#' knowseqReport creates a report for a given set of genes which their label.
#' knowseqReport creates a report for a given set of genes which their label. This provide an html file with all the information that can be obtained for a certain set of genes (as GO, pathway visualization, associated diseases) and their labels (machine learning process).
#' @param data A matrix that contains the gene expression.
#' @param labels A vector or factor that contains the labels for each of the samples in the data object.
#' @param MLTest This parameter enables the classification process for a test dataset.
#' @param testData A matrix that contains the unseen samples for the test process.
#' @param testLabels A vector or factor that contains the labels for the unseen samples for the test process.
#' @param outdir The output directory to store the report.
#' @param qualityAnalysis A logical parameter that indicates if the user wants to perform the quality anaylisis or not.
#' @param batchEffectTreatment A logical parameter that indicates if the user wants to perform the batch effect treatment or not.
#' @param geneOntology A logical parameter that indicates if the user wants to show genes ontologies or not.
#' @param getPathways A logical parameter that indicates if the user wants to show genes pathways or not.
#' @param getDiseases A logical parameter that indicates if the user wants to show genes related diseases or not.
#' @param pvalue The value of the p-value which determines the DEGs. If one or more genes have a p-value lower or equal to the selected p-value, they would be considered as DEGs.
#' @param lfc The value of the LFC which determines the DEGs. If one or more genes have a LFC greater or equal to the selected LFC, they would be considered as DEGs.
#' @param cov This value only works when there are more than two classes in the labels. This parameter stablishs a minimum number of pair of classes combination in which exists differential expression to consider a genes as expressed genes.
#' @param featureSelectionMode String that indicates which feature selection algorithm is going to be used. Possible values are: mrmr, rf or da. By default, no feature selection algorithm will be applied.
#' @param disease String that indicates from which disease wants the user wants to know if selected genes are related to. Found evidences will be shown for each subdiseases. Default empty, this means that all related diseases, and found evidences, will be shown.
#' @param subdiseases String that indicates the name of a particular subtype from disease, which the user to know if selected genes are related to. Found evidences will be shown. Default empty, this means that there are not subtypes of disease to look for, all found evidences for disease will be shown.
#' @param maxGenes Integer that indicates the maximun number of genes which information will be shown and that will be used to train models.
#' @param clasifAlgs A vector with including algorithms names that will be used in training cv.
#' @param metrics A list with metrics that the user wants to be shown in machine learning process. Metrics could be accuracy, specificity and/or sensitivity.
#' @return Nothing to return.
#' @examples
#' dir <- system.file("extdata", package="KnowSeq")
#' load(paste(dir,"/expressionExample.RData",sep = ""))
#' \dontrun{knowseqReport(expressionMatrix,labels,'knowSeq-report',clasifAlgs=c('rf'),disease='lung-cancer',maxGenes = 9)}
#' \dontrun{knowseqReport(expressionMatrix,labels,'knowSeq-report',clasifAlgs=c('rf'),disease='lung-cancer',subdiseases=c('squamous cell lung carcinoma','lung adenocarcinoma'),maxGenes = 9)}
knowseqReport <- function(data, labels, MLTest = FALSE, testData="", testLabels="",outdir="knowSeq-report", qualityAnalysis = TRUE, batchEffectTreatment = TRUE,
geneOntology = TRUE, getPathways = TRUE, getDiseases = TRUE,
lfc=2.0, pvalue=0.01, cov=2,
featureSelectionMode = 'nofs', disease = '',subdiseases=c(''), maxGenes = 150, clasifAlgs=c('knn','rf','svm'),
removeEmptyColumns <- function(data){
remove.cols <- c()
for (col in seq(dim(data)[2])){
if (all(data[,col]=='*') || all(data[,col]=='')){
remove.cols <- c(remove.cols,col)
if (length(remove.cols)>0){
col.names <- colnames(data)
data <- data[,-remove.cols]
col.names <- col.names[-remove.cols]
if (! is.matrix(data))
data <- as.matrix(data)
if (dim(data)[2] != length(col.names))
data <- t(data)
colnames(data) <- col.names
# --- Check params --- #
if(! && !is.matrix(data)){
stop("The data argument must be a dataframe or a matrix.")
if (dim(data)[2] != length(labels)){
stop("The length of the columns of the argument data must be the same than the length of the labels. Please, ensures that the rows are the samples and the columns are the variables.")
if (MLTest == TRUE){
if(! && !is.matrix(testData)){
stop("The data for test must be a dataframe or a matrix.")
if (dim(testData)[2] != length(testLabels)){
stop("The length of the columns of the argument data for test must be the same than the length of the labels for test. Please, ensures that the rows are the samples and the columns are the variables.")
expressionMatrix <- data
if (geneOntology || getPathways)
myAnnotation <- getGenesAnnotation(rownames(expressionMatrix), filter="external_gene_name",notHSapiens = FALSE)
table.format <- 'html'
# Create output's directory if it doesn't exists
if (! dir.exists(outdir)) dir.create(outdir)
if (substr(outdir,nchar(outdir),nchar(outdir)) != '/') outdir <- paste(outdir,'/',sep='')
act.folder <- getwd()
# markobj contain the text that will be displayed in html or pdf file
markobj <- c()
markobj <- c(markobj,'<img src="" style="position:absolute;top:0px;right:0px;" width=265px height=200px />\n')
table.labels <- data.frame(table(labels))
colnames(table.labels) <- c("Labels", "Freq.")
markobj <- c(markobj,'# Summary',
paste('This experiment is performed over ',dim(expressionMatrix)[2], ' with an initial number of ', dim(expressionMatrix)[1], ' genes.\n','A summary
of the classes labels along with the samples per class can be observed below: \n', sep = ""))
markobj <- c(markobj,
'```{r, echo=FALSE, fig.align="center"}',
paste('knitr::kable(table.labels,"',table.format,'", table.attr = "class=\'paleBlueRows\'")',sep=''),
found.outliers <- RNAseqQA(expressionMatrix,outdir=paste(outdir,'RNAseqQA',sep=''))
markobj <- c(markobj,'# Quality analysis\n',
'A quality analysis must be performed in order to detect and remove any possible outlier contained within the samples. ',
'Outliers are numerically different samples when compared with the rest of the samples, and this numerical difference might affect study results. ',
'For that purpose, several methods and graphics have been performed, which allow to find possible outliers.',
paste('All created images are availables in',outdir,'RNAseqQA folder. \n'))
markobj <- c(markobj,'## Between array comparison. \n',
'\nFirst, a heatmap with the distances between samples Distances between a pair of samples is perform as
the mean of the manhattan distance between each gene: $dist(S_a,S_b) = mean \\sum_{i} | g_{ai} - g_{bi}|$.',
'\nFor outlier detection the sum of the distances to each array is calculated for each array, this is
$Dist_{S_a} = \\sum_{S_b} dist(S_a,S_b)$.',
paste('Using this criterion, a sample will be considerer an outlier if this sum is higer than',round(found.outliers$Distance$limit,3),'.',sep=''),
'A bar chart plot showing this distances for each sample and be seen ',
if (length(found.outliers$Distance$outliers)==0)
markobj <- c(markobj,'There were not any found outlier using this criterion.\n')
outliers <- paste(names(found.outliers$Distance$outliers),collapse=', ')
outliers <- paste(names(found.outliers$Distance$outliers),collapse=', ')
markobj <- c(markobj,paste('There were',length(found.outliers$Distance$outliers),'found outlier using this criterion:',
markobj <- c(markobj,'## Array intensity distributions. \n',
'\nA boxplot of arrays values is shown ',
'\nOutlier detection is perform using Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic $K_a$.',
paste('In this case, a sample will be considerated an outlier if $K_a > ',round(found.outliers$KS$limit,3),'$.',sep=''),
'A bar chart plot shown $K_a$ statistic for each sample is available ',
if (length(found.outliers$KS$outliers)==0)
markobj <- c(markobj,'There were not any found outlier using this criterion.\n')
outliers <- paste(names(found.outliers$KS$outliers),collapse=', ')
markobj <- c(markobj,paste('There were',length(found.outliers$KS),'found outlier using this criterion:',
markobj <- c(markobj,'## Individual array quality. \n',
"\nFinally, MA-plot is performed for each sample and Hoeffding's statistic,
$ D_a $, is calculated on the joint distribution of A and M for each sample.")
if (length(found.outliers$MAD$outliers)==0)
markobj <- c(markobj,'There were not any found outlier using this criterion.\n')
outliers <- paste(names(found.outliers$MAD$outliers),collapse=', ')
markobj <- c(markobj,paste('There were',length(found.outliers$MAD),
'found outlier using this criterion:',outliers,'\n'))
# --- Differential Expressed Genes --- #
markobj <- c(markobj,'\n# Differential Expressed Genes extraction\n')
markobj <- c(markobj,'## Treating Batch Effect\n',
'Batch effect is produced due to intrinsic deviations inside the data due to its origin, sequencing design, lab, technician, etc... Therefore, it is crucial to perform a correct treatment of
it in this type of analysis.','Taking into account that the different Batches are unknown, the effect will be treated by using surrogate variable analysis or sva algorithm.\n')
expressionMatrix <- batchEffectRemoval(expressionMatrix, labels, method = "sva")
DEGsInformation <- DEGsExtraction(expressionMatrix, labels, lfc = lfc, pvalue = pvalue, cov = cov, number = Inf)
topTable <- DEGsInformation$DEG_Results$DEGs_Table
if(dim(topTable)[1] == 0){
stop("There is no any DEGs for this combination of LFC and P-value. Please, impose less restrictive thressholds.")
if(length(levels(as.factor(labels))) == 2){
DEGsMatrix <- DEGsInformation$DEG_Result$DEGs_Matrix
topTable.dataframe <- data.frame(GeneSymbol=rownames(topTable),logFC=topTable$logFC,AveExpr=topTable$AveExpr,t=topTable$t,
P.Value=formatC(topTable$P.Value, format = "e", digits = 2),
adj.P.Val=formatC(topTable$adj.P.Val, format = "e", digits = 2),B=topTable$B)
colnames(topTable.dataframe) <- c("Gene Symbol","logFC","AveExpr", "t", "P-Value","adj. P-Value","B")
markobj <- c(markobj,'## Searching for DEGs\n',
paste('The search and extraction of Differential Expressed Genes is the main challenge for this type of study. Thus, to achieve a set
of possible biomarkers the following thresholds will be selected: LFC greater or equal than ', lfc,', P-Value lower or equal than ',pvalue,'.\n', sep = ""))
markobj <- c(markobj,'Finally',paste(dim(DEGsMatrix)[1],'DEGs have been kept after using DEGs extraction and they can be seen in the table below: \n'))
markobj <- c(markobj,
'```{r, echo=FALSE, fig.align="center"}',
paste('knitr::kable(topTable.dataframe,"',table.format,'", table.attr = "class=\'paleBlueRows\'")',sep=''),
}else if(length(levels(as.factor(labels))) > 2){
DEGsMatrix <- DEGsInformation$DEG_Results$DEGs_Matrix
genes.selected <- rownames(DEGsInformation$DEG_Results$MulticlassLFC)
topTable.dataframe <- data.frame(GeneSymbol=genes.selected,logFC=rowMeans(abs(DEGsInformation$DEG_Results$MulticlassLFC)),
P.Value=formatC(rowMeans(topTable[genes.selected,]$p.value), format = "e", digits = 2),
colnames(topTable.dataframe) <- c("Gene Symbol","logFC ($\\mu$)","t ($\\mu$)", "P-Value ($\\mu$)","F","B ($\\mu$)")
topTable.dataframe <- topTable.dataframe[order(topTable.dataframe[,2],decreasing=TRUE),]
rownames(topTable.dataframe) <- NULL
markobj <- c(markobj,'## Searching for Multiclass DEGs\n',
paste('The search and extraction of Differential Expressed Genes is the main challenge for this type of study. Thus, to achieve a
set of possible biomarkers the following thresholds will be selected: LFC greater or equal than ', lfc,', P-Value lower or equal than ',pvalue,'. Furthermore, for multiclass
assessment a coverage equal or greater than ', cov, ' will be used.\n', sep = ""))
markobj <- c(markobj,'Finally',paste(dim(DEGsMatrix)[1],'multiclass DEGs have been kept after using DEGs extraction and they can be seen in the table below: \n'))
markobj <- c(markobj,
'```{r, echo=FALSE, fig.align="center"}',
paste('knitr::kable(topTable.dataframe,"',table.format,'", table.attr = "class=\'paleBlueRows\'", escape=FALSE)',sep=''),
maxGenes <- dim(DEGsMatrix)[1]
if(dim(DEGsMatrix)[1] < maxGenes){
maxGenes <- dim(DEGsMatrix)[1]
# --- Machine learning --- #
markobj <- c(markobj,'# Machine Learning Assessment \n')
clasifNames <- paste(clasifAlgs,collapse = ',')
clasifNames <- str_replace(clasifNames,'knn','K-Nearest Neighbors (K-NN)')
clasifNames <- str_replace(clasifNames,'rf','Random Forest')
clasifNames <- str_replace(clasifNames,'svm','Support Vector Machine (SVM)')
if(MLTest == FALSE){
markobj <- c(markobj,paste('With the purpose of evaluating the robustness of the DEGs for the classification task between the studied pathologies,
a supervised classification step will be performed.
For it,',clasifNames,'classification algorithms will be trained using 10-Fold Cross Validation.
To evaluate obtained results the Mean Accuracy,Mean Specificity, Mean Sensitivity and the Confusion Matrix will be shown in the following plots:\n'))
markobj <- c(markobj,paste('With the purpose of evaluating the robustness of the DEGs for the classification task between the studied pathologies,
a supervised classification step will be performed.
For it,',clasifNames,'classification algorithms will be trained using 10-Fold Cross Validation and then, tested in a separated classification step using unseen samples.
To evaluate obtained results the Mean Accuracy,Mean Specificity, Mean Sensitivity and the Confusion Matrix will be shown in the following plots:\n'))
# --- Feature Selection --- #
DEGsMatrixML <- t(DEGsMatrix)
if(featureSelectionMode != 'nofs'){
markobj <- c(markobj,'## Feature Selection',
paste('With the aim of finding a better combination of DEGs to assess the data, the',featureSelectionMode,'method
will be used in order to select the',maxGenes,'most relevant genes for the classification process.\n'))
ranking <- featureSelection(DEGsMatrixML,labels,colnames(DEGsMatrixML)[seq_len(maxGenes)], mode = featureSelectionMode)
if (featureSelectionMode == 'mrmr') ranking <- names(ranking)
else if (featureSelectionMode == 'rf') ranking <- ranking
else if (featureSelectionMode == 'da') ranking <- names(ranking)
markobj <- c(markobj,paste('First',maxGenes,'selected genes by ',featureSelectionMode,' algorithm are:'),ranking[seq_len(maxGenes)],'.\n')
} else{ranking <- topTable.dataframe[,1]}
if(geneOntology || getPathways){
myAnnotation <- myAnnotation[myAnnotation$external_gene_name %in% as.character(ranking[seq_len(maxGenes)]),]
myAnnotation <- myAnnotation[complete.cases(myAnnotation), ]
# --- --- Training --- --- #
for (clasifAlg in clasifAlgs){
if (clasifAlg == 'knn'){
results_cv_knn <- knn_trn(DEGsMatrixML,labels,ranking[seq_len(maxGenes)],10)
markobj <- c(markobj,paste('## ',toupper(clasifAlg),' Training Results for 10-CV\n'))
for (metric in metrics){
if (metric == 'accuracy'){
act.metric = 'accuracyInfo'
act.result = "meanAccuracy"
colour = "indianred2"
}else if (metric == 'specificity'){
act.metric = 'specificityInfo'
act.result = "meanSpecificity"
colour = "deepskyblue2"
}else if (metric == 'sensitivity'){
act.metric = 'sensitivityInfo'
act.result = "meanSensitivity"
colour = "mediumpurple1"
}else if (metric == 'f1'){
act.metric = 'F1Info'
act.result = "meanF1"
colour = "salmon1"
s <- strsplit(metric, " ")[[1]]
s <- paste(toupper(substring(s, 1, 1)), substring(s, 2),
sep = "", collapse = " ")
markobj <- c(markobj,'```{r echo = FALSE}',
mode = "classResults",
main = "Mean ',s,'", legend = c("Mean ',metric,'", "Standard Deviation"),
xlab = "Genes", ylab ="',s,'", colours = c("',colour,'","seagreen3"), xgrid=TRUE, ygrid=TRUE)',sep=''),'```\n')
allCfMats_knn <- results_cv_knn$cfMats[[1]]$table + results_cv_knn$cfMats[[2]]$table + results_cv_knn$cfMats[[3]]$table + results_cv_knn$cfMats[[4]]$table + results_cv_knn$cfMats[[5]]$table + results_cv_knn$cfMats[[6]]$table + results_cv_knn$cfMats[[7]]$table + results_cv_knn$cfMats[[8]]$table + results_cv_knn$cfMats[[9]]$table + results_cv_knn$cfMats[[10]]$table
markobj <- c(markobj,'```{r echo = FALSE}',
paste('dataPlot(allCfMats_knn, labels,
mode = "confusionMatrix")',sep=''),'```\n')
if(MLTest == TRUE){
results_test_knn <- knn_test(DEGsMatrixML,labels,t(testData),testLabels,as.character(ranking[seq_len(maxGenes)]),bestK = results_cv_knn$bestK)
markobj <- c(markobj,paste('## Test Results implementing ',clasifAlg),'\n')
for (metric in metrics){
if (metric == 'accuracy'){
test.metric = 'accVector'
colour = "indianred2"
}else if (metric == 'specificity'){
test.metric = 'specVector'
colour = "deepskyblue2"
}else if (metric == 'sensitivity'){
test.metric = 'sensVector'
colour = "mediumpurple1"
}else if (metric == 'f1'){
act.metric = 'f1Vector'
colour = "salmon1"
s <- strsplit(metric, " ")[[1]]
s <- paste(toupper(substring(s, 1, 1)), substring(s, 2),
sep = "", collapse = " ")
markobj <- c(markobj,'```{r echo = FALSE}',
mode = "classResults", legend="',metric,'",
main = "',s,' test results with ',clasifAlg,'",
xlab = "Genes", ylab ="',s,'", colours = "',colour,'", xgrid=TRUE, ygrid=TRUE)',sep=''),'```\n')
testConfMatrixknn <- results_test_knn$cfMats[[maxGenes]]$table
markobj <- c(markobj,'```{r echo = FALSE}',
paste('dataPlot(testConfMatrixknn, testLabels, mode = "confusionMatrix")',sep=''),'```\n')
}else if (clasifAlg == 'rf'){
results_cv_rf <- rf_trn(DEGsMatrixML,labels,ranking[seq_len(maxGenes)],10)
markobj <- c(markobj,paste('## ',toupper(clasifAlg),' Training Results for 10-CV\n'))
for (metric in metrics){
if (metric == 'accuracy'){
act.metric = 'accuracyInfo'
act.result = "meanAccuracy"
colour = "indianred2"
}else if (metric == 'specificity'){
act.metric = 'specificityInfo'
act.result = "meanSpecificity"
colour = "deepskyblue2"
}else if (metric == 'sensitivity'){
act.metric = 'sensitivityInfo'
act.result = "meanSensitivity"
colour = "mediumpurple1"
}else if (metric == 'f1'){
act.metric = 'F1Info'
act.result = "meanF1"
colour = "salmon1"
s <- strsplit(metric, " ")[[1]]
s <- paste(toupper(substring(s, 1, 1)), substring(s, 2),
sep = "", collapse = " ")
markobj <- c(markobj,'```{r echo = FALSE}',
mode = "classResults",
main = "Mean ',s,'", legend = c("Mean ',metric,'", "Standard Deviation"),
xlab = "Genes", ylab ="',s,'", colours = c("',colour,'","seagreen3"), xgrid=TRUE, ygrid=TRUE)',sep=''),'```\n')
allCfMats_rf <- results_cv_rf$cfMats[[1]]$table + results_cv_rf$cfMats[[2]]$table + results_cv_rf$cfMats[[3]]$table + results_cv_rf$cfMats[[4]]$table + results_cv_rf$cfMats[[5]]$table + results_cv_rf$cfMats[[6]]$table + results_cv_rf$cfMats[[7]]$table + results_cv_rf$cfMats[[8]]$table + results_cv_rf$cfMats[[9]]$table + results_cv_rf$cfMats[[10]]$table
markobj <- c(markobj,'```{r echo = FALSE}',
paste('dataPlot(allCfMats_rf, labels,
mode = "confusionMatrix")',sep=''),'```\n')
if(MLTest == TRUE){
results_test_rf <- rf_test(DEGsMatrixML,labels,t(testData),testLabels,as.character(ranking[seq_len(maxGenes)]),results_cv_rf$bestParameters)
markobj <- c(markobj,paste('## Test Results implementing ',clasifAlg),'\n')
for (metric in metrics){
if (metric == 'accuracy'){
test.metric = 'accVector'
colour = "indianred2"
}else if (metric == 'specificity'){
test.metric = 'specVector'
colour = "deepskyblue2"
}else if (metric == 'sensitivity'){
test.metric = 'sensVector'
colour = "mediumpurple1"
}else if (metric == 'f1'){
act.metric = 'f1Vector'
colour = "salmon1"
s <- strsplit(metric, " ")[[1]]
s <- paste(toupper(substring(s, 1, 1)), substring(s, 2),
sep = "", collapse = " ")
markobj <- c(markobj,'```{r echo = FALSE}',
mode = "classResults", legend="',metric,'",
main = "',s,' test results with ',clasifAlg,'",
xlab = "Genes", ylab ="',s,'", colours = "',colour,'", xgrid=TRUE, ygrid=TRUE)',sep=''),'```\n')
testConfMatrixrf <- results_test_rf$cfMats[[maxGenes]]$table
markobj <- c(markobj,'```{r echo = FALSE}',
paste('dataPlot(testConfMatrixrf, testLabels, mode = "confusionMatrix")',sep=''),'```\n')
}else if (clasifAlg == 'svm'){
results_cv_svm <- svm_trn(DEGsMatrixML,labels,ranking[seq_len(maxGenes)],10)
markobj <- c(markobj,paste('## ',toupper(clasifAlg),' Training Results for 10-CV\n'))
for (metric in metrics){
if (metric == 'accuracy'){
act.metric = 'accuracyInfo'
act.result = "meanAccuracy"
colour = "indianred2"
}else if (metric == 'specificity'){
act.metric = 'specificityInfo'
act.result = "meanSpecificity"
colour = "deepskyblue2"
}else if (metric == 'sensitivity'){
act.metric = 'sensitivityInfo'
act.result = "meanSensitivity"
colour = "mediumpurple1"
}else if (metric == 'f1'){
act.metric = 'F1Info'
act.result = "meanF1"
colour = "salmon1"
s <- strsplit(metric, " ")[[1]]
s <- paste(toupper(substring(s, 1, 1)), substring(s, 2),
sep = "", collapse = " ")
markobj <- c(markobj,'```{r echo = FALSE}',
mode = "classResults",
main = "Mean ',s,'", legend = c("Mean ',metric,'", "Standard Deviation"),
xlab = "Genes", ylab ="',s,'", colours = c("',colour,'","seagreen3"), xgrid=TRUE, ygrid=TRUE)',sep=''),'```\n')
allCfMats_svm <- results_cv_svm$cfMats[[1]]$table + results_cv_svm$cfMats[[2]]$table + results_cv_svm$cfMats[[3]]$table + results_cv_svm$cfMats[[4]]$table + results_cv_svm$cfMats[[5]]$table + results_cv_svm$cfMats[[6]]$table + results_cv_svm$cfMats[[7]]$table + results_cv_svm$cfMats[[8]]$table + results_cv_svm$cfMats[[9]]$table + results_cv_svm$cfMats[[10]]$table
markobj <- c(markobj,'```{r echo = FALSE}',
paste('dataPlot(allCfMats_svm, labels,
mode = "confusionMatrix")',sep=''),'```\n')
if(MLTest == TRUE){
results_test_svm <- svm_test(DEGsMatrixML,labels,t(testData),testLabels,as.character(ranking[seq_len(maxGenes)]), bestParameters = results_cv_svm$bestParameters)
markobj <- c(markobj,paste('## Test Results implementing ',clasifAlg),'\n')
for (metric in metrics){
if (metric == 'accuracy'){
test.metric = 'accVector'
colour = "indianred2"
}else if (metric == 'specificity'){
test.metric = 'specVector'
colour = "deepskyblue2"
}else if (metric == 'sensitivity'){
test.metric = 'sensVector'
colour = "mediumpurple1"
}else if (metric == 'f1'){
act.metric = 'f1Vector'
colour = "salmon1"
s <- strsplit(metric, " ")[[1]]
s <- paste(toupper(substring(s, 1, 1)), substring(s, 2),
sep = "", collapse = " ")
markobj <- c(markobj,'```{r echo = FALSE}',
mode = "classResults", legend="',metric,'",
main = "',s,' test results with ',clasifAlg,'",
xlab = "Genes", ylab ="',s,'", colours = "',colour,'", xgrid=TRUE, ygrid=TRUE)',sep=''),'```\n')
testConfMatrixsvm <- results_test_svm$cfMats[[maxGenes]]$table
markobj <- c(markobj,'```{r echo = FALSE}',
paste('dataPlot(testConfMatrixsvm, testLabels, mode = "confusionMatrix")',sep=''),'```\n')
# --- Visualization --- #
genes <- ''
for (gene in ranking[seq_len(maxGenes)]) genes <- paste(genes,gene,sep=', ')
markobj <- c(markobj,'# DEGs Visualization\n',
'In order to provide a tool to perform this task, the function dataPlot encapsulates a set of
graphs that allows plotting in different ways the expression of the DEGs.\n')
if(maxGenes > 12)
boxplotGenes <- 12
boxplotGenes <- maxGenes
markobj <- c(markobj,paste("However it is of interest to observe the differentiation at gene expression level for each of the top",
boxplotGenes,"genes previously used. This information is plotted below.\n"))
markobj <- c(markobj,
'```{r echo=FALSE}',
paste("dataPlot(DEGsMatrix[ranking[1:",boxplotGenes,"],],labels,mode = 'genesBoxplot',toPNG = FALSE,toPDF = FALSE)",sep=''),
markobj <- c(markobj,paste('Finally, the heatmap of those',maxGenes,'DEGs separatelly for all the samples is plotted below\n'))
markobj <- c(markobj,
'```{r echo=FALSE}',
paste('dataPlot(DEGsMatrix[ranking[1:',maxGenes,'],],labels,mode = "heatmap",toPNG = FALSE,toPDF = FALSE)',sep=''),
if(geneOntology | getPathways | getDiseases){
# --- DEGs enrichment methodology --- #
markobj <- c(markobj,'\n# Functional Enrichment\n',
'The main goal of the this process is the extraction of biological relevant information from the DEGs.
The enrichment process has three different approaches:\n
\t- The gene ontology information.\n
\t- The pathway visualization.\n
\t- The relationship between the DEGs and diseases related to the studied pathologies.\n')
# --- Gene Ontology --- #
markobj <- c(markobj,'## Gene Ontology\n',
'Gene ontology (GO) provides information about the biological functions of the genes.
Information from the three different ontologies (BP, MF and CC) will be shown.\n')
amigo.url <- ''
GOsMatrix <- geneOntologyEnrichment(as.character(myAnnotation$entrezgene_id),geneType='ENTREZ_GENE_ID',pvalCutOff=0.1)
if(dim(GOsMatrix$`BP Ontology GOs`)[1] != 0){
gene.names <- as.character(GOsMatrix$`BP Ontology GOs`$Genes)
for ( gen in seq(dim(myAnnotation)[1])){
gene.names <- str_replace(gene.names,as.character(myAnnotation[gen,'entrezgene_id']),
GOsMatrix$`BP Ontology GOs`['Gene Symbols'] <- gene.names
GOsMatrix$`BP Ontology GOs`$`Gene Symbols` <- as.character(lapply(GOsMatrix$`BP Ontology GOs`$`Gene Symbols`, function(x) {gsub(",", ", ", x)}))
bp.frame <- GOsMatrix$`BP Ontology GOs`[,c('GO.ID','Term','Description','Gene Symbols')]
rownames(bp.frame) <- NULL
bp.frame$GO.ID <- paste('[',bp.frame$GO.ID,'](',amigo.url,bp.frame$GO.ID,')',sep='')
markobj <- c(markobj,'### BP Ontology GOs\n','```{r echo=FALSE}',paste('knitr::kable(bp.frame,"',table.format,'", table.attr = "class=\'paleBlueRows\'")',sep=''),'```\n')
}else{markobj <- c(markobj,'### BP Ontology GOs\n There are no GO terms related to this set of DEGs for BP ontology\n')}
if(dim(GOsMatrix$`MF Ontology GOs`)[1] != 0){
gene.names <- GOsMatrix$`MF Ontology GOs`$Genes
for ( gen in seq(dim(myAnnotation)[1])){
gene.names <- str_replace(gene.names,as.character(myAnnotation[gen,'entrezgene_id']),
GOsMatrix$`MF Ontology GOs`['Gene Symbols'] <- gene.names
GOsMatrix$`MF Ontology GOs`$`Gene Symbols` <- as.character(lapply(GOsMatrix$`MF Ontology GOs`$`Gene Symbols`, function(x) {gsub(",", ", ", x)}))
mf.frame <- GOsMatrix$`MF Ontology GOs`[,c('GO.ID','Term','Description','Gene Symbols')]
rownames(mf.frame) <- NULL
mf.frame$GO.ID <- paste('[',mf.frame$GO.ID,'](',amigo.url,mf.frame$GO.ID,')',sep='')
markobj <- c(markobj,'### MF Ontology GOs\n','```{r echo=FALSE}',paste('knitr::kable(mf.frame,"',table.format,'", table.attr = "class=\'paleBlueRows\'")',sep=''),'```\n')
}else{markobj <- c(markobj,'### MF Ontology GOs\n There are no GO terms related to this set of DEGs for MF ontology\n')}
if(dim(GOsMatrix$`CC Ontology GOs`)[1] != 0){
gene.names <- GOsMatrix$`CC Ontology GOs`$Genes
for ( gen in seq(dim(myAnnotation)[1])){
gene.names <- str_replace(gene.names,as.character(myAnnotation[gen,'entrezgene_id']),
GOsMatrix$`CC Ontology GOs`['Gene Symbols'] <- gene.names
GOsMatrix$`CC Ontology GOs`$`Gene Symbols` <- as.character(lapply(GOsMatrix$`CC Ontology GOs`$`Gene Symbols`, function(x) {gsub(",", ", ", x)}))
cc.frame <- GOsMatrix$`CC Ontology GOs`[,c('GO.ID','Term','Description','Gene Symbols')]
rownames(cc.frame) <- NULL
cc.frame$GO.ID <- paste('[',cc.frame$GO.ID,'](',amigo.url,cc.frame$GO.ID,')',sep='')
markobj <- c(markobj,'### MF Ontology GOs\n','```{r echo=FALSE}',paste('knitr::kable(cc.frame,"',table.format,'", table.attr = "class=\'paleBlueRows\'")',sep=''),'```\n')
}else{markobj <- c(markobj,'### CC Ontology GOs\n There are no GO terms related to this set of DEGs for CC ontology\n')}
# --- Pathways Visualization --- #
myAnnotation <- myAnnotation[which(!$entrezgene_id) == TRUE),]
commonDEGs <- intersect(as.character(ranking[seq_len(maxGenes)]),unique(myAnnotation$external_gene_name))
posCommonDEGs <- match(rownames(DEGsMatrix[commonDEGs,]),myAnnotation$external_gene_name)
pathMatrix <- DEGsMatrix[commonDEGs,]
rownames(pathMatrix) <- myAnnotation$entrezgene_id[posCommonDEGs] <- matrix(ncol = 3)
cat("Retrieving DEGs associated pathways...\n")
for(gene.index in seq(dim(myAnnotation)[1])){
gene <- myAnnotation[gene.index,'entrezgene_id'] <- myAnnotation[gene.index,'external_gene_name']
get_GO <- GET(paste("",gene,sep = ""))
get_GO_text <- content(get_GO, "text")
pathway_start <- str_locate_all(pattern = "PATHWAY", get_GO_text)[[1]][2]
pathway_end <- str_locate_all(pattern = "BRITE", get_GO_text)[[1]][1]
pathways <- substr(get_GO_text,pathway_start+1,pathway_end-1)
pathways <- strsplit(pathways,split = "\n")
index <- grep("hsa", unlist(pathways))
for(i in index){
pathway <- as.character(unlist(str_extract_all(unlist(pathways)[i],"hsa[a-zA-Z0-9]{5}")))
if (length(pathway) == 0) break
start <- str_locate_all(pattern = "hsa", unlist(pathways)[i])[[1]][2]
name <- substr(unlist(pathways)[i],start+8,nchar(unlist(pathways)[i])) <- rbind(,c(as.character(pathway),as.character(name),as.character(
} <-[-1,] <-,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
names( <- c("KEGG_hsa","Name","Genes")
naPos <- which( == TRUE)
# Collapse repeated pathways
remove.index <- c()
repeated.pathways <- names(which(table($KEGG_hsa) > 1))
for (pathway in repeated.pathways){
index <- which($KEGG_hsa == pathway,)
genes <-[index,'Genes'][index[1],'Genes'] <- paste(genes,collapse=', ')
remove.index <- c(remove.index,index[-1])
} <-[-remove.index,]
rownames( <- NULL$KEGG_hsa <- paste('[',$KEGG_hsa,'](',$KEGG_hsa,')',sep='')
markobj <- c(markobj,'\n## Pathways Extraction\n',
'In this step the pathways in which inserted genes appear are shown.\n')
markobj <- c(markobj,'```{r echo=FALSE}',paste('knitr::kable(,"',table.format,'", table.attr = "class=\'paleBlueRows\'")',sep=''),'```\n')
# --- Related Diseases --- #
if (disease == ''){
markobj <- c(markobj,'## DEGs Related diseases\n',
'Finally, the related diseases enrichment is displayed. Related diseases to the final set of DEGs are searched
from *targetValidation* plastform. For each disease it is also showed a list of evidences. \n')
diseases <- DEGsToDiseases(ranking[seq_len(maxGenes)], size = 10, getEvidences = TRUE)
evidences.frame <- list()
for (gene in names(diseases)){
act.markobj <- c()
# If user want to see evidences for all diseases or this diseases match with solicited disease
check.diseases <- names(diseases[[gene]]$evidences)
act.markobj <- c(act.markobj,'#### Disease Relation Scores','```{r echo=FALSE}',
paste('knitr::kable(data.frame(Disease=diseases[["',gene,'"]]$summary[,1], Final.Score=round(as.numeric(diseases[["',gene,'"]]$summary[,2]),4), Literat.=round(as.numeric(diseases[["',gene,'"]]$summary[,3]),4), RNA.Exprs.=round(as.numeric(diseases[["',gene,'"]]$summary[,4]),4), Gen.Assoc.=round(as.numeric(diseases[["',gene,'"]]$summary[,5]),4), Soma.Mut.=round(as.numeric(diseases[["',gene,'"]]$summary[,6]),4),Known.Drug=round(as.numeric(diseases[["',gene,'"]]$summary[,7]),4), Animal.Model=round(as.numeric(diseases[["',gene,'"]]$summary[,8]),4), Affec.Paths=round(as.numeric(diseases[["',gene,'"]]$summary[,9]),4)),"',table.format,'",table.attr = "class=\'paleBlueRows\'")',sep=''),'```')
for (act.disease in check.diseases){
if ( is.list(diseases[[gene]]$evidences[[act.disease]])){
if (!gene %in% names(evidences.frame)) evidences.frame[[gene]] <- list()
act.markobj <- c(act.markobj,paste('####',act.disease,'evidences',sep=' '))
for ( evidence.type in names(diseases[[gene]]$evidences[[act.disease]]) ){
act.evidences.frame <- c()
for (act.evidence in diseases[[gene]]$evidences[[act.disease]][[evidence.type]]){
act.evidences.frame <- rbind(act.evidences.frame,act.evidence$evidence)
# Remove empty columns
act.evidences.frame <- removeEmptyColumns(act.evidences.frame)
evidences.frame[[gene]][[evidence.type]] <- act.evidences.frame
for ( evidence.type in names(evidences.frame[[gene]]))
act.markobj <- c(act.markobj,'```{r echo=FALSE}',
paste('knitr::kable(data.frame(evidences.frame[["',gene,'"]][["',evidence.type,'"]]),"',table.format,'",caption="',evidence.type,' evidences for ',disease,'", table.attr = "class=\'paleBlueRows\'")',sep=''),'```')
if (length(act.markobj) > 0)
markobj <- c(markobj,paste('\n###',gene,sep=' '),act.markobj)
dis <- gsub("-"," ",disease)
dis <- strsplit(dis, " ")[[1]]
dis <- paste(toupper(substring(dis, 1, 1)), substring(dis, 2),
sep = "", collapse = " ")
markobj <- c(markobj,paste('## DEGs Evidences for ',dis,'\n',sep = ""),
'Finally, the ',dis,' related evidences enrichment is displayed. DEGs related evidences are searched
from *targetValidation* platform.\n')
r_Ensembl <- GET(paste("",gsub(" ","-",disease),"&size=1&filter=disease",sep = ""))
respon <- content(r_Ensembl)
if ( 'size' %in% names(respon) && respon$size == 0){
markobj <- c(markobj,'\nDisease not found.')
}else{ <- respon$data[[1]]$id
url <- paste("",,"&size=10000",sep='')
response <- GET(url)
response <- content(response)
found.symbols <- unlist($data,target$gene_info$symbol))
found.symbols <- intersect(found.symbols,ranking[seq_len(maxGenes)])
if(length(found.symbols) > 0){
evidences_ <- c()
if (length(subdiseases)==1 && subdiseases == ''){
evidences_ <- rbind(evidences_,DEGsEvidences(found.symbols,gsub("-"," ",disease),size=25))
for (subdisease in subdiseases){
evidences_ <- rbind(evidences_,DEGsEvidences(found.symbols,gsub("-"," ",subdisease),size=25))
evidences.frame <- list()
for (gene in found.symbols){
act.markobj <- c()
for (ev.index in seq(dim(evidences_)[1])){
if (!as.character(ev.index) %in% names(evidences.frame))
evidences <- evidences_[ev.index,]
if (is.list(evidences[[gene]])){
evidences.frame[[as.character(ev.index)]][[gene]] = list()
for ( evidence.type in names(evidences[[gene]]) ){
act.evidences.frame <- c()
for (act.evidence in evidences[[gene]][[evidence.type]]){
act.evidences.frame <- rbind(act.evidences.frame,act.evidence$evidence)
# Remove empty columns
act.evidences.frame <- removeEmptyColumns(act.evidences.frame)
evidences.frame[[as.character(ev.index)]][[gene]][[evidence.type]] <- act.evidences.frame
if (all(subdiseases != '') && length(evidences.frame[[as.character(ev.index)]])>0)
act.markobj <- c(act.markobj,paste('####',subdiseases[ev.index]))
for ( evidence.type in names(evidences.frame[[as.character(ev.index)]][[gene]]))
act.markobj <- c(act.markobj,'```{r echo=FALSE}',
paste('knitr::kable(data.frame(evidences.frame[["',as.character(ev.index),'"]][["',gene,'"]][["',evidence.type,'"]]),"',table.format,'",caption="',evidence.type,' evidences for ',dis,'", table.attr = "class=\'paleBlueRows\'")',sep=''),'```')
if (length(act.markobj) > 0)
markobj <- c(markobj,paste('\n###',gene,sep=' '),act.markobj)
markobj <- c(markobj,paste('\nNo introduced gene is related with',disease,sep=' '))
# --- Save Report --- #
mark.header.html <- c('---',
'subtitle: Powered by KnowSeq R/Bioc package from University of Granada',
'title: "Gene Expression Intelligent Pipeline Report"',
paste('date: "Date of the Report: ', Sys.time(),'"',sep = ""),
' html_document:',
' number_sections: yes',
' toc: yes',
write(file = "report.Rmd", c(mark.header.html,markobj))
dir <- system.file("extdata", package="KnowSeq")
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theme = "default",
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toc_depth = 3,
toc_float = TRUE,
number_sections = TRUE,
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