#' @include aaa.R
#' @include IO.R
#' Convert pangenome into PanViz
#' This method contains the main functionality of PanVizGenerator. It takes the
#' pangenome data and properly formats it, combines it with the PanViz code and
#' creates the PanViz files needed for the visualization. Per default everything
#' is consolidated into the PanViz.html file but data and code can also be
#' destributed into separate files. Currently pangenome data from
#' \code{\link[FindMyFriends:FindMyFriends-package]{FindMyFriends}} is supported
#' natively (And FindMyFriends support grouping based on other algorithms),
#' while more general use is supported by supplying a pangenome matrix along
#' with functional annotation of each row. A last option is to provide the file
#' path to a csv file containing the pangenome matrix along with the functional
#' annotation.
#' @param object The object containing the pangenome data. If supplied as
#' pangenome matrix it is expected that rows are gene groups and columns are
#' genomes.
#' @param location The path to write the resulting PanViz files to.
#' @param name Depending on object either the name of the column with the gene
#' group names or a vector of gene group names. See details.
#' @param go Depending on object either the name of the column with the gene
#' group gene ontology annotation or a vector/list of gene group ontologies.
#' See details.
#' @param ec Depending on object either the name of the column with the gene
#' group E.C. annotation or a vector/list of gene group enzyme numbers. See
#' details.
#' @param ignore Columns in the csv file to ignore, either given as column names
#' or indexes
#' @param consolidate Logical. Should all data and code be consolidated into the
#' PanViz.html file or spread out to multiple files.
#' @param showcase Logical. Should the resulting PanViz.html be opened in the
#' default browser upon completion.
#' @param useDescription Logical. Should the description column in orgInfo
#' be used in favor of group names (if description is NA it falls back to group
#' name)
#' @param ... Parameters passed along to the clustering and dimensionality
#' reduction functions. See details.
#' @details
#' The calculation of mds/pca as well as the hierarchical clustering can be
#' controlled with the use of \code{dist} (default: 'canberra') for setting the
#' method used in the \code{\link[stats]{dist}} calls, \code{clust} (default:
#' 'ward.D2') for setting the method used in the \code{\link[stats]{hclust}}
#' calls, \code{center} (default: TRUE) to control whether variables should be
#' centered prior to doing PCA and \code{scale} (default: TRUE) to control
#' whether scaling should be performed prior to PCA.
#' When using \code{panviz} with a csv file the \code{name}, \code{go} and
#' \code{ec} parameters should point to the columns in the csv file containing
#' the respective information, either by name or index. If E.C. annotation is
#' not given in the csv file it can be set to NA. For column with multiple
#' possible values (go and ec) any delimiter can be used but ',', '.', and
#' numbers (don't know why you would use numbers as delimiter anyway).
#' For panviz with a matrix or data.frame the \code{name}, \code{go} and
#' \code{ec} parameters should contain the actual annotation as character
#' vectors or lists of strings. For character vectors the same delimiting
#' restrictions exists as for csv files described above. \code{ec} and
#' \code{name} can be omitted. If \code{name} is missing the rownames of the
#' matrix or data.frame will be used instead - if these are not present an error
#' will be thrown. \code{name}, \code{go} and \code{ec} must match the number of
#' rows in the pangenome matrix if given.
#' @return NULL. This function is called for its side effects. If
#' \code{showcase=TRUE} the resulting PanViz.html file will be opened in the
#' default browser.
#' @seealso \code{\link{PanVizGenerator}} for a shiny interface to converting
#' csv files.
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()) {
#' exampleFile <- system.file('extdata', 'exampleData.csv')
#' panviz(exampleFile, location = tempdir(), showcase = TRUE)
#' }
#' @export
setGeneric('panviz', def = function(object, ...) {
#' @describeIn panviz Method for file paths
#' @importFrom tools file_ext
#' @importFrom utils read.csv
'panviz', 'character',
function(object, name = 'name', go = 'go', ec = 'ec', ignore, location,
consolidate = TRUE, showcase = FALSE, ...) {
knownFiletypes <- c('csv')
filetype <- file_ext(object)
if (!filetype %in% knownFiletypes) {
stop('Unknown filetype. Use: ',
paste(knownFiletypes, collapse = ', '))
data <- tryCatch(
csv = read.csv(object, header = TRUE, check.names = FALSE,
comment.char = '', stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
error = function(e) {
stop('Unable to parse file')
if (nrow(data) == 0) {
stop('Missing data in file')
if (!missing(ignore)) {
if (inherits(ignore, 'character')) {
ignore <- match(tolower(ignore), tolower(names(data)))
data <- data[, -ignore]
if (inherits(name, 'character')) {
name <- which(tolower(names(data)) == tolower(name))
if (length(name) != 1) {
stop('name must uniquely match one column in object')
if (inherits(go, 'character')) {
go <- which(tolower(names(data)) == tolower(go))
if (length(go) != 1) {
stop('go must uniquely match one column in object')
if (inherits(ec, 'character')) {
ec <- which(tolower(names(data)) == tolower(ec))
if (length(ec) > 1) {
stop('ec must uniquely match one column in object')
} else if (length(ec) == 0) {
ec <- NA
annotColumns <- c(name, go, ec)
annotColumns <- annotColumns[!]
data[, -annotColumns],
name = data[[name]],
go = data[[go]],
ec = data[[ec]],
#' @describeIn panviz Method for pgVirtual subclasses from FindMyFriends
#' @importClassesFrom FindMyFriends pgVirtual
#' @importFrom FindMyFriends groupInfo groupNames
'panviz', 'pgVirtual',
function(object, location, useDescription = TRUE, consolidate = TRUE,
showcase = FALSE, ...) {
gInfo <- groupInfo(object)
if (all($GO))) {
stop('object not annotated with gene ontologies')
name <- ifelse($description), groupNames(object),
mat <- as(object, 'matrix')
panviz(mat, name = name, go = gInfo$GO, ec = gInfo$EC,
location = location, consolidate = consolidate,
showcase = showcase, ...)
#' @describeIn panviz Method for pangenome matrix as numeric/integer matrix
#' @importFrom utils browseURL
'panviz', 'matrix',
function(object, name, go, ec, location, consolidate = TRUE,
showcase = FALSE, ...) {
if (!dir.exists(location)) {
if (!dir.create(location)) {
stop('Unable to create folder: ', location)
data <- formatData(object, name, go, ec)
createPanData(data, location, ...)
if (consolidate) {
if (showcase) {
browseURL(file.path(location, 'PanViz.html'))
#' @describeIn panviz Method for pangenome matrix as data.frame (will be coerced
#' to matrix)
'panviz', 'data.frame',
function(object, ...) {
panviz(as.matrix(object), ...)
formatGO <- function(go, empty = character()) {
formatAnnot(go, '[^0-9]', 'GO:', empty = empty)
formatEC <- function(ec, empty = character()) {
formatAnnot(ec, '[^0-9.]', 'EC:', empty = empty)
formatAnnot <- function(annot, nonChars, prefix, empty = character()) {
nElem <- length(annot)
if (!inherits(annot, 'list')) {
annot <- strsplit(annot, paste0(nonChars, '+'))
annotInd <- rep(seq_along(annot), lengths(annot))
annot <- unlist(annot)
annotStrings <- ! & annot != ''
annotInd <- annotInd[annotStrings]
annot <- annot[annotStrings]
annot <- sub(paste0('^', nonChars, '*'), prefix, annot)
annotRes <- lapply(1:nElem, function(x) empty)
annot <- split(annot, annotInd)
annotRes[as.integer(names(annot))] <- annot
copyPanVizFiles <- function(location) {
files <- list.files(system.file('PanViz', package = 'PanVizGenerator'),
full.names = TRUE)
file.copy(files, location, overwrite = TRUE)
consolidateFiles <- function(dir) {
cssFile <- file.path(dir, 'style.css')
jsFile <- file.path(dir, 'script.js')
dataFile <- file.path(dir, 'data.js')
htmlFile <- file.path(dir, 'PanViz.html')
if (any(!file.exists(c(cssFile, jsFile, dataFile, htmlFile)))) {
stop('Missing files. Dir must contain style.css, script.js, data.js and PanViz.html')
html <- readLines(htmlFile, warn = FALSE)
cssLoc <- which(grepl('<link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet">', html))
jsLoc <- which(
grepl('<script type="text/javascript" src="script.js"></script>', html)
dataLoc <- which(
grepl('<script type="text/javascript" src="data.js"></script>', html)
html[cssLoc] <- paste0(
paste(readLines(cssFile, warn = FALSE), collapse = "\n"),
html[jsLoc] <- paste0(
paste(readLines(jsFile, warn = FALSE), collapse = "\n"),
html[dataLoc] <- paste0(
paste(readLines(dataFile, warn = FALSE), collapse = "\n"),
write(html, file = htmlFile)
formatData <- function(object, name, go, ec) {
if (!inherits(object, 'matrix')) stop('object must be a matrix')
mode(object) <- 'integer'
if (any( {
stop('object must be a matrix of integers or convertibel to one')
if (is.null(colnames(object))) {
stop('columns in object must be named')
if (ncol(object) < 3) {
stop('Pangenome must contain at least 3 genomes')
if (missing(name) || is.null(name)) {
if (is.null(rownames(object))) {
stop('Gene groups must be named')
} else {
name <- rownames(object)
if (missing(ec) || is.null(ec)) {
ec <- as.list(rep(NA, nrow(object)))
elementLengths <- c(nrow(object), length(name), length(go), length(ec))
if (max(elementLengths) - min(elementLengths) != 0) {
stop('Number of gene groups must correspond between object, name, go and ec')
go <- formatGO(go)
ec <- formatEC(ec)
data <- list(
pangenome =,
genes = data.frame(
name = unlist(name),
go = I(go),
ec = I(ec),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
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