# ESetParseMichip.R
# Parses Out a set of genepix files to produce an ExpressionSet
# Date: 27.11.2007
# Author: Jonathon blake
# Version: 0.5.1
#27.03.08 This version was used for incorporating in to MiChip
#library 0.02 and testing
#03.06.08 Version 0.4 version built removing the latest SNORD
#features from the chips.
#17.03.2009 Version 0.5 built to deal with changes in the
#specification of names of the non representative probes and
#the "" empties
#03.06.2009 Version 0.5.0 built dealing with -1 probe names
#and correcting grep errors
#29.06.2009 Version 0.5.1 Dealing with Bioconductor technical
#review issues
#02.07.2009 Version 0.5.2 Dealing with Bioconductor technical
#review issues 2
#08.09.2009 Version 0.5.3 Dealing with Bioconductor peer review
#Loads the data in a set of text files into an ExpressionSet for further use
#This method returns an ExpressionSet of median intensity - background and flag with for each
#spot and chip, The individual spots are identifiable by block row column.
#The ID column contains the probe ID which is spotted in quadruplicate (experimental)
#and possibly more often for controls
#The Name column contains the name for the microRNA which is supposedly represented by the probe
parseRawData<-function(datadir=".", pat="gpr")
#Get the files in the directory specified
chipfiles <- list.files(path=datadir, pattern=pat)
pathfiles <- chipfiles
if(datadir !=".")
#pathfiles <-paste(datadir, pathfiles, sep="") 0.5.1
pathfiles <- file.path(datadir, pathfiles)
#Being verbose at the moment so check number of files
if(length(chipfiles) == 0)
#Stop here there are no files to process
stop("No files found matching file extension")
cat(length(chipfiles), "files found\n")
#Get the line number for the header line in these files
#headlineno <- grep("Block", scan(chipfiles[1], nlines=40, quiet=TRUE, what="", sep="\n"))
#0.5.1 cat("Dealing with file ", pathfiles[1], "\n")
headlineno <- grep("Block", scan(pathfiles[1], nlines=60, quiet=TRUE, what="", sep="\n"))
stop("No header found")
#Get the headerline
#headercols <- scan(chipfiles[1], skip=headlineno-1, nlines=1, sep="\t", quiet=TRUE, what="")
#0.5.1 cat("Dealing with file ", pathfiles[1], "\n")
headercols <- scan(pathfiles[1], skip=headlineno-1, nlines=1, sep="\t", quiet=TRUE, what="")
#Get the column for the Name
namecol <- grep("Name", headercols)
#Get the column for the ID
idcol <- grep("ID", headercols)
#Get the column number for the Median - background
medMinusBackcol <- grep("F532 Median - B532", headercols)
#Get the column for flags
flagscol <- grep("Flags", headercols)
#Does anything have to be chomped?
#Calculate the number of spots on the array
ngenes <- length(scan(pathfiles[1], skip=headlineno, sep="\n", quiet=TRUE, what=""))
#Read the first file to get the names of the features. The files must all be of the same
#length otherwise this indicates different versions of the chip.
data <- read.table(pathfiles[1], skip=headlineno, sep="\t", header=FALSE)
cat("Dealing with file ", chipfiles[1], "\n")
coords<- c(paste(data[,1], "_", data[,2],"_", data[,3]))
fd <- cbind(coords,[,idcol]), data[,namecol])
colnames(fd) <- cbind("BlockID", "PROBEID", "NAME")
feats <- new("AnnotatedDataFrame",
#Build the meta data for the varlabels
labdata <-"Composite of Spot Coordinates", "Exiqon Probe ID", "miRNA Name"))
colnames(labdata) <- 'labelDescription'
varMetadata(feats)<- labdata
#Prepare matrices for the build
#Extract the Sample Header info
samples<- substring(chipfiles[1], 1, nchar(chipfiles[1])-4)
#The flags data
flags <- data[,flagscol]
#The experimental intensity - background
expdata <- data[,medMinusBackcol]
#Go through the other files in the directory
for(x in 2:length(chipfiles))
ngenesX <- length(scan(pathfiles[x], skip=headlineno, sep="\n", quiet=TRUE, what=""))
if(ngenesX != ngenes)
stop("Different Number of Probes, looks like different versions of MiChip!")
data <- read.table(pathfiles[x], skip=headlineno, sep="\t", header=FALSE, quote="")
cat("Dealing with file ", chipfiles[x], "\n")
samples <- c(samples, substring(chipfiles[x], 1, nchar(chipfiles[x])-4))
flags <- cbind(flags,data[,flagscol])
expdata <- cbind(expdata,data[,medMinusBackcol])
#Create an annotated dataframe for phenotype data, the sample names here
#Add the column names to the dataframes and matrix
sframe =, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
colnames(sframe) <- "Samples"
colnames(flags) = colnames(expdata) = rownames(sframe) = samples
phenD <- new("AnnotatedDataFrame", data= sframe)
#Build the expressionset
eset <- new("ExpressionSet", exprs=expdata, featureData=feats, phenoData=phenD)
#Add the flags to eset
assayDataElement(eset, "flags") <- flags
#Now have everything build return this as the container of the raw data
#Name: outputAnnotatedDataMatrix
#Description:Takes the expressionSet, and the name of an
#assayDataElement and outputs this into a text file with
#the annotation provided in the featureData
#Author: Jonathon Blake
outputAnnotatedDataMatrix <-function(eset, exptname, stage, dataElement)
filename <- paste(exptname, "_",stage, ".txt", sep="")
outtab <- returnAnnotatedDataMatrix(eset, dataElement)
colarr <- colnames(outtab)
write.table(, file=filename, sep="\t", quote=FALSE, col.names=colarr, row.names=FALSE)
cat("File saved to ", file.path(getwd(), filename),"\n", sep="")
#Name: returnAnnotatedDataMatrix
#Description:Takes the expressionSet and returns an annotated
#data matrix
#Author: Jonathon Blake
returnAnnotatedDataMatrix <-function(eset, dataElement)
dmat <- assayDataElement(eset, dataElement)
pmat <- pData(featureData(eset))
outtab <- cbind(pmat, dmat)
#Description: Cleans up the rawDataFrame removing unwanted rows
#such as the empty rows (approx half the chip) and unused controls
#We have a list of columns which should be removed normally, according
#to the spotting regime at EMBL. As such you would normally call the
#standardRemoveRows function which is a wrapper for this function
#Call this method if you wish to remove a non-standard list of probe names.
#Author:Jonathon Blake
#Date:28.11.2007: Updated to deal with ExpressionSet
removeUnwantedRows<-function(rawData, filters)
cleanRowCount <- 1
#cleanerData <- rawData #Am assuming this is a copy
#Get the matrices to work on
fdd <-pData(featureData(rawData))
ed <- assayDataElement(rawData, "exprs")
fl <- assayDataElement(rawData, "flags")
cat("Raw Data ", length(fdd[,1]), "\n")
cat("Number of filters ", length(filters), "\n")
#Go through for each filter extracting the matrix
for(x in 1:length(filters))
#Get the row numbers of all the spots with the filter in the name
rowsToGo <- grep(filters[x], fdd[, "NAME"], perl=TRUE,
#Get all the rows left
allrows <- grep("", fdd[, "NAME"], perl=TRUE,
#Get the set difference i.e. the rows that don't have the matrix in
#Order matters in setdiff
rowsToStay <- setdiff(allrows, rowsToGo)
#Rebuild dataframe without the rowsToGo
fdd <- fdd[rowsToStay,]
ed <- ed[rowsToStay,]
fl <- fl[rowsToStay,]
if(filters[x] == "Empty")
#Special case for filtering on "" replaced Empty in GAL for 9.2
cat("Filtering special case empties","\n")
rowsToGo <- which(fdd[,"NAME"] =="")
#cat(length(rowsToGo), " empties found\n")
#Get all the rows left
allrows <- grep("", fdd[, "NAME"], perl=TRUE,
#Get the set difference i.e. the rows that don't have the matrix in
#Order matters in setdiff
rowsToStay <- setdiff(allrows, rowsToGo)
#Rebuild dataframe without the rowsToGo
fdd <- fdd[rowsToStay,]
ed <- ed[rowsToStay,]
fl <- fl[rowsToStay,]
#Rebuild the shorter ExpressionSet
cat("Filtered Data ", length(fdd[,1]), "\n")
#colnames(fl) = colnames(ed) = pData(phenoData(rawData))
feats <- new("AnnotatedDataFrame",
varMetadata(feats)<- varMetadata(featureData(rawData))
cleanerData <- new("ExpressionSet", exprs=ed, featureData=feats, phenoData=phenoData(rawData))
assayDataElement(cleanerData, "flags") <- fl
#Description: a standard procedure for removing specific probe rows
#because of the spotting procedure at EMBL, e.g. empty spots, mismatches
#etc.Normally this method is called as a wrapper to removeUnwantedRows
#Author:Jonathon Blake
standardRemoveRows <- function(rawData)
filters=c("empty", "Hy3", "_MM1","_MM2", "control", "U6-sn", "No_known","Empty", "Not_designed_for", "No known", "miRPlus", "SNORD", "^-1")
filteredData <- removeUnwantedRows(rawData, filters)
#Description:Only calculates the median from values that are
#actually present
#Author: Jonathon Blake
myForgivingMedian <- function(mat, minSumlength=0)
dmat <- na.omit(mat)
#A few things have to be done here to prevent it crashing
#First have to make sure that the length of the matrix is greater than 0 when we take the median
if(length(dmat)< minSumlength || length(dmat) ==0 )
# cat("Array is too short","\n");
medVal <- median(dmat)
#cat("median is ", medVal, " and sd ", sd(dmat),"\n");
#Here have to make sure that the length is greater than 1 for an SD
#I filter here to stop short arrays crashing. It can be that only two readings
#are present at the start and that you don't lose everything if one is bad.
#If you are prepared to throw out values that are 1 of two use minSumlength
if(length(dmat) >1 && abs(medVal) < sd(dmat))
# cat("sd is greater than median","\n");
#cat("length of medarr = ", length(dmat), "the median is ",median(dmat), "\n")
#Description:Calculates the median from values that are
#actually present Ignores NAs. If madAdjust is true will set
#values to NA is the MAD is greater than the median
#Author: Jonathon Blake
naOmitMedian <- function(mat,madAdjust=FALSE)
dmat <- na.omit(mat)
medmad <- mad(mat, constant=1,na.rm=TRUE)
retval <- median(dmat)
#cat(retval," ", medmad,"\n")
if(abs(medmad) > abs(retval))
#cat("Variation too large median=",retval, "mad=",medmad, "\n")
retval <- NA;
#cat(" median=", median(dmat), " mad=",medmad, "\n")
#Description: Sets a cutoff value for the intensity. Effectively
#low intensity values have not been trusted. Here anthing below is set
#to NA which effectively says anything below this value is noise.
#Author:Jonathon Blake
setIntensityCutoff <- function(dmat, intensityCutoff)
cat("IntensityCutoff ", intensityCutoff, "\n")
for(x in 1:length(colnames(dmat)))
lmat <- dmat[,x] < intensityCutoff
dmat[lmat,x] <- NA
#Description: Corrects for the flags indicating problems with
#the spot. GENEPIX calls are 0 present and -50, -75, -100 Absent
#This function sets the intensity values associated with these flags
#to NA
#Author:Jonathon Blake
correctForFlags<-function(eset, intensityCutoff=0)
#Get the flags matrix
flag <- assayDataElement(eset, "flags")
#Get the data that will be updated
dat <- assayDataElement(eset, "exprs")
#Set the data to NA if flag is less than 0
for(y in 1:length(colnames(flag)))
badvals <- flag[,y] <0
dat[badvals, y] <- NA
if(intensityCutoff >0)
lmat <- dat[,y] < intensityCutoff
dat[lmat,y] <- NA
cat(colnames(dat)[y], " had ", summary(flag[,y]<0)[3], " bad flags and ", summary(dat[,y]< intensityCutoff)[3], " values below cutoff from ", length(dat[,y])," data points\n")
cat(colnames(dat)[y], " had ", summary(flag[,y]<0)[3], " bad flags from ", length(dat[,y])," data points\n")
#if(intensityCutoff >0)
# dat <- setIntensityCutoff(dat, intensityCutoff)
correctedData <- new("ExpressionSet", exprs=dat, featureData=featureData(eset), phenoData=phenoData(eset))
assayDataElement(correctedData, "flags") <- flag
#return the flag corrected expressionset
#Description: As the probes are spotted onto the in quaduplet
#or duplicate the values have to be combined in some way. This function
#takes the median of the intensities for the spots. Effectively
#the mean for duplicates.
#Author:Jonathon Blake
summarizeIntensitiesAsMedian <-function(eset,minSumlength=0,madAdjust=FALSE)
#Get the probe IDs
fd <- pData(featureData(eset))
#For all the unique IDs for the probes
uniqueIDs <- unique(fd[,"PROBEID"])
#Getting the expression data for the calculation
dat <- assayDataElement(eset, "exprs")
#For Each ID calculate the median each of the chips
idrows1 <- grep(uniqueIDs[1], fd[,"PROBEID"])
medrow1 <- apply(idmat1, 2, median)
cnames <-names(medrow1)
medmat<- as.matrix(medrow1)
tfeats <- idrows1[1]
for(i in 2:length(uniqueIDs))
#Get the rows for the id and build a matrix to work with
idrows <- grep(uniqueIDs[i], fd[,"PROBEID"])
#medrow <- apply(idmat, 2, naOmitMedian)
#medrow <- apply(idmat, 2, myForgivingMedian, minSumlength=minSumlength)
medrow <- apply(idmat, 2, naOmitMedian, madAdjust)
#cat(uniqueIDs[i], " ")
#cat("Binding row together", "\n")
tfeats <- c(tfeats, idrows[1])
#Rebuild the names and colnames on the dataframe
colnames(medmat) <- cnames
row.names(medmat) <-uniqueIDs
tfs <- fd[tfeats,2:3]
colnames(tfs) <- cbind("PROBEID", "NAME")
row.names(tfs) <-uniqueIDs
tfd <- new("AnnotatedDataFrame",
#labdata <-"Exiqon Probe ID", "mirTarget Name"))
labdata <-"Exiqon Probe ID", "miRNA Name"))
colnames(labdata) <- 'labelDescription'
varMetadata(tfd)<- labdata
summedSet <- new("ExpressionSet", exprs=medmat, phenoData= phenoData(eset), featureData=tfd)
#Description:Normalizes each chip to the median of the chip
#Takes an expression set and normalizes each column to its median
#Author: Jonathon Blake
#Date: 30.11.2007
normalizePerChipMedian <-function(eset)
dmat <- assayDataElement(eset, "exprs")
#chipMeds <- apply(dmat, 2, naOmitMedian)
medmat<- NULL
#for(x in 1:length(chipMeds))
for(x in 1:length(colnames(dmat)))
medt <- na.omit(dmat[,x])
mednormed <- dmat[,x]/median(medt)
#cat("The median is ", median(medt)," the length is ", length(medt),"\n")
#mednormed <- dmat[,x]/chipMeds[x]
medmat<- cbind(medmat, mednormed)
colnames(medmat) <- colnames(dmat)
row.names(medmat) <-row.names(dmat)
normedSet <- new("ExpressionSet", exprs=medmat, phenoData= phenoData(eset), featureData=featureData(eset))
#Name: boxPlotData
#Description: Takes a data matrix normally the expression matrix
#from an ExpressionSet and produces a boxplot. It omits nas which have
#caused a number of problems in the boxplots in the past.
#Author: Jonathon Blake
#Date: 30.11.2007
#0.5.1 used the rainbow function for generating the colour arrays
boxplotData <-function(dmat, exptname, dlevel)
filedes <- paste(exptname, dlevel, sep="_")
jpgname <- paste(filedes, ".jpg", sep="")
jpeg(filename=jpgname, height=600, width=800)
boxplot(, xlab="Samples", ylab="Log2 Intensity", main=filedes, col=rainbow(length(colnames(dmat))))
cat("File saved to ", file.path(getwd(), jpgname),"\n", sep="")
#Name: boxPlotDataNoFile
#Description: Takes a data matrix normally the expression matrix
#from an ExpressionSet and produces a boxplot. It omits nas which have
#caused a number of problems in the boxplots in the past.
#Author: Jonathon Blake
#Date: 30.11.2007
#0.5.1 used the rainbow function for generating the colour arrays
boxplotDataNoFile <-function(dmat, exptname, dlevel)
filedes <- paste(exptname, dlevel, sep="_")
boxplot(, xlab="Samples", ylab="Log2 Intensity", main=filedes, col=rainbow(length(colnames(dmat))))
#Name: panelCor
#Description: Adds a pearson correlation value to the scatter plots
#The code is taken from the panel manpage and modified
#Author:Jonathon Blake
panelCor <-function(x,y,digits=2, prefix="r=")
ptest <-cor.test(x, y, na.action=na.omit)
r <- ptest$estimate;
txt <- format(c(r, 0.123456789), digits=digits)[1];
txt <- paste(prefix, txt, sep="");
cex <- 0.8/strwidth(txt)
#text(0.5, 0.5, txt, cex = cex * r)
#text(naOmitMedian(x), naOmitMedian(y), txt, cex)
text(2, 2, txt, cex)
#Name: plotIntensitiesScatter
#Description: Works to plot intensities of probes pairwise
#against each other
#Author:Jonathon Blake
#Date: 11.07.07
plotIntensitiesScatter <-function(dmat, controls=NULL, exptname, maintitle)
iname <- paste(exptname, maintitle, sep="\n")
matlen <- length(colnames(dmat))
#cat( "length of names(dmat) is ", matlen)
#cat( "length of dmat is ", length(dmat))
jname <-paste(exptname, maintitle, sep="_")
jpgname <-paste(jname, ".jpg", sep="")
jpeg(filename=jpgname, height=1000, width=1000)
pairs(log10(dmat), panel=function(...) {points(..., pch=".", asp=1); abline(a=0, b=1, col="red"); panelCor(...)})
cat("File saved to ", file.path(getwd(), jpgname),"\n", sep="")
#Name: workedExampleMedianNormalize
#Description: A demonstration of how the code can be used
#Author: Jonathon Blake
#Date: 30.05.2007
workedExampleMedianNormalize <-function(exptname, intensityCutoff=0, datadir=".",minSumlength=0, madAdjust=FALSE)
#Get the data out of the genepix files and into a dataframe
#The call below is searching the current directory for genepix files
myRawData <- parseRawData(datadir)
#Filter the data frame to remove whatever rows have controls, are empty etc
filteredData <-standardRemoveRows(myRawData)
outputAnnotatedDataMatrix(filteredData, exptname, "FilteredData", "exprs")
#Correct for flags and remove the flag columns
flagcorData <- correctForFlags(filteredData, intensityCutoff)
boxplotData(exprs(flagcorData), exptname, "FlagCorrected")
outputAnnotatedDataMatrix(flagcorData, exptname, "FlagCorrectedIntensity", "exprs")
#Summarize the data for each of the 4 spots on the chip into medians
summedData <-summarizeIntensitiesAsMedian(flagcorData, minSumlength,madAdjust)
boxplotData(exprs(summedData), exptname, "Summarized")
outputAnnotatedDataMatrix(summedData, exptname, "summarizedIntensity", "exprs")
plotIntensitiesScatter(exprs(summedData),NULL, exptname,"SummarizedScatter")
#Get the median normalized data
mednormedData <- normalizePerChipMedian(summedData)
boxplotData(exprs(mednormedData), exptname, "Median Normalized")
plotIntensitiesScatter(exprs(mednormedData),NULL, exptname,"MedNormedScatter")
outputAnnotatedDataMatrix(mednormedData, exptname, "medNormedIntensity", "exprs")
#Return normalized data
#Name: workedExampleNotNormalizedData
#Description: A demonstration of how the code can be used
#Author: Jonathon Blake
#Date: 30.05.2007
workedExampleNotNormalizedData <-function(exptname, intensityCutoff=0, datadir=".",minSumlength=0, madAdjust=FALSE)
#Get the data out of the genepix files and into a dataframe
#The call below is searching the current directory for genepix files
myRawData <- parseRawData(datadir)
#Filter the data frame to remove whatever rows have controls, are empty etc
filteredData <-standardRemoveRows(myRawData)
outputAnnotatedDataMatrix(filteredData, exptname, "FilteredData", "exprs")
#Correct for flags and remove the flag columns
flagcorData <- correctForFlags(filteredData, intensityCutoff)
boxplotData(exprs(flagcorData), exptname, "FlagCorrected")
outputAnnotatedDataMatrix(flagcorData, exptname, "FlagCorrectedIntensity", "exprs")
#Summarize the data for each of the 4 spots on the chip into medians
summedData <-summarizeIntensitiesAsMedian(flagcorData,minSumlength, madAdjust)
boxplotData(exprs(summedData), exptname, "Summarized")
outputAnnotatedDataMatrix(summedData, exptname, "summarizedIntensity", "exprs")
plotIntensitiesScatter(exprs(summedData),NULL, exptname,"SummarizedScatter")
#Return summarized data for further normalization
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