## ----getPackage, eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------
# if (!requireNamespace('BiocManager', quietly = TRUE))
# install.packages('BiocManager')
# BiocManager::install('PCAtools')
## ----getPackageDevel, eval = FALSE--------------------------------------------
# if (!requireNamespace('devtools', quietly = TRUE))
# install.packages('devtools')
# devtools::install_github('kevinblighe/PCAtools')
## ----Load, message = FALSE----------------------------------------------------
## ---- message = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------
# load series and platform data from GEO
gset <- getGEO('GSE2990', GSEMatrix = TRUE, getGPL = FALSE)
mat <- exprs(gset[[1]])
# remove Affymetrix control probes
mat <- mat[-grep('^AFFX', rownames(mat)),]
# extract information of interest from the phenotype data (pdata)
idx <- which(colnames(pData(gset[[1]])) %in%
c('relation', 'age:ch1', 'distant rfs:ch1', 'er:ch1',
'ggi:ch1', 'grade:ch1', 'size:ch1',
'time rfs:ch1'))
metadata <- data.frame(pData(gset[[1]])[,idx],
row.names = rownames(pData(gset[[1]])))
# tidy column names
colnames(metadata) <- c('Study', 'Age', 'Distant.RFS', 'ER', 'GGI', 'Grade',
'Size', 'Time.RFS')
# prepare certain phenotypes of interest
metadata$Study <- gsub('Reanalyzed by: ', '', as.character(metadata$Study))
metadata$Age <- as.numeric(gsub('^KJ', NA, as.character(metadata$Age)))
metadata$Distant.RFS <- factor(metadata$Distant.RFS,
levels = c(0,1))
metadata$ER <- factor(gsub('\\?', NA, as.character(metadata$ER)),
levels = c(0,1))
metadata$ER <- factor(ifelse(metadata$ER == 1, 'ER+', 'ER-'),
levels = c('ER-', 'ER+'))
metadata$GGI <- as.numeric(as.character(metadata$GGI))
metadata$Grade <- factor(gsub('\\?', NA, as.character(metadata$Grade)),
levels = c(1,2,3))
metadata$Grade <- gsub(1, 'Grade 1', gsub(2, 'Grade 2', gsub(3, 'Grade 3', metadata$Grade)))
metadata$Grade <- factor(metadata$Grade, levels = c('Grade 1', 'Grade 2', 'Grade 3'))
metadata$Size <- as.numeric(as.character(metadata$Size))
metadata$Time.RFS <- as.numeric(gsub('^KJX|^KJ', NA, metadata$Time.RFS))
# remove samples from the pdata that have any NA value
discard <- apply(metadata, 1, function(x) any(
metadata <- metadata[!discard,]
# filter the expression data to match the samples in our pdata
mat <- mat[,which(colnames(mat) %in% rownames(metadata))]
# check that sample names match exactly between pdata and expression data
all(colnames(mat) == rownames(metadata))
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
p <- pca(mat, metadata = metadata, removeVar = 0.1)
## ----ex1, warning = FALSE, fig.height = 7, fig.width = 20, fig.cap = 'Figure 1: A scree plot'----
screeplot(p, axisLabSize = 18, titleLabSize = 22)
## ----ex2a, eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------
# biplot(p)
## ----ex2b, fig.height = 6, fig.width = 7, fig.cap = 'Figure 2b: A bi-plot'----
biplot(p, showLoadings = TRUE, lab = NULL)
## ----ex3, message = FALSE, fig.height = 10, fig.width = 10, fig.cap = 'Figure 3: A pairs plot'----
## ----ex4, fig.height = 6, fig.width = 8, fig.cap = 'Figure 4: A loadings plot'----
plotloadings(p, labSize = 3)
## ----ex5, warning = FALSE, fig.height = 4, fig.width = 8, fig.cap = 'Figure 5: An eigencor plot'----
metavars = c('Study','Age','Distant.RFS','ER',
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## ---- messages = FALSE--------------------------------------------------------
newnames <- mapIds(hgu133a.db,
keys = rownames(p$loadings),
column = c('SYMBOL'),
keytype = 'PROBEID')
# tidy up for NULL mappings and duplicated gene symbols
newnames <- ifelse( | duplicated(newnames),
names(newnames), newnames)
rownames(p$loadings) <- newnames
## ---- warning = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------
horn <- parallelPCA(mat)
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
elbow <- findElbowPoint(p$variance)
## ----ex6, fig.height = 7, fig.width = 9, fig.cap = 'Figure 6: Advanced scree plot illustrating optimum number of PCs'----
components = getComponents(p, 1:20),
vline = c(horn$n, elbow)) +
geom_label(aes(x = horn$n + 1, y = 50,
label = 'Horn\'s', vjust = -1, size = 8)) +
geom_label(aes(x = elbow + 1, y = 50,
label = 'Elbow method', vjust = -1, size = 8))
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
which(cumsum(p$variance) > 80)[1]
## ----ex7, fig.height = 7, fig.width = 7.5, fig.cap = 'Figure 7: Colour by a metadata factor, use a custom label, add lines through origin, and add legend'----
lab = paste0(p$metadata$Age, ' años'),
colby = 'ER',
hline = 0, vline = 0,
legendPosition = 'right')
## ----ex8, message = FALSE, fig.height = 7.5, fig.width = 7, fig.cap = 'Figure 8: Supply custom colours and encircle variables by group'----
colby = 'ER', colkey = c('ER+' = 'forestgreen', 'ER-' = 'purple'),
colLegendTitle = 'ER-\nstatus',
# encircle config
encircle = TRUE,
encircleFill = TRUE,
hline = 0, vline = c(-25, 0, 25),
legendPosition = 'top', legendLabSize = 16, legendIconSize = 8.0)
colby = 'ER', colkey = c('ER+' = 'forestgreen', 'ER-' = 'purple'),
colLegendTitle = 'ER-\nstatus',
# encircle config
encircle = TRUE, encircleFill = FALSE,
encircleAlpha = 1, encircleLineSize = 5,
hline = 0, vline = c(-25, 0, 25),
legendPosition = 'top', legendLabSize = 16, legendIconSize = 8.0)
## ----ex9, message = FALSE, fig.height = 7.5, fig.width = 7, fig.cap = 'Figure 9: Stat ellipses'----
colby = 'ER', colkey = c('ER+' = 'forestgreen', 'ER-' = 'purple'),
# ellipse config
ellipse = TRUE,
ellipseConf = 0.95,
ellipseFill = TRUE,
ellipseAlpha = 1/4,
ellipseLineSize = 1.0,
xlim = c(-125,125), ylim = c(-50, 80),
hline = 0, vline = c(-25, 0, 25),
legendPosition = 'top', legendLabSize = 16, legendIconSize = 8.0)
colby = 'ER', colkey = c('ER+' = 'forestgreen', 'ER-' = 'purple'),
# ellipse config
ellipse = TRUE,
ellipseConf = 0.95,
ellipseFill = TRUE,
ellipseAlpha = 1/4,
ellipseLineSize = 0,
ellipseFillKey = c('ER+' = 'yellow', 'ER-' = 'pink'),
xlim = c(-125,125), ylim = c(-50, 80),
hline = 0, vline = c(-25, 0, 25),
legendPosition = 'top', legendLabSize = 16, legendIconSize = 8.0)
## ----ex10, message = FALSE, eval = FALSE--------------------------------------
# biplot(p,
# colby = 'ER', colkey = c('ER+' = 'forestgreen', 'ER-' = 'purple'),
# hline = c(-25, 0, 25), vline = c(-25, 0, 25),
# legendPosition = 'top', legendLabSize = 13, legendIconSize = 8.0,
# shape = 'Grade', shapekey = c('Grade 1' = 15, 'Grade 2' = 17, 'Grade 3' = 8),
# drawConnectors = FALSE,
# title = 'PCA bi-plot',
# subtitle = 'PC1 versus PC2',
# caption = '27 PCs ≈ 80%')
## ----ex11a, eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------
# biplot(p,
# lab = NULL,
# colby = 'ER', colkey = c('ER+'='royalblue', 'ER-'='red3'),
# hline = c(-25, 0, 25), vline = c(-25, 0, 25),
# vlineType = c('dotdash', 'solid', 'dashed'),
# gridlines.major = FALSE, gridlines.minor = FALSE,
# pointSize = 5,
# legendPosition = 'left', legendLabSize = 14, legendIconSize = 8.0,
# shape = 'Grade', shapekey = c('Grade 1'=15, 'Grade 2'=17, 'Grade 3'=8),
# drawConnectors = FALSE,
# title = 'PCA bi-plot',
# subtitle = 'PC1 versus PC2',
# caption = '27 PCs ≈ 80%')
## ----ex11b, message = FALSE, fig.height = 5.5, fig.width = 11, fig.cap = 'Figure 11b: Modify line types, remove gridlines, and increase point size'----
# loadings parameters
showLoadings = TRUE,
lengthLoadingsArrowsFactor = 1.5,
sizeLoadingsNames = 4,
colLoadingsNames = 'red4',
# other parameters
lab = NULL,
colby = 'ER', colkey = c('ER+'='royalblue', 'ER-'='red3'),
hline = 0, vline = c(-25, 0, 25),
vlineType = c('dotdash', 'solid', 'dashed'),
gridlines.major = FALSE, gridlines.minor = FALSE,
pointSize = 5,
legendPosition = 'left', legendLabSize = 14, legendIconSize = 8.0,
shape = 'Grade', shapekey = c('Grade 1'=15, 'Grade 2'=17, 'Grade 3'=8),
drawConnectors = FALSE,
title = 'PCA bi-plot',
subtitle = 'PC1 versus PC2',
caption = '27 PCs ≈ 80%')
## ----ex12a, fig.height = 5.5, fig.width = 6, fig.cap = 'Figure 12a: Colour by a continuous variable and plot other PCs'----
# add ESR1 gene expression to the metadata
p$metadata$ESR1 <- mat['205225_at',]
x = 'PC2', y = 'PC3',
lab = NULL,
colby = 'ESR1',
shape = 'ER',
hline = 0, vline = 0,
legendPosition = 'right') +
scale_colour_gradient(low = 'gold', high = 'red2')
## ----ex12b, eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------
# biplot(p, x = 'PC10', y = 'PC50',
# lab = NULL,
# colby = 'Age',
# hline = 0, vline = 0,
# hlineWidth = 1.0, vlineWidth = 1.0,
# gridlines.major = FALSE, gridlines.minor = TRUE,
# pointSize = 5,
# legendPosition = 'left', legendLabSize = 16, legendIconSize = 8.0,
# shape = 'Grade', shapekey = c('Grade 1'=15, 'Grade 2'=17, 'Grade 3'=8),
# drawConnectors = FALSE,
# title = 'PCA bi-plot',
# subtitle = 'PC10 versus PC50',
# caption = '27 PCs ≈ 80%')
## ----ex13, message = FALSE, fig.height = 8, fig.width = 7, fig.cap = 'Figure 13: Quickly explore potentially informative PCs via a pairs plot'----
components = getComponents(p, c(1:10)),
triangle = TRUE, trianglelabSize = 12,
hline = 0, vline = 0,
pointSize = 0.4,
gridlines.major = FALSE, gridlines.minor = FALSE,
colby = 'Grade',
title = 'Pairs plot', plotaxes = FALSE,
margingaps = unit(c(-0.01, -0.01, -0.01, -0.01), 'cm'))
## ----ex14, fig.height = 5.5, fig.width = 6, fig.cap = 'Figure 14: arranging a pairs plot horizontally'----
components = getComponents(p, c(4,33,11,1)),
triangle = FALSE,
hline = 0, vline = 0,
pointSize = 0.8,
gridlines.major = FALSE, gridlines.minor = FALSE,
colby = 'ER',
title = 'Pairs plot', titleLabSize = 22,
axisLabSize = 14, plotaxes = TRUE,
margingaps = unit(c(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1), 'cm'))
## ----ex15, fig.height = 5.5, fig.width = 7, fig.cap = 'Figure 15: Determine the variables that drive variation among each PC'----
rangeRetain = 0.01,
labSize = 4.0,
title = 'Loadings plot',
subtitle = 'PC1, PC2, PC3, PC4, PC5',
caption = 'Top 1% variables',
shape = 24,
col = c('limegreen', 'black', 'red3'),
drawConnectors = TRUE)
## ----ex16, fig.height = 7, fig.width = 9, fig.cap = 'Figure 16: plotting absolute component loadings'----
components = getComponents(p, c(4,33,11,1)),
rangeRetain = 0.1,
labSize = 4.0,
absolute = FALSE,
title = 'Loadings plot',
subtitle = 'Misc PCs',
caption = 'Top 10% variables',
shape = 23, shapeSizeRange = c(1, 16),
col = c('white', 'pink'),
drawConnectors = FALSE)
## ----ex17a, warning = FALSE, fig.height = 4.25, fig.width = 12, fig.cap = 'Figure 17a: Correlate the principal components back to the clinical data'----
components = getComponents(p, 1:27),
metavars = c('Study','Age','Distant.RFS','ER',
col = c('darkblue', 'blue2', 'black', 'red2', 'darkred'),
cexCorval = 0.7,
colCorval = 'white',
fontCorval = 2,
posLab = 'bottomleft',
rotLabX = 45,
posColKey = 'top',
cexLabColKey = 1.5,
scale = TRUE,
main = 'PC1-27 clinical correlations',
colFrame = 'white',
plotRsquared = FALSE)
## ----ex17b, warning = FALSE, fig.height = 5, fig.width = 12, fig.cap = 'Figure 17b: Correlate the principal components back to the clinical data'----
components = getComponents(p, 1:horn$n),
metavars = c('Study','Age','Distant.RFS','ER','GGI',
col = c('white', 'cornsilk1', 'gold', 'forestgreen', 'darkgreen'),
cexCorval = 1.2,
fontCorval = 2,
posLab = 'all',
rotLabX = 45,
scale = TRUE,
main = bquote(Principal ~ component ~ Pearson ~ r^2 ~ clinical ~ correlates),
plotRsquared = TRUE,
corFUN = 'pearson',
corUSE = 'pairwise.complete.obs',
corMultipleTestCorrection = 'BH',
signifSymbols = c('****', '***', '**', '*', ''),
signifCutpoints = c(0, 0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.05, 1))
## ----ex18, message = FALSE, warning = FALSE, fig.height = 10, fig.width = 15, fig.cap = 'Figure 18: a merged panel of all PCAtools plots'----
pscree <- screeplot(p, components = getComponents(p, 1:30),
hline = 80, vline = 27, axisLabSize = 14, titleLabSize = 20,
returnPlot = FALSE) +
geom_label(aes(20, 80, label = '80% explained variation', vjust = -1, size = 8))
ppairs <- pairsplot(p, components = getComponents(p, c(1:3)),
triangle = TRUE, trianglelabSize = 12,
hline = 0, vline = 0,
pointSize = 0.8, gridlines.major = FALSE, gridlines.minor = FALSE,
colby = 'Grade',
title = '', plotaxes = FALSE,
margingaps = unit(c(0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01), 'cm'),
returnPlot = FALSE)
pbiplot <- biplot(p,
# loadings parameters
showLoadings = TRUE,
lengthLoadingsArrowsFactor = 1.5,
sizeLoadingsNames = 4,
colLoadingsNames = 'red4',
# other parameters
lab = NULL,
colby = 'ER', colkey = c('ER+'='royalblue', 'ER-'='red3'),
hline = 0, vline = c(-25, 0, 25),
vlineType = c('dotdash', 'solid', 'dashed'),
gridlines.major = FALSE, gridlines.minor = FALSE,
pointSize = 5,
legendPosition = 'none', legendLabSize = 16, legendIconSize = 8.0,
shape = 'Grade', shapekey = c('Grade 1'=15, 'Grade 2'=17, 'Grade 3'=8),
drawConnectors = FALSE,
title = 'PCA bi-plot',
subtitle = 'PC1 versus PC2',
caption = '27 PCs ≈ 80%',
returnPlot = FALSE)
ploadings <- plotloadings(p, rangeRetain = 0.01, labSize = 4,
title = 'Loadings plot', axisLabSize = 12,
subtitle = 'PC1, PC2, PC3, PC4, PC5',
caption = 'Top 1% variables',
shape = 24, shapeSizeRange = c(4, 8),
col = c('limegreen', 'black', 'red3'),
legendPosition = 'none',
drawConnectors = FALSE,
returnPlot = FALSE)
peigencor <- eigencorplot(p,
components = getComponents(p, 1:10),
metavars = c('Study','Age','Distant.RFS','ER',
cexCorval = 1.0,
fontCorval = 2,
posLab = 'all',
rotLabX = 45,
scale = TRUE,
main = "PC clinical correlates",
cexMain = 1.5,
plotRsquared = FALSE,
corFUN = 'pearson',
corUSE = 'pairwise.complete.obs',
signifSymbols = c('****', '***', '**', '*', ''),
signifCutpoints = c(0, 0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.05, 1),
returnPlot = FALSE)
top_row <- plot_grid(pscree, ppairs, pbiplot,
ncol = 3,
labels = c('A', 'B Pairs plot', 'C'),
label_fontfamily = 'serif',
label_fontface = 'bold',
label_size = 22,
align = 'h',
rel_widths = c(1.10, 0.80, 1.10))
bottom_row <- plot_grid(ploadings,
ncol = 2,
labels = c('D', 'E'),
label_fontfamily = 'serif',
label_fontface = 'bold',
label_size = 22,
align = 'h',
rel_widths = c(0.8, 1.2))
plot_grid(top_row, bottom_row, ncol = 1,
rel_heights = c(1.1, 0.9))
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
p <- pca(mat, metadata = metadata, removeVar = 0.1)
p.prcomp <- list(sdev = p$sdev,
rotation = data.matrix(p$loadings),
x = data.matrix(p$rotated),
center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)
class(p.prcomp) <- 'prcomp'
# for this simple example, just use a chunk of
# the original data for the prediction
newdata <- t(mat[,seq(1,20)])
predict(p.prcomp, newdata = newdata)[,1:5]
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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