#Convert Dataset into XPM
XPM <- function(x) {
.Call(XPMCpp, x)
#Convert Dataset into XPM and transpose
tXPM <- function(x) {
.Call(tXPMCpp, x)
#Find low count gene filtering threshold
FindLCT <- function(datamatrix, Multy,showinfo) {
#Find low count gene filtering threshold
#Author: (Ken) Shun Hang Yip <>
#Obtain mean and stdev for log(Relative Expression * estimated total count + 1) dataset
MeanSD <- NZcolLog1pMeanSD(datamatrix,Multy)
LC_Threshold <- 0
MeanSD <- MeanSD[,which(!is.nan(MeanSD[2,]))]
#Lowest expressing 1/3 of the genes will be used for the calculation of slope
Portion <- 1/3
MeanOrder <- order(MeanSD[1,])
Slope <- 1
#Loop until Slope is negative for 3 times in a roll or thersohld is too big
numNegative <- 0
while(numNegative < 3 && LC_Threshold < 0.98) {
LC_Threshold <- LC_Threshold + 0.01
Range <- floor(ncol(MeanSD) * LC_Threshold + 1):ncol(MeanSD)
Range <- Range[1:floor(length(Range) * Portion + 1)]
Slope <- getSlope(MeanSD[1,MeanOrder[Range]],MeanSD[2,MeanOrder[Range]])
if (Slope < 0) {
numNegative <- numNegative + 1
} else {
numNegative <- 0
LC_Threshold <- LC_Threshold - ((numNegative - 1)/100)
return (round(LC_Threshold,2))
FindLCT_DI <- function(datamatrix, showinfo) {
#Find low count gene filtering threshold for Data imputation funciton, where the dataset is Linnorm transformed.
#Author: (Ken) Shun Hang Yip <>
#Obtain mean and stdev
MeanSD <- colMeanSD(datamatrix)
LC_Threshold <- 0
MeanSD <- MeanSD[,which(!is.nan(MeanSD[2,]))]
MeanOrder <- order(MeanSD[1,])
Slope <- 1
while(Slope > 0 && LC_Threshold < 1) {
LC_Threshold <- LC_Threshold + 0.01
Range <- floor(ncol(MeanSD) * LC_Threshold + 1):ncol(MeanSD)
Slope <- getSlope(MeanSD[1,MeanOrder[Range]],MeanSD[2,MeanOrder[Range]])
return (round(LC_Threshold,2))
#Filter dataset and obtain model genes
FirstFilter <- function(x, minNonZeroPortion, L_F_p = 0.25, L_F_LC_Genes = 0.01, L_F_HC_Genes = 0.01, spikein = NULL) {
#Filter dataset and obtain model genes for calculation of lambda
#Author: (Ken) Shun Hang Yip <>
#Obtain mean, stdev and skewness
MeanSDSkew <- NZcolLogMeanSDSkew(x)
Keep <- which(!is.nan(MeanSDSkew[3,]))
#Sort data and filter with L_F_LC_Genes and minNonZeroPortion
if (minNonZeroPortion == 0 || minNonZeroPortion == 1) {
Keep <- Keep[which(colSums(x[,Keep] != 0) >= nrow(x) * minNonZeroPortion)]
} else {
Keep <- Keep[which(colSums(x[,Keep] != 0) > nrow(x) * minNonZeroPortion)]
Keep <- Keep[order(MeanSDSkew[1,Keep], decreasing = FALSE)]
Start <- floor(length(Keep) * L_F_LC_Genes + 1)
End <- length(Keep) - floor(length(Keep) * L_F_HC_Genes)
Keep <- Keep[Start:End]
x <- x[,Keep]
MeanSDSkew <- MeanSDSkew[,Keep]
#Check the number if spike in genes and whether they are provided
spikeino <- spikein
spikein <- spikein[which(spikein %in% colnames(x))]
if (length(spikein) < 3 && length(spikeino) != 0) {
spikein = NULL
warning("Too many Spikein are filtered. They will not be utilized.")
#Initialize object for storing genes that will be retained
allStableGenes <- 0
#LOWESS fit, Use precision weight as weight
logitit <- loessFit(MeanSDSkew[2,],MeanSDSkew[1,], weights=1/MeanSDSkew[2,]^2)
Keep <- which(logitit$fitted > 0)
LogFit <- logitit$fitted[Keep]
x <- x[,Keep]
MeanSDSkew <- MeanSDSkew[,Keep]
SDRatio <- log(as.numeric(MeanSDSkew[2,]/LogFit))
#normalize SDRatio
LR <- LinearRegression(MeanSDSkew[1,],SDRatio)
Residual <- SDRatio - LR$coefficients[[2]] * MeanSDSkew[1,] - LR$coefficients[[1]]
LR2 <- LinearRegression(MeanSDSkew[1,],abs(Residual))
SDRatio <- SDRatio * (LR2$coefficients[[2]] * MeanSDSkew[1,1] + LR2$coefficients[[1]])/(LR2$coefficients[[2]] * MeanSDSkew[1,] + LR2$coefficients[[1]])
#LOWESS fit for skewness
SkewResidual <- loessFit(MeanSDSkew[3,],MeanSDSkew[1,])
SkewResidual <- SkewResidual$residuals
#Object for storing pvalues from stdev and skewness. Column 1: Stdev p values. Column 2: Skew p values.
pvalueMatrix <- matrix(nrow=ncol(MeanSDSkew), ncol=2)
if (length(spikein) < 3) {
#degree of freedom is 2 (using loess() and predict() to estimate df is very slow. Here, we will just assume it to be n-2 to save time. Given hundreds to tens of thousands of features in RNA-seq dataset, this df should be a good enough estimate.)
SDnoOutlier <- SDRatio[!SDRatio %in% boxplot.stats(SDRatio)$out]
TheMean <- mean(SDnoOutlier)
tdeno <- sqrt(sum((SDnoOutlier - TheMean)^2)/(length(SDnoOutlier) - 2))
pvalueMatrix[,1] <- 2 * pt(abs((SDRatio - TheMean)/tdeno), df = length(SDnoOutlier) - 2, lower.tail = FALSE)
SkewnoOutlier <- SkewResidual[!SkewResidual %in% boxplot.stats(SkewResidual)$out]
TheMean <- mean(SkewnoOutlier)
tdeno <- sqrt(sum((SkewnoOutlier - TheMean)^2)/(length(SkewnoOutlier) - 2))
pvalueMatrix[,2] <- 2 * pt(abs((SkewResidual - TheMean)/tdeno),df = length(SkewnoOutlier) - 2, lower.tail = FALSE)
} else {
#degree of freedom is 2 (using loess() and predict() to estimate df is very slow. Here, we will just assume it to be n-2 to save time. Given hundreds to tens of thousands of features in RNA-seq dataset, this df should be a good enough estimate.)
spikes <- which(colnames(x) %in% spikein)
SDnoOutlier <- SDRatio[spikes]
TheMean <- mean(SDnoOutlier)
tdeno <- sqrt(sum((SDnoOutlier - TheMean)^2)/(length(SDnoOutlier) - 2))
pvalueMatrix[,1] <- 2 * pt(abs((SDRatio - TheMean)/tdeno), df = length(SDnoOutlier) - 2, lower.tail = FALSE)
SkewnoOutlier <- SkewResidual[spikes]
TheMean <- mean(SkewnoOutlier)
tdeno <- sqrt(sum((SkewnoOutlier - TheMean)^2)/(length(SkewnoOutlier) - 2))
pvalueMatrix[,2] <- 2 * pt(abs((SkewResidual - TheMean)/tdeno),df = length(SkewnoOutlier) - 2, lower.tail = FALSE)
#Combine p values
#combinedPvalues <- apply(pvalueMatrix,1,FisherMethod)
combinedPvalues <- empiricalBrownsMethod(MeanSDSkew[2:3,],pvalueMatrix)
#Obtain stable genes
allStableGenes <- which(combinedPvalues > L_F_p)
#Safety, need 100 genes at least
while (length(allStableGenes) < 100) {
porder <- order(combinedPvalues, decreasing=TRUE)
allStableGenes <- porder[1:100]
return (x[,allStableGenes])
BatchEffectLinnorm1 <- function(x, minNonZeroPortion, BE_F_LC_Genes = 0.25,BE_F_HC_Genes = 0.05, BE_F_p = 0.5, BE_strength = 0.25, spikein = NULL) {
#Normalization for batch effect.
#Author: (Ken) Shun Hang Yip <>
#Save a copy of the raw matrix. x2 will not be filtered and used for normalization. x will be filtered and used as the model.
x2 <- x
#Filter dataset and obtain model genes
#Obtain mean, stdev and skewness
MeanSDSkew <- NZcolLogMeanSDSkew(x)
Keep <- which(!is.nan(MeanSDSkew[3,]))
Keep <- Keep[order(MeanSDSkew[1,Keep], decreasing = FALSE)]
#Sort data and filter with BE_F_LC_Genes and minNonZeroPortion
if (minNonZeroPortion == 0 || minNonZeroPortion == 1) {
Keep <- Keep[which(colSums(x[,Keep] != 0) >= nrow(x) * minNonZeroPortion)]
} else {
Keep <- Keep[which(colSums(x[,Keep] != 0) > nrow(x) * minNonZeroPortion)]
Start <- floor(length(Keep) * BE_F_LC_Genes + 1)
End <- length(Keep) - floor(length(Keep) * BE_F_HC_Genes)
Keep <- Keep[Start:End]
x <- x[,Keep]
MeanSDSkew <- MeanSDSkew[,Keep]
#Check the number if spike in genes and whether they are provided
spikeino <- spikein
spikein <- spikein[which(spikein %in% colnames(x))]
if (length(spikein) < 3 && length(spikeino) != 0) {
spikein = NULL
warning("Too many Spikein are filtered. They will not be utilized.")
#Initialize object for storing genes that will be retained
allStableGenes <- 0
#LOWESS fit, Use precision weight as weight
logitit <- loessFit(MeanSDSkew[2,],MeanSDSkew[1,], weights=1/MeanSDSkew[2,]^2)
Keep <- which(logitit$fitted > 0)
LogFit <- logitit$fitted[Keep]
x <- x[,Keep]
MeanSDSkew <- MeanSDSkew[,Keep]
SDRatio <- log(as.numeric(MeanSDSkew[2,]/LogFit))
#normalize SDRatio
LR <- LinearRegression(MeanSDSkew[1,],SDRatio)
Residual <- SDRatio - (LR$coefficients[[2]] * MeanSDSkew[1,] + LR$coefficients[[1]])
LR2 <- LinearRegression(MeanSDSkew[1,],abs(Residual))
SDRatio <- SDRatio * (LR2$coefficients[[2]] * MeanSDSkew[1,1] + LR2$coefficients[[1]])/(LR2$coefficients[[2]] * MeanSDSkew[1,] + LR2$coefficients[[1]])
#LOWESS fit for skewness
SkewResidual <- loessFit(MeanSDSkew[3,],MeanSDSkew[1,])
SkewResidual <- SkewResidual$residuals
#Object for storing pvalues from stdev and skewness. Column 1: Stdev p values. Column 2: Skew p values.
pvalueMatrix <- matrix(nrow=ncol(MeanSDSkew), ncol=2)
if (length(spikein) < 3) {
#degree of freedom is 2 (using loess and predict to estimate df is very slow. Here, we will just assume it to be n-2 to save time. Given hundreds to tens of thousands of features in RNA-seq dataset, this df should be a good enough estimate.)
SDnoOutlier <- SDRatio[!SDRatio %in% boxplot.stats(SDRatio)$out]
TheMean <- mean(SDnoOutlier)
tdeno <- sqrt(sum((SDnoOutlier - TheMean)^2)/(length(SDnoOutlier) - 2))
pvalueMatrix[,1] <- 2 * pt(abs((SDRatio - TheMean)/tdeno), df = length(SDnoOutlier) - 2, lower.tail = FALSE)
SkewnoOutlier <- SkewResidual[!SkewResidual %in% boxplot.stats(SkewResidual)$out]
TheMean <- mean(SkewnoOutlier)
tdeno <- sqrt(sum((SkewnoOutlier - TheMean)^2)/(length(SkewnoOutlier) - 2))
pvalueMatrix[,2] <- 2 * pt(abs((SkewResidual - TheMean)/tdeno),df = length(SkewnoOutlier) - 2, lower.tail = FALSE)
} else {
#degree of freedom is 2 (using loess() and predict() to estimate df is very slow. Here, we will just assume it to be n-2 to save time. Given hundreds to tens of thousands of features in RNA-seq dataset, this df should be a good enough estimate.)
spikes <- which(colnames(x) %in% spikein)
SDnoOutlier <- SDRatio[spikes]
TheMean <- mean(SDnoOutlier)
tdeno <- sqrt(sum((SDnoOutlier - TheMean)^2)/(length(SDnoOutlier) - 2))
pvalueMatrix[,1] <- 2 * pt(abs((SDRatio - TheMean)/tdeno), df = length(SDnoOutlier) - 2, lower.tail = FALSE)
SkewnoOutlier <- SkewResidual[spikes]
TheMean <- mean(SkewnoOutlier)
tdeno <- sqrt(sum((SkewnoOutlier - TheMean)^2)/(length(SkewnoOutlier) - 2))
pvalueMatrix[,2] <- 2 * pt(abs((SkewResidual - TheMean)/tdeno),df = length(SkewnoOutlier) - 2, lower.tail = FALSE)
#Combine p values
#combinedPvalues <- apply(pvalueMatrix,1,FisherMethod)
combinedPvalues <- empiricalBrownsMethod(MeanSDSkew[2:3,],pvalueMatrix)
combinedPvalues[] <- 0
#Obtain stable genes
allStableGenes <- which(combinedPvalues > BE_F_p)
#Safety, need 100 genes at least
while (length(allStableGenes) < 100) {
porder <- order(combinedPvalues, decreasing=TRUE)
allStableGenes <- porder[1:100]
CN <- colnames(x2)
RN <- rownames(x2)
#Using the model stable genes, perform normalization
x2 <- BatchEffect2(x[,allStableGenes], x2, MeanSDSkew[1,allStableGenes], BE_strength)
colnames(x2) <- CN
rownames(x2) <- RN
return (x2)
BatchEffect2 <- function(x,y,z,z2) {
.Call(BatchEffectCpp, x,y,z,z2)
#Linnorm's main funciton. Find optimal Lambda. This is implemented in C++.
LocateLambda <- function(x,y,z) {
.Call(LocateLambdaCpp, x,y,z)
LocateLambda_legacy <- function(x,y,z) {
.Call(LocateLambdaCpp_legacy, t(x),y,z)
#Legacy functions used for testing.
SkewVar <- function(x,y) {
.Call(SkewVarCpp, x,y)
SkewVar2 <- function(x,y) {
.Call(SkewVar2Cpp, x,y)
SkewAVar <- function(x,y) {
.Call(SkewAVarCpp, x,y)
createUpperIndex <- function(colLength,TotalLength) {
#Create index for parsing correlation matrix on the "upper triangle" vector.
#Author: (Ken) Shun Hang Yip <>
index <- matrix(0,nrow=TotalLength,ncol=2)
TL <- 1
for (i in 2:colLength) {
newmatrix <- matrix(i, ncol=2, nrow=(i-1))
newmatrix[,1] <- seq(1,(i-1),1)
index[TL:(TL+i-2),] <- newmatrix
TL <- TL + i - 1
return (index)
createLowerIndex <- function(rowLength,TotalLength) {
#Same as above, but for "lower triangle"
#Author: (Ken) Shun Hang Yip <>
index <- matrix(0,nrow=TotalLength,ncol=2)
TL <- 1
for (i in 2:rowLength) {
newmatrix <- matrix(i, ncol=2, nrow=(i-1))
newmatrix[,2] <- seq(1,(i-1),1)
index[TL:(TL+i-2),] <- newmatrix
TL <- TL + i - 1
return (index)
UpperToMatrix <- function(datavalues,UpperIndex) {
#Convert "upper triangle" vector to matrix.
#Author: (Ken) Shun Hang Yip <>
theMatrix <- matrix(1, ncol=max(UpperIndex[,2]), nrow=max(UpperIndex[,2]))
upperrow <- order(UpperIndex[,1])
lowerrow <- order(UpperIndex[,2])
upperrowi <- 1
upperrowj <- 1
lowerrowi <- 1
lowerrowj <- 1
for (i in 1:ncol(theMatrix)) {
if (upperrowj < length(upperrow)) {
while (UpperIndex[upperrow[upperrowj],1] == i) {
upperrowj <- upperrowj + 1
if (upperrowj == length(upperrow)) {
upperrowj <- upperrowj + 1
theMatrix[i,UpperIndex[upperrow[upperrowi:(upperrowj-1)],2]] <- datavalues[upperrow[upperrowi:(upperrowj-1)]]
if (lowerrowj < length(lowerrow)) {
while (UpperIndex[lowerrow[lowerrowj],2] == i) {
lowerrowj <- lowerrowj + 1
if (lowerrowj == length(lowerrow)) {
lowerrowj <- lowerrowj + 1
theMatrix[i,UpperIndex[lowerrow[lowerrowi:(lowerrowj-1)],1]] <- datavalues[lowerrow[lowerrowi:(lowerrowj-1)]]
upperrowi <- upperrowj
lowerrowi <- lowerrowj
return (theMatrix)
areColors <- function(x) {
#Check if input are colors
sapply(x, function(X) {
error = function(e) FALSE)
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