### assoc_test ####
assoc_test = function(metabolite, disease, CF = NULL, method,
output_AT = "pr_values") {
cor_methods = c("pearson", "spearman", "kendall")
if (method %in% cor_methods) {
if (is.null(CF)) {
#model = suppressWarnings(cor.test(disease, metabolite,
#method = method)) # This was updated
model = cor.test(disease, metabolite, method = method)
p_value = model$p.value
r_value = model$estimate
} else {
model = pcor.test(disease, metabolite, CF, method = method)
p_value = model["p.value"]
r_value = model["estimate"]
} else if (method == "logistic") {
if (is.null(CF)) {
model = glm(disease ~ metabolite, family = binomial)
} else {
model = glm(disease ~ metabolite + CF, family = binomial)
coef = summary(model)$coefficients
p_value = coef[2, 4]
r_value = coef[2, 1] # this is the beta coeff
} else {
# method = linear
if (is.null(CF)) {
model = glm(disease ~ metabolite, family = "gaussian")
} else {
model = glm(disease ~ metabolite + CF, family = "gaussian")
coef = summary(model)$coefficients
p_value = coef[2, 4]
r_value = coef[2, 1] # this is the beta coeff
if (output_AT == "model") {
} else if (output_AT == "pr_values") {
pr_values = as.numeric(c(r_value, p_value))
names(pr_values) = c("estimate", "p_value")
### MT_correction #### This has been updated in 1.1.7
MT_correction = function(pvalues, mt_method = mt_method) {
if (mt_method == "qvalues") {
#bh_pvalues = p.adjust(pvalues, method = "BH")
hist(pvalues, prob = TRUE, col = "gray", xlab = "p-values",
main = "p-values distribution")
Q = try(qvalue(pvalues), silent = TRUE)
#null_FP = try(head(Q, 2)$pi0, silent = TRUE)
#adjusted_pvalues = bh_pvalues * null_FP
if (grepl("Error", Q[1]) == TRUE) {
stop("Could not calculate q-values. Chose another correction method")
} else {
adjusted_pvalues = Q$qvalues
#adjusted_pvalues = bh_values*null_FP
} else {
adjusted_pvalues = p.adjust(pvalues, method = mt_method)
### MWAS_assoc ####
MWAS_stats = function(metabo_SE, disease_id, confounder_ids = NULL,
assoc_method, mt_method = "BH", output = "pvalues", CV_metabo = NULL) {
## Check that input data are correct
if (class(metabo_SE)[1] != "SummarizedExperiment") {
stop("metabo_SE must be a SummarizedExperiment object")
metabo_matrix = t(assays(metabo_SE)$metabolic_data)
metabo_ids = colnames(metabo_matrix)
clinical_variables = as.matrix(colData(metabo_SE))
if ((disease_id[1] %in% colnames(clinical_variables)) ==
stop("disease_id is not included in clinical_data")
disease = clinical_variables[, disease_id[1]] # only 1 disease is valid.
if (!is.null(confounder_ids)) {
if (length(setdiff(confounder_ids, colnames(clinical_variables))) >
0) {
stop("One or more confounders are not included in clinical_data")
CF_matrix = clinical_variables[, confounder_ids]
CF_matrix = as.matrix(CF_matrix, nrow = nrow(clinical_variables))
} else {
CF_matrix = NULL
if (!is.null(CV_metabo)) {
if (length(CV_metabo) != ncol(metabo_matrix)) {
stop("CV_metabo length must be consistent with metabo_matrix dimension")
all_var = cbind(metabo_matrix, disease, CF_matrix)
## Check that method is correct
possible_methods = c("pearson", "spearman", "logistic", "linear",
if (length(intersect(assoc_method, possible_methods)) == 0) {
stop("Invalid method. Valid methods are: pearson, spearman, kendall, logistic, linear")
## Check that output is correct
possible_outputs = c("models", "pvalues")
if (length(intersect(output, possible_outputs)) == 0) {
stop("Invalid method. Valid methods are: models,pvalues")
## Check the number of samples
if (nrow(all_var) < 10) {
stop("The number of samples is too small")
## Remove NA values
if (nrow(na.omit(all_var)) < 10) {
stop("The number of samples is too small after removing NA values")
## Print dimensions
to_print = paste(nrow(na.omit(all_var)), "samples will be included in the",
"analysis", sep = " ")
## Get NA index
na_index = unique(as.numeric((which(, arr.ind = TRUE)[,
if (length(na_index) > 0) {
metabo_matrix = metabo_matrix[-c(na_index), ]
disease = disease[-c(na_index)]
CF_matrix = CF_matrix[-c(na_index), ]
## Force metabo_matrix and CF_matrix to matrix (in case they
## are vectors)
metabo_matrix = matrix(metabo_matrix, nrow = length(disease))
if (!is.null(CF_matrix)) {
CF_matrix = matrix(CF_matrix, nrow = length(disease))
## Transform disease variable into a factor (logistic
## regression)
if (assoc_method == "logistic") {
disease = as.factor(disease)
if (length(levels(disease)) != 2) {
to_print = paste("Disease must be a binary numeric variable to perform",
"logistic regression")
cols_metabo = split(t(metabo_matrix), row(t(metabo_matrix)))
names(cols_metabo) = metabo_ids
## Run MWAS
if (output == "models") {
assoc_results = try(lapply(cols_metabo, assoc_test, disease = disease,
CF = CF_matrix, method = assoc_method, output_AT = "model"),
silent = TRUE)
if (grepl("Error", assoc_results[1])) {
stop("Association testing failed for at least one metabolic variable")
} else {
assoc_results = try(lapply(cols_metabo, assoc_test, disease = disease,
CF = CF_matrix, method = assoc_method, output_AT = "pr_values"),
silent = TRUE)
if (grepl("Error", assoc_results[1])) {
stop("Association testing failed for at least one metabolic variable")
assoc_matrix =, assoc_results)
# Do mt_correction
pvalues = as.numeric(assoc_matrix[, 2])
mt_adjusted_pvalues = MT_correction(pvalues, mt_method = mt_method)
assoc_matrix_adjusted = cbind(assoc_matrix, mt_adjusted_pvalues)
if (is.null(CV_metabo)) {
colnames(assoc_matrix_adjusted) = c("estimates",
"pvalues", "adjusted_pvalues")
} else {
assoc_matrix_adjusted = cbind(assoc_matrix_adjusted,
colnames(assoc_matrix_adjusted) = c("estimates",
"pvalues", "adjusted_pvalues", "CV")
### MWAS_filter ####
MWAS_filter = function(MWAS_matrix, type = "pvalue", alpha_th = 0.05,
CV_th = 0.3, sort = FALSE) {
## Check that input data are correct
if (!is.matrix(MWAS_matrix) | !is.numeric(MWAS_matrix)) {
stop("MWAS_matrix must be a numeric matrix. See function MWAS_stats()")
if (ncol(MWAS_matrix) < 3) {
stop("MWAS_matrix must have at least 3 columns")
## Check if there are NA values
if (sum( > 0) { # This has been updated
stop("NA values in MWAS_matrix are not allowed")
possible_types = c("pvalue", "CV", "all")
if (type %in% possible_types == FALSE) {
stop("Invalid type. Possible types are: pvalue, CV or all")
if (type != "pvalue") {
if (ncol(MWAS_matrix) < 4) {
stop("MWAS_matrix must have a CV column to apply CV filtering")
## Filter matrix
MWAS_matrix = cbind(MWAS_matrix, original_index = 1:nrow(MWAS_matrix))
index_CV = which(MWAS_matrix[, 4] >= CV_th)
index_pval = which(MWAS_matrix[, 3] >= alpha_th)
index_all = unique(c(index_CV, index_pval))
if (type == "all") {
if (length(index_all) == 0) {
message ("All features satisfy the filtering parameters")
if (length(index_all) == nrow(MWAS_matrix)) {
stop("None of the metabolic features satisfies the filtering parameters")
} else {
MWAS_matrix = MWAS_matrix[-index_all, ]
} else if (type == "CV") {
if (length(index_CV) == 0) {
message ("All features satisfy the filtering parameters")
if (length(index_CV) == nrow(MWAS_matrix)) {
stop("None of the metabolic features satisfies the filtering parameters")
} else {
MWAS_matrix = MWAS_matrix[-index_CV, ]
} else {
if (length(index_pval) == 0 ) {
message ("All features satisfy the filtering parameters")
if (sort == TRUE & is.matrix(MWAS_matrix) == TRUE) {
MWAS_matrix = MWAS_matrix[order(MWAS_matrix[, 3], decreasing = FALSE), ]
if (length(index_pval) == nrow(MWAS_matrix)) {
stop("None of the metabolic features satisfies the filtering parameters")
} else {
MWAS_matrix = MWAS_matrix[-index_pval, ]
if (sort == TRUE & is.matrix(MWAS_matrix) == TRUE) {
MWAS_matrix = MWAS_matrix[order(MWAS_matrix[, 3], decreasing = FALSE), ]
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