#Copyright (c) 2015, 2016 Genome Research Ltd .
#Author : Tallulah Andrews <>
#This file is part of M3Drop.
#M3Drop is free software : you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
#the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
#Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
#This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
#ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
#FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
#You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
#this program . If not , see <>.
# Normalization Functions
<- function(x){quantile(x[x>0],0.75)};
bg__filter_cells <- function(expr_mat,labels=NA, suppress.plot=FALSE, min_detected_genes=NA) {
num_detected <- Matrix::colSums(expr_mat > 0, na.rm=TRUE);
if (! {
low_quality <- num_detected < min_detected_genes;
} else {
num_zero <- Matrix::colSums(expr_mat == 0, na.rm=TRUE);
cell_zero <- num_zero;
mu <- mean(cell_zero);
sigma <- sd(cell_zero);
# Deal with bi-modal
if (sum(cell_zero > mu-sigma & cell_zero < mu+sigma)/length(cell_zero) < 0.5) { # should be 0.68 theoretically
mu <- mean(cell_zero[cell_zero < median(cell_zero)]);
sigma <- sd(cell_zero[cell_zero < median(cell_zero)]);
low_quality <- p.adjust(pnorm((cell_zero-mu)/sigma, lower.tail=FALSE), method="fdr") < 0.05;
if (!suppress.plot) {
hist(cell_zero, col="grey75", xlab="Number of zeros (per cell)", main="", prob=TRUE)
curve(dnorm(x,mean=mu, sd=sigma), add=TRUE)
if (sum(low_quality) > 0) {
abline(v=min(cell_zero[low_quality]), col="red")
if (sum(low_quality) > 0) {
if (length(labels)==length(expr_mat[1,])) {labels = labels[!low_quality]}
expr_mat <- expr_mat[,!low_quality];
return(list(data = expr_mat, labels = labels));
<- function(data) {
# Combine UQ and detection rate adjusted normalization
# Stephanie Hick, Mingziang Teng, Rafael A Irizarry "On the widespread and critical impact of systematic single-cell RNA-Seq data"
cell_zero <- Matrix::colSums(data == 0)/length(data[,1]);
uq <- unlist(apply(data,2,));
normfactor <- (uq/median(uq)) * (median(cell_zero)/cell_zero);
data <- t(t(data)/normfactor);
M3DropCleanData <- function(expr_mat, labels = NA, is.counts=TRUE, suppress.plot=FALSE, pseudo_genes=NA, min_detected_genes=NA) {
expr_mat[] = 0;
if (length(pseudo_genes) > 1) {
is_pseudo <- rownames(expr_mat) %in% as.character(pseudo_genes);
expr_mat <- expr_mat[!is_pseudo,];
data_list <- bg__filter_cells(expr_mat, labels, suppress.plot = suppress.plot, min_detected_genes=min_detected_genes);
detected <- Matrix::rowSums(data_list$data > 0) > 3;
expr_mat <- data_list$data[detected,];
detected <- Matrix::rowSums(data_list$data> 0) > 3;
expr_mat <- data_list$data[detected,];
labels <- data_list$labels
spikes <- grep("ercc",rownames(expr_mat),
if (is.counts) {
if (length(spikes) > 1) {
totreads <- Matrix::colSums(expr_mat[-c(spikes),])
} else {
totreads <- Matrix::colSums(expr_mat);
cpm <- t(t(expr_mat)/totreads)*1000000;
lowExpr <- rowMeans(cpm) < 10^-5;
return(list(data=cpm, labels=labels));
lowExpr <- rowMeans(expr_mat) < 10^-5;
return(list(data=expr_mat, labels=labels));
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