.test_pred <- function(best, t.em, surv.time, status, em, index, k)
if (!any(status %in% c(0, 1)))
stop("Status vector must be zeros and ones")
if (!is.vector(surv.time, mode = "numeric"))
stop("'surv.time' should be numeric vector")
cl.time <- cl.event <- c()
cl.index <- rep(NA, length(best))
for(p in 1:length(best)) {
tr.index <- index[[p]]
st <- surv.time[tr.index]
event <- status[tr.index]
best.index <- lapply(unique(best[[p]]), function(x) which(best[[p]] == x))
U <- order(cor(cbind(t.em, em[, tr.index]))[1, -1], decreasing = TRUE)[1:k]
val <- matrix(NA, length(U), length(best.index))
for(u in 1:length(U)) { <- st[U[u]]
psuedo.test.event <- event[U[u]]
for(t1 in 1:length(best.index)) { <- st[best.index[[t1]]]
own.event <- event[best.index[[t1]]] <- st[-best.index[[t1]]]
ref.event <- event[-best.index[[t1]]]
st.sim <- 0
n <- 1
for(i in 1:length( { <- c(,[-i])
ref.event <- c(ref.event, own.event[-i])
for(j in 1:length( { <- st.sim
if (ref.event[j] == 1) {
if ((psuedo.test.event + own.event[i] == 0) & all(c(,[i]) >[j])) {
st.sim <- st.sim + 1
} else if (psuedo.test.event + own.event[i] == 2) {
st.sim <- st.sim + all(c(,[i]) >=[j]) +
all(c(,[i]) <[j])
st.sim <- st.sim - ( >=[j] &[i] <[j]) -
([i] >=[j] & <[j])
} else {
st.sim <- st.sim - psuedo.test.event*([j] >= &[j] <[i]) -
own.event[i]*([j] >=[i] &[j] <
} else {
if ((psuedo.test.event + own.event[i] == 2) & all([j] >= c(,[i]))) {
st.sim <- st.sim + 1
if ( != st.sim) {
n <- n + 1
val[u, t1] <- st.sim / n
val <- val / length(best.index) ##### take into account the number
##### of clusters in the best partitions of treaments
#pred[p] <- max(apply(val, 2, function(x) as.vector(x %*% (1/(1:k)))))
cl.index[p] <- which.max(apply(val, 2, function(x) as.vector(x %*% (1/(1:k)))))
cl.time <- c(cl.time, st[best[[p]] == cl.index[p]])
cl.event <- c(cl.event, event[best[[p]] == cl.index[p]])
cls <- c(rep(1, sum(best[[1]] == cl.index[1])), rep(0, sum(best[[2]] == cl.index[2])))
fit <- coxph(Surv(cl.time, cl.event) ~ factor(cls))
if (coef(fit) < 0) {
result <- c(1, cl.index)
} else {
result <- c(2, cl.index)
### function to compute Kaplan-Meier estimates
.KM_fit <- function(times, censor, group)
cens <- gp <- tt <- NULL
j <- 0
for(i in times) {
j <- j + 1
tt <- c(tt, i)
cens <- c(cens, rep(1, length(i)))
cens[length(cens)] <- censor[j]
gp <- c(gp, rep(group[j], length(i)))
times <- tt
censor <- cens
group <- gp
rm(tt, cens, gp)
group <- as.numeric(group)
if (!is.vector(times, mode = "numeric"))
stop("'surv.time' must be a numeric vector")
if (any(times < 0))
stop("negative times")
if (length(group) == 1)
group <- rep(1, length(times))
if (length(censor) == 1)
censor <- rep(1, length(times))
if (length(group) != length(times) || length(times) != length(censor))
stop("All vectors must be the same length")
if (!any(censor %in% c(0, 1)))
stop("'status' vector must be zeros and ones")
# calculate unique times of events
ss <- cens <- gg <- ff <- cg <- NULL
for(i in unique(group)) {
n <- sum(group == i)
o <- order(times[group == i])
cens2 <- censor[group == i][o]
times2 <- times[group == i][o]
f2 <- as.vector(table(list(1 - cens2, times2)))
if (!any(cens2 == 0) || !any(cens2 == 1)) {
ff2 <- rep(0, 2 * length(f2))
ff2[seq(1, 2 * length(f2) - 1, by = 2)] <- f2
f2 <- ff2
l2 <- length(f2)
g2 <- rep(i,l2)
c2 <- rep(c(1,0),l2/2)
s2 <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = l2)
s2[seq(1, l2 - 1, by = 2)] <- unique(times2)
s2[seq(2, l2, by = 2)] <- unique(times2)
ss <- c(ss, s2)
cens <- c(cens, c2)
gg <- c(gg, g2)
ff <- c(ff, f2)
cg <- c(cg, f2[l2] == 0)
# calculate survivor curve
j <- (ff != 0) | (cens == 1)
k <- seq(1:length(ff))
n <- sum(j)
t <- cc <- f <- g <- tt <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = n)
t <- ss[k * j]
cc <- cens[k * j]
f <- ff[k * j]
g <- gg[k * j]
v <- r <- s <- rep(0, n)
for(i in unique(group)) {
tt[n:1] <- cumsum(f[n:1] * (g[n:1] == i))
r <- r + tt * (g == i)
tmp <- cumsum(log(ifelse(tt == f | tt == 0, 1, (tt - f) / tt)) * (g == i) * cc)
s <- s + exp(ifelse(, 0, tmp)) * (g == i) * (tt != f)
tmp <- cumsum(f / tt / (tt - f) * (g == i) * cc)
v <- v + ifelse(, 0, tmp) * (g == i)
v <- s * s * v
# set up matrix to return
m <- NULL
for(i in unique(g)) m <- c(m, sum(g == i))
j <- seq(1, length(g))
j[cumsum(m)] <- cg * j[cumsum(m)]
z <- cbind(t[j], g[j], r[j], s[j], v[j])
dp <- rep(TRUE, dim(z)[1])
for(i in 2:dim(z)[1]) if (all(z[i,] == z[i-1,], na.rm = TRUE)) dp[i] <- FALSE
z <- z[dp, ]
colnames(z) <- c("Time", "Cluster", "At risk", "S(t)", "Var(S)")
rownames(z) <- paste(rep("",dim(z)[1]))
### function to plot survivor curves output from km
.plot_KM <- function(z)
surv <- z[, 4]
times <- z[, 1]
group <- z[, 2]
kms <- ttt <- NULL
add <- FALSE
# plot one curve per group
k <- ln <- lt <- 0
col <- 1:length(unique(group))
pch <- c()
nn <- 1
for(i in unique(group)) {
lt <- lt %% 4+1
pch <- c(pch, lt)
if (length(group) > 1 && length(unique(group)) > 1) {
j <- (cumsum(group == i) + ln) * (group == i)
s <- surv[j]
if (!missing(times)) t <- times[j]
ln <- ln + sum(group == i)
} else {
s <- surv
t <- times
n <- 2 * length(s) - 1
# prepare survivor function
km <- rep(0, n)
km[seq(1, n, by = 2)] <- s
km[seq(2, n - 1, by = 2)] <- s[1:(length(s) - 1)]
km <- c(1, 1, km)
# prepare times
tt <- rep(0,n)
tt[seq(1, n, by = 2)] <- t
tt[seq(2, n - 1, by = 2)] <- t[1:(length(s) - 1)]
tt <- c(0, tt, tt[length(tt)])
# plot
if (add)
lines(tt, km, lty = lt, pch = lt, col = col[nn])
else {
xlim <- c(min(times) - 1, max(times + 1))
plot(tt, km, type = "s", xlim = xlim, ylim = c(0, 1), ylab = "Survival probability", xlab = "Time to event",
main = "Kaplan-Meier curve", lty = lt, pch = lt, col = col[nn])
add <- TRUE
ttt <- c(ttt, tt)
kms <- c(kms, km)
nn <- nn + 1
legend("topright", cex = 1, pch = pch[order(unique(group))], col = col[order(unique(group))],
legend = paste("cluster", sort(unique(group)), sep = ""), ncol = 1)
invisible(cbind(ttt, kms))
##################### function to impute missing values
.myImpute <- function(X, maxmiss = 30, ...)
countMissing <- function(x, maxMissing)
if (length(x[]) <= maxMissing)
nummis <- length(X[])
if (nummis > 0) {
allowed <- ncol(X) * maxmiss/100
filter <- apply(X, 1, countMissing, allowed)
X <- X[filter, ]
nummis <- length(X[])
if (nummis > 0) {
if (!exists("k"))
k <- 10
new.k <- ceiling((1 - maxmiss/100) * ncol(X))
new.k <- min(new.k, k)
if (new.k != 10)
cat("Changing impute.knn parameter k from", k, "to",
new.k, "due to small sample size.\n")
if (new.k > 1) {
nrows <- nrow(X)
nrpi <- floor(nrows/100)
resultsall <- c()
for (i in 1:(100 - 1)) {
datforimp <- X[((i - 1) * nrpi + 1):(nrpi * i), ]
result <- impute::impute.knn(datforimp, k = new.k, ...)
resultsall <- rbind(resultsall, result$data)
datforimp <- X[((100 - 1) * nrpi + 1):nrows, ]
result <- impute::impute.knn(datforimp, k = new.k, ...)
X <- rbind(resultsall, result$data)
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