#' @description `.writeMSData` saves the MS data from an `OnDiskMSnExp` or
#' `MSnExp` object to mzML or mzXML files. The data is written to as many
#' files as there are samples/files in the object. By default metadata such
#' as data processing, original files etc are copied over from the original
#' data files.
#' @details `.writeMSData` re-calculates header columns `"peaksCount"`,
#' `"totIonCurrent"`, `"basePeakMZ"` and `"basePeakIntensity"` on the data.
#' @param object `OnDiskMSnExp` or `MSnExp` object.
#' @param file `character` with the file name(s). Its length has to match the
#' number of samples/files of `x`.
#' @param outformat `character(1)` defining the format of the output files.
#' @param verbose `logical(1)` if progress messages should be displayed.
#' @param copy `logical(1)` if metadata (data processings, original file names
#' etc) should be copied from the original files.
#' @param software_processing optionally provide specific data processing steps.
#' See documentation of the `software_processing` parameter of
#' [mzR::writeMSData()].
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @md
#' @noRd
.writeMSData <- function(object, file, outformat = c("mzml", "mzxml"),
verbose = isMSnbaseVerbose(),
copy = TRUE,
software_processing = NULL) {
## Check input.
outformat <- match.arg(outformat)
if (missing(file))
stop("'file' is required!")
if (length(file) != length(fileNames(object)))
stop("length of 'file' has to match the number of samples")
if (verbose)
message("Writing ", length(file), " ", outformat, " file.")
if (any(file.exists(file))) {
exst <- file[file.exists(file)]
stop("File(s) ", paste0(exst, collapse = ", "), " does/do already exist!",
" Please use a different file name.")
## Split per file.
x_split <- splitByFile(object, f = factor(fileNames(object)))
## Using mapply below - in principle we could then even switch to
## bpmapply to perform parallel saving of files.
invisible(mapply(FUN = .writeSingleMSData, x_split, file,
MoreArgs = list(outformat = outformat,
software_processing = software_processing,
verbose = verbose, copy = copy),
#' @description `.writeMSData` for a single file.
#' @md
#' @noRd
.writeSingleMSData <- function(msData, file, outformat,
software_processing = NULL,
verbose = TRUE,
copy = is(msData, "OnDiskMSnExp")) {
if (verbose)
message("Saving file ", basename(file), "...", appendLF = FALSE)
file <- path.expand(file)
## o get all peak data. Calling spectrapply will apply also all lazy
## processing steps. We're not calling the `as` method to avoid R
## having to look through all namespaces to find the function.
pks <- spectrapply(msData, FUN = function(sp) cbind(sp@mz, sp@intensity),
BPPARAM = SerialParam())
if (is(msData, "OnDiskMSnExp")) {
hdr <- fData(msData)
## o Re-calculate stuff we don't have or which might have been
## changed:
## Add also lowMZ and highMZ; these are missing in CDF
## files (issue #250).
new_vals <-, lapply(pks, function(sp) {
max_pos <- base::which.max(sp[, 2])[1]
pk_count <- nrow(sp)
cbind(peaksCount = pk_count,
totIonCurrent = sum(sp[, 2], na.rm = TRUE),
basePeakMZ = sp[max_pos, 1][1],
basePeakIntensity = sp[max_pos, 2],
lowMZ = sp[1, 1],
highMZ = sp[pk_count, 1])
hdr$peaksCount <- new_vals[, "peaksCount"]
hdr$totIonCurrent <- new_vals[, "totIonCurrent"]
hdr$basePeakMZ <- new_vals[, "basePeakMZ"]
hdr$basePeakIntensity <- new_vals[, "basePeakIntensity"]
hdr$lowMZ <- new_vals[, "lowMZ"]
hdr$highMZ <- new_vals[, "highMZ"]
} else {
## MSnExp: feature data does not provide all the data we need.
hdr <-, spectrapply(msData, FUN = .spectrum_header,
BPPARAM = SerialParam()))
## In case we do have some/all fData columns: use them (issue #383).
have_cols <- intersect(colnames(hdr), colnames(fData(msData)))
if (length(have_cols))
hdr[, have_cols] <- fData(msData)[, have_cols]
## seqNum is expected to be sequentially numbered
hdr$seqNum <- 1:nrow(hdr)
## Add filterString header column, if not present; export of CDF files to
## mzML files will otherwise fail.
if (!any(colnames(hdr) == "filterString"))
hdr$filterString <- NA_character_
## centroided has to be logical
hdr$centroided <- as.logical(hdr$centroided)
## o add processing steps.
soft_proc <- .guessSoftwareProcessing(msData, software_processing)
if (copy) {
copyWriteMSData(object = pks, file = file,
original_file = fileNames(msData), header = hdr,
outformat = outformat, software_processing = soft_proc)
} else {
writeMSData(object = pks, file = file, header = hdr,
outformat = outformat, software_processing = soft_proc)
if (verbose)
#' @description Determine data processing steps based on an `OnDiskMSnExp` or
#' `MSnExp` object and return it in a format that can be passed to the
#' `writeMSData` or `copyWriteMSData` functions from the `mzR` package.
#' @param x `OnDiskMSnExp` or `MSnExp` object.
#' @param software_processing If provided it will be appended to the software
#' processing guessed from the object. See [mzR::writeMSData()] for the
#' format.
#' @return `list` with the software processing(s).
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @md
#' @noRd
.guessSoftwareProcessing <- function(x, software_processing = NULL) {
res <- list()
## issue #321: replace MS:-1 with the MS CV Term of MSnbase, once it's
## included.
msnbase_proc <- c("MSnbase", paste0(packageVersion("MSnbase"),
collapse = "."), "MS:1002870")
processings <- processingData(x)@processing
if (length(processings)) {
proc_cv <- unlist(lapply(processings, FUN = .pattern_to_cv))
## Remove all unknown processing steps (issue #321).
proc_cv <- proc_cv[!]
msnbase_proc <- c(msnbase_proc, proc_cv)
res[[1]] <- msnbase_proc
if (length(software_processing)) {
if (!is.list(software_processing))
software_processing <- list(software_processing)
res <- c(res, software_processing)
#' @description `.pattern_to_cv` performs a mapping of pattern to PSI-MS terms.
#' @details The mapping bases on a manually curated list of pattern-CV-term
#' pairs.
#' @param pattern `character(1)` with the pattern for which a CV term should be
#' returned.
#' @param ifnotfound value to be returned if none of the cv terms
#' matches the pattern.
#' @param return `character` with the PSI-MS term or the value of `ifnotfound`
#' if it was not found. Note that the length of the character can be > 1 if
#' multiple terms match.
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @md
#' @noRd
.pattern_to_cv <- function(pattern, ifnotfound = NA_character_) {
if (length(pattern) > 1) {
warning("length of pattern is > 1, using only first element")
pattern <- pattern[1]
## character vector mapping pattern to PSI-MS term.
filter = "MS:1001486",
normali = "MS:1001484",
calibration = "MS:1001485",
pick = "MS:1000035",
centroid = "MS:1000035",
smooth = "MS:1000592",
baseline = "MS:1000593",
alignment = "MS:1000745"
## Note: we are matching each names(.PATTERN.TO.CV) to `pattern`, not the
## other way round. So we can provide a string describing the processing
## step and return the best matching CV terms.
matches <- vapply(names(.PATTERN.TO.CV), FUN = function(z) {
any(grepl(pattern = z, x = pattern, = TRUE))
}, FUN.VALUE = logical(1))
if (any(matches))
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