##' @param x Proteins object
##' @param unshift if TRUE the IRanges will shift back to start with 1L
##' @return named \code{IRangesList}, \code{length == length(x@@aa)},
##' each element is an \code{IRanges} object starting at 1 and ending
##' at \code{length(x@@aa[i])}.
##' @noRd
aaranges <- function(x, unshift = FALSE) {
r <- unname(as(aa(x)@ranges, "IRanges"))
irl <- split(r, f = seq_along(r))
names(irl) <- seqnames(x)
##' @title Simple function to
##' @description Some description.
##' @param x
##' @param filenames mzIdentML filenames
##' @return a modified Proteins object
##' @noRd
.addIdentificationDataProteins <- function(x, filenames, rmEmptyRanges, par) {
if (par@IdReader == "mzID") {
y <- mzID(filenames)
y <- flatten(y)
an <- y$accession
ir <- IRanges(start = y$start, end = y$end)
names(ir) <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(an, "\\|"), "[", 2))
fasta <- .fastaComments2DataFrame(paste(y$accession, y$description))
meta <- as(y[, !colnames(y) %in% c("accession", "description")],
mcols(ir) <- cbind(fasta, meta)
mcols(ir)$filenames <-
mcols(ir)$spectrumFile <- Rle(factor(mcols(ir)$spectrumFile))
mcols(ir)$databaseFile <- Rle(factor(mcols(ir)$databaseFile))
} else { ## mzR
.ir <- function(f) {
if (v) message(" ", k, ". ", f)
k <<- k + 1
tmp <- openIDfile(f)
ir <- IRanges()
if (length(tmp) > 0) {
y <- psms(tmp)
an <- as.character(y$DatabaseAccess)
ir <- IRanges(start = y$start, end = y$end)
names(ir) <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(an, "\\|"), "[", 2))
fasta <- .fastaComments2DataFrame(paste(an, y$DatabaseDescription))
meta <-
as(y[, !colnames(y) %in% c("DatabaseAccession", "DatabaseDescription")],
mcols(ir) <- cbind(fasta, meta)
v <- par@verbose
k <- 1
if (v) message("Reading ", length(filenames), " identification files:")
irl <- lapply(filenames, .ir)
if (v) message("done.")
ir <- Reduce(c, irl)
ir@elementMetadata$filenames <- Rle(factor(filenames),
lengths = lengths(irl))
ir <- split(ir, names(ir))
.Peptides <- IRangesList(replicate(length(x), IRanges()))
names(.Peptides) <- seqnames(x)
.Peptides[names(ir)] <- ir
mcols(x@aa)$Peptides <- .Peptides
x@aa@elementMetadata$npeps <- lengths(.Peptides)
if (rmEmptyRanges) {
x <- rmEmptyRanges(x)
##' @title Some fun
##' @description Some desc
##' @param x
##' @param filenames fasta files
##' @return a modified Proteins object
##' @noRd
.addPeptideFragmentsProteins <- function(x, filenames, rmEmptyRanges, par) {
if (!isEmpty(pranges(x))) {
stop("The ", sQuote("pranges"), " slot is not empty! ",
"No ranges and metadata could be added.")
fragments <- .readAAStringSet(filenames)
ir <- unlist(.peptidePosition(fragments, x@aa))
mcols(ir) <- cbind(mcols(fragments)[mcols(ir)$PeptideIndex, ],
.fragments <- IRangesList(replicate(length(x), IRanges()))
names(.fragments) <- seqnames(x)
.fragments[names(ir)] <- split(ir, names(ir))
mcols(x@aa)$Fragments <- .fragments
x@aa@elementMetadata$npeps <- lengths(.fragments)
if (rmEmptyRanges) {
x <- rmEmptyRanges(x)
##' @param x Proteins object
##' @param mass numeric, length == 2, mass range
##' @param length numeric, length == 2, length range
##' @return modified Proteins object (pcols(x) gains a new "Filtered" column)
##' @noRd
.pfilterProteins <- function(x, mass = NULL, len = NULL) {
if (isEmpty(x@pranges)) {
stop("The ", sQuote("pranges"), " slot is empty!")
filtered <- !.isValidPeptide(pfeatures(x), mass = mass, len = len)
addpcol(x, "Filtered", unlist(filtered), force = TRUE)
.plotProteins <- function(object, from = 1L,
to = max(elementNROWS(object@aa)), ...) {
nTracks <- 3L ## ProteinAxisTrack + ProteinSequenceTrack + 1 prange
tracks <- vector(mode="list", length=length(object) * nTracks)
snms <- seqnames(object)
isRng <- FALSE
if (ncol(pranges(object)) > 0) {
isRng <- TRUE
prngs <- pranges(object)[[1]] ## take first pranges FIXME: use pcol
for (i in seq(along = object@aa)) {
idx <- (i - 1L) * nTracks
tracks[[idx + 1L]] <- ProteinAxisTrack(addNC = TRUE,
name = paste0("axis-", snms[i]))
tracks[[idx + 2L]] <- ProteinSequenceTrack(sequence = object@aa[[i]],
name = snms[i])
if (isRng && length(prngs[[i]])) {
## TODO: adding an ATrack results in an error if "[" is set:
## Error in callNextMethod(x, i) :
## bad object found as method (class "function")
tracks[[idx + 3L]] <- ATrack(start = start(prngs[[i]]),
end = end(prngs[[i]]),
name = "peptides",
## ProteinAxisTrack returns length == 0L; that's why we are using the
## `is(track[[i]], "NULL")` function here, to exclude empty elements
tracks <- tracks[!sapply(tracks, is.null)]
plotTracks(tracks, from = from, to = to)
proteotypic <- function(x) {
stopifnot(inherits(x, "Proteins"))
if (length(pvarLabels(x)) == 0) {
stop("The ", sQuote("pranges"), " slot is empty!")
proteotypic <- lapply(pfeatures(x),
function(xx) {
.peps <- as.character(xx)
IRanges(Rle(.peps %in% .singular(.peps)))
proteotypic <- IRangesList(proteotypic)
addpcol(x, "Proteotypic", proteotypic, force = TRUE)
rmEmptyRanges <- function(x, pcol) {
## by default removes empty ranges of all pvarLabels
pr <- pranges(x) ## a DataFrame
if (!missing(pcol)) {
## only consider pcols in pr
stopifnot(all(pcol %in% names(pr)))
pr <- pr[, names(pr) %in% pcol]
sel <- sapply(pr, function(x) lengths(x) > 0) ## always a matrix
sel <- sapply(sel, all)
isCleaved <- function(x, missedCleavages = 0, pcol = "trypsinCleaved") {
if (isEmpty(pranges(x))) return(FALSE)
pcol <- .checkPcol(x, pcol)
pr <- mcols(x@aa)[[pcol]]
mcl <- mcols(unlist(pr))[, "MissedCleavages"]
all(missedCleavages %in% runValue(mcl))
### Caution: This is based purley on IRanges. No sequence based checks are
### involved! You have to make sure that you compare compareable sequences.
proteinCoverage <- function(x, pcol, force = FALSE) {
stopifnot(is(x, "Proteins"))
pcol <- .checkPcol(x, pcol)
prtl <- width(aa(x))
pepl <- sapply(width(reduce(pranges(x)[, pcol])), sum)
addacol(x, "Coverage", pepl/prtl, force = force)
##' @param object An object of class Proteins
##' @param value A new pranges of class CompressedIRangesList
##' @return Proteins object with updated pranges
##' @noRd
replacePranges <- function(object, value) {
if (length(pranges(object)) != length(value))
stop("Length of replacement pranges differs from current ones.")
if (!identical(names(object@pranges), names(value)))
stop("Names of replacement pranges differ from current ones.")
object@pranges <- value
if (validObject(object))
##' @param object An object of class Proteins
##' @param value A new acols of class DataFrame
##' @return Proteins object with updated pranges
##' @noRd
replaceAcols <- function(object, value) {
if (nrow(acols(object)) != nrow(value))
stop("Number of rows of replacement acols differ from current ones.")
if (!is.null(rownames(acols(object))) &&
!identical(rownames(acols(object)), rownames(values)))
stop("Row names of replacement acols differ from current ones.")
mcols(object@aa) <- value
if (validObject(object))
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