## Copyright 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 Ramon Diaz-Uriarte
## This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this program. If not, see <>.
## Say which are drivers: populate the drv vector.
## // In R, the user says which are the drivers. If does not say anuthing,
## // the default (NULL) then drivers are all in poset, epist, restrict. The
## // user can pass a vector with the names of the genes (not modules). Allow
## // also for empty, so this is faster if not needed. And check that if we
## // use a stopping rule based on drivers that drv vectors is not empty.
## - Say that a user can use a "0" as a gene name, but that is BAD idea.
## - Modules and order effects can be kind of funny?
## Gene names can contain no spaces, commas, or ">" <- function(gm) {
## Yes, Root: we want no ambiguities.
## Actually, that sucks. So we do not require it, but check for
## consistency.
if(any(gm == "Root") && (gm[1] != "Root") )
stop("If Root is in the module table, it must be the first")
if(any(names(gm) == "Root") && (names(gm)[1] != "Root") )
stop("If the name Root is in the module table, it must be the first")
if( (names(gm)[1] == "Root") && (gm[1] != "Root") )
stop("The name Root is in the module table, but is not of Root")
if( (gm[1] == "Root") && (names(gm)[1] != "Root") )
stop("Root is in the module table, but with a different name")
## if(gm[1] != "Root")
## stop("First value of a module table must be Root")
## if(names(gm)[1] != "Root")
## stop("First name of a module table must be Root")
if(length(unique(names(gm))) != length(gm))
stop("Number of unique module names different from length of vector")
if(gm[1] != "Root")
gm <- c("Root" = "Root", gm)
gtm2 <- function(x) {
data.frame(cbind(nice.vector.eo(x, ","), x), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
## nice.vector.eo <- function(z, sep) {
## ## with epistasis, maybe we want sorted?
## setdiff(unlist(lapply(strsplit(z, " "),
## function(u) strsplit(u, sep))), "")
## }
nice.vector.eo <- function(z, sep, rm.sign = FALSE) {
## with epistasis, maybe we want sorted?
if(! rm.sign)
return(setdiff(unlist(lapply(strsplit(z, " "),
function(u) strsplit(u, sep))), ""))
else ## remove the " ", the -, and the sep
return(setdiff(unlist(lapply(strsplit(z, " "), function(u)
strsplit(unlist(strsplit(u, "-")), sep))), ""))
} <- function(gm, {
## the table will be sorted by gene name
gm <-
## the named vector with the mapping into the long geneModule df
geneMod <-, gtm2)),
stringsAsFactors = TRUE) ## this stringsAsFactors is key
geneMod$Module <- names(gm)[geneMod[, 2]] ## reverse lookup table
colnames(geneMod)[1] <- c("Gene")
geneMod <- geneMod[, -2]
geneMod$Gene <- as.character(geneMod$Gene)
## geneMod$Module <- as.character(geneMod$Module) ## already a char
geneMod <- geneMod[c(1, order(geneMod$Gene[-1]) + 1), ]
geneMod$GeneNumID <- 0:(nrow(geneMod) - 1)
## this assumes sorted! and they need not be
## rlem <- rle(geneMod$Module)
## geneMod$ModuleNumID <- rep( 0:(length(rlem$values) - 1), rlem$lengths)
if( {
geneMod$ModuleNumID <- geneMod$GeneNumID
if(!(identical(geneMod$Gene, geneMod$Module)))
stop("Impossible: we are supposed to be in one-to-one for Module-Gene.")
} else {
## Works, but does not give the most ordered module names. But
## keeps implicit order given by user.
idm <- - 1)
idm <- c("Root" = 0L, idm)
names(idm) <- names(gm)
## This sorts by the names but is not optimal either
## idm1 <- - 1)
## idm <- c(0L, idm1)
## names(idm) <- c("Root", sort(setdiff(names(gm), "Root")))
geneMod$ModuleNumID <- idm[geneMod[, "Module"]]
if(length(unique(geneMod$Gene)) != nrow(geneMod)) {
stop("Are there identical gene names in different modules?")
## I think this is unreacheable now. Caught earlier.
if(length(unique(geneMod$GeneNumID)) != nrow(geneMod)) {
stop("Are there identical gene names in different modules?")
rownames(geneMod) <- 1:nrow(geneMod)
geneModuleNull <- function(namesM) {
v <- c("Root", setdiff(namesM, "Root"))
names(v) <- v
list.of.deps <- function(x) {
## lookupTypeDep <- c("MN" = 1, "monotone" = 1,
## "SM" = 2, "semimonotone" = 2)
lookupTypeDep <- c("MN" = "monotone",
"AND" = "monotone",
"monotone" = "monotone",
"CMPN" = "monotone",
"OR" = "semimonotone",
"SM" = "semimonotone",
"semimonotone" = "semimonotone",
"DMPN" = "semimonotone",
"XOR" = "xmpn",
"xmpn" = "xmpn",
"XMPN" = "xmpn",
"--" = "--",
"-" = "--")
## FIXME: check values of typeDep
if(length(x) > 1) {
if(length(unique(x$s))!= 1)
stop("Not all s identical within a child")
if(length(unique(x$sh))!= 1)
stop("Not all sh identical within a child")
if(length(unique(x$typeDep))!= 1)
stop("Not all typeDep identical within a child")
if(length(unique(x$child))!= 1)
stop("child not unique")
typeDep <- lookupTypeDep[unique(x$typeDep)]
stop("typeDep value incorrect. Check spelling.")
child = unique(x$child),
s = unique(x$s),
sh = unique(x$sh),
typeDep = typeDep,
parents = unlist(x$parent)))
to.long.rt <- function(rt, idm) {
## We now do this inconditionally, so that we do not need to use the
## "stringsAsFactors = FALSE". This is now done before
## if(is.numeric(rt$parent))
## rt$parent <- as.character(rt$parent)
## if(is.numeric(rt$child))
## rt$child <- as.character(rt$child)
if(!("Root" %in% rt$parent))
stop("Root must be one parent node")
## rt$parent <- unlist(lapply(rt$parent, nice.string))
## rt$child <- unlist(lapply(rt$child, nice.string))
srt <- rt[order(rt$child), ]
## Not relevant if we allow non-numeric names
## all.child.genes <- as.integer(
## unlist(lapply(rt[, 2],
## function(x) strsplit(x, ","))))
## ## check all childs
## if(!identical(sort(unique(all.child.genes)),
## stop("Not all children present")
long.rt <- lapply(split(srt, srt$child), list.of.deps)
## geneModule <-
## idm <-
## names(idm) <- names(long.rt)
## idm <- c("0" = 0L, idm)
## geneModule$ModuleNumID <- idm[geneModule[, "Module"]]
## idm is just a look up table for the id of the module
## idm <- unique(geneModule$ModuleNumID)
## names(idm) <- unique(geneModule$Module)
## add integer IDs
addIntID <- function(z, idm) {
z$childNumID <- idm[z$child]
z$parentsNumID <- idm[z$parents]
if( any($parentsNumID)) ||
any($childNumID)) ) {
## I think this can no longer be reached ever. Caught before.
stop(paste("An ID is NA:",
"Is a gene part of two different modules?",
"(That includes being by itself and part",
"of a module.)"))
## These checks could be somewhere else instead of here.
if(length(unique(z$parentsNumID)) != length(z$parentsNumID))
stop("No node can have the same parent multiple times")
if(length(unique(z$parents)) != length(z$parents))
stop("No node can have the same parent multiple times")
if(length(z$child) > 1)
stop("Child nodes can have one, and only one, member")
## sort the parents, always.
o <- order(z$parentsNumID)
z$parentsNumID <- z$parentsNumID[o]
z$parents <- as.character(z$parents[o])
long.rt <- lapply(long.rt, function(x) addIntID(x, idm = idm))
## if(verbosity >= 4) {
## message(paste("Number of drivers: ",
## length(unique(geneModule[, "Gene"]))))
## message(paste("Number of modules: ",
## length(unique(geneModule[, "Module"]))))
## }
## return(list(long.rt = long.rt, geneModule = geneModule))
epist.order.element <- function(x, y, sep, rm.sign = FALSE) {
list(ids = nice.vector.eo(x, sep = sep, rm.sign = rm.sign), s = y)
} <- function(x) {
ma <- matrix(ncol = 2, nrow = 1 + length(x) - 2)
if(length(x) == 2) {
ma[1, 1] <- x[1]
ma[1, 2] <- x[2]
} else {
ma[, 1] <- x[-length(x)]
ma[, 2] <- x[-1]
return(data.frame(ma, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
} <- function(x, sep, rm.sign = TRUE) {
## We discard, do not even accept, the coefficient
tmp <- epist.order.element(x, -99, sep = sep, rm.sign = rm.sign)$ids
if(length(tmp) > 1) {
## if a single gene, as when we specify all genotypes, we do not
## want this
if(sep == ":")
return(data.frame(combinations(n = length(tmp), r = 2, v = tmp),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
else if(sep == ">") {
to.pairs.modules <- function(x, sep, rm.sign = TRUE) {
df <- data.frame(rbindlist(
function(z), sep))),
stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
if(nrow(df) == 0L) { ## if only single genes in epist, we get nothing here.
} else {
colnames(df) <- c("parent", "child")
if(sep == ":")
df$typeDep <- "epistasis"
else if(sep == ">")
df$typeDep <- "orderEffect"
to.long.epist.order <- function(epor, sep, rm.sign = FALSE) {
## just vectors for now
long <- Map(function(x, y) epist.order.element(x, y, sep, rm.sign),
names(epor), epor)
## if(is.vector(epor))
## long <- Map(function(x, y) epist.order.element(x, y, sep, rm.sign),
## names(epor), epor)
## else if(
## long <- Map(function(x, y) epist.order.element(x, y, sep, rm.sign),
## as.character(epor$ids),
## epor$s)
names(long) <- NULL
## addIntID.epist.order <- function(z, idm, sort) {
## z$NumID <- idm[z$ids]
## if(sort) {
## ## essential for epistasis, but never do for order effects
## o <- order(z$NumID)
## z$NumID <- z$NumID[o]
## z$ids <- z$ids[o]
## }
## return(z)
## }
addIntID.epist.order <- function(z, idm, sort, sign) {
if( sort && (!sign))
warning("sort is TRUE but sign is FALSE. You sure?")
if((!sort) && sign)
warning("sort is FALSE but sign is TRUE. You sure?")
## Adds the integer, but takes care of sign if sign = TRUE
if(!sign) {
z$NumID <- idm[z$ids]
signs <- grep("^-", z$ids)
stop("You have a negative sign and you said sign = FALSE")
} else {
unsigned <- setdiff(unlist(lapply(z$ids,
function(z) strsplit(z, "^-"))), "")
NumID <- idm[unsigned]
signs <- grep("^-", z$ids)
if(length(signs)) {
NumID[signs] <- -1 * NumID[signs]
z$NumID <- NumID
if(sort) {
## Essential for epistasis, but never do for order effects
o <- order(z$NumID)
z$NumID <- z$NumID[o]
z$ids <- z$ids[o]
if(length(unique(z$NumID)) != length(z$NumID))
stop("No node can have the same id multiple times")
if(length(unique(z$ids)) != length(z$ids))
stop("No node can have the same id multiple times")
checkRT <- function(mdeps) {
if(ncol(mdeps) != 5)
stop("mdeps must be of exactly 5 columns")
if(!identical(colnames(mdeps), c("parent", "child", "s", "sh", "typeDep")))
stop(paste("Column names of mdeps not of appropriate format. ",
"Should be parent, child, s, sh, typeDep"))
getNamesID <- function(fp) {
## Return a lookup table for names based on numeric IDs
idname <- c(fp$geneModule$GeneNumID,
names(idname) <- c(fp$geneModule$Gene,
return(idname[-1]) ## remove Root!!
getGeneIDNum <- function(geneModule, geneNoInt, fitnessLandscape_gene_id,
drv, sort = TRUE) {
## It returns the genes, as NumID, in the given vector with names drv
## initMutant uses this, for simplicity, without sorting, but noInt
## are always sorted
## Also used for the drivers with sort = TRUE
## Yes, we must do it twice because we do not know before hand which
## is which. This makes sure no NA. Period.
if(any( match(drv, c(geneModule$Gene, geneNoInt$Gene,
fitnessLandscape_gene_id$Gene))))) {
stop(paste("For driver or initMutant you have passed genes",
"not in the fitness table."))
indicesM <- as.vector(na.omit(match( drv, geneModule$Gene)))
indicesI <- as.vector(na.omit(sort(match( drv, geneNoInt$Gene))))
indicesF <- as.vector(na.omit(sort(match( drv, fitnessLandscape_gene_id$Gene))))
if(sort) {
indicesM <- sort(indicesM)
allFitnessORMutatorEffects <- function(rT = NULL,
epistasis = NULL,
orderEffects = NULL,
noIntGenes = NULL,
geneToModule = NULL,
drvNames = NULL,
keepInput = TRUE,
genotFitness = NULL,
## refFE = NULL,
calledBy = NULL) {
## From allFitnessEffects. Generalized so we deal with Fitness
## and mutator.
## restrictions: the usual rt
## epistasis: as it says, with the ":"
## orderEffects: the ">"
## All of the above can be genes or can be modules (if you pass a
## geneToModule)
## rest: rest of genes, with fitness
## For epistasis and order effects we create the output object but
## missing the numeric ids of genes. With rT we do it in one go, as we
## already know the mapping of genes to numeric ids. We could do the
## same in epistasis and order, but we would be splitting twice
## (whereas for rT extracting the names is very simple).
## called appropriately?
if( !(calledBy %in% c("allFitnessEffects", "allMutatorEffects") ))
stop("How did you call this function?. Bug.")
if(calledBy == "allMutatorEffects") {
## very paranoid check
if( !is.null(rT) || !is.null(orderEffects) ||
!is.null(drvNames) || !is.null(genotFitness))
stop("allMutatorEffects called with forbidden arguments.",
"Is this an attempt to subvert the function?")
rtNames <- NULL
epiNames <- NULL
orNames <- NULL
if(!is.null(rT)) {
## This is really ugly, but to prevent the stringsAsFactors I need it here:
rT$parent <- as.character(rT$parent)
rT$child <- as.character(rT$child)
rT$typeDep <- as.character(rT$typeDep)
rtNames <- unique(c(rT$parent, rT$child))
if(!is.null(epistasis)) {
long.epistasis <- to.long.epist.order(epistasis, ":")
## epiNames <- unique(unlist(lapply(long.epistasis, function(x) x$ids)))
## deal with the possible negative signs
epiNames <- setdiff(unique(
function(x) lapply(x$ids,
function(z) strsplit(z, "^-"))))),
} else {
long.epistasis <- list()
if(!is.null(orderEffects)) {
long.orderEffects <- to.long.epist.order(orderEffects, ">")
orNames <- unique(unlist(lapply(long.orderEffects, function(x) x$ids)))
} else {
long.orderEffects <- list()
allModuleNames <- unique(c(rtNames, epiNames, orNames))
if(is.null(geneToModule)) {
gMOneToOne <- TRUE
geneToModule <- geneModuleNull(allModuleNames)
} else {
gMOneToOne <- FALSE
if(any(, "Root"), allModuleNames))))
stop(paste("Some values in geneToModule not present in any of",
" rT, epistasis, or order effects"))
if(any(, names(geneToModule)))))
stop(paste("Some values in rT, epistasis, ",
"or order effects not in geneToModule"))
geneModule <-, = gMOneToOne)
idm <- unique(geneModule$ModuleNumID)
names(idm) <- unique(geneModule$Module)
if(!is.null(rT)) {
long.rt <- to.long.rt(rT, idm)
} else {
long.rt <- list() ## yes, we want an object of length 0
## Append the numeric ids to epistasis and order
if(!is.null(epistasis)) {
long.epistasis <- lapply(long.epistasis,
addIntID.epist.order(x, idm,
sort = TRUE,
sign = TRUE))
if(!is.null(orderEffects)) {
long.orderEffects <- lapply(long.orderEffects,
addIntID.epist.order(x, idm,
sort = FALSE,
sign = FALSE))
if(!is.null(noIntGenes)) {
if(inherits(noIntGenes, "character")) {
wm <- paste("noIntGenes is a character vector.",
"This is probably not what you want, and will",
"likely result in an error downstream.",
"You can get messages like",
" 'not compatible with requested type', and others.",
"We are stopping.")
mg <- max(geneModule[, "GeneNumID"])
gnum <- seq_along(noIntGenes) + mg
if(!is.null(names(noIntGenes))) {
ng <- names(noIntGenes)
if( any(grepl(",", ng, fixed = TRUE)) ||
any(grepl(">", ng, fixed = TRUE)) ||
any(grepl(":", ng, fixed = TRUE)) )
stop("The name of some noIntGenes contain a ',' or a '>' or a ':'")
if(any(ng %in% geneModule[, "Gene"] ))
stop("A gene in noIntGenes also present in the other terms")
stop("Duplicated gene names in geneNoInt")
stop("In noIntGenes some genes have names, some don't.",
" Name all of them, or name none of them.")
} else {
ng <- gnum
geneNoInt <- data.frame(Gene = as.character(ng),
GeneNumID = gnum,
s = noIntGenes,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
} else {
geneNoInt <- data.frame()
if(is.null(genotFitness)) {
genotFitness <- matrix(NA, nrow = 0, ncol = 1)
fitnessLandscape_df <- data.frame()
fitnessLandscape_gene_id <- data.frame()
} else {
## Yes, I am duplicating stuff for now.
## This makes life simpler in C++:
## In the map, the key is the genotype name, as
## cnn <- colnames(genotFitness)[-ncol(genotFitness)]
cnn <- 1:(ncol(genotFitness) - 1)
gfn <- apply(genotFitness[, -ncol(genotFitness), drop = FALSE], 1,
function(x) paste(cnn[as.logical(x)],
collapse = ", "))
## rownames(genotFitness) <- gfn
fitnessLandscape_df <-
data.frame(Genotype = gfn,
Fitness = genotFitness[, ncol(genotFitness)],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
fitnessLandscape_gene_id <- data.frame(
Gene = colnames(genotFitness)[-ncol(genotFitness)],
GeneNumID = cnn,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
if( (length(long.rt) + length(long.epistasis) + length(long.orderEffects) +
nrow(geneNoInt) + nrow(genotFitness)) == 0)
stop("You have specified nothing!")
if(calledBy == "allFitnessEffects") {
if((length(long.rt) + length(long.epistasis) + length(long.orderEffects)) > 1) {
graphE <- fitnessEffectsToIgraph(rT, epistasis, orderEffects)
} else {
graphE <- NULL
} else {
graphE <- NULL
if(!is.null(drvNames)) {
drv <- unique(getGeneIDNum(geneModule, geneNoInt, fitnessLandscape_gene_id,
## drivers should never be in the geneNoInt; Why!!!???
## Catch the problem. This is an overkill,
## so since we catch the issue, we could leave the geneNoInt. But
## that should not be there in this call.
## if(any(drvNames %in% geneNoInt$Gene)) {
## stop(paste("At least one gene in drvNames is a geneNoInt gene.",
## "That is not allowed.",
## "If that gene is a driver, pass it as gene in the epistasis",
## "component."))
## }
## drv <- getGeneIDNum(geneModule, NULL, drvNames)
} else {
## we used to have this default
## drv <- geneModule$GeneNumID[-1]
drv <- vector(mode = "integer", length = 0L)
if(!keepInput) {
rT <- epistasis <- orderEffects <- noIntGenes <- NULL
out <- list(long.rt = long.rt,
long.epistasis = long.epistasis,
long.orderEffects = long.orderEffects,
long.geneNoInt = geneNoInt,
geneModule = geneModule,
gMOneToOne = gMOneToOne,
geneToModule = geneToModule,
graph = graphE,
drv = drv,
rT = rT,
epistasis = epistasis,
orderEffects = orderEffects,
noIntGenes = noIntGenes,
fitnessLandscape = genotFitness,
fitnessLandscape_df = fitnessLandscape_df,
fitnessLandscape_gene_id = fitnessLandscape_gene_id
if(calledBy == "allFitnessEffects") {
class(out) <- c("fitnessEffects")
} else if(calledBy == "allMutatorEffects") {
class(out) <- c("mutatorEffects")
## Former version, with fitness landscape
## allFitnessORMutatorEffects <- function(rT = NULL,
## epistasis = NULL,
## orderEffects = NULL,
## noIntGenes = NULL,
## geneToModule = NULL,
## drvNames = NULL,
## keepInput = TRUE,
## ## refFE = NULL,
## calledBy = NULL) {
## ## From allFitnessEffects. Generalized so we deal with Fitness
## ## and mutator.
## ## restrictions: the usual rt
## ## epistasis: as it says, with the ":"
## ## orderEffects: the ">"
## ## All of the above can be genes or can be modules (if you pass a
## ## geneToModule)
## ## rest: rest of genes, with fitness
## ## For epistasis and order effects we create the output object but
## ## missing the numeric ids of genes. With rT we do it in one go, as we
## ## already know the mapping of genes to numeric ids. We could do the
## ## same in epistasis and order, but we would be splitting twice
## ## (whereas for rT extracting the names is very simple).
## ## called appropriately?
## if( !(calledBy %in% c("allFitnessEffects", "allMutatorEffects") ))
## stop("How did you call this function?. Bug.")
## if(calledBy == "allMutatorEffects") {
## ## very paranoid check
## if( !is.null(rT) || !is.null(orderEffects) || !is.null(drvNames))
## stop("allMutatorEffects called with forbidden arguments.",
## "Is this an attempt to subvert the function?")
## }
## rtNames <- NULL
## epiNames <- NULL
## orNames <- NULL
## if(!is.null(rT)) {
## ## This is really ugly, but to prevent the stringsAsFactors I need it here:
## rT$parent <- as.character(rT$parent)
## rT$child <- as.character(rT$child)
## rT$typeDep <- as.character(rT$typeDep)
## rtNames <- unique(c(rT$parent, rT$child))
## }
## if(!is.null(epistasis)) {
## long.epistasis <- to.long.epist.order(epistasis, ":")
## ## epiNames <- unique(unlist(lapply(long.epistasis, function(x) x$ids)))
## ## deal with the possible negative signs
## epiNames <- setdiff(unique(
## unlist(lapply(long.epistasis,
## function(x) lapply(x$ids,
## function(z) strsplit(z, "^-"))))),
## "")
## } else {
## long.epistasis <- list()
## }
## if(!is.null(orderEffects)) {
## long.orderEffects <- to.long.epist.order(orderEffects, ">")
## orNames <- unique(unlist(lapply(long.orderEffects, function(x) x$ids)))
## } else {
## long.orderEffects <- list()
## }
## allModuleNames <- unique(c(rtNames, epiNames, orNames))
## if(is.null(geneToModule)) {
## gMOneToOne <- TRUE
## geneToModule <- geneModuleNull(allModuleNames)
## } else {
## gMOneToOne <- FALSE
## if(any(, "Root"), allModuleNames))))
## stop(paste("Some values in geneToModule not present in any of",
## " rT, epistasis, or order effects"))
## if(any(, names(geneToModule)))))
## stop(paste("Some values in rT, epistasis, ",
## "or order effects not in geneToModule"))
## }
## geneModule <-, = gMOneToOne)
## idm <- unique(geneModule$ModuleNumID)
## names(idm) <- unique(geneModule$Module)
## if(!is.null(rT)) {
## checkRT(rT)
## long.rt <- to.long.rt(rT, idm)
## } else {
## long.rt <- list() ## yes, we want an object of length 0
## }
## ## Append the numeric ids to epistasis and order
## if(!is.null(epistasis)) {
## long.epistasis <- lapply(long.epistasis,
## function(x)
## addIntID.epist.order(x, idm,
## sort = TRUE,
## sign = TRUE))
## }
## if(!is.null(orderEffects)) {
## long.orderEffects <- lapply(long.orderEffects,
## function(x)
## addIntID.epist.order(x, idm,
## sort = FALSE,
## sign = FALSE))
## }
## if(!is.null(noIntGenes)) {
## if(inherits(noIntGenes, "character")) {
## wm <- paste("noIntGenes is a character vector.",
## "This is probably not what you want, and will",
## "likely result in an error downstream.",
## "You can get messages like",
## " 'not compatible with requested type', and others.",
## "We are stopping.")
## stop(wm)
## }
## mg <- max(geneModule[, "GeneNumID"])
## gnum <- seq_along(noIntGenes) + mg
## if(!is.null(names(noIntGenes))) {
## ng <- names(noIntGenes)
## if( grepl(",", ng, fixed = TRUE) || grepl(">", ng, fixed = TRUE)
## || grepl(":", ng, fixed = TRUE))
## stop("The name of some noIntGenes contain a ',' or a '>' or a ':'")
## if(any(ng %in% geneModule[, "Gene"] ))
## stop("A gene in noIntGenes also present in the other terms")
## if(any(duplicated(ng)))
## stop("Duplicated gene names in geneNoInt")
## if(any(
## stop("In noIntGenes some genes have names, some don't.",
## " Name all of them, or name none of them.")
## } else {
## ng <- gnum
## }
## geneNoInt <- data.frame(Gene = as.character(ng),
## GeneNumID = gnum,
## s = noIntGenes,
## stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
## } else {
## geneNoInt <- data.frame()
## }
## if( (length(long.rt) + length(long.epistasis) + length(long.orderEffects) +
## nrow(geneNoInt)) == 0)
## stop("You have specified nothing!")
## if(calledBy == "allFitnessEffects") {
## if((length(long.rt) + length(long.epistasis) + length(long.orderEffects)) > 1) {
## graphE <- fitnessEffectsToIgraph(rT, epistasis, orderEffects)
## } else {
## graphE <- NULL
## }
## } else {
## graphE <- NULL
## }
## if(!is.null(drvNames)) {
## drv <- unique(getGeneIDNum(geneModule, geneNoInt, drvNames))
## ## drivers should never be in the geneNoInt; Why!!!???
## ## Catch the problem. This is an overkill,
## ## so since we catch the issue, we could leave the geneNoInt. But
## ## that should not be there in this call.
## ## if(any(drvNames %in% geneNoInt$Gene)) {
## ## stop(paste("At least one gene in drvNames is a geneNoInt gene.",
## ## "That is not allowed.",
## ## "If that gene is a driver, pass it as gene in the epistasis",
## ## "component."))
## ## }
## ## drv <- getGeneIDNum(geneModule, NULL, drvNames)
## } else {
## ## we used to have this default
## ## drv <- geneModule$GeneNumID[-1]
## drv <- vector(mode = "integer", length = 0L)
## }
## if(!keepInput) {
## rT <- epistasis <- orderEffects <- noIntGenes <- NULL
## }
## out <- list(long.rt = long.rt,
## long.epistasis = long.epistasis,
## long.orderEffects = long.orderEffects,
## long.geneNoInt = geneNoInt,
## geneModule = geneModule,
## gMOneToOne = gMOneToOne,
## geneToModule = geneToModule,
## graph = graphE,
## drv = drv,
## rT = rT,
## epistasis = epistasis,
## orderEffects = orderEffects,
## noIntGenes = noIntGenes
## )
## if(calledBy == "allFitnessEffects") {
## class(out) <- c("fitnessEffects")
## } else if(calledBy == "allMutatorEffects") {
## class(out) <- c("mutatorEffects")
## }
## return(out)
## }
allFitnessEffects <- function(rT = NULL,
epistasis = NULL,
orderEffects = NULL,
noIntGenes = NULL,
geneToModule = NULL,
drvNames = NULL,
genotFitness = NULL,
keepInput = TRUE) {
if(!is.null(genotFitness)) {
if(!is.null(rT) || !is.null(epistasis) ||
!is.null(orderEffects) || !is.null(noIntGenes) ||
!is.null(geneToModule)) {
stop("You have a non-null genotFitness.",
" If you pass the complete genotype to fitness mapping",
" you cannot pass any of rT, epistasis, orderEffects",
" noIntGenes or geneToModule.")
genotFitness_std <- to_genotFitness_std(genotFitness, simplify = TRUE)
## epistasis <- from_genotype_fitness(genotFitness)
} else {
genotFitness_std <- NULL
rT = rT,
epistasis = epistasis,
orderEffects = orderEffects,
noIntGenes = noIntGenes,
geneToModule = geneToModule,
drvNames = drvNames,
keepInput = keepInput,
genotFitness = genotFitness_std,
calledBy = "allFitnessEffects")
## Former version
## allFitnessEffects <- function(rT = NULL,
## epistasis = NULL,
## orderEffects = NULL,
## noIntGenes = NULL,
## geneToModule = NULL,
## drvNames = NULL,
## genotFitness = NULL,
## keepInput = TRUE) {
## if(!is.null(genotFitness)) {
## if(!is.null(rT) || !is.null(epistasis) ||
## !is.null(orderEffects) || !is.null(noIntGenes) ||
## !is.null(geneToModule)) {
## stop("You have a non-null genotFitness.",
## " If you pass the complete genotype to fitness mapping",
## " you cannot pass any of rT, epistasis, orderEffects",
## " noIntGenes or geneToModule.")
## }
## epistasis <- from_genotype_fitness(genotFitness)
## }
## allFitnessORMutatorEffects(
## rT = rT,
## epistasis = epistasis,
## orderEffects = orderEffects,
## noIntGenes = noIntGenes,
## geneToModule = geneToModule,
## drvNames = drvNames,
## keepInput = keepInput,
## calledBy = "allFitnessEffects")
## }
## allFitnessEffects <- function(rT = NULL,
## epistasis = NULL,
## orderEffects = NULL,
## noIntGenes = NULL,
## geneToModule = NULL,
## drvNames = NULL,
## keepInput = TRUE) {
## ## restrictions: the usual rt
## ## epistasis: as it says, with the ":"
## ## orderEffects: the ">"
## ## All of the above can be genes or can be modules (if you pass a
## ## geneToModule)
## ## rest: rest of genes, with fitness
## ## For epistasis and order effects we create the output object but
## ## missing the numeric ids of genes. With rT we do it in one go, as we
## ## already know the mapping of genes to numeric ids. We could do the
## ## same in epistasis and order, but we would be splitting twice
## ## (whereas for rT extracting the names is very simple).
## rtNames <- NULL
## epiNames <- NULL
## orNames <- NULL
## if(!is.null(rT)) {
## ## This is really ugly, but to prevent the stringsAsFactors I need it here:
## rT$parent <- as.character(rT$parent)
## rT$child <- as.character(rT$child)
## rT$typeDep <- as.character(rT$typeDep)
## rtNames <- unique(c(rT$parent, rT$child))
## }
## if(!is.null(epistasis)) {
## long.epistasis <- to.long.epist.order(epistasis, ":")
## ## epiNames <- unique(unlist(lapply(long.epistasis, function(x) x$ids)))
## ## deal with the possible negative signs
## epiNames <- setdiff(unique(
## unlist(lapply(long.epistasis,
## function(x) lapply(x$ids,
## function(z) strsplit(z, "^-"))))),
## "")
## } else {
## long.epistasis <- list()
## }
## if(!is.null(orderEffects)) {
## long.orderEffects <- to.long.epist.order(orderEffects, ">")
## orNames <- unique(unlist(lapply(long.orderEffects, function(x) x$ids)))
## } else {
## long.orderEffects <- list()
## }
## allModuleNames <- unique(c(rtNames, epiNames, orNames))
## if(is.null(geneToModule)) {
## gMOneToOne <- TRUE
## geneToModule <- geneModuleNull(allModuleNames)
## } else {
## gMOneToOne <- FALSE
## if(any(, "Root"), allModuleNames))))
## stop(paste("Some values in geneToModule not present in any of",
## " rT, epistasis, or order effects"))
## if(any(, names(geneToModule)))))
## stop(paste("Some values in rT, epistasis, ",
## "or order effects not in geneToModule"))
## }
## geneModule <-, = gMOneToOne)
## idm <- unique(geneModule$ModuleNumID)
## names(idm) <- unique(geneModule$Module)
## if(!is.null(rT)) {
## checkRT(rT)
## long.rt <- to.long.rt(rT, idm)
## } else {
## long.rt <- list() ## yes, we want an object of length 0
## }
## ## Append the numeric ids to epistasis and order
## if(!is.null(epistasis)) {
## long.epistasis <- lapply(long.epistasis,
## function(x)
## addIntID.epist.order(x, idm,
## sort = TRUE,
## sign = TRUE))
## }
## if(!is.null(orderEffects)) {
## long.orderEffects <- lapply(long.orderEffects,
## function(x)
## addIntID.epist.order(x, idm,
## sort = FALSE,
## sign = FALSE))
## }
## if(!is.null(noIntGenes)) {
## mg <- max(geneModule[, "GeneNumID"])
## gnum <- seq_along(noIntGenes) + mg
## if(!is.null(names(noIntGenes))) {
## ng <- names(noIntGenes)
## if(any(ng %in% geneModule[, "Gene"] ))
## stop("A gene in noIntGenes also present in the other terms")
## } else {
## ng <- gnum
## }
## geneNoInt <- data.frame(Gene = as.character(ng),
## GeneNumID = gnum,
## s = noIntGenes,
## stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
## } else {
## geneNoInt <- data.frame()
## }
## if( (length(long.rt) + length(long.epistasis) + length(long.orderEffects) +
## nrow(geneNoInt)) == 0)
## stop("You have specified nothing!")
## if((length(long.rt) + length(long.epistasis) + length(long.orderEffects)) > 1) {
## graphE <- fitnessEffectsToIgraph(rT, epistasis, orderEffects)
## } else {
## graphE <- NULL
## }
## if(!is.null(drvNames)) {
## drv <- getGeneIDNum(geneModule, geneNoInt, drvNames)
## } else {
## drv <- geneModule$GeneNumID[-1]
## }
## if(!keepInput) {
## rT <- epistasis <- orderEffects <- noIntGenes <- NULL
## }
## out <- list(long.rt = long.rt,
## long.epistasis = long.epistasis,
## long.orderEffects = long.orderEffects,
## long.geneNoInt = geneNoInt,
## geneModule = geneModule,
## gMOneToOne = gMOneToOne,
## geneToModule = geneToModule,
## graph = graphE,
## drv = drv,
## rT = rT,
## epistasis = epistasis,
## orderEffects = orderEffects,
## noIntGenes = noIntGenes
## )
## class(out) <- c("fitnessEffects")
## return(out)
## }
## No longer used
## rtAndGeneModule <- function(mdeps, gM = NULL) {
## ## To show a table of restrictions when there are modules. Do not use
## ## for anything else. Maybe as intermediate to plotting.
## ## Specify restriction table of modules and a mapping of modules to
## ## genes. gM is a named vector; names are modules, values are elements
## ## of each module.
## ## We do nothing important if gM is NULL except checks
## ## If there are modules, the table shows the individual genes.
## checkRT(mdeps)
## ## if(ncol(mdeps) != 5)
## ## stop("mdeps must be of exactly 5 columns")
## ## if(!identical(colnames(mdeps), c("parent", "child", "s", "sh", "typeDep")))
## ## stop(paste("Column names of mdeps not of appropriate format. ",
## ## "Should be parent, child, s, sh, typeDep"))
## if(!is.null(gM)) {
## if(any([ , 1], names(gM)))))
## stop("Some values in parent not from a known module")
## if(any([ , 2], names(gM)))))
## stop("Some values in child not from a known module")
## if(any(, c(mdeps[, 1], mdeps[, 2])))))
## stop("Some values in module in neither parent or child")
## parent <- gM[mdeps[, 1]]
## child <- gM[mdeps[, 2]]
## df <- data.frame(parent = parent,
## child = child,
## s = mdeps$s,
## sh = mdeps$sh,
## typeDep = mdeps$typeDep,
## stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
## } else {
## df <- mdeps
## }
## rownames(df) <-
## return(df)
## }
## wrap.test.rt <- function(rt, gM = NULL) {
## ## FIXME add epistasis and orderEffects
## lrt <- allFitnessEffects(rt, geneToModule = gM)
## ## wrap_test_rt(lrt$long.rt)
## wrap_test_rt(lrt$long.rt, lrt$geneModule)
## }
## No longer used
## wrap.readFitnessEffects <- function(rt, epi, oe, ni, gm, echo = TRUE) {
## tt <- allFitnessEffects(rt, epi, oe, ni, gm)
## readFitnessEffects(tt, echo = echo)
## ## readFitnessEffects(tt$long.rt,
## ## tt$long.epistasis,
## ## tt$long.orderEffects,
## ## tt$long.geneNoInt,
## ## tt$geneModule,
## ## tt$gMOneToOne,
## ## echo = TRUE)
## }
evalGenotypeORMut <- function(genotype,
verbose = FALSE,
echo = FALSE,
model = "",
calledBy_= NULL) {
## genotype can be a vector of integers, that are the exact same in
## the table of fmEffects or a vector of strings, or a vector (a
## string) with genes separated by "," or ">"
if( !(calledBy_ %in% c("evalGenotype", "evalGenotypeMut") ))
stop("How did you call this function?. Bug.")
## fmEffects could be a mutator effect
if(!exists("fitnessLandscape_gene_id", where = fmEffects)) {
fmEffects$fitnessLandscape_df <- data.frame()
fmEffects$fitnessLandscape_gene_id <- data.frame()
if( (model %in% c("Bozic", "bozic1", "bozic2")) &&
(nrow(fmEffects$fitnessLandscape_df) > 0)) {
warning("Bozic model passing a fitness landscape will not work",
" for now.")
cat(paste("Genotype: ", genotype))
if(!is.integer(genotype)) {
if(length(grep(">", genotype))) {
genotype <- nice.vector.eo(genotype, ">")
} else if(length(grep(",", genotype))) {
genotype <- nice.vector.eo(genotype, ",")
all.g.nums <- c(fmEffects$geneModule$GeneNumID,
all.g.names <- c(fmEffects$geneModule$Gene,
genotype <- all.g.nums[match(genotype, all.g.names)]
stop("genotype contains NAs or genes not in fitnessEffects/mutatorEffects")
stop("genotypes must have at least one mutated gene")
if(any(genotype < 0)) {
stop(paste("genotypes cannot contain negative values.",
"If you see this message, you found a bug."))
if(model %in% c("Bozic", "bozic1", "bozic2") )
prodNeg <- TRUE
prodNeg <- FALSE
ff <- evalRGenotype(rG = genotype,
rFE = fmEffects,
verbose = verbose,
prodNeg = prodNeg,
calledBy_ = calledBy_)
if(echo) {
if(calledBy_ == "evalGenotype") {
cat(" Fitness: ", ff, "\n")
cat(" Death rate: ", ff, "\n")
} else if(calledBy_ == "evalGenotypeMut") {
cat(" Mutation rate product :", ff, "\n")
evalGenotype <- function(genotype, fitnessEffects,
verbose = FALSE,
echo = FALSE,
model = "") {
if(inherits(fitnessEffects, "mutatorEffects"))
stop("You are trying to get the fitness of a mutator specification. ",
"You did not pass an object of class fitnessEffects.")
evalGenotypeORMut(genotype = genotype,
fmEffects = fitnessEffects,
verbose = verbose,
echo = echo,
model = model ,
calledBy_= "evalGenotype"
evalGenotypeFitAndMut <- function(genotype,
verbose = FALSE,
echo = FALSE,
model = "") {
## Must deal with objects from previous, pre flfast, modifications
if(!exists("fitnessLandscape_gene_id", where = fitnessEffects)) {
fitnessEffects$fitnessLandscape_df <- data.frame()
fitnessEffects$fitnessLandscape_gene_id <- data.frame()
if( (model %in% c("Bozic", "bozic1", "bozic2")) &&
(nrow(fitnessEffects$fitnessLandscape_df) > 0)) {
warning("Bozic model passing a fitness landscape will not work",
" for now.")
prodNeg <- FALSE
## Next is from evalGenotypeAndMut
cat(paste("Genotype: ", genotype))
if(!is.integer(genotype)) {
if(length(grep(">", genotype))) {
genotype <- nice.vector.eo(genotype, ">")
} else if(length(grep(",", genotype))) {
genotype <- nice.vector.eo(genotype, ",")
all.g.nums <- c(fitnessEffects$geneModule$GeneNumID,
all.g.names <- c(fitnessEffects$geneModule$Gene,
genotype <- all.g.nums[match(genotype, all.g.names)]
stop("genotype contains NAs or genes not in fitnessEffects")
stop("genotypes must have at least one mutated gene")
if(any(genotype < 0)) {
stop(paste("genotypes cannot contain negative values.",
"If you see this message, you found a bug."))
full2mutator_ <- matchGeneIDs(mutatorEffects,
if(model %in% c("Bozic", "bozic1", "bozic2") )
prodNeg <- TRUE
prodNeg <- FALSE
evalRGenotypeAndMut(genotype, fitnessEffects,
mutatorEffects, full2mutator_,
verbose = verbose,
prodNeg = prodNeg)
## evalGenotype <- function(genotype, fitnessEffects,
## verbose = FALSE,
## echo = FALSE,
## model = "") {
## ## genotype can be a vector of integers, that are the exact same in
## ## the table of fitnessEffects or a vector of strings, or a vector (a
## ## string) with genes separated by "," or ">"
## if(echo)
## cat(paste("Genotype: ", genotype))
## if(!is.integer(genotype)) {
## if(length(grep(">", genotype))) {
## genotype <- nice.vector.eo(genotype, ">")
## } else if(length(grep(",", genotype))) {
## genotype <- nice.vector.eo(genotype, ",")
## }
## all.g.nums <- c(fitnessEffects$geneModule$GeneNumID,
## fitnessEffects$long.geneNoInt$GeneNumID)
## all.g.names <- c(fitnessEffects$geneModule$Gene,
## fitnessEffects$long.geneNoInt$Gene)
## genotype <- all.g.nums[match(genotype, all.g.names)]
## }
## if(any(
## stop("genotype contains NAs or genes not in fitnessEffects")
## if(!length(genotype))
## stop("genotypes must have at least one mutated gene")
## if(any(genotype < 0)) {
## stop(paste("genotypes cannot contain negative values.",
## "If you see this message, you found a bug."))
## }
## if(model %in% c("Bozic", "bozic1", "bozic2") )
## prodNeg <- TRUE
## else
## prodNeg <- FALSE
## ff <- evalRGenotype(genotype, fitnessEffects, verbose, prodNeg)
## if(echo) {
## if(!prodNeg)
## cat(" Fitness: ", ff, "\n")
## else
## cat(" Death rate: ", ff, "\n")
## } ## else {
## ## return(ff)
## ## }
## return(ff)
## }
## For multiple genotypes, lapply the matching.
## Nope, I think unneeded
## internal.convert_genotypes <- function(genotypes, gm) {
## genotypes <- lapply(lg, function(x) gm$GeneNumID[match(x, gm$Gene)])
## }
## I am here: simplify this
evalAllGenotypesORMut <- function(fmEffects,
order = FALSE, max = 256,
addwt = FALSE,
model = "",
calledBy_ = "") {
## minimal = FALSE) {
if( !(calledBy_ %in% c("evalGenotype", "evalGenotypeMut") ))
stop("How did you call this function?. Bug.")
if( (calledBy_ == "evalGenotype" ) &&
(!inherits(fmEffects, "fitnessEffects")))
stop("You are trying to get the fitness of a mutator specification. ",
"You did not pass an object of class fitnessEffects.")
if( (calledBy_ == "evalGenotypeMut" ) &&
(!inherits(fmEffects, "mutatorEffects")))
stop("You are trying to get the mutator effects of a fitness specification. ",
"You did not pass an object of class mutatorEffects.")
## if(!minimal)
allg <- generateAllGenotypes(fitnessEffects = fmEffects,
order = order, max = max)
## else
## allg <- generateAllGenotypes_minimal(fitnessEffects = fmEffects,
## max = max)
## if(order)
## tot <- function(n) {sum(sapply(,
## function(x) choose(n, x) * factorial(x)))}
## else
## tot <- function(n) {2^n}
## nn <- nrow(fitnessEffects$geneModule) -1 + nrow(fitnessEffects$long.geneNoInt)
## tnn <- tot(nn)
## if(tnn > max) {
## m <- paste("There are", tnn, "genotypes.")
## m <- paste(m, "This is larger than max.")
## m <- paste(m, "Adjust max and rerun if you want")
## stop(m)
## }
## ## With mutator, the ids of genes need not go from 1:n
## vid <- allNamedGenes(fitnessEffects)$GeneNumID
## if(order) {
## f1 <- function(n) {
## lapply(, function(x) permutations(n = n, r = x, v = vid))
## }
## } else {
## f1 <- function(n) {
## lapply(, function(x) combinations(n = n, r = x, v = vid))}
## }
## genotNums <- f1(nn)
## list.of.vectors <- function(y) {
## ## there's got to be a simpler way
## lapply(unlist(lapply(y, function(x) {apply(x, 1, list)}), recursive = FALSE),
## function(m) m[[1]])
## }
## genotNums <- list.of.vectors(genotNums)
## names <- c(fitnessEffects$geneModule$Gene[-1],
## fitnessEffects$long.geneNoInt$Gene)
## genotNames <- unlist(lapply(lapply(genotNums, function(x) names[x]),
## function(z)
## paste(z,
## collapse = if(order){" > "} else {", "} )))
## This ain't the best, as we repeatedly read and convert
## fitnessEffects. If this were slow, prepare C++ function that takes
## vectors of genotypes and uses same fitnessEffects.
if(model %in% c("Bozic", "bozic1", "bozic2") )
prodNeg <- TRUE
prodNeg <- FALSE
allf <- vapply(allg$genotNums,
function(x) evalRGenotype(x, fmEffects, FALSE,
df <- data.frame(Genotype = allg$genotNames, Fitness = allf,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
## Why am I doing this? I am not computing the genotype. I test the
## evaluation of the empty genotype in the tests. But its evaluation
## generates warnings that are not needed. And by decree (even in the
## C++) this thing has a fitness of 1, a mutator effect of 1 since
## there are no terms.
df <- rbind(data.frame(Genotype = "WT", Fitness = 1,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE), df)
if(calledBy_ == "evalGenotype") {
colnames(df)[match("Fitness", colnames(df))] <- "Death_rate"
class(df) <- c("evalAllGenotypes", class(df))
} else if (calledBy_ == "evalGenotypeMut") {
colnames(df)[match("Fitness", colnames(df))] <- "MutatorFactor"
class(df) <- c("evalAllGenotypesMut", class(df))
evalAllGenotypes <- function(fitnessEffects, order = FALSE, max = 256,
addwt = FALSE,
model = "") {
## Must deal with objects from previous, pre flfast, modifications
if(!exists("fitnessLandscape_gene_id", where = fitnessEffects)) {
fitnessEffects$fitnessLandscape_df <- data.frame()
fitnessEffects$fitnessLandscape_gene_id <- data.frame()
if( (model %in% c("Bozic", "bozic1", "bozic2")) &&
(nrow(fitnessEffects$fitnessLandscape_df) > 0)) {
warning("Bozic model passing a fitness landscape will not work",
" for now.")
fmEffects = fitnessEffects,
order = order,
max = max,
addwt = addwt,
model = model,
calledBy_= "evalGenotype"
generateAllGenotypes <- function(fitnessEffects, order = TRUE, max = 256) {
tot <- function(n) {sum(sapply(,
function(x) choose(n, x) * factorial(x)))}
tot <- function(n) {2^n}
nn <- nrow(fitnessEffects$geneModule) -1 +
nrow(fitnessEffects$long.geneNoInt) +
tnn <- tot(nn)
if(tnn > max) {
m <- paste("There are", tnn, "genotypes.")
m <- paste(m, "This is larger than max.")
m <- paste(m, "Adjust max and rerun if you want")
## With mutator, the ids of genes need not go from 1:n
vid <- allNamedGenes(fitnessEffects)$GeneNumID
if(order) {
f1 <- function(n) {
lapply(, function(x) permutations(n = n, r = x, v = vid))
} else {
f1 <- function(n) {
lapply(, function(x) combinations(n = n, r = x, v = vid))}
genotNums <- f1(nn)
list.of.vectors <- function(y) {
## there's got to be a simpler way
lapply(unlist(lapply(y, function(x) {apply(x, 1, list)}), recursive = FALSE),
function(m) m[[1]])
genotNums <- list.of.vectors(genotNums)
names <- c(fitnessEffects$geneModule$Gene[-1],
genotNames <- unlist(lapply(lapply(genotNums, function(x) names[x]),
collapse = if(order){" > "} else {", "} )))
## This ain't the best, as we repeatedly read and convert
## fitnessEffects. If this were slow, prepare C++ function that takes
## vectors of genotypes and uses same fitnessEffects.
return(list(genotNums = genotNums,
genotNames = genotNames
evalAllGenotypesFitAndMut <- function(fitnessEffects, mutatorEffects,
order = FALSE, max = 256,
addwt = FALSE,
model = "" ){
## minimal = FALSE) {
## if(!minimal)
allg <- generateAllGenotypes(fitnessEffects = fitnessEffects,
order = order, max = max)
## else
## allg <- generateAllGenotypes_minimal(fitnessEffects = fitnessEffects,
## max = max)
if(model %in% c("Bozic", "bozic1", "bozic2") ) {
prodNeg <- TRUE
} else {
prodNeg <- FALSE
## Must deal with objects from previous, pre flfast, modifications
if(!exists("fitnessLandscape_gene_id", where = fitnessEffects)) {
fitnessEffects$fitnessLandscape_df <- data.frame()
fitnessEffects$fitnessLandscape_gene_id <- data.frame()
if( (model %in% c("Bozic", "bozic1", "bozic2")) &&
(nrow(fitnessEffects$fitnessLandscape_df) > 0)) {
warning("Bozic model passing a fitness landscape will not work",
" for now.")
full2mutator_ <- matchGeneIDs(mutatorEffects,
allf <- t(vapply(allg$genotNums,
function(x) evalRGenotypeAndMut(x,
rFE = fitnessEffects,
muEF= mutatorEffects,
full2mutator_ = full2mutator_,
verbose = FALSE,
prodNeg = prodNeg),
c(1.1, 2.2)))
df <- data.frame(Genotype = allg$genotNames, Fitness = allf[, 1],
MutatorFactor = allf[, 2],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
df <- rbind(data.frame(Genotype = "WT", Fitness = 1,
MutatorFactor = 1,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE), df)
colnames(df)[match("Fitness", colnames(df))] <- "Death_rate"
class(df) <- c("evalAllGenotypesFitAndMut", class(df))
## evalAllGenotypes <- function(fitnessEffects, order = TRUE, max = 256,
## addwt = FALSE,
## model = "") {
## if(order)
## tot <- function(n) {sum(sapply(,
## function(x) choose(n, x) * factorial(x)))}
## else
## tot <- function(n) {2^n}
## nn <- nrow(fitnessEffects$geneModule) -1 + nrow(fitnessEffects$long.geneNoInt)
## tnn <- tot(nn)
## if(tnn > max) {
## m <- paste("There are", tnn, "genotypes.")
## m <- paste(m, "This is larger than max.")
## m <- paste(m, "Adjust max and rerun if you want")
## stop(m)
## }
## if(order) {
## f1 <- function(n) {
## lapply(, function(x) permutations(n = n, r = x))
## }
## } else {
## f1 <- function(n) {
## lapply(, function(x) combinations(n = n, r = x))}
## }
## genotNums <- f1(nn)
## list.of.vectors <- function(y) {
## ## there's got to be a simpler way
## lapply(unlist(lapply(y, function(x) {apply(x, 1, list)}), recursive = FALSE),
## function(m) m[[1]])
## }
## genotNums <- list.of.vectors(genotNums)
## names <- c(fitnessEffects$geneModule$Gene[-1],
## fitnessEffects$long.geneNoInt$Gene)
## genotNames <- unlist(lapply(lapply(genotNums, function(x) names[x]),
## function(z)
## paste(z,
## collapse = if(order){" > "} else {", "} )))
## ## This ain't the best, as we repeatedly read and convert
## ## fitnessEffects. If this were slow, prepare C++ function that takes
## ## vectors of genotypes and uses same fitnessEffects.
## if(model %in% c("Bozic", "bozic1", "bozic2") )
## prodNeg <- TRUE
## else
## prodNeg <- FALSE
## allf <- vapply(genotNums,
## function(x) evalRGenotype(x, fitnessEffects, FALSE, prodNeg),
## 1.1)
## df <- data.frame(Genotype = genotNames, Fitness = allf,
## stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
## if(addwt)
## df <- rbind(data.frame(Genotype = "WT", Fitness = 1,
## stringsAsFactors = FALSE), df)
## if(prodNeg)
## colnames(df)[match("Fitness", colnames(df))] <- "Death_rate"
## return(df)
## }
fitnessEffectsToIgraph <- function(rT, epistasis, orderEffects) {
df0 <- df1 <- df2 <- data.frame()
if(!is.null(rT)) {
df0 <- rT[, c("parent", "child", "typeDep")]
if(!is.null(epistasis)) {
df1 <- to.pairs.modules(epistasis, ":")
if(!is.null(orderEffects)) {
df2 <- to.pairs.modules(orderEffects, ">")
df <- rbind(df0, df1, df2)
## for special case of simple epi effects
if(nrow(df) == 0) return(NULL)
g1 <-
E(g1)$color <- "black"
E(g1)$color[E(g1)$typeDep == "SM"] <- "blue"
E(g1)$color[E(g1)$typeDep == "XMPN"] <- "red"
E(g1)$color[E(g1)$typeDep == "epistasis"] <- "orange"
E(g1)$color[E(g1)$typeDep == "orderEffect"] <- "orange"
E(g1)$lty <- 1
E(g1)$lty[E(g1)$typeDep == "epistasis"] <- 2
E(g1)$lty[E(g1)$typeDep == "orderEffect"] <- 3
E(g1)$arrow.mode <- 2
E(g1)$arrow.mode[E(g1)$typeDep == "epistasis"] <- 0
E(g1)$arrow.mode[E(g1)$typeDep == "orderEffect"] <- 2
plot.fitnessEffects <- function(x, type = "graphNEL",
layout = NULL,
expandModules = FALSE,
autofit = FALSE,
scale_char = ifelse(type == "graphNEL", 1/10, 5),
return_g = FALSE,
lwdf = 1, ## multiplier for lwd for graphNEL
...) {
## some other layouts I find OK
## layout.reingold.tilford if really a tree
## o.w. it will use the default
g <- x$graph
stop("This fitnessEffects object can not be ploted this way.",
" It is probably one with fitness landscape specification, ",
" so you might want to plot the fitness landscape instead.")
if(type == "igraph") {
if(expandModules && (!x$gMOneToOne)) {
## vlabels <- fe$geneToModule[vertex.attributes(g)$name]
vlabels <- x$geneToModule[V(g)$name]
V(g)$label <- vlabels
if(autofit) {
plot(0, type = "n", axes = FALSE, ann = FALSE)
## ideas from
## vsize <- (strwidth(V(g)$label) + strwidth("oo")) * 200
## but this is a kludge.
vsize <- (nchar(V(g)$label) + 1) * scale_char
plot.igraph(g, vertex.size = vsize, vertex.shape = "rectangle",
layout = layout)
} else {
plot.igraph(g, layout = layout)
if(return_g) return(g)
else if (type == "graphNEL") {
g1 <-
c1 <- unlist(lapply(edgeData(g1), function(x) x$color))
names(c1) <- sub("|", "~", names(c1), fixed = TRUE)
s1 <- unlist(lapply(edgeData(g1), function(x) x$lty))
names(s1) <- names(c1)
a1 <- unlist(lapply(edgeData(g1), function(x) max(x$arrow.mode - 1, 0)))
names(a1) <- names(c1)
lwd <- s1
lwd[lwd == 2] <- 2 ## o.w. too thin
lwd[lwd == 3] <- 2 ## o.w. too thin
lwd <- lwd * lwdf
nAttrs <- list()
if(expandModules && (!x$gMOneToOne)) {
nnodes <- x$geneToModule[nodes(g1)]
names(nnodes) <- nodes(g1)
nAttrs$label <- nnodes
if(autofit) {
nAttrs$width <- (nchar(nAttrs$label) + 1) * scale_char
names(nAttrs$width) <- names(nAttrs$label)
plot(g1, edgeAttrs = list(arrowsize = a1, lty = s1, lwd = lwd,
color = c1), attrs=list(node=list(shape = "rectangle")),
nodeAttrs = nAttrs)
} else {
plot(g1, edgeAttrs = list(arrowsize = a1, lty = s1, lwd = lwd,
color = c1),
nodeAttrs = nAttrs)
if(return_g) return(g1)
} else {
stop("plot type not recognized")
## plot.fitnessEffects <- plotFitnessEffects
## FIXME: in the help: say we cannot properly show 3- or higher order
## interactions.
nr_oncoSimul.internal <- function(rFE,
MMUEF = NULL, ## avoid partial matching, and set default
fixation = NULL ## avoid partial matching
) {
default_min_successive_fixation <- 50 ## yes, set at this for now
if(!inherits(rFE, "fitnessEffects"))
stop(paste("rFE must be an object of class fitnessEffects",
"as created, for instance, with function",
if(countGenesFe(rFE) < 2) {
stop("There must be at least two genes (loci) in the fitness effects.",
"If you only care about a degenerate case with just one,",
"you can enter a second gene (locus)",
"with fitness effect of zero.")
if( (length(mu) == 1) && !(is.null(names(mu)))) {
stop("A length 1 mutation, but named. ",
"This is ambiguous. ",
"If you want per-gene mutation rates, each gene",
"must have its entry in the mu vector. ",
"(And regardless of per-gene mutation rates ",
" there must be at least two gene/loci).")
## Must deal with objects from previous, pre flfast, modifications
## Could move this way down to the bottom, right before
## .Call
if(!exists("fitnessLandscape_gene_id", where = rFE)) {
rFE$fitnessLandscape_df <- data.frame()
rFE$fitnessLandscape_gene_id <- data.frame()
namedGenes <- allNamedGenes(rFE)
if( length(mu) > 1) {
stop("When using per-gene mutation rates the ",
"mu vector must be named ",
"(and if you have noIntGenes, those must have names).")
if(length(mu) != countGenesFe(rFE))
stop("When using per-gene mutation rates, ",
"there must be the same number of genes in the ",
"mu vector and the fitness effects object.")
stop("When using per-gene mutation rates, ",
"names of genes must match those in the ",
"restriction table.")
mu <- mu[order(match(names(mu), namedGenes$Gene))]
## Hyperparanoid check. Should never, ever, happen.
if(!identical(names(mu), namedGenes$Gene))
stop("Names of re-ordered mu do not match names of genes")
minmu <- 1e-40
if(any(mu <= minmu))
stop(paste("At least one per-gene mutation rate is negative",
"or less than", minmu,". Remember that the per-base",
"mutation rate in the human genome is about 1e-11 to 1e-9."))
if(!is.null(initMutant)) {
initMutantString <- initMutant
if(length(grep(">", initMutant))) {
initMutant <- nice.vector.eo(initMutant, ">")
} else if(length(grep(",", initMutant))) {
initMutant <- nice.vector.eo(initMutant, ",")
initMutant <- getGeneIDNum(rFE$geneModule,
if(length(initMutant) >= countGenesFe(rFE)) {
stop("For initMutant you passed as many, or more genes, mutated ",
"than the number of genes in the genotype (fitness effects).")
} else {
initMutant <- vector(mode = "integer")
initMutantString <- ""
## these are never user options
## if(initSize_species < 10) {
## warning("initSize_species too small?")
## }
## if(initSize_iter < 100) {
## warning("initSize_iter too small?")
## }
if(typeFitness %in% c("bozic1", "bozic2")) {
if(nrow(rFE$fitnessLandscape_df) > 0)
warning("Bozic model passing a fitness landscape will not work",
" for now.")
## FIXME: bozic and fitness landscape
## the issue is that in the C++ code we directly do
## s = birth rate - 1
## but we would need something different
## Can be done going through epistasis, etc.
thesh <- unlist(lapply(rFE$long.rt, function(x) x$sh))
## thes <- unlist(lapply(rFE$long.rt, function(x) x$s))
thes <- unlist(c(lapply(rFE$long.rt, function(x) x$s),
lapply(rFE$long.epistasis, function(x) x$s),
lapply(rFE$long.orderEffects, function(x) x$s),
if(any(thes > 1 )) {
m <- paste("You are using a Bozic model with",
"the new restriction specification, and you have",
"at least one s > 1.",
"But that is the same as setting that to 1:",
"we obviously cannot allow negative death rates,",
"nor problems derived from multiplying odd or even",
"numbers of negative numbers.",
"You can set those > 1 to 1, but then you will",
"eventually get the simulations to abort when the",
"death rate becomes 0.")
if(any( (thesh <= -1) & (thesh > -Inf))) {
m <- paste("You are using a Bozic model with",
"the new restriction specification, and you have",
"at least one sh <= -1. Maybe you mean -Inf?")
if(any(thes == 1 )) {
m <- paste("You are using a Bozic model with",
"the new restriction specification, and you have",
"at least one s of 1. If that gene is mutated, ",
"this will lead to a death rate of 0",
"and the simulations will abort when you get a non finite",
if(!is.null(MMUEF)) {
if(!inherits(MMUEF, "mutatorEffects"))
stop("muEF must be a mutatorEffects object")
full2mutator_ <- matchGeneIDs(MMUEF, rFE)
stop("Genes in mutatorEffects not present in fitnessEffects")
stop("full2mutator failed for unknown reasons")
full2mutator_ <- full2mutator_$Reduced
} else {
full2mutator_ <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = 0)
## muEF <- emptyFitnessEffects()
dpr <- detectionProbCheckParse(detectionProb, initSize, verbosity)
## if( !is.null(cPDetect) && (sum(!is.null(p2), !is.null(n2)) >= 1 ))
## stop("Specify only cPDetect xor both of p2 and n2")
## if( (is.null(p2) + is.null(n2)) == 1 )
## stop("If you pass one of n2 or p2, you must also pass the other. ",
## "Otherwise, we would not know what to do.")
## stopifnot(PDBaseline >= 0)
## stopifnot(n2 > PDBaseline)
## stopifnot(p2 < 1)
## stopifnot(p2 > 0)
## if( is.null(cPDetect) ) cPDetect <- -9
## if( is.null(p2)) p2 <- 9
## if( is.null(n2)) n2 <- -9
## call <-
## Process the fixed list, if any
if(!is_null_na(fixation)) {
ng <- namedGenes
## rownames(ng) <- namedGenes[, "Gene"]
## Proposed extension to have exact matching of genotypes
ng <- rbind(
data.frame(Gene = "_", GeneNumID = -9, stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
rownames(ng) <- ng[, "Gene"]
## Later, accept a last argument, called tolerance.
## If not present, set to 0
## and then, at at the head of fixation_list below
if(is.list(fixation)) {
(is.null(fixation[["fixation_tolerance"]])) ||
([["fixation_tolerance"]]))) {
fixation_tolerance <- 0
} else {
fixation_tolerance <- as.numeric(fixation[["fixation_tolerance"]])
fixation <- fixation[-which(names(fixation) == "fixation_tolerance")]
(is.null(fixation[["min_successive_fixation"]])) ||
([["min_successive_fixation"]]))) {
min_successive_fixation <- default_min_successive_fixation
} else {
min_successive_fixation <- as.integer(fixation[["min_successive_fixation"]])
fixation <- fixation[-which(names(fixation) == "min_successive_fixation")]
(is.null(fixation[["fixation_min_size"]])) ||
([["fixation_min_size"]]))) {
fixation_min_size <- 0
} else {
fixation_min_size <- as.integer(fixation[["fixation_min_size"]])
fixation <- fixation[-which(names(fixation) == "fixation_min_size")]
} else {
if(is_null_na(fixation["fixation_tolerance"])) {
fixation_tolerance <- 0
} else {
fixation_tolerance <- as.numeric(fixation["fixation_tolerance"])
fixation <- fixation[-which(names(fixation) == "fixation_tolerance")]
if(is_null_na(fixation["min_successive_fixation"])) {
min_successive_fixation <- default_min_successive_fixation
} else {
min_successive_fixation <- as.integer(fixation["min_successive_fixation"])
fixation <- fixation[-which(names(fixation) == "min_successive_fixation")]
if(is_null_na(fixation["fixation_min_size"])) {
fixation_min_size <- 0
} else {
fixation_min_size <- as.integer(fixation["fixation_min_size"])
fixation <- fixation[-which(names(fixation) == "fixation_min_size")]
if( (fixation_tolerance > 1) || (fixation_tolerance < 0) )
stop("Impossible range for fixation tolerance")
if( (min_successive_fixation < 0) )
stop("Impossible range for min_successive_fixation")
if( (fixation_min_size < 0) )
stop("Impossible range for fixation_min_size")
## Usual genotype specification and might allow ordered vectors
## in the future
fixation_b <- lapply(fixation, nice.vector.eo, sep = ",")
ulf <- unlist(fixation_b)
if(any(ulf == ">"))
stop("Order effects not allowed (yet?) in fixation.")
ulfg <- ng[ulf, 1]
stop(paste("The 'fixation' list contains genes that are not present",
" in the fitness effects."))
## Sorting here is crucial!!
fixation_list <- lapply(fixation_b, function(x) sort(ng[x, 2]))
fixation_list <- list(fixation_list = fixation_list,
fixation_tolerance = fixation_tolerance,
min_successive_fixation = min_successive_fixation,
fixation_min_size = fixation_min_size)
} else {
fixation_list <- list()
nr_BNB_Algo5(rFE = rFE,
mu_ = mu,
death = death,
initSize = initSize,
sampleEvery = sampleEvery,
detectionSize = detectionSize,
finalTime = finalTime,
initSp = initSize_species,
initIt = initSize_iter,
seed = seed,
verbosity = verbosity,
speciesFS = speciesFS,
ratioForce = ratioForce,
typeFitness_ = typeFitness,
maxram = max.memory,
mutationPropGrowth = as.integer(mutationPropGrowth),
initMutant_ = initMutant,
maxWallTime = max.wall.time,
keepEvery = keepEvery,
K = K,
detectionDrivers = detectionDrivers,
onlyCancer = onlyCancer,
errorHitWallTime = errorHitWallTime,
maxNumTries = max.num.tries,
errorHitMaxTries = errorHitMaxTries,
minDetectDrvCloneSz = minDetectDrvCloneSz,
extraTime = extraTime,
keepPhylog = keepPhylog,
full2mutator_ = full2mutator_,
n2 = dpr["n2"],
p2 = dpr["p2"],
PDBaseline = dpr["PDBaseline"],
cPDetect_i= dpr["cPDetect"],
checkSizePEvery = dpr["checkSizePEvery"],
AND_DrvProbExit = AND_DrvProbExit,
fixation_list = fixation_list),
Drivers = list(rFE$drv), ## but when doing pops, these will be repeated
geneNames = list(names(getNamesID(rFE))),
InitMutant = initMutantString
countGenesFe <- function(fe) {
## recall geneModule has Root always
## We want to be able to use objects that did not have
## the fitness landscape component
if(exists("fitnessLandscape_gene_id", where = fe))
return(nrow(fe$geneModule) + nrow(fe$long.geneNoInt) +
nrow(fe$fitnessLandscape_gene_id) - 1)
return(nrow(fe$geneModule) + nrow(fe$long.geneNoInt) - 1)
allNamedGenes <- function(fe){
## Returns a data frame with genes and their names and verifies all
## genes have names.
## Root should always be first, but just in case
## avoid assuming it
## This does is not a good idea as it assumes the user did not use
## "keepInput = FALSE".
## lni <- length(fe$noIntGenes)
## ## FIXME:test
## if((lni > 0) &&
## (is.null(names(fe$noIntGenes))))
## stop("When using per-gene mutation rates the ",
## "no interaction genes must be named ",
## "(i.e., the noIntGenes vector must have names).")
## accommodate objects w/o fitnessLandscape
if(!is.null(fe$fitnessLandscape) && nrow(fe$fitnessLandscape)) {
gn <-
v1 <- data.frame(Gene = gn, GeneNumID =,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
} else {
v1 <- fe$geneModule[, c("Gene", "GeneNumID")]
if(nrow(fe$long.geneNoInt)) {
v1 <- rbind(v1,
fe$long.geneNoInt[, c("Gene", "GeneNumID")])
if(any(v1[, "Gene"] == "Root"))
v1 <- v1[-which(v1[, "Gene"] == "Root"), ]
rownames(v1) <- NULL
if(any(v1$Gene == "WT")) {
warning("A gene is named WT. You can expect problems ",
"because we use WT to denote the wildtype ",
"genotype. You might want to change it.")
get.gene.counts <- function(x) {
# , timeSample = "last",
# typeSample = "whole") {
## From get.mut.vector. Used for now just for testing
timeSample <- "last"
the.time <- get.the.time.for.sample(x, timeSample, NULL)
if(the.time < 0) {
counts <- rep(0, length(x$geneNames))
names(counts) <- x$geneNames
freq <- rep(NA, length(x$geneNames))
names(freq) <- x$geneNames
return(list(counts = counts,
freq = freq,
popSize = 0))
pop <- x$[the.time, -1]
if(all(pop == 0)) {
stop("You found a bug: this should never happen")
## if(typeSample %in% c("wholeTumor", "whole")) {
popSize <- x$PerSampleStats[the.time, 1]
counts <- as.vector(tcrossprod(pop, x$Genotypes))
names(counts) <- x$geneNames
return(list(counts = counts,
freq = counts/popSize,
popSize = popSize))
## return( (tcrossprod(pop,
## x$Genotypes)/popSize) )
## } else if (typeSample %in% c("singleCell", "single")) {
## return(x$Genotypes[, sample(seq_along(pop), 1, prob = pop)])
## } else {
## stop("Unknown typeSample option")
## }
geneCounts <- function(x) {
if(inherits(x, "oncosimulpop")) {
} else {
return( get.gene.counts(x)$counts)
## geneNumIDReset <- function(x, ref){
## ## Set GeneNumID of a fitnessEffect object, x, using ref as the
## ## reference fitness effect object.
## ## Check also if all in x are in ref.
## gg <- allNamedGenes(ref)
## gnid <- gg$GeneNumID
## names(gnid) <- gg$Gene
## ## FIXME: this later and conditional on what is in thee
## gnid <- c("Root" = 0, gnid)
## if(!all(x$geneModule$Gene %in% names(gnid) ))
## stop("Some genes not in reference fitnessEffects (rebasing geneModule)")
## x$geneModule$GeneNumID <- gnid[geneModule$Gene]
## ## and then go over all the lists in the x object.
## if(nrow(x$long.geneNoInt)) {
## ## now, mapping for the noInt if this is mutator
## if(!all(x$long.geneNoInt$Gene %in% names(gnid) ))
## stop("Some genes not in reference fitnessEffects (rebasing geneNoInt)")
## x$long.geneNoInt$GeneNumID <- gnid[long.geneNoInt$Gene]
## }
## }
matchGeneIDs <- function(x, refFE) {
n1 <- allNamedGenes(x)
n2 <- allNamedGenes(refFE)
colnames(n1)[2] <- "Reduced"
colnames(n2)[2] <- "Full"
## Non standard evaluation thing and a note being generated in check.
## See also
## But does not work well with replace. So use the NULL trick
Reduced <- NULL
dplyr::full_join(n2, n1, by = "Gene") %>%
mutate(Reduced = replace(Reduced,, -9))
detectionProbCheckParse <- function(x, initSize, verbosity) {
default_p2 <- 0.1
default_n2 <- 2 * initSize
default_PDBaseline <- 1.2 * initSize
default_checkSizePEvery <- 20
## No default cPDetect. That is done from p2 and n2 in C++.
if(is_null_na(x)) {
## if((length(x) == 1) && ( {
y <- vector()
y["cPDetect"] <- -9
y["p2"] <- 9
y["n2"] <- -9
y["PDBaseline"] <- -9
y["checkSizePEvery"] <- Inf
} else if((length(x) == 1) && (x == "default")) {
## Populate with defaults
y <- vector()
y["p2"] <- default_p2
y["n2"] <- default_n2
y["PDBaseline"] <- default_PDBaseline
y["checkSizePEvery"] <- default_checkSizePEvery
x <- y
if(length(x) >= 1) {
if( !all(names(x) %in% c("cPDetect", "p2", "n2", "PDBaseline", "checkSizePEvery")))
stop("Names of some components of detectionProb are not recognized.",
" Check for possible typos.")
## This ain't conditional. If not given, always check
if( !is_null_na(x["cPDetect"]) && (sum(!is_null_na(x["p2"]), !is_null_na(x["n2"])) >= 1 ))
stop("Specify only cPDetect xor both of p2 and n2")
if( (is_null_na(x["p2"]) + is_null_na(x["n2"])) == 1 )
stop("If you pass one of n2 or p2, you must also pass the other. ",
"Otherwise, we would not know what to do.")
if(is_null_na(x["PDBaseline"])) {
x["PDBaseline"] <- default_PDBaseline
if(verbosity > -1)
message("\n PDBaseline set to default value of ", default_PDBaseline, "\n")
if(is_null_na(x["checkSizePEvery"])) {
x["checkSizePEvery"] <- default_checkSizePEvery
if(verbosity > -1)
message("\n checkSizePEvery set to default value of ",
default_checkSizePEvery, "\n")
## If we get here, we checked consistency of whether cPDetect or p2/n2.
## Fill up with defaults the missing values
if(is_null_na(x["cPDetect"])) {
if(is_null_na(x["p2"])) {
if(!is_null_na(x["n2"])) stop("Eh? no p2 but n2? Bug")
x["n2"] <- default_n2
x["p2"] <- default_p2
if(verbosity > -1)
message("\n n2, p2 set to default values of ",
default_n2, ", ", default_p2, "\n")
if(x["checkSizePEvery"] <= 0)
stop("checkSizePEvery <= 0")
if(x["PDBaseline"] <= 0)
stop("PDBaseline <= 0")
if(!is_null_na(x["n2"])) {
if(x["n2"] <= x["PDBaseline"])
stop("n2 <= PDBaseline")
if(x["p2"] >= 1) stop("p2 >= 1")
if(x["p2"] <= 0) stop("p2 <= 0")
x["cPDetect"] <- -9
} else { ## only if x["cPDetect"] is not NA
if(is_null_na(x["cPDetect"])) stop("eh? you found a bug")## paranoia
x["n2"] <- -9
x["p2"] <- -9
if(verbosity > -1)
message("\n Using user-specified cPDetect as n2, p2 not given.\n")
sampledGenotypes <- function(y, genes = NULL) {
## From a popSample object, or a matrix for that matter,
## show the sampled genotypes and their frequencies
if(!is.null(genes)) {
cols <- which(colnames(y) %in% genes )
y <- y[, cols]
## nn <- colnames(y)
genotlabel <- function(u, nn = colnames(y)) {
if(any( return(NA)
else {
return(paste(sort(nn[as.logical(u)]), collapse = ", "))
## df <- data.frame(table(
## apply(y, 1, function(z) paste(sort(nn[as.logical(z)]), collapse = ", ") )
## ))
df <- data.frame(table(
apply(y, 1, genotlabel),
useNA = "ifany"),
stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
gn <- as.character(df[, 1])
gn[gn == ""] <- "WT"
df <- data.frame(Genotype = gn, Freq = df[, 2], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
attributes(df)$ShannonI <- shannonI(na.omit(df)$Freq)
class(df) <- c("sampledGenotypes", class(df))
print.sampledGenotypes <- function(x, ...) {, ...)
cat("\n Shannon's diversity (entropy) of sampled genotypes: ")
cat(attributes(x)$ShannonI, "\n")
list_g_matches_fixed <- function(x, y) {
## Internal function, for testing the fixation output.
## x and y are vectors
## x is the set of output genotypes, y the set of fixed
## genotypes/subset of genotypes.
## Yes, this function has tests too in test.fixation.R
## All genotypes in x satisfy that they are supersets of at least one
## in y? That is true if, for every element in x, at least one y in
## that x.
if(is.list(y)) y <- unlist(y)
y.nice <- lapply(y, nice.vector.eo, sep = ",")
x.nice <- lapply(x, nice.vector.eo, sep = ",")
fu <- function(u, y.nice)
any(unlist(lapply(y.nice, function(z) all(z %in% u))))
return(all(unlist(lapply(x.nice, fu, y.nice))))
## emptyFitnessEffects <- function() {
## list(long.rt = list(),
## long.epistasis = list(),
## long.orderEffects = list(),
## long.geneNoInt = list(),
## geneModule = list(),
## gMOneToOne = TRUE,
## geneToModule = list(),
## graph = NULL,
## drv = vector(mode = "integer", length = 0)
## )
## }
### Later, for all the effects, we will do some kind of dplyr match?
### a, b, c, in fitness, only a, c in mut.
### fitness table for a,b,c
### each row name transformed removing b (so leaving only present)
### each row transformed matched to row in mut table.
## t1 <- data.frame(v1 = c("a,b", "a,c", "b"), v2 = c("b", "c", "b"), v3 = 1:3, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
## t2 <- data.frame(v2 = c("b", "c"), v4 = c(11, 12), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
## full_join(t1, t2, by = "v2")
## new exit code
## check:
## baseline < n2
## p2 < 1
## baseline defaults to init size + .1
## use c < -9, n2 < -9, p2 < -9 for no values
## and check one of c or p2 and n2 are valid if using exit
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