#' grab the mitochondrial reads from a BAM & estimate their fraction (of total)
#' This purely a convenience function, and an incredibly convenient one at that.
#' @param bam a BAM filename, or DataFrame/SummarizedExperiment with $BAM
#' @param filter filter on bam$mtCovg? (default is FALSE, don't filter)
#' @param parallel load multiple BAMs in parallel, if possible? (FALSE)
#' @param plotMAPQ plot distribution of mitochondrial mapping quality? (FALSE)
#' @param ... additional args to pass scanBamParam(), such as mapqFilter
#' @return an MAlignments or MAlignmentsList object
#' @import GenomicAlignments
#' @import GenomeInfoDb
#' @import Rsamtools
#' @examples
#' library(MTseekerData)
#' BAMdir <- system.file("extdata", "BAMs", package="MTseekerData")
#' BAMs <- paste0(BAMdir, "/", list.files(BAMdir, pattern=".bam$"))
#' (mal <- getMT(BAMs[1]))
#' class(mal)
#' targets <- data.frame(BAM=BAMs, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
#' rownames(targets) <- sapply(strsplit(basename(BAMs), "\\."), `[`, 1)
#' (mall <- getMT(targets))
#' class(mall)
#' @export
getMT <- function(bam, filter=FALSE, parallel=FALSE, plotMAPQ=FALSE, ...) {
# for lists/DataFrames/SEs of data:
if (is(bam,"SummarizedExperiment")|is(bam,"DataFrame")|is(bam,"data.frame")) {
# {{{
if (is(bam, "DataFrame") | is(bam, "data.frame")) {
if (! "BAM" %in% names(bam)) stop("data frame must have column `BAM`")
} else {
if (! "BAM" %in% names(colData(bam))) stop("SE must have colData()$BAM")
if (filter == TRUE) {
if (is(bam, "DataFrame") | is(bam, "data.frame")) {
if (!"mtCovg" %in% names(bam)) stop("cannot filter on missing `mtCovg`")
} else {
if (!"mtCovg" %in% names(colData(bam))) stop("missing colData()$mtCovg")
bam <- filterMT(bam)
if (nrow(bam) > 0) {
bams <- bam$BAM
if (is(bam, "SummarizedExperiment")) {
names(bams) <- colnames(bam)
} else {
names(bams) <- rownames(bam)
# why lapply() by default?
# because most laptops will die otherwise!
if (parallel == TRUE) {
message("Loading multiple BAMs in parallel may kill your machine.")
message("Set options('mc.cores') beforehand, and beware of swapping.")
return(MAlignmentsList(mclapply(bams, getMT)))
} else {
return(MAlignmentsList(lapply(bams, getMT)))
} else {
message("No matching records.")
# }}}
# for individual BAM files:
bam <- as.character(bam)
bai <- paste0(bam, ".bai")
if (!file.exists(bam)) stop(paste("Cannot find file", bam))
if (!file.exists(bai)) indexBam(bam)
bamfile <- BamFile(bam, index=bai, asMates=TRUE)
chrM <- ifelse("chrM" %in% seqlevels(bamfile), "chrM", "MT")
mtSeqLen <- seqlengths(bamfile)[chrM] # GRCh37/38, hg38 & rCRS are identical
mtGenome <- ifelse(mtSeqLen == 16569, "rCRS", "other") # hg19 YRI is "other"
# Note: based on the BAM headers (alone), we can't distinguish rCRS from RSRS
if (mtGenome == "other") {
message("MTseeker currently supports only rCRS-derived reference genomes.")
message(bam, " may be aligned to hg19, as length(", chrM, ") is not 16569.")
message("We find lifting hg19 (YRI) chrM to rCRS/RSRS can create problems.")
message("(Patches for this and other human/nonhuman MT refs are welcome!)")
stop("Currently unsupported mitochondrial reference detected; exiting.")
idxStats <- idxstatsBam(bamfile)
rownames(idxStats) <- idxStats$seqnames
mtReadCount <- idxStats[chrM, "mapped"]
nucReadCount <- sum(subset(idxStats, seqnames != chrM)$mapped)
mtFrac <- mtReadCount / sum(idxStats[, "mapped"])
message(bam, " maps ", mtReadCount, " unique reads (~",
round(mtFrac * 100, 1), "%) to ", chrM, ".")
mtRange <- GRanges(chrM, IRanges(1, mtSeqLen), strand="*")
mtView <- BamViews(bam, bai, bamRanges=mtRange)
flags <- scanBamFlag(isPaired=TRUE,
mtParam <- ScanBamParam(flag=flags, what=c("seq","mapq"), ...)
mtReads <- suppressWarnings(readGAlignments(mtView,
use.names=TRUE, # for revmapping
attr(mtReads, "mtFrac") <- mtFrac
mtReads <- keepSeqlevels(mtReads, chrM)
isCircular(seqinfo(mtReads))[chrM] <- TRUE
seqlevelsStyle(mtReads) <- "UCSC"
genome(mtReads) <- mtGenome
if (plotMAPQ) {
plot(density(mcols(mtReads)$mapq), type="h", col="red",
xlab="MAPQ", ylab="fraction of reads with this MAPQ",
main=paste("Mitochondrial read mapping quality for\n", bam))
# MAlignments == wrapped GAlignments
mal <- MAlignments(gal=mtReads, bam=bam)
attr(mal, "coverage") <- coverage(mal)
attr(mal, "nucReads") <- nucReadCount
attr(mal, "mtReads") <- mtReadCount
attr(mal, "mtVsNuc") <- mtReadCount/nucReadCount
# helper function:
.rCRSvsRSRS <- function(referenceSequence) {
switch(as.character(extractAt(referenceSequence, IRanges(523,524))[[1]]),
"neither rCRS nor RSRS")
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