html file with no external dependencies (See
#' rmarkdown::html_document)
#' @return An html generated using rmarkdown/knitr/pandoc that contains
#' interactive figures, tables, and text that provide an overview of the
#' experiment
#' @examples
#' dbPath <- system.file("extdata", "hg19.RCASDB.sqlite",
#' package='RCAS')
#' #Hint: use RCAS::summarizeDatabaseContent to see which samples have processed
#' #data in the database.
#' summarizeDatabaseContent(dbPath = dbPath)
#' #Create a data table for samples and their groups sampleGroup field is used
#' #to group replicates of #the same sample into one group in visualizations.
#' #Any arbitrary name can be used for sampleGroup field. However, entries in
#' #the sampleName field must be available in the queried database
#' sampleData <- data.frame('sampleName' = c('FUS', 'FMR1'),
#' 'sampleGroup' = c('FUS', 'FMR1'), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' write.table(sampleData, 'sampleDataTable.tsv', sep = '\t',
#' quote =FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
#' #Use the generated database to run a report
#' runReportMetaAnalysis(dbPath = 'hg19.RCASDB.sqlite',
#' sampleTablePath = 'sampleDataTable.tsv')
#' @import rmarkdown
#' @import knitr
#' @importFrom plotly ggplotly
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom pheatmap pheatmap
#' @importFrom cowplot plot_grid
#' @importFrom ggseqlogo geom_logo
#' @importFrom ggseqlogo theme_logo
#' @import DT
#' @export
runReportMetaAnalysis <- function(dbPath = 'RCAS.sqlite',
outDir = getwd(),
outFile = NULL,
quiet = FALSE,
selfContained = TRUE) {
reportFile <- system.file("reporting_scripts",
"reportMetaAnalysis.Rmd", package='RCAS')
headerFile <- system.file("reporting_scripts",
"header.html", package='RCAS')
footerFile <- system.file("reporting_scripts",
"footer.html", package='RCAS')
if(is.null(outFile)) {
outFile <- paste0(basename(sampleTablePath), '.RCAS.metaAnalysisReport.html')
input = reportFile,
output_dir = outDir,
intermediates_dir = outDir,
output_file = outFile,
output_format = rmarkdown::html_document(
toc = TRUE,
toc_float = TRUE,
theme = 'simplex',
number_sections = TRUE,
includes = rmarkdown::includes(in_header = headerFile,
after_body = footerFile),
self_contained = selfContained
params = list(dbPath = dbPath,
sampleTablePath = sampleTablePath,
workdir = outDir),
quiet = quiet
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