############ MOGAMUN's functions
# definition of the function that filters the DE results, to remove duplicates
# INPUTS: DE_results: data frame with 5 columns (output of edgeR),
# {gene, logFC, logCPM, PValue, FDR}
# OUTPUT: DE analysis results, with only unique values
RemoveDuplicates_DE_Results <- function(DE_results) {
# remove NAs
DE_results <- DE_results[!$gene), ]
dup <- unique(as.character(DE_results$gene[
DE_results_filtered <- DE_results[!as.character(DE_results$gene) %in% dup, ]
for (d in dup) {
DupRows <- DE_results[as.character(DE_results$gene) == d, ]
DE_results_filtered <-
rbind(DE_results_filtered, DupRows[which.min(DupRows$FDR), ])
return (DE_results_filtered)
# definition of the function that generates the multiplex network
# INPUTS: Files - list of file names that contain the biological networks data
# OUTPUT: Multiplex network (list of igraph objects)
GenerateMultiplexNetwork <- function(Files) {
# declare empty list to store the multiplex
Multiplex <- list()
AllNodesToTake <- as.character(GetListOfAllNodesPresentInLayers(Files))
# loop through all the layers to get the corresponding subnetwork
for (LayerFile in Files) {
# load layer
Layer <- read.table(LayerFile, header = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# create network with the current layer
# NOTE. All the nodes will have the same ID in every layer
CurrentNetwork <-
graph_from_data_frame(d = Layer,
vertices = AllNodesToTake, directed = FALSE)
# add subnetwork as a layer into the multiplex network
Multiplex[[ length(Multiplex) + 1 ]] <- CurrentNetwork
return (Multiplex)
# definition of the function that generates the merged network
# INPUTS: Files - list of file names that contain the biological networks data
# Multiplex - multiplex network
# OUTPUT: Merged network (igraph object)
GenerateMergedNetwork <- function(Files, Multiplex) {
# declare empty data frame for the edges of the merged
Merged <-
data.frame(V1 = character(), V2 = character(), Layer = character())
# loop through all the layers to get all the interactions
for (LayerFile in Files) {
# load layer
Layer <- data.frame(read.table(LayerFile, header = FALSE,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE), Layer = LayerFile)
Merged <- rbind(Merged, Layer)
# create merged network, keeping the same order of the nodes as in the mx
MergedNetwork <-
d = Merged, vertices = names(igraph::V(Multiplex[[1]])),
directed = FALSE
return (MergedNetwork)
# definition of the function that gets the sorted list of nodes
# INPUTS: Files - list of file names that contain the biological networks data
# OUTPUT: Sorted list of nodes
GetListOfAllNodesPresentInLayers <- function(Files) {
# declare empty variable to store the nodes
AllNodes <- NULL
# loop through all the layers to get the corresponding subnetwork
for (LayerFile in Files) {
# load layer
Layer <- read.table(LayerFile, header = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
AllNodes <- c(AllNodes, unique(union(Layer[, 1], Layer[, 2])))
# remove duplicates
AllNodes <- unique(AllNodes)
# order alphabetically
AllNodes <- sort(AllNodes)
return (AllNodes)
# definition of the function that calculates the node score of a list of genes
# INPUTS: DE_results - differential expression analysis results
# ListOfGenes - list of gene names to calculate the node score
# Measure - 'PValue' or 'FDR' for the node score calculus
# OUTPUT: nodes scores
GetNodesScoresOfListOfGenes <- function(DE_results, ListOfGenes, Measure) {
ListOfGenes <- unique(ListOfGenes)
# calculate nodes scores for the genes with formula: z = inverse CDF(1-p)
# if gene has an expression value, and z = -Inf otherwise
NodesScores <- as.numeric(vapply(
function(X) {
ifelse (
X %in% as.character(DE_results$gene),
qnorm( 1 - DE_results[[Measure]][DE_results$gene == X] ),
# normalizes nodes scores to be in the range [0-1], ignoring +Inf and -Inf
NodesScores <-
(NodesScores - min(NodesScores[which(is.finite(NodesScores))])) /
max(NodesScores[which(is.finite(NodesScores))]) -
# replace +Inf with 1
NodesScores[which(is.infinite(NodesScores) & NodesScores > 1)] <- 1
# replace -Inf with 0
NodesScores[which(is.infinite(NodesScores) & NodesScores < 1)] <- 0
# definition of the function to generate the initial population
# INPUTS: PopSize - population size, i.e. number of individuals to create
# Multiplex - multiplex network (it is the search space)
# LoadedData - general data
# OUTPUT: Population of size PopSize with integer codification
GenerateInitialPop <- function (PopSize, Multiplex, LoadedData) {
MinSize <- LoadedData$MinSize
MaxSize <- LoadedData$MaxSize
MyPopulation <- vector("list", PopSize) # initialize an empty vector
for (i in seq_len(PopSize)) { # loop from 1 to the total population size
# randomly determine the size of the individual
SizeOfIndividual <-
x = MinSize:MaxSize,
size = 1
Root <- PickRoot(MyMx = Multiplex, LoadedData = LoadedData)
# use DFS (Depth First Search) from the chosen root
# NOTE. DFS will be used in the initial population because it allows
# to go further from the root
# makes a random DFS, i.e., the branches are shuffled before
# visiting them, in order to generate different individuals each time
DFS <-
MyMx = Multiplex,
Root = Root,
SizeOfIndividual = SizeOfIndividual,
LoadedData = LoadedData
# add individual to the population
MyPopulation[i] <- list(DFS)
# definition of the function to perform a RANDOM depth first search of a given
# length on a MULTIPLEX network. This means that the branch to be visted is
# randomnly picked from all the available ones
# INPUTS: MyMx - a multiplex network
# Root - name of the node that will be used as root for the search
# SizeOfIndividual - desired length of the search
# LoadedData - general data
# OUTPUT: Individual with the desired length
DFS_iterative_Mx <- function (MyMx, Root, SizeOfIndividual, LoadedData) {
MaxNumberOfAttempts <- LoadedData$MaxNumberOfAttempts
Multiplex <- LoadedData$Multiplex
KeepLooking <- TRUE # flag to control the execution of the current function
Attempts <- 0
while(KeepLooking == TRUE) {
# make depth first search on MyMx using Root as seed
Result <- MakeDFS(MyMx, Root, SizeOfIndividual)
# security check of individual's size
if (length(Result) != SizeOfIndividual) {
if (Attempts > MaxNumberOfAttempts) { # if max attemps reached
MyMx <- Multiplex # use the big original multiplex
Root <- PickRoot(MyMx, LoadedData) # pick a random root
} else { # if we still have attempts left
Attempts <- Attempts + 1 # increment number of attempts
Root <- PickRoot(MyMx, LoadedData) # pick a root
} else { # if a good root was found and the ind has the desired size
KeepLooking <- FALSE # deactivate flag to stop the search
##### the following conversion has to be done because when a subnetwork is
##### created, the nodes get new IDs, according to the size of the new
##### subnetwork, but the individuals should always have IDs with respect
##### to the global network, therefore the IDs need to be "re-calculated"
Nodes <- names(igraph::V(MyMx[[1]])[Result]) # get local nodes' names
NodesIDs <- GetIDOfNodes(Nodes, Multiplex[[1]]) # get IDs
return (NodesIDs)
# definition of the function to perform a RANDOM depth first search of a given
# length on a MULTIPLEX network. This means that the branch to be visted is
# randomnly picked from all the available ones
# INPUTS: MyMx - a multiplex network
# Root - name of the node that will be used as root for the search
# SizeOfIndividual - desired length of the search
# OUTPUT: Individual
MakeDFS <- function(MyMx, Root, SizeOfIndividual) {
Discovered <- Result <- CurrentLayer <- NULL # initialization
Stack <- Root # initialize the stack of the pending nodes to visit
# loop while there are pending elements and the desired size hasn't been met
while(length(Stack) > 0 && length(Result) < SizeOfIndividual) {
# check if we will change of layer (first loop or 50% chance later)
if (is.null(CurrentLayer) || runif(1, 0, 1) <= 0.5) {
AvLayers <- seq_len(length(MyMx)) # list all layers
if (length(AvLayers) > 1) {
AvLayers <- AvLayers[!AvLayers %in% CurrentLayer]
# choose a new layer
CurrentLayer <-
ifelse(length(AvLayers > 0), sample(AvLayers, 1), CurrentLayer)
Node <- Stack[length(Stack)] # take a node from the stack to visit it
Stack <- Stack[-length(Stack)] # remove node from stack
if (!(Node %in% Discovered)) { # verify if the node hasn't been visited
Discovered <- c(Discovered, Node) # add node to the list of visited
# when findind a disconnected node in a layer, change layer
KeepGoing <- TRUE
VisitedLayers <- NULL
AvLayers <- seq_len(length(MyMx))
while (KeepGoing == TRUE) {
MyNeighbors <-
names(igraph::neighbors(MyMx[[CurrentLayer]], Node))
MyNeighbors <- MyNeighbors[!MyNeighbors %in% Discovered]
if (length(MyNeighbors) == 0) {
VisitedLayers <- c(VisitedLayers, CurrentLayer)
AvLayers <- AvLayers[!AvLayers %in% VisitedLayers]
if (length(AvLayers) > 0) {
CurrentLayer <- AvLayers[sample(length(AvLayers), 1)]
} else { KeepGoing <- FALSE }
} else { KeepGoing <- FALSE }
MyNeighbors <- MyNeighbors[sample(length(MyNeighbors))] # shuffle
Stack <- c(Stack, MyNeighbors) # add shuffled neighbors to stack
Result <- c(Result, Node) # add node to the individual
return(Result) # return result
# Definition of the function to pick a random node to be the root of a search.
# DEG are preferred over non-DEG
# INPUT: MyMx - network containing all the available nodes
# LoadedData - general data
# OUTPUT: Root node
PickRoot <- function (MyMx, LoadedData) {
DEG <- LoadedData$DEG
SearchSpaceGenes <- names(igraph::V(MyMx[[1]]))
# get the list of all the DE genes (from the whole DE analysis test)
DEGenesNames <- as.character(DEG$gene)
# get the list of DE genes in the search space
DEGAvail <- as.character(DEG[DEGenesNames %in% SearchSpaceGenes, "gene"])
# verify if there is at least one DE gene
if (length(DEGAvail) > 0) {
# randomly pick a DEG to be the root of the tree (individual)
Root <- DEGAvail[sample(seq_len(length(DEGAvail)), 1)]
} else {
# randomly pick any gene from the list of available genes
Root <- SearchSpaceGenes[sample(seq_len(length(SearchSpaceGenes)), 1)]
# definition of the function to evaluate a whole population
# INPUTS: MyPopulation - population to evaluate (codes of the individuals)
# Multiplex - network to which the population belongs to
# LoadedData - general data
# OUTPUT: Evaluation of the individual (fitness)
EvaluatePopulation <- function (MyPopulation, Multiplex, LoadedData) {
FitnessData <-
seq_len(length(MyPopulation)), # from 1 to PopSize
function(i) {
Individual = MyPopulation[[i]],
MultiplexNetwork = Multiplex,
LoadedData = LoadedData
return (FitnessData)
# definition of the function to evaluate an individual
# INPUTS: Individual - individual to evaluate
# MultiplexNetwork - network to which the individual belongs to
# LoadedData - general data
# OUTPUT: Evaluation of the individual (fitness)
EvaluateInd <- function (Individual, MultiplexNetwork, LoadedData) {
GenesNS <- LoadedData$GenesWithNodesScores
DensityMX <- LoadedData$DensityPerLayerMultiplex
# verifies that there is at least one node present in the individual
if ( length(Individual) > 0 ) {
# gets the sum of the nodes scores of the subnetwork
SumNodesScores <- sum(GenesNS[GenesNS$gene %in%
igraph::V(MultiplexNetwork[[1]])$name[Individual], "nodescore"])
AverageNodesScore <- SumNodesScores / length(Individual)
SumDensityAllLayers <- 0
# loop through all the layers in the multiplex
for (layer in seq_len(length(MultiplexNetwork))) {
# get the inds subnetwork corresponding in the current layer
Subnetwork <-
igraph::induced_subgraph(MultiplexNetwork[[layer]], Individual)
# calculate the density of the subnetwork in the current layer
SubnetworkDensity <- igraph::graph.density(Subnetwork)
if (is.nan(SubnetworkDensity)) {
SubnetworkDensity <- 0
# add the normalized subnetwork's density with respect to
# the density of the current layer
SumDensityAllLayers <-
SumDensityAllLayers + (SubnetworkDensity / DensityMX[layer])
Res <- data.frame(AverageNodesScore = AverageNodesScore,
Density = SumDensityAllLayers)
} else {
Res <- data.frame(AverageNodesScore = 0, Density = 0)
return (Res)
# definition of the function to generate a new population from an existing one
# INPUTS: LoadedData - general data
# Population - full population of individuals (parents)
# OUTPUT: New population (children)
MakeNewPopulation <- function(LoadedData, Population) {
PopSize <- LoadedData$PopSize
MaxNumberOfAttempts <- LoadedData$MaxNumberOfAttempts
TournSize <- LoadedData$TournamentSize
Multiplex <- LoadedData$Multiplex
MyNewPopulation <- vector("list", PopSize) # initialize vector
# loop to generate the new population. In each loop, 2 children are created
for(i in seq(from = 1, to = PopSize, by = 2)) {
Attempts <- 0 # counter for max. attemps to find parents
KeepLooking <- TRUE # flag to keep looking for parents
while (Attempts < MaxNumberOfAttempts & KeepLooking == TRUE) {
Parent1 <- TournamentSelection(TournSize, Population) # selection
Parent2 <- GetParent2(Parent1, Population, LoadedData)
if (is.null(Parent2)) { # verify if the search was unsuccessful
Attempts <- Attempts + 1 # increment no. of attempts
} else { KeepLooking <- FALSE } # parent 2 found - stop the search
if (Attempts == MaxNumberOfAttempts) { # if unsuccessful search
print("Max. no. of attemps to find compatible parents")
# generate two random individuals
Children <- GenerateInitialPop( PopSize = 2, Multiplex = Multiplex,
LoadedData = LoadedData )
} else {
Children <- Crossover(Parent1, Parent2, LoadedData) # mate parents
Children <- Mutation(Children, Multiplex, LoadedData) # mutate children
MyNewPopulation[i] <- Children[1] # add child 1 to the population
MyNewPopulation[i+1] <- Children[2] # add child 2 to the population
# evaluate offspring
FitnessData <- EvaluatePopulation(MyNewPopulation, Multiplex, LoadedData)
# generate data frame with the individuals and their fitness
NewPopulation <- data.frame("Individual" = I(MyNewPopulation), FitnessData,
Rank = rep(0, nrow(FitnessData)),
CrowdingDistance = rep(0, nrow(FitnessData)))
NewPopulationForReplacement <-
Replacement(Parents = Population, Children = NewPopulation,
LoadedData = LoadedData) # prepare new population
return(NewPopulationForReplacement) # return the new population
# definition of the function to choose a compatible individual with parent 1
# INPUTS: Parent1 - parent 1
# Population - full population of individuals
# LoadedData - general data
# OUTPUT: Compatible parent 2 or NULL if the search was unsuccessful
GetParent2 <- function(Parent1, Population, LoadedData) {
Multiplex <- LoadedData$Multiplex
PopSize <- LoadedData$PopSize
TournSize <- LoadedData$TournamentSize
### filter population to leave only inds near parent 1
# get nodes ids with respect to the big network
NodesIDsOfParent1 <- sort( unlist(Parent1$Individual) )
# get list of nodes IDs in parent 1 and their neighbors
NeighborsNodesP1 <- GetNeighbors(NodesIDsOfParent1, Multiplex )
# get inds that contain at least one node from the previous list
NeighborsIndsP1 <- vapply( seq_len(PopSize), function(X) {
if (length(intersect(unlist(Population[X,"Individual"]),
NeighborsNodesP1)) > 0){ X } else { 0 }}, numeric(1) )
# filter population and leave individuals near parent 1
PotentialIndsParent2 <- Population[NeighborsIndsP1, ]
# verify if parent 1 is in the list and if so, remove it
if ( rownames(Parent1) %in% rownames(PotentialIndsParent2) ) {
Parent1ID <-
which(rownames(PotentialIndsParent2) == rownames(Parent1))
PotentialIndsParent2 <- PotentialIndsParent2[ -Parent1ID, ]
if ( nrow(PotentialIndsParent2) >= 2 ) { # if there are more than 2 inds
# tournament to choose parent 2
Parent2 <- TournamentSelection(TournSize, PotentialIndsParent2)
} else if (nrow(PotentialIndsParent2) == 1) {
# if there is only 1 ind, keep it
Parent2 <- PotentialIndsParent2
} else { # unsuccessful search for compatible parents
Parent2 <- NULL
# definition of the function to perform a tournament selection
# INPUTS: TournamentSize - size of the tournament
# TournPop - population to do the tournament with
# OUTPUT: Individual that won the tournament
TournamentSelection <- function (TournamentSize, TournPop) {
# randomly choose as many individuals as the tournament size indicates
ids <-
sample(seq_len(nrow(TournPop)), TournamentSize, replace=FALSE)
# verify all both individuals are in the same Pareto front
if (length(unique(TournPop$Rank[ids])) == 1) {
# verify if these individuals have information about crowding distance
# (they won't if generation == 1)
if ("CrowdingDistance" %in% colnames(TournPop)) {
# get id of the individual with the highest crowding distance
winner <- which(TournPop$CrowdingDistance[ids] ==
} else {
# if there is no crowding distance and the individuals have the
# same rank, they are all considered as winners
winner <- c(seq_len(TournamentSize))
} else {
# if the individuals are in different Pareto fronts, the winner
# of the tournament is the one with lowest value (best ranking)
winner <- which(TournPop$Rank[ids] == min(TournPop$Rank[ids]))
# verify if there was a tie
if (length(winner) > 1) {
# pick a single winner randomly
winner <- winner[ sample(seq_len(length(winner)), 1) ]
TournamentWinner <- TournPop[ids[winner],]
# definition of the function to get the neighbors of a list of nodes,
# considering all the layers
# INPUTS: NodeList - list of nodes to look for its neighbors
# Multiplex - multiplex network
# OUTPUT: List of neighbors
GetNeighbors <- function(NodeList, Multiplex) {
Neighbors <- NULL
# loop through all the layer of the multiplex
for (i in seq_len(length(Multiplex))) {
# add to the list the neighbors of the node list in the current layer
Neighbors <-
c(Neighbors, unlist(lapply(NodeList, function(X) {
igraph::neighbors(Multiplex[[i]], X)})))
# sort result and delete duplicates
Neighbors <- sort(unique(Neighbors))
# definition of the function to perform crossover
# INPUTS: Parent1 - first parent to cross
# Parent2 - second parent to cross
# LoadedData - general data
# OUTPUT: Two children (a single connected component per child)
Crossover <- function (Parent1, Parent2, LoadedData) {
MaxNumberOfAttempts <- LoadedData$MaxNumberOfAttempts
MinSize <- LoadedData$MinSize
MaxSize <- LoadedData$MaxSize
CrossoverRate <- LoadedData$CrossoverRate
Multiplex <- LoadedData$Multiplex
Children <- NULL # intialize empty list
p <- runif(1, 0, 1) # generate a random number between 0 and 1
if (p <= CrossoverRate) { # check if crossover is to be performed
# join both parents
NodesP <- union(unlist(Parent1$Individual), unlist(Parent2$Individual))
# first, generate the multiplex of the joint parents
Mx_Parents <- FilterMultiplex(Multiplex=Multiplex, NodesToKeep=NodesP)
# if length is minimum, copy parents
if (length(NodesP) == MinSize) {
Children <- rbind(Parent1$Individual, Parent2$Individual)
} else {
for (k in seq_len(2)) { # loop to generate two children
# pick a size for the child
Size <- ifelse(length(NodesP) >= MaxSize,
sample(MinSize:MaxSize, 1),
sample(MinSize:length(NodesP), 1))
# pick root
Root <- PickRoot(MyMx = Mx_Parents, LoadedData = LoadedData)
SearchMethod <- sample(c("DFS", "BFS"), 1) # pick search method
if (SearchMethod == "DFS") { # depth first search
DFS <- DFS_iterative_Mx(MyMx = Mx_Parents, Root = Root,
SizeOfIndividual = Size, LoadedData = LoadedData)
Children[k] <- list(DFS) # add child to the population
} else if (SearchMethod == "BFS") { # breadth first search
BFS <- BFS_iterative_Mx(MyMx = Mx_Parents, Root = Root,
SizeOfIndividual = Size, LoadedData = LoadedData )
Children[k] <- list(BFS) # add child to the population
} else { # if no crossover was performed, make a copy of the parents
Children <- rbind(Parent1$Individual, Parent2$Individual)
# definition of the function to perform a RANDOM breadth first search of a
# given length on a MULTIPLEX network. This means that the nodes to be visted
# are always randomnly picked from all the available ones
# INPUTS: Multiplex - the multiplex network
# Root - name of the node that will be used as root for the search
# SizeOfIndividual - desired length of the search
# LoadedData - general data
# OUTPUT: Individual with the desired length
BFS_iterative_Mx <- function (MyMx, Root, SizeOfIndividual, LoadedData) {
MaxNumberOfAttempts <- LoadedData$MaxNumberOfAttempts
Multiplex <- LoadedData$Multiplex
KeepLooking <- TRUE # flag to control the execution of the current function
Attempts <- 0
while(KeepLooking == TRUE) {
Result <- MakeBFS(MyMx, Root, SizeOfIndividual)
# security check of individual's size
if (length(Result) != SizeOfIndividual) {
if (Attempts > MaxNumberOfAttempts) { # if max attemps reached
MyMx <- Multiplex # use the big original multiplex
Root <- PickRoot(MyMx, LoadedData) # pick a random root
} else { # if we still have attempts left
Attempts <- Attempts + 1 # increment number of attempts
Root <- PickRoot(MyMx, LoadedData) # pick a root
} else { # if a good root was found and the ind has the desired size
KeepLooking <- FALSE # deactivate flag to stop the search
##### the following conversion has to be done because when a subnetwork is
##### created, the nodes get new IDs, according to the size of the new
##### subnetwork, but the individuals should always have IDs with respect
##### to the global network, therefore the IDs need to be "re-calculated"
# get the names of the nodes in the local network with the local IDs
Nodes <- names(igraph::V(MyMx[[1]])[Result])
# get the global IDs of the corresponding nodes
NodesIDs <- GetIDOfNodes(Nodes, Multiplex[[1]])
return (NodesIDs)
# definition of the function to perform a RANDOM breadth first search of a
# given length on a MULTIPLEX network. This means that the branch to be visted
# is randomnly picked from all the available ones
# INPUTS: MyMx - a multiplex network
# Root - name of the node that will be used as root for the search
# SizeOfIndividual - desired length of the search
# OUTPUT: Individual
MakeBFS <- function(MyMx, Root, SizeOfIndividual) {
Discovered <- Result <- CurrentLayer <- NULL # initialization
Queue <- Root # initialize the queue of the pending nodes to visit
# loop while there are pending elements and the desired size hasn't been met
while(length(Queue) > 0 && length(Result) < SizeOfIndividual) {
# check if we will change of layer
if (is.null(CurrentLayer) || runif(1, 0, 1) <= 0.5) {
AvLayers <- seq_len(length(MyMx)) # list all layers
if (length(AvLayers) > 1) {
AvLayers <- AvLayers[!AvLayers %in% CurrentLayer] }
# choose a new layer
CurrentLayer <-
ifelse(length(AvLayers > 0), sample(AvLayers, 1), CurrentLayer)
Node <- Queue[1] # take a node from the queue to visit it
Queue <- Queue[-1] # remove node from queue
if (!(Node %in% Discovered)) { # verify if the node hasn't been visited
Discovered <- c(Discovered, Node) # add node to the list of visited
# when findind a disconnected node in a layer, change layer
KeepGoing <- TRUE
VisitedLayers <- NULL
AvLayers <- seq_len(length(MyMx))
while (KeepGoing == TRUE) {
MyNeighbors <-
names(igraph::neighbors(MyMx[[CurrentLayer]], Node))
MyNeighbors <- MyNeighbors[!MyNeighbors %in% Discovered]
if (length(MyNeighbors) == 0) {
VisitedLayers <- c(VisitedLayers, CurrentLayer)
AvLayers <- AvLayers[!AvLayers %in% VisitedLayers]
if (length(AvLayers) > 0) {
CurrentLayer <- AvLayers[sample(length(AvLayers), 1)]
} else { KeepGoing <- FALSE }
} else { KeepGoing <- FALSE }
MyNeighbors <- MyNeighbors[sample(length(MyNeighbors))] # shuffle
Queue <- c(Queue, MyNeighbors) # add shuffled neighbors to the stack
Result <- c(Result, Node) # add node to the individual
return(Result) # return result
# definition of the function that filters the multiplex network, to keep
# only the specified list of nodes
# INPUTS: Multiplex - multiplex network to filter
# ListOfNodes - list of nodes to keep
# OUTPUT: Filtered version of the multiplex
FilterMultiplex <- function(Multiplex, NodesToKeep) {
# declare empty list to store the multiplex
FilteredMultiplex <- list()
# loop through all the layers to get the corresponding subnetwork
for (i in seq_len(length(Multiplex))) {
# create network with the current layer
CurrentNetwork <- igraph::induced_subgraph(Multiplex[[i]], NodesToKeep)
# add subnetwork as a layer into the multiplex network
FilteredMultiplex[[ length(FilteredMultiplex) + 1 ]] <- CurrentNetwork
return (FilteredMultiplex)
# definition of the function to get the list of IDs of a set of nodes
# INPUTS: ListOfNodes - list of nodes' names
# GlobalNetwork - general network to look for our list of nodes
# OUTPUT: List of IDs
GetIDOfNodes <- function(ListOfNodes, GlobalNetwork) {
return (which(names(igraph::V(GlobalNetwork)) %in% ListOfNodes))
# definition of the function to perform mutation
# INPUTS: Individuals - the individuals to perform mutation with
# Multiplex - network to where the individuals belong to
# LoadedData - general data
# OUTPUT: Two mutated individuals
Mutation <- function (Individuals, Multiplex, LoadedData) {
Merged <- LoadedData$Merged
DEG <- LoadedData$DEG
MutationRate <- LoadedData$MutationRate
Mutants <- NULL
# loop through all the individuals to be mutated
for (i in seq_len(length(Individuals))) {
p <- runif(1, 0, 1) # generate a random number between 0 and 1
if (p <= MutationRate) { # check if mutation is to be performed
# make subnetwork
IndToMutNet <- igraph::induced_subgraph(Merged, Individuals[[i]])
IndToMutDeg <- igraph::degree(IndToMutNet) # get nodes' degrees
# remove DEG from the list
IndToMutDeg <-
IndToMutDeg[ !names(IndToMutDeg) %in% as.character(DEG$gene) ]
# get the list of nodes with the min degree (peripheral nodes)
PeripheralNodes <- which.min(IndToMutDeg)
# get the list of node names that can be mutated
PotNodesToMutate <- names(PeripheralNodes)
# make vector with the nodes to mutate
NodesToMutate <-
vapply(array(rep(0, length(PotNodesToMutate))), function(X) {
ifelse(runif(1, 0, 1) <= MutationRate, 1, 0)}, numeric(1))
# gets the list of chromosomes to be mutated
NodesToMutate <- which(NodesToMutate == 1)
# if at least one of the nodes will be mutated
if (length(NodesToMutate) > 0) {
Individuals[[i]] <-
MutateNodes(Individuals[[i]], IndToMutNet, NodesToMutate,
PotNodesToMutate, LoadedData)
} else { # if no nodes were removed, add a new neighbor
Individuals[[i]] <-
AddNode(Individuals[[i]], IndToMutNet, LoadedData)
Mutants[i] <- Individuals[i] # save the individual in the mutants' list
# definition of the function to mutate a given list of nodes
# INPUTS: Ind - individual to mutate
# NodesToMutate - list of nodes to mutate
# PotNodesToMutate - list of potential nodes to mutate
# LoadedData - general data
# OUTPUT: Mutated individual
MutateNodes <- function(Ind, IndToMutNet, NodesToMutate, PotNodesToMutate,
LoadedData) {
DEG <- LoadedData$DEG # get DEG
# if at least one of the nodes will be mutated
for (j in NodesToMutate) { # loop through the nodes to remove
MutatedNetwork <-
igraph::delete_vertices(IndToMutNet, PotNodesToMutate[j])
# obtain neighbors of nodes
Neighbors_OrInd <-
names(unlist(lapply(names( igraph::V(IndToMutNet)),
function(X) {igraph::neighbors(LoadedData$Merged, X)})))
Neighbors_MutInd <-
function(X) {igraph::neighbors(LoadedData$Merged, X)})))
# delete nodes that originally belonged to the individual
Neighbors_OrInd <-
!Neighbors_OrInd %in% names(igraph::V(IndToMutNet))]
Neighbors_MutInd <-
!Neighbors_MutInd %in% names(igraph::V(IndToMutNet))]
# check if network is connected
if( igraph::is.connected(MutatedNetwork) ) {
# save changes
Ind <- GetIDOfNodes(names(igraph::V(MutatedNetwork)),
IndToMutNet <- MutatedNetwork
AvNeighbors <- Neighbors_MutInd
} else { AvNeighbors <- Neighbors_OrInd }
# if there is at least 1 available neighbor to be added
if(length(AvNeighbors) > 0) {
# pick a node to add
NewNodeID <- GetNodeToAdd(AvNeighbors, LoadedData)
# add node
Ind <- c(Ind, NewNodeID)
} else { print("Attempt to add a new neighbor FAILED") }
# definition of the function to add a node to a subnetwork
# INPUTS: IndToMutNet - subnetwork of the individual to modify
# LoadedData - general data
# OUTPUT: Modified individual
AddNode <- function(Ind, IndToMutNet, LoadedData) {
DEG <- LoadedData$DEG # get DEG
# obtain neighbors of nodes
AvNeighbors <-
function(X) {igraph::neighbors(LoadedData$Merged, X)})))
# delete from the list all the nodes that originally belonged to the ind
AvNeighbors <- AvNeighbors[!AvNeighbors %in% names(igraph::V(IndToMutNet))]
# if there is at least one available neighbor to be added
if(length(AvNeighbors) > 0) {
# pick a node to add
NewNodeID <- GetNodeToAdd(AvNeighbors, LoadedData)
# add node
Ind <- c(Ind, NewNodeID)
} else {
print("No nodes to be mutated. Attempt to add a new neighbor FAILED")
# definition of the function to pick a node to add
# INPUTS: AvNeighbors - available neighbors to choose the node from
# LoadedData - general data
# OUTPUT: ID of the node to be added
GetNodeToAdd <- function(AvNeighbors, LoadedData) {
DEG <- LoadedData$DEG
Multiplex <- LoadedData$Multiplex
# get the list of neighbors DEG
DE_Neighbors <- AvNeighbors[AvNeighbors %in% as.character(DEG$gene)]
# if there is at least one DE gene in the list of neighbors, keep
if (length(DE_Neighbors) > 0) { AvNeighbors <- DE_Neighbors }
# calculate the number of times each node is neighbor
Incidences <- table(as.factor(AvNeighbors))
# get the nodes with highest incidence
MaxIncidences <- which.max(Incidences)
# keep nodes with a max incidence
AvNeighbors <- names(MaxIncidences)
# pick a random node to add
RandomNode <- AvNeighbors[sample(seq_len(length(AvNeighbors)), 1)]
# get ID of the node to add
NewNodeID <- GetIDOfNodes(RandomNode, Multiplex[[1]])
return (NewNodeID)
# definition of the function to perform replacement
# INPUTS: Parents - individuals from the previous generation
# Children - individuals from the new generation
# LoadedData - general data
# OUTPUT: The selected invididuals to keep for the next generation
Replacement <- function (Parents, Children, LoadedData) {
PopSize <- LoadedData$PopSize
# combine the new population (offspring) with old population (parents)
CombinedPopulation <- rbind(Parents, Children)
## replace duplicated individuals with random ones
CombinedPopulation <- ReplaceDuplicatedInds(CombinedPopulation, LoadedData)
# order combined population by rank
CombinedPopulation <- CombinedPopulation[order(CombinedPopulation$Rank), ]
# get last rank which will be in the replacement population
LastRank <- CombinedPopulation$Rank[PopSize]
# get last rank individuals
LastRankInds <- CombinedPopulation[CombinedPopulation$Rank == LastRank, ]
# order by crowding distance
LastRankInds <-
LastRankInds[order(LastRankInds$CrowdingDistance, decreasing = TRUE), ]
# select new population for replacement
NewPopulationForReplacement <-
CombinedPopulation[CombinedPopulation$Rank < LastRank, ]
NewPopulationForReplacement <- rbind(NewPopulationForReplacement,
LastRankInds[seq_len(PopSize - nrow(NewPopulationForReplacement)), ])
# definition of the function that replaces all duplicated individuals and
# those above the permitted threshold of similarity with random individuals
# INPUTS: CombinedPopulation - Population of size 2*N that corresponds to the
# union of parents and children
# LoadedData - general data
# OUTPUT: A garanteed diverse population of size 2*N
ReplaceDuplicatedInds <- function(CombinedPopulation, LoadedData) {
DivPop <- CombinedPopulation
Threshold <- LoadedData$JaccardSimilarityThreshold
Multiplex <- LoadedData$Multiplex
Sim <- GetDuplicatedInds(DivPop, Threshold) # get duplicated individuals
if (nrow(Sim) > 0) { # verify if there are duplicated individuals
IndsToRemove <- NULL
# non-dominated sorting and crowding distance calculus
SortedPop <-
NonDomSort(PopulationToSort = DivPop, LoadedData = LoadedData)
i <- 1
while(i < nrow(Sim)) { # loop through all the duplicated individuals
# ID of individuals
Ind1_ID <- Sim[i, 1]
Ind2_ID <- Sim[i, 2]
if (Sim$JS[i] < 100 & all(SortedPop$Rank[c(Ind1_ID, Ind2_ID)] == 1)
& all(is.infinite(SortedPop$CrowdingDistance[
c(Ind1_ID, Ind2_ID)])) ) {
print("Keeping similar individuals. Inf crowding distance.")
print(SortedPop[c(Ind1_ID, Ind2_ID), ])
} else { # tournament between the two individuals
IndToKeep <- TournamentSelection(TournamentSize = 2,
TournPop = SortedPop[c(Ind1_ID, Ind2_ID), ])
IndsToRemove <- c(IndsToRemove, ifelse(rownames(IndToKeep) ==
row.names(SortedPop)[Ind1_ID], Ind2_ID, Ind1_ID))
# get and remove all future incidences of the ind
Ref <- which(Sim == IndsToRemove[length(IndsToRemove)],
arr.ind = TRUE)[, "row"]
Sim <- Sim[!row.names(Sim) %in% row.names(Sim)[Ref[Ref > i]], ]
i <- i + 1
# remove the corresponding individuals
DivPop <- SortedPop[!row.names(SortedPop) %in%
row.names(SortedPop)[IndsToRemove], ]
# generate as many new individuals as duplicated ones
NewInds <- GenerateInitialPop(
PopSize = (nrow(CombinedPopulation)-nrow(DivPop)),
Multiplex = Multiplex, LoadedData = LoadedData )
FitnessData <- EvaluatePopulation(NewInds, Multiplex, LoadedData) # eval
DivPop <- rbind(DivPop, data.frame("Individual" = I(NewInds),
FitnessData, Rank = 0, CrowdingDistance = 0))
DivPop <- NonDomSort(PopulationToSort = DivPop, LoadedData = LoadedData)
# definition of the function that finds the duplicated individuals, considering
# a given threshold
# INPUTS: DivPop - Population
# Threshold - Individuals over this threshold are duplicated
# OUTPUT: Similarities and indexes of duplicated individuals
GetDuplicatedInds <- function(DivPop, Threshold) {
# create all the combinations of 2 numbers with the ids of individuals
Index <- t(combn(seq_len(nrow(DivPop)), 2))
# calculate the Jaccard similarity index
Sim <- data.frame(Index1 = Index[, 1], Index2 = Index[, 2], JS = 0) # sim
Sim$JS <- apply(Index, 1, function(X) {
Ind1 <- as.character(unlist(DivPop$Individual[X[1]]))
Ind2 <- as.character(unlist(DivPop$Individual[X[2]]))
# Jaccard similarity = (intersection of A and B) / (union of A and B)
JS <- (length(intersect(Ind1, Ind2))) / (length(union(Ind1, Ind2)))*100
return(as.double(JS)) } )
Sim <- Sim[Sim$JS >= Threshold, ] # keep "duplicated" individuals
# definition of the function that performs the fast non dominated sorting
# NOTE. This function was taken from the nsga2R package, and adapted for
# maximization problems
# INPUTS: inputData - Unsorted population
# OUTPUT: Sorted population with ranking
fastNonDominatedSorting <- function(inputData) {
popSize <- nrow(inputData)
idxDominators <- vector("list", popSize)
idxDominatees <- vector("list", popSize)
for (i in 1:(popSize - 1)) {
for (j in i:popSize) {
if (i != j) {
xi <- inputData[i, ]
xj <- inputData[j, ]
if (all(xi >= xj) && any(xi > xj)) {
idxDominators[[j]] <- c(idxDominators[[j]], i)
idxDominatees[[i]] <- c(idxDominatees[[i]], j)
else if (all(xj >= xi) && any(xj > xi)) {
idxDominators[[i]] <- c(idxDominators[[i]], j)
idxDominatees[[j]] <- c(idxDominatees[[j]], i)
noDominators <- lapply(idxDominators, length)
rnkList <- list()
rnkList <- c(rnkList, list(which(noDominators == 0)))
solAssigned <- c()
solAssigned <- c(solAssigned, length(which(noDominators == 0)))
while (sum(solAssigned) < popSize) {
Q <- c()
noSolInCurrFrnt <- solAssigned[length(solAssigned)]
for (i in 1:noSolInCurrFrnt) {
solIdx <- rnkList[[length(rnkList)]][i]
hisDominatees <- idxDominatees[[solIdx]]
for (i in hisDominatees) {
noDominators[[i]] <- noDominators[[i]] - 1
if (noDominators[[i]] == 0) {
Q <- c(Q, i)
rnkList <- c(rnkList, list(sort(Q)))
solAssigned <- c(solAssigned, length(Q))
# definition of the function that performs the fast non dominated sorting and
# the calculus of the crowding distance
# INPUTS: PopulationToSort - Unsorted population
# LoadedData - general data
# OUTPUT: Sorted population with ranking and crowding distance
NonDomSort <- function(PopulationToSort, LoadedData) {
ObjectiveNames <- LoadedData$ObjectiveNames
# sort individuals by non domination
Ranking <- fastNonDominatedSorting(
PopulationToSort[, (colnames(PopulationToSort) %in% ObjectiveNames)] )
# transform the output of the sorting into a matrix of 2 columns:
# 1.- Individual ID. 2.- Rank
MyResult <-, lapply(seq_len(length(Ranking)), function(i) {
matrix(c(unlist(Ranking[i]), rep(i, length(unlist(Ranking[i])))),
ncol = 2, byrow = FALSE) }))
# order the matrix by individual ID
MyResult <- MyResult[order(MyResult[, 1]), ]
# add the rank to the data frame
PopulationToSort$Rank <- MyResult[, 2]
# calculate (MAX - MIN) of every objective function
Range <- vapply(PopulationToSort[, (colnames(PopulationToSort) %in%
ObjectiveNames)], max, numeric(1)) - vapply(PopulationToSort[,
(colnames(PopulationToSort) %in% ObjectiveNames)], min, numeric(1))
# create a matrix removing the ind codes and the crowding distances
PopulationMatrix <- as.matrix(PopulationToSort[ ,
!colnames(PopulationToSort) %in% c("Individual", "CrowdingDistance")])
PopulationToSort$CrowdingDistance <-
apply(crowdingDist4frnt(pop = PopulationMatrix, rnk = Ranking,
rng = Range), 1, sum)
########## -------- FUNCTION FROM R PACKAGE nsga2R -------- ###################
# Description
# This function estimates the density of solutions surrounding a particular
# solution within each front. It calculates the crowding distances of solutions
# according to their objectives and those within the same front.
# INPUTS: pop - Population matrix including decision variables, objective
# functions, and nondomination rank
# rnk - List of solution indices for each front
# rng - Vector of each objective function range, i.e. the difference
# between the maximum and minimum objective function value of
# each objective
# OUTPUT: Matrix of crowding distances of all solutions
crowdingDist4frnt <- function(pop,rnk,rng) {
popSize <- nrow(pop)
objDim <- length(rng)
varNo <- ncol(pop)-1-length(rng)
cd <- matrix(Inf,nrow=popSize,ncol=objDim)
for (i in seq_len(length(rnk))){
selectRow <- pop[,ncol(pop)] == i
len <- length(rnk[[i]])
if (len > 2) {
for (j in seq_len(objDim)) {
originalIdx <- rnk[[i]][order(pop[selectRow,varNo+j])]
cd[originalIdx[2:(len-1)],j] =
abs(pop[originalIdx[3:len],varNo+j] -
# definition of the function to save in a file the best N individuals of the
# final population
# INPUTS: File - file to save the individuals
# Population - population of individuals
# N - number of individuals to keep
# Network - network to take the names from (to decode the individuals)
# OUTPUT: None
SaveFinalPop <- function (BestIndividualsFile, Population, N, Network) {
# loop through the N best individuals in the population
for (i in seq_len(N)) {
Ind <- Population[[i, "Individual"]] # get the individual's code
# get the names of the correponding nodes
DecodedInd <- names(igraph::V(Network)[Ind])
write(paste(c(DecodedInd, Population[i, c("AverageNodesScore",
"Density", "Rank", "CrowdingDistance")]), collapse=" ", sep=""),
file = BestIndividualsFile, append = TRUE, sep = ",")
# definition of a function to postprocess the results. This function:
# i) calculates the accumulated Pareto front, i.e. the individuals on the
# first Pareto front after re-ranking the results from multiple runs
# (NOTE. If there is a single run, the result is the set of individuals
# in the first Pareto front),
# ii) filters the networks to leave only the interactions between the genes
# that are included in the results,
# iii) generates some plots (scatter plots and boxplots) of interest, and
# iv) (optional) creates a Cytoscape file to visualize the results, merging
# the subnetworks with a Jaccard similarity coefficient superior to
# JaccardSimilarityThreshold (NOTE. Make sure to open Cytoscape if
# VisualizeInCytoscape is TRUE)
# INPUTS: ExperimentDir - folder containing the results to be processed
# LoadedData - list containing several important variables
# (see mogamun_load_data())
# JaccardSimilarityThreshold - subnetworks over this Jaccard similarity
# threshold are merged
# VisualizeInCytoscape - boolean value. If it is TRUE, a Cytoscape file
# is generated
# OUTPUT: None
PostprocessResults <- function(ExperimentDir, LoadedData,
JaccardSimilarityThreshold, VisualizeInCytoscape) {
Threshold <- JaccardSimilarityThreshold
# get list of directories (each contains the results of a single exp)
Dirs <- list.dirs(ExperimentDir, recursive = FALSE)
Dirs <- Dirs[grep("Experiment", Dirs)]
for (Path in Dirs) {
PathForPlots <- ExperimentsPath <- paste0(Path, "/") # path for plots
Population <- GetIndividualsAllRuns(ExperimentsPath) # get results
Inds1stRank_AllRuns <- Population[Population$Rank == 1, ] # filter
MaxRank <- max(Population$Rank) # get maximum rank in all the runs
Nodes1stRank_AllRuns <-
data.frame(Nodes = character(), Run = character())
for (r in seq_len(max(Population$Run))) {
Nodes1stRank_AllRuns <-
rbind(Nodes1stRank_AllRuns, data.frame(
Nodes = unique(unlist(Population[Population$Run == r &
Population$Rank == 1, "Individual"])), Run = paste0("Run_", r)))
# if there are results for several runs, make boxplot of similarities
if (length(unique(Nodes1stRank_AllRuns$Run)) > 1) {
SimilarityBetweenRunsBoxplot(PathForPlots, Nodes1stRank_AllRuns)
# calculate and plot the accumulated Pareto front
AccPF <- ObtainAccParetoFront(PathForPlots, Inds1stRank_AllRuns,
Nodes1stRank_AllRuns, LoadedData)
AccPF <- RemoveIdenticalInds(AccPF) # remove duplicated inds
# filter networks to keep only interactions between genes in the AccPF
FilterNetworks(ExperimentsPath, LoadedData, AccPF)
# merge "duplicated" individuals
DiversePopulation <-
JoinSimilarInds(AccPF, LoadedData, Threshold)
# save the merged individuals in a file
SaveFilteredAccPF(DiversePopulation, ExperimentsPath, Threshold)
# check if visualization in Cytoscape is to be done
if (VisualizeInCytoscape == TRUE) {
CytoscapeVisualization(ExperimentDir, LoadedData)
# definition of a function to get all the individuals from all the runs
# INPUT: ExperimentsPath - folder containing the results to be processed
# OUTPUT: Data frame with the joint population from all the runs
GetIndividualsAllRuns <- function(ExperimentsPath) {
# initialize data empty data frame
Population <-
data.frame(Run = double(), Individual = list(),
AverageNodesScore = double(), Density = double(),
Rank = numeric(), CrowdingDistance = double())
PatResFiles <- "MOGAMUN_Results__Run_[0-9]+.txt$"
# get all files in the path that match the pattern
ResFiles <- list.files(ExperimentsPath, pattern = PatResFiles)
# loop to read all the results
for (counter in seq_len(length(ResFiles))) {
# open and read file
con <- base::file(paste0(ExperimentsPath, ResFiles[counter]), open="r")
MyContent <-readLines(con)
Run <- as.numeric(gsub("^.*_|\\..*$", "", ResFiles[counter],
perl = TRUE))
# loop through all the individuals
for (i in seq_len(length(MyContent))) {
Ind <- unlist(strsplit(MyContent[i], " "))
# divide the data of the individual. Each line contains the nodes,
# average nodes score, density, rank and crowding distance
MyInd <-
data.frame(Run = Run,
Individual = I(list(sort(Ind[seq_len(length(Ind) - 4)]))),
AverageNodesScore = as.numeric(Ind[(length(Ind) - 3)]),
Density = as.numeric(Ind[(length(Ind) - 2)]),
Rank = as.numeric(Ind[(length(Ind)-1)]),
CrowdingDistance = as.numeric(Ind[length(Ind)])
# add individual to the population
Population <- rbind(Population, MyInd)
# definition of a function to make the boxplot of similarities between runs
# INPUTS: PathForPlots - folder to save the plot
# Nodes1stRank_AllRuns - results from all the runs
# OUTPUT: None
SimilarityBetweenRunsBoxplot <- function(PathForPlots, Nodes1stRank_AllRuns) {
AllJaccardSimilarities <- NULL
# loop to calculate the JS between the results from different runs
for (i in seq_len(length(unique(Nodes1stRank_AllRuns$Run)))) {
# get nodes of a run
CurrentRun <- as.character(
Nodes1stRank_AllRuns$Run == paste0("Run_", i)] )
# verify that there is another run
if ((i+1) <= length(unique(Nodes1stRank_AllRuns$Run))) {
for (j in (i+1):length(unique(Nodes1stRank_AllRuns$Run))) {
# get nodes of another run
NextRun <- as.character(
Nodes1stRank_AllRuns$Run == paste0("Run_", j)] )
# calculate the intersection and union sizes.
# Jaccard similarity coefficient formula: intersection/union
inter <- length(intersect(CurrentRun, NextRun))
un <- length(union(CurrentRun, NextRun))
JS <- inter / un
# add Jaccard similarity result to the list
AllJaccardSimilarities <- c(AllJaccardSimilarities, JS)
# make a boxplot of similarities
svg(paste0(PathForPlots, "A_Boxplot_similarities_between_runs.svg"))
main = "Pairwise Jaccard similarities of all the runs")
# definition of a function to calculate and plot the accumulated Pareto front
# INPUTS: PathForPlots - folder to save the plot
# Inds1stRank_AllRuns - individuals with Rank = 1 from all runs
# Nodes1stRank_AllRuns - nodes in Inds1stRank_AllRuns
# LoadedData - list containing several important variables
# (see mogamun_load_data())
# OUTPUT: individuals in the accumulated Pareto front
ObtainAccParetoFront <- function(PathForPlots, Inds1stRank_AllRuns,
Nodes1stRank_AllRuns, LoadedData) {
# re-rank individuals in the first Pareto front
AccPF <- NonDomSort(PopulationToSort = Inds1stRank_AllRuns,
LoadedData = LoadedData)
Colors <- c("black", rainbow(length(unique(AccPF$Rank))-1))
# verify if there is more than one run
if (length(unique(Nodes1stRank_AllRuns$Run)) > 1) {
svg(paste0(PathForPlots, "A_ScatterPlot_AccPF_ALL_INDS.svg"))
plot(AccPF$AverageNodesScore, AccPF$Density,
main = "Accumulated Pareto front: all individuals",
xlab = "Average nodes score", ylab = "Density",
col = Colors[AccPF$Rank], pch = 16, cex = 2)
# make the legend of the previous plot as a separate file
svg(paste0(PathForPlots, "A_ScatterPlot_AccPF_LEGEND_ALL_INDS.svg"))
plot(NULL, xaxt = 'n', yaxt = 'n', bty = 'n', ylab = '', xlab = '',
xlim = 0:1, ylim = 0:1)
legend("center", legend = paste("Pareto front ",
seq_len(length(Colors))), col = Colors, pch = 16, cex = 1)
# filter the individuals, to leave only those in the first Pareto front
# (i.e., the accumulated Pareto front)
AccPF <- AccPF[AccPF$Rank == 1, ]
svg(paste0(PathForPlots, "A_ScatterPlot_AccPF.svg"))
plot(AccPF$AverageNodesScore, AccPF$Density,
main = "Accumulated Pareto front", xlab = "Average nodes score",
ylab = "Density", col = Colors[AccPF$Rank], pch = 16, cex = 2)
# definition of a function to identify and remove duplicated individuals
# INPUT: AccPF - individuals in the accumulated Pareto front
# OUTPUT: filtered accumulated Pareto front
RemoveIdenticalInds <- function(AccPF) {
# create all the combinations of 2 numbers with the ids of individuals
MyIndexes <- t(combn(seq_len(nrow(AccPF)), 2))
Similarities <- data.frame(Index1 = MyIndexes[, 1], Index2 = MyIndexes[, 2])
# check for identical individuals
Similarities$Identical <- apply(Similarities, 1, function(X) {
setequal(AccPF$Individual[[X[1]]], AccPF$Individual[[X[2]]])})
# keep only the identical individuals in the comparison list
Similarities <- Similarities[Similarities$Identical == TRUE, ]
IndsToRemove <- NULL
s <- 1
# loop through the list
while (s <= nrow(Similarities)) {
# verify if the ID of the ind is not in the list of inds to remove
if (!Similarities[s, 2] %in% IndsToRemove) {
# add individual and remove references to it in the comparison list
IndsToRemove <- c(IndsToRemove, Similarities[s, 2])
Ref <-
which(Similarities == Similarities[s, 2],
arr.ind = TRUE)[, "row"]
Ref <- Ref[Ref > s]
Similarities <- Similarities[!row.names(Similarities) %in%
row.names(Similarities)[Ref], ]
s <- s + 1
# remove identical individuals
AccPF <- AccPF[!row.names(AccPF) %in% row.names(AccPF)[IndsToRemove], ]
# definition of a function to filter networks to keep only the interactions
# between the genes in the individuals from the accumulated Pareto front
# INPUTS: ExperimentsPath - folder to save the filtered networks
# LoadedData - list containing several important variables
# (see mogamun_load_data())
# AccPF - filtered accumulated Pareto front
# OUTPUT: None
FilterNetworks <- function(ExperimentsPath, LoadedData, AccPF) {
# read the file names of the networks for the current experiment
myLayers <- list.files(LoadedData$NetworkLayersDir,
pattern = paste0("^[", LoadedData$Layers, "]_"))
# get the list of genes in the accumulated Pareto front
genes <- as.character(unique(unlist(AccPF$Individual)))
# filter layers to keep only interactions among the given list of genes
for (j in seq_len(length(myLayers))) {
# read network
FullNetwork <- read.table(paste0(LoadedData$NetworkLayersDir,
myLayers[j]), sep = "\t")
keep <- NULL # initialize null object
# get all rows in the PPI network that contain these genes
keep$V1 <- FullNetwork$V1 %in% as.character(genes) # first in column 1
keep$V2 <- FullNetwork$V2 %in% as.character(genes) # then in column 2
keep <- Reduce("&", keep) # logical AND - gets the list of rows to keep
MyFilteredNetwork <- FullNetwork[keep, ] # filter network
MyFilteredNetwork$TypeOfInteraction <- as.character(myLayers[j]) # type
# save filtered network in a file
write.table(MyFilteredNetwork, file = paste0(ExperimentsPath,
substr(myLayers[j], 1, nchar(myLayers[j]) - 3), "_FILTERED.csv"),
row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)
# get files that contain the filtered networks
myDataFiles <- list.files(ExperimentsPath, pattern = '_FILTERED.csv')
myFullListOfInteractions <- NULL # initialize interactions' list
# loop through all the files
for (i in seq_len(length(myDataFiles))) {
# get data
data <- read.table(paste0(ExperimentsPath, myDataFiles[i]),
header = TRUE)
# add it to the list
myFullListOfInteractions <- rbind(myFullListOfInteractions, data)
# save the full list of filtered interactions
write.table(myFullListOfInteractions, file = paste0(ExperimentsPath,
row.names= FALSE, quote = FALSE )
# definition of a function to get the IDs of pairs of similar individuals
# INPUTS: DiversePop - population of individuals to compare
# Threshold - subnetworks over this Jaccard similarity are merged
# OUTPUT: List of pairs of similar individuals
GetSimilarInds <- function(DiversePop, Threshold) {
# create all the combinations of 2 numbers with the ids of individuals
MyIndexes <- t(combn(seq_len(nrow(DiversePop)), 2))
# create data frame to save the similarities
Similarities <- data.frame(I1 = MyIndexes[, 1], I2 = MyIndexes[, 2], JS = 0)
# calculate the Jaccard similarity index
Similarities$JS <- apply(MyIndexes, 1, function(X) {
Ind1 <- as.character(unlist(DiversePop$Individual[X[1]]))
Ind2 <- as.character(unlist(DiversePop$Individual[X[2]]))
# Jaccard similarity = (intersection of A and B) / (union of A and B)
JS <- (length(intersect(Ind1, Ind2))) / (length(union(Ind1, Ind2)))*100
return(as.double(JS)) } )
# keep only the rows of "duplicated" individuals
Similarities <- Similarities[Similarities$JS >= Threshold, ]
# definition of a function to join those individuals with a Jaccard similatiry
# coefficient superior to a given threshold
# INPUTS: AccPF - filtered accumulated Pareto front
# LoadedData - list containing several important variables
# (see mogamun_load_data())
# Threshold - subnetworks over this Jaccard similarity are merged
# OUTPUT: None
JoinSimilarInds <- function(AccPF, LoadedData, Threshold) {
MaxSize <- LoadedData$MaxSize
DiversePop <- AccPF # save a copy of the accumulated Pareto front
# flag to deactivate when no individuals-pair fulfill the threshold
KeepGoing <- TRUE
# loop to join similar individuals
while(KeepGoing == TRUE) {
if (nrow(DiversePop) > 1) { # verify that there individuals left
# get "similar"duplicated" individuals
Sim <- GetSimilarInds(DiversePop, Threshold)
if (nrow(Sim) > 0) { # if there are duplicated inds
IndsToRemove <- NULL
i <- 1
while(i <= nrow(Sim)) { # loop through duplicated inds
ID1 <- Sim[i, 1]
ID2 <- Sim[i, 2]
IndsUnion <- union(DiversePop$Individual[[ID1]],
# verify that union of individuals respects the max size
if (length(IndsUnion) <= MaxSize) {
DiversePop$Individual[[ID1]] <- IndsUnion #
IndsToRemove <- c(IndsToRemove, ID2)
# get all future incidences to joined individuals
Ref <-
union(which(Sim == ID1, arr.ind = TRUE)[, "row"],
which(Sim == ID2, arr.ind = TRUE)[, "row"])
# check and remove future incidences to joined inds
Ref <- Ref[Ref > i]
Sim <- Sim[!row.names(Sim) %in% row.names(Sim)[Ref], ]
} else {print("Union of individuals overpasses max size")}
i <- i + 1
if (is.null(IndsToRemove)) { # verify if no ind will be removed
KeepGoing <- FALSE
} else {
# remove the individuals that were joined with another one
DiversePop <- DiversePop[!row.names(DiversePop) %in%
row.names(DiversePop)[IndsToRemove], ]
} else { KeepGoing <- FALSE }
} else { KeepGoing <- FALSE }
# definition of a function to save in files the filtered acc Pareto front
# INPUTS: DiversePopulation - population to save in the files
# ExperimentsPath - folder to save the filtered networks
# Threshold - threshold used to merge subnetworks
# OUTPUT: None
SaveFilteredAccPF <- function(DiversePopulation, ExperimentsPath, Threshold) {
# save postfiltered individuals
for (i in seq_len(nrow(DiversePopulation))) {
Ind <- unlist(DiversePopulation$Individual[i]) # get the inds code
write(paste(Ind, collapse=" ", sep=""), file = paste0(ExperimentsPath,
"A_AccPF_JacSimT_", Threshold, ".csv"), append = TRUE, sep = ",")
# create data frame with all the nodes in the accumulated Pareto front
AllNodesDF_Acc <-
data.frame(Nodes_Names = unique(unlist(DiversePopulation$Individual)))
# loop through all the postfiltered individuals to create a file
# to be processed in cytoscape
for (i in seq_len(nrow(DiversePopulation))) {
NodesCurrentInd <- unlist(DiversePopulation$Individual[i])
AllNodesDF_Acc[, (ncol(AllNodesDF_Acc)+1)] <-
ifelse(AllNodesDF_Acc[,1] %in% NodesCurrentInd,
paste0("Ind", i), "")
colnames(AllNodesDF_Acc)[ncol(AllNodesDF_Acc)] <- paste0("Ind", i)
AllNodesDF_Acc$Any <- "YES"
write.csv(AllNodesDF_Acc, paste0(ExperimentsPath,
"A_AccPF_CYTOSCAPE_JacSimT_", Threshold, ".csv"), row.names = FALSE)
# definition of a function to visualize the accumulated Pareto front in
# Cytoscape. NOTE. Cytoscape needs to be open
# INPUTS: ExperimentDir - folder containing the results to be processed
# LoadedData - list containing several important variables
# (see mogamun_load_data())
# OUTPUT: None
CytoscapeVisualization <- function(ExperimentDir, LoadedData) {
cytoscapePing() # verify that Cytoscape is launched
closeSession(save.before.closing = FALSE) # close any open session
GeneralPath <- ExperimentDir
# get list of directories. Each directory contains the results of one exp
Dirs <- list.dirs(GeneralPath, recursive = FALSE, full.names = FALSE)
Dirs <- Dirs[grep("Experiment", Dirs)]
for (d in Dirs) { # loop through all the experiments
ExpPath <- paste0(GeneralPath, "/", d, "/")
# read network
Network <- read.csv( paste0(ExpPath,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE )
# change column names to match the requirements for Cytoscape
colnames(Network) <- c("source", "target", "interaction")
# get list of nodes
Nodes <- data.frame(id = unique(c(Network$source, Network$target)))
# generate network in cytoscape
createNetworkFromDataFrames(Nodes, Network, title = d)
# read expression data
DE <- LoadedData$DE_results
if ("logFC" %in% colnames(DE)) {
DE$DEG <- ifelse(abs(DE$logFC) > 1 &
DE$FDR < LoadedData$ThresholdDEG, TRUE, FALSE)
} else {DE$DEG <- ifelse(DE$FDR < LoadedData$ThresholdDEG, TRUE, FALSE)}
DE <- DE[!$gene), ] # remove rows with no gene name
# load expression data in cytoscape
loadTableData(data = DE, data.key.column = "gene", table = "node",
table.key.column = "name", namespace = "default", network = d)
FormatNodesAndEdges(Network, d, LoadedData, DE) # add colors and borders
# creates the subnetworks corresponding the active modules
CreateActiveModules(d, ExpPath)
# verify if there are more exp to analyze to leave last one open
if (which(Dirs == d) < length(Dirs)) {
closeSession(save.before.closing = TRUE,
filename = paste0(ExpPath, "A_Acc_PF_", d))
} else { saveSession(filename = paste0(ExpPath, "A_Acc_PF_", d)) }
# definition of a function to format the nodes and edges in Cytoscape
# Cytoscape. NOTE. Cytoscape needs to be open
# INPUTS: Network - list of edges
# d - Directory containing the results of one experiment
# LoadedData - list containing several important variables
# (see mogamun_load_data())
# DE - differential expression results
# OUTPUT: None
FormatNodesAndEdges <- function(Network, d, LoadedData, DE) {
numberOfLayers <- length(LoadedData$DensityPerLayerMultiplex)
# if there are 3 layers, use the same edges' colors as in the paper
if(numberOfLayers == 3) {
edgesColors <- c("#0033FF", "#FF6600", "#FFFF00")
} else { # otherwise, generate a list of colors of the appropriate size
edgesColors <- rainbow(length(LoadedData$DensityPerLayerMultiplex))
# remove "transparency" from colors (i.e., the last 2 characters)
edgesColors <-
unlist(lapply(edgesColors, function(X){ substr(X, 1, 7) }))
# define edges color (it is adapted to any number of layers)
setEdgeColorMapping(table.column = "interaction", mapping.type = "d",
table.column.values = unique(Network$interaction), colors = edgesColors)
if ("logFC" %in% colnames(DE)) {
# set nodes' colors according to the logFC, from green (downregulated)
# to white and then to red (upregulated)
table.column = "logFC", table.column.values = c(min(DE$logFC),
0.0, max(DE$logFC)), colors = c("#009933", "#FFFFFF", "#FF0000"),
mapping.type = "c", = "default", network = d)
setNodeBorderColorMapping(table.column = "name", colors = "#000000",
mapping.type = "d", = "default", default.color = "#000000",
network = d)
# set width of border to highlight DEG
setNodeBorderWidthMapping(table.column = "DEG",
table.column.values = c(TRUE, FALSE), widths = c(5, 0),
mapping.type = "d", = "default", network = d)
# definition of a function that creates the subnetworks corresponding the
# active modules from the accumulated Pareto front.
# NOTE. Cytoscape needs to be open
# INPUTS: d - Directory containing the results of one experiment
# ExperimentsPath - path to the results
# OUTPUT: None
CreateActiveModules <- function(d, ExperimentsPath) {
# set layout
layoutNetwork( = "force-directed", network = d)
# load data for active modules
ActiveModules <-
read.csv(paste0(ExperimentsPath, list.files(ExperimentsPath,
pattern = "A_AccPF_CYTOSCAPE_JacSimT_")))
# load active modules data in cytoscape
loadTableData(data = ActiveModules, data.key.column = "Nodes_Names",
table = "node", table.key.column = "name", namespace = "default",
network = d)
# create a subnetwork for each active module
colnames(ActiveModules)[grep("Ind", colnames(ActiveModules))],
createColumnFilter( = "ActiveModules", column = am,
criterion = am, predicate = "IS", type = "node", network = d)
# create the subnetwork with the selected nodes
createSubnetwork( = paste0("ActiveModule_", am))
# set layout
layoutNetwork( = "force-directed",
network = paste0("ActiveModule_", am))
# defines the function of the body of MOGAMUN
MogamunBody <- function(RunNumber, LoadedData, BestIndsPath) {
sink(NULL, type = "output")
BestIndsFile <- paste0(BestIndsPath, "_Run_", RunNumber, ".txt")
MyInitPop <- GenerateInitialPop(
LoadedData$PopSize, LoadedData$Multiplex, LoadedData)
FitnessData <-
EvaluatePopulation(MyInitPop, LoadedData$Multiplex, LoadedData)
Population <- data.frame("Individual" = I(MyInitPop), FitnessData)
# obtain ranking and crowding distances
Population <- NonDomSort(
PopulationToSort = Population, LoadedData = LoadedData )
g <- 1 # initilizes the number of generation
StatsGen <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = 3, nrow = 0))
colnames(StatsGen) <-
c( "Generation", "BestAverageNodesScore", "BestDensity" )
# evolution's loop for g generations or until all inds have rank = 1
while (g <= LoadedData$Generations && !all(Population$Rank == 1)) {
Population <- MakeNewPopulation(LoadedData, Population)
# add the best values for the two objective functions
StatsGen[nrow(StatsGen) + 1, ] <-
c(g, max(Population$AverageNodesScore), max(Population$Density))
print(paste0("Run ", RunNumber, ". Gen. ", g, " completed"))
g <- g + 1 # increments the generation
# saves data in files
file = paste0(BestIndsPath,"StatisticsPerGeneration_Run", RunNumber,
row.names = FALSE
BestIndsFile, Population, LoadedData$PopSize, LoadedData$Multiplex[[1]]
print(paste0("FINISH TIME, RUN ", RunNumber, ": ", Sys.time()))
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