#' @importFrom dplyr select
#' @importFrom dplyr filter
#' @importFrom dplyr %>%
#' @importFrom dplyr left_join
#' @importFrom tidyr gather
#' @importFrom tidyr spread
#' @importFrom MSstats dataProcess
#' @importFrom stats na.omit medpolish
#' @importFrom matrixStats colMedians
#' @importFrom data.table :=
.protein.summarization.function <- function(data,
ProteinName = runchannel = MSRun = log2Intensity = Run = . = NULL
v = Channel = Run.Protein = NULL
data$log2Intensity <- log2(data$Intensity)
## Number of negative values : if intensity is less than 1
## replace with zero
## then we don't need to worry about -Inf = log2(0)
if (any(!$Intensity) & data$Intensity < 1)) {
data[!$Intensity) & data$Intensity < 1, 'log2Intensity'] <- NA
data[!$Intensity) & data$Intensity < 1, 'Intensity'] <- NA
message('** Negative log2 intensities were replaced with NA.')
## Peptide-level globel median normalization
if(global_norm) {
# Do global peptide normalization
data <- .peptide.normalization(data)
data <-
## make sure the protein ID is character
data$ProteinName <- as.character(data$ProteinName)
## make new column: combination of run and channel
data$runchannel <- paste(data$Run, data$Channel, sep = '_')
## Number of negative values : if intensity is less than 1
## replace with zero
## then we don't need to worry negative log2 intensities after peptide normalization
if (nrow(data[!$Intensity) & data$Intensity < 1]) > 0){
data[!$Intensity) & data$Intensity < 1, 'log2Intensity'] <- NA
data[!$Intensity) & data$Intensity < 1, 'Intensity'] <- NA
message('** Negative log2 intensities were replaced with NA.')
## Record the group information
annotation <- unique(data[!$log2Intensity) , c('Run', 'Channel', 'BioReplicate',
'Condition', 'Mixture', 'TechRepMixture', 'runchannel')])
# Prepare the information for protein summarization
runs <- unique(na.omit(data$Run)) # record runs <- length(runs) # number of runs <- unique(na.omit(data$runchannel)) # record runs X channels
data$PSM <- as.character(data$PSM)
### 1, by MSstats
if (method == 'msstats'){
## need to change the column for MSstats
colnames(data)[colnames(data) == 'Charge'] <- 'PrecursorCharge'
colnames(data)[colnames(data) == 'Run'] <- 'MSRun'
colnames(data)[colnames(data) == 'runchannel'] <- 'Run'
## channel should be 'Run' for MSstats
data$FragmentIon <- NA
data$ProductCharge <- NA
data$IsotopeLabelType <- 'L' <- length(runs)
res <- NULL
for (i in seq_len( {
## For each run, use msstats dataprocess
message(paste("Summarizing for Run :", runs[i] ,
"(", i, " of ",, ")"))
sub_data <- data %>% dplyr::filter(MSRun == runs[i])
sub_data <-
output.msstats <- dataProcess(sub_data,
summaryMethod = 'TMP',
censoredInt= 'NA',
MBimpute = MBimpute,
maxQuantileforCensored = maxQuantileforCensored)
## output.msstats$RunlevelData : include the protein level summary
res.sub <- output.msstats$RunlevelData
res.sub <- res.sub[which(colnames(res.sub) %in% c('Protein',
'LogIntensities', 'originalRUN'))]
colnames(res.sub)[colnames(res.sub) == 'LogIntensities'] <- 'Abundance'
colnames(res.sub)[colnames(res.sub) == 'originalRUN'] <- 'runchannel'
res.sub$runchannel <- as.character(res.sub$runchannel)
annotation$runchannel <- as.character(annotation$runchannel)
res.sub <- left_join(res.sub, annotation, by='runchannel')
## remove runchannel column
res.sub <- res.sub[, -which(colnames(res.sub) %in% 'runchannel')]
res <- rbind(res, res.sub)
## message
message("** Protein-level summarization done by MSstats.")
} else if (method == "MedianPolish"){
### 2, by TMP
#add NAs to make every protein appear in all the channels
## add more annotation and block
data <- data[!$log2Intensity), c('ProteinName', 'PSM', 'log2Intensity',
'Run', 'Channel', 'BioReplicate', 'runchannel')]
channels <- as.character(unique(data$Channel))
#Create a annotation to make sure there are no missing Channels for each protein in data
anno <- unique(data[, c("Run", "ProteinName")])#name of each run and protein
anno.len <- nrow(anno)
channel.len <- length(channels)
mat <- matrix(rep(channels,anno.len), nrow = channel.len)
dt <-
anno <- cbind(anno, dt)#attach channels to each run and protein
anno <- anno %>% unite("Run.Protein", Run, ProteinName, sep = " ") %>%
gather(v, Channel, -Run.Protein) %>%
separate(Run.Protein, into = c("Run", "ProteinName"), sep = " ")
anno$Run <- as.character(anno$Run)
data <- right_join(data, anno)
#Create a annotation to make sure there are no missing PSMs for each Run and Protein
anno1 <- unique(data[, c("Run", "ProteinName", "PSM")])
anno2 <- full_join(anno,anno1) %>%
dplyr::select("Run", "ProteinName", "Channel", "PSM")
data <- right_join(data, anno2) #runchannel+1 after this line
#Create a annotation for "runchannel" sorted by Run and ProteinName
data <-
data <- data[order(data$Run, data$ProteinName, data$PSM, data$Channel), ]
anno3 <- unique(data[, c("Run", "ProteinName", "Channel")])
anno3 <- anno3[order(anno3$Run, anno3$ProteinName, anno3$Channel), ]
#Computer by each Run and ProteinName
res <- data[, .(MedianPolish = .medianPolish(log2Intensity,
channel.len)), by = .(Run, ProteinName)]
colnames(res) <- c("Run", "Protein", "Abundance")
res$Channel <- anno3$Channel
res <- left_join(res, annotation)
## message
message("** Protein-level summarization done by median polish.")
} else if (method == "LogSum"){
### 3. Log (sum)
data <- data[!$log2Intensity), c('ProteinName', 'PSM', 'log2Intensity',
'Run', 'Channel',
'BioReplicate', 'runchannel')]
res <- data[, .(LogSum = log2(sum(2^log2Intensity))), by = .(Run,ProteinName,
runchannel)] # calculate the logsum for each protein and channel
colnames(res) <- c("Run", "Protein", "runchannel", "Abundance")
res <- left_join(res, annotation, by = 'runchannel')
# add the annotation information to the results
res$Run <- res$Run.x #delete x and y
## message
message("** Protein-level summarization done by log(sum of intensities).")
} else if (method == "Median"){
### 4. Median
data <- data[!$log2Intensity), c('ProteinName', 'PSM', 'log2Intensity',
'Run', 'Channel',
'BioReplicate', 'runchannel')]
res <- data[, .(Median = median(log2Intensity)),
by = .(Run,ProteinName, runchannel)] # calculate the median for each protein and channel
colnames(res) <- c("Run", "Protein", "runchannel", "Abundance")
res <- left_join(res, annotation, by = 'runchannel')
# add the annotation information to the results
res$Run <- res$Run.x #delete x and y
## message
message("** Protein-level summarization done by median.")
## Protein-level reference channel-based normalization
if (reference_norm & length(runs) > 1) {
# Do normalization based on group 'Norm'
res <- .protein.normalization(res)
## subtract the required information
res <- res[, c("Run", "Protein", "Abundance", "Channel", "BioReplicate",
"Condition", 'TechRepMixture', "Mixture")]
res$Run <- as.factor(res$Run) # make sure Run is factor
res$Channel <- as.factor(res$Channel) # make sure Channel is factor
res$Condition <- as.factor(res$Condition) # make sure Condition is factor
res$TechRepMixture <- as.factor(res$TechRepMixture) # make sure TechRepMixture is factor
res$Mixture <- as.factor(res$Mixture) # make sure mixture is factor
## function for normalization between MS runs
## Do normalization after protein summarization.
## Normalization are based on the channels which have group 'Norm'.
## data: protein level data, which has columns Protein, Group, Subject, Run, Channel, Abundance
#' @keywords internal
.protein.normalization <- function(data) {
Run <- Abundance <- Mixture <- TechRepMixture <- Channel <- BioReplicate <- . <- Condition <- Protein <- NULL
## check whethere there are 'Norm' info or not. <- unique(data$Condition)
## if there is 'Norm' available in Condition column,
if (is.element('Norm', {
data$Protein <- as.character(data$Protein)
# make sure protein names are character
proteins <- unique(data$Protein) # proteins
num.protein <- length(proteins)
data <-
# make suree the input data is with data table format <- list()
# do inference for each protein individually
for (i in seq_along(proteins)) {
message(paste("Normalization between MS runs for Protein :",
proteins[i] , "(", i, " of ", num.protein, ")"))
sub_data <- data[Protein == proteins[i]] # data for protein i
sub_data <- sub_data[!]
if(length(unique(sub_data$Run)) > 1){ # multiple runs <- sub_data[Condition == "Norm"]
if(nrow( > 0){ # normalization channels are existing <-[, .(Abundance = mean(Abundance, na.rm = TRUE)),
by = .(Protein, Run)] # calculate the mean over multiple normalization channels
if(nrow( > 1){ # more than one run have normalization channel$diff <- median($Abundance, na.rm = TRUE) -$Abundance
setkey(sub_data, Run)
setkey(, Run)
norm.sub_data <- merge(sub_data,[, .(Run, diff)], all.x = TRUE)
norm.sub_data$Abundance <- norm.sub_data$Abundance + norm.sub_data$diff
norm.sub_data[, diff:=NULL][[proteins[i]]] <- norm.sub_data[,.(Mixture, TechRepMixture, Run, Channel,
Protein, Abundance, BioReplicate, Condition)]
} else{ # only one run has normalization channel[[proteins[i]]] <- sub_data[,.(Mixture, TechRepMixture, Run, Channel,
Protein, Abundance, BioReplicate, Condition)]
} else{ # normalization channels are missing[[proteins[i]]] <- sub_data[,.(Mixture, TechRepMixture, Run, Channel,
Protein, Abundance, BioReplicate, Condition)]
} else{ # only one run[[proteins[i]]] <- sub_data[,.(Mixture, TechRepMixture, Run, Channel, Protein, Abundance, BioReplicate, Condition)]
} <- rbindlist(
} else {
message("** 'Norm' information in Condition is required for normalization.
Please check it. At this moment, normalization is not performed.") <- data
## function for normalization between channels
## Do normalization before protein summarization.
## Equalizing the medians across all the channels and MS runs
## data: peptide level data, which has columns
## ProteinName, PeptideSequence, Charge, PSM,
## Mixture, TechRepMixture, Run, Channel,
## Condition, BioReplicate, log2Intensity
#' @keywords internal
.peptide.normalization <- function(data) {
ProteinName <- PeptideSequence <- Mixture <- TechRepMixture <- Channel <- BioReplicate <- Run <- loading <- log2Intensity <- . <- Condition <- NULL
## calculate the median of each channel and run
baseline <- data %>% dplyr::group_by(Run, Channel) %>%
dplyr::summarise(loading = median(log2Intensity, na.rm = TRUE))
## calculate the difference between the channel medians and their median
baseline$diff <- median(baseline$loading) - baseline$loading
## apply the difference to all the intensities in the corresponding channel <- dplyr::left_join(data, baseline) <- %>%
dplyr::mutate(log2Intensity = log2Intensity+diff, Intensity = 2^log2Intensity) %>%
dplyr::select(-loading, -diff)
## function for MedianPolish calculation
## depend on "stats:medpolish"
## input: a vector of log2intensity per Protein, Run; number of channels
#' @keywords internal
.medianPolish <- function(c, num.channels){
#take a vector
#transfor to a matrix
#perform MedianPolish
#return a vector
len <- length(c)
message("channel violation")
mat <- matrix(c, byrow = TRUE, ncol = num.channels)
meddata <- stats::medpolish(mat, na.rm = TRUE, trace.iter = FALSE)
tmpresult <- meddata$overall + meddata$col
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