padog <- function(esetm = NULL, group = NULL, paired = FALSE, block = NULL, gslist = "KEGGRESTpathway",
organism = "hsa", annotation = NULL, gs.names = NULL, NI = 1000, plots = FALSE,
targetgs = NULL, Nmin = 3, verbose = TRUE, parallel = FALSE, dseed = NULL, ncr = NULL) {
# initialize the gslist if using KEGG
if (length(gslist) == 1 && gslist == "KEGGRESTpathway") {
stopifnot(nchar(organism) == 3)
res <- keggLink("pathway", organism)
gs.names=keggList("pathway", organism)[paste("path:",organism,names(gslist),sep="")]
stopifnot(length(gslist) >= 3)
# check arguments
stopifnot(all(dim(esetm) > 4))
stopifnot(class(group) %in% c("factor", "character"))
stopifnot(length(group) == dim(esetm)[2])
stopifnot(all(group %in% c("c", "d")))
stopifnot(all(table(group) > 2))
if (paired) {
stopifnot(length(block) == length(group))
stopifnot(all(table(block) == 2))
stopifnot(mode(gslist) == "list")
stopifnot(length(gslist) >= 3)
if (!is.null(gs.names)) {
stopifnot(length(gslist) == length(gs.names))
stopifnot(class(NI) == "numeric")
stopifnot(NI > 5)
if (plots) {
stopifnot(targetgs %in% names(gslist))
if (!is.null(annotation)) {
if (! annotation %in% c("hgu133a.db","hgu133plus2.db")) {
stopifnot(require(annotation, character.only = TRUE))
stopifnot(sum(rownames(esetm) %in% mappedkeys(get(paste(substr(annotation,
1, nchar(annotation) - 3), "ENTREZID", sep = "")))) > 4)
} else {
stopifnot(sum(rownames(esetm) %in% as.character(unlist(gslist))) > 10 & !any(duplicated(rownames(esetm))))
# substitute some names
Block = block
# compute gene frequencies accross genesets
gf = table(unlist(gslist))
if (!all(gf == 1)) {
if (quantile(gf, 0.99) > mean(gf) + 3 * sd(gf)) {
gf[gf > quantile(gf, 0.99)] <- quantile(gf, 0.99)
gff <- function(x) {
1 + ((max(x) - x)/(max(x) - min(x)))^0.5
# compute weights
gf = gff(gf)
} else {
fdfd = unique(unlist(gslist))
gf = rep(1, length(fdfd))
names(gf) <- fdfd
allGallP = unique(unlist(gslist))
if (!is.null(annotation)) {
# get rid of duplicates in the esetm by choosing the probe(set) with lowest
# p-value; get ENTREZIDs for probes
aT1 = filteranot(esetm, group, paired, block, annotation)
# drop genes not in any geneset drop from esetm all duplicate genes and genes not
# in the genesets
esetm = esetm[rownames(esetm) %in% aT1$ID, ]
rownames(esetm) <- aT1$ENTREZID[match(rownames(esetm), aT1$ID)]
restg = setdiff(rownames(esetm), names(gf))
appendd = rep(1, length(restg))
names(appendd) <- restg
gf = c(gf, appendd)
stopifnot(sum(rownames(esetm) %in% allGallP) > 10)
if (verbose) {
cat(paste("Starting with ", length(gslist), " gene sets!", sep = ""))
# drop pathways with less than Nmin genes
gslist = gslist[unlist(lapply(gslist, function(x) {
length(intersect(rownames(esetm), x)) >= Nmin
gs.names = gs.names[names(gslist)]
stopifnot(length(gslist) >= 3)
if (verbose) {
cat(paste("Analyzing ", length(gslist), " gene sets with ", Nmin, " or more genes!",
sep = ""))
if (!is.null(dseed))
# compute scores for iterations
G = factor(group)
Glen = length(G)
tab = table(G)
idx = which.min(tab)
minG = names(tab)[idx]
minGSZ = tab[idx]
bigG = rep(setdiff(levels(G), minG), length(G))
block = factor(Block)
# blockOrd = order(block)
topSigNum = dim(esetm)[1]
combFun = function(gi, countn = TRUE) {
g = G[gi]
tab = table(g)
if (countn) {
minsz = min(tab)
ifelse(minsz > 10, -1, choose(length(g), minsz))
} else {
dup = which(g == minG)
cms = combn(length(g), tab[minG])
del = apply(cms, 2, setequal, dup)
if (paired) {
cms = cms[, order(del, decreasing = TRUE), drop = FALSE]
cms[] = gi[c(cms)]
} else {
cms[, !del, drop = FALSE]
if (paired) {
bct = tapply(seq_along(G), block, combFun, simplify = TRUE)
nperm = ifelse(any(bct < 0), -1, prod(bct))
if (nperm < 0 || nperm > NI) {
## combidx = replicate(NI, unlist(tapply(G, block, sample, simplify=FALSE))) #too
## slow
btab = tapply(seq_along(G), block, `[`, simplify = FALSE)
bSamp = function(gi) {
g = G[gi]
tab = table(g)
bsz = length(g)
minsz = tab[minG]
cms =, replicate(NI,, minsz), simplify = FALSE))
cms[] = gi[c(cms)]
combidx =, lapply(btab, bSamp))
} else {
bcomb = tapply(seq_along(G), block, combFun, countn = FALSE, simplify = FALSE)
colb = expand.grid(lapply(bcomb, function(x) 1:ncol(x)))[-1, , drop = FALSE]
combidx = mapply(function(x, y) x[, y, drop = FALSE], bcomb, colb, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
combidx =, combidx)
} else {
nperm = combFun(seq_along(G))
if (nperm < 0 || nperm > NI) {
combidx =, replicate(NI,, minGSZ), simplify = FALSE))
} else {
combidx = combFun(seq_along(G), countn = FALSE)
NI = ncol(combidx)
if (verbose) {
cat("# of permutations used:", NI, "\n")
deINgs = intersect(rownames(esetm), unlist(gslist))
gslistINesetm = lapply(gslist, match, table = deINgs, nomatch = 0)
MSabsT <- MSTop <- matrix(NA, length(gslistINesetm), NI + 1)
gsScoreFun <- function(G, block) {
# these two arguments are needed in parallel computing for the environment in
# model.matrix
if (ite > 1) {
G = bigG
G[combidx[, ite - 1]] = minG
G = factor(G)
if (paired) {
design <- model.matrix(~0 + G + block)
colnames(design) <- substr(colnames(design), 2, 100)
} else {
design <- model.matrix(~0 + G)
colnames(design) <- levels(G)
fit <- lmFit(esetm, design)
cont.matrix <- makeContrasts(contrasts = "d-c", levels = design)
fit2 <-, cont.matrix)
fit2 <- eBayes(fit2)
aT1 <- topTable(fit2, coef = 1, number = topSigNum)
aT1$ID = rownames(aT1)
de = abs(aT1$t)
names(de) <- aT1$ID
degf = scale(cbind(de, de * gf[names(de)]))
rownames(degf) = names(de)
degf = degf[deINgs, , drop = FALSE]
sapply(gslistINesetm, function(z) {
X = na.omit(degf[z, , drop = FALSE])
colMeans(X, na.rm = TRUE) * sqrt(nrow(X))
if (parallel && requireNamespace("doParallel", quietly = TRUE) && requireNamespace("parallel",
quietly = TRUE)) {
ncores = parallel::detectCores()
if (!is.null(ncr))
ncores = min(ncores, ncr)
if (verbose) {
clust = parallel::makeCluster(ncores, outfile="")
} else {
clust = parallel::makeCluster(ncores)
parRes = foreach(ite = 1:(NI + 1), .combine = "c", .packages = "limma") %dorng%
Sres <- gsScoreFun(G, block)
tmp <- list(t(Sres))
names(tmp) <- ite
if (verbose && (ite %% 10 == 0)) {
cat(ite, "/", NI, "\n")
parRes =, parRes[order(as.numeric(names(parRes)))])
evenCol = (1:ncol(parRes))%%2 == 0
MSabsT[] = parRes[, !evenCol]
MSTop[] = parRes[, evenCol]
}, finally = parallel::stopCluster(clust))
} else {
if (parallel) message("Execute in serial! Packages 'doParallel' and 'parallel'
needed for parallelization!")
for (ite in 1:(NI + 1)) {
Sres <- gsScoreFun(G, block)
MSabsT[, ite] <- Sres[1, ]
MSTop[, ite] <- Sres[2, ]
if (verbose && (ite %% 10 == 0)) {
cat(ite, "/", NI, "\n")
meanAbsT0 = MSabsT[, 1]
padog0 = MSTop[, 1]
plotIte = min(NI, 21)
MSabsT_raw = MSabsT
MSTop_raw = MSTop
# standardize scores
MSabsT = scale(MSabsT)
MSTop = scale(MSTop)
# compute p-values
mff = function(x) {
mean(x[-1] > x[1], na.rm = TRUE)
PSabsT = apply(MSabsT, 1, mff)
PSTop = apply(MSTop, 1, mff)
PSabsT[PSabsT == 0] <- 1/NI/100
PSTop[PSTop == 0] <- 1/NI/100
# do plot the scores for the star pathway
if (plots) {
usrPar <- par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
boxplot(MSabsT_raw[, 1:plotIte] ~ col(MSabsT_raw[, 1:plotIte]), col = c("lightblue",
rep("whitesmoke", NI)), names = c("0", 1:(plotIte - 1)), cex.axis = 0.8,
main = "ABSmT scores after first standardization", cex.main = 0.6)
points(1:plotIte, MSabsT_raw[names(gslist) == targetgs, 1:plotIte], col = "red",
pch = 19)
abline(h = MSabsT_raw[names(gslist) == targetgs, 1], col = "red")
boxplot(MSTop_raw[, 1:plotIte] ~ col(MSTop_raw[, 1:plotIte]), col = c("lightblue",
rep("whitesmoke", NI)), names = c("0", 1:(plotIte - 1)), cex.axis = 0.8,
main = "PADOG after first standardization", cex.main = 0.6)
points(1:plotIte, MSTop_raw[names(gslist) == targetgs, 1:plotIte], col = "red",
pch = 19)
abline(h = MSTop_raw[names(gslist) == targetgs, 1], col = "red")
boxplot(MSabsT[, 1:plotIte] ~ col(MSabsT[, 1:plotIte]), col = c("lightblue",
rep("whitesmoke", NI)), names = c("0", 1:(plotIte - 1)), cex.axis = 0.8,
main = "ABSmT scores second standardization", cex.main = 0.6)
points(1:plotIte, MSabsT[names(gslist) == targetgs, 1:plotIte], col = "red",
pch = 19)
abline(h = MSabsT[names(gslist) == targetgs, 1], col = "red")
boxplot(MSTop[, 1:plotIte] ~ col(MSTop[, 1:plotIte]), col = c("lightblue",
rep("whitesmoke", NI)), names = c("0", 1:(plotIte - 1)), cex.axis = 0.8,
main = "PADOG after second standardization", cex.main = 0.6)
points(1:plotIte, MSTop[names(gslist) == targetgs, 1:plotIte], col = "red",
pch = 19)
abline(h = MSTop[names(gslist) == targetgs, 1], col = "red")
if (!is.null(gs.names)) {
myn = gs.names
} else {
myn = names(gslist)
SIZE = unlist(lapply(gslist, function(x) {
length(intersect(rownames(esetm), x))
res = data.frame(Name = myn, ID = names(gslist), Size = SIZE, meanAbsT0, padog0,
PmeanAbsT = PSabsT, Ppadog = PSTop, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
ord = order(res$Ppadog, -res$padog0)
res = res[ord, ]
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