## Compute goodness of fit statistics.
setGeneric("regionGoodnessOfFit", function(obj, ...) standardGeneric("regionGoodnessOfFit"))
setMethod("regionGoodnessOfFit", "data.frame",
definition = function(obj, denominator = colSums(obj), groups = rep("A", ncol(obj))) {
if (length(groups) != ncol(obj) & length(groups) != length(denominator))
stop("Arguments 'groups', 'obj' and 'denominator' must all have the same length.")
sameSample <- split(1:ncol(obj), groups)
denominator <- split(denominator, groups)
res <- lapply(1:length(sameSample), function(i) {
idx <- sameSample[[i]]
lc <- denominator[[i]]
x <- obj[,idx]
lambda <- rowSums(x)/sum(lc)
E <- outer(lambda, lc)
chi <- rowSums((x - E)^2/E)
pval <- 1 - pchisq(chi, ncol(x) - 1)
cbind(chi = chi, pval = pval)
names(res) <- names(sameSample)
if (length(groups) > 1) {
res <- res[groups[!duplicated(groups)]]
res <- list(stats = res, dfs = sapply(sameSample, length) - 1)
class(res) <- ""
setMethod("regionGoodnessOfFit", "ExpData",
definition = function(obj, annoData, groups = rep("A", length(what)),
what = getColnames(obj, all = FALSE),
denominator = c("regions", "lanes"),
verbose = getOption("verbose")) {
if (missing(groups)) {
groups <- rep("group", length(what))
if (length(groups) != length(what) & length(groups) != 1)
warning("Arguments groups and what are of different lengths.")
regionSums <- summarizeByAnnotation(expData = obj, annoData = annoData,
what = what, verbose = verbose)
if (!is.numeric(denominator)) {
denominator <- match.arg(denominator)
denominator <- switch(denominator,
"regions" = colSums(regionSums),
"lanes" = summarizeExpData(expData = obj,
what = what, verbose = verbose))
} else {
stopifnot(length(denominator) == groups)
regionGoodnessOfFit(regionSums, denominator = denominator, groups = groups)
}) <- function(x, chisq = FALSE, plotCol = TRUE, qqline = FALSE,
xlab = "theoretical quantiles",
ylab = "observed quantiles", main,
pch = 16, cex = .75, ...) {
stats <- x$stats
dfs <- x$dfs
main <- names(stats)
a <- sqrt(length(stats))
b <- a
if (!is.integer(a)) {
a <- floor(a)
b <- length(stats)/a
op <- par(mfrow=c(a,b), no.readonly = TRUE)
mapply(function(mat, name, mainplot) {
if (chisq) {
yy <- mat[, "chi"]
xx <- qchisq(ppoints(yy), df = dfs[name])
} else {
yy <- sort(mat[, "pval"])
xx <- qunif(ppoints(yy), min = 0, max = 1)
qq <- qqplot(xx, yy, = FALSE)
if (plotCol) {
colors <- rep("black", length(yy))
colors[floor(length(colors)*.95):length(colors)] <- "red"
colors[floor(length(colors)*.99):length(colors)] <- "violet"
colors[floor(length(colors)*.999):length(colors)] <- "orange"
} else {
colors <- "black"
plot(qq$x, qq$y, col = colors, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, main = mainplot, pch = pch, cex = cex, ...)
if(qqline) {
yyqt <- quantile(qq$y, c(0.25, 0.75))
xxqt <- quantile(qq$x, c(0.25, 0.75))
slope <- diff(yyqt) / diff(xxqt)
int <- yyqt[1L] - slope * xxqt[1L]
abline(int, slope, col = "blue")
abline(0, 1, col = "blue", lty = 2)
}, stats, names(stats), main)
## This function operates on a vector
tabularGoodnessOfFit <- function(v, dfx = function(y) dpois(y, mean(v)),
levels = 10, bins = NULL,
verbose = getOption("verbose")) {
levs <- unique(floor(quantile(v, seq(0, 1, length = levels))))
if (length(levs) <= 2)
return(rep(NA, 3))
levs <- c(-1, levs, max(v) + 1)
tbl <- table(cut(v, levs))
# collapse low counts.
if (tbl[length(tbl)] == 0) {
levs <- levs[-length(levs)]
tbl <- table(cut(v, levs))
if (!is.null(bins)) {
tbl <- table(cut(v, bins))
levs <- bins
if (any(tbl < 5)) {
warning("Low counts in table, possibly bad approximation with chi squared.")
dlevs <- diff(levs) - 1
dlevs[length(dlevs)] <- dlevs[length(dlevs)] + 1
probs <- numeric(length(tbl))
for (i in 1:length(dlevs)) {
start <- levs[i] + 1
end <- start + dlevs[i]
probs[i] <- sum(dfx(start:end))
probs[i] <- probs[i] + (1 - sum(probs))
if (sum(tbl) != length(v))
stop("Unforseen problem in tabularGoodnessOfFit: Programming Error!")
stat <- sum((tbl - probs*sum(tbl))^2/(probs*sum(tbl)))
return(list(statistic = stat, p.value = 1 - pchisq(stat, df = length(probs) - 2),
bins = length(probs)))
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