test_that("writeMSData works", {
mzML_xsd_idx <- XML::xmlTreeParse(system.file("extdata", "mzML1.1.2_idx.xsd",
package = "mzR"),
isSchema = TRUE, useInternal = TRUE)
## using the onDisk data.
odf <- tmt_erwinia_on_disk
## 1) Filter MS level 1, write, read and compare with tmt_erwinia_in_mem_ms1
odf_out <- filterMsLevel(odf, msLevel = 1)
out_file <- paste0(tempfile(), ".mzML")
MSnbase:::.writeSingleMSData(odf_out, file = out_file,
outformat = "mzml", copy = TRUE)
## Validating the mzML file
doc <- XML::xmlInternalTreeParse(out_file)
res <- XML::xmlSchemaValidate(mzML_xsd_idx, doc)
expect_equal(res$status, 0)
odf_in <- readMSData(out_file, mode = "onDisk")
## Some stuff is different, i.e. totIonCurrent, basePeakMZ, basePeakIntensity
expect_equal(unname(rtime(odf_in)), unname(rtime(tmt_erwinia_in_mem_ms1)))
expect_equal(unname(mz(odf_in)), unname(mz(tmt_erwinia_in_mem_ms1)))
## feature data should be the same, expect spIdx, seqNum, spectrum and the
## columns re-calculated prior to saving.
fd_out <- fData(odf_out)
fd_in <- fData(odf_in)
not_equal <- c("spIdx", "seqNum", "totIonCurrent", "basePeakMZ",
"basePeakIntensity", "spectrum")
check_cols <- colnames(fd_out)[!(colnames(fd_out) %in% not_equal)]
rownames(fd_out) <- NULL
rownames(fd_in) <- NULL
expect_equal(fd_in[, check_cols], fd_out[, check_cols])
## Explitely compare filterString
expect_equal(fd_in$filterString, fd_out$filterString)
## 2) MS level 2, mzXML
out_file <- paste0(tempfile(), ".mzXML")
odf_out <- filterMsLevel(odf, msLevel = 2)
MSnbase:::.writeSingleMSData(odf_out, file = out_file,
outformat = "mzxml", copy = TRUE)
odf_in <- readMSData(out_file, mode = "onDisk")
## retention time is saved with less precision in mzXML
tolerance = 1e4))
expect_equal(unname(mz(odf_in)), unname(mz(tmt_erwinia_in_mem_ms2)))
## Ensure that precursor data is preserved.
fd_out <- fData(odf_out)
fd_in <- fData(odf_in)
rownames(fd_out) <- NULL
rownames(fd_in) <- NULL
## Also some additional columns are different for mzXML output;
## filterString is also not supported by mzXML
check_cols <- colnames(fd_out)[!(colnames(fd_out) %in%
c(not_equal, "retentionTime",
"precursorScanNum", "acquisitionNum",
"injectionTime", "spectrumId",
expect_equal(fd_out[, check_cols], fd_in[, check_cols])
## Again force check:
## Write two files.
out_path <- tempdir()
out_file <- paste0(out_path, c("/a.mzML", "/b.mzML"))
MSnbase:::.writeMSData(microtofq_on_disk_ms1, file = out_file,
copy = FALSE)
## Validating the mzML file
doc <- XML::xmlInternalTreeParse(out_file[1])
res <- XML::xmlSchemaValidate(mzML_xsd_idx, doc)
expect_equal(res$status, 0)
doc <- XML::xmlInternalTreeParse(out_file[2])
res <- XML::xmlSchemaValidate(mzML_xsd_idx, doc)
expect_equal(res$status, 0)
odf_in <- readMSData(out_file, mode = "onDisk")
expect_equal(unname(rtime(odf_in)), unname(rtime(microtofq_in_mem_ms1)))
expect_equal(spectra(odf_in), spectra(microtofq_in_mem_ms1))
## Providing software_processing.
odf <- extdata_mzXML_on_disk
out_file <- paste0(out_path, "/mzXML.mzML")
MSnbase:::.writeMSData(odf, file = out_file,
software_processing = c("dummysoft", "0.0.1", "MS:1000035"))
odf_in <- readMSData(out_file, mode = "onDisk")
expect_equal(unname(rtime(odf)), unname(rtime(odf_in)))
expect_equal(unname(mz(odf)), unname(mz(odf_in)))
expect_equal(unname(intensity(odf)), unname(intensity(odf_in)))
test_that(".pattern_to_cv works", {
## Not found.
expect_equal(.pattern_to_cv("unknown"), NA_character_)
expect_equal(.pattern_to_cv("peak picking"), "MS:1000035")
expect_equal(.pattern_to_cv("centroid"), "MS:1000035")
expect_equal(.pattern_to_cv("Alignment/retention time adjustment"),
test_that(".guessSoftwareProcessing works", {
## filterMsLevel: Filter: select MS level(s)
odf_proc <- filterMsLevel(tmt_erwinia_on_disk, msLevel = 1)
res <- .guessSoftwareProcessing(odf_proc)
expect_equal(res[[1]][1], "MSnbase")
expect_equal(res[[1]][2], paste0(packageVersion("MSnbase"), collapse = "."))
expect_equal(res[[1]][3], "MS:1002870")
expect_equal(res[[1]][4], "MS:1001486")
## clean: Spectra cleaned NO CV YET
## bin: Spectra binned: NO CV YET
## removePeaks: Curves <= t set to '0': NO CV YET
odf_proc <- removePeaks(odf_proc)
res <- .guessSoftwareProcessing(odf_proc)
expect_equal(res[[1]][4], "MS:1001486")
expect_equal(length(res[[1]]), 4)
## normalise: Spectra normalised
odf_proc <- normalise(odf_proc)
res <- .guessSoftwareProcessing(odf_proc)
expect_equal(length(res[[1]]), 5)
expect_equal(res[[1]][4], "MS:1001486")
expect_equal(res[[1]][5], "MS:1001484")
## pickPeaks: Spectra centroided
odf_proc <- pickPeaks(odf_proc)
res <- .guessSoftwareProcessing(odf_proc)
expect_equal(length(res[[1]]), 6)
expect_equal(res[[1]][6], "MS:1000035")
## smooth: Spectra smoothed
odf_proc <- smooth(odf_proc)
res <- .guessSoftwareProcessing(odf_proc)
expect_equal(length(res[[1]]), 7)
expect_equal(res[[1]][7], "MS:1000592")
## filterRt: Filter: select retention time
odf_proc <- filterRt(odf_proc, rt = c(200, 600))
res <- .guessSoftwareProcessing(odf_proc)
expect_equal(length(res[[1]]), 8)
expect_equal(res[[1]][8], "MS:1001486")
## filterMz: FilteR: trim MZ
## filterFile: Filter: select file(s)
## filterAcquisitionNum: Filter: select by
## filterEmptySpectra: Removed XXX empty spectra
## And with providing in addition other processings.
res <- .guessSoftwareProcessing(odf_proc, c("other_soft", "43.2.1"))
expect_equal(res[[1]][8], "MS:1001486")
expect_equal(res[[2]], c("other_soft", "43.2.1"))
## Check that we don't get unknown CV parameter.
odf_proc <- clean(tmt_erwinia_on_disk)
res <- .guessSoftwareProcessing(odf_proc)
expect_equal(res[[1]][1], "MSnbase")
expect_equal(res[[1]][2], paste0(packageVersion("MSnbase"), collapse = "."))
expect_true(length(res[[1]]) == 3)
test_that("writeMSData,OnDiskMSnExp works", {
out_path <- tempdir()
out_file <- paste0(out_path, c("/a2.mzML", "/b2.mzML"))
writeMSData(microtofq_on_disk_ms1, file = out_file, copy = TRUE)
odf_in <- readMSData(out_file, mode = "onDisk")
expect_equal(unname(rtime(odf_in)), unname(rtime(microtofq_in_mem_ms1)))
expect_equal(spectra(odf_in), spectra(microtofq_in_mem_ms1))
## Write MS1 and MS2
out_file <- paste0(tempfile(), ".mzML")
out_data <- tmt_erwinia_on_disk
writeMSData(out_data, file = out_file, copy = FALSE)
in_data <- readMSData(out_file, mode = "onDisk")
expect_equal(rtime(out_data), rtime(in_data))
## Columns expected to be different:
not_equal <- c("totIonCurrent", "basePeakMZ", "basePeakIntensity",
"lowMZ", "highMZ")
check_cols <- !(colnames(fData(out_data)) %in% not_equal)
## without copying the data the actual numbers are different, but assignment
## is expected to be the same
fData(out_data)$acquisitionNum <-
fData(out_data)$precursorScanNum <-
fData(in_data)$acquisitionNum <-
fData(in_data)$precursorScanNum <-
expect_equal(fData(out_data)[, check_cols], fData(in_data)[, check_cols])
expect_equal(fData(out_data)$filterString, fData(in_data)$filterString)
## With copy = TRUE
out_file <- paste0(tempfile(), ".mzML")
out_data <- tmt_erwinia_on_disk
writeMSData(out_data, file = out_file, copy = TRUE)
in_data <- readMSData(out_file, mode = "onDisk")
expect_equal(rtime(out_data), rtime(in_data))
## Columns expected to be different:
not_equal <- c("totIonCurrent", "basePeakMZ", "basePeakIntensity",
"lowMZ", "highMZ")
check_cols <- !(colnames(fData(out_data)) %in% not_equal)
expect_equal(fData(out_data)[, check_cols], fData(in_data)[, check_cols])
test_that("writeMSData,MSnExp works", {
out_path <- tempdir()
out_file <- paste0(out_path, c("/a3.mzML", "/b3.mzML"))
writeMSData(microtofq_in_mem_ms1, file = out_file, copy = TRUE)
odf_in <- readMSData(out_file, mode = "onDisk")
expect_equal(unname(rtime(odf_in)), unname(rtime(microtofq_in_mem_ms1)))
expect_equal(spectra(odf_in), spectra(microtofq_in_mem_ms1))
out_file <- paste0(out_path, c("/mzxml3.mzML"))
writeMSData(extdata_mzXML_in_mem_ms2, file = out_file, copy = FALSE)
odf_in <- readMSData(out_file, mode = "inMem")
## Check that main data is the same
expect_equal(unname(rtime(odf_in)), unname(rtime(extdata_mzXML_in_mem_ms2)))
expect_equal(unname(mz(odf_in)), unname(mz(extdata_mzXML_in_mem_ms2)))
## Check that header is the same
in_file <- system.file(package = "msdata",
data_out <- readMSData(in_file, msLevel = 3, mode = "inMem")
out_file <- paste0(tempfile(), ".mzML")
writeMSData(data_out, file = out_file, outformat = "mzml", copy = TRUE)
data_in <- readMSData(out_file, mode = "inMem", msLevel = 3)
expect_equal(rtime(data_in), rtime(data_out))
expect_equal(mz(data_in), mz(data_out))
expect_equal(intensity(data_in), intensity(data_out))
expect_equal(precursorCharge(data_in), precursorCharge(data_out))
expect_equal(precursorMz(data_in), precursorMz(data_out))
expect_equal(precursorIntensity(data_in), precursorIntensity(data_out))
test_that("writeMSData works on CDF files", {
in_file <- system.file(package = "msdata", "cdf/ko15.CDF")
## on disk
data_out <- readMSData(in_file, mode = "onDisk")
out_file <- paste0(tempfile(), ".mzML")
writeMSData(data_out, file = out_file, outformat = "mzml", copy = FALSE)
data_in <- readMSData(out_file, mode = "onDisk")
expect_equal(rtime(data_out), rtime(data_in))
## Most of the data in fData will be different, because CDF files do not
## provide that many header informations.
sps_in <- spectra(data_in)
sps_out <- spectra(data_out)
expect_equal(lapply(sps_in, mz), lapply(sps_out, mz))
expect_equal(lapply(sps_in, intensity), lapply(sps_out, intensity))
## in mem
## NOTE: reading a CDF file inMem is much slower than converting an
## OnDiskMSnExp into a MSnExp.
## data_out <- readMSData(in_file, mode = "inMem", msLevel = 1)
data_out <- as(data_out, "MSnExp")
out_file <- paste0(tempfile(), ".mzML")
writeMSData(data_out, file = out_file, outformat = "mzml", copy = FALSE)
## Reading the data as onDisk in, since we just compare the data anyway.
data_in <- readMSData(out_file, mode = "onDisk", msLevel = 1)
expect_equal(rtime(data_out), rtime(data_in))
expect_equal(mz(data_out), mz(data_in))
expect_equal(intensity(data_out), intensity(data_in))
sps_in <- spectra(data_in)
sps_out <- spectra(data_out)
tmp_fun <- function(z) {
z@polarity <- 1L
sps_in <- lapply(sps_in, tmp_fun)
sps_out <- lapply(sps_out, tmp_fun)
expect_equal(sps_in, sps_out)
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