## functions for MChromatograms class
.validMChromatograms <- function(x) {
msg <- character()
## All elements have to be of type Chromatogram
if (length(x)) {
res <- vapply(x, FUN = is, FUN.VALUE = logical(1L), "Chromatogram")
if (!all(res))
msg <- c(msg, paste0("All elements have to be of type ",
## Shall we also ensure that fromFile in each column is the same?
if (nrow(x@phenoData) != ncol(x))
msg <- c(msg, paste0("nrow of phenoData has to match ncol ",
"of the MChromatograms object"))
## Check colnames .Data with rownames phenoData.
if (any(colnames(x) != rownames(x@phenoData)))
msg <- c(msg, paste0("colnames of object has to match rownames of",
" object's phenoData"))
if (nrow(x@featureData) != nrow(x))
msg <- c(msg, paste0("nrow of featureData has to match nrow ",
"of the MChromatograms object"))
if (any(rownames(x) != rownames(x@featureData)))
msg <- c(msg, paste0("rownames of object has to match rownames of",
" object's featureData"))
if (length(msg))
else TRUE
#' @description \code{MChromatograms}: create an instance of class
#' \code{MChromatograms}.
#' @param data A \code{list} of \code{\link{Chromatogram}} objects.
#' @param phenoData either a \code{data.frame}, \code{AnnotatedDataFrame} or
#' \code{AnnotatedDataFrame} describing the phenotypical information of the
#' samples.
#' @param featureData either a \code{data.frame} or \code{AnnotatedDataFrame}
#' with additional information for each row of chromatograms.
#' @param ... Additional parameters to be passed to the
#' \code{\link[base]{matrix}} constructor, such as \code{nrow}, \code{ncol}
#' and \code{byrow}.
#' @rdname MChromatograms-class
MChromatograms <- function(data, phenoData, featureData, ...) {
if (missing(data))
datmat <- matrix(data, ...)
if (missing(phenoData))
phenoData <- annotatedDataFrameFrom(datmat, byrow = FALSE)
if (ncol(datmat) != nrow(phenoData))
stop("phenoData has to have the same number of rows as the data ",
"matrix has columns")
## If colnames of datmat are NULL, use the rownames of phenoData
if (is.null(colnames(datmat)))
colnames(datmat) <- rownames(phenoData)
## Convert phenoData...
if (is(phenoData, "data.frame"))
phenoData <- AnnotatedDataFrame(phenoData)
if (missing(featureData))
featureData <- annotatedDataFrameFrom(datmat, byrow = TRUE)
if (nrow(datmat) != nrow(featureData))
stop("featureData has to have the same number of rows as the data ",
"matrix has rows")
if (is.null(rownames(datmat)))
rownames(datmat) <- rownames(featureData)
if (is(featureData, "data.frame"))
featureData <- AnnotatedDataFrame(featureData)
res <- new("MChromatograms", .Data = datmat, phenoData = phenoData,
featureData = featureData)
if (validObject(res))
#' @description Plot the data from a list of Chromatogram objects (all
#' representing the same MS data slice across multiple files) into the
#' same plot.
#' @note We are using the matplot here, since that is much faster than lapply
#' on the individual chromatogram objects.
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @noRd
.plotChromatogramList <- function(x, col = "#00000060", lty = 1, type = "l",
xlab = "retention time", ylab = "intensity",
main = NULL, ...) {
if (!is.list(x) & !all(vapply(x, FUN = is, FUN.VALUE = logical(1L),
stop("'x' has to be a list of Chromatogram objects")
## Check col, lty and type parameters
if (length(col) != length(x))
col <- rep(col[1], length(x))
if (length(lty) != length(x))
lty <- rep(lty[1], length(x))
if (length(type) != length(x))
type <- rep(type, length(x))
if (is.null(main)) {
mzr <- range(lapply(x, mz), na.rm = TRUE, finite = TRUE)
main <- paste0(format(mzr, digits = 7), collapse = " - ")
## Number of measurements we've got per chromatogram. This can be different
## between samples, from none (if not a single measurement in the rt/mz)
## to the number of data points that were actually measured.
lens <- lengths(x)
maxLens <- max(lens)
ints <- rts <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow = maxLens, ncol = length(x))
for (i in seq(along = x)) {
if (lens[i]) {
rows <- seq_len(lens[i])
rts[rows, i] <- rtime(x[[i]])
ints[rows, i] <- intensity(x[[i]])
## Identify columns/samples that have only NAs in the intensity matrix.
## Such columns represent samples for which no valid intensity was measured
## in the respective mz slice (these would still have valid retention time
## values), or samples that don't have a single scan in the respective rt
## range.
keep <- colSums(! > 0
## Finally plot the data.
if (any(keep)) {
matplot(x = rts[, keep, drop = FALSE],
y = ints[, keep, drop = FALSE], type = type[keep],
lty = lty[keep], col = col[keep], xlab = xlab,
ylab = ylab, main = main, ...)
} else {
warning("MChromatograms empty")
plot(3, 3, pch = NA, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, main = main)
text(3, 3, labels = "Empty MChromatograms", col = "red")
#' Helper function to extract mz, precursorMz or productMz from a MChromatograms
#' object
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @noRd
.mz_chromatograms <- function(x, mz = c("mz", "precursorMz", "productMz")) {
mz <- match.arg(mz)
if (!nrow(x))
return(matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 2, dimnames = list(character(),
c("mzmin", "mzmax"))))
## If we've got the values in the featureData, use these.
if (mz %in% c("precursorMz", "productMz"))
vl <- rep(sub("Mz", "IsolationWindowTargetMZ", mz), 2)
vl <- c("mzmin", "mzmax")
if (all(vl %in% fvarLabels(x))) {
## Want to return a matrix, not a data.frame
cbind(mzmin = fData(x)[, vl[1]], mzmax = fData(x)[, vl[2]])
} else {
## Get the xxx mz from the Chromatogram objects. Throw an error if
## the values in one row are not identical
mzr <- matrix(nrow = nrow(x), ncol = 2,
dimnames = list(NULL, c("mzmin", "mzmax")))
for (i in seq_len(nrow(mzr))) {
rngs <- unique(
rbind, lapply(x@.Data[i, ], getMethod(mz, "Chromatogram"))))
if (nrow(rngs) != 1)
stop("Chromatograms in row ", i, " have different ", mz)
mzr[i, ] <- rngs
#' Simple binning function for MChromatograms object. Defines common breaks for
#' `Chromatogram` objects in each row.
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @noRd
.bin_MChromatograms <- function(object, binSize = 0.5, breaks = numeric(),
fun = max) {
for (i in seq_len(nrow(object))) {
if (!length(breaks)) {
rt_rng <- range(lapply(object[i, ], function(z) range(rtime(z))))
brks <- .fix_breaks(seq(floor(rt_rng[1]), ceiling(rt_rng[2]),
by = binSize), rt_rng)
} else brks <- breaks
object[i, ] <- lapply(object[i, ], .bin_Chromatogram, binSize = binSize,
breaks = brks, fun = fun)
if (validObject(object))
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