## Copyright 2016, 2017 Ramon Diaz-Uriarte
## This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this program. If not, see <>.
## Note that, in contrast to POM, LOD is not well defined if the population
## becomes extinct.
## Functions to obtain LOD and POM similar to Szendro et al., 2014, PNAS.
genot_max <- function(x) {
x$GenotypesLabels[which.max(x$[nrow(x$, -1])]
## Filter the PhylogDF so we obtain LOD, sensu stricto.
## No longer necessary with LOD from C++ removing duplicates
## ## Now this is coming from LOD_DF, which already only has
## ## implicitly pop_size_child == 0
## Only used in one function use for testing
filter_phylog_df_LOD <- function(y) {
keep <- !rev(duplicated(rev(y$child)))
return(y[keep, ])
## ## Filter the PhylogDF so we obtain LOD, sensu stricto.
## ## For the old version
## filter_phylog_df_LOD_with_n <- function(y) {
## y <- y[y$pop_size_child == 0, , drop = FALSE]
## keep <- !rev(duplicated(rev(y$child)))
## return(y[keep, ])
## }
## from phylogClone, key parts for the LOD strict structure
phcl_from_lod <- function(df, x) {
## no longer necessary
## ## the !keepEvents. Which I move here to speed things up.
## df <- df[!duplicated(df[, c(1, 2)]), , drop = FALSE]
tG <- unique(c(as.character(df[, 1]), as.character(df[, 2])))
## ## Do as in phylogClone. So that we have the same nodes
## ## in LOD all and not LOD all?
## z <- which_N_at_T(x, N = 1, t = "last")
## tG <- x$GenotypesLabels[z]
## ## FIXME: aren't these two warnings redundant or aliased?
## ## yes, partlt
## I think this can never happen now
## if ((length(tG) == 1) && (tG == "")) {
## warning("There never was a descendant of WT")
## }
if (nrow(df) == 0) {
warning("LOD structure has 0 rows: no descendants of initMutant ever appeared. ")
g <-[, c(1, 2)])
nodesInP <- unique(unlist(igraph::neighborhood(g, order = 1e+09,
nodes = tG, mode = "in")))
allLabels <- unique(as.character(unlist(df[, c(1, 2)])))
nodesRm <- setdiff(allLabels, V(g)$name[nodesInP])
g <- igraph::delete.vertices(g, nodesRm)
tmp <- list(graph = g, df = df)
class(tmp) <- c(class(tmp), "phylogClone")
LOD.internal <- function(x) {
if(is.null(x$ {
warning("Missing needed components. This might be a failed simulation.",
" Returning NA.")
return(list(all_paths = NA, lod_single = NA))
if (!inherits(x, "oncosimul2"))
stop("LOD information is only stored with v >= 2")
## y <- filter_phylog_df_LOD(x$other$LOD_DF)
y <- x$other$LOD_DF
pc <- phcl_from_lod(y)
## need eval for oncoSimulPop calls and for LOD_as_path
initMutant <- x$InitMutant
## No descendants means that: never a descendant.
## Note the same that the init mutant be the final state.
if((length(pc) == 1) && ( {
lod <- "No_descendants"
## bail out here. We do not need the rest.
if(initMutant != "")
attributes(lod)$initMutant <- initMutant
pcg <- pc$graph
end <- genot_max(x)
if(end == initMutant) {
if(initMutant == "") {
stinitm <- "WT"
} else {
stinitm <- paste0("initMutant(", initMutant, ")")
lod <- paste0(stinitm, "_is_end")
} else {
all_paths <- igraph::all_simple_paths(pcg, from = initMutant, to = end,
mode = "out")
if(length(all_paths) > 1)
stop("length(all_paths) > 1???")
lod <- igraph::as_ids(all_paths[[1]])
if(initMutant != "")
attributes(lod)$initMutant <- initMutant
POM.internal <- function(x) {
if(is.null(x$ {
warning("Missing needed components. This might be a failed simulation.",
" Returning NA.")
} else {
diversityLOD <- function(llod) {
## nn <- names(llod[[1]])
nn <- llod[[1]]
if( is_null_na(nn) ||
stop("Object must be a list of LODs")
pathstr <- unlist(lapply(llod, function(x) paste(x,
collapse = "_")))
## diversityLOD <- function(llod) {
## nn <- names(llod[[1]])
## if( is_null_na(nn) ||
## !(is.list(llod)))
## stop("Object must be a list of LODs")
## pathstr <- unlist(lapply(llod, function(x) paste(names(x),
## collapse = "_")))
## shannonI(table(pathstr))
## }
LOD_as_path <- function(llod) {
path_l <- function(u) {
if(length(u) == 1) {
initMutant <- ""
initMutant <- attributes(u)$initMutant
if(initMutant == "") initMutant <- "WT"
if(grepl("_is_end", u))
if(u == "No_descendants")
} else {
## Deal with "" meaning WT
## the_names <- names(u)
the_names <- u
the_names_wt <- which(the_names == "")
if(length(the_names_wt)) {
if(length(the_names_wt) > 1) stop("more than 1 WT?!")
if(the_names_wt > 1) stop("WT in position not 1?!")
the_names[the_names_wt] <- "WT"
return(paste(the_names, collapse = " -> "))
pathstr <- path_l(llod)
pathstr <- unlist(lapply(llod, path_l))
## We would just need a LOD_as_DAG
diversityPOM <- function(lpom) {
if(!inherits(lpom, "list"))
stop("Object must be a list of POMs")
pomstr <- unlist(lapply(lpom, function(x) paste(x, collapse = "_")))
## a legacy
diversity_POM <- diversityPOM
diversity_LOD <- diversityLOD
POM <- function(x) {
UseMethod("POM", x)
LOD <- function(x) {
UseMethod("LOD", x)
POM.oncosimul2 <- function(x) return(POM.internal(x))
LOD.oncosimul2 <- function(x) return(LOD.internal(x))
POM.oncosimulpop <- function(x) return(lapply(x, POM.internal))
LOD.oncosimulpop <- function(x) return(lapply(x, LOD.internal))
## POM.oncosimul2 <- function(x) {
## out <- POM.internal(x)
## class(out) <- c(class(out), "oncosimul_pom")
## return(out)
## }
## LOD.oncosimul2 <- function(x) {
## out <- LOD.internal(x)
## class(out) <- c(class(out), "oncosimul_lod")
## return(out)
## }
## POM.oncosimulpop <- function(x) {
## out <- lapply(x, POM.internal)
## class(out) <- c(class(out), "oncosimul_pom_list")
## return(out)
## }
## LOD.oncosimulpop <- function(x) {
## out <- lapply(x, LOD.internal)
## class(out) <- c(class(out), "oncosimul_lod_list")
## return(out)
## }
## summary.oncosimul_lod_list <- function(x) {
## cat("List of ", length(x), " simulations\n.")
## cat("Shannon's diversity (entropy) = ", diversityLOD(x), "\n")
## }
## summary.oncosimul_pom_list <- function(x) {
## cat("List of ", length(x), " simulations\n.")
## cat("Shannon's diversity (entropy) = ", diversityPOM(x), "\n")
## }
POM_pre_2.9.2 <- function(x) {
if(is.null(x$ {
warning("Missing needed components. This might be a failed simulation.",
" Returning NA.")
x$GenotypesLabels[rle(apply(x$[, -1, drop = FALSE],
1, which.max))$values]
LOD.internal_pre_2.9.2 <- function(x, strict) {
## Not identical to LOD of Szendro because:
## a) I think we want all paths, not just their single LOD, which I
## think they might use out of convenience.
## b) For me it is a mess, a complicated mess, to use their LOD as
## they define it and there are many ambiguities in how to define it
## in continuous time.
## This also means that single simulation might yield multiple LODs
## keepEvents is FALSE to make this object as small as possible.
if(is.null(x$ {
warning("Missing needed components. This might be a failed simulation.",
" Returning NA.")
return(list(all_paths = NA, lod_single = NA))
if(strict) {
if (!inherits(x, "oncosimul2"))
stop("LOD information is only stored with v >= 2")
y <- filter_phylog_df_LOD(x$other$LOD_DF)
pc <- phcl_from_lod(y)
} else {
pc <- phylogClone(x, keepEvents = FALSE)
## need eval for oncoSimulPop calls and for LOD_as_path
initMutant <- x$InitMutant
if((length(pc) == 1) && ( {
lodlist <- list(all_paths = NA,
lod_single = "No_descendants")
## bail out here. We do not need the rest.
if(initMutant != "")
attributes(lodlist)$initMutant <- initMutant
pcg <- pc$graph
end <- genot_max(x)
## if(!is.null(eval(attributes(x)$call$initMutant))) {
## initMutant <- eval(attributes(s7)$call$initMutant)
## } else {
## initMutant <- ""
## }
## browser()
if(end == initMutant) {
if(initMutant == "") {
stinitm <- "WT"
} else {
stinitm <- paste0("initMutant(", initMutant, ")")
lod_single <- paste0(stinitm, "_is_end")
all_paths <- list(lod_single)
} else {
all_paths <- igraph::all_simple_paths(pcg, from = initMutant, to = end,
mode = "out")
if(!strict) {
## the next is partially redundant
## graph_to_end <- igraph::make_ego_graph(pcg, order = 1e9, nodes = end,
## mode = "in")
## if(length(graph_to_end) != 1) stop("length(graph_to_end) > 1")
## I am not sure if I should keep the last one. Redundant
## This gives a single path and it is the first entry into each
## destination. But we do not check there is no extinction afterwards.
## The closest to the single Szendro LOD
singlep <- pc$df
singlep[, 1] <- as.character(singlep[, 1])
singlep[, 2] <- as.character(singlep[, 2])
singlep <- singlep[, singlep[, c(2, 3)]), ]
singlep <- singlep[!duplicated(singlep[, 2]), ]
gsingle <- igraph::graph_from_data_frame(singlep)
lod_single <- igraph::all_simple_paths(gsingle, from = initMutant,
to = end, mode = "out")
if(length(lod_single) != 1) stop("lod_single != 1")
if(strict) {
if(length(all_paths) > 1)
stop("length(all_paths) > 1???")
lodlist <- list(all_paths = NA,
lod_single = all_paths[[1]])
} else {
lodlist <- list(all_paths = all_paths,
lod_single = lod_single[[1]])
if(initMutant != "")
attributes(lodlist)$initMutant <- initMutant
## LOD_as_path_pre_2.9.2 <- function(llod) {
## path_l <- function(u) {
## if(length(u$lod_single) == 1) {
## if(is.null(attributes(u)$initMutant))
## initMutant <- ""
## else
## initMutant <- attributes(u)$initMutant
## if(initMutant == "") initMutant <- "WT"
## if(grepl("_is_end", u$lod_single))
## return(initMutant)
## if(u$lod_single == "No_descendants")
## return(initMutant)
## } else {
## ## Deal with "" meaning WT
## the_names <- names(u$lod_single)
## the_names_wt <- which(the_names == "")
## if(length(the_names_wt)) {
## if(length(the_names_wt) > 1) stop("more than 1 WT?!")
## if(the_names_wt > 1) stop("WT in position not 1?!")
## the_names[the_names_wt] <- "WT"
## }
## return(paste(the_names, collapse = " -> "))
## ## return(paste0("WT", paste(names(u$lod_single),
## ## collapse = " -> ")) )
## }
## }
## if(identical(names(llod), c("all_paths", "lod_single")))
## pathstr <- path_l(llod)
## else {
## ## should be a list
## pathstr <- unlist(lapply(llod, path_l))
## }
## return(pathstr)
## ## pathstr <- unlist(lapply(llod, function(x) paste(names(x$lod_single),
## ## collapse = " -> ")))
## ## return(paste0("WT", pathstr))
## }
LOD.oncosimul2_pre_2.9.2 <- function(x, strict = TRUE)
return(LOD.internal_pre_2.9.2(x, strict))
## LOD.oncosimulpop_pre_2.9.2 <- function(x, strict = TRUE)
## return(lapply(x, LOD.internal_pre_2.9.2, strict))
## Note for self: we could get all the LODs per simulation in the strict
## sense of those never becoming extinct if we subset the phylogClone
## object to children in which if we arrive at the children at any two
## times t and t+k, we retain only rows where any time > t is such that
## the popsize is > 0. But this is not worth it now.
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