catFun2 <- function(rd.query, rd.subject, ...){
##stopifnot(nrow(rd.query) == nrow(rd.subject)) ## must compare same list size
ir.q <- IRanges(start(rd.query), end(rd.query))
ir.s <- IRanges(start(rd.subject), end(rd.subject))
mm <- findOverlaps(ir.q, ir.s, ...)
query.index <- queryHits(mm)
if(length(query.index) == 0){
subject.index <- subjectHits(mm)
index <- which(chromosome(rd.query)[query.index] == chromosome(rd.subject)[subject.index] &
sampleNames(rd.query)[query.index] == sampleNames(rd.subject)[subject.index])
if(length(index) > 0){
query.index <- unique(query.index[index])
p <- length(query.index)/nrow(rd.query)
if(p > 1) {
stop("Reached a place in catFun2 that we shouldn't have")
} else p <- 0
splitByDistance <- function(x, thr=100e3){
d <- diff(x)
if(all(d < thr)) return(rep(0, length(x)))
f <- c(0, cumsum(d > thr))
tab.f <- table(f)
## combine regions if number of markers is very small
while(any(tab.f < 1000) & length(x) > 1000){
j <- which(tab.f < 1000)[[1]]
factor.val <- as.integer(names(tab.f)[j])
if(factor.val < max(f)){
f[f==factor.val] <- factor.val+1
} else {
f[f==factor.val] <- factor.val-1
tab.f <- table(f)
splitIndicesByLength2 <- function(x, MIN.LENGTH=1000, ...){
f <- splitIndicesByLength(x, ...)
l <- sapply(f, length)
L <- length(l)
l <- l[L]
if(l < MIN.LENGTH & length(f) > 1){
f[[L-1]] <- c(f[[L-1]], f[[L]])
f <- f[-L]
discAtTop <- function(ranges.query, ranges.subject, verbose=TRUE,...){
ir.q <- IRanges(start(ranges.query), end(ranges.query))
ir.s <- IRanges(start(ranges.subject), end(ranges.subject))
mm <- findOverlaps(ir.q, ir.s,...)
query.index <- queryHits(mm)
subject.index <- subjectHits(mm)
index <- which(chromosome(ranges.query)[query.index] == chromosome(ranges.subject)[subject.index] &
sampleNames(ranges.query)[query.index] == sampleNames(ranges.subject)[subject.index])
query.index <- unique(query.index[index])
##subject.index <- unique(subject.index[index])
notOverlapping.index <- seq(length=nrow(ranges.query))[!seq(length=nrow(ranges.query)) %in% query.index]
res <- ranges.query[notOverlapping.index, ]
#' @importFrom utils setTxtProgressBar txtProgressBar
concAtTop <- function(ranges.query, ranges.subject, list.size, verbose=TRUE, ...){
p <- rep(NA, length(list.size))
pAny1 <- rep(NA, length(list.size))
pAny2 <- rep(NA, length(list.size))
if(verbose) {
message("Calculating the proportion of ranges in common for the first ", max(list.size), " ranges")
pb <- txtProgressBar(min=0, max=length(p), style=3)
for(i in seq_along(list.size)){
if(verbose) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
L <- list.size[i]
p[i] <- catFun2(ranges.query[seq(length=L), ], ranges.subject[seq(length=L), ], ...)
pAny1[i] <- catFun2(ranges.query[seq(length=L), ], ranges.subject, ...)
pAny2[i] <- catFun2(ranges.subject[seq(length=L), ], ranges.query, ...)
if(verbose) close(pb)
res <- list(p=p, pAny.queryList=pAny1, pAny.subjectList=pAny2)
names(res) <- c("cat", "topMD", "topPenn")
correspondingCall <- function(ranges.query, ranges.subject, subject.method){
overlap <- findOverlaps(ranges.query, ranges.subject)
subj.index <- subjectHits(overlap)
quer.index <- queryHits(overlap)
## what are the chromosomes for the subject hits
index <- which(chromosome(ranges.query)[quer.index] == chromosome(ranges.subject)[subj.index] &
sampleNames(ranges.query)[quer.index] == sampleNames(ranges.subject)[subj.index])
if(length(index) == 0) return("no overlap")
matching.index <- subj.index[index]
res <- ranges.subject[matching.index, ]
if(!missing(subject.method)) res$method <- subject.method
isDeletion <- function(x){
if(length(grep("-", x)) > 0){
tmp <- strsplit(x, "_")[[1]]
state <- substr(tmp, 3, 3)
state <- ifelse(any(state < 3), TRUE, FALSE)
} else{
state <- as.integer(substr(x, 3, 3))
state <- ifelse(state < 3, TRUE, FALSE)
overlapsCentromere <- function(myranges){
data(chromosomeAnnotation, package="SNPchip", envir=environment())
chromosomeAnnotation <- get("chromosomeAnnotation")
centromere.ranges <- RangedData(IRanges(chromosomeAnnotation[, "centromereStart"],
chromosomeAnnotation[, "centromereEnd"]),
myranges.bak <- myranges
chrom <- unique(myranges$chrom)
overlaps.centromere <- rep(NA, nrow(myranges))
for(CHR in chrom){ <- IRanges(start(centromere.ranges)[CHR],
ix <- which(myranges$chrom==CHR)
ir <- IRanges(start(myranges)[ix],
overlaps.centromere[ix] <- countOverlaps(ir, > 0
#' @importFrom utils read.delim
getRefGene <- function(filename="~/Data/Downloads/hg18_refGene.txt"){
colClasses <- c("integer", "character", "character", "factor",
"integer", "integer",
"integer", "integer",
"character", "character",
"integer", rep("character", 4))
tmp <- read.delim(filename, header=FALSE,
tmp <- tmp[, c(2:6, 13)]
colnames(tmp) <- c("NM", "chrom", "strand", "start", "end", "gene_name")
chrom <- sapply(tmp$chrom, function(x) strsplit(x, "chr")[[1]][2])
tmp$chrom <- chromosome2integer(chrom)
tmp <- tmp[!$chrom), ]
refGene <- RangedData(IRanges(tmp$start, tmp$end),
combineRanges <- function(deletion.ranges, amp.ranges){
state <- deletion.ranges$state
hemizygous.states <- c("332", "432", "342")
homozygous.states <- c("331", "321", "231", "431", "341", "441", "221")
deletion.ranges <- deletion.ranges[state %in% hemizygous.states | state %in% homozygous.states, ]
amp.ranges <- amp.ranges[, colnames(amp.ranges) %in% colnames(deletion.ranges)]
index <- match(colnames(amp.ranges), colnames(deletion.ranges))
deletion.ranges2 <- deletion.ranges[, index]
stopifnot(all.equal(colnames(deletion.ranges2), colnames(amp.ranges)))
ranges.all <- RangedData(IRanges(c(start(deletion.ranges2), start(amp.ranges)),
c(end(deletion.ranges2), end(amp.ranges))),
id=c(deletion.ranges2$id, amp.ranges$id),
chrom=c(deletion.ranges2$chrom, amp.ranges$chrom),
num.mark=c(deletion.ranges2$num.mark, amp.ranges$num.mark),
seg.mean=c(deletion.ranges2$seg.mean, amp.ranges$seg.mean),
state=c(deletion.ranges2$state, amp.ranges$state))
#' @importFrom utils setTxtProgressBar txtProgressBar
pruneByFactor <- function(range.object, f, verbose=FALSE){
rd <- list()
id.chr <- paste(sampleNames(range.object), chromosome(range.object), sep="_")
ff <- unique(id.chr)
##for(i in seq_along(unique(range.object$id))){
message("Pruning ", length(ff), " files.")
pb <- txtProgressBar(min=0, max=length(ff), style=3)
## do for each element in a GRangesList
for(i in seq_along(ff)){
if(verbose) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
##id <- unique(range.object$id)[i]
##(index <- which(range.object$id == id))
index <- which(id.chr==ff[i])
rd[[i]] <- combineRangesByFactor(range.object[index, ], f=f[index])
if(verbose) close(pb)
##ok <- tryCatch(stack(RangedDataList(rd)), error=function(e) FALSE)
##rd <- GRangesList(rd)
rd <- unlist(GRangesList(rd))
##rd <- stackRangedDataList(rd)
## names(rd) <- unique(sampleNames(range.object))
## if(!is(ok, "RangedData")) {
## message("trouble combining RangedData objects. Returning list")
## ok <- rd
## } else {
## j <- match("sample",colnames(ok))
## if(length(j) == 1)
## ok <- ok[, -j]
## }
combineRangesByFactor <- function(range.object, f){
##range.object <- range.object[!, ]
i <- which(
j <- 1
while(length(i) > 0){
f[1] <- f[2]
} else {
f[] <- f[i-1]
i <- which(
j <- j+1
if(j > 10) stop("too many na's in f")
ff <- cumsum(c(0, abs(diff(as.integer(as.factor(f))))))
if(!any(duplicated(ff))) {
for(i in seq_along(unique(ff))){
x <- unique(ff)[i]
if(sum(ff==x) == 1) next()
index <- which(ff==x)
min.index <- min(index)
max.index <- max(index)
end(range.object)[index] <- max(end(range.object)[index])
emd <- elementMetadata(range.object)
emd$lik.state[index] <- sum(emd$lik.state[index], na.rm=TRUE)
emd$seg.mean[index] <- sum((numberProbes(range.object)[index]*emd$seg.mean[index]), na.rm=TRUE)/sum(numberProbes(range.object)[index], na.rm=TRUE)
emd$numberProbes[index] <- sum(numberProbes(range.object)[index], na.rm=TRUE)
emd$lik.norm[index] <- sum(emd$lik.norm[index], na.rm=TRUE)
elementMetadata(range.object) <- emd
j <- seq_len(length(range.object))
index <- index[-1]
j <- j[-index]
if(length(j) == 0){
ff <- ff[j]
range.object <- range.object[j, ]
madVsCoverage <- function(lambda=0.1, MIN=1, MAX=4, coverage=3:100){
p <- lambda*exp(-lambda*coverage) ## 0 - 0.04 (Pr (X=x)
b <- 1/(MAX - MIN)
a <- MIN * b
numberMads <- ((p-min(p))/(max(p)-min(p)) + a)/b
list(x=coverage, y=numberMads)
thresholdSegMeans <- function(ranges.object, ylim){
ranges.object$seg.mean[ranges.object$seg.mean < ylim[1]] <- ylim[1]
ranges.object$seg.mean[ranges.object$seg.mean > ylim[2]] <- ylim[2]
} <- function(dist.df, penn.df){
if(is.null(dist.df) & is.null(penn.df)) return(NULL)
if(is.null(dist.df)) dist.df <- penn.df[integer(0), ]
if(is.null(penn.df)) penn.df <- dist.df[integer(0), ]
combined.df <- rbind(dist.df, penn.df)
combined.df <- combined.df[order(combined.df$chr), ]
##offspring.hemizygousPenn <- function() c("332", "432", "342", "442")
offspring.hemizygousPenn <- function(){
tmp <- expand.grid(c(1,3,5,6), c(1,3,5,6), 1)
dels <- paste(tmp$Var1, tmp$Var2, tmp$Var3, sep="")
dels <- dels[-1]
##offspring.hemizygous <- function() c("221", "321", "231", "441", "341", "431")
offspring.hemizygous <- function() {
tmp <- expand.grid(c(0,2,3,4), c(0,2,3,4), 1)
dels <- paste(tmp$Var1, tmp$Var2, tmp$Var3, sep="")
dels <- dels[-1]
offspring.homozygous <- function(){
tmp <- expand.grid(c(1,2,3,4), c(1,2,3,4), 0)
dels <- paste(tmp$Var1, tmp$Var2, tmp$Var3, sep="")
deletionStates <- function(){
st1 <- offspring.hemizygous()
st2 <- offspring.homozygous()
duplicationStates <- function(){
tmp <- expand.grid(c(0,1,2,4), c(0,1,2,4), 3)
sdups <- paste(tmp$Var1, tmp$Var2, tmp$Var3, sep="")
sdups <- sdups[-1]
tmp <- expand.grid(c(0,1,2,3), c(0,1,2,3), 4)
ddups <- paste(tmp$Var1, tmp$Var2, tmp$Var3, sep="")
ddups <- ddups[-1]
c(sdups, ddups)
duplicationStatesPenn <- function() {
tmp <- expand.grid(c(1,2,3,6), c(1,2,3,6), 5)
sdups <- paste(tmp$Var1, tmp$Var2, tmp$Var3, sep="")
sdups <- sdups[-1]
tmp <- expand.grid(c(1,2,3,6), c(1,2,3,6), 5)
ddups <- paste(tmp$Var1, tmp$Var2, tmp$Var3, sep="")
ddups <- ddups[-1]
c(sdups, ddups)
calculateChangeSd <- function(coverage=1:500, lambda=0.05, a=0.2, b=0.025)
a + lambda*exp(-lambda*coverage)/b
pruneMD <- function(genomdat,
##trimmed.SD, ##
weights=NULL) {
if(length(unique(range.object$id)) != 1) stop("multiple ids in range.object")
if(length(unique(chromosome(range.object))) > 1) stop("Multiple chromosomes in range.object")
##change.SD <- trimmed.SD*change.SD
genomdat <- as.numeric(genomdat)/100
coverage <- range.object$num.mark
trimmed.SD <- max(mad(genomdat, na.rm=TRUE), .15)
##trimmed.SD <- unique(range.object$mindist.mad)
coverage <- coverage[-length(coverage)]
numberSds <- calculateChangeSd(coverage=3:100, lambda=lambda, a=MIN.CHANGE, b=SCALE.EXP)
y <- MIN.CHANGE+lambda*exp(-lambda*(3:100))/SCALE.EXP
plot(3:100, y, ylab="number of MADs", xlab="coverage")
##thrSD <- calculateChangeSd(coverage, lambda, trimmed.SD, change.SD)
##change.SD <- change.SD ##Thresholds for right cutpoint
##cpt.loc <- cumsum(lseg) ## indices of the cutpoints same as coverage.
cpt.loc <- range.object$end.index
sdundo <- TRUE
while(sdundo) {
k <- length(cpt.loc)
if (k>1) {
coverage <- diff(c(0, cpt.loc))
coverage <- coverage[-length(coverage)]
## number of sds as a function of coverage
## -- segments with high coverage have small y
requiredNumberSd <- calculateChangeSd(coverage=coverage, lambda=lambda, a=MIN.CHANGE, b=SCALE.EXP)
## number of standard deviations
segments0 <- cbind(c(1,1+cpt.loc[-k]),cpt.loc)
## median copy number for each segment
segmed <- apply(segments0, 1, function(i,x) {median(x[i[1]:i[2]], na.rm=TRUE)}, genomdat)
## absolute copy number difference of adjacent segments
##adsegmed <- abs(diff(segmed))
adsegmed <- abs(diff(segmed))
## number of standard deviations of observed shift
empiricalNumberSd <- adsegmed/trimmed.SD
if(any(empiricalNumberSd < requiredNumberSd | coverage < MIN.COVERAGE)){
## drop order: coverage then distance
##i <- which(adsegmed < thrSD | coverage < MIN.COVERAGE)
i <- which(empiricalNumberSd < requiredNumberSd | coverage < MIN.COVERAGE)
if(length(i) > 1){
i <- i[order(coverage[i], adsegmed[i], decreasing=FALSE)[1]]
cpt.loc <- cpt.loc[-i]
} else {
sdundo <- FALSE
} else {
sdundo <- FALSE
lseg <- diff(c(0,cpt.loc)) ## back to coverage
## update segment means
segmeans <- 0*lseg
ll <- uu <- 0
for(i in 1:length(lseg)) {
uu <- uu + lseg[i]
if (weighted) {
segmeans[i] <- sum(genomdat[(ll+1):uu]*weights[(ll+1):uu])/sum(weights[(ll+1):uu])
} else {
segmeans[i] <- mean(genomdat[(ll+1):uu], na.rm=TRUE)
ll <- uu
segments0 <- cbind(c(1,1+cpt.loc[-k]),cpt.loc)
starts <- physical.pos[segments0[, 1]]
ends <- physical.pos[segments0[, 2]]
if(length(ends) < length(starts)) ends <- c(ends, max(end(range.object)))
id <- unique(range.object$id)
res <- RangedDataCBS(IRanges(starts, ends),
mindist.mad=mad(genomdat, na.rm=TRUE))
## pdf of standard normal
## the msm package has this stuff, but it seemed slow...
#' @importFrom stats dnorm
phi <- function(x, mu, sigma) dnorm(x, mu, sigma)
## cdf of standard normal
#' @importFrom stats pnorm
Phi <- function(x, mu, sigma) pnorm(x, mu, sigma)
## pdf of truncated normal on support [0, 1]
tnorm <- function(x, mean, sd, lower=0, upper=1){
res <- phi(x, mean, sd)/(Phi(upper, mean, sd)-Phi(lower, mean, sd))
ind <- which(x < lower | x > upper)
res[ind] <- 0
TN <- tnorm
addRangeIndex <- function(id, trioSet, ranges){
ranges <- ranges[sampleNames(ranges) %in% id, ]
stopifnot(nrow(ranges) > 0)
stopifnot(id %in% sampleNames(trioSet))
ir1 <- IRanges(start=position(trioSet), end=position(trioSet))
ir2 <- IRanges(start(ranges), end(ranges))
mm <- findOverlaps(ir1, ir2)
## there should be no query that is in more than 1 subject
qhits <- queryHits(mm)
shits <- subjectHits(mm)
right.chromosome <- chromosome(ranges)[shits] == chromosome(trioSet)[qhits]
qhits <- qhits[right.chromosome]
shits <- shits[right.chromosome]
range.index <- rep(NA, nrow(trioSet))
##fData(object)$range.index <- NA
##fData(object)$range.index[qhits] <- shits
range.index[qhits] <- shits
if(sum(table(range.index)) != nrow(trioSet)){
msg <- "# of markers in the ranges not equal to total number of markers"
pHet <- function(i, id, trioSet){
j <- match(id, sampleNames(trioSet))
stopifnot(length(j) > 0)
is.ff <- is(baf(trioSet), "ff")
b <- baf(trioSet)[i, j, 3]
mean(b > 0.4 & b < 0.6, na.rm=TRUE)
meanLogR <- function(i, id, trioSet){
j <- match(id, sampleNames(trioSet))
stopifnot(length(j) > 0)
is.ff <- is(lrr(trioSet), "ff")
r <- lrr(trioSet)[i, j, 3]
mean(r, na.rm=TRUE)
LikSet <- function(trioSet, pedigreeData, id, CHR, ranges){
is.ff <- is(lrr(trioSet), "ff")
if(missing(id)) id <- sampleNames(trioSet)[1]
i <- match(id, sampleNames(trioSet))
stopifnot(length(i) == 1)
## the trios are in the same order as the sampleNames of the trioSetList object
## validity methods for the class ensure that this is correct
indNames <- as.character(trios(pedigreeData)[i,]) <- id[id %in% offspringNames(trioSet)]
##i <- match(, sampleNames(trioSet))
##i <- match(id[["O"]], offspringNames(trioSet))
mads <- mad(trioSet)[i, ]
##S <- length(states)
loglik <- array(NA, dim=c(2, nrow(trioSet), 3, 5))
dimnames(loglik) <- list(c("logR", "baf"),
object <- new("LikSet",
logR=as.matrix(lrr(trioSet)[ ,i,]),
BAF=as.matrix(baf(trioSet)[ ,i , ]),
object$MAD <- mads
fData(object)$range.index <- NA
##tmp=findOverlaps(featureData(object), ranges)
fo <- findOverlaps(ranges, featureData(object))
i1 <- subjectHits(fo)
i2 <- queryHits(fo)
fData(object)$range.index[i1] <- i2
msg <- paste("Segmentation was run on chunks of the data for which the markers are less than 75kb apart.\n",
"When log R ratios are missing at the boundaries of the partioned data, not all markers \n",
"will be covered by a segment.\n")
.GlobalEnv[[".warningMessageAlreadyDisplayed"]] <- TRUE
object <- object[!, ]
## NA values occur if there are ranges that do not overlap the
## marker locations in object.
## ir1 <- IRanges(start=position(object), end=position(object))
## ir2 <- IRanges(start(ranges), end(ranges))
## mm <- findOverlaps(ir1, ir2)
## subject.index <- subjectHits(mm)
## ## there should be no query that is in more than 1 subject
## qhits <- queryHits(mm)
## shits <- subjectHits(mm)
## fData(object)$range.index <- NA
## fData(object)$range.index[qhits] <- shits
fillInMissing <- function(rangeIndex){
if(!any( return(rangeIndex)
if(sum( > 1000 & length(unique(rangeIndex[!])) == 1){
## for calculating the posterior for a single range
## essentially, ignoring what comes before and what comes after
ii <- range(which(!
if(ii[1] > 1){
rangeIndex[1:(ii[1]-1)] <- 0
if(ii[2] < length(rangeIndex)){
rangeIndex[(ii[2]+1):length(rangeIndex)] <- 2
} else {
ii <- which(
if(max(ii) < length(rangeIndex)){
rangeIndex[ii] <- rangeIndex[ii+1]
} else{
rangeIndex[max(ii)] <- rangeIndex[max(ii)-1]
if(any(ii != max(ii))){
iii <- ii[ii != max(ii)]
rangeIndex[iii] <- rangeIndex[iii+1]
#' @importFrom matrixStats rowMads
rowMAD <- function(x, y, ...){
rowMads(x, ...)
dups.penn <- expand.grid(c(1,2,3,5,6), c(1,2,3,5,6), c(5,6))
trioStates <- function(states=0:4){
trio.states <- as.matrix(expand.grid(states, states, states))
index <- which(trio.states[, 1] == 0 & trio.states[, 2] == 0 & trio.states[, 3] > 0)
##trio.states <- trio.states+1
colnames(trio.states) <- c("F", "M", "O")
## 125 possible
## remove 00 > 0 as possibilities
trio.states <- trio.states[-index, ]
trioStateNames <- function(trio.states){
if(missing(trio.states)) trio.states <- trioStates()
paste(paste(trio.states[,1], trio.states[,2], sep=""), trio.states[,3], sep="")
transitionProbability <- function(nstates=5, epsilon=1-0.999){
off.diag <- epsilon/(nstates-1)
tpm <- matrix(off.diag, nstates, nstates)
diag(tpm) <- 1-epsilon
readTable1 <- function(states=0:4, a=0.0009){
S <- length(states)
tmp <- array(NA, dim=rep(S,3))
dimnames(tmp) <- list(paste("F", states, sep=""),
paste("M", states, sep=""),
paste("O", states, sep=""))
tmp["F0", "M0", ] <- c(1, rep(0,4))
tmp["F0", "M1", ] <- c(0.5, 0.5, 0, 0, 0)
tmp["F0", "M2", ] <- c(0.5*a, 1-a, 0.5*a, 0, 0)
tmp["F0", "M3", ] <- c(0.5*a, 0.5*(1-a), 0.5*(1-a), 0.5*a, 0)
tmp["F0", "M4", ] <- c(0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.25, 0)
tmp["F1", "M1", ] <- c(0.25, 0.5, 0.25, 0, 0)
tmp["F1", "M2", ] <- c(0.25, 0.5-0.25*a, 0.5-0.25*a, 0.25*a, 0)
tmp["F1", "M3", ] <- c(0.25*a, 0.25, 0.5*(1-a), 0.25, 0.25*a)
tmp["F1", "M4", ] <- c(0, 0.125, 0.375, 0.375, 0.125)
tmp["F2", "M2", ] <- c(0.25*a^2, a*(1-a), (1-a)^2 + 0.5*a^2, a*(1-a), 0.25*a^2)
tmp["F2", "M3", ] <- c(0.25*a^2, 0.75*a*(1-a), 0.5*(1-a)^2+0.25*a*(1-a)+0.25*a^2,
tmp["F2", "M4", ] <- c(0,0.125*a, 0.25, 0.5-0.25*a,0.25+0.125*a)
tmp["F3", "M3", ] <- c(0.25^2, 0.5*a*(1-a), 0.5*a*(1-a)+0.25*(1-a)^2, 0.5*(1-a)^2+0.5^2,
0.25*(1-a)^2 + a*(1-a)+0.25^2)
tmp["F3", "M4", ] <- c(0, 0.125*a, 0.125*(1+a), 0.125*(3-2*a), 0.5)
tmp["F4", "M4", ] <- c(0, 0, 0.0625, 0.25, 0.6875)
lookUpTable1 <- function(state, table1){
index <- state+1
p <- table1[index[1], index[2], index[3]]
p <- table1[index[2], index[1], index[3]]
vectorizeTable1 <- function(table1, stateMatrix){
setNames(apply(stateMatrix, 1, lookUpTable1, table1=table1), rownames(stateMatrix))
lookUpTable3 <- function(table3, state.prev, state.curr){
f1 <- state.prev[1]
m1 <- state.prev[2]
o1 <- state.prev[3]
f2 <- state.curr[1]
m2 <- state.curr[2]
## Each element in the result is for a specific offspring state
result <- table3[f1, f2, m1, m2, o1, ]
stateIndex <- function(param, state) state(param)[state, ] + 1L
##bothMendelian <- function(param, prev_index, state_index, transitionNM){
## ## Pr(cTS, pNM, cNM | pTS) =
## ## Pr(cO | cTS[-O], pTS, cNM, pNM) * Pr(cTS[-O] | pTS, cNM=0, pNM=0) * Pr(cNM=0 | pNM=0) * Pr(pNM=0)
## ## A = term1 * term2 * term3 * term4
## term1 <- lookUpTable3(table3(param), prev_index, state.curr=state_index)
## ## Pr(cTS[-O] | pTS, cNM=0, pNM=0) = Pr(cF, cM | pF, pM)
## ## = Pr(cF | pF) * Pr(cM | pM) *
## term2 <- tau.f * tau.m
## term3 <- transitionNM
## term4 <- 1-probNM
## term1*term2*term3*term4
##bothNonMendelian <- function(param, prev_index, state_index, transitionNM){
## ## Pr(cTS, pNM, cNM | pTS) =
## ## Pr(cO | cTS[-O], pTS, cNM, pNM) * Pr(cTS[-O] | pTS, cNM=1, pNM=1) * Pr(cNM=1 | pNM=1) * Pr(pNM=1)
## ## = Pr(cO | pO, cNM, pNM) * Pr(cF | ...) * Pr(cM | ...) * Pr(cNM=1|pNM=1) * Pr(pNM=1)
## ## = term1 * term2 * term3 * term4 * term5
## term1 <- 1/5
## term2 <- tau.f
## term3 <- tau.m
## term4 <- transitionNM
## term5 <- probNM
#### tau <- transitionProb(param)
#### probNM <- prNonMendelian(param)
#### tau.o <- tau[prev_index[3], state_index[3]]
## ## check below
## ## p.11 <- 1/5*tau.o * transitionNM * probNM
## term1*term2*term3*term4*term5
##currentNonMendelian <- function(param, prev_index, state_index, transitionNM){
## ## Pr(cTS, pNM, cNM | pTS) =
## ## Pr(cO | cTS[-O], pTS, cNM, pNM) * Pr(cTS[-O] | pTS, cNM=1, pNM=1) * Pr(cNM=1 | pNM=1) * Pr(pNM=1)
## ## = Pr(cO | pO, cNM, pNM) * Pr(cF | ...) * Pr(cM | ...) * Pr(cNM=1|pNM=1) * Pr(pNM=1)
## prev_name <- rownames(state(param))[prev_index]
## 1/5 * table1(param)[prev_name] * transitionNM * probNM
computeB <- function(param, current_state, previous_state){
## B = Pr(S_iO, S_{i-1, O} | S_iF, S_iM, S_{i-1,F}, S_{i-1,M}, NM)
B <- setNames(vector("list", 4), c("NM=0,0","NM=0,1", "NM=1,0", "NM=1,1"))
## For each pair of mendelian indicators, return a vector of length <#CN STATES>
## - element i of the vector is the probability for S_i0 = CN[i], CN = [0,1,2,3,4]
nms <- paste0("CN (offspr):", 0:4)
## NM = 0, 0
current_index <- stateIndex(param, current_state)
previous_index <- stateIndex(param, previous_state)
B[[1]] <- lookUpTable3(table3(param), previous_index, state.curr=current_index[1:2])
B[[1]] <- setNames(B[[1]], nms)
## NM = 0, 1 denotes [previous NM, current Mendelian]
## Pr(S_iO, S_{i-1, O} | S_iF, S_iM, S_{i-1,F}, S_{i-1,M}, NM)
## assume offspring states are independent
## = Pr(S_iO | S_iF, S_iM, NM_i)*Pr(S_{i-1,O} | S_{i-1,F}, S_{i-1,M} NM_{i-1})
## = Pr(S_iO | NM_i=1) * Tabled probability
## = 1/5 * tabled probability
prev_name <- paste0(previous_state, collapse="")
B[[2]] <- rep(1/5, 5) * table1(param)[prev_name] ## previous state is Mendelian
B[[2]] <- setNames(B[[2]], nms)
## NM = 1, 0 Similar to above, but current state is Mendelian
states <- paste0(substr(current_state, 1, 2), 0:4)
B[[3]] <- 1/5*table1(param)[states]
B[[3]] <- setNames(B[[3]], nms)
## NM = 1, 1 Both non-Mendelian
## Pr(S_iO, S_{i-1, O} | S_iF, S_iM, S_{i-1,F}, S_{i-1,M}, NM)
## = Pr(S_iO | S_{i-1}, NM_i=1) Pr(S_{i-1} | NM_{i-1}=1)
## = transition probability between offspring states * 1/5
tau <- transitionProb(param)
tau.o <- tau[previous_index[3], current_index[3]]
B[[4]] <- rep(1/5, 5) * tau.o
B[[4]] <- setNames(B[[4]], nms)
## Assign Pr=0 to states that can not occur (instead of NA)
B <- lapply(B, function(x) ifelse(, 0, x))
computeC <- function(param, current_state, previous_state){
## C = Pr(S_iF, S_iM, S_{i-1,F}, S_{i-1,M} | NM)
## = Pr(S_iF | S_{i-1,F}) * Pr(S_iM | S_{i-1,M})
## transition prob mom * transition prob father
previous_state <- paste0(previous_state, collapse="")
current_index <- stateIndex(param, current_state)[c("F", "M")]
previous_index <- stateIndex(param, previous_state)[c("F", "M")]
tau <- transitionProb(param)
tau.m <- tau[previous_index["M"], current_index["M"]]
tau.f <- tau[previous_index["F"], current_index["F"]]
## Function for computing posterior probabilities
## Let S_i = [S_iO, S_iF, S_iO]
## The posterior probability if the trio state is given by
## Pr(S_i | S_{i-1}, data) \propto Pr(data | S_i, S_{i-1}) Pr(S_i | S_{i-1})/ Pr(S_i)
## = Likelihood x "Prior Model"
## Tedious calculations with the Prior Model show
## Pr(S_i | S_{i-1}) = sum_{NM_i} sum_{NM_{i-1}} Pr(S_i, NM_i, NM_{i-1} | S_{i-1})
## = sum_{NM_i} sum_{NM_{i-1}} Pr(S_i | S_{i-1}, NM_i, NM_{i-1}) * Pr(NM_i, NM_{i-1} | S_{i-1})
## Denote sum_{NM_i} sum_{NM_{i-1}} by SUM, let Pr(NM_i, NM_{i-1} | S_{i-1}) = A, and denote [NM_i, NM_{i-1}] by NM. Then,
## = SUM Pr(S_i, S_{i-1} | NM) / Pr(S_{i-1} | NM) * A
## = SUM (B*C)/D * A, where
## B = Pr(S_iO, S_{i-1, O} | S_iF, S_iM, S_{i-1,F}, S_{i-1,M}, NM)
## C = Pr(S_iF, S_iM, S_{i-1,F}, S_{i-1,M} | NM)
## D = Pr(S_{i-1} | NM)
## A = Pr(NM_i , NM_{i-1} | S_{i-1})
## Rewriting D, we have
## Pr(S_{i-1} | NM ) = sum_{S_{i}} Pr(S_i, S_{i-1} | NM)
## = sum_{S_{i}} Pr(S_iO, S_{i-1,O} | NM, S_iF, S_iM, S_{i-1,F}, S_{i-1,M}) * C
## = sum_{S_{i}} B
## =>
## Pr(S_i | S_{i-1}) = SUM[ (B*C*A)/(sum_{S_{i}} B) ]
## since term C does not depend on the non-Mendelian indicators, we have
## = C * SUM [ (B*A)/(sum_{S_{i} B)]
## For offspring state index i, we have
## Pr(S_i | S_{i-1}) = C * ( B[["NM=0,0"]][i]/sum(B[["NM=0,0"]]) * A[["NM=0,0"]] + B[["NM=0,1"]][i]/sum(B[["NM=0,1"]]) * A[["NM=0,1"]] ...)
## The numerator sums over the non-mendelian indicator and involves 4 terms
## The denominator sums over all possible offspring states at segment i and therefore involves 5 terms
posterior <- function(state,
if(is.null(state.prev)) {
result <- setNames(loglikInitial(param, LLT=log.lik, state), state)
A <- transitionNM(param) ## precomputed, length 4
B <- computeB(param, state, state.prev) ## length 4 list
C <- computeC(param, state, state.prev)
i <- stateIndex(param, state)
## sum over the mendelian indicators for the offspring state indexed by i
## sum over all possible offspring states
totalB <- sapply(B, sum)
prior <- mapply(function(B, A, totalB) (B*A)/totalB, B=B, A=A, totalB=totalB)
## Set 0/0 to 0
prior[is.nan(prior)] <- 1e-5
prior <- sum(prior[i["O"], ])
loglik <- sum(diag(log.lik[, i]))
posterior <- loglik + log(prior)
if(all( {
stop("all NAs in posterior")
##xypanelMD <- function(x, y,
## id,
## gt,
## is.snp,
## range,
## cex,
## col.hom="grey20",
## fill.hom="lightblue",
## col.het="grey20" ,
## fill.het="salmon",
## show.state=TRUE,
## lrr.segs,
## md.segs,
## ..., subscripts){
## xypanel(x, y,
## gt,
## is.snp,
## range,
## col.hom=col.hom,
## fill.hom=fill.hom,
## col.het=col.het,
## fill.het=fill.het,
## show.state, cex=cex, ..., subscripts=subscripts)
## id <- unique(id[subscripts])
## range <- range[1, ]
## CHR <- chromosome(range)
## ##stopifnot(length(CHR)==1)
## if(id != "min dist" & !missing(lrr.segs)){
## cbs.sub <- lrr.segs[sampleNames(lrr.segs)==as.character(id) & chromosome(lrr.segs)==CHR, ]
## segments <- TRUE && nrow(cbs.sub) > 0
## } else segments <- FALSE
## if(!missing(md.segs) & id == "min dist"){
## cbs.sub <- md.segs[sampleNames(md.segs) %in% sampleNames(range), ]
## cbs.sub <- cbs.sub[chromosome(cbs.sub) == chromosome(range), ]
## ##cbs.sub$seg.mean <- -1*cbs.sub$seg.mean
## <- TRUE && nrow(cbs.sub) > 0
## } else <- FALSE
## if(segments |{
## ##if(missing(ylimit)) ylimit <- range(y, na.rm=TRUE) ##else ylim <- ylimit
## ylimit <- current.panel.limits()$ylim
## if(nrow(cbs.sub) > 0){
## index <- which(cbs.sub$seg.mean < ylimit[1])
## if(length(index) > 0)
## cbs.sub$seg.mean[index] <- ylimit[1] + 0.2
## index <- which(cbs.sub$seg.mean > ylimit[2])
## if(length(index) > 0)
## cbs.sub$seg.mean[index] <- ylimit[2] - 0.2
## panel.segments(x0=start(cbs.sub)/1e6, x1=end(cbs.sub)/1e6, y0=cbs.sub$seg.mean, y1=cbs.sub$seg.mean, lwd=2, col="black")#gp=gpar("lwd"=2))
## }
## }
##xypanelMD2 <- function(x, y,
## id,
## gt,
## is.snp,
## range,
## show.state=TRUE,
## lrr.segs,
## md.segs,
## col,
## cex=1,
## cex.state=1,
## col.state="blue",
## ..., subscripts){
## panel.grid(v=0, h=4, "grey", lty=2)
## panel.xyplot(x, y, cex=cex, col=col[subscripts], ...)
## ##lpoints(x, y, col=col[subscripts], cex=cex, ...)
#### lpoints(x[!is.snp], y[!is.snp],, cex=cex, ...)
## id <- unique(id[subscripts])
## range <- range[1, ]
## CHR <- chromosome(range)
## ##stopifnot(length(CHR)==1)
## if(id != "min dist" & !missing(lrr.segs)){
## cbs.sub <- lrr.segs[sampleNames(lrr.segs)==as.character(id) & chromosome(lrr.segs)==CHR, ]
## segments <- TRUE && nrow(cbs.sub) > 0
## } else segments <- FALSE
## if(!missing(md.segs) & id == "min dist"){
## cbs.sub <- md.segs[sampleNames(md.segs) %in% sampleNames(range), ]
## cbs.sub <- cbs.sub[chromosome(cbs.sub) == chromosome(range), ]
## ##cbs.sub$seg.mean <- -1*cbs.sub$seg.mean
## <- TRUE && nrow(cbs.sub) > 0
## } else <- FALSE
## if(segments |{
## ##if(missing(ylimit)) ylimit <- range(y, na.rm=TRUE) ##else ylim <- ylimit
## ylimit <- current.panel.limits()$ylim
## if(nrow(cbs.sub) > 0){
## index <- which(cbs.sub$seg.mean < ylimit[1])
## if(length(index) > 0)
## cbs.sub$seg.mean[index] <- ylimit[1] + 0.2
## index <- which(cbs.sub$seg.mean > ylimit[2])
## if(length(index) > 0)
## cbs.sub$seg.mean[index] <- ylimit[2] - 0.2
## panel.segments(x0=start(cbs.sub)/1e6, x1=end(cbs.sub)/1e6, y0=cbs.sub$seg.mean, y1=cbs.sub$seg.mean, lwd=2, col="black")#gp=gpar("lwd"=2))
## }
## }
## j <- panel.number()
## st <- start(range)[j]/1e6
## lrect(xleft=st, xright=end(range)[j]/1e6,
## ybottom=-10, ytop=10, ...)
## if(show.state){
## ## left justify the label to the start of the range
## y.max <- current.panel.limits()$ylim[2]
## ltext(st, y.max, labels=paste("state", state(range)[j]),
## adj=c(0,1), cex=cex.state, col=col.state)
## }
##narrow <- function(object, lrr.segs, thr=0.9,
## mad.minimumdistance, verbose=TRUE,
## fD, genome) .Defunct("The 'narrow' function is defunct in MinimumDistance. Use narrowRanges instead.")
#' @importFrom utils txtProgressBar
narrowRanges <- function(object,
fD, genome){
if(missing(fD)) stop("fD not specified. fD must be a list of GenomeAnnotatedDataFrames (if multiple chromosomes are in 'object'), or a single GenomeAnnotatedDataFrame (one chromosome represented in 'object')")
if(!is(names(mad.minimumdistance), "character")) stop("mad.minimumdistance must be named")
if(!missing(genome)) metadata(lrr.segs) <- list(genome=genome)
ix <- match(sampleNames(object), names(mad.minimumdistance))
object$mindist.mad <- mad.minimumdistance[ix]
lrr.segs <- lrr.segs[sampleNames(lrr.segs) %in% sampleNames(object), ]
if(length(unique(chromosome(object))) > 1){
message("narrowing the ranges by chromosome")
if(!is(fD, "list")) stop("when object contains multiple chromosomes, fD should be a list of GenomeAnnotatedDataFrames")
chromsInFD <- paste("chr", sapply(fD, function(x) chromosome(x)[1]), sep="")
indexList <- split(seq_len(length(object)), as.character(chromosome(object)))
indexList2 <- split(seq_len(length(lrr.segs)), as.character(chromosome(lrr.segs)))
if(!all.equal(names(indexList), names(indexList2))){
stop("the chromosomes represented in the minimum distance genomic intervals (object) must be the same as the chromosomes represented in the offspring genomic intervals (lrr.segs)")
fD <- fD[match(names(indexList), as.character(chromsInFD))]
if(length(fD) != length(indexList)){
stop("The list of GenomeAnnotatedDataFrames (argument fD) must be the same length as the number of chromosomes represented in the minimum distange genomic intervals (object)")
if(verbose) pb <- txtProgressBar(min=0, max=length(indexList), style=3)
segList <- vector("list", length(indexList))
pkgs <- neededPkgs()
j <- k <- NULL
segList <- foreach(j=indexList, k=indexList2, featureData=fD, .packages=pkgs) %dopar%{
narrowRangeForChromosome(object[j, ],
lrr.segs[k, ],
if(verbose) close(pb)
segs <- unlist(GRangesList(segList))
} else {
if(is(fD, "list")) {
chroms <- paste("chr", sapply(fD, function(x) chromosome(x)[1]), sep="")
fD <- fD[[match(as.character(chromosome(object))[1], chroms)]]
chr <- as.character(chromosome(object)[1])
if(paste("chr", chromosome(fD)[1], sep="") != chr) stop("The supplied GenomeAnnotatedDataFrame (fD) does not have the same chromosome as object")
segs <- narrowRangeForChromosome(object, lrr.segs, thr, verbose, fD=fD)
metadata(segs) <- metadata(lrr.segs)
narrowRangeForChromosome <- function(md.range, cbs.segs, thr=0.9, verbose=TRUE, fD){
md.range <- md.range[order(md.range$sample, start(md.range))]
mads <- pmax(md.range$mindist.mad, .1)
abs.thr <- abs(md.range$seg.mean)/mads
md.range2 <- md.range[abs.thr > thr]
if(length(md.range2) < 1) return(md.range)
cbs.segs <- cbs.segs[order(sampleNames(cbs.segs), start(cbs.segs))]
o <- findOverlaps(md.range2, cbs.segs)
j <- subjectHits(o)
## only consider the cbs segments that have an overlap
if(!"sample", colnames(cbs.segs)))) cbs.segs <- cbs.segs[-match("sample", colnames(cbs.segs))]
offspring.segs <- cbs.segs[j]
sns <- unique(sampleNames(md.range2))
chr <- chromosome(md.range)[1]
rdlist <- list()
for(j in seq_along(sns)){
md <- md.range2[md.range2$sample == sns[j]]
of <- offspring.segs[offspring.segs$sample==sns[j]]
md.mad <- md$mindist.mad
mcols(md) <- mcols(md)[, match(colnames(mcols(of)), colnames(mcols(md)))]
## stack the ranges of the minimum distance segments and the offspring segments
un <- unlist(GRangesList(list(md, of)))
## find the disjoint ranges
disj <- disjoin(un)
o <- findOverlaps(md, disj)
## which minimumdistance intervals are spanned by a disjoint interval
r <- subjectHits(o)
s <- queryHits(o)
## only keep the disjoint intervals for which a minimum distance segment is overlapping
## (filters intervals that have a minimum distance of approx. zero)
disj <- disj[r, ]
disj$sample <- md$sample[s]
disj$numberProbes <- 0L ## update later
disj$seg.mean <- md$seg.mean[s]
disj$mindist.mad <- md.mad[s]
rdlist[[j]] <- disj
rd <- unlist(GRangesList(rdlist))
metadata(rd) <- metadata(md.range)
frange <- makeFeatureGRanges(fD, metadata(rd)[["genome"]])
cnt <- countOverlaps(rd, frange)
rd$numberProbes <- cnt
rd <- rd[numberProbes(rd) > 0L]
mrd <- md.range[abs.thr <= thr]
mcols(mrd) <- mcols(mrd)[, match(colnames(mcols(rd)), colnames(mcols(mrd)))]
rd2 <- c(rd, mrd)
rd2 <- rd2[order(rd2$sample, start(rd2))]
##narrow <- function(object, lrr.segs, thr=0.9, mad.minimumdistance, verbose=TRUE){
## if(!is(names(mad.minimumdistance), "character")) stop("mad.minimumdistance must be named")
## ##stopifnot(!is.null(names(mad.minimumdistance)))
## ix <- match(sampleNames(object), names(mad.minimumdistance))
## object$mindist.mad <- mad.minimumdistance[ix]
## stopifnot("mindist.mad" %in% colnames(object))
## lrr.segs <- lrr.segs[sampleNames(lrr.segs) %in% sampleNames(object), ]
## if(length(unique(chromosome(object))) > 1){
## if(verbose)
## message("narrowing the ranges by chromosome")
## indexList <- split(seq_len(nrow(object)), chromosome(object))
## indexList2 <- split(seq_len(nrow(lrr.segs)), chromosome(lrr.segs))
## stopifnot(all.equal(names(indexList), names(indexList2)))
## if(verbose) {
## pb <- txtProgressBar(min=0, max=length(indexList), style=3)
## }
## segList <- vector("list", length(indexList))
## for(i in seq_along(indexList)){
## if(verbose) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
## j <- indexList[[i]]
## k <- indexList2[[i]]
## md.segs <- object[j, ]
## lr.segs <- lrr.segs[k, ]
## segList[[i]] <- narrowRangeForChromosome(md.segs, lr.segs, thr=thr, verbose=FALSE)
## rm(md.segs, lr.segs); gc()
## }
## if(verbose) close(pb)
## segs <- stack(RangedDataList(segList))
## j <- match("sample", colnames(segs))
## if(length(j) == 1) segs <- segs[, -j]
## } else {
## segs <- narrowRangeForChromosome(object, lrr.segs, thr, verbose)
## }
## <- RangedDataCBS(ranges=ranges(segs), values=values(segs))
## return(
##narrowRangeForChromosome <- function(md.range, cbs.segs, thr=0.9, verbose=TRUE){
## md.range <- md.range[order(sampleNames(md.range), start(md.range)), ]
## cbs.segs <- cbs.segs[order(sampleNames(cbs.segs), start(cbs.segs)), ]
## ir1 <- IRanges(start(md.range), end(md.range))
## ir2 <- IRanges(start(cbs.segs), end(cbs.segs))
## mm <- findOverlaps(ir1, ir2)
## qhits <- queryHits(mm)
## shits <- subjectHits(mm)
## index <- which(sampleNames(md.range)[qhits] == sampleNames(cbs.segs)[shits])
## if(length(index) > 0){
## qhits <- qhits[index]
## shits <- shits[index]
## } else stop("no overlap")
## ##---------------------------------------------------------------------------
## ##
## ## only narrow the range if the minimum distance segment is
## ## bigger than some nominal value. Otherwise, we use the
## ## minimum distance range as is.
## ##
## ##
## ##---------------------------------------------------------------------------
## ##abs.thr <- abs(md.range$seg.mean)/md.range$mindist.mad > thr
## mads <- pmax(md.range$mindist.mad, .1)
## abs.thr <- abs(md.range$seg.mean)/mads > thr
## ## I1 is an indicator for whether to use the cbs start
## deltaStart <- start(cbs.segs)[shits] > start(md.range)[qhits] & (start(cbs.segs)[shits] - start(md.range)[qhits] < 100e3)
## deltaEnd <- end(cbs.segs)[shits] < end(md.range)[qhits] & (end(md.range)[qhits] - end(cbs.segs)[shits] < 100e3)
## I1 <- deltaStart & start(cbs.segs)[shits] >= start(md.range)[qhits] & start(cbs.segs)[shits] <= end(md.range)[qhits] & abs.thr[qhits]
## ## indicator of whether to use the cbs end
## I2 <- deltaEnd & end(cbs.segs)[shits] <= end(md.range)[qhits] & end(cbs.segs)[shits] >= start(md.range)[qhits] & abs.thr[qhits]
## st <- start(cbs.segs)[shits] * I1 + start(md.range)[qhits] * (1-I1)
## en <- end(cbs.segs)[shits] * I2 + end(md.range)[qhits] * (1-I2)
## st.index <- (cbs.segs$start.index[shits] * I1 + md.range$start.index[qhits]*(1-I1))
## en.index <- (cbs.segs$end.index[shits] * I2 + md.range$end.index[qhits]*(1-I2))
## ## For each md.range range, there should only be one I1 that is TRUE
## ## If I1 and I2 are true, then a range is completely contained within the md.range segment
## ids <- md.range$id[qhits]
## ## |--------------|
## ## ---|--------|-----
## ## Becomes
## ## |-|--------|---|
## .i <- which(I1 & I2)
## if(length(.i) > 0){
## ## new intervals
## ir <- IRanges(st[.i], en[.i])
## ## remove intervals from ir1
## ## these intervals in ir1 must be bigger
## ix <- subjectHits(findOverlaps(ir, ir1))
## originalIntervals <- ir1[ix, ]
## ids <- md.range$id[ix]
## means <- md.range$seg.mean[ix]
## chr <- chromosome(md.range)[ix]
## mads <- md.range$mindist.mad[ix]
## firstNew <- IRanges(start(originalIntervals), start(ir)-1)
## endNew <- IRanges(end(ir)+1, end(originalIntervals))
## ids <- rep(ids, each=3)
## chr <- rep(chr, each=3)
## means <- rep(means, each=3)
## mads <- rep(mads, each=3)
## res <- c(ir, firstNew, endNew)
## ## remove originalIntervals from the original set
## ir1 <- ir1[-ix, ]
## ids1 <- md.range$id[-ix]
## chr1 <- chromosome(md.range)[-ix]
## means1 <- md.range$seg.mean[-ix]
## mads1 <- md.range$seg.mean[-ix]
## irnew <- c(ir1, res)
## ids2 <- c(ids1, ids)
## chr2 <- c(chr1, chr)
## mads2 <- c(mads1, mads)
## means2 <- c(means1, means)
## tmp <- RangedDataCBS(irnew,
## sampleId=ids2,
## chrom=chr2,
## seg.mean=means2,
## mindist.mad=mads2)
## } else return(md.range)
## ##irnew <- irnew[order(start(irnew)), ]
#### index <- which(I1 & I2)-1
#### index <- index[index!=0]
#### index <- index[ids[index] == ids[index+1]]
#### ir3 <- IRanges(st[index], en[index])
#### ir4 <- IRanges(st[index+1], en[index+1])
#### ##newRanges1 <- IRanges(st[index], st[index+1]-1)
#### ##newRanges2 <- IRanges(st[index+1], en[index])
#### if(length(index) > 1){
#### originalEnd <- en[index]
#### originalStart <- st[index]
#### newEnd <- st[index+1]-1
#### newStart <- st[index+1]
#### en[index] <- newEnd
#### st <- c(st, newStart)
#### en <- c(en, originalEnd)
#### ##en.index[index] <- st.index[index+1]-1
#### }
## ##split(I1, qhits)
## ##split(I2, qhits)
## ##stopifnot(sapply(split(st, qhits), function(x) all(diff(x) >= 0)))
#### nm <- apply(cbind(st.index, en.index), 1, function(x) length(x[1]:x[2]))
## ## keep segment means the same as the minimum distance
#### tmp <- RangedData(IRanges(st, en),
#### ##id=sampleNames(md.range)[qhits],
#### id=ids2,
#### ##chrom=chromosome(md.range)[qhits],
#### chrom=chr2,
#### ##num.mark=nm,
#### seg.mean=md.range$seg.mean[qhits],
#### start.index=st.index,
#### end.index=en.index,
#### mindist.mad=md.range$mindist.mad[qhits])
## ##family=md.range$family[qhits])
## ##ranges.below.thr <- split(!abs.thr[qhits], qhits)
## ##ns <- sapply(ranges.below.thr, sum)
#### uid <- paste(tmp$id, start(tmp), tmp$chrom, sep="")
## ##duplicated(uid)
## ##stopifnot(!all(duplicated(uid)))
#### tmp <- tmp[!duplicated(uid), ]
## ## for each subject, the following must be true
#### index <- which(tmp$id[-nrow(tmp)] == tmp$id[-1])
## ##stopifnot(all(end(tmp)[index] < start(tmp)[index+1]))
## res <- tmp[order(tmp$id, start(tmp)), ]
## return(res)
stackListByColIndex <- function(object, i, j){
X <- vector("list", length(object))
is.matrix <- is(object[[1]], "matrix") || is(object[[1]], "ff_matrix")
for(k in seq_along(X)){
X[[k]] <- object[[k]][, i, drop=FALSE]
X <-"rbind", X)
} else {
is.array <- is(object[[1]], "array")
for(k in seq_along(X)){
X[[k]] <- object[[k]][, i, j, drop=FALSE]
dim(X[[k]]) <- c(nrow(X[[k]]), ncol(X[[k]])) ## drop 3rd dimension
X <-"rbind", X)
callDenovoSegments <- function(path="",
prOutlierBAF=list(initial=1e-3, max=1e-1, maxROH=1e-3),
verbose=FALSE, genome=c("hg19", "hg18"), ...){
pkgs <- c("VanillaICE", "oligoClasses", "matrixStats", "MinimumDistance")
genome <- match.arg(genome)
if(!is(pedigreeData, "Pedigree")) stop("pedigreeData must be an object of class Pedigree")
filenames <- file.path(path, paste(originalNames(allNames(pedigreeData)), ext, sep=""))
##obj <- read.bsfiles(filenames=filenames, path="", ext="")
headers <- names(read.bsfiles(filenames[1], nrows=0))
select <- match(c("SNP Name", "Allele1 - AB", "Allele2 - AB",
"Log R Ratio", "B Allele Freq"), headers)
## ##labels <- setNames(c("Allele1", "Allele2", "LRR", "BAF"), keep[-1])
## classes <- c(rep("character", 3), rep("numeric", 2))
## header_info <- VanillaICE:::headerInfo(filenames[1], skip=10, sep=",",
## keep=keep, labels=labels,
## classes=classes)
## obj <- read_beadstudio(filenames=filenames)
obj <- fread(filenames, select=select)
trioSetList <- TrioSetList(lrr=integerMatrix(obj[, "lrr",], 100),
baf=integerMatrix(obj[, "baf",], 1000),
} else {
trioSetList <- TrioSetList(lrr=integerMatrix(obj[, "lrr",], 100),
baf=integerMatrix(obj[, "baf",], 1000),
isff <- is(lrr(trioSetList)[[1]], "ff")
if(isff) pkgs <- c("ff", pkgs)
md <- calculateMindist(lrr(trioSetList), verbose=verbose) <- mad2(md, byrow=FALSE)
fns <- featureNames(trioSetList)
md.segs <- segment2(object=md,
chrom=chromosome(trioSetList, as.list=TRUE),
lrrs <- lrr(trioSetList)
## when segmenting only the offspring,
## the trio names are the same as the sampleNames
lrrs <- lapply(lrrs, function(x){
dns <- dimnames(x)
x <- x[, , 3, drop=FALSE]
dim(x) <- c(nrow(x), ncol(x))
dimnames(x) <- list(dns[[1]], dns[[2]])
id <- offspringNames(trioSetList)
} else{
pos <- position(trioSetList)
lrr.segs <- segment2(object=lrrs,
chrom=chromosome(trioSetList, as.list=TRUE),
id=id, ## NULL if segmentParents is FALSE
featureNames=fns, genome=genome, ...)
md.segs2 <- narrowRanges(md.segs, lrr.segs, 0.9,, fD=Biobase::featureData(trioSetList))
index <- splitIndicesByLength(seq_len(ncol(trioSetList)), 1)
##if(!getDoParRegistered()) registerDoSEQ()
outdir <- ldPath()
id <- sampleNames(trioSetList)
object <- i <- NULL
map.segs <- foreach(i=index,
.packages=pkgs, .combine="unlist") %dopar% {
make.unique2 <- function(names, sep="___DUP") make.unique(names, sep)
originalNames <- function(names){
if(length(names) ==0) return(names)
sep <- formals(make.unique2)[["sep"]]
index <- grep(sep, names)
if(length(index) > 0) names[index] <- sapply(names[index], function(x) strsplit(x, sep)[[1]][[1]])
read.bsfiles2 <- function(path, filenames, sampleNames, z, marker.index,
lrrlist, baflist, featureNames){
i <- seq_along(sampleNames)
## this is simply to avoid having a large 'dat' object below.
NN <- min(length(sampleNames), 2)
ilist <- splitIndicesByLength(i, NN)
for(k in seq_along(ilist)){
j <- ilist[[k]]
sns <- sampleNames[j]
datlist <- lapply(file.path(path, filenames[j]), read.bsfiles)
id <- datlist[[1]][[1]]
datlist <- lapply(datlist, "[", c(2,3))
r <-, lapply(datlist, "[[", 1))
b <-, lapply(datlist, "[[", 2))
dimnames(r) <- dimnames(b) <- list(id, filenames)
if(!identical(id, featureNames)){
r <- r[featureNames, , drop=FALSE]
b <- b[featureNames, , drop=FALSE]
l <- match(sns, colnames(baflist[[1]]))
for(m in seq_along(marker.index)){
M <- marker.index[[m]]
baflist[[m]][, l, z] <- integerMatrix(b, scale=1000)
lrrlist[[m]][, l, z] <- integerMatrix(r, scale=100)
} else {
##dat <- read.bsfiles(path=path, filenames=filenames)
fnames <- file.path(path, filenames)
datlist <- lapply(fnames, read.bsfiles)
id <- datlist[[1]][[1]]
datlist <- lapply(datlist, "[", c(2,3))
r <-, lapply(datlist, "[[", 1))
b <-, lapply(datlist, "[[", 2))
tmp <- array(NA, dim=c(nrow(r), 2, length(fnames)))
tmp[, 1, ] <- integerMatrix(r, 100)
tmp[, 2, ] <- integerMatrix(b, 1000)
dat <- tmp
dimnames(dat) <- list(id, c("lrr", "baf"), basename(fnames))
stackRangedDataList <- function(...) {
##object <- stack(RangedDataList(...))
object <- GRangesList(list(...)[[1]])
##j <- match("sample", colnames(object))
##if( object else object[, -j]
#~~~~ The rest is old code that has been commented out.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
##inferMissingRanges <- function(start, end){
##inferNormalRangesFromPenn <- function(penn.object, vi.object){
## chr <- chromosome(penn.object)
## starts <- split(start(penn.object), chr)
## ends <- split(end(penn.object), chr)
## foreach(start=starts, end=ends) %do% inferMissingRanges(start=start,
## end=end)
##shrinkTo <- function(x, x.0, DF.PRIOR){
## DF <- ncol(x)-1
## DF <- Ns-1
## DF[DF < 1] <- 1
## x.0 <- apply(x, 2, median, na.rm=TRUE)
## x <- (x*DF + x.0*DF.PRIOR)/(DF.PRIOR + DF)
## for(j in 1:ncol(x)) x[[, j]), j] <- x.0[j]
## return(x)
##dna <- function(object) harmonizeDnaLabels(phenoData2(object[[1]])[, "DNA.Source", ])
##plate <- function(object) phenoData2(object[[1]])[, "Sample.Plate", ]
##readTable3 <- function(a=0.009){
## ## initialize with small value to avoid -Inf
## results <- .C("calculateCHIT", a=a, M=array(0, dim=c(rep(5,6))))$M
## ## Make sure to transpose!
## aperm(results)
##arrangeSideBySide2 <- function(object1, object2){
## grid.newpage()
## lvp <- viewport(x=0,
## y=0.05,
## width=unit(0.50, "npc"),
## height=unit(0.95, "npc"), just=c("left", "bottom"),
## name="lvp")
## pushViewport(lvp)
## nfigs1 <- length(object1$condlevels[[1]])
## nfigs2 <- length(object2$condlevels[[1]])
## stopifnot(length(nfigs1) == length(nfigs2))
## pushViewport(dataViewport(xscale=c(0,1), yscale=c(0.05,1), clip="on"))
## object1$layout <- c(1, nfigs1)
## print(object1, newpage=FALSE, prefix="plot1", more=TRUE)
## upViewport(0)
## lvp2 <- viewport(x=0.5,
## y=0.25,
## width=unit(0.50, "npc"),
## height=unit(0.95, "npc"), just=c("left", "bottom"),
## name="lvp2")
## pushViewport(lvp2)
## pushViewport(dataViewport(xscale=c(0,1), yscale=c(0.05,1), clip="on"))
## object2$layout <- c(1, nfigs1)
## print(object2, newpage=FALSE, prefix="plot2", more=TRUE)
##read.bsfiles <- function(path="./", filenames, ext="", row.names=1,
## sep="\t",
##, header=TRUE,
## drop=FALSE, ...){
## fnames <- file.path(path, paste(filenames, ext, sep=""))
## stopifnot(all(file.exists(fnames)))
## for(i in seq_along(filenames)){
## cat(".")
## tmp <- read.table(file.path(path, paste(filenames[i], ext, sep="")),
## row.names=row.names,
## sep=sep,
## header=header,
##, ...)
## if(i==1){
## j <- grep("Log.R.Ratio", colnames(tmp))
## k <- grep("B.Allele", colnames(tmp))
## dat <- array(NA, dim=c(nrow(tmp), 2, length(filenames)))
## if(!drop){
## dimnames(dat) <- list(rownames(tmp),
## c("lrr", "baf"),
## basename(filenames))
## }
## <- matrix(NA, nrow(tmp), length(filenames))
## <- matrix(NA, nrow(tmp), length(filenames))
## }
## dat[, 1, i] <- tmp[, j]
## dat[, 2, i] <- tmp[, k]
## }
## cat("\n")
## return(dat)
initializeLrrAndBafArrays <- function(dims, col.names, outdir, name=""){
if(name != ""){
bafname <- paste(name, "baf", sep="_")
lrrname <- paste(name, "lrr", sep="_")
} else {
bafname <- "baf"
lrrname <- "lrr"
bafs <- initializeBigArray(bafname, dim=dims, vmode="integer")
lrrs <- initializeBigArray(lrrname, dim=dims, vmode="integer")
colnames(bafs) <- colnames(lrrs) <- col.names
res <- list(baf=bafs, lrr=lrrs)
trioSetListExample <- function(){
data(trioSetListExample, envir=environment())
ad <- assayData(trioSetList)
b <- lapply(ad[["BAF"]], integerArray, scale=1000)
r <- lapply(ad[["logRRatio"]], integerArray, scale=100)
ad2 <- AssayDataList(BAF=b, logRRatio=r)
trioSetList@assayDataList <- ad2
neededPkgs <- function() c("oligoClasses", "Biobase", "MinimumDistance")
#' @importFrom stats lowess
gcSubtractMatrix <- function(object, center=TRUE, gc, pos, smooth.gc=TRUE, ...){
if(ncol(object) !=3) stop("Must pass one trio at a time.")
cnhat <- matrix(NA, nrow(object), ncol(object))
isna <- rowSums( > 0
i <- which(isna)
gc <- gc[-i]
pos <- pos[-i]
gc <- lowess(gc~pos, ...)$y
object <- object[-i, , drop=FALSE]
X <- cbind(1, gc)
## needs to be a big enough window such that we do not remove a true deletion/amplification
index <- splitIndicesByLength2(x=seq_along(pos), lg=10000, MIN.LENGTH=2000)
fitGCmodel <- function(X, Y){
betahat <- solve(crossprod(X), crossprod(X, Y))
yhat <- X %*% betahat
resid <- Y-yhat
j <- NULL
resid <- foreach(j=index, .combine="rbind") %do% fitGCmodel(X=X[j, ], Y=object[j, ])
## ensure that the chromosome arm has the same median as in the original Y's
if(center) resid <- resid+median(object,na.rm=TRUE)
if(any(isna)) cnhat[-i, ] <- resid else cnhat <- resid
rescale2 <- function(x, l, u){
y <- (x-min(x,na.rm=TRUE))/(max(x,na.rm=TRUE)-min(x,na.rm=TRUE))
rescale(y, l, u)
dataFrameFromRange2 <- function(object, range, range.index, frame=0, nchar_sampleid=15){
frange <- makeFeatureGRanges(featureData(object), genomeBuild(object))
rm <- findOverlaps(range, frange, maxgap=frame)
mm <- IRanges::as.matrix(rm)
mm.df <- data.frame(mm)
mm.df$featureNames <- featureNames(object)[mm.df$subject]
marker.index <- mm.df$subject
sample.index <- match(sampleNames(range), sampleNames(object))
if(any( stop("sampleNames in RangedData do not match sampleNames in ", class(data), " object")
sample.index <- unique(sample.index)
obj <- object[marker.index, sample.index]
mm.df$subject <- match(mm.df$featureNames, featureNames(obj))
## coersion to data.frame
df <- trioSet2data.frame(obj)
chr <- unique(chromosome(object))
oindex <- which(df$memberId=="offspring")
findex <- which(df$memberId=="father")
mindex <- which(df$memberId=="mother")
memberid <- as.character(df$memberId)
nchr <- min(nchar_sampleid, nchar(sampleNames(obj)[1]))
oid <- substr(sampleNames(obj)[1], 1, nchr)
fid <- substr(fatherNames(obj)[1], 1, nchr)
mid <- substr(motherNames(obj)[1], 1, nchr)
memberid[oindex] <- paste(oid, "(offspring)")
memberid[findex] <- paste(fid, "(father)")
memberid[mindex] <- paste(mid, "(mother)")
memberid <- paste("chr", chr, ": ", memberid, sep="")
memberid <- factor(memberid, levels=rev(unique(memberid)))
df$memberId <- I(memberid)
##df$range <- rep(i, nrow(df))##mm.df$query
##dfList[[i]] <- df
df$range <- range.index
trioSet2data.frame <- function(from){
cn <- lrr(from)[, 1, ]/100
md.null <- is.null(mindist(from))
if(!md.null) {
md <- as.numeric(mindist(from))/100
mdlabel <- "md"
} else {
mdlabel <- md <- NULL
labels <- c("father", "mother", "offspring", mdlabel)
J <- length(labels)
sns <- matrix(labels, nrow(cn), J, byrow=TRUE)
sns <- as.character(sns)
cn <- as.numeric(cn)
y <- c(cn, md)
bf <- as.numeric(baf(from)[, 1, ])/1000
bf <- c(bf, rep(NA, length(md)))
x <- rep(position(from)/1e6, J)
is.snp <- rep(isSnp(from), J)
df <- data.frame(x=x,
trioId=rep(sampleNames(from), length(y)),
df$memberId <- factor(df$memberId, ordered=TRUE, levels=rev(labels))
referenceIndex <- function(param) which(stateNames(param) == referenceState(param))
cumulativeLogLik <- function(log_emit){
LLT <- apply(log_emit, c(2, 3), sum, na.rm=TRUE)
## copy number 2 prob is max(diploid not ROH, diploid ROH)
LLT[, 3] <- pmax(LLT[, 3], LLT[, 4])
## remove diploid ROH state
LLT <- LLT[, -4]
prTrioState <- function(param, state){
## We need to compute Pr(trio state | model)
## See Additional File 1, p6 (Scharpf et al., 2012)
## Pr(trio state | model ) = Pr(trio state, nonmendelian | model) + Pr (trio state, Mendlianl | model)
## = Pr( offspring | parents, nonmendelian) * Pr(parents | nonmendelian) * Pr(nonmendelian) + Pr (offspring | parents, mendelian) * Pr(parents | mendelian) * Pr (mendelian)
## = Pr( offspring | nonmendelian) * Pr(parents) * Pr(nonmendelian) + Pr(offspring | mendelian, parents) * pr(parents)* Pr(mendelian)
## = Term 1 * Term2 * Term 3 + Term4 * Term2 * (1-Term3)
## = Term 2 [Term1 * Term3 + Term4*(1-Term3)]
## we assume a priori that any of the states are equally likely for the parents
Term2 <- 1/5^2
Term3 <- prNonMendelian(param)
## Term 4, or Pr(offspring | parents, mendelian), is given by tabled values in Wang et al. (Suppl Table 1)
Term4 <- table1(param)[state]
Term1 <- 1/5
Term2 * (Term1 * Term3 + Term4 * (1-Term3))
loglikInitial <- function(param, LLT, state){
## assume Pr(state_1,father | lambda) = Pr(state_2,mother | lambda) = pi
## Equation 3: Scharpf et al., 2012
## We need to compute the posterior probability of the trio states, or
## Pr(trio state | B, R, model) propto Likelihood * prior
## = likelihood * Pr(trio state | model)
## Taking logarithms, we have
## log lik + log Pr(trio state | model)
state_index <- state(param)[state, ] + 1L
loglik <- sum(diag(LLT[, state_index]))
pr_triostate <- prTrioState(param, state)
loglik + log(pr_triostate)
statesToEvaluate <- function(param, above_thr){
nms <- stateNames(param)
x <- setNames(rep(TRUE, length(nms)), nms)
} else {
x <- setNames(rep(FALSE, length(nms)), nms)
x[referenceIndex(param)] <- TRUE
setSequenceLengths <- function(build, names){ ## names are unique(seqnames(object))
sl <- getSequenceLengths(build)
sl[match(unique(names), names(sl))]
.getArm <- function(chrom, pos, genome){
if(is.integer(chrom)) chrom <- paste("chr", integer2chromosome(chrom), sep="") <- system.file("extdata", package="SNPchip")
gaps <- readRDS(list.files(, pattern=paste("gap_", genome, ".rda", sep=""), full.names=TRUE))
centromere.starts <- start(gaps)
centromere.ends <- end(gaps)
names(centromere.ends) <- names(centromere.starts) <- seqnames(gaps)
centromere.starts <- centromere.starts[chrom]
centromere.ends <- centromere.ends[chrom]
chr.arm <- arm <- rep(NA, length(pos))
arm[pos <= centromere.starts] <- "p"
arm[pos >= centromere.ends] <- "q"
##arm <- ifelse(pos <= centromere.starts, "p", "q")
chr.arm[!] <- paste(chrom[!], arm[!], sep="")
.checkOrder <- function(object, verbose=FALSE){
d <- diff(order(chromosome(object), position(object)))
if(any(d < 0)){
warning("Object should be ordered by chromosome and physical position.\n",
"Try \n",
"> object <- order(object) \n")
isFF <- function(object){
names <- ls(assayData(object))
is(assayData(object)[[names[[1]]]], "ff") | is(assayData(object)[[names[[1]]]], "ffdf")
logEmissionArray <- function(object){
emitlist <- assays(object)
##emitlist <- lapply(emitlist, function(x, epsilon) log(x+epsilon), epsilon=epsilon)
lemit_array <- array(NA, dim=c(nrow(object), length(emitlist), 6))
for(i in seq_len(length(emitlist))) lemit_array[, i, ] <- log(emitlist[[i]])
#' Function for computing autocorrelations
#' By default, this function returns the lag-10 autocorrelations of a
#' numeric vector and omits missing values.
#' @param x a numeric vector
#' @param lag.max see \code{acf}
#' @param type see \code{acf}
#' @param plot logical, as in \code{acf}
#' @param na.action ignored. Missing values are automattically omitted.
#' @param demean logical, as in \code{acf}
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to \code{acf}
#' @seealso \code{\link[stats]{acf}}
#' @examples
#' x <- rnorm(100)
#' x[5] <- NA
#' acf2(x)
#' @importFrom stats acf
#' @export
acf2 <- function(x, lag.max=10, type = c("correlation", "covariance", "partial"),
plot = FALSE, na.action = na.omit, demean = TRUE,
x <- x[!]
y <- acf(x, lag.max=lag.max, type=type, plot=plot,
na.action=na.action, demean=demean, ...)
y[[1]][lag.max+1, , 1]
colAcfs <- function(X, lag.max=10, plot=FALSE) {
res <- rep(NA, ncol(X))
apply(X, 2, acf2, lag.max=lag.max)
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