## package constants -----------------------------------------------------------
## A bunch of package constants
.DEFAULT_FILL_COL <- "lightgray"
.DEFAULT_LINE_COL <- "black"
.DEFAULT_SHADED_COL <- "#808080"
.DEFAULT_LINE_COL <- "darkgray"
"p", "l", "b", "a", "s", "g", "r", "S",
"smooth", "polygon", "horizon", "histogram",
"mountain", "h", "boxplot", "gradient",
"heatmap", "confint"
.ALIGNMENT_TYPES <- c("coverage", "sashimi", "pileup")
"utr", "ncRNA", "utr3", "utr5", "3UTR", "5UTR",
"miRNA", "lincRNA", "three_prime_UTR", "five_prime_UTR"
"#B41414", "#E03231", "#F7A99C",
"#9FC8DC", "#468CC8", "#0165B3"
## functions -------------------------------------------------------------------
## Check the class and structure of an object
.checkClass <- function(x, class, length = NULL, verbose = FALSE, mandatory = TRUE) {
if (mandatory && missing(x)) {
stop("Argument '", substitute(x), "' is missing with no default",
call. = verbose
msg <- paste("'", substitute(x), "' must be an object of class ",
paste("'", class, "'", sep = "", collapse = " or "),
sep = ""
fail <- !any(vapply(class, function(c, y) is(y, c), FUN.VALUE = logical(1L), y = x))
if (!is.null(length) && length(x) != length) {
if (!is.null(x)) {
fail <- TRUE
msg <- paste(msg, "of length", length)
if (fail) {
stop(msg, call. = verbose)
} else {
## We want to deal with chromosomes in a reasonable way. This coerces likely inputs to a unified
## chromosome name as understood by UCSC. Accepted inputs are:
## - a single integer or a character coercable to one or integer-character combinations
## - a character, starting with 'chr' (case insensitive)
## Arguments:
## o x: a character string to be converted to a valid UCSC chromosome name
## o force: a logical flag, force prepending of 'chr' if missing
## Value: the UCSC character name
.chrName <- function(x, force = FALSE) {
if (!getOption("ucscChromosomeNames") || length(x) == 0) {
xu <- unique(x)
xum <- vapply(xu, function(y) {
xx <- suppressWarnings(as.integer(y))
if (! {
y <- xx
if (is.numeric(y)) {
y <- paste("chr", y, sep = "")
if (y == "MT") { # ensembl `MT` to `chrM` in UCSC
y <- "chrM"
if (y %in% c("M", "X", "Y", "Z", "W")) { # mitochondrial genome and sex chromosomes
y <- paste("chr", y, sep = "")
head <- tolower(substring(y, 1, 3)) == "chr"
if (!head && force) {
y <- paste("chr", y, sep = "")
head <- TRUE
if (!head) {
"Invalid chromosome identifier '%s'\nPlease consider setting options(ucscChromosomeNames=FALSE)",
"to allow for arbitrary chromosome identifiers."
), y))
substring(y, 1, 3) <- tolower(substring(y, 1, 3))
}, FUN.VALUE = character(1L))
names(xum) <- xu
## Make a deep copy of the display parameter environment
.deepCopyPars <- function(GdObject) {
oldPars <- displayPars(GdObject, hideInternal = FALSE)
GdObject@dp <- DisplayPars()
displayPars(GdObject) <- oldPars
## One central place to check which display types result in stacking. This may change at some point for some
## unimplemented types...
## Arguments:
## o GdObject: an object inheriting from class GdObject
## Value: a logical skalar indicating whether stacking is needed or not
.needsStacking <- function(GdObject) stacking(GdObject) %in% c("squish", "pack", "full")
## Get the coordinates for an HTML image map from the annotationTrack plot.
## Arguments:
## o coordinates: a numeric matrix of annotation region coordinates (the bounding box if not rectangular)
## Value: valid HTML image map coordinates based on the current device dimensions
.getImageMap <- function(coordinates) {
devSize <- devRes() * par("din")
loc <- vpLocation()
size <- loc$location[c(3, 4)] - loc$location[c(1, 2)]
xscale <- current.viewport()$xscale
yscale <- current.viewport()$yscale
fw <- diff(xscale)
fh <- diff(yscale)
u2px <- function(x) ((x - xscale[1]) / fw * size[1]) + loc$location[1]
u2py <- function(y) (devSize[2] - loc$location[2]) - ((y - yscale[1]) / fh * size[2])
x1 = u2px(coordinates[, 1]), y1 = u2py(coordinates[, 4]),
x2 = u2px(coordinates[, 3]), y2 = u2py(coordinates[, 2]),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
.whichStrand <- function(trackList) {
if (!is.list(trackList)) {
trackList <- list(trackList)
str <- unlist(lapply(trackList, function(x) {
if (is(x, "HighlightTrack") || is(x, "OverlayTrack")) {
vapply(x@trackList, .dpOrDefault, par = "reverseStrand", FUN.VALUE = logical(1L))
} else {
.dpOrDefault(x, "reverseStrand")
return(ifelse(str, "reverse", "forward"))
## A function returning the amount of vertical space needed for a track
## Arguments:
## o x: an object inheriting from class GdObject
## Value: the relative vertical space needed for the track
.verticalSpace <- function(x, totalSpace) {
if (is(x, "AlignedReadTrack")) {
size <- if (is.null(displayPars(x, "size"))) {
type <- match.arg(.dpOrDefault(x, "detail", "coverage"), c("reads", "coverage"))
if (type == "read") {
if (stacking(x) %in% c("sqish", "full")) 5 else 1
} else {
} else {
displayPars(x, "size")
if (is(x, "DataTrack") && is.null(displayPars(x, "size"))) {
type <- match.arg(.dpOrDefault(x, "type", "p"), .PLOT_TYPES, several.ok = TRUE)
size <- if (length(type) == 1L) {
if (type == "gradient") 1 else if (type == "heatmap") nrow(values(x)) else 5
} else {
if (is(x, "GenomeAxisTrack") || is(x, "IdeogramTrack") || is(x, "SequenceTrack")) {
nv <- displayPars(x, "neededVerticalSpace")
size <- displayPars(x, "size")
if (is.null(size)) {
if (!is.null(nv)) {
size <- nv
attr(size, "absolute") <- TRUE
} else {
size <- 1
size <- .dpOrDefault(x, "size", 1)
if (is(x, "StackedTrack")) {
size <- max(size, min(floor(vpLocation()$size["height"] / 10), size * max(stacks(x))))
## Return a particular displayPars value or a default
## Arguments:
## o GdObject: an object inheriting from class GdObject
## o par: the name of the displayPar, or a list of alternatives to go though before finally taking
## the supplied default value
## o default: a default value for the parameter if it can't be found in GdObject
## Value: the value of the displayPar
.dpOrDefault <- function(GdObject, par, default = NULL, fromPrototype = FALSE) {
val <- getPar(x = GdObject, name = par, asIs = TRUE)
val <- val[!vapply(val, is.null, logical(1))]
if (length(val) == 0) {
if (fromPrototype) {
val <- .parMappings[[GdObject@name]][par]
val <- val[!vapply(val, is.null, logical(1))]
if (length(val) == 0) {
val <- NULL
} else {
val <- default
} else {
val <- val[[1]]
## A special version of the above for font settings. This will try to extract the respective parent
## defaults before finally taking the provided default value.
## Arguments:
## o GdObject: an object inheriting from class GdObject
## o par: the name of the displayPar. Can also be a vector in which case a number of alternatives
## is tested, then the parent default for the first element until finally moving to the supplied default
## o type: the sub-type
## o default: a default value for the parameter if it can't be found in GdObject
## Value: the value of the displayPar
.dpOrDefaultFont <- function(GdObject, par, type = NULL, default) {
name <- if (is.null(type)) par else sprintf("%s.%s", par, type)
val <- getPar(GdObject, name[1])
name <- name[-1]
while (is.null(val) && length(name)) {
val <- getPar(GdObject, name[1])
name <- name[-1]
if (is.null(val)) {
val <- .dpOrDefault(GdObject, par[1], default)
## Return the font settings for a GdObject
.fontGp <- function(GdObject, subtype = NULL, ...) {
if (is(GdObject, "OverlayTrack")) {
GdObject <- GdObject@trackList[[1]]
gp <- list(
fontsize = as.vector(.dpOrDefaultFont(GdObject, "fontsize", subtype, 12))[1],
fontface = as.vector(.dpOrDefaultFont(GdObject, "fontface", subtype, 1))[1],
fontfamily = as.character(as.vector(.dpOrDefaultFont(GdObject, "fontfamily", subtype, 1)))[1],
col = as.vector(.dpOrDefaultFont(GdObject, "fontcolor", subtype, "black"))[1],
lineheight = as.vector(.dpOrDefaultFont(GdObject, "lineheight", subtype, 1))[1],
alpha = as.vector(.dpOrDefaultFont(GdObject, "alpha", subtype, 1))[1],
cex = as.vector(.dpOrDefaultFont(GdObject, "cex", subtype, 1))[1]
gp[names(list(...))] <- list(...)
gp <- gp[!vapply(gp, is.null, logical(1))]
return(, gp))
## Check a list of GdObjects whether an axis needs to be drawn for each of them.
## Arguments:
## o object: a list of GdObjects
## Value: a logical vector of the same length as 'objects'
.needsAxis <- function(objects) {
if (!is.list(objects)) {
objects <- list(objects)
atrack <- vapply(objects, function(x) {
is(x, "NumericTrack") ||
(is(x, "AlignmentsTrack") && "coverage" %in% match.arg(.dpOrDefault(x, "type", .ALIGNMENT_TYPES), .ALIGNMENT_TYPES, several.ok = TRUE)) ||
(is(x, "AlignedReadTrack") && .dpOrDefault(x, "detail", "coverage") == "coverage")
}, FUN.VALUE = logical(1L))
isOnlyHoriz <- vapply(objects, function(x) {
res <- FALSE
if (is(x, "DataTrack")) {
type <- match.arg(.dpOrDefault(x, "type", "p"), .PLOT_TYPES, several.ok = TRUE)
res <- length(setdiff(type, "horizon")) == 0 && !.dpOrDefault(x, "showSampleNames", FALSE)
}, FUN.VALUE = logical(1L))
return(atrack & vapply(objects, .dpOrDefault, par = "showAxis", default = TRUE, FUN.VALUE = logical(1L)) & !isOnlyHoriz)
## Check a list of GdObjects whether a title needs to be drawn for each of them.
## Arguments:
## o object: a list of GdObjects
## Value: a logical vector of the same length as 'objects'
.needsTitle <- function(objects) {
if (!is.list(objects)) {
objects <- list(objects)
vapply(objects, function(x) {
if (is(x, "HighlightTrack") || is(x, "OverlayTrack")) {
any(vapply(x@trackList, .dpOrDefault, par = "showTitle", default = TRUE, FUN.VALUE = logical(1L)))
} else {
.dpOrDefault(x, "showTitle", TRUE)
}, FUN.VALUE = logical(1L))
## Helper function to set up the text size based on the available space
## Arguments:
## o trackList: a list of GdObjects
## o sizes: a matching vector of relative vertical sizes
## o title.width: the available width for the title
## Value: a list with items:
## o spaceNeeded: the necessary vertical space
## o cex: the character expansion factor
## o title.width: the updated available title width
## o spacing: the amount of spacing between tracks
## o nwrap: the final (wrapped) title text
.setupTextSize <- function(trackList, sizes, title.width, panelOnly = FALSE, spacing = 5) {
curVp <- vpLocation()
trackList <- lapply(trackList, function(x) if (is(x, "OverlayTrack")) x@trackList[[1]] else x)
spaceNeeded <- if (is.null(sizes)) {
lapply(trackList, .verticalSpace, curVp$size["height"])
} else {
if (length(sizes) != length(trackList)) {
stop("The 'sizes' vector has to match the size of the 'trackList'.")
whichAbs <- vapply(spaceNeeded, function(x) !is.null(attr(x, "absolute")) && attr(x, "absolute"), FUN.VALUE = logical(1L))
spaceNeeded <- unlist(spaceNeeded)
leftVetSpace <- curVp$size["height"] - sum(spaceNeeded[whichAbs])
spaceNeeded[!whichAbs] <- spaceNeeded[!whichAbs] / sum(spaceNeeded[!whichAbs]) * leftVetSpace
spaceNeeded <- spaceNeeded / sum(spaceNeeded)
if (!panelOnly) {
## Figure out the fontsize for the titles based on available space. If the space is too small (<atLeast)
## we don't plot any text, and we also limit to 'maximum' to avoid overblown labels. If the displayPars
## 'cex.title' or 'cex.axis are not NULL, those override everything else.
nn <- vapply(trackList, names, FUN.VALUE = character(1L))
nwrap <- vapply(nn, function(x) paste(strwrap(x, 10), collapse = "\n"), character(1))
needAxis <- .needsAxis(trackList)
isOnlyHoriz <- vapply(trackList, function(x) {
res <- FALSE
if (is(x, "DataTrack")) {
type <- match.arg(.dpOrDefault(x, "type", "p"), .PLOT_TYPES, several.ok = TRUE)
res <- length(setdiff(type, "horizon")) == 0
}, FUN.VALUE = logical(1L))
nwrap[needAxis] <- nn[needAxis]
lengths <- as.numeric(convertWidth(stringWidth(nwrap), "inches")) + 0.2
heights <- curVp$isize["height"] * spaceNeeded
atLeast <- 0.5
maximum <- 1.2
allCex <- heights / lengths
parCex <- vapply(trackList, function(x) if (is.null(displayPars(x, "cex.title"))) NA else displayPars(x, "cex.title"), FUN.VALUE = numeric(1L))
toSmall <- allCex < atLeast
cex <- rep(max(c(atLeast, min(c(allCex[!toSmall], maximum), na.rm = TRUE))), length(allCex))
cex[!] <- parCex[!]
lengthsNoWrap <- as.numeric(convertWidth(stringWidth(nn), "inches")) * cex + 0.4
needsWrapping <- lengthsNoWrap > heights
nwrap[allCex < atLeast &] <- ""
nwrap[!needsWrapping] <- nn[!needsWrapping]
## Figure out the title width based on the available tracks. If there is an axis for at least one of the tracks,
## we add 1.5 time the width of a single line of text to accomodate for it.
wfac <- curVp$isize["width"]
leaveSpace <- ifelse(any(needAxis), 0.15, 0.2)
width <- (as.numeric(convertHeight(stringHeight(paste("g_T", nwrap, "g_T", sep = "")), "inches")) * cex + leaveSpace) / wfac
showtitle <- vapply(trackList, .dpOrDefault, "showTitle", TRUE, FUN.VALUE = logical(1L))
width[!showtitle & !needAxis] <- 0
width[!showtitle] <- 0
twfac <- if (missing(title.width) || is.null(title.width)) 1 else title.width
title.width <- max(width, na.rm = TRUE)
if (any(needAxis)) {
cex.axis <- structure(vapply(trackList, .dpOrDefault, "cex.axis", 0.6, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1L)), names = nn)
axTicks <- unlist(lapply(trackList, function(GdObject) {
if (!is(GdObject, "NumericTrack") && !is(GdObject, "AlignedReadTrack") && !is(GdObject, "AlignmentsTrack")) {
yvals <- if (is(GdObject, "AlignedReadTrack")) runValue(coverage(GdObject, strand = "*")) else values(GdObject)
ylim <- .dpOrDefault(GdObject, "ylim", if (!is.null(yvals) && length(yvals)) {
range(yvals, na.rm = TRUE, finite = TRUE)
} else {
c(-1, 1)
if (diff(ylim) == 0) {
ylim <- ylim + c(-1, 1)
yscale <- extendrange(r = ylim, f = 0.05)
at <- pretty(yscale)
at[at >= sort(ylim)[1] & at <= sort(ylim)[2]]
atSpace <- max(as.numeric(convertWidth(stringWidth(at), "inches")) + 0.18) * cex.axis[names(GdObject)]
if (is(GdObject, "DataTrack")) {
type <- match.arg(.dpOrDefault(GdObject, "type", "p"), .PLOT_TYPES, several.ok = TRUE)
if (any(c("heatmap", "gradient") %in% type)) {
nlevs <- max(1, nlevels(factor(getPar(GdObject, "groups")))) - 1
atSpace <- atSpace + 0.3 * atSpace + as.numeric(convertWidth(unit(3, "points"), "inches")) * nlevs
if (any(type %in% c("heatmap", "horizon")) && .dpOrDefault(GdObject, "showSampleNames", FALSE)) {
sn <- rownames(values(GdObject))
axSpace <- ifelse(isOnlyHoriz, 0, 10)
wd <- max(as.numeric(convertWidth(stringWidth(sn) + unit(axSpace, "points"), "inches")))
atSpace <- atSpace + (wd * .dpOrDefault(GdObject, "cex.sampleNames", 0.5))
hAxSpaceNeeded <- (max(axTicks)) / wfac
title.width <- title.width + hAxSpaceNeeded
} else {
title.width <- nwrap <- cex <- NA
spacing <- as.numeric(convertWidth(unit(spacing, "points"), "npc"))
title.width <- title.width * twfac
return(list(spaceNeeded = spaceNeeded, cex = cex, title.width = title.width, spacing = spacing, nwrap = nwrap))
## This coerces likely inputs for the genomic strand to a unified
## strand name. Accepted inputs are:
## o a single integer, where values <=0 indicate the plus strand, and values >=1 indicate the minus strand
## o a character, either "+" or "-"
## If extended=TRUE, the additional values 2, "+-", "-+" and "*" are allowed, indicating to use both strands.
## Value: the validated strand name
.strandName <- function(x, extended = FALSE) {
fun <- function(x, extended) {
if (!extended) {
if (is.numeric(x)) {
x <- min(c(1, max(c(0, as.integer(x)))))
} else if (is.character(x)) {
x <- match(x, c("+", "-")) - 1
if (any( {
stop("The strand has to be specified either as a character ('+' or '-'), or as an integer value (0 or 1)")
} else {
if (is.numeric(x)) {
x <- min(c(2, max(c(0, as.integer(x)))))
} else if (is.character(x)) {
x <- min(c(2, match(x, c("+", "-", "+-", "-+", "*")) - 1))
if (any( {
stop("The strand has to be specified either as a character ('+' or '-'), or as an integer value (0 or 1)")
return(vapply(x, fun, extended, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1L)))
## Compute native coordinate equivalent to 'min.width' pixel. This assumes that a graphics device is already
## open, otherwise a new window will pop up, which could be a little annoying.
## Arguments:
## o min.width: the number of pixels
## o coord: the axis for which to compute the coordinats, one in c("x","y")
## Value: the equivalent of 'min.width' in native coordinates.
.pxResolution <- function(min.width = 1, coord = c("x", "y")) {
coord <- match.arg(coord, several.ok = TRUE)
curVp <- vpLocation()
co <- c(
x = as.vector(abs(diff(current.viewport()$xscale)) / (curVp$size["width"]) * min.width),
y = as.vector(abs(diff(current.viewport()$yscale)) / (curVp$size["height"]) * min.width)
## Deal with composite exons and provide polygon plotting coordinates for them. For all normal exons simply return
## the original bounding box data
## Arguments:
## o box: the data frame with the bounding box information
## o type: the type of coordinates for the composite exons, one in 'box', 'arrow' or 'fixedArrow'
## Value: a list with three elements: box, the non-composite exons, pols, the plotting coordinates for the merged composite exons,
## and polpars, a data.frame of plotting parameters for the polygons
.handleComposite <- function(box, type = "box", W = 1 / 4, H = 1 / 3, min.width = 10, max.width = Inf) {
box <- box[order(box$start), ]
boxFinal <- data.frame(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
polFinal <- data.frame(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
polPars <- data.frame(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
bss <- split(box, box$transcript)
for (b in bss) {
ol <- names(which(table(b$exon) > 1))
boxFinal <- rbind(boxFinal, b[!b$exon %in% ol, ])
if (length(ol)) {
b <- b[b$exon %in% ol, ]
r <- IRanges(start = b$cx1, end = b$cx2)
rr <- reduce(r)
brs <- split(b, subjectHits(findOverlaps(r, rr)))
for (j in seq_along(brs)) {
if (nrow(brs[[j]]) == 1) {
boxFinal <- rbind(boxFinal, brs[[j]])
} else {
xlocs <- as.vector(t(brs[[j]][, c("cx1", "cx2"), drop = FALSE]))
ylocs <- unlist(brs[[j]][, c("cy1", "cy2"), drop = FALSE])
fh <- seq_len(length(ylocs) / 2)
sh <- (length(ylocs) / 2 + 1):length(ylocs)
ylocs[sh] <- rev(ylocs[sh])
ylocs <- rep(ylocs, each = 2)
if (type == "box") {
polFinal <- rbind(polFinal, data.frame(
x = c(xlocs, rev(xlocs)), y = ylocs,
id = paste(brs[[j]][1, "transcript"], brs[[j]][1, "exon"], j),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
polPars <- rbind(polPars, data.frame(fill = brs[[j]][1, "fill"], col = brs[[j]][1, "col"], stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
} else {
polPars <- rbind(polPars, data.frame(fill = brs[[j]][1, "fill"], col = brs[[j]][1, "col"], stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
str <- brs[[j]]$strand[1]
offset <- (abs(brs[[j]]$cy1 - brs[[j]]$cy2)) * H / 2
if (str == "+" && abs(diff(xlocs[(length(xlocs) - 1):length(xlocs)])) > min.width) {
offset <- rep(offset, each = 2)
asel <- (length(xlocs) - 1):length(xlocs)
bsel <- seq_len(min(asel) - 1)
d <- abs(diff(xlocs[asel]))
afp <- if (type == "arrow") {
rep(xlocs[asel][1] + max(d * W, d - max.width), 2)
} else {
rep(max(xlocs[asel][1], xlocs[asel][2] - W), 2)
xlocs <- c(xlocs[bsel], xlocs[asel][1], afp, xlocs[asel][2], afp, xlocs[asel][1], rev(xlocs[bsel]))
mid <- length(ylocs) / 2
asel <- (mid - 1):(mid + 2)
bsel <- c(seq_len(mid - 2), (mid + 3):length(ylocs))
fh <- seq_len(length(bsel) / 2)
sh <- (length(bsel) / 2 + 1):length(bsel)
ylocs <- c(
ylocs[bsel[fh]] + offset[fh], ylocs[asel][c(1, 2)] + tail(offset, 1), ylocs[asel][1],
ylocs[asel][1] + abs(diff(ylocs[asel][c(1, 3)])) / 2, ylocs[asel][4],
ylocs[asel][3:4] - tail(offset, 1), ylocs[bsel[sh]] - offset[fh]
polFinal <- rbind(polFinal, data.frame(
x = c(xlocs, rev(xlocs)), y = ylocs,
id = paste(brs[[j]][1, "transcript"], brs[[j]][1, "exon"], j),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
} else if (str == "-" && abs(diff(xlocs[c(1, 2)])) > min.width) {
yoffset <- c(rep(offset[-1], each = 2), -rev(rep(offset[-1], each = 2)))
asel <- c(1, 2)
bsel <- seq(3, length(xlocs))
d <- abs(diff(xlocs[asel]))
afp <- if (type == "arrow") {
rep(xlocs[asel][2] - max(d * W, d - max.width), 2)
} else {
rep(min(xlocs[asel][2], xlocs[asel][1] + W), 2)
xlocs <- c(xlocs[asel][1], afp, xlocs[asel][2], xlocs[bsel], rev(xlocs[bsel]), xlocs[asel][2], afp, xlocs[asel][1])
asel <- c(1, 2, seq((length(ylocs) - 1), length(ylocs)))
bsel <- seq(3, (length(ylocs) - 2))
ylocs <- c(
ylocs[asel][1] + abs(diff(ylocs[asel][c(1, 3)])) / 2, ylocs[asel][1], rep(ylocs[asel][1] + offset[1], 2),
ylocs[bsel] + yoffset, rep(ylocs[asel][3] - offset[1], 2), ylocs[asel][3], ylocs[asel][1] + abs(diff(ylocs[asel][c(1, 3)])) / 2
polFinal <- rbind(polFinal, data.frame(
x = xlocs, y = ylocs,
id = paste(brs[[j]][1, "transcript"], brs[[j]][1, "exon"], j),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
} else {
offset <- c(rep(offset, each = 2), -rev(rep(offset, each = 2)))
polFinal <- rbind(polFinal, data.frame(
x = c(xlocs, rev(xlocs)), y = ylocs + offset,
id = paste(brs[[j]][1, "transcript"], brs[[j]][1, "exon"], j),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
return(list(box = boxFinal, pols = polFinal, polpars = polPars))
## Take coordinates for the bounding boxes of annotation regions and plot filled arrows inside.
## Arguments:
## o the data frame with the bounding box information
## o W: the proportion of the total box width used for the arrow head
## o H: the proportion of the total box height used for the arrow head
## o lwd: the boundary line width
## o lty: the boundary line type
## o alpha: the transparency
## o min.width: the minimum width of the arrow head. Below this size a simple box is drawn
## Note that the last arguments 4-9 all have to be of the same length as number of rows in box.
## Value: the function is called for its side-effects of drawing on the graphics device
.filledArrow <- function(box, W = 1 / 4, H = 1 / 3, lwd, lty, alpha, min.width = 10, max.width = Inf, absoluteWidth = FALSE) {
boxC <- if ("transcript" %in% colnames(box)) {
.handleComposite(box, ifelse(absoluteWidth, "fixedArrow", "arrow"), min.width = min.width, max.width = max.width, W = W, H = H)
} else {
list(box = box, pols = data.frame())
xx <- yy <- numeric()
id <- character()
pars <- data.frame()
if (nrow(boxC$box)) {
box <- boxC$box
A <- box[, c(1, 2), drop = FALSE]
B <- box[, c(3, 4), drop = FALSE]
## First everything that is still a box
osel <- abs(B[, 1] - A[, 1]) < min.width | !box$strand %in% c("+", "-")
xx <- c(A[osel, 1], B[osel, 1], B[osel, 1], A[osel, 1])
offset <- (abs(B[osel, 2] - A[osel, 2]) * H / 2)
yy <- c(rep(A[osel, 2] + offset, 2), rep(B[osel, 2] - offset, 2))
id <- rep(seq_len(sum(osel)), 4)
pars <- data.frame(fill = box$fill, col = box$col, lwd = lwd, lty = lty, alpha = alpha, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)[osel, ]
## Now the arrows facing right
sel <- !osel & box$strand == "+"
id <- c(id, rep(seq(from = if (!length(id)) 1 else max(id) + 1, by = 1, len = sum(sel)), 7))
d <- abs(B[sel, 1] - A[sel, 1])
alp <- if (!absoluteWidth) rep(A[sel, 1] + pmax(d * W, d - rep(max.width, sum(sel))), 2) else rep(pmax(B[sel, 1] - W, pmin(B[sel, 1], A[sel, 1])), 2)
xx <- c(xx, A[sel, 1], alp, B[sel, 1], alp, A[sel, 1])
yy <- c(
yy, rep(A[sel, 2] + (abs(B[sel, 2] - A[sel, 2]) * H / 2), 2), A[sel, 2], A[sel, 2] + (abs(B[sel, 2] - A[sel, 2]) / 2), B[sel, 2],
rep(B[sel, 2] - (abs(B[sel, 2] - A[sel, 2]) * H / 2), 2)
pars <- rbind(pars, data.frame(fill = box$fill, col = box$col, lwd = lwd, lty = lty, alpha = alpha, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)[sel, ])
## And finally those facing left
sel <- !osel & box$strand == "-"
id <- c(id, rep(seq(from = if (!length(id)) 1 else max(id) + 1, by = 1, len = sum(sel)), 7))
d <- abs(B[sel, 1] - A[sel, 1])
alp <- if (!absoluteWidth) rep(B[sel, 1] - pmax(d * W, d - rep(max.width, sum(sel))), 2) else rep(pmin(A[sel, 1] + W, pmax(B[sel, 1], A[sel, 1])), 2)
xx <- c(xx, B[sel, 1], alp, A[sel, 1], alp, B[sel, 1])
yy <- c(
yy, rep(A[sel, 2] + (abs(B[sel, 2] - A[sel, 2]) * H / 2), 2), A[sel, 2], A[sel, 2] + (abs(B[sel, 2] - A[sel, 2]) / 2), B[sel, 2],
rep(B[sel, 2] - (abs(B[sel, 2] - A[sel, 2]) * H / 2), 2)
pars <- rbind(pars, data.frame(fill = box$fill, col = box$col, lwd = lwd, lty = lty, alpha = alpha, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)[sel, ])
if (nrow(boxC$pols)) {
xx <- c(xx, boxC$pols$x)
yy <- c(yy, boxC$pols$y)
id <- c(id, paste("pols", boxC$pols$id))
pars <- rbind(pars, data.frame(fill = boxC$polpars$fill, col = boxC$polpars$col, lwd = lwd, lty = lty, alpha = alpha, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
x = xx, y = yy, gp = gpar(fill = pars$fill, col = pars$col, alpha = unique(pars$alpha), lwd = pars$lwd, lty = pars$lty), default.units = "native",
id = factor(id)
) # fix for Sys.setenv(`_R_CHECK_LENGTH_1_CONDITION_`="true") Sys.setenv(`_R_CHECK_LENGTH_1_LOGIC2_`="true")
## Take coordinates for the bounding boxes of annotation regions and plot boxes, also making sure that
## composite exons in GeneRegionTracks (i.e., overlapping coordinates and same exon id) are merged
## appropriately
## Arguments:
## o box: the data frame with the bounding box information
## o lwd: the boundary line width
## o lty: the boundary line type
## o alpha: the transparency
## Value: the function is called for its side-effects of drawing on the graphics device
.filledBoxes <- function(box, lwd, lty, alpha) {
if ("transcript" %in% colnames(box)) {
box <- .handleComposite(box, "box")
if (nrow(box$box)) {
grid.rect(box$box$cx2, box$box$cy1,
width = box$box$cx2 - box$box$cx1, height = box$box$cy2 - box$box$cy1,
gp = gpar(col = as.character(box$box$col), fill = as.character(box$box$fill), lwd = lwd, lty = lty, alpha = alpha),
default.units = "native", just = c("right", "bottom")
if (nrow(box$pols)) {
x = box$pols$x, y = box$pols$y, id = factor(box$pols$id),
gp = gpar(col = as.character(box$polpars$col), fill = as.character(box$polpars$fill), lwd = lwd, lty = lty, alpha = alpha),
default.units = "native"
} else {
grid.rect(box$cx2, box$cy1,
width = box$cx2 - box$cx1, height = box$cy2 - box$cy1,
gp = gpar(col = as.character(box$col), fill = as.character(box$fill), lwd = lwd, lty = lty, alpha = alpha),
default.units = "native", just = c("right", "bottom")
## Take start and end coordinates for genemodel-type annotations and draw a featherd line indicating
## the strand direction
## Arguments:
## o xx1, xx2: integer vectors of equal length indicating the start and end of the gene models.
## o strand: the strand information for each gene model. Needs to be of the same length as xx1 and xx2
## o coords: the coordinates of the exon features, needed to avoid overlaps.
## o y: the y value for the arrow bar, usually not set since it should always be 20
## o W: the width of the arrow feathers in pixels
## o D: the distance between arrow feathers in pixels
## o H: the height of the arrow feathers in native coordinates (the total bounding box is usually 40)
## o col: the boundary color
## o lwd: the boundary line width
## o lty: the boundary line type
## o alpha: the transparency
## o barOnly: only plot the bar, not the feathers
## o diff: the current pixel resolution
## o min.height: the minimum total height in pixels for the feathers (i.e., min.height/2 in each direction)
## Value: the function is called for its side-effects of drawing on the graphics device
.arrowBar <- function(xx1, xx2, strand, coords, y = 20, W = 3, D = 10, H, col, lwd, lty, alpha, barOnly = FALSE,
diff = .pxResolution(coord = "y"), min.height = 3) {
exons <- IRanges(start = coords[, 1], end = coords[, 3])
levels <- split(exons, coords[, 2] %/% 1)
if (!barOnly) {
onePx <- diff
if (missing(H)) {
onePy <- .pxResolution(coord = "y")
H <- onePy * min.height / 2
fx1 <- fx2 <- scol <- fy1 <- fy2 <- NULL
for (i in seq_along(xx1)) {
x1 <- xx1[i]
x2 <- xx2[i]
len <- diff(c(x1, x2)) / onePx
if (len > D + W * 2) {
ax1 <- seq(from = x1 + (onePx * W), to = x1 + (len * onePx) - (onePx * W), by = onePx * D)
ax2 <- ax1 + (onePx * W)
feathers <- IRanges(start = ax1 - onePx, end = ax2 + onePx)
cur.level <- y[i] %/% 1
sel <- queryHits(findOverlaps(feathers, resize(levels[[cur.level]], width = width(levels[[cur.level]]) - 1)))
if (length(sel)) {
ax1 <- ax1[-sel]
ax2 <- ax2[-sel]
fx1 <- c(fx1, rep(if (strand[i] == "-") ax1 else ax2, each = 2))
fx2 <- c(fx2, rep(if (strand[i] == "-") ax2 else ax1, each = 2))
scol <- c(scol, rep(col[i], length(ax1) * 2))
fy1 <- c(fy1, rep(rep(y[i], length(ax1) * 2)))
fy2 <- c(fy2, rep(c(y[i] - H, y[i] + H), length(ax1)))
if (!is.null(fx1) && length(fx1)) {
grid.segments(fx1, fy1, fx2, fy2, default.units = "native", gp = gpar(col = scol, lwd = lwd, lty = lty, alpha = alpha))
bars <- data.frame(x1 = xx1, x2 = xx2, y = y, col = col, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
cutBars <- data.frame()
for (i in seq_len(nrow(bars))) {
b <- bars[i, ]
cur.level <- b$y %/% 1
ct <- if (cur.level != 0) {
IRanges(start = b$x1, end = b$x2),
resize(levels[[cur.level]], width = width(levels[[cur.level]]) - 1)
} else {
if (length(ct)) {
cutBars <- rbind(cutBars, data.frame(x1 = start(ct), x2 = end(ct), y = b$y, col = b$col, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
## fix bug when no introns are present
if (nrow(cutBars)) {
grid.segments(cutBars$x1, cutBars$y, cutBars$x2, cutBars$y,
default.units = "native",
gp = gpar(col = cutBars$col, lwd = lwd, lty = lty, alpha = alpha, lineend = "square")
## grid.segments(xx1, y, xx2, y, default.units="native", gp=gpar(col=col, lwd=lwd, lty=lty, alpha=alpha, lineend="square"))
## Extract track color for different subtypes within the track and use the default
## color value if no other is found, lightblue if no colors are set at all
## Arguments:
## o GdObject: object inheriting from class GdObject
## Value: a color character
.getBiotypeColor <- function(GdObject) {
defCol <- .dpOrDefault(GdObject, "fill", .DEFAULT_FILL_COL)
col <- lapply(
as.character(values(GdObject)[, "feature"]),
function(x) .dpOrDefault(GdObject, x)[1]
needsDef <- vapply(col, is.null, FUN.VALUE = logical(1L))
col[needsDef] <- rep(defCol, sum(needsDef))[seq_len(sum(needsDef))]
## Compute pretty tickmark location (code from tilingArray package)
## Arguments:
## o x: a vector of data values
## Value: the tick mark coordinates
.ticks <- function(x) {
rx <- range(x)
lz <- log((rx[2] - rx[1]) / 3, 10)
fl <- floor(lz)
if (lz - fl > log(5, 10)) {
fl <- fl + log(5, 10)
tw <- round(10^fl)
i0 <- ceiling(rx[1] / tw)
i1 <- floor(rx[2] / tw)
seq(i0, i1) * tw
## A lattice-style panel function to draw smoothed 'mountain' plots
## Arguments:
## o x, y: the x and y coordinates form the plot
## o span, degree, family, evaluation: parameters that are passed on to loess
## o lwd, lty, col: color, with and type of the plot lines
## o fill: fill colors for areas above and under the baseline, a vector of length two
## o col.line: color of the baseline
## o baseline: the y value of the horizontal baseline
## o alpha: the transparancy
## Value: the function is called for its side-effect of drawing on the graphics device
.panel.mountain <- function(x, y, span = 2 / 3, degree = 1, family = c("symmetric", "gaussian"), evaluation = 50,
lwd = plot.line$lwd, lty = plot.line$lty, col, col.line = plot.line$col,
baseline, fill, alpha = 1, ...) {
x <- as.numeric(x)
y <- as.numeric(y)
fill <- rep(fill, 2)
ok <- is.finite(x) & is.finite(y)
if (sum(ok) < 1) {
if (!missing(col)) {
if (missing(col.line)) {
col.line <- col
plot.line <- trellis.par.get("plot.line")
smooth <- loess.smooth(x[ok], y[ok],
span = span, family = family,
degree = degree, evaluation = evaluation
tmp <- as.integer(smooth$y < baseline)
changePoint <- NULL
for (i in seq_along(tmp)) {
if (i > 1 && tmp[i] != tmp[i - 1]) {
changePoint <- c(changePoint, i)
m <- (smooth$y[changePoint] - smooth$y[changePoint - 1]) / (smooth$x[changePoint] - smooth$x[changePoint - 1])
xCross <- ((baseline - smooth$y[changePoint - 1]) / m) + smooth$x[changePoint - 1]
newX <- newY <- NULL
j <- 1
xx <- smooth$x
yy <- smooth$y
smooth$x <- c(smooth$x, tail(smooth$x, 1))
smooth$y <- c(smooth$y, baseline)
xvals <- smooth$x[1]
yvals <- baseline
for (i in seq_along(smooth$x)) {
if (i == length(smooth$x)) {
xvals <- c(xvals, smooth$x[i])
yvals <- c(yvals, baseline)
fcol <- if (mean(yvals) < baseline) fill[1] else fill[2]
panel.polygon(xvals, yvals, fill = fcol, col = fcol, border = fcol, alpha = alpha)
} else if (i %in% changePoint) {
xvals <- c(xvals, xCross[j])
yvals <- c(yvals, baseline)
fcol <- if (mean(yvals) < baseline) fill[1] else fill[2]
panel.polygon(xvals, yvals, fill = fcol, col = fcol, border = fcol, alpha = alpha)
xvals <- c(xCross[j], smooth$x[i])
yvals <- c(baseline, smooth$y[i])
j <- j + 1
} else {
xvals <- c(xvals, smooth$x[i])
yvals <- c(yvals, smooth$y[i])
x = xx, y = yy, gp = gpar(col = col.line, lty = lty, lwd = lwd, alpha = alpha),
default.units = "native", ...
## A lattice-style panel function to draw polygons (like coverage)
## Arguments:
## o x, y: the x and y coordinates form the plot
## o lwd, lty, col: color, with and type of the plot lines
## o fill: fill colors for areas above and under the baseline, a vector of length two
## o col.line: color of the baseline
## o baseline: the y value of the horizontal baseline
## o alpha: the transparancy
## Value: the function is called for its side-effect of drawing on the graphics device
.panel.polygon <- function(x, y, lwd = plot.line$lwd, lty = plot.line$lty, col,
col.line = plot.line$col, baseline, fill, alpha = 1, ...) {
x <- as.numeric(x)
y <- as.numeric(y)
fill <- rep(fill, 2)
ok <- is.finite(x) & is.finite(y)
if (sum(ok) < 1) {
if (!missing(col)) {
if (missing(col.line)) {
col.line <- col
x <- x[ok]
y <- y[ok]
plot.line <- trellis.par.get("plot.line")
changePoint <- NULL
tmp <- as.integer(y < baseline)
for (i in seq_along(tmp)) {
if (i > 1 && tmp[i] != tmp[i - 1]) {
changePoint <- c(changePoint, i)
m <- (y[changePoint] - y[changePoint - 1]) / (x[changePoint] - x[changePoint - 1])
xCross <- ((baseline - y[changePoint - 1]) / m) + x[changePoint - 1]
newX <- newY <- NULL
j <- 1
x <- c(x, tail(x, 1))
y <- c(y, baseline)
xvals <- x[1]
yvals <- baseline
for (i in seq_along(x)) {
if (i == length(x)) {
xvals <- c(xvals, x[i])
yvals <- c(yvals, baseline)
fcol <- if (mean(yvals) < baseline) fill[1] else fill[2]
panel.polygon(xvals, yvals, fill = fcol, col = fcol, border = fcol, alpha = alpha)
} else if (i %in% changePoint) {
xvals <- c(xvals, xCross[j])
yvals <- c(yvals, baseline)
fcol <- if (mean(yvals) < baseline) fill[1] else fill[2]
panel.polygon(xvals, yvals, fill = fcol, col = fcol, border = fcol, alpha = alpha)
xvals <- c(xCross[j], x[i])
yvals <- c(baseline, y[i])
j <- j + 1
} else {
xvals <- c(xvals, x[i])
yvals <- c(yvals, y[i])
x = x, y = y, gp = gpar(col = col.line, lty = lty, lwd = lwd, alpha = alpha),
default.units = "native", ...
## A lattice-style panel function to draw box and whisker plots with groups
## Arguments: see ? panel.bwplot for details
## Value: the function is called for its side-effect of drawing on the graphics device
.panel.bwplot <- function(x, y, box.ratio = 1, box.width = box.ratio / (1 + box.ratio), lwd, lty, fontsize,
pch, col, alpha, cex, font, fontfamily, fontface, fill, varwidth = FALSE, notch = FALSE,
notch.frac = 0.5, ..., levels.fos = sort(unique(x)),
stats = boxplot.stats, coef = 1.5, do.out = TRUE) {
if (all( | {
x <- as.numeric(x)
y <- as.numeric(y)
cur.limits <- current.panel.limits()
xscale <- cur.limits$xlim
yscale <- cur.limits$ylim
if (!notch) {
notch.frac <- 0
blist <- tapply(y, factor(x, levels = levels.fos), stats,
coef = coef, do.out = do.out
blist.stats <-, lapply(blist, "[[", "stats"))
blist.out <- lapply(blist, "[[", "out")
blist.height <- box.width
if (varwidth) {
maxn <- max(table(x))
blist.n <- vapply(blist, "[[", "n", FUN.VALUE = numeric(1L))
blist.height <- sqrt(blist.n / maxn) * blist.height
blist.conf <- if (notch) {
t(vapply(blist, "[[", "conf", FUN.VALUE = numeric(2L)))
} else {
blist.stats[, c(2, 4), drop = FALSE]
ybnd <- cbind(
blist.stats[, 3], blist.conf[, 2], blist.stats[, 4], blist.stats[, 4], blist.conf[, 2],
blist.stats[, 3], blist.conf[, 1], blist.stats[, 2], blist.stats[, 2], blist.conf[, 1], blist.stats[, 3]
xleft <- levels.fos - blist.height / 2
xright <- levels.fos + blist.height / 2
xbnd <- cbind(
xleft + notch.frac * blist.height / 2, xleft,
xleft, xright, xright, xright - notch.frac * blist.height / 2,
xright, xright, xleft, xleft, xleft + notch.frac *
blist.height / 2
xs <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow = nrow(xbnd) * 2, ncol = ncol(xbnd))
ys <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow = nrow(xbnd) * 2, ncol = ncol(xbnd))
xs[seq(along.with = levels.fos, by = 2), ] <- xbnd[seq(along.with = levels.fos), ]
ys[seq(along.with = levels.fos, by = 2), ] <- ybnd[seq(along.with = levels.fos), ]
panel.polygon(t(xs), t(ys), lwd = lwd, lty = lty, col = fill, alpha = alpha, border = col)
panel.segments(rep(levels.fos, 2), c(blist.stats[, 2], blist.stats[, 4]), rep(levels.fos, 2),
c(blist.stats[, 1], blist.stats[, 5]),
col = col, alpha = alpha,
lwd = lwd, lty = lty
panel.segments(levels.fos - blist.height / 2, c(blist.stats[, 1], blist.stats[, 5]), levels.fos + blist.height / 2,
c(blist.stats[, 1], blist.stats[, 5]),
col = col, alpha = alpha, lwd = lwd, lty = lty
if (all(pch == "|")) {
mult <- if (notch) {
1 - notch.frac
} else {
panel.segments(levels.fos - mult * blist.height / 2,
blist.stats[, 3], levels.fos + mult * blist.height / 2,
blist.stats[, 3],
lwd = lwd, lty = lty,
col = col, alpha = alpha
else {
x = levels.fos, y = blist.stats[, 3],
pch = pch, col = col, alpha = alpha, cex = cex,
fontfamily = fontfamily, fontface = .chooseFace(
), fontsize = fontsize
x = rep(levels.fos, vapply(blist.out, length, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1L))),
y = unlist(blist.out), pch = pch, col = col,
alpha = alpha, cex = cex,
fontfamily = fontfamily, fontface = .chooseFace(
), fontsize = fontsize
## Check which parameters have already been set for a GdObject, and
## update all missing ones from the prototype of the current parent
## class.
## Arguments:
## o x: an object inheriting from class GdObject
## o class: the parent class from which to draw the missing parameters
## Value: The updated GdObject
.updatePars <- function(x, class) {
current <- getPar(x, hideInternal = FALSE)
defaults <- getPar(getClass(class)@prototype@dp, hideInternal = FALSE)
## Check whether we need to adjust any of those defaults based on the selected scheme
sid <- getOption("Gviz.scheme")
scheme <- if (is.null(sid)) list() else .schemes[[sid]]
schemePars <- if (is.null(scheme) || is.null(scheme[[class]])) list() else scheme[[class]]
if (!is.list(schemePars)) {
stop(sprintf("Corrupted parameter definition for class '%s' in scheme '%s'", class, sid))
defaults[names(schemePars)] <- schemePars
missing <- setdiff(names(defaults), names(current))
if (is.null(getPar(x, ".__appliedScheme")) && length(schemePars)) {
defaults[[".__appliedScheme"]] <- if (is.null(sid)) NA else sid
defaults[names(schemePars)] <- schemePars
missing <- c(union(missing, names(schemePars)), ".__appliedScheme")
x <- setPar(x, defaults[missing], interactive = FALSE)
## The scheme settings registry. This is essentially just a nested list of display parameters, and the values in this list
## will be used to initialize the objects. Please note that a display parameter still needs to be defined in the class
## definition for this to work, and that all parameters that are not set explicitely in the scheme will be taken from
## the defaults in that class definition. Scheme parameters still override everything else, and even parameters that are
## not defined for the class will be added from the scheme settings.
.schemes <- new.env()
.schemes[["default"]] <- list(
GdObject = list(
alpha = 1,
background.panel = "transparent",
background.title = "lightgray",
background.legend = "transparent",
cex.axis = NULL,
cex.title = NULL,
cex = 1,
col.axis = "white",
col.frame = "lightgray",
col.line = NULL,
col.symbol = NULL,
col.title = "white",
collapse = TRUE,
fontcolor.title = "white",
fontcolor = "black",
fontface.title = 2,
fontface = 1,
fontfamily.title = "sans",
fontfamily = "sans",
fontsize = 12,
frame = FALSE,
grid = FALSE,
h = -1,
lineheight = 1,
lty.grid = "solid",
lty = "solid",
lwd.border = 1,
lwd.grid = 1,
lwd = 1,
min.distance = 1,
min.height = 3,
min.width = 1,
rotation.title = 90,
rotation = 0,
showAxis = TRUE,
showTitle = TRUE,
size = 1,
v = -1
StackedTrack = list(
stackHeight = 0.75,
reverseStacking = FALSE
AnnotationTrack = list(
arrowHeadWidth = 30,
arrowHeadMaxWidth = 40, = 0.6,
cex = 1,
col.line = "darkgray",
featureAnnotation = NULL,
fill = "lightblue", = .DEFAULT_SHADED_COL,
fontcolor.item = "white", = 2,
groupAnnotation = NULL,
lex = 1,
lineheight = 1,
lty = "solid",
lwd = 1,
mergeGroups = FALSE,
rotation = 0,
shape = "arrow",
showFeatureId = NULL,
showId = NULL,
showOverplotting = FALSE,
size = 1
DetailsAnnotationTrack = list(
details.minWidth = 100,
details.ratio = Inf,
details.size = 0.5,
detailsBorder.col = "darkgray",
detailsBorder.fill = "transparent",
detailsBorder.lty = "solid",
detailsBorder.lwd = 1,
detailsConnector.cex = 1,
detailsConnector.col = "darkgray",
detailsConnector.lty = "dashed",
detailsConnector.lwd = 1,
detailsConnector.pch = 20,
detailsFunArgs = list(),
groupDetails = FALSE
GeneRegionTrack = list(
arrowHeadWidth = 10,
arrowHeadMaxWidth = 20,
collapseTranscripts = FALSE,
exonAnnotation = NULL,
fill = "#FFD58A",
min.distance = 0,
shape = c("smallArrow", "box"),
showExonId = NULL,
thinBoxFeature = .THIN_BOX_FEATURES,
transcriptAnnotation = NULL
BiomartGeneRegionTrack = list(
C_segment = "burlywood4",
D_segment = "lightblue",
J_segment = "dodgerblue2",
Mt_rRNA = "yellow",
Mt_tRNA = "darkgoldenrod",
Mt_tRNA_pseudogene = "darkgoldenrod1",
V_segment = "aquamarine",
miRNA = "cornflowerblue",
miRNA_pseudogene = "cornsilk",
misc_RNA = "cornsilk3",
misc_RNA_pseudogene = "cornsilk4",
protein_coding = "orange",
pseudogene = "brown1",
rRNA = "darkolivegreen1",
rRNA_pseudogene = "darkolivegreen",
retrotransposed = "blueviolet",
scRNA = "gold4",
scRNA_pseudogene = "darkorange2",
snRNA = "coral",
snRNA_pseudogene = "coral3",
snoRNA = "cyan",
snoRNA_pseudogene = "cyan2",
tRNA_pseudogene = "antiquewhite3",
utr3 = "orange",
utr5 = "orange"
GenomeAxisTrack = list(
add35 = FALSE,
add53 = FALSE,
background.title = "transparent", = 0.7,
cex = 0.8, = "white",
col.range = "cornsilk4",
distFromAxis = 1,
exponent = NULL,
fill.range = "cornsilk3",
fontcolor = "#808080",
fontsize = 10,
labelPos = "alternating",
littleTicks = FALSE,
lwd = 2,
scale = NULL,
showId = FALSE,
showTitle = FALSE,
size = NULL,
col = "darkgray"
DataTrack = list(
aggregateGroups = FALSE,
aggregation = "mean",
missingAsZero = TRUE,
amount = NULL,
baseline = NULL,
box.ratio = 1,
box.width = NULL,
cex.legend = 0.8,
cex.sampleNames = NULL,
cex = 0.7,
coef = 1.5,
col.baseline = NULL,
col.boxplotFrame = .DEFAULT_SHADED_COL,
col.histogram = .DEFAULT_SHADED_COL,
col.horizon = NA,
col.mountain = NULL,
col.sampleNames = "white",
col = trellis.par.get("superpose.line")[["col"]],
collapse = FALSE,
degree = 1,
do.out = TRUE,
evaluation = 50,
factor = 0.5,
family = "symmetric",
fill.histogram = NULL,
fill.horizon = c("#B41414", "#E03231", "#F7A99C", "#9FC8DC", "#468CC8", "#0165B3"),
fill.mountain = c("#CCFFFF", "#FFCCFF"),
fontcolor.legend = .DEFAULT_SHADED_COL,
gradient = brewer.pal(9, "Blues"),
groups = NULL,
horizon.origin = 0,
horizon.scale = NULL,
jitter.x = FALSE,
jitter.y = FALSE,
levels.fos = NULL,
lty.baseline = NULL,
lty.mountain = NULL,
lwd.baseline = NULL,
lwd.mountain = NULL,
min.distance = 0,
na.rm = FALSE,
ncolor = 100,
notch.frac = 0.5,
notch = FALSE,
pch = 20,
separator = 0,
showColorBar = TRUE,
showSampleNames = FALSE,
size = NULL,
span = 1 / 5,
stackedBars = TRUE,
stats = boxplot.stats,
transformation = NULL,
type = "p",
varwidth = FALSE,
window = NULL,
windowSize = NULL,
ylim = NULL,
yTicksAt = NULL
IdeogramTrack = list(
background.title = "transparent",
bevel = 0.45,
cex.bands = 0.7,
cex = 0.8,
col = "red",
fill = "#FFE3E6",
fontcolor = .DEFAULT_SHADED_COL,
fontsize = 10,
showBandId = FALSE,
showId = TRUE,
showTitle = FALSE,
size = NULL
SequenceTrack = list(
add53 = FALSE,
background.title = "transparent",
cex = 1,
col = "darkgray",
complement = FALSE,
fontface = 2,
fontsize = 10,
lwd = 2,
min.width = 2,
noLetters = FALSE,
rotation = 0,
showTitle = FALSE,
size = NULL
HighlightTrack = list(
col = "red",
fill = "#FFE3E6"
.schemes[["default.old"]] <- list(
AnnotationTrack = list(col = "transparent")
## A helper function to be called upon package load that tries to find a stored Gviz scheme in the working directory
.collectSchemes <- function() {
if (".GvizSchemes" %in% base::ls(globalenv(), all.names = TRUE)) {
schemes <- get(".GvizSchemes", globalenv())
if (is.list(schemes) && !is.null(names(schemes))) {
lapply(names(schemes), function(x) addScheme(schemes[[x]], x))
silent = TRUE
## Helper function to select fontfaces
.chooseFace <- function(fontface = NULL, font = 1) {
if (is.null(fontface)) {
} else {
## Get a scheme
## Arguments:
## o name: the name of the scheme to get. Defaults to the current one.
## Value: A list containing the scheme
getScheme <- function(name = getOption("Gviz.scheme")) {
s <- NULL
if (!is.null(name)) {
s <- .schemes[[name]]
if (is.null(s)) {
s <- list()
## Add a new scheme
## Arguments:
## o scheme: the scheme to add
## o name: the name of the scheme to add
addScheme <- function(scheme, name) {
.schemes[[name]] <- scheme
## Helper function to compute native coordinate equivalent to 1 pixel and resize all ranges in a GRanges object accordingly
## Arguments:
## o r: object inheriting from class GdObject
## o min.width: the minimal pixel width of a region
## o diff: the pixel resolution
## Value: the updated GdObject
.resize <- function(r, min.width = 2, diff = .pxResolution(coord = "x")) {
if (min.width > 0) {
minXDiff <- ceiling(min.width * diff)
## Extend all ranges to at least minXDiff
xdiff <- width(r)
xsel <- xdiff < minXDiff
if (any(xsel)) {
rr <- if (is(r, "GRanges")) ranges(r) else r
start(rr)[xsel] <- pmax(1, start(rr)[xsel] - (minXDiff - xdiff[xsel]) / 2)
end(rr)[xsel] <- end(rr)[xsel] + (minXDiff - xdiff[xsel]) / 2
if (is(r, "GRanges")) r@ranges <- rr else r <- rr
## Tables containing the UCSC to ENSEMBL genome mapping
.biomartCurrentVersionTable <- read.delim(system.file(file.path("extdata", "biomartVersionsNow.txt"), package = "Gviz"), = TRUE)
.biomartVersionTable <- read.delim(system.file(file.path("extdata", "biomartVersionsLatest.txt"), package = "Gviz"), = TRUE)
## Helper function to map between UCSC and ENSEMBL genome information
## Arguments:
## o id: character scalar, a UCSC genome identifier
## Value: a list with ENSEMBL the genome information
.ucsc2Ensembl <- function(id) {
mt <- match(tolower(id), tolower(.biomartCurrentVersionTable$ucscId))
val <- .biomartCurrentVersionTable[mt, ]
if ( {
mt <- match(tolower(id), tolower(.biomartVersionTable$ucscId))
val <- .biomartVersionTable[mt, c("species", "value", "dataset", "ucscId", "speciesShort", "speciesLong", "date", "version")]
## Helper function to get the ENSEMBL biomart given a UCSC identifier
## Arguments:
## o genome: character scalar, a UCSC genome identifier
## Value: a biomaRt object
.getBiomart <- function(genome) {
map <- .ucsc2Ensembl(genome)
if (map$date == "head") {
bm <- useMart("ensembl", dataset = map$dataset)
ds <- listDatasets(bm)
mt <- ds[match(map$dataset, ds$dataset), "version"]
if ( {
"Gviz thinks that the UCSC genome identifier '%s' should map to the Biomart data set '%s' which is not correct.",
"\nPlease manually provide biomaRt object"
), genome, map$dataset))
if (mt != map$value) {
"Gviz thinks that the UCSC genome identifier '%s' should map to the current Biomart head as '%s',",
"but its current version is '%s'.\nPlease manually provide biomaRt object"
genome, map$value, mt
} else {
bm <- useMart(host = sprintf("", tolower(sub(".", "", map$date, fixed = TRUE))), biomart = "ENSEMBL_MART_ENSEMBL", dataset = map$dataset)
ds <- listDatasets(bm)
mt <- ds[match(map$dataset, ds$dataset), "version"]
if ( {
"Gviz thinks that the UCSC genome identifier '%s' should map to the Biomart data set '%s' which is not correct.",
"\nPlease manually provide biomaRt object"
), genome, map$dataset))
if (mt != map$value) {
"Gviz thinks that the UCSC genome identifier '%s' should map to Biomart archive %s (version %s) as '%s',",
"but its version is '%s'.\nPlease manually provide biomaRt object"
genome, sub(".", " ", map$date, fixed = TRUE), map$version, map$value, mt
## Helper function to translate from a UCSC genome name to a Biomart data set. This also caches the mart
## object in order to speed up subsequent calls
## Arguments:
## o genome: character giving the UCSC genome
## Value: A BiomaRt connection object
.genome2Dataset <- function(genome) {
map <- .ucsc2Ensembl(genome)
if ($date)) {
stop(sprintf("Unable to automatically determine Biomart data set for UCSC genome identifier '%s'.\nPlease manually provide biomaRt object", genome))
cenv <- environment()
bm <- .doCache(paste(map$dataset, genome, sep = "_"), expression(.getBiomart(genome)), .ensemblCache, cenv)
## Return the plotting range for a GdObject, either from the contained ranges or from overrides.
## This function is vectorized and should also work for lists of GdObjects.
.defaultRange <- function(GdObject, from = NULL, to = NULL, extend.left = 0, extend.right = 0, factor = 0.01, annotation = FALSE) {
if (!is.list(GdObject)) {
GdObject <- list(GdObject)
GdObject <- c(GdObject, unlist(lapply(GdObject, function(x) if (is(x, "HighlightTrack") || is(x, "OverlayTrack")) x@trackList else NULL)))
if (!length(GdObject) || !all(vapply(GdObject, is, "GdObject", FUN.VALUE = logical(1L)))) {
stop("All items in the list must inherit from class 'GdObject'")
GdObject <- GdObject[!vapply(GdObject, is, "OverlayTrack", FUN.VALUE = logical(1L))]
tfrom <- lapply(GdObject, function(x) {
tmp <- start(x)
if (is(x, "RangeTrack")) tmp <- tmp[seqnames(x) == chromosome(x)]
tfrom <- if (is.null(unlist(tfrom))) Inf else min(vapply(tfrom[listLen(tfrom) > 0], min, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1L)))
tto <- lapply(GdObject, function(x) {
tmp <- end(x)
if (is(x, "RangeTrack")) tmp <- tmp[seqnames(x) == chromosome(x)]
tto <- if (is.null(unlist(tto))) Inf else max(vapply(tto[listLen(tto) > 0], max, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1L)))
if ((is.null(from) || is.null(to)) && ((is.infinite(tfrom) || is.infinite(tto)) || is(GdObject, "GenomeAxisTrack"))) {
"Unable to automatically determine plotting ranges from the supplied track(s).\nPlease provide ",
"range coordinates through the 'from' and 'to' arguments of the plotTracks function."
## FIX the cases with identical "tfrom" and "tto" (one base-pair plotting) by adding +1 to "tto"
if (tto == tfrom) {
tto <- tto + 1
range <- extendrange(r = c(tfrom, tto), f = factor)
range[1] <- max(1, range[1])
wasNull <- rep(FALSE, 2)
if (is.null(from)) {
wasNull[1] <- TRUE
from <- range[1]
if (is.null(to)) {
to <- range[2]
wasNull[2] <- TRUE
## We may need some extra space for annotations
if (annotation) {
rr <- unlist(lapply(GdObject, function(x) {
gr <- .dpOrDefault(x, ".__groupRanges")
gw <- .dpOrDefault(x, ".__groupLabelWidths", data.frame(before = 0, after = 0))
if (is.null(gr) || length(gr) == 0) NULL else c(min(start(gr) + gw$before), max(end(gr) - gw$after))
if (!is.null(rr)) {
rr <- matrix(rr, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
if (wasNull[1]) {
from <- min(from, rr[, 1])
if (wasNull[2]) {
to <- max(to, rr[, 2])
from <- if (extend.left != 0 && extend.left > -1 && extend.left < 1) {
from - (abs(diff(c(from, to))) * extend.left)
} else {
from - extend.left
to <- if (extend.right != 0 && extend.right > -1 && extend.right < 1) {
to + (abs(diff(c(from, to))) * extend.right)
} else {
to + extend.right
if (from > to) {
warning("'from' range can not be larger than 'to', reversing range coordinates")
tto <- from
from <- to
to <- tto
return(c(from = as.integer(from), to = as.integer(to)))
## Figure out the colors to use for a DataTrack object from the supplied display parameters
.getPlottingFeatures <- function(GdObject) {
pch <- .dpOrDefault(GdObject, "pch", 20)
lty <- .dpOrDefault(GdObject, "lty", 1)
lwd <- .dpOrDefault(GdObject, "lwd", 1)
cex <- .dpOrDefault(GdObject, "cex", 0.7)
groups <- .dpOrDefault(GdObject, "groups")
col <- .dpOrDefault(GdObject, "col", "#0080ff")
if (is.null(groups)) { ## When there are no groups we force a single color for all lines and points
col <- col[1]
col.line <- .dpOrDefault(GdObject, "col.line", col)[1]
col.symbol <- .dpOrDefault(GdObject, "col.symbol", col)[1]
pch <- pch[1]
lwd <- lwd[1]
lty <- lty[1]
cex <- cex[1]
} else { ## Otherwise colors are being mapped to group factors
if (!is.factor(groups)) {
groups <- factor(groups)
nms <- unique(groups)
} else {
nms <- levels(groups)
col <- .dpOrDefault(GdObject, "col", trellis.par.get("superpose.line")$col)
col <- rep(col, nlevels(groups))[seq_along(levels(groups))]
col.line <- rep(.dpOrDefault(GdObject, "col.line", col), nlevels(groups))[seq_along(levels(groups))]
col.symbol <- rep(.dpOrDefault(GdObject, "col.symbol", col), nlevels(groups))[seq_along(levels(groups))]
lwd <- rep(lwd, nlevels(groups))[seq_along(levels(groups))]
lty <- rep(lty, nlevels(groups))[seq_along(levels(groups))]
pch <- rep(pch, nlevels(groups))[seq_along(levels(groups))]
cex <- rep(cex, nlevels(groups))[seq_along(levels(groups))]
names(col) <- names(col.line) <- names(col.symbol) <- names(lwd) <- names(lty) <- names(pch) <- names(cex) <- nms
col.baseline <- .dpOrDefault(GdObject, "col.baseline", col)[1]
col.grid <- .dpOrDefault(GdObject, "col.grid", "#e6e6e6")[1]
fill <- .dpOrDefault(GdObject, "fill", .DEFAULT_FILL_COL)[1]
fill.histogram <- .dpOrDefault(GdObject, "fill.histogram", fill)[1]
col.histogram <- .dpOrDefault(GdObject, "col.histogram", .dpOrDefault(GdObject, "col", .DEFAULT_SHADED_COL))[1]
lty.grid <- .dpOrDefault(GdObject, "lty.grid", 1)
lwd.grid <- .dpOrDefault(GdObject, "lwd.grid", 1)
col = col, col.line = col.line, col.symbol = col.symbol, col.baseline = col.baseline,
col.grid = col.grid, col.histogram = col.histogram, fill = fill, fill.histogram = fill.histogram,
lwd = lwd, lty = lty, pch = pch, cex = cex, lwd.grid = lwd.grid, lty.grid = lty.grid
.legendInfo <- function() {
legInfo <- matrix(FALSE, ncol = 7, nrow = 17, dimnames = list(
"p", "b", "l", "a", "s", "S", "r", "h", "smooth",
"histogram", "boxplot", "heatmap", "gradient", "mountain", "g", "horizon", "confint"
c("lty", "lwd", "pch", "col", "cex", "col.lines", "col.symbol")
legInfo[seq(2, 9), c("lty", "lwd", "col.lines")] <- TRUE
legInfo[seq(1, 2), c("pch", "cex", "col.symbol")] <- TRUE
legInfo[seq(1, 12), "col"] <- TRUE
## A helper function to get the currently active chromosomes, also if the track is one of the collection
## track classes
.recChromosome <- function(GdObject) {
chroms <- if (is(GdObject, "HighlightTrack") || is(GdObject, "OverlayTrack")) {
unlist(lapply(GdObject@trackList, .recChromosome))
} else {
## Plot a list of GdObjects as individual tracks similar to the display on the UCSC genome browser
## Arguments:
## o trackList: a list of GdObjects
## o from, to: the plotting range, will be figured out automatically from the tracks if missing
## o sized: a vector of relative vertical sizes, or NULL to auto-detect
## o panel.only: don't draw track titles, useful to embed in a lattice-like function, this also implies add=TRUE
## o extend.right, extend.left: extend the coordinates in 'from' and 'too'
## o title.width: the expansion factor for the width of the title track
## Value: the function is called for its side-effect of drawing on the graphics device
plotTracks <- function(trackList, from = NULL, to = NULL, ..., sizes = NULL, panel.only = FALSE, extend.right = 0,
extend.left = 0, title.width = NULL, add = FALSE, main, cex.main = 2, fontface.main = 2,
col.main = "black", margin = 6, chromosome = NULL, innerMargin = 3) {
## If we have to open a new device for this but do not run through the whole function because of errors we want to
## clean up in the end
done <- FALSE
cdev <- dev.cur()
on.exit(if (cdev == 1 && !done)
## We only need a new plot for regular calls to the function. Both add==TRUE and panel.only=TRUE will add to an existing grid plot
if (!panel.only && !add) {
if (!is.list(trackList)) {
trackList <- list(trackList)
## All arguments in ... are considered to be additional display parameters and need to be attached to each item in the track list
dps <- list(...)
trackList <- lapply(trackList, function(x) {
displayPars(x, recursive = TRUE) <- dps
## OverlayTracks and HighlightTracks can be discarded if they are empty
trackList <- trackList[!vapply(trackList, function(x) (is(x, "HighlightTrack") || is(x, "OverlayTrack")) && length(x) < 1, FUN.VALUE = logical(1L))]
isHt <- which(vapply(trackList, is, "HighlightTrack", FUN.VALUE = logical(1L)))
isOt <- which(vapply(trackList, is, "OverlayTrack", FUN.VALUE = logical(1L)))
## A mix between forward and reverse strand tracks should trigger an alarm
strds <- unique(.whichStrand(trackList))
if (!is.null(strds) && length(strds) > 1) {
warning("Plotting a mixture of forward strand and reverse strand tracks.\n Are you sure this is correct?")
## We first run very general housekeeping tasks on the tracks for which we don't really need to know anything about device
## size, resolution or plotting ranges.
## Chromosomes should all be the same for all tracks, if not we will force them to be set to the first one that can be detected.
## If plotting ranges are supplied we can speed up a lot of the downstream operations by subsetting first.
## We may want to use alpha blending on those devices that support it, but also fall back to non-transparent colors without causing
## warnings.
hasAlpha <- .supportsAlpha()
chrms <- unique(unlist(lapply(trackList, .recChromosome)))
if (is.null(chromosome)) {
chrms <- if (!is.null(chrms)) chrms[gsub("^chr", "", chrms) != "NA"] else chrms
chromosome <- head(chrms, 1)
if (length(chromosome) == 0) {
chromosome <- "chrNA"
if (!is.null(chrms) && length(unique(chrms)) != 1) {
warning("The track chromosomes in 'trackList' differ. Setting all tracks to chromosome '", chromosome, "'", sep = "")
if (!is.null(from) || !(is.null(to))) {
trackList <- lapply(trackList, function(x) {
chromosome(x) <- chromosome
subset(x, from = from, to = to, chromosome = chromosome, sort = FALSE, stacks = FALSE, use.defaults = FALSE)
trackList <- lapply(trackList, consolidateTrack,
chromosome = chromosome, any(.needsAxis(trackList)), any(.needsTitle(trackList)),
title.width, alpha = hasAlpha, ...
## Now we figure out the plotting ranges. If no ranges are given as function arguments we take the absolute min/max of all tracks.
ranges <- .defaultRange(trackList, from = from, to = to, extend.left = extend.left, extend.right = extend.right, annotation = TRUE)
## Now we can subset all the objects in the list to the current boundaries and compute the initial stacking
trackList <- lapply(trackList, subset, from = ranges["from"], to = ranges["to"], chromosome = chromosome)
trackList <- lapply(trackList, setStacks, recomputeRanges = FALSE)
## Highlight tracks are just a way to add a common highlighting region to several tracks, but other than that we can treat the containing
## tracks a normal track objects, and thus unlist them. We only want to record their indexes in the expanded list for later.
htList <- list()
expandedTrackList <- if (length(isHt)) {
j <- 1
tlTemp <- list()
for (i in seq_along(trackList)) {
if (!i %in% isHt) {
tlTemp <- c(tlTemp, trackList[[i]])
j <- j + 1
} else {
tlTemp <- c(tlTemp, trackList[[i]]@trackList)
htList[[as.character(i)]] <- list(
indexes = j:(j + length(trackList[[i]]@trackList) - 1),
track = trackList[[i]]
j <- j + length(trackList[[i]]@trackList)
} else {
## If there is a AlignmentsTrack and also a SequenceTrack we can tell the former to use the latter, unless already provided
isAt <- vapply(expandedTrackList, is, "AlignmentsTrack", FUN.VALUE = logical(1L))
isSt <- vapply(expandedTrackList, is, "SequenceTrack", FUN.VALUE = logical(1L))
for (ai in which(isAt)) {
if (is.null(expandedTrackList[[ai]]@referenceSequence) && any(isSt)) {
expandedTrackList[[ai]]@referenceSequence <- expandedTrackList[[min(which(isSt))]]
## We need to reverse the list to get a top to bottom plotting order
expandedTrackList <- rev(expandedTrackList)
map <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(expandedTrackList))
titleCoords <- NULL
names(map) <- rev(vapply(expandedTrackList, names, FUN.VALUE = character(1L)))
## Open a fresh page and set up the bounding box, unless add==TRUE
if (!panel.only) {
## We want a margin pixel border
## for backward compatibility, if margin has length of 2,
## the first one will be used as a horizontal, second as a vertical margin
if (length(margin) == 2) {
margin <- rev(margin)
## we switched to same settings as in par
## c(bottom, left, top, right)
margin <- rep(as.numeric(margin), length.out = 4)
vpWidth <- vpLocation()$size["width"]
vpHeight <- vpLocation()$size["height"]
vpBound <- viewport(
x = margin[2L] / vpWidth, y = margin[1L] / vpHeight,
width = (vpWidth - sum(margin[c(2, 4)])) / vpWidth,
height = (vpHeight - sum(margin[c(1, 3)])) / vpHeight,
just = c("left", "bottom")
## If there is a header we have to make some room for it here
if (!missing(main) && main != "") {
vpHeader <- viewport(width = 1, height = 0.1, y = 1, just = c("center", "top"))
grid.text(main, gp = gpar(col = col.main, cex = cex.main, fontface = fontface.main))
vpMain <- viewport(width = 1, height = 0.9, y = 0.9, just = c("center", "top"))
} else {
vpMain <- viewport(width = 1, height = 1)
## A first guestimate of the vertical space that's needed
spaceSetup <- .setupTextSize(expandedTrackList, sizes, title.width, spacing = innerMargin)
} else {
vpBound <- viewport()
spaceSetup <- .setupTextSize(expandedTrackList, sizes, spacing = innerMargin)
## First iteration to set up all the dimensions by calling the drawGD methods in prepare mode, i.e.,
## argument prepare=TRUE. Nothing is drawn at this point, and this only exists to circumvent the
## chicken and egg problem of not knowing how much space we need until we draw, but also not knowing
## where to draw until we know the space needed.
for (i in rev(seq_along(expandedTrackList)))
fontSettings <- .fontGp(expandedTrackList[[i]], cex = NULL)
vpTrack <- viewport(
x = 0, y = sum(spaceSetup$spaceNeeded[seq_len(i)]), just = c(0, 1), width = 1, height = spaceSetup$spaceNeeded[i],
gp = fontSettings
vpContent <- if (!panel.only) {
x = spaceSetup$title.width + spaceSetup$spacing,
width = 1 - spaceSetup$title.width - spaceSetup$spacing * 2, just = 0
} else {
viewport(width = 1)
expandedTrackList[[i]] <- drawGD(expandedTrackList[[i]], minBase = ranges["from"], maxBase = ranges["to"], prepare = TRUE, subset = FALSE)
## Now lets recalculate the space and draw for real
spaceSetup <- .setupTextSize(expandedTrackList, sizes, title.width, spacing = innerMargin)
## First the highlight box backgrounds
htBoxes <- data.frame(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
for (hlite in htList) {
if (length(ranges(hlite$track))) {
inds <- setdiff(sort(length(expandedTrackList) - hlite$index + 1), which(vapply(expandedTrackList, is, "IdeogramTrack", FUN.VALUE = logical(1L))))
y <- reduce(IRanges(start = inds, width = 1))
yy <- ifelse(start(y) == 1, 0, sum(spaceSetup$spaceNeeded[seq_len(start(y)) - 1])) # check
ht <- sum(spaceSetup$spaceNeeded[start(y):end(y)])
htBoxes <- rbind(htBoxes, data.frame(
y = yy, height = ht, x = start(hlite$track), width = width(hlite$track),
col = .dpOrDefault(hlite$track, "col", "orange"),
fill = .dpOrDefault(hlite$track, "fill", "red"),
lwd = .dpOrDefault(hlite$track, "lwd", 1),
lty = .dpOrDefault(hlite$track, "lty", 1),
alpha = .dpOrDefault(hlite$track, "alpha", 1),
inBackground = .dpOrDefault(hlite$track, "inBackground", TRUE),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
.drawHtBoxes <- function(htBoxes, background = TRUE) {
htBoxes <- htBoxes[htBoxes$inBackground == background, , drop = FALSE]
rscales <- if (strds[1] == "reverse") c(from = ranges["to"], to = ranges["from"]) else ranges
if (nrow(htBoxes)) {
vpContent <- if (!panel.only) {
x = spaceSetup$title.width + spaceSetup$spacing, xscale = rscales,
width = 1 - spaceSetup$title.width - spaceSetup$spacing * 2, just = 0
} else {
viewport(width = 1, xscale = rscales)
x = htBoxes$x, just = c(0, 1), width = htBoxes$width, y = htBoxes$y + htBoxes$height, height = htBoxes$height,
gp = gpar(col = htBoxes$col, fill = htBoxes$fill, lwd = htBoxes$lwd, lty = htBoxes$lty, alpha = unique(htBoxes$alpha)), default.units = "native"
if (nrow(htBoxes)) {
## Now the track content
for (i in rev(seq_along(expandedTrackList)))
vpTrack <- viewport(x = 0, y = sum(spaceSetup$spaceNeeded[seq_len(i)]), just = c(0, 1), width = 1, height = spaceSetup$spaceNeeded[i])
fill <- .dpOrDefault(expandedTrackList[[i]], "background.title", .DEFAULT_SHADED_COL)
thisTrack <- if (is(expandedTrackList[[i]], "OverlayTrack")) expandedTrackList[[i]]@trackList[[1]] else expandedTrackList[[i]]
if (!panel.only) {
fontSettings <- .fontGp(expandedTrackList[[i]], subtype = "title", cex = NULL)
vpTitle <- viewport(x = 0, width = spaceSetup$title.width, just = 0, gp = fontSettings)
lwd.border.title <- .dpOrDefault(thisTrack, "lwd.title", 1)
col.border.title <- .dpOrDefault(thisTrack, "col.border.title", "transparent")
grid.rect(gp = gpar(fill = fill, col = col.border.title, lwd = lwd.border.title))
needAxis <- .needsAxis(thisTrack)
drawAxis(thisTrack, ranges["from"], ranges["to"], subset = FALSE)
tit <- spaceSetup$nwrap[i]
## FIXME: Do we want something smarted for the image map coordinates?
titleCoords <- rbind(titleCoords, cbind(.getImageMap(cbind(0, 0, 1, 1)),
title = names(expandedTrackList[[i]])
if (.dpOrDefault(thisTrack, "showTitle", TRUE) && !is.null(tit) && tit != "") {
x <- if (needAxis) 0.075 else 0.4
just <- if (needAxis) c("center", "top") else "center"
## FIXME: We need to deal with this when calculating the space for the title bar
rot <- .dpOrDefault(thisTrack, "rotation.title", 90)
gp <- .fontGp(thisTrack, "title", cex = spaceSetup$cex[i])
suppressWarnings(grid.text(tit, unit(x, "npc"), rot = rot, gp = gp, just = just))
## Draw the panel background, grid lines if necessary and the panel content
vpBackground <- if (!panel.only) {
x = spaceSetup$title.width,
width = 1 - spaceSetup$title.width, just = 0
} else {
viewport(width = 1)
grid.rect(gp = gpar(col = "transparent", fill = .dpOrDefault(thisTrack, "background.panel", "transparent")))
drawGrid(thisTrack, ranges["from"], ranges["to"])
fontSettings <- .fontGp(expandedTrackList[[i]], cex = NULL)
vpContentOuter <- if (!panel.only) {
x = spaceSetup$title.width, width = 1 - spaceSetup$title.width,
just = 0, gp = fontSettings, clip = TRUE
} else {
viewport(width = 1, gp = fontSettings, clip = TRUE)
vpContent <- if (!panel.only) {
viewport(x = spaceSetup$spacing, width = 1 - (spaceSetup$spacing * 2), just = 0, gp = fontSettings)
} else {
viewport(width = 1, gp = fontSettings)
tmp <- drawGD(expandedTrackList[[i]], minBase = ranges["from"], maxBase = ranges["to"], subset = FALSE)
if (!is.null(tmp)) {
map[[(length(map) + 1) - i]] <- tmp
if (.dpOrDefault(thisTrack, "frame", FALSE)) {
grid.rect(gp = gpar(col = .dpOrDefault(thisTrack, "col.frame", .DEFAULT_SHADED_COL), fill = "transparent"))
if (nrow(htBoxes)) {
.drawHtBoxes(htBoxes, FALSE)
popViewport(if (panel.only) 1 else 2)
tc <- as.character(titleCoords[, 5])
tc[which(tc == "" | | is.null(tc))] <- "NA"
names(tc) <- tc
if (!is.null(titleCoords)) {
tcoord <- as.matrix(titleCoords[, seq(1, 4)])
rownames(tcoord) <- names(tc)
map$titles <- ImageMap(coords = tcoord, tags = list(title = tc))
done <- TRUE
## Try to extract the (unique) genome information from a GRanges objects with the possibility to fall back to a default value
.getGenomeFromGRange <- function(range, default = NULL) {
gn <- genome(range)
if (length(unique(gn)) > 1) {
warning("Only a single genome is supported for this object. Ignoring additional genome information")
if (length(gn) == 0 || all( {
if (is.null(default)) {
stop("A genome must be supplied when creating this object.")
## Write all tracks in a list of tracks into
## a single BED file.
exportTracks <- function(tracks, range, chromosome, file) {
if (missing(file)) {
file <- "customTracks.bed"
con <- file(file, open = "wt")
sprintf("browser position %s:%i-%i", chromosome, range[1], range[2]),
writeLines("browser hide all", con)
for (t in seq_along(tracks))
track <- tracks[[t]]
if (length(track) > 0 && (is(track, "AnnotationTrack") || is(track, "GeneRegion"))) {
track <- as(track, "UCSCData")
writeLines(as(track@trackLine, "character"), con)
## nextMet <- selectMethod("export.bed", c("RangedData", "characterORconnection"))
## nextMet(as(track, "GRanhes"), con)
.expBed(as(track, "GRanges"), con)
## This funcion is broken in the rtracklayer package
.expBed <- function(object, con, variant = c("base", "bedGraph", "bed15"), color, append) {
variant <- match.arg(variant)
name <- strand <- thickStart <- thickEnd <- color <- NULL
blockCount <- blockSizes <- blockStarts <- NULL
df <- data.frame(as.character(seqnames(object)), start(object) - 1, end(object))
score <- score(object)
if (!is.null(score)) {
if (!is.numeric(score) || any( {
stop("Scores must be non-NA numeric values")
if (variant == "bedGraph") {
if (is.null(score)) {
score <- 0
df$score <- score
else {
blockSizes <- object$blockSizes
blockStarts <- object$blockStarts
if (variant == "bed15" && is.null(blockSizes)) {
blockStarts <- blockSizes <- ""
if (!is.null(blockSizes) || !is.null(blockStarts)) {
if (is.null(blockSizes)) {
stop("'blockStarts' specified without 'blockSizes'")
if (is.null(blockStarts)) {
stop("'blockSizes' specified without 'blockStarts'")
lastBlock <- function(x) sub(".*,", "", x)
lastSize <- lastBlock(blockSizes)
lastStart <- lastBlock(blockStarts)
if (any(df[[2]] + as.integer(lastSize) + as.integer(lastStart) != df[[3]]) ||
any(sub(",.*", "", blockStarts) != 0)) {
stop("blocks must span entire feature")
blockCount <- vapply(strsplit(blockSizes, ","), length, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1L))
if (is.null(color)) {
color <- object$itemRgb
if (is.null(color) && !is.null(blockCount)) {
color <- "0"
} else if (!is.null(color)) {
nacol <-
colmat <- col2rgb(color)
color <- paste(colmat[1, ], colmat[2, ], colmat[3, ], sep = ",")
color[nacol] <- "0"
thickStart <- object$thickStart
thickEnd <- object$thickEnd
if (is.null(thickStart) && !is.null(color)) {
thickStart <- start(object)
thickEnd <- end(object)
strand <- object$strand
if (!is.null(thickStart) && is.null(strand)) {
strand <- rep(NA, length(object))
if (!is.null(strand) && is.null(score)) {
score <- 0
name <- object$name
if (is.null(name)) {
name <- rownames(object)
if (!is.null(score) && is.null(name)) {
name <- rep(NA, length(object))
df$name <- name
df$score <- score
df$strand <- strand
df$thickStart <- thickStart
df$thickEnd <- thickEnd
df$itemRgb <- color
df$blockCount <- blockCount
df$blockSizes <- blockSizes
df$blockStarts <- blockStarts
if (variant == "bed15") {
df$expCount <- object$expCount
df$expIds <- object$expIds
df$expScores <- object$expScores
scipen <- getOption("scipen")
options(scipen = 100)
on.exit(options(scipen = scipen))
write.table(df, con,
sep = "\t", col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE,
quote = FALSE, na = ".", append = append
## ## Construct a URL to UCSC showing the custom tracks
## ucscUrl <- function(chr, range, spec, gen, open=TRUE)
## {
## hgid <- system(sprintf("%s %s %s", system.file("lib/", package="Gviz"),
## "customTracks.bed", spec, gen), intern=TRUE, ignore.stderr=TRUE)
## url <- sprintf(paste("",
## "&position=%s%%3A%i-%i", sep=""), hgid, chr, range[1], range[2])
## if(open)
## browseURL(url)
## return(url)
## }
.updateObj <- function(object) {
availSlots <- getObjectSlots(object)
availSlotNames <- names(availSlots)
definedSlotNames <- slotNames(object)
if (length(availSlotNames) == length(definedSlotNames) && all(sort(availSlotNames) == sort(definedSlotNames))) {
commonSlots <- intersect(definedSlotNames, availSlotNames)
missingSlots <- setdiff(definedSlotNames, availSlotNames)
newObject <- new(class(object))
for (s in commonSlots) {
slot(newObject, s) <- availSlots[[s]]
vpLocation <- function() {
xres <- devRes()[1]
yres <- devRes()[2]
## find location and pixel-size of current viewport
devloc1 <- c(
convertX(unit(0, "npc"), "inches"),
convertY(unit(0, "npc"), "inches"), 1
) %*% current.transform()
devloc2 <- c(
convertX(unit(1, "npc"), "inches"),
convertY(unit(1, "npc"), "inches"), 1
) %*% current.transform()
x1 <- (devloc1 / devloc1[3])[1] * xres
y1 <- (devloc1 / devloc1[3])[2] * yres
x2 <- (devloc2 / devloc2[3])[1] * xres
y2 <- (devloc2 / devloc2[3])[2] * yres
loc <- c(x1, y1, x2, y2)
names(loc) <- c("x1", "y1", "x2", "y2")
size <- c(x2 - x1, y2 - y1)
names(size) <- c("width", "height")
iloc <- c(x1 / xres, y1 / yres, x2 / yres, y2 / yres)
names(iloc) <- c("x1", "y1", "x2", "y2")
isize <- size / c(xres, yres)
names(size) <- c("width", "height")
location = loc, size = size, ilocation = iloc,
isize = isize
devRes <- function() {
## find R's resolution for the current device
if (current.viewport()$name != "ROOT") {
vpt <- current.vpTree()
depth <- upViewport(0)
xres <- abs(as.numeric(convertWidth(unit(1, "inches"), "native")))
yres <- abs(as.numeric(convertHeight(unit(1, "inches"), "native")))
} else {
xres <- abs(as.numeric(convertWidth(unit(1, "inches"), "native")))
yres <- abs(as.numeric(convertHeight(unit(1, "inches"), "native")))
retval <- c(xres, yres)
names(retval) <- c("xres", "yres")
devDims <- function(width, height, ncol = 12, nrow = 8, res = 72) {
f <- (((ncol + 1) * 0.1 + ncol + 1) / ((nrow + 1) * 0.1 + nrow + 1))
if ((missing(width) & missing(height) || !missing(width) & !missing(height))) {
stop("Need either argument 'width' or argument 'height'")
if (missing(height)) {
return(list(width = width, height = width / f, pwidth = width * res, pheight = width / f * res))
} else {
return(list(width = height * f, height, pwidth = height * f * res, pheight = height * res))
## Record the display parameters for each class once
.makeParMapping <- function() {
classes <- c(
"GdObject", "GenomeAxisTrack", "RangeTrack", "NumericTrack", "DataTrack", "IdeogramTrack", "StackedTrack",
"AnnotationTrack", "DetailsAnnotationTrack", "GeneRegionTrack", "BiomartGeneRegionTrack", "AlignmentsTrack", "AlignedReadTrack"
defs <- try(lapply(classes, function(x) as(getClassDef(x)@prototype@dp, "list")), silent = TRUE)
if (!is(defs, "try-error") && is.null(.parMappings)) {
names(defs) <- classes
assignInNamespace(x = ".parMappings", value = defs, ns = "Gviz")
.parMappings <- NULL
## Show available display parameters for a class and their defaults
availableDisplayPars <- function(class) {
if (!is.character(class)) {
class <- class(class)
class <- match.arg(class, c(
"GdObject", "GenomeAxisTrack", "RangeTrack", "NumericTrack", "DataTrack", "IdeogramTrack", "StackedTrack",
"AnnotationTrack", "DetailsAnnotationTrack", "GeneRegionTrack", "BiomartGeneRegionTrack", "AlignedReadTrack",
"AlignmentsTrack", "SequenceTrack", "SequenceBSgenomeTrack", "SequenceDNAStringSetTrack", "SequenceRNAStringSetTrack"
parents <- names(getClassDef(class)@contains)
pars <- .parMappings[c(parents, class)]
finalPars <- inherited <- list()
for (p in names(pars)) {
finalPars[names(pars[[p]])] <- pars[[p]]
inherited[names(pars[[p]])] <- p
finalPars <- finalPars[order(names(finalPars))]
inherited <- inherited[order(names(inherited))]
return(new("InferredDisplayPars", name = class, inheritance = unlist(inherited), finalPars))
## Compute ellipse outline coordinates for bounding boxes
.box2Ellipse <- function(box, np = 50) {
t <- seq(0, 2 * pi, len = np)
box$width <- box$cx2 - box$cx1
box$height <- box$cy2 - box$cy1
x <- rep(box$cx2 + -box$width + box$width / 2, each = np)
y <- rep(box$cy1 + box$height / 2, each = np)
a <- rep(box$width / 2, each = np)
b <- rep(box$height / 2, each = np)
tau <- 0
xt <- x + (a * cos(t) * cos(tau) - b * sin(t) * sin(tau))
yt <- y + (a * cos(t) * sin(tau) + b * sin(t) * cos(tau))
return(data.frame(x1 = xt, y1 = yt, id = rep(seq_len(nrow(box)), each = np)))
## We store some preset in the options on package load
.onLoad <- function(...) {
options("ucscChromosomeNames" = TRUE, "Gviz.scheme" = "default", "Gviz.ucscUrl" = NULL)
## A helper function to replace missing function arguments in a list with NULL values. The function environment needs
## to be passed in as argument 'env' for this to work.
.missingToNull <- function(symbol, env = parent.frame()) {
for (i in symbol) {
mis <- try(, args = list(i), envir = env), silent = TRUE)
if (!is(mis, "try-error") && mis) {
assign(i, NULL, env)
## build a covariates data.frame from a variety of different inputs
.getCovars <- function(x) {
if ( {
} else {
if (is(x, "GRanges")) {
} else {
if (is(x, "GRangesList")) {
} else {
## stop(sprintf("Don't know how to extract covariates from a %s object", class(x)))
## Prepare a data.frame or matrix containing the data for a DataTrack object. This involves trying to coerce
## and dropping non-numeric columns with a warning
.prepareDtData <- function(data, len = 0) {
if (ncol(data) && nrow(data)) {
for (i in seq_along(data)) {
if (is.character(data[, i])) {
data[, i] <- type.convert(data[, i], = TRUE)
isNum <- vapply(data, is.numeric, FUN.VALUE = logical(1L))
if (any(!isNum)) {
"The following non-numeric data column%s been dropped: %s", ifelse(sum(!isNum) > 1, "s have", " has"),
paste(colnames(data)[!isNum], collapse = ", ")
if (sum(dim(data)) > 0) {
data <- t(data[, isNum, drop = FALSE])
} else {
data <- matrix(ncol = len, nrow = 0)
if (all( {
data <- matrix(ncol = len, nrow = 0)
if (ncol(data) != len) {
stop("The columns in the 'data' matrix must match the genomic regions.")
## An import function for gff3 files that tries to resolve the parent-child relationship
## between genes, transcripts and exons
.import.gff3 <- function(file) {
dat <- import.gff3(file)
res <- try({
genes <- tolower(dat$type) == "gene"
ginfo <- mcols(dat[genes, ])
dat <- dat[!genes]
transcripts <- tolower(dat$type) == "mrna"
tinfo <- mcols(dat[transcripts, ])
dat <- dat[!transcripts]
mt <- match(as.character(dat$Parent), as.character(tinfo$ID))
if (!all( {
if (!"transcript_id" %in% colnames(mcols(dat))) {
tid <- rep(NA, length(mt))
tid[!] <- tinfo[mt[!], "ID"]
mcols(dat)[["transcript_id"]] <- tid
if (!"transcript_name" %in% colnames(mcols(dat))) {
tn <- rep(NA, length(mt))
tn[!] <- tinfo[mt[!], "Name"]
mcols(dat)[["transcript_name"]] <- tn
mt2 <- rep(NA, dim(mcols(dat))[1])
mt2[!] <- match(as.character(tinfo[mt[!], "Parent"]), as.character(ginfo$ID))
if (!all( {
if (!"gene_id" %in% colnames(mcols(dat))) {
gid <- rep(NA, length(mt2))
gid[!] <- ginfo[mt[!], "ID"]
mcols(dat)[["gene_id"]] <- gid
if (!"gene_name" %in% colnames(mcols(dat))) {
gn <- rep(NA, length(mt2))
gn[!] <- ginfo[mt[!], "Name"]
mcols(dat)[["gene_name"]] <- gn
if (all([["ID"]]))) {
mcols(dat)[["ID"]] <- paste("item", seq_along(dat), sep = "_")
if (!"exon_id" %in% colnames(mcols(dat))) {
mcols(dat)[["exon_id"]] <- mcols(dat)[["ID"]]
if (!is.null(mcols(dat)[["gene_name"]]) && all([["gene_name"]]))) {
mcols(dat)[["gene_name"]] <- NULL
if (all([["transcript_name"]]))) {
mcols(dat)[["transcript_name"]] <- NULL
if (is(res, "try-error")) {
"File '%s' is not valid according to the GFF3 standard and can not be properly parsed.",
"Results may not be what you expected!"
), file))
res <- dat
## An import function for bigWig files that knowns how to deal with missing seqnames <- function(file, selection) {
bwf <- BigWigFile(path.expand(file))
if (missing(selection)) {
rr <- = bwf)
} else {
si <- seqinfo(bwf)
rr <- if (!as.character(seqnames(selection)[1]) %in% seqnames(seqinfo(bwf))) {
GRanges(seqnames(selection)[1], ranges = IRanges(1, 2), score = 1)[0]
} else { = bwf, selection = selection)
## An import function for bam files that distinguishes between DataTracks and AnnotationTracks
## FIXME: We probably want this to be able to deal with Gapped Alignments...
.import.bam <- function(file, selection) {
if (!file.exists(paste(file, "bai", sep = ".")) &&
!file.exists(paste(paste(head(strsplit("xxx.bam", ".", fixed = TRUE)[[1]], -1), collapse = "."), "bai", sep = "."))) {
"Unable to find index for BAM file '", file, "'. You can build an index using the following command:\n\t",
"library(Rsamtools)\n\tindexBam(\"", file, "\")"
sinfo <- scanBamHeader(file)[[1]]
if (parent.env(environment())[["._trackType"]] == "DataTrack") {
res <- if (!as.character(seqnames(selection)[1]) %in% names(sinfo$targets)) {
mcols(selection) <- DataFrame(score = 0)
} else {
param <- ScanBamParam(what = c("pos", "qwidth"), which = selection, flag = scanBamFlag(isUnmappedQuery = FALSE))
x <- scanBam(file, param = param)[[1]]
cov <- coverage(IRanges(x[["pos"]], width = x[["qwidth"]]))
if (length(cov) == 0) {
mcols(selection) <- DataFrame(score = 0)
} else {
GRanges(seqnames = seqnames(selection), ranges = IRanges(start = start(cov), end = end(cov)), strand = "*", score = runValue(cov))
} else {
res <- if (!as.character(seqnames(selection)[1]) %in% names(sinfo$targets)) {
mcols(selection) <- DataFrame(id = "NA", group = "NA")
} else {
param <- ScanBamParam(what = c("pos", "qwidth", "strand", "qname"), which = selection, flag = scanBamFlag(isUnmappedQuery = FALSE))
x <- scanBam(file, param = param)[[1]]
seqnames = seqnames(selection), ranges = IRanges(start = x[["pos"]], width = x[["qwidth"]]), strand = x[["strand"]],
id = make.unique(x[["qname"]]), group = x[["qname"]]
.import.bam.alignments <- function(file, selection) {
indNames <- c(sub("\\.bam$", ".bai", file), paste(file, "bai", sep = "."))
index <- NULL
for (i in indNames) {
if (file.exists(i)) {
index <- i
if (is.null(index)) {
"Unable to find index for BAM file '", file, "'. You can build an index using the following command:\n\t",
"library(Rsamtools)\n\tindexBam(\"", file, "\")"
pairedEnd <- parent.env(environment())[["._isPaired"]]
if (is.null(pairedEnd)) {
pairedEnd <- TRUE
flag <- parent.env(environment())[["._flag"]]
if (is.null(flag)) {
flag <- scanBamFlag(isUnmappedQuery = FALSE)
bf <- BamFile(file, index = index, asMates = pairedEnd)
param <- ScanBamParam(which = selection, what = scanBamWhat(), tag = "MD", flag = flag)
reads <- if (as.character(seqnames(selection)[1]) %in% names(scanBamHeader(bf)$targets)) scanBam(bf, param = param)[[1]] else list()
md <- if (is.null(reads$tag$MD)) rep(as.character(NA), length(reads$pos)) else reads$tag$MD
if (length(reads$pos)) {
layed_seq <- sequenceLayer(reads$seq, reads$cigar)
region <- unlist(bamWhich(param), use.names = FALSE)
ans <- stackStrings(layed_seq, start(region), end(region), shift = reads$pos - 1L, Lpadding.letter = "+", Rpadding.letter = "+")
names(ans) <- seq_along(reads$qname)
} else {
ans <- DNAStringSet()
seqnames = if (is.null(reads$rname)) character() else reads$rname,
strand = if (is.null(reads$strand)) character() else reads$strand,
ranges = IRanges(start = reads$pos, width = reads$qwidth),
id = if (is.null(reads$qname)) character() else reads$qname,
cigar = if (is.null(reads$cigar)) character() else reads$cigar,
mapq = if (is.null(reads$mapq)) integer() else reads$mapq,
flag = if (is.null(reads$flag)) integer() else reads$flag,
md = md, seq = ans,
isize = if (is.null(reads$isize)) integer() else reads$isize,
groupid = if (pairedEnd) if (is.null(reads$groupid)) integer() else reads$groupid else seq_along(reads$pos),
status = if (pairedEnd) {
if (is.null(reads$mate_status)) factor(levels = c("mated", "ambiguous", "unmated")) else reads$mate_status
} else {
factor("unmated", levels = c("mated", "ambiguous", "unmated")),
## An import function for fasta file that supports streaming if an index is present
.import.fasta <- function(file, selection, strict = TRUE) {
ffile <- FastaFile(file)
if (!file.exists(paste(file, "fai", sep = "."))) {
if (strict) {
"Unable to find index for fasta file '", file, "'. You can build an index using the following command:\n\t",
"library(Rsamtools)\n\tindexFa(\"", file, "\")"
} else {
idx <- scanFaIndex(file)
if (!as.character(seqnames(selection)[1]) %in% as.character(seqnames(idx))) {
} else {
return(scanFa(file, selection))
## An import function for the indexed 2bit format
.import.2bit <- function(file, selection) {
tbf <- TwoBitFile(file)
if (!as.character(seqnames(selection)[1]) %in% seqnames(seqinfo(tbf))) {
} else {
tmp <- import(tbf, which = selection)
names(tmp) <- as.character(seqnames(selection)[1])
## A mapping of (lower-cased) file extensions to import function calls. Most of those are already implemented in the rtracklayer package.
## If no mapping is found an error will be raised suggesting to provide a user-defined import function.
.registerImportFun <- function(file) {
fileExt <- .fileExtension(file)
file <- path.expand(file)
"gff" = import.gff(file),
"gff1" = import.gff1(file),
"gff2" = import.gff2(file),
"gff3" = .import.gff3(file),
"gtf" = import.gff2(file),
"bed" = import.bed(file),
"bedgraph" = import.bedGraph(file),
"wig" = import.wig(file),
"bw" =,
"bigwig" =,
"bam" = .import.bam,
"No predefined import function exists for files with extension '%s'. Please manually provide an import function.",
## Get the file extension for a file, taking into account potential gzipping
.fileExtension <- function(file) {
if (!grepl("\\.", file)) {
stop("Unable to identify extension for file '", file, "'")
ext <- sub(".*\\.", "", sub("\\.gz$|\\.gzip$", "", basename(file)))
if (ext == "") {
stop("Unable to identify extension for file '", file, "'")
availableDefaultMapping <- function(file, trackType) {
.checkClass(file, "character", 1)
.checkClass(trackType, "character", 1)
ext <- tolower(if (grepl("\\.", file)) .fileExtension(file) else file)
vm <- .defaultVarMap(ext, trackType, justMap = TRUE)
vm[[".stream"]] <- NULL
## Helper function to handle defaults function arguments
.covDefault <- function(x, cov, def) {
res <- if (missing(x)) {
if (is.null(cov)) {
} else {
} else {
## A helper function to process alignment information from a GRanges object
.computeAlignments <- function(range, drop.D.ranges = FALSE) {
res <- list(range = range, stackRanges = GRanges(), stacks = numeric())
if (length(range)) {
alg <- extractAlignmentRangesOnReference(range$cigar, drop.D.ranges = drop.D.ranges)
rp <- elementNROWS(alg)
range <- sort(GRanges(
seqnames = rep(seqnames(range), rp), strand = rep("*", sum(rp)), ranges = shift(unlist(alg), rep(start(range), rp) - 1),
id = rep(range$id, rp), entityId = rep(seq_along(rp), rp), cigar = rep(range$cigar, rp), md = rep(range$md, rp),
readStrand = rep(strand(range), rp), mapq = rep(range$mapq, rp), flag = rep(range$flag, rp), isize = rep(range$isize, rp),
groupid = rep(range$groupid, rp), status = factor(rep(range$status, rp), levels = c("mated", "ambiguous", "unmated")),
uid = seq_len(sum(rp))
if (length(range)) {
stTmp <- split(range, range$groupid)
stackRanges <- unlist(range(stTmp))
ss <- disjointBins(stackRanges)
range$stack <- ss[match(range$groupid, names(stackRanges))]
res <- list(range = range, stackRanges = stackRanges, stacks = range$stack)
## Check whether the current device supports alpha channel transparency
.supportsAlpha <- function() {
d <- dev.cur()
oldwarn <- getOption("warn")
options(warn = oldwarn)
if (d == 1) {
options(warn = 2)
ok <- !is(try(
grob <- grid.rect(x = unit(0, "npc"), y = unit(0, "npc"), width = 0, height = 0, gp = gpar(alpha = 0.5))
## grid.remove(grob$name)
silent = TRUE
), "try-error")
## Return the alpha display parameter from a GdObject, respecting whether transparency is supported on the device
## or not. This is either drawn from the internal '.__hasAlphaSupport' display parameter, or, if not set, is
## determined dynamically.
.alpha <- function(GdObject, postfix = NULL) {
support <- .dpOrDefault(GdObject, ".__hasAlphaSupport", .supportsAlpha())
wh <- if (is.null(postfix)) "alpha" else c(paste("alpha", postfix, sep = "."), "alpha")
alpha <- .dpOrDefault(GdObject, wh, 1)
if (alpha != 1 && !support) {
alpha <- 1
## Draw horizontal arrows into a viewport indicating cropped read alignments
.moreInd <- function(n = 3, direction = "up", ...) {
nn <- n * 2 + 1
x <- rep(seq(1 / nn, 1 - (1 / nn), len = nn - 2)[seq(1, nn - 2, by = 2)], each = n) + c(-1 / nn / 2, 0, 1 / nn / 2)
y <- rep(if (direction == "up") c(0, 1, 0) else c(1, 0, 1), n)
grid.polyline(x, y, id = rep(seq_len(n), each = 3), gp = gpar(...))
## Compute mismatches for AlignmentsTracks based on the read sequences and a reference sequence
.findMismatches <- function(GdObject) {
rgo <- .dpOrDefault(GdObject, ".__plottingRange")
mmPos <- mmSamp <- mmSeq <- mmStack <- NULL
if (!is.null(rgo)) {
ref <- as.character(as(subseq(GdObject@referenceSequence, start = rgo["from"], end = rgo["to"]), "Rle"))
cm <- consensusMatrix(GdObject@sequences, as.prob = FALSE, baseOnly = TRUE)[-5, ]
cmm <- colMaxs(cm)
css <- colSums(cm)
cmp <- rbind(t(t(cm) / css), 0)
rownames(cmp)[5] <- "N"
sel <-["A", ])
cmp[, sel] <- 0
cmp["N", sel] <- 1
consStr <- strsplit(consensusString(cmp), "")[[1]]
varRegs <- which(cmm != css | (consStr != "N" & consStr != ref))
if (length(varRegs)) {
rvg <- ref[varRegs]
sel <- rvg != "-" & rvg != "N"
if (any(sel)) {
varRegs <- varRegs[sel]
rvg <- rvg[sel]
mmTab <-, lapply(varRegs, function(x) as.character(subseq(GdObject@sequences, x, width = 1))))
isMm <- t(rvg != "-" & mmTab != "+" & mmTab != "-" & mmTab != rvg)
mmRelPos <- col(isMm)[which(isMm)]
mmPos <- varRegs[mmRelPos] + rgo["from"] - 1
mmSampInd <- row(isMm)[which(isMm)]
mmSamp <- rownames(isMm)[mmSampInd]
mmSeq <- mmTab[ncol(isMm) * (mmSampInd - 1) + mmRelPos]
mmStack <- stacks(GdObject)[match(mmSamp, ranges(GdObject)$entityId)]
return(data.frame(position = mmPos, stack = mmStack, read = mmSamp, base = as.character(mmSeq), stringsAsFactors = TRUE))
## Return the default mappings between the metadata columns of an imported GRanges object and those
## of the track's GRanges object.
.defaultVarMap <- function(inputType, trackType, stream, fromUser = FALSE, justMap = FALSE) {
vm <- list(
gtf = list(GeneRegionTrack = list(
feature = "type",
gene = c("gene_id", "gene_name"),
exon = c("exon_name", "exon_id"),
transcript = c("transcript_name", "transcript_id"),
symbol = c("gene_name", "gene_id")
gff = list(
AnnotationTrack = list(
feature = "type",
group = "group"
GeneRegionTrack = list(
feature = "type",
transcript = "group"
gff1 = list(
AnnotationTrack = list(
feature = "type",
group = group
GeneRegionTrack = list(
feature = "type",
transcript = "group"
gff2 = list(
AnnotationTrack = list(
feature = "type",
group = c("group", "Parent"),
id = c("ID", "Name", "Alias")
GeneRegionTrack = list(
feature = "type",
gene = c("gene_id", "gene_name"),
exon = c("exon_name", "exon_id"),
symbol = c("gene_name", "gene_id")
gff3 = list(
AnnotationTrack = list(
feature = "type",
id = c("ID", "Name", "Alias"),
group = "Parent"
GeneRegionTrack = list(
feature = "type",
gene = c("gene_id", "gene_name"),
exon = c("exon_name", "exon_id", "ID"),
transcript = c("transcript_name", "transcript_id", "Parent"),
symbol = c("gene_name", "gene_id", "Name", "Alias")
bedgraph = list(DataTrack = list(score = "score")),
wig = list(DataTrack = list(score = "score")),
bed = list(AnnotationTrack = list(feature = "itemRgb", id = "name")),
bigwig = list(DataTrack = list(
score = "score",
.stream = TRUE
bw = list(DataTrack = list(
score = "score",
.stream = TRUE
bam = list(
DataTrack = list(
score = "score",
.stream = TRUE
AnnotationTrack = list(
id = "id",
group = "group",
.stream = TRUE
AlignmentsTrack = list(
id = "id",
cigar = "cigar",
mapq = "mapq",
flag = "flag",
isize = "isize",
groupid = "groupid",
status = "status",
md = "md",
seq = "seq",
.stream = TRUE
if (justMap) {
if (fromUser) {
vm[[inputType]] <- setNames(list(list(".stream" = stream)), trackType)
} else {
if (is.null(vm[[inputType]]) || is.null(vm[[inputType]][[trackType]])) {
"There are no default mappings from %s files to %s. Please provide a manual mapping",
"in the track constructor if you haven't already done so."
inputType, trackType
vm[[inputType]] <- setNames(list(list(".stream" = stream)), trackType)
## Helper function to go through the metadata columns of a DataFrame and match their colnames to a mapping if they
## are available
.resolveColMapping <- function(data, args, defMap) {
colnames(mcols(data)) <- paste(colnames(mcols(data)), "orig", sep = "__.__")
for (i in names(defMap)) {
if (is.character(args[[i]]) && length(args[[i]]) == 1 && paste(args[[i]], "orig", sep = "__.__") %in% colnames(mcols(data))) {
defMap[[i]] <- args[[i]]
args[[i]] <- NULL
mt <- match(paste(defMap[[i]], "orig", sep = "__.__"), colnames(mcols(data)))
mt <- mt[!][1]
if (! {
mcols(data)[[i]] <- mcols(data)[, mt]
mcols(data) <- mcols(data)[, !grepl("__.__", colnames(mcols(data))), drop = FALSE]
return(list(data = data, args = args, defMap = defMap))
## For an AnnotationTrack or a GeneRegionTrack, compute the actual ranges for a complete range element group
## (i.e., a whole transcript or track group) and also add the necessary space for the text label if needed.
## We add this information to the internal display parameters '.__groupRanges', '.__groupLabels' and
## '.__groupLabelWidths'. This function has to be called before stacks are being computed because 'setStacks'
## will use the values in '.__groupRanges'.
## Note that the computed ranges are not quite right because we are only crudely guessing the size of the
## title panels at this stage.
.computeGroupRange <- function(GdObject, hasAxis = FALSE, hasTitle = .dpOrDefault(GdObject, "showTitle", TRUE), title.width = 1) {
if (is(GdObject, "AnnotationTrack")) {
finalRanges <- IRanges()
GdObjectOrig <- GdObject
GdObject <- GdObject[seqnames(GdObject) == chromosome(GdObject)]
pr <- .dpOrDefault(GdObject, ".__plottingRange", data.frame(from = min(start(GdObject)), to = max(end(GdObject))))
if (is.null(title.width)) {
title.width <- 1
if (length(GdObject) > 0) {
gp <- group(GdObject)
needsGrp <- any(duplicated(gp))
finalRanges <- if (needsGrp) {
groups <- split(range(GdObject), gp)
} else {
if (.dpOrDefault(GdObject, ".__hasAnno", FALSE)) {
## The label justification
just <- .dpOrDefault(GdObject, "", "left")
rev <- .dpOrDefault(GdObject, "reverseStrand", FALSE)
## A crude guestimate of the space needed for a title
twidth <- if (hasTitle) {
fact <- title.width + (hasAxis * 2)
.getStringDims(GdObject, "g_T", unit = "npc", subtype = "title")$height * fact
} else {
tfact <- ifelse(twidth > 1, 1, 1 / (1 - twidth))
## The labels and spacers are plotted in a temporary viewport to figure out their size
labels <- if (needsGrp) {
vapply(split(identifier(GdObject), gp), function(x) paste(sort(unique(x)), collapse = "/"), FUN.VALUE = character(1L))
} else {
setNames(identifier(GdObject), gp)
xscale <- c(max(pr["from"], min(start(finalRanges))), min(pr["to"], max(end(finalRanges))))
if (diff(xscale) == 0) {
xscale[2] <- xscale[2] + 1
pushViewport(dataViewport(xscale = xscale, extension = 0, yscale = c(0, 1), gp = .fontGp(GdObject, "group")))
labelWidths <- setNames(as.numeric(convertWidth(stringWidth(labels), "native")) * tfact * 1.3, names(labels))
spaceBefore <- as.numeric(convertWidth(unit(3, "points"), "native")) * tfact
spaceAfter <- as.numeric(convertWidth(unit(7, "points"), "native")) * tfact
"left" = {
if (!rev) {
start(finalRanges) <- start(finalRanges) - (spaceBefore + labelWidths + spaceAfter)
} else {
end(finalRanges) <- end(finalRanges) + spaceAfter + labelWidths + spaceBefore
sb <- spaceBefore
sa <- spaceAfter
"right" = {
if (!rev) {
end(finalRanges) <- end(finalRanges) + spaceAfter + labelWidths + spaceBefore
} else {
start(finalRanges) <- start(finalRanges) - (spaceBefore + labelWidths + spaceAfter)
sb <- spaceBefore
sa <- spaceAfter
"above" = {
featureWidths <- end(finalRanges) - start(finalRanges)
additionalLabelSpace <- ceiling((labelWidths - featureWidths) / 2)
additionalLabelSpace[additionalLabelSpace < 0] <- 0
end(finalRanges) <- end(finalRanges) + additionalLabelSpace
start(finalRanges) <- start(finalRanges) - additionalLabelSpace
sa <- sb <- 0
"below" = {
featureWidths <- end(finalRanges) - start(finalRanges)
additionalLabelSpace <- ceiling((labelWidths - featureWidths) / 2)
additionalLabelSpace[additionalLabelSpace < 0] <- 0
end(finalRanges) <- end(finalRanges) + additionalLabelSpace
start(finalRanges) <- start(finalRanges) - additionalLabelSpace
sa <- sb <- 0
stop(sprintf("Unknown label justification '%s'", just))
displayPars(GdObjectOrig) <- list(
".__groupLabelWidths" = data.frame(before = sb, label = labelWidths, after = sa),
".__groupLabels" = labels
displayPars(GdObjectOrig) <- list(".__groupRanges" = finalRanges)
## Calculate the vectorized string dimensions and return the results in a data.frame with columns 'width' and 'height'
## The unit of the return value can be controlled, and additional parameters like font size and expansion factors can
## be passed in as additional arguments (all in ... is passed on to 'gpar'). If needed, the font defaults for a
## subtype can be extracted by providing the subtype argument.
.getStringDims <- function(GdObject, string, unit = "native", subtype = NULL, ...) {
gp <- .fontGp(GdObject, subtype, ...)
pushViewport(viewport(gp = gp, xscale = current.viewport()$xscale, yscale = current.viewport()$yscale))
res <- data.frame(
width = as.numeric(convertWidth(stringWidth(string), unit)),
height = as.numeric(convertHeight(stringHeight(string), unit))
## Check whether transcripts are to be collapsed for a GeneRegionTrack
.transcriptsAreCollapsed <- function(GdObject) {
res <- FALSE
if (is(GdObject, "GeneRegionTrack")) {
ctrans <- .dpOrDefault(GdObject, "collapseTranscripts", FALSE)
res <- (is.logical(ctrans) && ctrans == TRUE) || ctrans %in% c("gene", "shortest", "longest", "meta")
## Create list for drawing sashimi-like plots
## using summarizeJunctions on GAlignments
## plotting is done via grid.xspline (requires x, y, id, score)
.ranges2ga <- function(range) {
range <- sort(range)
range <- range[!duplicated(range$entityId)]
ga <- GAlignments(
seqnames = seqnames(range), pos = start(range), cigar = range$cigar,
strand = if (is.null(range$readStrand)) strand(range) else range$readStrand,
## id=range$id,
## entityId=range$entityId,
## md=range$md,
## readStrand=range$readStrand,
## mapq=range$mapq,
## flag=range$flag,
## isize=range$isize,
## groupid=range$groupid,
## status=range$status,
## uid=range$uid,
## stack=range$stack,
seqlengths = seqlengths(range)
.create.summarizedJunctions.for.sashimi.junctions <- function(range) {
ga <- .ranges2ga(range)
juns <- summarizeJunctions(ga)
} <- function(juns, score = 1L, lwd.max = 10, strand = "*", filter = NULL, filterTolerance = 0L, trans = NULL) {
## filter junctions
if (!is.null(filter)) {
## if filterTolerance is > 0 than pass it as maxgap parameter in findOverlaps
## make sure it is positive value
if (filterTolerance < 0) {
filterTolerance <- abs(filterTolerance)
"\"sashimiFilterTolerance\" can't be negative, taking absolute value of it: %d",
ovs <- findOverlaps(juns, filter, type = "start", maxgap = filterTolerance)
ove <- findOverlaps(juns, filter, type = "end", maxgap = filterTolerance)
## combine both Hits objects, select junctions present in both
ovv <- rbind(as.matrix(ovs), as.matrix(ove))
ovv <- ovv[duplicated(ovv), , drop = FALSE]
## create row/col index for selecting the correct strand
ws <- strand(filter[ovv[, "subjectHits"]])
levels(ws) <- c("plus_score", "minus_score", "score")
ws <- cbind(row = ovv[, "queryHits"], col = as.character(ws))
## rol/col subseting will only works on matrix
M <- as.matrix(values(juns))
rownames(M) <- seq_len(nrow(M))
filter$score <- 0L
filter$score[sort(unique(ovv[, "subjectHits"]))] <- tapply(M[ws], ovv[, "subjectHits"], sum)
juns <- filter
} else {
## if no filter ranges were defined
## select strand (default both)
juns$score <- if (strand == "+") juns$plus_score else if (strand == "-") juns$minus_score else juns$score
## filter based on evidence (default no filtering, 1 read)
juns <- juns[juns$score >= score]
if (length(juns)) {
## count how many overlaps to determine the y
ov <- findOverlaps(juns, reduce(juns, min.gapwidth = 0L))
ov <- split(queryHits(ov), subjectHits(ov))
juns$y <- as.integer(unlist(lapply(ov, order)))
## apply data transformation if one is set up
if (is.list(trans)) {
trans <- trans[[1]]
if (!is.null(trans)) {
if (!is.function(trans) || length(formals(trans)) != 1L) {
stop("Display parameter 'transformation' must be a function with a single argument")
test <- trans(juns$score)
if (!is(test, "numeric") || length(test) != length(juns$score)) {
"The function in display parameter 'transformation' results in invalid output.\n",
"It has to return a numeric matrix with the same dimensions as the input data."
juns$score <- test
## scale the score to lwd.max
juns$scaled <- (lwd.max - 1) / pmax((max(juns$score) - min(c(1, juns$score))), 1) * (juns$score - max(juns$score)) + lwd.max
## create list
juns <- list(
x = as.numeric(rbind(
mid(ranges(juns)), end(juns)
y = as.numeric(rbind(0, juns$y, 0)),
id = rep(seq_len(length(juns)), each = 3),
score = as.numeric(juns$score),
scaled = juns$scaled
} else {
juns <- list(
x = numeric(),
y = numeric(),
id = integer(),
score = numeric(),
scaled = numeric()
# temporary fix for providerVersion
.providerVersion <- function(sequence) {
genome <- try(providerVersion(sequence), silent=TRUE)
if (is(genome, "try-error")) {
genome <- metadata(sequence)$genome
if (is.null(genome)) {
genome <- NA
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