#' estimate center of fragments
#' This function computes average shifts between
#' forward and reverse strand and applies it to estimate fragment centers.
#' @inheritParams getPeakReads
#' @param shift can be set if the offset between forward and reverse strand is
#' known (e.g. 1/2 median fragment size). In this case shift will not be
#' estimated (DEFAULT: NULL)
#' @param draw.on plot scatterplots for counts on
#' forward vs reverse strand and histograms of determined shifts
#' @return DBAmmd object with updated slots \code{Reads} and \code{MetaData}.
#' @examples
#' ## Example using a small data set provided with this package
#' data("MMD")
#' MMD.1 <- estimateFragmentCenters(MMD)
#' # To access centers of fragments:
#' Reads.C <- Reads(MMD.1,'Center')
#' # To access the determined shifts for each sample:
#' meta <- metaData(MMD.1)
#' meta$AnaData$Shifts
#' @seealso \code{\link{DBAmmd}}, \code{\link{getPeakReads}},
#' \code{\link{compHists}}
#' @import graphics
#' @importFrom stats ccf median
#' @export
# subfunctions:
# - getPeakIds4shift
# - getShift
# - shiftReads
# Gabriele Schweikert
# January 2014
# needs paired end!! checking cluster usage, speed-ups + memory improvement
estimateFragmentCenters <- function(MD, shift=NULL, draw.on=FALSE){
message('checking parameters...')
if (missing(MD))
stop("MD object")
Meta <- metaData(MD)
PeakBoundary <- Meta$AnaData$PeakBoundary
Peaks <- Regions(MD)
Left.p <- Reads(MD,'Left.p')
Right.n <- Reads(MD, 'Right.n')
numSamples <- length(Left.p)
SampleIDs <- names(Left.p)
Center.p <- vector("list", numSamples)
names(Center.p) <- names(Left.p)
Center.n <- Center.p
Center <- Center.p
if (!Meta$AnaData$pairedEnd){
Shifts <- rep(0, numSamples)
names(Shifts) <- SampleIDs
for (i in 1:numSamples){
Idx <- getPeakIds4shift(Counts(MD,'p')[,i],Counts(MD,'n')[,i], draw.on,
name = SampleIDs[i])
if (is.null(shift)){
if (length(Idx)==0){
message('can\'t determine shift between forward and
reverse strand. Not enough peaks!')
} else{
PeakLengths <- width(Peaks)[Idx] +PeakBoundary*2
Shifts[i] <- getShift(Left.p[[i]][Idx],Right.n[[i]][Idx],
PeakLengths, draw.on = draw.on,
} else Shifts[i] <- shift
R <- list(Left.p=Left.p[[i]],Right.n = Right.n[[i]])
R <- shiftReads(R, Shifts[i])
Center.p[[i]] <- R$Center.p
Center.n[[i]] <- R$Center.n
Center[[i]] <- R$Center
} # end loop over files
} else if (Meta$pairedEnd) {
message('Paired end')
## prepare output
R <- list(Left.p = Left.p,
Right.n = Right.n,
Center.p = Center.p,
Center.n = Center.n,
Center = Center,
Left = Left.p,
Right = Right.n)
Meta$AnaData$Shifts <- Shifts
MD@MetaData <- Meta
MD@Reads <- R
# getPeakIds4shifts: Determines which Peaks to use to for strand shift
# correction. Peaks are selected wich have total counts on positve and
# negative strand in the 9th 10-quantiles of all total counts.
# INPUT - Counts.p (nb of reads mapping to peak on + strand)
# - Counts.n (nb of reads mapping to peak on + strand)
# - draw.on=TRUE
# - name (for figure caption)
# OUTPUT - Idx: index of peaks
# Gabriele Schweikert
# January 2014
getPeakIds4shift <- function(Counts.p,Counts.n,draw.on=TRUE,name=NULL){
x <- quantile(Counts.p, probs=seq(0,1,0.1))
ii1 <- which(Counts.p>x[9] & Counts.p<x[10])
x <- quantile(Counts.n, probs=seq(0,1,0.1))
ii2 <- which(Counts.n>x[9] & Counts.n<x[10])
Idx <- intersect(ii2, ii1)
message('Using ',length(Idx), ' peaks to determine shift')
if (draw.on){
if (is.null(name)){
main = ''
} else{
main = name
## fn <- paste(pics.dir,'forwardVSReverse_',main,'pdf',sep='')
## pdf(fn)
smoothScatter(Counts.p, Counts.n, xlab='total counts on + strand',
ylab='total counts on - strand', main=main)
if (length(Idx)>0){
points(Counts.p[Idx], Counts.n[Idx], col='red')
legend("topleft", pch=c(21),col='red', "peaks to determine strand shift")
# getshift: Determines strand shift between reads mapping to positive
# and negative strand
# INPUT - Reads: Reads$Left.p
# Reads$Right.n
# - Idx: index of peaks to use
# - bin.length = 10
# - draw.on = TRUE
# OUTPUT - shift
# Gabriele Schweikert
# January 2014
getShift <- function(p,n, PeakLengths, bin.length=10, draw.on, name ){
message('using bin.length = ', bin.length, ' to determine shift.')
H.p <- compHist(p, PeakLengths, bin.length=bin.length)
H.n <- compHist(n, PeakLengths, bin.length=bin.length)
# H.p <- compHist(p, bin.length=bin.length)
# H.n <- compHist(n, bin.length=bin.length)
shift <- rep(0, length(H.p$Counts))
for (i in 1:length(H.p$Counts)){
a <- ccf(H.n$Counts[[i]], H.p$Counts[[i]], lag.max=40, plot=FALSE);
if (length(which.max(a$acf))>0){
shift[i] <- a$lag[which.max(a$acf)]
} else {
shift[i] <- 0
shift <- shift*bin.length
message('shifts statistics:')
if (draw.on){
if (is.null(name)){
main = ''
} else{
main = name
## fn <- paste(picss.dir,'/strandShifts_',main,'pdf',sep='')
## pdf(fn)
hist(shift, 100, xlab='shift between + and - strand [bp]', main=main)
lines(x=c(median(shift), median(shift)), y=c(0,length(shift)),
col='red', lwd=2)
shift <- median(shift)
message('determined shift between positive and reverse strand is: ', shift )
# shiftReads: shifts Reads$p by +shift/2 and Reads$n by
# -shift/2
# INPUT - Reads: Reads$p
# Reads$n
# - shift
# OUTPUT - Reads
# Gabriele Schweikert
# August 2012
shiftReads <- function(Reads, shift){
p <- Reads$Left.p
#n <- Reads$Left.n
p <- lapply(p, function(P){P <- P+shift/2})
#n <- lapply(n, function(P){P <- P-shift/2})
Reads$Center.p <- p
#Reads$Left.n <- n
#p <- Reads$Right.p
n <- Reads$Right.n
#p <- lapply(p, function(P){P <- P+shift/2})
n <- lapply(n, function(P){P <- P-shift/2})
#Reads$Right.p <- p
Reads$Center.n <- n
Reads$Center <- mapply(c, p,n, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
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