## randomlly assign samples to container
# samples: a data frame representing list of samples
# wells: a data frame representing container
# nrow(samples) <= nrow(wells)
random.setup <- function(samples, wells){
c0 <- cbind(wells, r=runif(nrow(wells)))
c0 <- c0[order(c0$r),]
a0 <- cbind(samples, c0[1:nrow(samples),])
## multiple barplot in one page
# x: a data frame, count of rows by grpZVar will be the barplot y-axis
# grpVar: a variable name in x, barplot will
# varList: a vector of variable names in x, one plot per elements
# main: the main text on of the barplot
multi.barplot <- function(x, grpVar="plates", varList, main=NULL, ...){
nPlot <- length(varList)
nPlotCol <- ceiling(sqrt(nPlot))
nPlotRow <- ceiling(nPlot / nPlotCol)
nPlates <- length(unique(x[, grpVar]))
layout(matrix(1:(nPlotCol*nPlotRow), nPlotRow, nPlotCol, byrow = TRUE))
for (i in varList){
cnt <- table(x[,c(grpVar, i)])
nLevels <- length(dimnames(cnt)[[2]])
colScale <- rep(seq(0.1,0.9,length=nPlates), nLevels)
## TODO: pass part of ... to here
barplot(cnt, xlab=i, col=gray(colScale), beside=TRUE, ...)
if (is.null(main)) main="Sample distribution"
mtext(main, side=3, outer=TRUE, line=-3)
## do Chisq-test compare counts in grpVar, on each variables in varList
multi.chisq.test <- function(x, grpVar="plates", varList, main=NULL){
DNAME <- deparse(substitute(x))
rslt <- NULL
for (i in varList){
cnt <- table(x[,c(grpVar, i)])
t <- chisq.test(cnt)
t1 <-,
rslt <- rbind(rslt, t1)
colnames(rslt) <- c("Var", names(t$statistic), names(t$parameter), "p.value")
rownames(rslt) <- 1:nrow(rslt)
return(list(method=t$method,, stat=rslt))
## average count of each sample strata per container bin
## sid: sample, strata by one variable s
## cid: container, blocked by one variable b
## return matrix:
## each row represent average count per container block (ex: chips)
## each column represent a level in sample strata (ex: Race)
## colnames and rownames are strata and block factors, respectively
average.2D <- function(sid, cid, s, b){
if ( length(s)!=1 | length(b) !=1 )
stop("Cannot handle more than one variables in each data frame")
optCount <-[,s], useNA = "no"))## count per strata
binList <-[,b], useNA = "no")) ## count per block
## calculate average counts per group per chip
f <- function(x) x*binList$Freq/sum(binList$Freq)
optCount1 <- sapply(optCount$Freq,f)
colnames(optCount1) <- optCount[,1]
rownames(optCount1) <- binList[, 1]
# remove all zero rows and columns
remove.zeros <- function(x){ #removel rows and columns with all 0
idx1 <- !(apply(x, 1, function(x) all(x==0)) )
idx2 <- !(apply(x, 2, function(x) all(x==0)) )
x <- x[idx1, idx2]
## new function
## x: a data frame to be sampled, sorted and stratified by varaible s
## m: an integer matrix represent multiple non-replacement sampling from x
## each row represent the sample sizes for each strata i, in which
## each column represent one sampling from x,
## clearly we need sum(m) <= nrow(x) and rowSums(m)[s] <= n(x) in each s
## its row name should corresponding to factors in s
## its colnames should corresponding to
## s: a variable name that indicate the strata in x, corresponding the rows in m
## b: a variable name that corresponding to columns in m
## return a list
## selected: samples selected from x
## residual: the residual in x after selection
block.strata.sampling <- function(x, m, s, b){
dataRow <- 1:nrow(x)
selected <- NULL
for ( i in 1:nrow(m)){ # strata loop
y <- NULL
iIDX <- rownames(m)[i] # strata name
d <- dataRow[x[,s] == iIDX] # data in the strata
y <- sample(d, ni, replace = FALSE) # select from strata
# split to block (corresponding to columns in m)
yy <-, ),
rep(colnames(m), m[i,]), y)
selected <- rbind(selected, yy)
colnames(selected) <- c(s, b, "ID_unit")
return(list(selected=selected, residual=x[-selected[,3],]))
## set.seed(123)
## tmp <- block.strata.sampling(wells, m, "cFactor", "sFactor")
## set.seed(123)
## tmp1 <- block.strata.sampling(wells, m, "cFactor", "sFactor")
## tmp2 <- block.strata.sampling(smpl, t(m), "sFactor", "cFactor")
## identical(tmp$residual, tmp1$residual)
## distribute samples into blocked (clustered) bins by strata with unequal probability
## x: sample data frame, strata by variable s='combinedIdx'
## s: a variable represent strata in sample (factor)
## w: container data frame, each row is a bin,
## bins are blocked by variable b= chipID (blockIdxName)
## b: a variable represent blocks in container
## p: a matrix of inclusion probabilities or auxiliary information
## used to compute them. It represent probability of sample
## assigned into a block of bin.
## each column represent one strata from x,
## ncol(p) == length(unique(x$s))
## each row represent the probobility the block of bin is chosen
## nrow(p)==length(unique(w$b)
## probability do not need to be normalized to one
## its rowname should corresponding to strata in s
## its colnames should corresponding to levels in w
fraction.strata <- function(x, s='sFactor', w, b='cFactor', p){
rslt <- NULL
colIdx <- colnames(p)
xIdx <- 1:nrow(x)
wIdx <- 1:nrow(w) # all wells
wSelected <- NULL
for (i in colIdx){ # each col represent a sample strata
if (all(p[,i]==0)) next # no sample need to assign
prob <- p[,i, drop=FALSE]
w1 <- wIdx[w[,b] %in% rownames(prob)[prob==0]] # selection prob ==0
w2 <- wIdx[as.vector(wSelected)] # previously selected
if (length(c(w1, w2)) != 0){
n <- wIdx[-c(w1, w2)] # available wells
n <- wIdx
nw <-[n,b])) # count of wells per bin
ww <- prob/nw[, 'Freq']
# expand to each well. sapply can handle NaN, Inf, and 0
pik <- sapply(1:nrow(ww), function(j) ww[rep(j, each = nw$Freq[j]), ], simplify = FALSE)
pik <- unlist(pik)
# must prevent n to be treated as number
tIdx <- as.numeric(as.vector(sample(as.character(n), length(xIdx[x[,s]==i]), replace = FALSE, prob = pik)))
rslt <- rbind(rslt, cbind(xIdx[x[,s]==i], tIdx) )
wSelected <- c(wSelected, tIdx)
colnames(rslt) <- c(s, b)
barplot.gExperimentSetup <- function(object, main=NULL, ...){
data <- get.experiment.setup(object)
optValues <- metadata(object)$optValue
sVarList <- get.gSample(object)@strata
oVarList <- get.gSample(object)@optimal
varList <- c(sVarList, oVarList[!oVarList %in% sVarList])
if (!is.null( optValues)){
nPlot <- length(varList) +1 # add obj value plot
nPlot <- length(varList)
nPlotCol <- ceiling(sqrt(nPlot))
nPlotRow <- ceiling(nPlot / nPlotCol)
blockLevel <- get.gContainer(object)@batch
nPlates <- get.gContainer(object)@n
#match.arg(..., "layout")
layout(matrix(1:(nPlotCol*nPlotRow), nPlotRow, nPlotCol, byrow = TRUE))
for (i in varList){
cnt <- table(data[,c(blockLevel, i)])
nLevels <- length(dimnames(cnt)[[2]])
colScale <- rep(seq(0.1,0.9,length=nPlates), nLevels)
## TODO: pass part of ... to here
barplot(cnt, xlab=i, col=gray(colScale), beside=TRUE)
# plot the opttmization objective function values
if (!is.null( optValues)){
plot(optValues, ylab="Value of objective function")
x <- which( optValues == min(optValues))[1]
y <- min(optValues)
points(x, y, pch=23, col="red", cex=2.5)
points(1, metadata(object)$optValue[1], pch=23,col="blue", cex=2.5)
if (is.null(main)) main="Sample distribution"
mtext(main, side=3, outer=TRUE, line=-3)
function(x,y,main=NULL, ...){
barplot.gExperimentSetup(x, main, ...)
QC <- function(object, main=NULL, ...){
if (class(object) != "gExperimentSetup"){
stop("Only for object in gExperimentSetup class")
data <- get.experiment.setup(object)
sVarList <- get.gSample(object)@strata
oVarList <- get.gSample(object)@optimal
varList <- c(sVarList, oVarList[!oVarList %in% sVarList])
blockLevel <- get.gContainer(object)@batch
plot(object, grpVar=blockLevel, varList=varList, main=main)
t <- invisible(multi.chisq.test(data, grpVar=blockLevel, varList=varList))
message("\nTest independence between \"", blockLevel, "\" and sample variables\n", sep="")
message("\n", t$method, "\n")
# save(BeadChip96ToMSA4MAP, GenotypingChip , IlluminaBeadChip, IlluminaBeadChip24Plate, IlluminaBeadChip48Plate, IlluminaBeadChip96Plate, MSA4.plate, file="predefined.Rdata")
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