#Copyright (c) 2015, 2016 Genome Research Ltd .
#Author : Tallulah Andrews <>
#This file is part of M3Drop.
#M3Drop is free software : you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
#the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
#Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
#This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
#ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
#FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
#You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
#this program . If not , see <>.
### Functions ###
<- function(x,mu,K){
p_drop <- 1 - mu/(mu+K);
expect_pos <- mu*length(x)/sum(x>0);
p_drop <- K/expect_pos
# p_new_drop = (p_drop*length(x)-sum(x==0))/sum(x > 0)
toss <- runif(n=length(x));
x[toss < p_drop] <- 0;
hidden_amplification1 <- function (x, rounds=12, efficiency=0.97) {
tot = sum(x);
if (tot == 0) {return(x)} # Nothing to be done if all zero already
# Amplify
for (i in 1:rounds) {
x <- sapply(x, function(y) {y+rbinom(1,size=y, prob=efficiency)})
amped = sum(x)
# Downsample back to starting amounts
x <- sapply(x, function(z) {rbinom(1,size=z, prob=1/((1+efficiency)^rounds))})
bg__default_mean2disp <- function(mu, coeffs=c(3.967816,-1.855054)){
cv2 <- exp(coeffs[1]+coeffs[2]*(log(mu)/log(10)))
variance <- cv2*(mu^2)
disp <- mu^2/(variance-mu)
bg__MakeSimData <- function(dispersion_fun=bg__default_mean2disp, n_cells=300, dispersion_factor=1, base_means=10^rnorm(25000,1,1), K=10.3) {
# Make Simulated Matrix
n_genes <- length(base_means);
expr_mat <- sapply(1:n_genes, function(x){
base <- rnbinom(n_cells,
if (!is.null(K)) {
base <- (base,base_means[x],K)
expr_mat <- t(expr_mat);
rownames(expr_mat) <- 1:length(expr_mat[,1])
colnames(expr_mat) <- 1:length(expr_mat[1,])
bg__MakeSimDE <- function(dispersion_fun=bg__default_mean2disp, fold_change=10, frac_change=0.1, n_cells=300, sub_pop=0.5, dispersion_factor=1, base_means=10^rnorm(25000,1,1), K=10.3){
n_genes <- length(base_means);
TP <- sample(1:n_genes, frac_change*n_genes)
sub_pop <- round(sub_pop*n_cells)
Pop_lab <- c(rep(1, times=n_cells-sub_pop),rep(2,times=sub_pop))
# Base Population
base <- bg__MakeSimData(dispersion_fun=dispersion_fun,
base_means=base_means, K=K)
changed_means <- base_means;
changed_means[TP] <- base_means[TP]*fold_change;
# Changed Subpopulation
sub_pop <- bg__MakeSimData(dispersion_fun=dispersion_fun,
base_means=changed_means, K=K)
return(list(data=cbind(base,sub_pop), cell_labels=Pop_lab, TP=TP));
bg__MakeSimDVar <- function(dispersion_fun=bg__default_mean2disp, fold_change=10, frac_change=0.1, n_cells=300, sub_pop=0.5, dispersion_factor=1, base_means=10^rnorm(25000, 1,1), K=10.3) {
# Make Simulated Matrix
n_genes <- length(base_means);
TP <- sample(1:n_genes, frac_change*n_genes)
sub_pop <- round(sub_pop*n_cells)
Pop_lab <- c(rep(1, times=n_cells-sub_pop),rep(2,times=sub_pop))
# Whole Population
base <- bg__MakeSimData(dispersion_fun=dispersion_fun,
base_means=base_means, K=K)
# Changed Vals
subpop <- bg__MakeSimData(dispersion_fun=dispersion_fun,
base_means=base_means[TP], K=K)
base[TP,Pop_lab==2] <- subpop
return(list(data=base, cell_labels=Pop_lab, TP=TP));
bg__MakeSimHVar <- function(dispersion_fun=bg__default_mean2disp, fold_change=10, frac_change=0.1, n_cells=300, dispersion_factor=1, base_means=10^rnorm(25000, 1,1), K=10.3) {
n_genes <- length(base_means);
TP <- sample(1:n_genes, frac_change*n_genes)
Pop_lab <- rep(1, times=n_cells)
# Whole Population
base <- bg__MakeSimData(dispersion_fun=dispersion_fun,
base_means=base_means, K=K)
# Changed Vals
subpop <- bg__MakeSimData(dispersion_fun=dispersion_fun,
base_means=base_means[TP], K=K)
base[TP,] <- subpop
return(list(data=base, cell_labels=Pop_lab, TP=TP));
bg__get_stats <- function(sig, TP, ngenes) {
TPs=sum(sig %in% TP)
if ((TPs+FPs) == 0) {
FDR <- 0;
} else {
FDR <- FPs/(TPs+FPs);
if ((FNs+TPs) == 0) {
FNR <- 0;
} else {
FNR <- FNs/(FNs+TPs)
##### Update #####
obsolete__calc_DE_stats <- function(expr_mat, TP, Observed_Means, mt_threshold=0.05, suppress.plot=TRUE) {
# Test DE
expr_mat = expr_mat[Matrix::rowSums(expr_mat) > 0,]
expr_mat = expr_mat[Matrix::rowSums(expr_mat == 0) > 0,]
TP = TP[TP %in% rownames(expr_mat)]
DE = M3DropFeatureSelection(expr_mat, mt_method = mt_method, mt_threshold=2, suppress.plot=TRUE)
HVG = BrenneckeGetVariableGenes(expr_mat, fdr=2, suppress.plot=TRUE)
output = rbind(c(0,0,0),c(0,0,0));
colnames(output) = c("AUC","FDR","FNR")
rownames(output) = c("M3Drop","HVG")
tmp = list(DE, HVG)
# Plot Stuff - setup #
act_means = rowMeans(expr_mat)
thing = log(act_means)/log(10)
bins = 10^seq(from = floor(min(thing)), to = ceiling(max(thing)), by = 1)
for (bf in 1:9) { # Shift bins to make curve smoother
binned = as.numeric(cut(rowMeans(expr_mat), bins*bf))
names(binned) = rownames(expr_mat)
plot_output = bins[2:length(bins)]*bf
for (i in 1:2) { # Do same thing for HVG & M3Drop
Diff = tmp[[i]]
sig = Diff[Diff$q.value < mt_threshold,]
stats = bg__get_stats(sig[,1], TP, ngenes=length(expr_mat[,1]));
Diff$Truth = rep(0, times=length(Diff[,1]))
Diff[Diff[,1] %in% TP,]$Truth = 1;
pred <- ROCR::prediction(1-Diff$p.value, Diff$Truth)
val <- unlist(ROCR::performance(pred,"auc")@y.values)
# Plot Stuff - data #
get_bin_stats <- function(b){
this_bin = names(binned)[binned==b];
this_sig = this_bin[this_bin %in% sig[,1]];
this_TP = this_bin[this_bin %in% TP];
out = bg__get_stats(this_sig, this_TP, ngenes = length(expr_mat[,1]));
c(out, length(this_sig), length(this_TP))
bin_stats = sapply(1:(length(bins)-1), get_bin_stats)
#colnames(bin_stats) = bins[2:length(bins)]
rownames(bin_stats) = c("FDR","FNR","Ncalled","nTrue")
plot_output = rbind(plot_output, bin_stats)
if (bf==1) {
final_plot_output <- plot_output;
} else {
final_plot_output = cbind(final_plot_output, plot_output);
final_plot_output[1,] = final_plot_output[1,]/2
if (!suppress.plot) {
# par(mar=c(3.5,3.5,4,1))
background = density(log(Observed_Means)/log(10))
# drawing$xlim<-c(min(background$x),max(background$x));
plot(1, col="white", xlim=drawing$xlim, ylim=drawing$ylim, xaxt="n", yaxt="n", xlab="", ylab=""); polygon(background, col="grey75", border="grey75")
convert_yvals = function(y) { # convert 0-1 to appropriate scale for plot
final_plot_output <- final_plot_output[,order(final_plot_output[1,])]
xes = log(final_plot_output[1,])/log(10)
ticks = seq(from=1, to =length(xes), by=9)
ticks = final_plot_output[1,ticks]*2
# axis(1, at=xes[ticks], labels = final_plot_output[1,ticks])
axis(1, at=log(ticks)/log(10), labels = ticks)
axis(2, at=convert_yvals(seq(from=0, to=1, by=0.1)), labels = seq(from=0, to=1, by=0.1))
title(xlab="Gene Expression (CPM)", ylab="FDR/FNR", line=2)
abline(h=convert_yvals(mt_threshold), col="red", lty=2, xpd=F)
lines(xes,convert_yvals(final_plot_output[2,]), col=M3Drop_col, lty=1, lwd=3)
lines(xes,convert_yvals(final_plot_output[6,]), col=HVG_col, lwd=3)
lines(xes,convert_yvals(final_plot_output[3,]), col=M3Drop_col, lwd=3, lty=2)
lines(xes,convert_yvals(final_plot_output[7,]), col=HVG_col, lwd=3, lty=2)
legend("top", inset=c(0,-0.22), c(expression(bold("Method :")), expression(bold("Measure :")), "M3Drop", "FDR","HVG", "FNR"), lty=c(1,1,1,1,1,2), col=c("white","white",M3Drop_col,"black",HVG_col,"black"), lwd=2.5, ncol=3, bty="n")
return(list(summary=output, per_expr=final_plot_output))
<- function(expr_mat, TP, Observed_Means, mt_threshold=0.05, suppress.plot=TRUE) {
# Just ge AUC, FDR, FNR
# Test DE
expr_mat = expr_mat[Matrix::rowSums(expr_mat) > 0,]
expr_mat = expr_mat[Matrix::rowSums(expr_mat == 0) > 0,]
TP = TP[TP %in% rownames(expr_mat)]
DE = M3DropFeatureSelection(expr_mat, mt_method = mt_method, mt_threshold=2, suppress.plot=TRUE)
HVG = BrenneckeGetVariableGenes(expr_mat, fdr=2, suppress.plot=T)
output = rbind(c(0,0,0),c(0,0,0));
colnames(output) = c("AUC","FDR","FNR")
rownames(output) = c("M3Drop","HVG")
tmp = list(DE, HVG)
# Plot Stuff - setup #
act_means = rowMeans(expr_mat)
thing = log(act_means)/log(10)
bins = 10^seq(from = floor(min(thing)), to = ceiling(max(thing)), by = 1)
for (i in 1:2) { # Do same thing for HVG & M3Drop
Diff = tmp[[i]]
sig = Diff[Diff$q.value < mt_threshold,]
stats = bg__get_stats(sig[,1], TP, ngenes=length(expr_mat[,1]));
# Need to somehow downsample so distribution of gene expression =~ observed distribution of gene expression
# or do this when define means? - latter makes more sense b/c do it once for all sim
Diff$Truth = rep(0, times=length(Diff[,1]))
Diff[Diff[,1] %in% TP,]$Truth = 1;
pred <- ROCR::prediction(1-Diff$p.value, Diff$Truth)
val <- unlist(ROCR::performance(pred,"auc")@y.values)
return(list(summary=output, per_expr=NULL))
<- function(expr_mat, TP, DE) {
qvals <- DE$q.value
if (!is.numeric(qvals)) {
qvals <- as.numeric(qvals)
pvals <- DE$p.value
if (!is.numeric(pvals)) {
pvals <- as.numeric(pvals)
sig = DE[qvals < 0.05,]
stats = bg__get_stats(sig[,1], TP, ngenes=length(expr_mat[,1]));
DE$Truth = rep(0, times=length(DE[,1]))
DE[DE[,1] %in% TP,]$Truth = 1;
pred <- ROCR::prediction(1-pvals, DE$Truth)
val <- unlist(ROCR::performance(pred,"auc")@y.values)
return(list(summary=output, per_expr=NULL))
bg__var_vs_drop <- function(pop_size, fixed_mean, K=10.3, dispersion_from_mean=bg__default_mean2disp, suppress.plot=TRUE) {
fc = seq(from=1, to=100, by=1)
labels = c(rep(1, times=pop_size),rep(2,times=pop_size))
lowmean_fun <- function(fc) {2*fixed_mean/(1+fc)}
test = sapply(fc, function(f) {
low_mean = lowmean_fun(f)
high_mean = low_mean*f
base = rnbinom(pop_size, size=1/dispersion_from_mean(low_mean), mu=low_mean);
subpop = rnbinom(pop_size, size=1/dispersion_from_mean(high_mean), mu=high_mean)
base = (base,low_mean,K)
subpop = (subpop,high_mean*f,K)
var_btw_fun <- function(x) {
a = aov(x~labels)
sse_btw =unlist(summary(a))[3]
var_btw = sse_btw/(2*pop_size-1)
var_within_fun <- function(x) {
a = aov(x~labels)
sse_within =unlist(summary(a))[4]
var_within = sse_within/(2*pop_size-1)
Vbtw = apply(test,2,var_btw_fun)
Vwithin = apply(test,2,var_within_fun)
vars = apply(test, 2, var)
drops = apply(test, 2, function(x){sum(x==0)})/length(test[,1])
if (!suppress.plot) {
# Var plot
plot(fc, vars, pch=16, xlab="",ylab="", ylim=c(0,max(vars)), type="l")
title(xlab="Fold Change", ylab="Variance", line=2)
title(main=paste("mu = ",fixed_mean,", n = ",2*pop_size,sep=""))
lines(fc, Vbtw, pch=16, xlab="",ylab="", col="blue")
lines(fc, Vwithin, pch=16, xlab="",ylab="", col="red")
legend("topleft", c("Total", "Btw","Within"), lty=1, col=c("black","blue","red"), bty="n")
# Drop plot
plot(fc, drops, pch=16, xlab="",ylab="")
title(xlab="Fold Change", ylab="Dropout Rate", line=2)
title(main=paste("mu = ",fixed_mean,", n = ",2*pop_size,sep=""))
var_r = cor(vars,fc)
drop_r = cor(drops,fc)
return(list(var_r=var_r, drop_r=drop_r, vars=vars, drops=drops, fc=fc, Vbtw=Vbtw, Vwithin=Vwithin));
<- function(expr_mat, TP, Observed_Means, mt_threshold=0.05, suppress.plot=TRUE) {
# Test DE
expr_mat = expr_mat[Matrix::rowSums(expr_mat) > 0,]
expr_mat = expr_mat[Matrix::rowSums(expr_mat == 0) > 0,]
TP = TP[TP %in% rownames(expr_mat)]
DE = M3DropFeatureSelection(expr_mat, mt_method = mt_method, mt_threshold=2, suppress.plot=TRUE)
HVG = BrenneckeGetVariableGenes(expr_mat, fdr=2, suppress.plot=T)
output = c(0,0);
tmp = list(DE, HVG)
# Plot Stuff - setup #
act_means = rowMeans(expr_mat)
thing = log(act_means)/log(10)
bins = 10^seq(from = floor(min(thing)), to = ceiling(max(thing)), by = 1)
for (i in 1:2) { # Do same thing for HVG & M3Drop
Diff = tmp[[i]]
sig = Diff[Diff$q.value < mt_threshold,]
val <- 1-sum(sig[,1] %in% TP)/length(sig[,1])
return(list(summary=output, per_expr=NULL))
bg__fit_gamma <- function(x) {
s = var(x)/mean(x)
a = mean(x)/s
return(list(shape=a, scale=s))
bg__shift_size <- function(mu_all, size_all, mu_group, coeffs) {
b <- log(size_all)-coeffs[2]*log(mu_all)
size_group <- exp(coeffs[2]*log(mu_group)+b)
NBumiSimulationTrifecta <- function(original_data, n_genes=25000, n_cells=250, sub_pop_prop=0.5) {
# 31 Aug 2017
n_cells1 = round(n_cells*2*sub_pop_prop)
n_cells2 = round(n_cells*2*(1-sub_pop_prop))
# require("M3Drop")
fit <- NBumiFitModel(original_data);
Tis = fit$vals$tis
Tis_gamma = bg__fit_gamma(Tis)
Mjs = fit$vals$tjs/fit$vals$nc
Mjs_norm = c(mean(log(Mjs)/log(10)), sd(log(Mjs)/log(10)))
mean2disp_coeffs = NBumiFitDispVsMean(fit, suppress.plot=TRUE)
min_mean = 10^-5;
g_means = rnorm(n_genes, mean=Mjs_norm[1], sd=Mjs_norm[2]);
g_means = 10^g_means
g_means[g_means < min_mean] = min_mean;
g_means[g_means > max(Mjs)] = max(Mjs)
g_means1 = g_means*(n_cells1);
g_means2 = g_means*(n_cells2);
c_depths1 = round(rgamma(n_cells1, shape=Tis_gamma$shape, scale=Tis_gamma$scale));
c_depths2 = round(rgamma(n_cells2, shape=Tis_gamma$shape, scale=Tis_gamma$scale));
l2fc <- rnorm(n_genes, sd=2)
mus1 <- ((g_means1) %*% t(c_depths1)/sum(c_depths1)) # Fix 11 May 2017
mus2 <- ((g_means2) %*% t(c_depths2)/sum(c_depths2)) # Fix 11 May 2017
disp_size <- exp(log(rowMeans(cbind(mus1,mus2)))*mean2disp_coeffs[2]+mean2disp_coeffs[1])
base <- sapply(1:n_genes, function(i) {sapply(mus1[i,], function(m) {rnbinom(1, mu=m, size=disp_size[i])})})
shifted_size = bg__shift_size(rowMeans(mus2), disp_size, rowMeans(mus2)*2^l2fc, mean2disp_coeffs)
de <- sapply(1:n_genes, function(i) {sapply(mus2[i,], function(m) {rnbinom(1, mu=m*2^l2fc[i], size=shifted_size[i])})})
dv <- sapply(1:n_genes, function(i) {sapply(mus2[i,], function(m) {rnbinom(1, mu=m, size=disp_size[i]*2^l2fc[i])})})
hv <- sapply(1:n_genes, function(i) {sapply(mus2[i,], function(m) {rnbinom(1, mu=m, size=disp_size[i]*2^l2fc[i])})})
return(list(truth=l2fc, groups=c(rep(1, times=n_cells1), rep(2, times=n_cells2)), de = cbind(t(base),t(de)), dv = cbind(t(base),t(dv)), hv = cbind(t(dv),t(hv))))
M3DropSimulationTrifecta <- function(original_data, n_genes=25000, n_cells=250, sub_pop_prop=0.5) {
n_cells1 = round(n_cells*2*sub_pop_prop)
n_cells2 = round(n_cells*2*(1-sub_pop_prop))
# require("M3Drop")
tis = Matrix::colSums(original_data)
norm = t(t(original_data)/tis*median(tis))
Mjs = rowMeans(norm);
vals <- bg__calc_variables(norm)
fit = bg__fit_MM(vals$p, vals$s)
K = fit$K
Mjs_norm = c(mean(log(Mjs)/log(10)), sd(log(Mjs)/log(10)))
mean2disp <- bg__get_mean2disp(norm);
min_mean = 10^-5;
# g_means = rgamma(n_genes, shape=Mjs_gamma$shape, scale=Mjs_gamma$scale)
g_means = rnorm(n_genes, mean=Mjs_norm[1], sd=Mjs_norm[2])
g_means = 10^g_means
g_means[g_means < min_mean] = min_mean
g_means[g_means > max(Mjs)] = max(Mjs)
l2fc <- rnorm(n_genes, sd=2)
# Make datasets
base <- sapply(g_means, function(mu) {(rnbinom(n_cells1, mu=mu, size=1/mean2disp(mu)), mu, K)})
de <- sapply(g_means*2^l2fc, function(mu) {(rnbinom(n_cells2, mu=mu, size=1/mean2disp(mu)), mu, K)})
dv <- sapply(1:n_genes, function(i) {
mu = g_means[i];
(rnbinom(n_cells2, mu=mu, size=1/(mean2disp(mu))*2^l2fc[i]), mu, K)
hv <- sapply(1:n_genes, function(i) {
mu = g_means[i];
(rnbinom(n_cells2, mu=mu, size=1/(mean2disp(mu))*2^l2fc[i]), mu, K)
return(list(truth=l2fc, groups=c(rep(1, times=n_cells1), rep(2, times=n_cells2)), de = cbind(t(base),t(de)), dv = cbind(t(base),t(dv)), hv = cbind(t(dv),t(hv))))
#Fit_Simulation_Params <- function(original_data) {
Make_Sim <- function(model_params, n_genes=25000, pop_params=data.frame(cells=c(125,125), size=c(1,1), hetero=c(0,0), distinct=c(0,0)), dV_params=list(mu=0, sd=1), dE_params=list(mu=0, sd=1)) {
# model_params from above function include:
# slope & intercept of log-log relationship btw mean & variance
# mean & sd of distribution of mean expression per gene
# shape & scale of gamma distribution of total counts per cell (in 100,000s reads)
# K of MM dropouts
# parameters for each cell population:
# number of cells
# relative size of the cells (affects total counts per cell)
# heterogeneity of the population (multiply FC in variance)a - setting to 0 = no change in variance.
# distinctness of the population (multiply FC in mean expression); - setting to 0 = no change in mean expression.
# the "reference" population is never seen, (unless hetero=0, distinct=0, size=1)
# DE & DV are added to every population therefore actual distribution of FC is
# sum of distribution of FC between two populations, therefore sd=1 is actually sd=2
# Does not support batch effects -> would require one population to have same dV/dE as another but with an additiona effect on top.
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