#' @useDynLib PING, .registration = TRUE
#' @export
PING <- function(segReadsList, paraEM = NULL, paraPrior = NULL, dataType = "MNase", detail = 0, rescale = 1, nCores = 1) {
# detail is an integer indicate how much detail to print detail=0 print no details, The larger detail, the more detail
# I print rescale is an integer indicate how reads was rescaled by yF/rescale and yR/rescale, default rescale=1 PE=F or
# PE=0 means single-end sequencing data, otherwise Paired-Ends sequencing data.
# get PE/SE
if (class(segReadsList) == "segReadsListPE")
PE <- TRUE else PE <- FALSE
### Constant used in the calculations
cst <- gamma(3.5)/gamma(3)/sqrt(pi)
minReads <- list(perPeak = 3, perRegion = 4)
detail = as.integer(detail)
rescale = as.integer(rescale)
PE = as.integer(PE)
### Default parameters for EM algorithm
if (length(paraEM) != 7) {
paraEM <- setParaEM(dataType = dataType)
if (length(paraPrior) != 6) {
if (PE > 0) {
paraPrior <- setParaPrior(dataType = dataType, PExi = segReadsList@paraSW$xi) #average reads length is already known
} else {
paraPrior <- setParaPrior(dataType = dataType)
calpha <- 1.5
if (nCores > 1 & "parallel" %in% names(getLoadedDLLs())) {
# Number of cores
availCores <- parallel::detectCores()
if (nCores > availCores) {
warning("The number of cores required is higher than the available cores on this machine (", availCores, ").\n",
immediate. = TRUE)
nCores <- availCores
message("Using the parallel version of PING with ", nCores, " cpus or cores")
# Split into nCores segReadsList
cl <- parallel::makeCluster(getOption("cl.cores", nCores))
segSplit <- split(segReadsList, cut(1:length(segReadsList), nCores))
# Use parallel version of lapply
res <- unlist(parallel::parLapply(cl, segSplit, .fitModelAllkSplit, paraEM, paraPrior, minReads, detail, rescale,
calpha, PE), recursive = FALSE)
} else {
message("Using the serial version of PING")
res <- .Call("fitPING", segReadsList, paraEM, paraPrior, minReads, detail, rescale, calpha, PE, PACKAGE = "PING")
myPingList <- newPingList(res, paraEM, paraPrior, minReads, segReadsList@N, segReadsList@Nc, PE)
.fitModelAllkSplit <- function(segReadsList, paraEM, paraPrior, minReads, detail, rescale, calpha, PE) {
res <- .Call("fitPING", segReadsList, paraEM, paraPrior, minReads, detail, rescale, calpha, PE, PACKAGE = "PING")
# ================================================================================ = Purpose: Screen out abnormal
# predictions whose parameters are too far from others = Input: ping.df: a data.frame converted from PING result using
# as(ping,'data.frame') alpha: proportion of outliers used to decide filter boundary detail: indicator of whether or
# not print/plot detail information deltaB,sigmaB1, sigmaB2,seB: conservative bound, use these boundaries, if
# calculated boundaries from quantile is narrower. If all estimated parameters are good, we do not want to filter out
# 5% good nucleosomes filter 'if one sigma above the sigma B1' or 'Both sigma F/R above sigmaB2' score: lower bound for
# scoreF and scoreR, note the default bound is for the case without control, if we have control data, differnt bound
# should be used. = Ouput: ping.df: the filtered dataframe myFilter: the filter ==========
FilterPING <- function(ping.df, detail = F, alpha = 0.05, deltaB = c(80, 250), sigmaB1 = 10000, sigmaB2 = 4900, seB = 100,
score = 0.05, use.min = F) {
if (use.min) {
delta.m = max(deltaB[1], quantile(ping.df$delta, alpha/2))
delta.M = min(deltaB[2], quantile(ping.df$delta, 1 - alpha/2))
se = c(0, min(seB, quantile(ping.df$se, 1 - alpha)))
sigmaSqF = c(0, min(sigmaB1, quantile(ping.df$sigmaSqF, 1 - alpha)))
sigmaSqR = c(0, min(sigmaB1, quantile(ping.df$sigmaSqR, 1 - alpha)))
} else {
delta.m = min(deltaB[1], quantile(ping.df$delta, alpha/2))
delta.M = max(deltaB[2], quantile(ping.df$delta, 1 - alpha/2))
se = c(0, max(seB, quantile(ping.df$se, 1 - alpha)))
sigmaSqF = c(0, max(sigmaB1, quantile(ping.df$sigmaSqF, 1 - alpha)))
sigmaSqR = c(0, max(sigmaB1, quantile(ping.df$sigmaSqR, 1 - alpha)))
# sigmaSq2=c(0,max(sigmaB2,quantile(ping.df$sigmaSqF,1-alpha),quantile(ping.df$sigmaSqR,1-alpha)))
sigmaSq2 = c(0, sigmaB2)
delta = c(delta.m, delta.M)
myFilter = list(score = c(score, Inf), delta = delta, se = se, sigmaSqF = sigmaSqF, sigmaSqR = sigmaSqR, sigmaSq2 = sigmaSq2,
scoreF = score, scoreR = score)
if (detail) {
par(mfrow = c(2, 3), oma = c(2, 2, 5, 2), mar = c(5, 5, 2, 0))
plot(density(ping.df$delta), xlim = c(50, 300), main = "delta")
abline(v = delta, col = 2)
# plot(density(ping.df$occup),xlim=c(0,quantile(ping.df$occup,0.999)),main='occupancy') abline(v=occup,col=2)
ping.df$se[ping.df$se > 100] = 100
plot(density(ping.df$se), xlim = c(0, min(100, quantile(ping.df$se, 0.999))), main = "SE")
abline(v = se, col = 2)
plot(density(ping.df$sigmaSqF), xlim = c(0, max(3600, quantile(ping.df$sigmaSqF, 0.999))), main = "sigmaSqF")
abline(v = sigmaSqF, col = 2)
abline(v = sigmaSq2, col = 3, lty = 2)
plot(density(ping.df$sigmaSqR), xlim = c(0, max(3600, quantile(ping.df$sigmaSqR, 0.999))), main = "sigmaSqR")
abline(v = sigmaSqR, col = 2)
abline(v = sigmaSq2, col = 3, lty = 2)
plot(density(ping.df$scoreF), main = "scoreF")
abline(v = score, col = 2)
plot(density(ping.df$scoreR), main = "scoreR")
abline(v = score, col = 2)
title("Density and Filter Bound of Estimated Parameters", outer = T)
ind1 = (ping.df$delta <= delta[2]) & (ping.df$delta >= delta[1])
ind2 = ping.df$se <= se[2]
ind3 = (ping.df$sigmaSqF <= sigmaSqF[2]) & (ping.df$sigmaSqR <= sigmaSqR[2])
ind4 = (ping.df$sigmaSqF <= sigmaSq2[2]) | (ping.df$sigmaSqR <= sigmaSq2[2])
ind5 = (ping.df$scoreF > score) & (ping.df$scoreR > score)
ind = ind1 & ind2 & ind3 & ind4 & ind5
ping.df = ping.df[ind, ]
return(list(ping.df = ping.df, myFilter = myFilter))
} #temp1=FilterPING(as(PING1,'data.frame'),detail=T)
# #it filter the data.frame converted from ping object filterPING3 <-
# function(ss,filter=list(delta=c(50,250),sigmaSq=22500, se=50, mu=c(0,Inf), chr=NULL)) { ind1 <-
# (ss$delta>=filter$delta[1])&(ss$delta<=filter$delta[2]) ind2 <-
# (ss$sigmaSqF<filter$sigmaSq)&(ss$sigmaSqR<filter$sigmaSq) ind3 <- (ss$mu>=filter$mu[1])&(ss$mu<filter$mu[2]) ind4 <-
# (ss$se<filter$se) ind4[] <- T # do not filter by SE if it is not calculatable ind5 <- rep(T,nrow(ss)) if
# (length(filter$chr)>0) ind5 <- (ss$chr %in% filter$chr) ans <- ss[ind1&ind2&ind3&ind4&ind5,] return(ans) } filterPING
# <- function(ss,delta=c(50,250),sigmaSq=c(0,22500), se=50, mu=c(0,Inf), chr=NULL, score=c(0,Inf)) { ind1 <-
# ss$delta>delta[1] & ss$delta<delta[2] ind2 <- ss$sigmaSqF>sigmaSq[1] & ss$sigmaSqF<sigmaSq[2] ind3 <-
# ss$sigmaSqR>sigmaSq[1] & ss$sigmaSqR<sigmaSq[2] ind5 <- is.finite(ss$score) & ss$score>score[1] & ss$score<score[2]
# ind <- ind1 & ind2 & ind3 & ind5 if(!is.null(se)) ind<-ind & ss$se>se[1] & ss$se<se[2] if(!is.null(chr)) ind=ind &
# (ss$chr %in% chr) if((mu[1]>0)|is.finite(mu[2])) ind=ind & ss$mu>mu[1] & ss$mu<mu[2] ss=ss[ind,] return(ss) }
# make.thickthin2 <- function(ping, Length=73,nSe=3, rescale=NULL, shift=NULL,
# filter=list(delta=c(0,Inf),se=c(0,Inf),sigmaSqF=c(0,Inf),sigmaSqR=c(0,Inf),score=c(0,Inf))) { ###input # ping: PING
# output # Length: half length of thick bar # nSe: used to define nucleosome region # rescale, shift: used to rescale
# the score to [0,1000], if they are missing, we calculate the quantiles for each score and multiply the quantile by
# 850 than plus 150, so all of the scores are non-linearly scaled to [150,1000] # filter: the filters ###output #
# thickthin: a data frame to be visualized in UCSC ###note if rescale or shift is not given, user need to rescale the
# score by themselves mu<-mu(ping) delta<-delta(ping) se<-se(ping) seF<-seF(ping) seR<-seR(ping)
# start<-(mu-delta/2-nSe*seF); end<-(mu+delta/2+nSe*seR); #construct temp data frame
# temp=data.frame(chr=chromosome(ping), start=round(start), end=round(end), score=score(ping),
# thickstart=round(pmax(mu-Length,start)), thickend=round(pmin(mu+Length,end)), strand='.', se=se(ping),
# sf=sigmaSqF(ping), sr=sigmaSqR(ping), delta=delta ) #apply the filters if(!is.null(filter)) { ind1 <-
# temp$delta>filter$delta[1] & temp$delta<filter$delta[2] ind2 <- temp$sf>filter$sigmaSqF[1] &
# temp$sf<filter$sigmaSqF[2] ind3 <- temp$sr>filter$sigmaSqR[1] & temp$sr<filter$sigmaSqR[2] ind4 <-
# is.finite(temp$score) & temp$score>filter$score[1] & temp$score<filter$score[2] ind5 <- is.finite(temp$se) &
# temp$se>filter$se[1] & temp$se<filter$se[2] ind <- ind1 & ind2 & ind3 & ind4 & ind5 } else { ind<-is.finite(score) }
# temp=temp[ind,] temp=temp[order(temp$score,decreasing=T),] NN=nrow(temp) temp$name=paste('ping',1:NN,sep='')
# temp$chr=as.character(temp$chr) temp$chr[temp$chr=='MT']='M' temp$chr=paste('chr',temp$chr,sep='') #rescale the score
# to [0,1000] if (is.null(rescale)|is.null(shift)) { temp$score=round(NN:1/NN*850+150) }else {
# tt=temp$score*rescale+shift; tt=pmin(tt,1000); tt=pmax(tt,100); temp$score=round(tt) } thickthin =
# temp[,c('chr','start','end','name','score','strand','thickstart','thickend')] return(thickthin) }
make.thickthin <- function(ping.df, Length = 73, nSe = 3, rescale = NULL, shift = NULL, Add.Original.Score = F, roman = F) {
### input ping.df: dataframe converted from PING output Length: half length of thick bar nSe: used to define nucleosome
### region rescale, shift: used to rescale the rank of score to [150,1000], if they are missing, we calculate the
### quantiles for each score and multiply the quantile by 850 then plus 150, so all of the scores are non-linearly scaled
### to [150,1000] Add.Original.Score: indicator of whether or not add an extra column of PING score in the right output
### thickthin: a data frame to be visualized in UCSC note if rescale or shift is not given, user need to rescale the
### score by themselves
# construct temp data frame
temp = ping.df
temp$pingScore = temp$score
temp$start = round(ping.df$mu - ping.df$delta/2 - nSe * ping.df$seF)
temp$end = round(ping.df$mu + ping.df$delta/2 + nSe * ping.df$seR)
temp$thickstart = ping.df$mu - Length
temp$thickend = ping.df$mu + Length
temp$thickstart = round(pmax(temp$thickstart, temp$start))
temp$thickend = round(pmin(temp$thickend, temp$end))
temp$strand = "."
temp = temp[order(temp$score, decreasing = T), ]
NN = nrow(temp)
# temp$name=paste('ping',1:NN,sep='')
temp$name = round(temp$pingScore, 3)
if (roman)
temp$chr = paste("chr", as.roman(substring(temp$chr, 4)), sep = "")
# rescale the score to [0,1000]
if (is.null(rescale) | is.null(shift)) {
temp$score = round(NN:1/NN * 850 + 150)
} else {
tt = temp$score * rescale + shift
tt = pmin(tt, 1000)
tt = pmax(tt, 100)
temp$score = round(tt)
thickthin = temp[, c("chr", "start", "end", "name", "score", "strand", "thickstart", "thickend")]
scores = data.frame(chr = temp$chr, start = round(temp$mu - 5), end = round(temp$mu + 5), score = temp$pingScore)
if (Add.Original.Score)
thickthin = data.frame(thickthin, pingScore = temp$pingScore)
return(list(thickthin = thickthin, scores = scores))
# filter nucleosomes predicted outside of segment range.
filterPING2 <- function(ss) {
ind1 <- (ss$mu <= ss$maxRange) & (ss$mu >= ss$minRange)
ans <- ss[ind1, ]
# Given a data.frame, and the chrInfo, we truncate certain columns specified by 'positions' according the chr length,
# and return the data frame with columns modified truncate.result <- function(dat,
#'../chromInfo.mm9.txt', positions=c('start','end'))
truncateResult <- function(dat, = "../chromInfo.mm9.txt", positions = c("start", "end")) { <- read.table(, colClasses = c("character", "integer"))
names( = c("chr", "max.pos")
for (idx.chr in 1:nrow( {
idx <- (dat$chr ==$chr[idx.chr])
if (!any(idx))
for (idx.pos in 1:length(positions)) {
dat[idx, positions[idx.pos]] <- pmin($max.pos[idx.chr], dat[idx, positions[idx.pos]])
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