if(getRversion() >= "2.15.1") utils::globalVariables(c("ini", "outi"))
compPADOG = function(datasets = NULL, existingMethods = c("GSA", "PADOG"), mymethods = NULL,
gs.names = NULL, gslist = "KEGGRESTpathway", organism = "hsa", Nmin = 3, NI = 1000, parallel = TRUE,
ncr = NULL, pkgs = NULL, expVars = NULL, dseed = NULL, plots = FALSE, verbose = FALSE) {
if (is.null(datasets)) {
files = data(package = "KEGGdzPathwaysGEO")$results[, "Item"]
} else {
files = datasets
data(list = files, package = "KEGGdzPathwaysGEO", envir=environment())
getdataaslist = function(x) {
x = get(x, envir=parent.frame())
exp = experimentData(x)
dataset = exp@name
disease = notes(exp)$disease
dat.m = exprs(x)
ano = pData(x)
design = notes(exp)$design
annotation = paste(x@annotation, ".db", sep = "")
targetGeneSets = notes(exp)$targetGeneSets
list = list(dataset, disease, dat.m, ano, design, annotation, targetGeneSets)
names(list) = c("dataset", "disease", "dat.m", "ano", "design", "annotation",
padogF = function(set, mygslist, minsize) {
list = getdataaslist(set)
res = padog(esetm = list$dat.m, group = list$ano$Group, paired = list$design ==
"Paired", block = list$ano$Block, annotation = list$annotation, gslist = mygslist,
verbose = verbose, Nmin = minsize, NI = NI, plots = FALSE, parallel = parallel,
ncr = ncr, dseed = dseed)
res$Dataset <- list$dataset
res$Method <- "PADOG"
res$Rank = sapply(1:nrow(res), function(n) {
p = res$Ppadog
s = res$padog0
ifelse([n]), NA, (sum(p < (p[n]), na.rm=TRUE) +
sum(p == (p[n]) & s >= (s[n]), na.rm=TRUE)) / sum(!, na.rm=TRUE) * 100
res$P = res$Ppadog
res$FDR = p.adjust(res$P, "fdr")
rownames(res) <- NULL
rbind(res[res$ID %in% list$targetGeneSets, ])
gsaF = function(set, mygslist, minsize) {
list = getdataaslist(set)
group = list$ano$Group
block = list$ano$Block
esetm = list$dat.m
if (!is.null(list$annotation))
# get rid of duplicates in the same way as is done for PADOG and assign probesets
# to ENTREZ IDS get rid of duplicates by choosing the probe(set) with lowest
# p-value; get ENTREZIDs for probes
aT1 = filteranot(esetm = esetm, group = group, paired = (list$design ==
"Paired"), block, list$annotation)
aT1 <- aT1[aT1$ENTREZID %in% (unlist(mygslist)), ]
# drop from esetm all duplicate genes and genes not in the genesets
esetm = esetm[rownames(esetm) %in% aT1$ID, ]
rownames(esetm) <- aT1$ENTREZID[match(rownames(esetm), aT1$ID)]
KK = min(ncol(esetm), max(3, min(10, table(group))))
# Run GSA maxmean
if (list$design == "Not Paired") {
yy = as.numeric(factor(group))
} else {
yy = as.numeric(factor(block))
yy = yy * as.numeric(as.character(factor(group, labels=c(-1, 1)) ))
resgsa = GSA(x = esetm, y = yy, genesets = mygslist, genenames = rownames(esetm),
method = "maxmean", resp.type = ifelse(list$design == "Not Paired", "Two class unpaired",
"Two class paired"), censoring.status = NULL, random.seed = dseed, knn.neighbors = KK,
s0 = NULL, s0.perc = NULL, minsize = minsize, maxsize = 1000, restand = TRUE,
restand.basis = c("catalog", "data"), nperms = NI)
res = data.frame(ID = names(gslist), P = 2 * apply(cbind(resgsa$pvalues.lo,
resgsa$pvalues.hi), 1, min), Dataset = list$dataset, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
res$Method <- "GSA"
res = res[order(res$P), ]
res$Rank = sapply(res$P, function(p) ifelse(, NA, mean(res$P <= p, na.rm=TRUE) * 100))
res$FDR = p.adjust(res$P, "fdr")
rownames(res) <- NULL
res[res$ID %in% list$targetGeneSets, ]
defGSmethods = list(GSA = gsaF, PADOG = padogF)
GSmethods = c(as.list(existingMethods), mymethods)
names(GSmethods) = c(existingMethods, names(mymethods))
defMeth = intersect(names(defGSmethods), names(GSmethods))
GSmethods[defMeth] = defGSmethods[defMeth]
GSMok = GSmethods
GSMok = GSMok[!duplicated(names(GSMok))]
refMethod = names(GSmethods)[1]
# check GS
if (length(gslist) == 1 && gslist == "KEGGRESTpathway") {
stopifnot(nchar(organism) == 3)
res <- keggLink("pathway", organism)
gs.names=keggList("pathway", organism)[paste("path:",organism,names(gslist),sep="")]
stopifnot(length(gslist) >= 3)
stopifnot(mode(gslist) == "list")
stopifnot(length(gslist) >= 3)
if (!is.null(gs.names)) {
stopifnot(length(gslist) == length(gs.names))
aggFun = function(zdat) {
zdat = lapply(zdat, `[`, c("ID", "Rank", "P", "FDR", "Dataset", "Method"))
tmp =, zdat)
rownames(tmp) = NULL
dfr = list()
if ("PADOG" %in% names(GSMok)) {
dfr[["PADOG"]] = aggFun(lapply(files, GSMok[["PADOG"]], mygslist = gslist,
minsize = Nmin))
GSMok = GSMok[names(GSMok) != "PADOG"]
if (parallel && requireNamespace("doParallel", quietly = TRUE) && requireNamespace("parallel",
quietly = TRUE)) {
ncores = parallel::detectCores()
if (!is.null(ncr))
ncores = min(c(ncores, ncr))
if (verbose) {
clust = parallel::makeCluster(ncores, outfile="")
} else {
clust = parallel::makeCluster(ncores)
parRes <- foreach(outi = seq_along(GSMok), .combine = "c", .packages = pkgs, .export = expVars) %:%
foreach(ini = seq_along(files), .combine = "c", .packages = pkgs, .export = expVars) %dopar% {
inres = lapply(files[ini], GSMok[[outi]], mygslist = gslist, minsize = Nmin)
if (verbose) {
cat("Finish:", names(GSMok)[outi], " ------> ", files[ini], "\n")
parRes = aggFun(parRes)
parRes = split(parRes, parRes$Method)
dfr[names(GSMok)] = parRes[names(GSMok)]
}, finally = parallel::stopCluster(clust))
} else {
if (parallel) message("Execute in serial! Packages 'doParallel' and 'parallel'
needed for parallelization!")
dfr[names(GSMok)] = lapply(GSMok, function(m) aggFun(lapply(files, m, mygslist = gslist,
minsize = Nmin)))
shared = Reduce(merge, lapply(dfr, function(z) {
z = z[complete.cases(z), ]
z = z[, c("Dataset", "ID")]
z = z[!duplicated(z), ]
dfs = list()
dfs[names(GSmethods)] = lapply(names(GSmethods), function(m) {
retn = dfr[[m]]
stopifnot(!any(duplicated(retn[, c("Dataset", "ID")])))
retn = merge(shared, retn, all.x = TRUE)
retn[order(retn$Dataset, retn$ID), ]
psList <- lapply(dfs, function(x) {
fdrList <- lapply(dfs, function(x) {
rankList <- lapply(dfs, function(x) {
targetgsList <- lapply(dfs, function(x) {
dsList <- lapply(dfs, function(x) {
wi = function(x) {
if (!all(x == rankList[[refMethod]])) {
wilcox.test(x, rankList[[refMethod]], paired = TRUE, alternative = "less")$p.value
} else {
wioright = function(x) {
if (!all(x == rankList[[refMethod]])) {
dset = data.frame(Method = gl(2, length(rankList[[refMethod]])),
Y = c(rankList[[refMethod]], x), Dataset = factor(rep(dsList[[refMethod]], 2)),
Path = factor(rep(targetgsList[[refMethod]], 2)))
md = lme(Y ~ Method, random = ~1 | Path/Dataset, data = dset)
re = summary(md)$tTable[2, c(1, 5)]
if (re[1] < 0) {
c(re[1], re[2]/2)
} else {
c(re[1], 1 - re[2]/2)
} else {
c(0, 1)
if (length(unique(targetgsList[[refMethod]])) == 1) {
repo = data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow=length(rankList), ncol=2))
} else {
repo = data.frame(t(sapply(rankList, wioright)))
names(repo) <- c("coef. LME", "p LME")
repo$"p Wilcox." <- sapply(rankList, wi)
l05 <- function(x) round(mean(x < 0.05) * 100, 2)
geomean <- function(x) {
x = ifelse(x == 0, 1e-16, x)
repo$"% p.value<0.05" <- lapply(psList, l05)
repo$"% q.value<0.05" <- lapply(fdrList, l05)
repo$"p geomean" <- lapply(psList, geomean)
repo$"p med" <- lapply(psList, median)
repo$"rank mean" <- lapply(rankList, mean)
repo$"rank med" <- lapply(rankList, median)
repo$Method <- names(psList)
nmets = length(psList)
somecols = c("lightgrey", "lightblue", "orange", "red", "purple", "lightgreen")
if (nmets > 6) {
somecols = c(somecols, sample(setdiff(colors(), somecols))[1:(nmets - 6)])
if (plots) {
usrPar <- par(mfrow = c(1, 3))
boxplot(psList, ylab = paste("p-value"), las = 3, col = somecols[1:nmets])
boxplot(rankList, ylab = "Rank(%)", las = 3, col = somecols[1:nmets])
mff2 = function(x) {
x - rankList[[refMethod]]
newranks = lapply(rankList, mff2)
newranks[refMethod] <- NULL
if (length(newranks) == 1) {
xlb = names(newranks)
} else {
xlb = NULL
boxplot(newranks, ylab = paste("Rank(%)-Rank ", refMethod, " (%)"), las = 3,
col = somecols[2:nmets], names = names(newranks), xlab = xlb)
abline(h = 0)
out = repo[, c("Method", "p geomean", "p med", "% p.value<0.05", "% q.value<0.05",
"rank mean", "rank med", "p Wilcox.", "p LME", "coef. LME")]
list(summary = out, ranks = rankList, pvalues = psList, qvalues = fdrList)
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