### R code from vignette source 'vignettes/annHeatmapCommentedSource.Rnw'
### code chunk number 1: annHeatmapCommentedSource.Rnw:44-45
### code chunk number 2: heatmapLayout_Def
heatmapLayout = function(dendrogram, annotation, leg.side=NULL, show=FALSE)
## Start: maximum matrix, 5 x 5, all zero
## Names for nice display post ante
ll = matrix(0, nrow=5, ncol=5)
ll.width = ll.height = rep(0, 5)
cnt = 1
rownames(ll) = c("leg3", "colDendro","image", "colAnn", "leg1")
colnames(ll) = c("leg2", "rowDendro","image", "rowAnn", "leg4")
## The main plot
ll[3,3] = cnt
ll.width[3] = ll.height[3] = 5
cnt = cnt+1
## The column dendrogram
if (dendrogram$Col$status=="yes") {
ll[2, 3] = 2
ll.width[3] = 5
ll.height[2] = 2
cnt = cnt+1
## The row dendrogram
if (dendrogram$Row$status=="yes") {
ll[3, 2] = cnt
ll.width[2] = 2
ll.height[3] = 5
cnt = cnt+1
# Column annotation
if (!is.null(annotation$Col$data)) {
ll[4, 3] = cnt
ll.width[3] = 5
ll.height[4] = 2
cnt = cnt+1
## Row annotation
if (!is.null(annotation$Row$data)) {
ll[3, 4] = cnt
ll.width[4] = 2
ll.height[3] = 5
cnt = cnt+1
## Legend: if no pref specified, go for empty, if possible
if (is.null(leg.side)) {
if (dendrogram$Row$status != "yes") {
leg.side = 2
} else if (is.null(annotation$Row$data)) {
leg.side = 4
} else if (is.null(annotation$Col$data)) {
leg.side = 1
} else if (dendrogram$Col$status != "yes") {
leg.side = 3
} else {
leg.side = 4
## Add the legend space
if (leg.side==1) {
ll[5,3] = cnt
ll.width[3] = 5
ll.height[5] = 1
} else if (leg.side==2) {
ll[3,1] = cnt
ll.width[1] = 1
ll.height[3] = 5
} else if (leg.side==3) {
ll[1,3] = cnt
ll.width[3] = 5
ll.height[1] = 1
} else if (leg.side==4) {
ll[3,5] = cnt
ll.width[5] = 1
ll.height[3] = 5
## Compress
ndx = rowSums(ll)!=0
ll = ll[ndx, , drop=FALSE]
ll.height = ll.height[ndx]
ndx = colSums(ll)!=0
ll = ll[, ndx, drop=FALSE]
ll.width = ll.width[ndx]
## Do it - show it
if (show) {
layout(ll, width=ll.width, height=ll.height, respect=TRUE)
return(list(plot=ll, width=ll.width, height=ll.height, legend.side=leg.side))
### code chunk number 3: modifyExistingList_Def
modifyExistingList = function(x, val)
if (is.null(x)) x = list()
if (is.null(val)) val = list()
stopifnot(is.list(x), is.list(val))
xnames <- names(x)
vnames <- names(val)
for (v in intersect(xnames, vnames)) {
x[[v]] <- if (is.list(x[[v]]) && is.list(val[[v]]))
modifyExistingList(x[[v]], val[[v]])
else val[[v]]
### code chunk number 4: extractArg_Def
extractArg = function(arglist, deflist)
if (missing(arglist)) arglist = NULL
al2 = modifyExistingList(deflist, arglist)
row = col = al2
row = modifyExistingList(row, arglist[["Row"]])
col = modifyExistingList(col, arglist[["Col"]])
list(Row=row, Col=col)
### code chunk number 5: picketPlot_Def
picketPlot = function (x, grp=NULL, grpcol, grplabel=NULL, horizontal=TRUE, asIs=FALSE, control=list())
# Name: picketPlot (looks like a picket fence with holes, and sounds like the
# pocketplot in geostatistics)
# Desc: visualizes a pattern of 0/1/NAs by using bars, great for annotating a
# heatmap
# Auth: 181203
# Chng: 221203 AP loess() with degree < 2
# 260104 AP
# - made loess() optional
# - better use of space if no covariate
# 030304 AP
# - added RainbowPastel() as default colors
# - check grplabel before passing it to axis
# 2010-07-08 AP
# - complete re-write
# 2010-08-28
# - re-arranged code for vertical/horizontal drawing
# deal with the setup
cc = picketPlotControl()
cc[names(control)] = control
## Convert/check the data
x = convAnnData(x, asIs=asIs)
# Count variables, panels, types
nsamp = nrow(x)
npanel = ncol(x)
bpanel = apply(x, 2, function(y) all(y[is.finite(y)] %in% c(0,1)) )
# Compute panel heights, widths
panelw = nsamp*(cc$boxw+2*cc$hbuff)
panelh = cc$boxh+2*cc$vbuff
totalh = sum(panelh * ifelse(bpanel, 1, cc$numfac))
LL = cbind(0, 0)
UR = cbind(panelw, totalh)
# Set up the x-values for a single panel
xbase = seq(cc$hbuff, by=cc$boxw+2*cc$hbuff, length=nsamp)
xcent = xbase + cc$boxw/2
# if we get a cluster variable, we have to set differently colored
# backgrounds; this assumes that the grp variable is sorted in the
# way it appears on the plot
if (!is.null(grp)) {
grp = as.integer(factor(grp, levels=unique(grp)))
tt = table(grp)
gg = length(tt)
grpcoord = c(0,cumsum(tt/sum(tt))*panelw)
grp0 = cbind(grpcoord[1:gg], rep(0, gg))
grp1 = cbind(grpcoord[2:(gg+1)], rep(totalh, gg))
if (missing(grpcol)) {
if (is.function(grpcol)) grpcol = grpcol(gg)
## In case of manually specified group colors, we only check/use the
## relevant colors and ignore the rest
grpcol = grpcol[1:gg]
if (gg > 1) {
if ( any(grpcol[-1] == grpcol[-gg]) ) warning("neighboring clusters with same color, potentially misleading")
# Loop over vars and fill in the panels
panels = list()
voff = 0
for (i in 1:npanel) {
if (bpanel[i]) {
## Coordinates
x0 = xbase
x1 = x0+cc$boxw
y0 = voff + cc$vbuff
y1 = y0 + cc$boxh
## Set fill
fill = ifelse(x[, i, drop=FALSE]==1, "black", "transparent")
fill[] = cc$nacol
label = colnames(x)[i]
labcc = if (!is.null(label)) (y0+y1)/2 else NULL
panels[[i]] = list(ll=cbind(x0, y0), ur=cbind(x1, y1), fill=fill, label=label, labcc=labcc)
voff = voff + panelh
} else {
xv = x[,i]
rr = range(xv, na.rm=TRUE)
yval = voff + cc$vbuff*cc$numfac + ((xv - rr[1])/(rr[2] - rr[1]))*cc$boxh*cc$numfac
if ((cc$degree>0) & (cc$span>0)){
yy = predict(loess(yval~xcent, span=cc$span, degree=cc$degree))
} else {
yy = rep(NA, length(xcent))
label = colnames(x)[i]
labcc = if (!is.null(label)) mean(range(yval, na.rm=TRUE)) else NULL
axlab = pretty(range(xv, na.rm=TRUE))
axcc = voff + cc$vbuff*cc$numfac + ((axlab - rr[1])/(rr[2] - rr[1]))*cc$boxh*cc$numfac
panels[[i]] = list(raw=cbind(xcent, yval), smo=cbind(xcent, yy), label=label, labcc=labcc, axlab=axlab, axcc=axcc)
voff = voff + panelh*cc$numfac
# if grplabels are given, we add another horizontal axis to the
# last plot (independent of whether it is binvar or contvar)
if (!is.null(grp) & !is.null(grplabel)) {
mids = (grpcoord[1:gg] + grpcoord[2:(gg+1)])/2
# Is the grplabel ok?
labelnum = length(grplabel)
if (labelnum < gg) {
warning("more groups than labels (filling up with blanks)")
grplabel = c(grplabel, rep(" ", gg-labelnum))
} else if (gg < labelnum) {
warning("more labels than groups (ignoring the extras)")
grplabel = grplabel[1:gg]
## Switch coordinates, if you have to
h2v = function(cc) cbind(cc[,2]-totalh, cc[,1])
if (horizontal) {
grpaxis = 1
labaxis = 2
covaxis = 4
las = 1
} else {
grpaxis = 4
labaxis = 3
covaxis = 1
las = 3
## Rotate
LL = h2v(LL)
UR = h2v(UR)
if (!is.null(grp)) {
grp0 = h2v(grp0)
grp1 = h2v(grp1)
for (i in 1:npanel) {
panels[[i]][[1]] = h2v(panels[[i]][[1]])
panels[[i]][[2]] = h2v(panels[[i]][[2]])
panels[[i]]$labcc = panels[[i]]$labcc - totalh
panels[[i]]$axcc = panels[[i]]$axcc - totalh
# Set up the plot
plot(rbind(LL, UR), type="n", xaxt="n", yaxt="n", xlab="", ylab="")
# Add the colored rectangles, if required
if (!is.null(grp)) {
rect(grp0[,1], grp0[,2], grp1[,1], grp1[,2], col=grpcol, border="transparent")
# Loop over vars and fill in the panels
for (i in 1:npanel) {
if (bpanel[i]) {
## Do the rectangles
with(panels[[i]], rect(ll[,1], ll[,2], ur[,1], ur[,2], col=fill, border="transparent") )
} else {
with(panels[[i]], points(raw[,1], raw[,2], pch=cc$pch, cex=cc$cex.pch, col=cc$col.pch))
if ((cc$degree>0) & (cc$span>0)){
with(panels[[i]], lines(smo[,1], smo[,2]))
with(panels[[i]], axis(covaxis, at=axcc, label=axlab))
## Name panel (regardless of type)
if (!is.null(panels[[i]]$label)) {
axis(labaxis, at=panels[[i]]$labcc, label=panels[[i]]$label, las=las, tick=FALSE, font=2, col=par("bg"), col.axis=par("fg"))
# if grplabels are given, we add another horizontal axis to the
# last plot (independent of whether it is binvar or contvar)
if (!is.null(grp) & !is.null(grplabel)) {
axis(grpaxis, grpcoord, label=FALSE, tcl=-1.5)
axis(grpaxis, mids, label=grplabel, font=2, cex.axis=cc$cex.label, tick=FALSE)
### code chunk number 6: picketPlotControl_Def
picketPlotControl = function()
list(boxw=1, boxh=4, hbuff=0.1, vbuff=0.1, span=1/3, nacol=gray(0.85),
degree=1, cex.label=1.5, numfac=2, pch=par("pch"), cex.pch=par("cex"),
col.pch=par("col") )
### code chunk number 7: findBreaks_Def
niceBreaks = function(xr, breaks)
## If you want it, you get it
if (length(breaks) > 1) {
## Ok, so you proposed a number
## Neg and pos?
if ( (xr[1] < 0) & (xr[2] > 0) ) {
xminAbs = abs(xr[1])
xmax = xr[2]
nneg = max(round(breaks * xminAbs/(xmax+xminAbs)), 1)
npos = max(round(breaks * xmax/(xmax+xminAbs)), 1)
nbr = pretty(c(xr[1], 0), nneg)
pbr = pretty(c(0, xr[2]), npos)
## Average of the proposed interval lengths,
## nice enough for us
diff = ( (nbr[2]-nbr[1]) + (pbr[2] - pbr[1]) ) / 2
nbr = diff * ( (xr[1] %/% diff) : 0 )
pbr = diff * ( 1 : (xr[2] %/% diff + 1) )
breaks = c(nbr, pbr)
} else { ## only pos or negs
breaks = pretty(xr, breaks)
### code chunk number 8: breakColors_Def
breakColors = function(breaks, colors, center=0, tol=0.001)
## In case of explicit color definitions
nbreaks = length(breaks)
nclass = nbreaks - 1
if (!is.function(colors)) {
ncolors = length(colors)
if (ncolors > nclass) {
warning("more colors than classes: ignoring ", ncolors-nclass, " last colors")
colors = colors[1:nclass]
} else if (nclass > ncolors) {
stop(nclass-ncolors, " more classes than colors defined")
} else {
## Are the classes symmetric and of same lengths?
clens = diff(breaks)
aclen = mean(clens)
if (aclen==0) stop("Dude, your breaks are seriously fucked up!")
relerr = max((clens-aclen)/aclen)
if ( (center %in% breaks) & (relerr < tol) ) { ## yes, symmetric
ndxcen = which(breaks==center)
kneg = ndxcen -1
kpos = nbreaks - ndxcen
kmax = max(kneg, kpos)
colors = colors(2*kmax)
if (kneg < kpos) {
colors = colors[ (kpos-kneg+1) : (2*kmax) ]
} else if (kneg > kpos) {
colors = colors[ 1 : (2*kmax - (kneg-kpos)) ]
} else { ## no, not symmetric
colors = colors(nclass)
### code chunk number 9: g2r.colors_Def
g2r.colors = function(n=12, min.tinge = 0.33)
k <- trunc(n/2)
if (2 * k == n) {
g <- c(rev(seq(min.tinge, 1, length = k)), rep(0, k))
r <- c(rep(0, k), seq(min.tinge, 1, length = k))
colvec <- rgb(
r, g, rep(0, 2 * k))
else {
g <- c(rev(seq(min.tinge, 1, length = k)), rep(0,
k + 1))
r <- c(rep(0, k + 1), seq(min.tinge, 1, length = k))
colvec <- rgb(r, g, rep(0, 2 * k + 1))
### code chunk number 10: doLegend_Def
doLegend = function(breaks, col, side)
zval = ( breaks[-1] + breaks[-length(breaks)] ) / 2
z = matrix(zval, ncol=1)
if (side %in% c(1,3)) {
image(x=zval, y=1, z=z, xaxt="n", yaxt="n", col=col, breaks=breaks , xaxs="i", xlab="", ylab="")
} else {
image(x=1, y=zval, z=t(z), xaxt="n", yaxt="n", col=col, breaks=breaks, yaxs="i", xlab="", ylab="")
axis(side, las=1)
### code chunk number 11: convAnnData_Def
convAnnData = function(x, nval.fac=3, inclRef=TRUE, asIs=FALSE)
if (is.null(x)) return(NULL)
if (asIs) {
if (is.matrix(x) & is.numeric(x)) return(x)
else stop("argument x not a numerical matrix, asIs=TRUE does not work")
x =
if (!is.null(nval.fac) & nval.fac>0) doConv = TRUE
vv = colnames(x)
for (v in vv) {
if (is.logical(x[,v])) {
x[,v] = factor(as.numeric(x[,v]))
if (doConv & length(unique(x[is.finite(x[,v]),v])) <= nval.fac) {
x[,v] = factor(x[,v])
ret = NULL
ivar = 0
for (v in vv) {
xx = x[, v]
if (is.factor(xx)) {
nandx =
if (length(unique(xx[!nandx])) > 1) {
naAction = attr(na.exclude(x[, v, drop=FALSE]), "na.action")
modMat = model.matrix(~xx-1)
if (!inclRef) modMat = modMat[ , -1, drop=FALSE]
binvar = naresid(naAction, modMat)
colnames(binvar) = paste(v, "=", levels(xx)[if (!inclRef) -1 else TRUE], sep="")
} else {
nlev = length(levels(xx))
ilev = unique(as.numeric(xx[!nandx]))
if (length(ilev)==0) {
binvar = matrix(NA, nrow=length(xx), ncol=nlev)
} else {
binvar = matrix(0, nrow=length(xx), ncol=nlev)
binvar[, ilev] = 1
binvar[nandx, ] = NA
colnames(binvar) = paste(v, "=", levels(xx), sep="")
ret = cbind(ret, binvar)
ivar = ivar + ncol(binvar)
} else {
ret = cbind(ret, x[,v])
ivar = ivar + 1
colnames(ret)[ivar] = v
### code chunk number 12: cut.dendrogram_Def
cutree.dendrogram = function(x, h)
# Cut the tree, get the labels
cutx = cut(x, h)
cutl = lapply(cutx$lower, getLeaves)
# Set up the cluster vector as seen in the plot
nclus = sapply(cutl, length)
ret = rep(1:length(nclus), nclus)
# Return cluster membership in the order of the original data, if possible
ord = order.dendrogram(x)
# Is the order a valid permutation of the data?
if (!all(sort(ord)==(1:length(ret)))) {
stop("dendrogram order does not match number of leaves - is this a subtree?")
# Ok, proceed
ret[ord] = ret
ret = as.integer(factor(ret, levels=unique(ret))) # recode for order of clus
names(ret)[ord] = unlist(cutl)
### code chunk number 13: getLeaves_Def
getLeaves = function(x)
unlist(dendrapply(x, function(x) attr(x, "label")))
### code chunk number 14: print.annHeatmap_Def
print.annHeatmap = function(x, ...)
cat("annotated Heatmap\n\n")
cat("Rows: "); show(x$dendrogram$Row$dendro)
cat("\t", if (is.null(x$annotation$Row$data)) 0 else ncol(x$annotation$Row$data), " annotation variable(s)\n")
cat("Cols: "); show(x$dendrogram$Col$dendro)
cat("\t", if (is.null(x$annotation$Col$data)) 0 else ncol(x$annotation$Col$data), " annotation variable(s)\n")
### code chunk number 15: BrewerClusterCol_Def
BrewerClusterCol = function(n, name="Pastel1")
## Check the name of the palette
qualpal = subset(, category=="qual")
name = match.arg(name, rownames(qualpal))
nmax = qualpal[name, "maxcolors"]
## Get the full color vector of the palette
cols = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(nmax, name)
## Build the (shortened or recycled) index vector
ndx = rep(1:nmax, length=n)
### code chunk number 16: RainbowPastel_Def
RainbowPastel = function (n, blanche=200, ...)
# Name: RainbowPastel
# Desc: constructs a rainbow clolr vector, but more pastelly
# Auth: 030304
# Chng:
cv = rainbow(n, ...)
rgbcv = col2rgb(cv)
rgbcv = pmin(rgbcv+blanche, 255)
rgb(rgbcv[1,], rgbcv[2,], rgbcv[3, ], maxColorValue=255)
### code chunk number 17: cutplot_dendrogam_Def
cutplot.dendrogram = function(x, h, cluscol, leaflab= "none", horiz=FALSE, lwd=3, ...)
# Name: cutplot.dendrogram
# Desc: takes a dendrogram as described in library(mva), cuts it at level h,
# and plots the dendrogram with the resulting subtrees in different
# colors
# Auth: obviously based on plot.dendrogram in library(mva)
# modifications by 211203
# Chng: 050204 AP
# changed environment(plot.hclust) to environment(as.dendrogram) to
# make it work with R 1.8.1
# 250304 AP added RainbowPastel() to make it consistent with picketplot
# 030306 AP slightly more elegant access of plotNode
# 220710 AP also for horizontal plots
# 120811 AP use edgePar instead of par() for col and lwd
## If there is no cutting, we plot and leave
if (missing(h) | is.null(h)) {
return(plot(x, leaflab=leaflab, horiz=horiz, edgePar=list(lwd=lwd), ...))
## If cut height greater than tree, don't cut, complain and leave
treeheight = attr(x, "height")
if (h >= treeheight) {
warning("cutting height greater than tree height ", treeheight, ": tree uncut")
return(plot(x, leaflab=leaflab, horiz=horiz, edgePar=list(lwd=lwd), ...))
## Some param processing
if (missing(cluscol) | is.null(cluscol)) cluscol = BrewerClusterCol
# Not nice, but necessary
pn = stats:::plotNode
x = cut(x, h)
plot(x[[1]], leaflab="none", horiz=horiz, edgePar=list(lwd=lwd), ...)
x = x[[2]]
K = length(x)
if (is.function(cluscol)) {
cluscol = cluscol(K)
left = 1
for (k in 1:K) {
right = left + attr(x[[k]],"members")-1
if (left < right) { ## not a singleton cluster
pn(left, right, x[[k]], type="rectangular", center=FALSE,
leaflab=leaflab, nodePar=NULL, edgePar=list(lwd=lwd, col=cluscol[k]), horiz=horiz)
} else if (left == right) { ## singleton cluster
if (!horiz) {
segments(left, 0, left, h, lwd=lwd, col=cluscol[k])
} else {
segments(0, left, h, left, lwd=lwd, col=cluscol[k])
} else stop("this totally should not have happened")
left = right + 1
### code chunk number 18: annHeatmap2_Def
annHeatmap2 = function(x, dendrogram, annotation, cluster, labels, scale=c("row", "col", "none"), breaks=256, col=g2r.colors, legend=FALSE)
# Name: annHeatmap2
# Desc: a (possibly doubly) annotated heatmap
# Auth: 2010-07-12
# Chng:
## Process arguments
if (!is.matrix(x) | !is.numeric(x)) stop("x must be a numeric matrix")
nc = ncol(x); nr = nrow(x)
if (nc < 2 | nr < 2) stop("x must have at least two rows/columns")
## Process the different lists: dendrogram, cluster, annotation
## See lattice:::xyplot.formula, modifyLists, lattice:::construct.scales
def = list(clustfun=hclust, distfun=dist, status="yes", lwd=3, dendro=NULL)
dendrogram = extractArg(dendrogram, def)
def = list(data=NULL, control=picketPlotControl(), asIs=FALSE, inclRef=TRUE)
annotation = extractArg(annotation, def)
def = list(cuth=NULL, grp=NULL, label=NULL, col=BrewerClusterCol)
cluster = extractArg(cluster, def)
def = list(cex=NULL, nrow=3, side=NULL, labels=NULL)
labels = extractArg(labels, def)
## Check values for the different lists
## Generate the layout: TRUE means default, FALSE means none
## Otherwise, integer 1-4 indicates side
if (is.logical(legend)) {
if (legend) leg = NULL else leg = 0
} else {
if (!(legend %in% 1:4)) stop("invalid value for legend: ", legend)
else leg=legend
layout = heatmapLayout(dendrogram, annotation, leg.side=leg)
## Copy the data for display, scale as required
x2 = x
scale = match.arg(scale)
if (scale == "row") {
x2 = sweep(x2, 1, rowMeans(x, na.rm = TRUE))
sd = apply(x2, 1, sd, na.rm = TRUE)
x2 = sweep(x2, 1, sd, "/")
else if (scale == "col") {
x2 = sweep(x2, 2, colMeans(x, na.rm = TRUE))
sd = apply(x2, 2, sd, na.rm = TRUE)
x2 = sweep(x2, 2, sd, "/")
## Construct the breaks and colors for display
breaks = niceBreaks(range(x2, na.rm=TRUE), breaks)
col = breakColors(breaks, col)
## Generate the dendrograms, if required; re-indexes in any cases
## We could put some sanity checks on the dendrograms in the else-branches
## FIXME: store the names of the functions, not the functions in the object
dendrogram$Row = within(dendrogram$Row,
if (!inherits(dendro, "dendrogram")) {
dendro = clustfun(distfun(x))
dendro = reorder(as.dendrogram(dendro), rowMeans(x, na.rm=TRUE))
dendrogram$Col = within(dendrogram$Col,
if (!inherits(dendro, "dendrogram")) {
dendro = clustfun(distfun(t(x)))
dendro = reorder(as.dendrogram(dendro), colMeans(x, na.rm=TRUE))
## Reorder the display data to agree with the dendrograms, if required
rowInd = with(dendrogram$Row, if (status!="no") order.dendrogram(dendro) else 1:nr)
colInd = with(dendrogram$Col, if (status!="no") order.dendrogram(dendro) else 1:nc)
x2 = x2[rowInd, colInd]
## Set the defaults for the sample/variable labels
labels$Row = within(labels$Row, {
if (is.null(cex)) cex = 0.2 + 1/log10(nr)
if (is.null(side)) side = if (is.null(annotation$Row$data)) 4 else 2
if (is.null(labels)) labels = rownames(x2)
labels$Col = within(labels$Col, {
if (is.null(cex)) cex = 0.2 + 1/log10(nc)
if (is.null(side)) side = if (is.null(annotation$Col$data)) 1 else 3
if (is.null(labels)) labels = colnames(x2)
## Generate the clustering, if required (cut, or resort the cluster var)
## FIXME: does not deal with pre-defined grp form outside
cluster$Row = within(cluster$Row,
if (!is.null(cuth) && (cuth > 0)) {
grp = cutree.dendrogram(dendrogram$Row$dendro, cuth)[rowInd]
cluster$Col = within(cluster$Col,
if (!is.null(cuth) && (cuth > 0)) {
grp = cutree.dendrogram(dendrogram$Col$dendro, cuth)[colInd]
## Process the annotation data frames (factor/numeric, re-sort?)
annotation$Row = within(annotation$Row, {
data = convAnnData(data, asIs=asIs, inclRef=inclRef)
annotation$Col = within(annotation$Col, {
data = convAnnData(data, asIs=asIs, inclRef=inclRef)
## Generate the new object
## print, return invisibly
ret = list(data=list(x=x, x2=x2, rowInd=rowInd, colInd=colInd, breaks=breaks, col=col), dendrogram=dendrogram, cluster=cluster, annotation=annotation, labels=labels, layout=layout, legend=legend)
class(ret) = "annHeatmap"
### code chunk number 19: plot.annHeatmap_Def
plot.annHeatmap = function(x, widths, heights, ...)
## Preserve parameters that are set explicitly below
## Not doing this has lead to Issue 8: inconsistent distance
## between dendrogram and heatmap after repeated calls on same device
opar = par("oma", "mar", "xaxs", "yaxs")
## If there are cluster labels on either axis, we reserve space for them
doRClusLab = !is.null(x$cluster$Row$label)
doCClusLab = !is.null(x$cluster$Col$label)
omar = rep(0, 4)
if (doRClusLab) omar[4] = 2
if (doCClusLab) omar[1] = 2
## Set up the layout
if (!missing(widths)) x$layout$width = widths
if (!missing(heights)) x$layout$height = heights
with(x$layout, layout(plot, width, height, respect=TRUE))
## Plot the central image, making space for labels, if required
nc = ncol(x$data$x2); nr = nrow(x$data$x2)
doRlab = !is.null(x$labels$Row$labels)
doClab = !is.null(x$labels$Col$labels)
mmar = c(1, 0, 0, 2)
if (doRlab) mmar[x$labels$Row$side] = x$labels$Row$nrow
if (doClab) mmar[x$labels$Col$side] = x$labels$Col$nrow
with(x$data, {
image(1:nc, 1:nr, t(x2), axes = FALSE, xlim = c(0.5, nc + 0.5), ylim = c(0.5, nr + 0.5), xlab = "", ylab = "", col=col, breaks=breaks, ...)
with (x$labels, {
if (doRlab) axis(Row$side, 1:nr, las = 2, line = -0.5, tick = 0, labels = Row$labels, cex.axis = Row$cex)
if (doClab) axis(Col$side, 1:nc, las = 2, line = -0.5, tick = 0, labels = Col$labels, cex.axis = Col$cex)
## Plot the column/row dendrograms, as required
if (status=="yes") {
par(mar=c(0, mmar[2], 3, mmar[4]))
cutplot.dendrogram(dendro, h=x$cluster$Col$cuth, cluscol=x$cluster$Col$col, horiz=FALSE, axes = FALSE, xaxs = "i", leaflab = "none", lwd=x$dendrogram$Col$lwd)
if (status=="yes") {
par(mar=c(mmar[1], 3, mmar[3], 0))
cutplot.dendrogram(dendro, h=x$cluster$Row$cuth, cluscol=x$cluster$Row$col, horiz=TRUE, axes = FALSE, yaxs = "i", leaflab = "none", lwd=x$dendrogram$Row$lwd)
## Plot the column/row annotation data, as required
if (!is.null(x$annotation$Col$data)) {
par(mar=c(1, mmar[2], 0, mmar[4]), xaxs="i", yaxs="i")
picketPlot(x$annotation$Col$data[x$data$colInd, ,drop=FALSE],
grp=x$cluster$Col$grp, grplabel=x$cluster$Col$label, grpcol=x$cluster$Col$col,
control=x$annotation$Col$control, asIs=TRUE)
if (!is.null(x$annotation$Row$data)) {
par(mar=c(mmar[1], 0, mmar[3], 1), xaxs="i", yaxs="i")
picketPlot(x$annotation$Row$data[x$data$rowInd, ,drop=FALSE],
grp=x$cluster$Row$grp, grplabel=x$cluster$Row$label, grpcol=x$cluster$Row$col,
control=x$annotation$Row$control, asIs=TRUE, horizontal=FALSE)
## Plot a legend, as required
if (x$legend) {
if (x$layout$legend.side %in% c(1,3)) {
par(mar=c(2, mmar[2]+2, 2, mmar[4]+2))
} else {
par(mar=c(mmar[1]+2, 2, mmar[3]+2, 2))
doLegend(x$data$breaks, col=x$data$col, x$layout$legend.side)
### code chunk number 20: Generics_Def
regHeatmap = function(x, ...) UseMethod("regHeatmap")
annHeatmap = function(x, ...) UseMethod("annHeatmap")
### code chunk number 21: regHeatmap_Def
regHeatmap.default = function(x, dendrogram=list(clustfun=hclust, distfun=dist, status="yes"), labels=NULL, legend=TRUE, ...)
ret = annHeatmap2(x, dendrogram=dendrogram, annotation=NULL, cluster=NULL, labels=labels, legend=legend, ...)
### code chunk number 22: annHeatmap_Def
annHeatmap.default = function(x, annotation, dendrogram=list(clustfun=hclust, distfun=dist, Col=list(status="yes"), Row=list(status="hidden")), cluster=NULL, labels=NULL, legend=TRUE, ...)
if (! stop("Argument 'annoation' needs to be data frame")
ret = annHeatmap2(x, dendrogram=dendrogram, annotation=list(Col=list(data=annotation, fun=picketPlot)), cluster=cluster, labels=labels, legend=TRUE, ...)
### code chunk number 23: annHeatmapExpressionSet_Def
annHeatmap.ExpressionSet =function(x, ...)
expmat = exprs(x)
anndat = pData(x)
annHeatmap(expmat, anndat, ...)
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