## list
#' @param pedigree an object of class \code{Pedigree}
#' @aliases mad2,list-method
#' @rdname mad2
setMethod("mad2", signature(object="list"),
function(object, byrow, pedigree, ...){
madList(object, byrow, pedigree, ...)
#' @aliases mad2,TrioSetList-method
#' @rdname mad2
setMethod("mad2", signature(object="TrioSetList"),
function(object, byrow, ...){
madTrioSetList(object, byrow)
madTrioSetList <- function(object, byrow){
madList(lrr(object), byrow=byrow, pedigree=pedigree(object))
#' @aliases mad2,matrix-method
#' @rdname mad2
setMethod("mad2", signature(object="matrix"),
function(object, byrow, pedigree, ...){
madList(list(object), byrow, pedigree, ...)
#' @aliases mad2,array-method
#' @rdname mad2
setMethod("mad2", signature(object="array"),
function(object, byrow, pedigree, ...){
madList(list(object), byrow, pedigree, ...)
madList <- function(object, byrow, pedigree, ...){
dims <- dim(object[[1]])
if(length(dims) != 2 && length(dims) != 3)
stop("Elements of list must be a matrix or an array")
isff <- is(object[[1]], "ff")
if(isff) lapply(object, open)
is.matrix <- ifelse(length(dims) == 2, TRUE, FALSE)
if(!byrow){ ## by column
mads <- madFromMatrixList(object, byrow=FALSE)
} else { ## array
## for parallelization, it would be better to
## pass the ff object to the worker nodes,
## calculate the mad, and return the mad.
F. <- lapply(object, function(x) as.matrix(x[, , 1]))
M <- lapply(object, function(x) as.matrix(x[, , 2]))
O <- lapply(object, function(x) as.matrix(x[, , 3]))
mads.father <- madFromMatrixList(F., byrow=FALSE)
mads.mother <- madFromMatrixList(M, byrow=FALSE)
mads.offspr <- madFromMatrixList(O, byrow=FALSE)
names(mads.father) <- fatherNames(pedigree)
names(mads.mother) <- motherNames(pedigree)
names(mads.offspr) <- offspringNames(pedigree)
mads <- data.frame(F=I(mads.father),
} else {
mads <- cbind(mads.father, mads.mother, mads.offspr)
colnames(mads) <- c("F", "M", "O")
} else { ## big data
madForFFmatrix <- function(xlist, i, j){
## j=1 father
## j=2 mother
## j=3 offspring
res <- lapply(xlist, function(x, i, j){
m <- as.matrix(x[, i, j])
}, i=i, j=j)
res <-"rbind", res)/100
mads <- apply(res, 2, mad, na.rm=TRUE)
indexList <- splitIndicesByLength(seq_len(ncol(object[[1]])), 50)
i <- NULL
mads.father <- foreach(i=indexList, .combine="c") %do% madForFFmatrix(xlist=object, i=i, j=1)
mads.mother <- foreach(i=indexList, .combine="c") %do% madForFFmatrix(xlist=object, i=i, j=2)
mads.offspr <- foreach(i=indexList, .combine="c") %do% madForFFmatrix(xlist=object, i=i, j=3)
names(mads.father) <- fatherNames(pedigree)
names(mads.mother) <- motherNames(pedigree)
names(mads.offspr) <- offspringNames(pedigree)
mads <- data.frame(F=I(mads.father),
} else {
mads <- cbind(mads.father, mads.mother, mads.offspr)
colnames(mads) <- c("F", "M", "O")
} else {## by row
mads <- madFromMatrixList(object, byrow=FALSE)
} else {
if(ncol(object[[1]]) > 2){
## for parallelization, it would be better to
## pass the ff object to the worker nodes,
## calculate the mad, and return the mad.
colindex <- which(!duplicated(fatherNames(pedigree)) & !duplicated(motherNames(pedigree)))
##mindex <- which(!duplicated(motherNames(pedigree)))
##F <- lapply(object, function(x) x[, findex, 1])
##M <- lapply(object, function(x) x[, mindex, 2])
O <- lapply(object, function(x) as.matrix(x[, colindex, 3]))
##mads.f <- madFromMatrixList(F, byrow=TRUE)
##mads.m <- madFromMatrixList(M, byrow=TRUE)
mads <- madFromMatrixList(O, byrow=TRUE)
names(mads) <- names(object)
##mads <- cbind(mads.f, mads.m, mads.o)
##colnames(mads) <- c("F", "M", "O")
} else {
warning("Too few samples to calculate across sample variance. Returning NULL.")
mads <- NULL
if(isff) lapply(object, close)
madFromMatrixList <- function(object, byrow=TRUE){
if(isPackageLoaded("ff")) pkgs <- c("ff", "MinimumDistance") else pkgs <- "MinimumDistance"
## this could be done more efficiently by following the
## apply example in the foreach documentation...
ilist <- splitIndicesByLength(seq_len(ncol(object[[1]])), 100)
i <- NULL
Xlist <- foreach(i=ilist, .packages=pkgs) %dopar% stackListByColIndex(object, i)
mads <- foreach(i = Xlist, .packages=pkgs) %dopar% apply(i/100, 2, mad, na.rm=TRUE)
mads <- unlist(mads)
names(mads) <- colnames(object[[1]])
} else {
x <- NULL
mads <- foreach(x = object, .packages=pkgs) %do% rowMAD(x/100, na.rm=TRUE)
if( !is.null(dim(mads[[1]])) & !is.null(rownames(object[[1]]))){
labelrows <- function(x, fns) {
rownames(x) <- fns
fns <- NULL
mads <- foreach(x=mads, fns=lapply(object, rownames)) %do% labelrows(x=x, fns=fns)
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