#' View motif
#' @description View information content for each position of the PWM.
#' Information content is modelled using Shannon's Entropy Model. The maximum
#' information content is therefore log2(n), where n is the number of amino
#' acids. Colors of Amino Acids are in accordance with the Lesk scheme.
#' @param pwm_in View a PWM provided using the buildPWM. Default = NULL
#' @param which_pwm If pwms are input (outputs of buildPWM), a kinase name must
#' match a name in pwms$kinase$kinase list of names. Default = NULL
#' @param fontsize Font size to use on x and y axis. Default = 10
#' @param view_pwm View the PWM. Default = FALSE
#' @param color_scheme Which color scheme to use for Amino Acid Groups. Options
#' are "lesk" or "shapely". Default = "shapely"
#' @param convert_PWM pwm_in is a matrix of counts at position. TRUE will
#' convert this matrix to a PWM. Default = FALSE
#' @param pseudo Small amount added to the PWM model, where zero's exist, to
#' avoid log zero. Default = 0.01
#' @param correction_factor Number of sequences used to infer the PWM.
#' This can be used where a small number of sequences were used to build the
#' model and included as E_n in the Shannon's Entropy Model. Default = NULL
#' @examples
#' ## Build PWM models from phosphositeplus data with default of minimum
#' ## of 10 substrate sequences for building a PWM model.
#' data(phosphositeplus_human)
#' ##randomly sample 1000 substrates for demonstration.
#' set.seed(1)
#' sample_pwm <- phosphositeplus_human[sample(nrow(phosphositeplus_human),
#' 1000),]
#' pwms <- buildPWM(sample_pwm)
#' ## Data frame of models built and number of sequences used to build each
#' ## PWM model:
#' head(pwms$kinase)
#' ## Will not visualise the motif
#' CAMK2A_motif <- viewPWM(pwm_in = pwms,
#' which_pwm = "CAMK2A",
#' view_pwm = FALSE)
#' # Use view_pwm = TRUE to view the motif
#' @return Visualisation of a motif, scaled on bits and two tables. 1) pwm:
#' corresponding to the PWM from pwm and 2) pwm_bits: corresponding to the
#' conversion to bits.
#' @export viewPWM
#' @importFrom grid grid.newpage grid.polygon gpar pushViewport plotViewport
#' @importFrom grid dataViewport grid.xaxis gpar grid.yaxis
#' @importFrom grDevices rgb
#this function is for delivering a PWM to a frame:
viewPWM <- function(pwm_in = NULL,
which_pwm = NULL,
fontsize = 10,
view_pwm = FALSE,
pseudo = 0.01,
convert_PWM = FALSE,
color_scheme = "shapely",
correction_factor = NULL){
if (is.null(pwm_in) && convert_PWM == FALSE)
"pwm_in not provided; you must provide an input table containing
computed position weight matrices using buildPWM()"
if (!is.null(pwm_in) && is.null(which_pwm))
"which_pwm not provided; you must provide a PWM to search for"
if (!is.null(pwm_in) && !is.list(pwm_in))
"pwm_in is not a list format; something has gone wrong. Make sure
you compute the position weight matrices using buildPWM()"
if (!(color_scheme %in% c("shapely", "lesk")))
stop("color_scheme must be either shapely or lesk")
# PWM already converted
if(convert_PWM == FALSE){
# if a list is input and to be extracted:
rownames(pwm_in$kinase) <- seq_len(nrow(pwm_in$kinase))
which_pwm <- pwm_in$kinase[pwm_in$kinase$kinase==which_pwm,]
which_pwm <- pwm_in$pwm[[as.numeric(rownames(which_pwm))]]
# data is input as count table
if(convert_PWM == TRUE){
which_pwm <- pwm_in
#which_pwm <- SPRK2_motif_1
wild_card <- "_"
uniq_AA <- c(wild_card, "A", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "K", "L",
"M", "N", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "V", "W", "Y")
missing_AA <- setdiff(uniq_AA, rownames(which_pwm))
missing_AA <- data.frame(matrix(data = 0, ncol = ncol(which_pwm),
nrow = length(missing_AA)), row.names = missing_AA)
colnames(missing_AA) <- colnames(which_pwm)
which_pwm <- rbind(missing_AA, which_pwm)
# remove wildcard from motif scoring
which_pwm <- which_pwm[!rownames(which_pwm) %in% c(wild_card),]
which_pwm <- which_pwm[order(rownames(which_pwm)),]
# col sums
col_counts <- apply(which_pwm, 2, sum, na.rm = TRUE)
# conver to PPM
ppm <- sapply(1:ncol(which_pwm), function(i)
which_pwm[,i] / col_counts[i])
rownames(ppm) <- rownames(which_pwm)
# Generate Position Weight Matrix
# addition of pseudo count
which_pwm <- log2((ppm / (1 / nrow(ppm)))+pseudo)
colnames(which_pwm) <- paste("p", seq_len(ncol(which_pwm)), sep = "")
# select window width = size of motif
window_size <- ncol(which_pwm)
half_window <- (window_size-1)/2
# inverse log
pwm <- 2^(which_pwm)/20
# max bits, uncertainty with 20 AAs
max_bits <- log2((1/0.05)+pseudo)
# Calculate Shannon Entropy, uncertainty at position (l)
H_l <- pwm * log2(pwm)
H_l <- -apply(H_l, 2, sum)
R_l <- max_bits - (H_l)# + e_n)
e_n <- correction_factor
R_l <- max_bits - ((H_l) + e_n)
# multiplication step for vector, each col, to find Height (information)
Height <- sapply(1:ncol(pwm), function(i)
pwm[,i] * R_l[i])
colnames(Height) <- colnames(pwm)
# transform pwm to the Height
pwm <- Height
y_max <- 1
# convert to 0-1 scale
pwm <- pwm/max_bits
if(view_pwm == TRUE){
# start new grid for viewing and set up margins
pushViewport(plotViewport(margins = c(4,3,2,2)))
pushViewport(dataViewport(xscale = c(0,1), yscale = c(0,1), name="vp1"))
# label axis
grid.xaxis(at = (seq(0,(window_size-1))/window_size)+((1/(window_size-1))/2),
label = c(-half_window:half_window),
gp = gpar(fontsize = fontsize))
grid.yaxis(at = c(0, 0.5, 1),
label = c(0, round(max_bits/2, 2), round(max_bits, 2)),
gp = gpar(fontsize = fontsize))
# add letters to the grid
sapply(seq_len(ncol(pwm)), function(i)
sapply(seq_len(nrow(pwm)), function(j)
add.letter(letter = rownames(pwm[order(pwm[,i]),])[j],
x.position = i,
y.position = sum(pwm[order(pwm[,i]),][1:j-1,i]),
prob = pwm[order(pwm[,i]),][j,i],
window.size = window_size,
color_scheme = color_scheme
return(list("pwm" = which_pwm,
"pwm_bits" = pwm))
# helper function to select the letters
add.letter <- function(letter,
if(letter == "A"){
if(color_scheme == "lesk"){
fill_rgb <- rgb(red = 255,
green = 150,
blue = 0,
maxColorValue = 255)
if(color_scheme == "shapely"){
fill_rgb <- rgb(red = 200,
green = 200,
blue = 200,
maxColorValue = 255)
add.polygon(x = c(0,4,6,10,8,6.8,3.2,2,0,3.6,5,6.4,3.6)/10,
y = c(0,10,10,0,0,3,3,0,0,4,7.5,4,4)/10,
id = rep(1, 13),
fill = fill_rgb,
x.factor = 1/window.size,
x.pos = x.position,
y.pos = y.position,
y.scale = prob
if(letter == "C"){
if(color_scheme == "lesk"){
fill_rgb <- rgb(red = 15,
green = 130,
blue = 15,
maxColorValue = 255)
if(color_scheme == "shapely"){
fill_rgb <- rgb(red = 230,
green = 230,
blue = 0,
maxColorValue = 255)
ang <- seq((pi/2), (2*pi)+(pi/2), length = 360)
x.out <- ((sin(ang))+1)/2; x.out <- x.out[40:(length(x.out)-40)]
y.out <- ((cos(ang))+1)/2; y.out <- y.out[40:(length(y.out)-40)] <- ((sin(ang)*0.7)+1)/2; <-[40:(length(] <- ((cos(ang)*0.7)+1)/2; <-[40:(length(]
add.polygon(x = c(x.out, rev(,
y = c(y.out, rev(,
id = rep(1,length(c(x.out, rev(,
fill = fill_rgb,
x.factor = 1/window.size,
x.pos = x.position,
y.pos = y.position,
y.scale = prob
if(letter == "D"){
if(color_scheme == "lesk"){
fill_rgb <- rgb(red = 230,
green = 10,
blue = 10,
maxColorValue = 255)
if(color_scheme == "shapely"){
fill_rgb <- rgb(red = 230,
green = 10,
blue = 10,
maxColorValue = 255)
ang <- seq((pi), (2*pi)+(pi), length = 360)
x.out <- (((sin(ang)))/2)+0.5;x.out <- x.out[180:(length(x.out))]
y.out <- ((cos(ang))+1)/2;y.out <- y.out[180:(length(y.out))]
x.out <- c(x.out, 0, 0);y.out <- c(y.out, 0, 1) <- (((((sin(ang)))/2)+0.5)*0.7)+0.15; <-[180:(length(] <- ((((cos(ang))*0.7)+1)/2); <-[180:(length(] <- c(, 1-max(, 1-max(; <- c(, min(, max(
add.polygon(x = c(x.out,,
y = c(y.out,,
id = c(rep(1,length(x.out)),
fill = c(fill_rgb,
rgb(red = 255,
green = 255,
blue = 255,
maxColorValue = 255)),
x.factor = 1/window.size,
x.pos = x.position,
y.pos = y.position,
y.scale = prob
if(letter == "E"){
if(color_scheme == "lesk"){
fill_rgb <- rgb(red = 230,
green = 10,
blue = 10,
maxColorValue = 255)
if(color_scheme == "shapely"){
fill_rgb <- rgb(red = 230,
green = 10,
blue = 10,
maxColorValue = 255)
add.polygon(x = c(0,0,10,10,2,2,6,6,2,2,10,10)/10,
y = c(0,10,10,8,8,6,6,4,4,2,2,0)/10,
id = rep(1, 12),
fill = fill_rgb,
x.factor = 1/window.size,
x.pos = x.position,
y.pos = y.position,
y.scale = prob
if(letter == "F"){
if(color_scheme == "lesk"){
fill_rgb <- rgb(red = 15,
green = 130,
blue = 15,
maxColorValue = 255)
if(color_scheme == "shapely"){
fill_rgb <- rgb(red = 50,
green = 50,
blue = 170,
maxColorValue = 255)
add.polygon(x = c(0,0,10,10,2,2,10,10,2,2)/10,
y = c(0,10,10,8,8,6,6,4,4,0)/10,
id = rep(1, 10),
fill = fill_rgb,
x.factor = 1/window.size,
x.pos = x.position,
y.pos = y.position,
y.scale = prob
if(letter == "G"){
if(color_scheme == "lesk"){
fill_rgb <- rgb(red = 255,
green = 150,
blue = 0,
maxColorValue = 255)
if(color_scheme == "shapely"){
fill_rgb <- rgb(red = 235,
green = 235,
blue = 235,
maxColorValue = 255)
ang <- seq((pi/2), (2*pi)+(pi/2), length = 360)
x.out <- ((sin(ang))+1)/2;x.out <- x.out[40:(length(x.out)-40)]
y.out <- ((cos(ang))+1)/2;y.out <- y.out[40:(length(y.out)-40)] <- ((sin(ang)*0.7)+1)/2; <-[40:(length(] <- ((cos(ang)*0.7)+1)/2; <-[40:(length(]
x <- c([1],[1], 0.5,0.5, max(x.out), x.out, rev(
y <- c([1],0.4,0.4,0.6,0.6, y.out, rev(
add.polygon(x = x,
y = y,
id = rep(1,length(x)),
fill = fill_rgb,
x.factor = 1/window.size,
x.pos = x.position,
y.pos = y.position,
y.scale = prob
if(letter == "H"){
if(color_scheme == "lesk"){
fill_rgb <- rgb(red = 255,
green = 255,
blue = 255,
maxColorValue = 255)
if(color_scheme == "shapely"){
fill_rgb <- rgb(red = 130,
green = 130,
blue = 210,
maxColorValue = 255)
add.polygon(x = c(0,0,2,2,8,8,10,10,8,8,2,2,0)/10,
y = c(0,10,10,6,6,10,10,0,0,4,4,0,0)/10,
id = rep(1, 13),
fill = fill_rgb,
x.factor = 1/window.size,
x.pos = x.position,
y.pos = y.position,
y.scale = prob
if(letter == "I"){
if(color_scheme == "lesk"){
fill_rgb <- rgb(red = 15,
green = 130,
blue = 15,
maxColorValue = 255)
if(color_scheme == "shapely"){
fill_rgb <- rgb(red = 15,
green = 130,
blue = 15,
maxColorValue = 255)
add.polygon(x = c(0,0,4,4,0,0,10,10,6,6,10,10,0)/10,
y = c(0,2,2,8,8,10,10,8,8,2,2,0,0)/10,
id = rep(1, 13),
fill = fill_rgb,
x.factor = 1/window.size,
x.pos = x.position,
y.pos = y.position,
y.scale = prob
if(letter == "K"){
if(color_scheme == "lesk"){
fill_rgb <- rgb(red = 20,
green = 90,
blue = 255,
maxColorValue = 255)
if(color_scheme == "shapely"){
fill_rgb <- rgb(red = 20,
green = 90,
blue = 255,
maxColorValue = 255)
add.polygon(x = c(0,0,2,2,7,10,4,10,7,2,2,0)/10,
y = c(0,10,10,6,10,10,5,0,0,4,0,0)/10,
id = rep(1, 12),
fill = fill_rgb,
x.factor = 1/window.size,
x.pos = x.position,
y.pos = y.position,
y.scale = prob
if(letter == "L"){
if(color_scheme == "lesk"){
fill_rgb <- rgb(red = 15,
green = 130,
blue = 15,
maxColorValue = 255)
if(color_scheme == "shapely"){
fill_rgb <- rgb(red = 15,
green = 130,
blue = 15,
maxColorValue = 255)
add.polygon(x = c(0,0,2,2,10,10,0)/10,
y = c(0,10,10,2,2,0,0)/10,
id = rep(1, 7),
fill = fill_rgb,
x.factor = 1/window.size,
x.pos = x.position,
y.pos = y.position,
y.scale = prob
if(letter == "M"){
if(color_scheme == "lesk"){
fill_rgb <- rgb(red = 15,
green = 130,
blue = 15,
maxColorValue = 255)
if(color_scheme == "shapely"){
fill_rgb <- rgb(red = 230,
green = 230,
blue = 0,
maxColorValue = 255)
add.polygon(x = c(0,0,2,5,8,10,10,8,8,5,2,2,0)/10,
y = c(0,10,10,6,10,10,0,0,5,2,5,0,0)/10,
id = rep(1, 13),
fill = fill_rgb,
x.factor = 1/window.size,
x.pos = x.position,
y.pos = y.position,
y.scale = prob
if(letter == "N"){
if(color_scheme == "lesk"){
fill_rgb <- rgb(red = 255,
green = 0,
blue = 255,
maxColorValue = 255)
if(color_scheme == "shapely"){
fill_rgb <- rgb(red = 0,
green = 220,
blue = 220,
maxColorValue = 255)
add.polygon(x = c(0,0,3,8,8,10,10,7,2,2,0)/10,
y = c(0,10,10,3,10,10,0,0,7,0,0)/10,
id = rep(1, 11),
fill = fill_rgb,
x.factor = 1/window.size,
x.pos = x.position,
y.pos = y.position,
y.scale = prob
if(letter == "P"){
if(color_scheme == "lesk"){
fill_rgb <- rgb(red = 15,
green = 130,
blue = 15,
maxColorValue = 255)
if(color_scheme == "shapely"){
fill_rgb <- rgb(red = 250,
green = 150,
blue = 130,
maxColorValue = 255)
ang <- seq((pi),(2*pi)+(pi), length = 360)
x.out <- (((sin(ang)))/2)+0.5
x.out <- c(x.out[180:(length(x.out))],0.2,0.2,0,0)
y.out <- (((cos(ang))+1)/4)+0.5
y.out <- c(y.out[180:(length(y.out))],0.5,0,0,1) <- (((((sin(ang)))/2)+0.5)*0.5)+0.30 <- c([180:(length(],0.2,0.2) <- (((((cos(ang))+1)/4)+0.5)*0.5)+0.375 <- c([180:(length(],min(, max(
add.polygon(x = c(x.out,,
y = c(y.out,,
id = c(rep(1,length(x.out)),
fill = c(fill_rgb,
rgb(red = 255,
green = 255,
blue = 255,
maxColorValue = 255)),
x.factor = 1/window.size,
x.pos = x.position,
y.pos = y.position,
y.scale = prob
if(letter == "Q"){
if(color_scheme == "lesk"){
fill_rgb <- rgb(red = 255,
green = 0,
blue = 255,
maxColorValue = 255)
if(color_scheme == "shapely"){
fill_rgb <- rgb(red = 0,
green = 220,
blue = 220,
maxColorValue = 255)
ang <- seq((pi/2), (2*pi)+(pi/2), length = 360)
x.out <- ((sin(ang))+1)/2
y.out <- ((cos(ang))+1)/2 <- ((sin(ang)*0.7)+1)/2 <- ((cos(ang)*0.7)+1)/2
x <- c(x.out, rev(*0.9
y <- c(y.out, rev(
x.q <- c(0.9, 0.55, 0.65, 1)
y.q <- c(0, 0.35, 0.45, 0.1)
add.polygon(x = c(x, x.q),
y = c(y, y.q),
id = c(rep(1,length(x)),
fill = c(fill_rgb,
x.factor = 1/window.size,
x.pos = x.position,
y.pos = y.position,
y.scale = prob
if(letter == "R"){
if(color_scheme == "lesk"){
fill_rgb <- rgb(red = 20,
green = 90,
blue = 255,
maxColorValue = 255)
if(color_scheme == "shapely"){
fill_rgb <- rgb(red = 20,
green = 90,
blue = 255,
maxColorValue = 255)
ang <- seq((pi), (2*pi)+(pi), length = 360)
x.out <- (((sin(ang)))/2)+0.5
x.out <- c(x.out[180:(length(x.out))], 0.2, 0.2, 0, 0)
y.out <- (((cos(ang))+1)/4)+0.5
y.out <- c(y.out[180:(length(y.out))], 0.5, 0, 0, 1) <- (((((sin(ang)))/2)+0.5)*0.5)+0.30 <- c([180:(length(],0.2, 0.2) <- (((((cos(ang))+1)/4)+0.5)*0.5)+0.375 <-[180:(length(]; <- c(, min(, max(
x.r <- c(0.8, 0.4, 0.6, 1);y.r <- c(0, 0.55, 0.55, 0)
add.polygon(x = c(x.out,, x.r),
y = c(y.out,, y.r),
id = c(rep(1,length(x.out)),
fill = c(fill_rgb,
rgb(red = 255,
green = 255,
blue = 255,
maxColorValue = 255),
x.factor = 1/window.size,
x.pos = x.position,
y.pos = y.position,
y.scale = prob
if(letter == "S"){
if(color_scheme == "lesk"){
fill_rgb <- rgb(red = 250,
green = 150,
blue = 0,
maxColorValue = 255)
if(color_scheme == "shapely"){
fill_rgb <- rgb(red = 250,
green = 150,
blue = 0,
maxColorValue = 255)
angle1 <- seq((pi), (2*pi)+(pi), length = 360)
#outer and inner
x.out <- (((sin(angle1)))/2)+0.5
x.out <- (x.out[100:(length(x.out))]*-1)+1
y.out <- (((cos(angle1))+1)*0.3)
y.out <- y.out+(1-max(y.out))
y.out <- y.out[100:(length(y.out))]
x.out.b <- (x.out*-1)+1
y.out.b <- (y.out*-1)+1 <- (x.out*0.5)+0.25 <- (y.out*0.4) <- + (max(y.out.b)-min( <- (*-1)+1 <- (*-1)+1
x <- c(x.out, rev(, x.out.b, rev(
y <- c(y.out, rev(, y.out.b, rev(
add.polygon(x = x,
y = y,
id = rep(1,length(x)),
fill = fill_rgb,
x.factor = 1/window.size,
x.pos = x.position,
y.pos = y.position,
y.scale = prob
if(letter == "T"){
if(color_scheme == "lesk"){
fill_rgb <- rgb(red = 250,
green = 150,
blue = 0,
maxColorValue = 255)
if(color_scheme == "shapely"){
fill_rgb <- rgb(red = 250,
green = 150,
blue = 0,
maxColorValue = 255)
add.polygon(x = c(0,10,10,6,6,4,4,0)/10,
y = c(10,10,8,8,0,0,8,8)/10,
id = rep(1, 8),
fill = fill_rgb,
x.factor = 1/window.size,
x.pos = x.position,
y.pos = y.position,
y.scale = prob
if(letter == "V"){
if(color_scheme == "lesk"){
fill_rgb <- rgb(red = 15,
green = 130,
blue = 15,
maxColorValue = 255)
if(color_scheme == "shapely"){
fill_rgb <- rgb(red = 15,
green = 130,
blue = 15,
maxColorValue = 255)
add.polygon(x = c(0.4,0,0.2,0.5,0.8,1,0.6),
y = c(0,1,1,0.2,1,1,0),
id = rep(1, 7),
fill = fill_rgb,
x.factor = 1/window.size,
x.pos = x.position,
y.pos = y.position,
y.scale = prob
if(letter == "W"){
if(color_scheme == "lesk"){
fill_rgb <- rgb(red = 15,
green = 130,
blue = 15,
maxColorValue = 255)
if(color_scheme == "shapely"){
fill_rgb <- rgb(red = 180,
green = 90,
blue = 180,
maxColorValue = 255)
add.polygon(x = c(2,0,2,3.5,5,6.5,8,10,8,6,5,4)/10,
y = c(0,10,10,3,6,3,10,10,0,0,3,0)/10,
id = rep(1, 12),
fill = fill_rgb,
x.factor = 1/window.size,
x.pos = x.position,
y.pos = y.position,
y.scale = prob
if(letter == "Y"){
if(color_scheme == "lesk"){
fill_rgb <- rgb(red = 15,
green = 130,
blue = 15,
maxColorValue = 255)
if(color_scheme == "shapely"){
fill_rgb <- rgb(red = 50,
green = 50,
blue = 170,
maxColorValue = 255)
add.polygon(x = c(4,4,0,2,5,8,10,6,6)/10,
y = c(0,5,10,10,6.5,10,10,5,0)/10,
id = rep(1, 9),
fill = fill_rgb,
x.factor = 1/window.size,
x.pos = x.position,
y.pos = y.position,
y.scale = prob
if(letter == "_"){
add.polygon(x = ,
y = ,
id = ,
fill = ,
x.factor = 1/window.size,
x.pos = x.position,
y.pos = y.position,
y.scale = prob
if(letter == "X"){
add.polygon(x = c(0,0,10,10)/10,
y = c(0,10,10,0)/10,
id = rep(1, 4),
fill = 1,
x.factor = 1/window.size,
x.pos = x.position,
y.pos = y.position,
y.scale = prob
add.polygon <- function(x, y, id, fill, x.factor, x.pos, y.pos, y.scale){
x.pos = x.pos-1
id = id,
gp = gpar(fill = fill, col="transparent"))
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