## ----style, echo = FALSE, results = 'asis'------------------------------------
## ----libraries, message = FALSE-----------------------------------------------
fl <- dir(system.file("sciex", package = "msdata"), full.names = TRUE)[2]
data_prof <- readMSData(fl, mode = "onDisk", centroided = FALSE)
## ----serine-msdata------------------------------------------------------------
## Define the mz and retention time ranges
serine_mz <- 106.049871
mzr <- c(serine_mz - 0.01, serine_mz + 0.01)
rtr <- c(175, 187)
## Filtering the object
serine <- data_prof %>%
filterRt(rtr) %>%
## ----serine-plot, fig.align = "center", fig.cap = "MS profile data for serine. Upper panel shows the base peak chromatogram (BPC), lower panel the individual signals in the retention time - m/z space. The horizontal dashed red line indicates the theoretical m/z of the [M+H]+ adduct of serine."----
plot(serine, type = "XIC")
abline(h = serine_mz, col = "red", lty = 2)
## ----serine-spectrum24, fig.align = "center", fig.cap = "On of the spectra for serine in profile mode."----
## ----simple-pickPeaks, fig.align = "center", warning = FALSE, fig.cap = "Centroided data for serine."----
data_cent <- data_prof %>%
serine_cent <- data_cent %>%
filterRt(rtr) %>%
## Plot the centroided data for serine
plot(serine_cent, type = "XIC")
abline(h = serine_mz, col = "red", lty = 2)
## ----proline, fig.align = "center", warning = FALSE, fig.cap = "Centroided data for proline."----
prol_mz <- 116.070608
prol_mzr <- c(prol_mz - 0.01, prol_mz + 0.01)
prol_rtr <- c(165, 175)
proline <- data_prof %>%
pickPeaks() %>%
filterRt(prol_rtr) %>%
plot(proline, type = "XIC")
abline(h = prol_mz, col = "red", lty = 2)
## ----smoothSG-----------------------------------------------------------------
data_sg <- data_prof %>%
smooth(method = "SavitzkyGolay", halfWindowSize = 4L)
## ----smoothSG-pp-serine, warning = FALSE, fig.align = "center", fig.cap = "Centroided data for serine after smoothing with a Savitzky-Golay filter."----
data_sg_cent <- data_sg %>%
pickPeaks %>%
filterRt(rtr) %>%
## Plot the centroided data for serine
plot(data_sg_cent, type = "XIC")
abline(h = serine_mz, col = "red", lty = 2)
## ----smoothSG-pp-proline, warning = FALSE, fig.align = "center", fig.cap = "Centroided data for proline after smoothing with a Savitzky-Golay filter."----
prol_sg_cent <- data_sg %>%
pickPeaks %>%
filterRt(prol_rtr) %>%
plot(prol_sg_cent, type = "XIC")
abline(h = prol_mz, col = "red", lty = 2)
## ----rtsmooth, message = FALSE, warning = FALSE-------------------------------
## Subset to the data for proline, smooth it in rt dimension and
## perform the centroiding
proline_c_cent <- data_prof %>%
filterRt(prol_rtr) %>%
combineSpectraMovingWindow() %>%
pickPeaks() %>%
## ----proline-rtsmooth, message = FALSE, warning = FALSE, fig.align = "center", fig.cap = "Centroided data for proline after smoothing in retention time dimension."----
plot(proline_c_cent, type = "XIC")
abline(h = prol_mz, col = "red", lty = 2)
## ----refineMz-----------------------------------------------------------------
## Use pickPeaks with descendPeak m/z refinement
data_sg_cent_mz <- data_sg %>%
pickPeaks(refineMz = "descendPeak")
## ----refineMz-serine, message = FALSE, warning = FALSE, fig.align = "center", fig.cap = "Smoothed and centroided data for serine without (left) and with m/z refinement (right). The horizontal red dashed line indicates the theoretical m/z for the [M+H]+ ion and the vertical red dotted line the position of the largest signal for serine."----
## Extract the data for serine
serine_sg_cent <- data_sg_cent %>%
filterRt(rtr) %>%
serine_sg_cent_mz <- data_sg_cent_mz %>%
filterRt(rtr) %>%
## Plot the data
layout(matrix(1:4, ncol = 2))
## No m/z refinement
plot(serine_sg_cent, type = "XIC", layout = NULL)
abline(h = serine_mz, col = "red", lty = 2)
abline(v = rtime(serine_sg_cent)[22], col = "red", lty = 3)
## With m/z refinement
plot(serine_sg_cent_mz, type = "XIC", layout = NULL)
abline(h = serine_mz, col = "red", lty = 2)
abline(v = rtime(serine_sg_cent_mz)[22], col = "red", lty = 3)
## ----serine-diff-mz-raw, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE---------------------
## only centroided
mz(filterMz(filterRt(data_cent, rtr), mzr))[[22]] - serine_mz
## ----serine-diff-mz-sg, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE----------------------
## smoothed and centroided
mz(serine_sg_cent)[[22]] - serine_mz
## ----serine-diff-mz-sg-ref, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE------------------
## smoothed and centroided with m/z refinement
mz(serine_sg_cent_mz)[[22]] - serine_mz
## ----refineMz-proline, message = FALSE, warning = FALSE, fig.align = "center", fig.cap = "Smoothed and centroided data for proline without (left) and with m/z refinement (right). The horizontal red dashed line indicates the theoretical m/z for the [M+H]+ ion and the vertical red dotted line the position of the maximum signal."----
proline_sg_cent <- data_prof %>%
smooth(method = "SavitzkyGolay", halfWindowSize = 4L) %>%
pickPeaks() %>%
filterRt(prol_rtr) %>%
proline_sg_cent_mz <- data_prof %>%
smooth(method = "SavitzkyGolay", halfWindowSize = 4L) %>%
pickPeaks(refineMz = "descendPeak") %>%
filterRt(prol_rtr) %>%
layout(matrix(1:4, ncol = 2))
plot(proline_sg_cent, type = "XIC", layout = NULL)
abline(h = prol_mz, col = "red", lty = 2)
abline(v = rtime(proline_sg_cent_mz)[16], col = "red", lty = 3)
plot(proline_sg_cent_mz, type = "XIC", layout = NULL)
abline(h = prol_mz, col = "red", lty = 2)
abline(v = rtime(proline_sg_cent_mz)[16], col = "red", lty = 3)
## ----proline-diff-mz, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE------------------------
## only centroiding
mz(filterMz(filterRt(data_cent, prol_rtr), prol_mzr))[[16]] - prol_mz
## smoothed and centroided
mz(proline_sg_cent)[[16]] - prol_mz
## smoothed and centroided with m/z refinement
mz(proline_sg_cent_mz)[[16]] - prol_mz
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