### 1. Computation of localnoise level: localnoise()
localnoise <- function(y, window, quantiledist = 0.1) {
if ((window %% 2) == 0) {
stop("window width should be odd \n")
quantileseq <- seq(from = 0, to = 1, by = quantiledist)
qindex <- pmax(floor(window * quantileseq), 1)
nquantiles <- length(qindex)
halfwindow <- max(floor(window/2), 1)
n <- length(y)
q <- matrix(nrow = n, ncol = nquantiles, data = 0)
indexsort <- rank(y[1:window], ties.method = "first")
sorty <- sort(y[1:window])
q[1:(halfwindow + 1),] <- rep(sorty[qindex], each= halfwindow + 1)
Cres <- .C("localquantile",
y = as.double(y),
sorty = as.double(sorty),
indexsort = as.integer(indexsort - 1),
window = as.integer(window),
halfwindow = as.integer(halfwindow),
n = as.integer(n),
flag = as.integer(0),
q = as.double(q),
qindex = as.integer(qindex - 1),
nquantiles = as.integer(nquantiles))
q <- matrix(Cres$q, nrow = n, ncol = nquantiles)
q[((n- halfwindow)+1):n,] <- rep(q[n - halfwindow,], each = halfwindow)
colnames(q) <- as.character(round(quantileseq, 2))
### 2. calculation of peakheights according to the averagine model
getpeakheights <- function(mass, averagine.table) {
tabb <- as.matrix(averagine.table)
endpoints <- tabb[,1]
amplitudes <- tabb[,-1]
### currently: at most 31 peaks
peakheights <- matrix(0, nrow = length(mass), ncol = 31)
dismass <- as.numeric(cut(mass, breaks = c(-Inf, endpoints, Inf)))
peakheights <- .C("interpolatepeakheights",
peakheights = peakheights,
dismass = as.integer(dismass),
mass = as.double(mass),
endpoints = as.double(endpoints),
amplitudes = amplitudes,
maxnpeaks = as.integer(31),
numbermass = as.integer(length(mass)),
maxdismass = as.integer(length(endpoints)))$peakheights
### 3. Computation of Phi-matrix for model = Gaussian
calculatebasis.gaussian <- function(x, positions = x, sigma, charges = c(1,2,3,4),
eps = 1e-05, uppernonzero = 10^7, averagine.table) {
n <- length(x)
positions <- unique(positions)
positions <- sort(positions)
npositions <- length(positions)
kappa <- 1.008
book <- NULL
for (l in seq(along = charges)) {
chargel <- charges[l]
amplitudes <- getpeakheights(positions * chargel, averagine.table)
### ell-infinity normalization
amplitudes <- t(apply(amplitudes, 1, function(z) {maxz = max(z); c(z/maxz, maxz)}))
npeaks <- ncol(amplitudes) - 1
ainf <- amplitudes[, (npeaks + 1), drop = FALSE]
centers <- positions + kappa * t(apply(amplitudes, 1,
function(z) {
origin <- which.max(z)
if ((origin > 1) & (origin < npeaks)) {
ret <- c((-1)*((origin-1):1), 0, 1:(npeaks-origin))
if (origin == 1) {
ret <- (0:(npeaks - 1))
if ((origin == npeaks)) {
ret <- (-1) * ((npeaks-1):0)
ret})) / chargel
initials <- apply(centers, 1, min)
### filtering (optional)
# filtered <- .C("mzfilter", positions = as.double(initials), npositions = as.integer(length(initials)),
# charge = as.integer(chargel), filteredout = integer(length(initials)))
# centers[as.logical(filtered$filteredout),] <- 0
# }
#if(!is.null(epslocal) & !is.null(y)){
# if(length(epslocal) != length(x))
# stop("Length of 'epslocal' has to be equal to the length of 'x' \n")
# start <- apply(amplitudes, 1, which.max) - 1
# centersC <- .C("patterntruncate", centers = centers, amplitudes = amplitudes, x = as.double(x), y = as.double(y),
# localeps = as.double(epslocal), start = as.integer(start), n = as.integer(n), npostions = as.integer(npositions),
# npeaks = as.integer(npeaks), flag = as.integer(0))
# centers <- matrix(nrow = npositions, ncol = npeaks, data = centersC$centers)
centers[centers > max(x)] <- 0
centers[centers < min(x)] <- 0
block <- matrix(0, nrow = uppernonzero, ncol = 3)
sigmal <- sigma(positions)
rangecenters <- apply(centers, 1, function(z) {
if (all(z == 0))
return(range(z[z > 0]))})
fence <- sqrt(-log(eps) * sigmal)
resultC <- .C("gaussbasis",
block = block,
x = as.double(x),
amplitudes = amplitudes,
centers = centers,
npositions = as.integer(npositions),
n = as.integer(n),
maxnpeaks = as.integer(npeaks),
sigma = as.double(sigmal),
nonzero = as.integer(-1),
eps = as.double(eps),
uppernonzero = as.integer(uppernonzero),
lower = rangecenters[1,] - fence,
upper = rangecenters[2,] + fence,
colmax = double(npositions))
if ((resultC$nonzero +1) == 0)
if (!exists("Phi")) {
temp <- sparseMatrix(i = as.integer(resultC$block[1:(resultC$nonzero + 1), 1]),
j = as.integer(resultC$block[1:(resultC$nonzero + 1), 2]),
x = resultC$block[1:(resultC$nonzero + 1), 3],
dims = c(n, npositions))
remove <- resultC$colmax == 0
Phi <- temp[,!remove,drop = FALSE] %*% Diagonal(n = sum(!remove), 1/resultC$colmax[!remove])
} else {
temp <- sparseMatrix(i = as.integer(resultC$block[1:(resultC$nonzero + 1), 1]),
j = as.integer(resultC$block[1:(resultC$nonzero + 1), 2]),
x = resultC$block[1:(resultC$nonzero + 1), 3],
dims = c(n, npositions))
remove <- resultC$colmax == 0
temp <- temp[,!remove,drop = FALSE] %*% Diagonal(n = sum(!remove), 1/resultC$colmax[!remove])
Phi <- cbind2(Phi, temp)
bookl <- cbind(initials, positions, chargel, ainf)[!remove,,drop = FALSE]
book <- rbind(book, bookl)
colnames(book) <- c("initial", "most_intense", "charge", "a_inf")
return (list(Phi = Phi, book = book))
### 4. Computation of Phi-matrix for model = EMG
calculatebasis.emg <- function(x, positions = x, alpha, sigma, mu, charges = c(1,2,3,4),
eps = 1e-05, uppernonzero = 10^7, averagine.table) {
n <- length(x)
delta <- max(diff(x))
positions <- unique(positions)
positions <- sort(positions)
npositions <- length(positions)
alpha <- alpha(positions)
sigma <- sigma(positions)
mu <- mu(positions)
moderes <- apply(cbind(alpha, sigma, mu), 1, function(z) {
getmode <- determinemode(z[1], z[2], z[3])
c(-getmode$mode + z[3], 1/getmode$val)})
mu <- moderes[1,]
scale <- moderes[2,]
kappa <- 1.008
book <- NULL
for (l in seq(along = charges)) {
chargel <- charges[l]
amplitudes <- getpeakheights(positions * chargel, averagine.table)
amplitudes <- t(apply(amplitudes, 1, function(z) {maxz = max(z); c(z/maxz, maxz)}))
npeaks <- ncol(amplitudes) - 1
ainf <- amplitudes[, (npeaks + 1), drop = FALSE]
centers <- positions + kappa *
t(apply(amplitudes, 1, function(z) {
origin <- which.max(z)
if ((origin > 1) & (origin < npeaks))
ret <- c((-1)*((origin-1):1), 0, 1:(npeaks-origin))
if (origin == 1)
ret <- (0:(npeaks - 1))
if ((origin == npeaks))
ret <- (-1) * ((npeaks-1):0)
initials <- apply(centers, 1, min)
# filtered <- .C("mzfilter", positions = as.double(initials), npositions = as.integer(length(initials)),
# charge = as.integer(chargel), filteredout = integer(length(initials)))
# centers[as.logical(filtered$filteredout),] <- 0
# }
#if(!is.null(epslocal) & !is.null(y)){
# if(length(epslocal) != length(x))
# stop("Length of 'epslocal' has to be equal to the length of 'x' \n")
# start <- apply(amplitudes, 1, which.max) - 1
# centersC <- .C("patterntruncate", centers = centers, amplitudes = amplitudes, x = as.double(x), y = as.double(y),
# localeps = as.double(epslocal), start = as.integer(start), n = as.integer(n), npostions = as.integer(npositions),
# npeaks = as.integer(npeaks), flag = as.integer(0))
# centers <- matrix(nrow = npositions, ncol = npeaks, data = centersC$centers)
centers[centers > max(x)] <- 0
centers[centers < min(x)] <- 0
rangecenters <- apply(centers, 1, function(z) {
if (all(z == 0))
return (c(0,0))
return (range(z[z > 0]))})
fence <- sigma^2 / (2 * alpha) + mu - alpha * log(alpha * eps/(sqrt(2*pi) * sigma))
block <- matrix(0, nrow = uppernonzero, ncol = 3)
resultC <- .C("emgbasis",
block = block,
x = as.double(x),
amplitudes = amplitudes,
centers = centers,
npositions = as.integer(npositions),
n = as.integer(n),
maxnpeaks = as.integer(npeaks),
alpha = as.double(alpha),
sigma = as.double(sigma),
mu = as.double(mu),
nonzero = as.integer(-1),
eps = as.double(eps),
uppernonzero = as.integer(uppernonzero),
lower = rangecenters[1,] - fence,
upper = rangecenters[2,] + fence, colmax = double(npositions))
if ((resultC$nonzero +1) == 0)
if (!exists("Phi")) {
temp <- sparseMatrix(i = as.integer(resultC$block[1:(resultC$nonzero + 1), 1]),
j = as.integer(resultC$block[1:(resultC$nonzero + 1), 2]),
x = resultC$block[1:(resultC$nonzero + 1), 3],
dims = c(n, npositions))
remove <- resultC$colmax == 0
Phi <- temp[,!remove,drop = FALSE] %*% Diagonal(n = sum(!remove), 1/resultC$colmax[!remove])
} else{
temp <- sparseMatrix(i = as.integer(resultC$block[1:(resultC$nonzero + 1), 1]),
j = as.integer(resultC$block[1:(resultC$nonzero + 1), 2]),
x = resultC$block[1:(resultC$nonzero + 1), 3],
dims = c(n, npositions))
remove <- resultC$colmax == 0
temp <- temp[,!remove,drop = FALSE] %*% Diagonal(n = sum(!remove), 1/resultC$colmax[!remove])
Phi <- cbind2(Phi, temp)
bookl <- cbind(initials, positions, chargel, ainf)[!remove,,drop = FALSE]
book <- rbind(book, bookl)
colnames(book) <- c("initial", "most_intense", "charge", "a_inf")
return (list(Phi = Phi, book = book))
### 5. Nonnegative least squares
nnlslogbarrier <- function(response, betastart, trace = FALSE, alpha = 0.01, gammastart = 10, gammamax = 10^15, gammamult = 20, eps = 1e-6){
betaold <- betastart
gamma <- gammastart
rss <- Inf
while(gamma < gammamax){
converged <- FALSE
if(trace) cat("gamma: ", gamma, "\n")
if(any(betaold < 0)) stop("'beta' has to be non-negative \n")
gradf <- (drop(get("G", parent.frame(1)) %*% betaold) - get("C", parent.frame(1)))
grad <- gradf + (-1/betaold)/gamma
diagadd <- .C("addiagonal", colptr = as.integer(get("G", parent.frame(1))@p), rowind = as.integer(get("G", parent.frame(1))@i), val = as.double(get("G", parent.frame(1))@x), add = as.double( (1/betaold^2 )/ gamma), p = as.integer(get("G", parent.frame(1))@Dim[1]))
Hess <- new("dsCMatrix", uplo = "U", i = diagadd$rowind, p = diagadd$colptr, x = diagadd$val, Dim = get("G", parent.frame(1))@Dim, factors = list())
R <- try(Cholesky(Hess), silent = TRUE)
if(inherits(R, "try-error")){
warning("Error in nonnegative least squares estimation: Hessian not positive definite. \n")
gamma <- gammamax
dir <- solve(R, -grad)@x
stepsize <- try(linesearch(response, alpha), silent = TRUE)
if(inherits(stepsize, "try-error")){
warning("Error in nonnegative least squares estimation: stepsize selection failed \n")
gamma <- gammamax
if(trace) cat("stepsize: ", stepsize, "\n")
beta <- betaold + dir * stepsize
if(trace) cat("convergence inner loop:", abs(sum(grad*drop(dir))), "\n")
if((stepsize == 1) | abs(sum(grad*drop(dir))) < eps){
converged <- TRUE
gamma <- gamma * gammamult
betaold <- beta
if(is.function(beta)) beta <- betaold
return(list(beta = beta, gradnorm = sqrt(sum(grad * grad)), rss = 2 * rss))
### 6. linesearch [for nonnegative least squares]
linesearch <- function(response, alpha){
stepsize <- 1
sigma <- 0.95
sigmavec <- sigma^(0:500)
whichsmaller0 <- get("dir", parent.frame(1)) < 0
if(sum(whichsmaller0) > 0)
maxstepsize <- min(- (get("betaold", parent.frame(1)) / get("dir", parent.frame(1)))[whichsmaller0])
else maxstepsize <- 1
if(maxstepsize < 1)
maxstepsize <- max(sigmavec[sigmavec < maxstepsize])
stepsize <- min(c(1, maxstepsize))
finished <- FALSE
objectiveold <- 0.5 * sum((response - get("basis", parent.frame(2)) %*% get("betaold", parent.frame(1)))^2) - (1/get("gamma", parent.frame(1))) * sum(log(get("betaold", parent.frame(1))))
if(get("trace", parent.frame(1))) cat("linesearch...", stepsize, "\n")
beta <- get("betaold", parent.frame(1)) + stepsize * get("dir", parent.frame(1))
objectiverss <- 0.5 * sum((response - get("basis", parent.frame(2)) %*% beta)^2)
objectivelogbarrier <- -(1/get("gamma", parent.frame(1))) * sum(log(beta))
objective <- objectiverss + objectivelogbarrier
if(is.nan(objective)) objective <- Inf
rhs <- (objectiveold + alpha * stepsize * sum(get("grad", parent.frame(1)) * get("dir", parent.frame(1))))
if( objective >= rhs){
stepsize <- sigma * stepsize
if(stepsize < (0.5 * .Machine$double.eps)){
stop("Canceled stepsize selection. \n")
else finished <- TRUE
if(get("trace", parent.frame(1))){ cat("objectiverss:", objectiverss, "\t") ; cat("objectivelogbarrier:", objectivelogbarrier, "\n")}
assign("rss", objectiverss, parent.frame(1))
### 7. postprocessing Gaussian
postprocess.gaussian <- function(ppm, sigma, peaklist, eps = 1e-10, maxruns = 10, trace = FALSE){
orr <- order(peaklist[,2])
peaklisto <- peaklist[orr,,drop = FALSE]
sigmas <- sigma(peaklisto[,2])
peaklisto <- cbind(peaklisto, sigmas)
peaklistrem <- NULL
peaklistnew <- NULL
l <- 1
while(l <= nrow(peaklisto)){
indexplus = 0
if((l + indexplus + 1) > nrow(peaklisto)){
peaklistrem <- rbind(peaklistrem, peaklisto[l,])
else dif <- (peaklisto[l+ indexplus + 1,2] - peaklisto[l + indexplus,2])
while(dif < eps){
indexplus <- indexplus + 1
if((l + indexplus + 1) > nrow(peaklisto)) break
else dif <- (peaklisto[l+ indexplus + 1,2] - peaklisto[l + indexplus,2])
if(indexplus == 0){
peaklistrem <- rbind(peaklistrem, peaklisto[l,])
l <- l + 1
whichmaxampl <- which.max(peaklisto[l:(l+indexplus),5])
indtoadd <- (l:(l + indexplus))[whichmaxampl]
peaklistrem <- rbind(peaklistrem, peaklisto[indtoadd,])
l <- l + indexplus + 1
outer <- 1
converged <- FALSE
while(!converged & outer <= maxruns){
if(trace) cat("postprocessing: round ", outer, "\n")
focus <- 1:nrow(peaklistrem)
while(length(focus) >= 1){
loc <- focus[1]
locmz <- peaklistrem[loc,2]
delta <- ppm * locmz / 10^6
indeltawindow <- focus[(peaklistrem[focus,2] - locmz) <= delta]
s_indeltawindow <- length(indeltawindow)
if(s_indeltawindow == 1){
peaklistnew <- rbind(peaklistnew, peaklistrem[loc,])
focus <- setdiff(focus, loc)
chargeloc <- peaklistrem[loc,3]
samecharge <- which(peaklistrem[indeltawindow,3] == chargeloc)
if(length(samecharge) == 0){
peaklistnew <- rbind(peaklistnew, peaklistrem[loc,])
focus <- setdiff(focus, loc)
collect <- indeltawindow[samecharge]
initial <- peaklistrem[collect, 1]
mus <- peaklistrem[collect,2]
betas <- peaklistrem[collect,5]
ainf <- peaklistrem[collect, 4]
sigmaloc <- peaklistrem[loc,6]
img <- intermediategaussian(mus, betas, sigma = sigmaloc)
shift <- img$mu - mus[which.max(betas)]
initialnew <- initial[which.max(betas)] + shift
peaklistnew <- rbind(peaklistnew, c(initialnew, img$mu, chargeloc, mean(ainf), img$beta, sigmaloc))
focus <- setdiff(focus, collect)
if(nrow(peaklistnew) == nrow(peaklistrem)) converged <- TRUE
peaklistrem <- peaklistnew
peaklistnew <- NULL
outer <- outer + 1
return(peaklistrem[,-6, drop = FALSE])
### 8. intermediategaussian [for postprocess.Gaussian]
intermediategaussian <- function(mus, betas, muinit = NULL, sigma, eps = 1e-6){
N <- length(mus)
if(length(betas) != N) stop("Length of 'betas' does not match length of 'mus' \n")
if(all(betas == 0)) stop("All betas are equal to zero \n")
wsum <- sum(betas)
muinit <- sum(betas*mus)/wsum
mu0 <- muinit
beta0 <- mean(betas)
ws <- gaussfun(mus, mu = mu0, sigma = 2 * sigma)
iter <- 0
maxiter <- 100
converged <- FALSE
while(!converged & iter <= maxiter){
terms <- betas * ws
beta0new <- sum(terms)
mu0new <- sum(terms * mus) / beta0new
wsnew <- gaussfun(mus, mu = mu0new, sigma = 2 * sigma)
if(all(c(abs(mu0new - mu0), abs(beta0new - beta0), abs(wsnew - ws)) < eps) | iter == maxiter){
converged <- TRUE
eq1 <- abs(beta0new - sum(betas * wsnew))
eq2 <- abs(sum(betas * mus * wsnew) - mu0new * beta0new)
#if(!exists("eq1")) browser()
#bug <- try(print(eq1), silent = TRUE)
#if(inherits(bug, "try-error")) browser()
if(eq1 > eps) converged <- FALSE
if(eq2 > eps) converged <- FALSE
if(iter == (maxiter-1)) warning("Maximum iteration count reached \n")
mu0 <- mu0new
beta0 <- beta0new
ws <- wsnew
iter <- iter + 1
#if(!exists("eq1")) browser()
#bug <- try(print(eq1), silent = TRUE)
#if(inherits(bug, "try-error")) browser()
return(list(mu = mu0, beta = beta0, eps1 = eq1, eps2 = eq2, iter = iter))
### 9. gaussfun [for intermediategaussian]
gaussfun <- function(z, mu, sigma){
factor <- sqrt(2*pi) * sqrt(sigma/2)
factor * dnorm(z, mean = mu, sd = sqrt(sigma/2))
### 10. postprocessing EMG
postprocess.emg <- function(ppm, delta.x, alpha, sigma, mu, peaklist, eps = 1e-10, maxruns = 10, npoints = 100, trace = FALSE){
orr <- order(peaklist[,2])
peaklisto <- peaklist[orr,,drop = FALSE]
peaklistrem <- NULL
peaklistnew <- NULL
l <- 1
while(l <= nrow(peaklisto)){
indexplus = 0
if((l + indexplus + 1) > nrow(peaklisto)){
peaklistrem <- rbind(peaklistrem, peaklisto[l,])
else dif <- (peaklisto[l+ indexplus + 1,2] - peaklisto[l + indexplus,2])
while(dif < eps){
indexplus <- indexplus + 1
if((l + indexplus + 1) > nrow(peaklisto)) break
else dif <- (peaklisto[l+ indexplus + 1,2] - peaklisto[l + indexplus,2])
if(indexplus == 0){
peaklistrem <- rbind(peaklistrem, peaklisto[l,])
l <- l + 1
whichmaxampl <- which.max(peaklisto[l:(l+indexplus),4])
indtoadd <- (l:(l + indexplus))[whichmaxampl]
peaklistrem <- rbind(peaklistrem, peaklisto[indtoadd,])
l <- l + indexplus + 1
outer <- 1
converged <- FALSE
while(!converged & outer <= maxruns){
if(trace) cat("postprocessing: round ", outer, "\n")
focus <- 1:nrow(peaklistrem)
while(length(focus) >= 1){
loc <- focus[1]
locmz <- peaklistrem[loc,2]
delta <- locmz * ppm / 10^6
indeltawindow <- focus[(peaklistrem[focus,2] - locmz) <= delta]
s_indeltawindow <- length(indeltawindow)
if(s_indeltawindow == 1){
peaklistnew <- rbind(peaklistnew, peaklistrem[loc,])
focus <- setdiff(focus, loc)
chargeloc <- peaklistrem[loc,3]
samecharge <- which(peaklistrem[indeltawindow,3] == chargeloc)
if(length(samecharge) <= 1){
peaklistnew <- rbind(peaklistnew, peaklistrem[loc,])
focus <- setdiff(focus, loc)
collect <- indeltawindow[samecharge]
initial <- peaklistrem[collect, 1]
betas <- peaklistrem[collect,5]
alphaloc <- alpha(peaklistrem[loc,2])
sigmaloc <- sigma(peaklistrem[loc,2])
muloc <- mu(peaklistrem[loc,2])
modelocres <- determinemode(alphaloc, sigmaloc, muloc)
shiftloc <- -modelocres$mode
scaleloc <- 1/modelocres$val
ainfloc <- mean(peaklistrem[collect,4])
mus <- peaklistrem[collect,2] + (muloc + shiftloc)
lowmu <- min(mus)
uppmu <- max(mus)
fence <- sigmaloc^2 / (2 * alphaloc) + (muloc + shiftloc) - alphaloc * log(alphaloc * sqrt(eps)/(sqrt(2*pi) * sigmaloc))
low <- lowmu - fence
upp <- max(mus) + fence
### find better bounds using uniroot
if(alphaloc > 1.5 * sigmaloc)
low.interval.left <- low
low.interval.right <- min(peaklistrem[collect,2])
low.corr <- try(uniroot(function(z) EMG(z, alpha = alphaloc, sigma = sigmaloc, mu = lowmu) - sqrt(eps),
lower = low.interval.left, upper = low.interval.right)$root, silent = TRUE)
if(!inherits(low.corr, "try-error")) low <- low.corr
npointsfac <- max(1, floor(delta / delta.x))
imemg <- intermediateemg(mus, betas * scaleloc, alpha = alphaloc, sigma = sigmaloc, npoints = npoints * npointsfac, low = low, upp = upp)
shiftmu <- imemg$mu - mus[which.max(betas)]
initialnew <- initial[which.max(betas)] + shiftmu
newrow <- c(initialnew, imemg$mu - muloc - shiftloc, chargeloc, ainfloc, imemg$beta / scaleloc)
acceptnewrow = TRUE
if(any(newrow[5] + sqrt(eps) < betas)){
acceptnewrow <- FALSE
#if(newrow[2] < min(mus) | nrow[2] > max(mus))
# acceptnewrow <- FALSE
if(acceptnewrow) peaklistnew <- rbind(peaklistnew, newrow)
else peaklistnew <- rbind(peaklistnew, peaklistrem[collect,])
focus <- setdiff(focus, collect)
if(nrow(peaklistnew) == nrow(peaklistrem)) converged <- TRUE
peaklistrem <- peaklistnew
peaklistnew <- NULL
outer <- outer + 1
### 11. erfc
erfc <- function(z) pnorm(z*sqrt(2), lower.tail = FALSE)
### 12. P1
P1 <- function(x, alpha, sigma, mu) exp(sigma^2/(2*alpha^2) + (mu - x)/alpha)
### 13. P2
P2 <- function(alpha, sigma) sqrt(2 * pi) * sigma/alpha
### 14. P3
P3 <- function(x, alpha, sigma, mu){
z <- (sigma/alpha + (mu - x)/sigma)/sqrt(2)
### 15. P3prime
P3prime <- function(x, alpha, sigma, mu){
z <- sigma/alpha + (mu - x)/sigma
### 16. EMG
EMG <- function(x, alpha = 1, sigma = 1, mu = 0) P1(x, alpha, sigma, mu) * P2(alpha, sigma) * P3(x, alpha, sigma, mu)
### 17. determinemode
determinemode <- function(alpha, sigma, mu, lower = -0.5, upper = 0.5){
opt <- optimize(f = EMG, alpha = alpha, sigma = sigma, mu = mu, lower = lower,
upper = upper, maximum = TRUE, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5)
list(mode = opt$maximum, val = opt$objective)
### 18. dalpha
dalpha <- function(x, alpha, sigma, mu){
P1(x, alpha, sigma, mu) * P2(alpha, sigma) * (P3(x, alpha, sigma, mu)*((x - mu)/alpha^2 - 1/alpha - sigma^2/(alpha^3)) + P3prime(x, alpha, sigma, mu) * sigma/alpha^2)
### 19. dsigma
dsigma <- function(x, alpha, sigma, mu){
P1(x, alpha, sigma, mu) * P2(alpha, sigma) * (P3(x, alpha, sigma, mu)*(1/sigma + sigma/(alpha^2)) - P3prime(x, alpha, sigma, mu) * (1/alpha + (x - mu)/sigma^2))
### 20.dmu
dmu <- function(x, alpha, sigma, mu){
P1(x, alpha, sigma, mu) * P2(alpha, sigma) * (P3(x, alpha, sigma, mu)/alpha - P3prime(x, alpha, sigma, mu)/sigma)
### 21. objective
objective <- function(theta, x, y){
alpha <- theta[1]
sigma <- theta[2]
mu <- theta[3]
y <- y/max(y)
x <- x - mean(x)
yhat <- EMG(x, alpha, sigma, mu)
yhat <- yhat/max(yhat)
sum((y - yhat)^2)
### 22.grad
grad <- function(theta, x, y){
alpha <- theta[1]
sigma <- theta[2]
mu <- theta[3]
y <- y/max(y)
x <- x - mean(x)
yhat <- EMG(x, alpha, sigma, mu)
yhat <- yhat/max(yhat)
res <- (y - yhat)
gradalpha <- dalpha(x, alpha, sigma, mu)
gradsigma <- dsigma(x, alpha, sigma, mu)
gradmu <- dmu(x, alpha, sigma, mu)
-2 * c(sum(res * gradalpha), sum(res * gradsigma), sum(res * gradmu))
### 23. gridsearch
gridsearch <- function(x, y, grid.length = c(100, 100, 100), grid.alpha = NULL, grid.sigma = NULL, = NULL){
if(is.null(grid.alpha)) grid.alpha <- 10^((seq(from = -5, to = 5, length = floor(grid.length[1]))))
if(is.null(grid.sigma)) grid.sigma <- 10^((seq(from = -5, to = 5, length = floor(grid.length[2]))))
if(is.null( <- seq(from = -1, to = 1, length = floor(grid.length[3]))
gridsearchres <- .C("gridsearchemg", x = x, y = y, alpha = grid.alpha, sigma = grid.sigma, mu =, n = as.integer(length(x)),
alphagridlength = as.integer(length(grid.alpha)), sigmagridlength = as.integer(length(grid.sigma)), mugridlength = as.integer(length(,
alphawinner = as.double(1), sigmawinner = as.double(1), muwinner = as.double(0))
start <- c(gridsearchres$alphawinner, gridsearchres$sigmawinner, gridsearchres$muwinner)
### 24. fit.EMG
fit.EMG <- function(x, y, alpha.start = 0.03, sigma.start = 0.03, mu.start = -0.03, gridsearch = FALSE, ...){
if(gridsearch) start <- gridsearch(x = x - mean(x), y = y/max(y), ...)
else start <- c(alpha.start, sigma.start, mu.start)
optcall <- optim(par = start, fn = objective, gr = grad, method = "BFGS", x=x, y=y)
if(optcall$convergence != 0) warning("Convergence failed \n")
outp <- list(alpha = optcall$par[1], sigma = optcall$par[2], mu = optcall$par[3])
yhat <- EMG(x - mean(x), alpha = outp$alpha, sigma = outp$sigma, mu = outp$mu)
outp$yhat <- yhat/max(yhat)
outp$rss <- sum((yhat/max(yhat) - y/max(y))^2)
outp$converged <- optcall$convergence == 0
outp$meanx <- mean(x)
### 25. objective.combine
objective.combine <- function(theta, alpha, sigma, x, y){
mu <- theta[1]
beta <- theta[2]
yhat <- beta * EMG(x, alpha, sigma, mu)
sum((y - yhat)^2)
### 26. grad.combine
grad.combine <- function(theta, alpha, sigma, x, y){
mu <- theta[1]
beta <- theta[2]
yhat <- beta * EMG(x, alpha, sigma, mu)
res <- (y - yhat)
gradmu <- beta * dmu(x, alpha, sigma, mu)
gradbeta <- EMG(x, alpha, sigma, mu)
-2 * c(sum(res * gradmu), sum(res * gradbeta))
### 27. fit.combine
fit.combine <- function(x, y, alpha = 0.03, sigma = 0.03, mu.start = -0.03, beta.start = 1, lower, upper){
start <- c(mu.start, beta.start)
optcall <- optim(par = start, fn = objective.combine, gr = grad.combine, method = "L-BFGS-B", x = x, y = y, alpha = alpha, sigma = sigma,
lower = lower, upper = upper)
if(optcall$convergence != 0) warning("Convergence failed \n")
outp <- list(mu = optcall$par[1], beta = optcall$par[2])
outp$converged <- optcall$convergence == 0
### 28. intermediatemg [for postprocess.emg]
intermediateemg <- function(mus, betas, muinit = NULL, betainit = NULL, alpha, sigma, npoints = 100, low, upp, ...){
N <- length(mus)
if(length(betas) != N) stop("Length of 'betas' does not match length of 'mus' \n")
if(all(betas == 0)) stop("All betas are equal to zero \n")
if(is.null(muinit)) muinit <- mean(mus)
if(is.null(betainit)) betainit <- max(betas)
xx <- seq(from = low, to = upp, length = npoints)
yy <- drop( sapply(mus, function(z) EMG(xx, alpha = alpha, sigma = sigma, mu = z )) %*% betas)
outp <- fit.combine(xx, yy, alpha = alpha, sigma = sigma, mu.start = muinit, beta.start = betainit,
lower = c(min(mus), max(betas)), upper = c(max(mus), sum(betas)))
if(!outp$converged) warning("Nonlinear least squares did not converge \n")
return(list(mu = outp$mu, beta = outp$beta, converged = outp$converged))
### 29. peakdetection
peakdetect <- function(spectrum, window, threshold){
l <- length(spectrum[,1])
delta <- diff(spectrum[,2])/diff(spectrum[,1])
Cres <- .C("peakdetect", spectrum = spectrum[,2], delta = delta,
l = as.integer(l), window = as.integer(window),
threshold = threshold, peakind = integer(l),
counter = as.integer(0))
if(Cres$counter == 0) stop("No peaks found \n")
peakind <- Cres$peakind[1:Cres$counter]+1
peaklist <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(peakind))
for(j in seq(along = peakind)){
bestpeak <- peakind[j] ####+ window + 1
xpeak <- spectrum[bestpeak,1]
xenvelopinit <- xpeak - 1
xenvelopend <- xpeak + 1
indinit <- which(spectrum[,1] >= xenvelopinit & spectrum[,1] < xpeak)
###indinit <- c(indinit[1]-1, indinit)
indend <- which(spectrum[,1] > xpeak & spectrum[,1] <= xenvelopend)
###inend <- c(indend, indend[length(indend)] + 1)
diffinit <- rev(delta[indinit]) ### rev(diff(spectrum[indinit,2])/diff(spectrum[indinit,1]))
diffend <- delta[indend - 1] ###diff(spectrum[indend,2])/diff(spectrum[indend,1])
xxind <- bestpeak###, bestpeak+1)
### go left
ileft <- 1
while(diffinit[ileft] > 0){
xxind <- c(bestpeak - ileft, xxind)
ileft <- ileft +1
if(ileft > length(diffinit)) break
### go right
iright <- 1
while(diffend[iright] < 0){
xxind <- c(xxind, bestpeak + iright)
iright <- iright +1
if(iright > length(diffend)) break
peaklist[[j]] <- cbind(x = spectrum[xxind,1], y = spectrum[xxind,2])
### 30. fit
fit.gauss <- function(x,y,...){
data <- data.frame(x = x - mean(x), yy = y/max(y)) <- nls(yy ~ exp(-(x-mu)^2/sigma),
data = data, start = list(sigma = 0.001, mu = 0))
rss <- sum(residuals(^2)
return(list(maxy = max(y), mu = coef(["mu"] + mean(x),
sigma = coef(["sigma"], rss = rss))
### 31. formulacoef2function
formulacoef2function <- function(formula, coef, intercept){
char <- as.character(formula[2])
splitt <- unlist(strsplit(char, split = ""))
critical <- c("+", "-", "1")
matchcritical <- which(splitt %in% critical)
criticalpoints <- sort(c(0, matchcritical, length(splitt)+1))
if(intercept) {offset <- coef[1]; coef <- coef[-1] }
k <- 1
for(i in 1:(length(criticalpoints)- 1)){
lower <- criticalpoints[i]+1
upper <- criticalpoints[i+1]
if(lower == upper) next
term <- paste(splitt[lower:(upper-1)], collapse="")
containsmz <- length(grep("mz", term)) > 0
if(!containsmz) next
termcoef <- paste(coef[k], term, sep = "*")
if(k == 1) functionbodystring <- termcoef
else functionbodystring <- paste(functionbodystring, termcoef, sep = "+")
k <- k + 1
functionbodystring <- paste(functionbodystring, offset, sep="+")
foo <- function(mz){}
body(foo) <- parse(text = functionbodystring)
if(!intercept) stop("Error occured in conversion from formula to function \n")
foo <- function(mz){}
body(foo) <- eval(substitute(expression(rep(estimate, length(mz))), list(estimate = offset)))
### 32. simplepeakdetect
simplepeakdetect <- function(spectrum, window, threshold){
l <- length(spectrum[,1])
delta <- diff(spectrum[,2])/diff(spectrum[,1])
Cres <- .C("peakdetect", spectrum = spectrum[,2], delta = delta,
l = as.integer(l), window = as.integer(window),
threshold = threshold, peakind = integer(l),
counter = as.integer(0))
if(Cres$counter == 0) stop("No peaks found \n")
peakind <- Cres$peakind[1:Cres$counter]+1
bestpeak <- peakind[which.max(spectrum[peakind,2])]
xpeak <- spectrum[bestpeak,1]
xenvelopinit <- xpeak - 1
xenvelopend <- xpeak + 1
indinit <- which(spectrum[,1] >= xenvelopinit & spectrum[,1] < xpeak)
indend <- which(spectrum[,1] > xpeak & spectrum[,1] <= xenvelopend)
diffinit <- rev(delta[indinit])
diffend <- delta[indend - 1]
xxind <- bestpeak
ileft <- 1
while(diffinit[ileft] > 0){
xxind <- c(bestpeak - ileft, xxind)
ileft <- ileft +1
if(ileft > length(diffinit)) break
iright <- 1
while(diffend[iright] < 0){
xxind <- c(xxind, bestpeak + iright)
iright <- iright + 1
if(iright > length(diffend)) break
return(cbind(x = spectrum[xxind,1], y = spectrum[xxind,2]))
nnladlogbarrier <- function(response, betastart, trace = FALSE, alpha = 0.01, gammastart = 10, gammamax = 10^15, gammamult = 20, eps = 1e-6){
betaold <- betastart
fitted <- drop( get("basis", parent.frame(1)) %*% betaold)
rold <- abs(response - fitted) + betastart[1]
gamma <- gammastart
obj <- Inf
while(gamma < gammamax){
converged <- FALSE
if(trace) cat("gamma: ", gamma, "\n")
if(any(betaold < 0)) stop("'beta' has to be non-negative \n")
if(any(rold < 0)) stop("'rold' has to be non-negative \n")
fitted <- drop( get("basis", parent.frame(1)) %*% betaold)
res <- fitted - response
Xiplus <- 1/(res + rold)
Ximinus <- 1/(-res + rold)
grad.r <- 1 - Xiplus/gamma - Ximinus/gamma - 1/(gamma * rold)
grad.beta <- -drop((Xiplus - Ximinus) %*% get("basis", parent.frame(1)))/gamma - 1/(gamma * betaold)
Ainv <- 1/(Xiplus^2 + Ximinus^2 + rold^(-2))
D.x <- pmax( (Xiplus^2 + Ximinus^2 - (Ainv * (Xiplus^2 - Ximinus^2)^2)), .Machine$double.eps)
R <- .C("multiply", colptr = as.integer(get("G", parent.frame(1))@p),
rowind = as.integer(get("G", parent.frame(1))@i),
val = as.double(get("G", parent.frame(1))@x),
colptrphi = as.integer(get("basis", parent.frame(1))@p),
rowindphi = as.integer(get("basis", parent.frame(1))@i),
valphi = as.double(get("basis", parent.frame(1))@x),
vec = as.double(D.x / gamma),
p = as.integer(ncol(get("G", parent.frame(1)))))
R <- .C("addiagonal", colptr = as.integer(R$colptr), rowind = as.integer(R$rowind), val = as.double(R$val), add = as.double( (1/betaold^2 )/ gamma), p = as.integer(ncol(get("basis", parent.frame(1)))))
R <- new("dsCMatrix", p = R$colptr, i = R$rowind, x = R$val, uplo = "U", Dim = get("G", parent.frame(1))@Dim, factors = list())
R <- try(Cholesky(R), silent = TRUE)
if(inherits(R, "try-error")){
warning("Error in nonnegative least absolute deviation estimation: Hessian not positive definite. \n")
gamma <- gammamax
rhs.beta <- (-grad.beta + drop (((Xiplus^2 - Ximinus^2) * Ainv * grad.r) %*% get("basis", parent.frame(1))))
dir.beta <- solve(R, rhs.beta)@x
dir.r <- (gamma * (grad.r) + (Xiplus^2 - Ximinus^2) * drop(get("basis", parent.frame(1)) %*% dir.beta)) * (-Ainv)
stepsize <- try(linesearchlad(response, alpha), silent = TRUE)
if(inherits(stepsize, "try-error")){
warning("Error in nonnegative least absolute deviation estimation: stepsize selection failed \n")
gamma <- gammamax
if(trace) cat("stepsize: ", stepsize, "\n")
beta <- betaold + dir.beta * stepsize
r <- rold + dir.r * stepsize
conv <- abs(sum(grad.beta * drop(dir.beta)) + sum(grad.r * drop(dir.r)))
if(trace) cat("convergence inner loop:", conv, "\n")
if((stepsize == 1) | conv < eps){
converged <- TRUE
gamma <- gamma * gammamult
betaold <- drop(beta)
rold <- drop(r)
if(!exists("r")) r <- rold
if(is.function(beta)) beta <- betaold
return(list(beta = drop(beta), r = drop(r), gradnorm = sqrt(sum(grad.beta * grad.beta) + sum(grad.r * grad.r)), obj = obj))
### linesearch [for nonnegative least absolute deviation]
linesearchlad <- function(response, alpha){
stepsize <- 1
sigma <- 0.95
sigmavec <- sigma^(0:500)
whichsmaller0.beta <- get("dir.beta", parent.frame(1)) < 0
if(sum(whichsmaller0.beta) > 0)
maxstepsize.beta <- min(- (get("betaold", parent.frame(1)) / get("dir.beta", parent.frame(1)))[whichsmaller0.beta])
else maxstepsize.beta <- 1
if(maxstepsize.beta < 1)
maxstepsize.beta <- max(sigmavec[sigmavec < maxstepsize.beta])
whichsmaller0.r <- get("dir.r", parent.frame(1)) < 0
if(sum(whichsmaller0.r) > 0)
maxstepsize.r <- min(- (get("rold", parent.frame(1)) / get("dir.r", parent.frame(1)))[whichsmaller0.r])
else maxstepsize.r <- 1
if(maxstepsize.r < 1)
maxstepsize.r <- max(sigmavec[sigmavec < maxstepsize.r])
stepsize <- min(c(1, maxstepsize.beta, maxstepsize.r))
finished <- FALSE
lossold <- sum(get("rold", parent.frame(1)))
barrierold <- -(1/get("gamma", parent.frame(1))) * (sum(log(get("betaold", parent.frame(1)))) +
- sum(log(get("Xiplus", parent.frame(1)))) - sum(log(get("Ximinus", parent.frame(1)))) +
sum(log(get("rold", parent.frame(1)))))
objectiveold <- lossold + barrierold
if(get("trace", parent.frame(1))) cat("linesearch...", stepsize, "\n")
beta <- get("betaold", parent.frame(1)) + stepsize * get("dir.beta", parent.frame(1))
r <- get("rold", parent.frame(1)) + stepsize * get("dir.r", parent.frame(1))
loss <- sum(r)
fitted <- drop( get("basis", parent.frame(2)) %*% beta)
barrier <- -(1/get("gamma", parent.frame(1))) * (sum(log(fitted - response + r)) + sum(log(response - fitted + r)) + sum(log(beta)) + sum(log(r)))
objective <- loss + barrier
if(is.nan(objective)) objective <- Inf
rhs <- objectiveold + alpha * stepsize * (sum(get("grad.beta", parent.frame(1)) * get("dir.beta", parent.frame(1))) + sum(get("grad.r", parent.frame(1)) * get("dir.r", parent.frame(1))))
if( objective >= rhs){
stepsize <- sigma * stepsize
if(stepsize < (0.5 * .Machine$double.eps)){
stop("Canceled stepsize selection. \n")
else finished <- TRUE
if(get("trace", parent.frame(1))){ cat("loss:", loss, "\t") ; cat("logbarrier:", barrier, "\n")}
assign("obj", loss, parent.frame(1))
calculatedenoisingbasis.gaussian <- function(x, sigma, eps = 1e-05, uppernonzero = 10^6){ ### find better estimate for uppernonzero.
n <- length(x)
sigma <- sigma(x)
block <- matrix(0, nrow = uppernonzero, ncol = 3)
resultC <- .C("getblocksparse", block = block, x = as.double(x),
n = as.integer(n),
sigma = as.double(sigma),
eps = as.double(eps), uppernonzero = as.integer(uppernonzero),
nonzero = as.integer(-1))
sparseMatrix(i = as.integer(resultC$block[1:(resultC$nonzero + 1), 1]),
j = as.integer(resultC$block[1:(resultC$nonzero + 1), 2]),
x = resultC$block[1:(resultC$nonzero + 1), 3],
dims = c(n, n))))}
calculatedenoisingbasis.emg <- function(x, alpha, sigma, mu, eps = 1e-05, uppernonzero = 10^6){ ### find better estimate for uppernonzero.
n <- length(x)
# Determine modes and so on
alpha <- alpha(x)
sigma <- sigma(x)
mu <- mu(x)
moderes <- apply(cbind(alpha, sigma, mu), 1, function(z) {getmode <- determinemode(z[1], z[2], z[3]); c(-getmode$mode + z[3], 1/getmode$val)})
# to be passed to the C function
mu <- moderes[1,]
scale <- moderes[2,]
block <- matrix(0, nrow = uppernonzero, ncol = 3)
resultC <- .C("getblocksparseemg", block = block, x = as.double(x),
n = as.integer(n),
alpha = as.double(alpha),
sigma = as.double(sigma),
mu = as.double(mu),
scale = as.double(scale),
eps = as.double(eps),
uppernonzero = as.integer(uppernonzero),
nonzero = as.integer(-1))
return(sparseMatrix(i = as.integer(resultC$block[1:(resultC$nonzero + 1), 1]),
j = as.integer(resultC$block[1:(resultC$nonzero + 1), 2]),
x = resultC$block[1:(resultC$nonzero + 1), 3],
dims = c(n ,n)))}
base64decode <- function(z, what, size = NA, signed = TRUE, endian = .Platform$endian)
if (!is.character(z))
stop("base64decode: Input argument 'z' is suppose to be a string")
if (length(z) == 1)
z = strsplit(z, NULL)[[1]]
if (length(z)%%4 != 0)
warning("In base64decode: Length of base64 data (z) not a multiple of 4.")
alpha = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/="
alpha = strsplit(alpha, NULL)[[1]]
y = match(z, alpha, nomatch = -1) - 1
if (any(y == -1))
stop("base64decode: Input string is not in Base64 format")
if (any(y == 64))
y = y[y != 64]
neByte = length(y)
nBlock = ceiling(neByte/4)
ndByte = 3 * nBlock
if (neByte < 4 * nBlock)
y[(neByte + 1):(4 * nBlock)] = 0
dim(y) = c(4, nBlock)
x = matrix(as.integer(0), 3, nBlock)
x[1, ] = bitOr(bitShiftL(y[1, ], 2), bitShiftR(y[2, ], 4))
x[2, ] = bitOr(bitShiftL(y[2, ], 4), bitShiftR(y[3, ], 2))
x[3, ] = bitOr(bitShiftL(y[3, ], 6), y[4, ])
x = bitAnd(x, 255)
if (neByte%%4 == 2)
x = x[1:(ndByte - 2)]
if (neByte%%4 == 3)
x = x[1:(ndByte - 1)]
r = as.raw(x)
TypeList = c("logical", "integer", "double", "complex", "character",
"raw", "numeric", "int")
if (!is.character(what) || length(what) != 1 || !(what %in%
what <- typeof(what)
if (what == "raw")
if (
size = switch(match(what, TypeList), 4, 4, 8, 16, 2,
1, 8, 4)
n = length(r)
if (n%%size)
stop("raw2bin: number of elements in 'r' is not multiple of 'size'")
x = readBin(r, what, n = n%/%size, size = size, signed = signed,
endian = endian)
if (what == "character")
x = paste(x, collapse = "")
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