#' The pot function for a GenoGAM object
#' This functions plots the fit of a given region and optionally the read counts from the GenoGAMDataSet object
#' @param x A \code{GenoGAM} object
#' @param ggd A \code{GenoGAMDataSet} object to plot raw counts
#' @param ranges A \code{GRanges} object specifying a particular region
#' @param seqnames A chromosome name. Together with start and end it is an
#' alternative way ob selecting a region
#' @param start The start of a region
#' @param end The end of a region
#' @param scale Logical, should all tracks be scaled to the same y-axis?
#' @param cap If FALSE deactivates the cap that prevents to accidentaly plot a too larger
#' area. The default cap is 1Mbp.
#' @param log Should log values be plotted on the y-axis
#' @param ... Additional parameters that will be passed to the basic plot routine
#' @return A plot of all tracks either using the ggplot2 or the base R framework
#' @author Georg Stricker \email{}
#' @export
plotGenoGAM <- function(x, ggd = NULL, ranges = NULL, seqnames = NULL,
start = NULL, end = NULL, scale = TRUE, cap = TRUE,
log = FALSE,...) {
## determine what type of object we are dealing with
is_hdf5 <- is.HDF5(x)
if(is(x, "GenoGAMList")) {
is_split <- TRUE
else {
if(is(x, "GenoGAM")) {
is_split <- FALSE
else {
stop("Wrong class submitted")
## Set cap if not FALSE
if(!cap) {
cap <- Inf
else {
## 1Mio points should be fine
cap <- 1e6
if(is.null(seqnames) & is.null(start) & is.null(end) & is.null(ranges)) {
stop("Either 'seqnames', and/or 'start' and/or 'end' or 'ranges' has to be provided")
else {
## take care of split rowRanges and different ways
## of supplying the arguments
loc <- rowRanges(x)
## ranges is preferred to seqnames, start, end
if(!is.null(ranges)) {
if(length(ranges) > 1) {
warning("Only one range can be plotted. Taking the first one.")
if(is_split) {
seqnames <- as.character(GenomicRanges::seqnames(ranges)[1])
loc <- loc[[seqnames]]
ov <- IRanges::findOverlaps(loc, ranges[1])
indx <- S4Vectors::queryHits(ov)
## if ranges are not provided revert to seqnames and optional start and end
else {
if(is.null(seqnames)) {
stop("Neither 'ranges' nor 'seqnames' are provided. At least one is needed.")
if(is.null(start)) {
warning("'start' is not provided. Setting it to 1.")
start <- 1
if(is.null(end)) {
warning(paste("'end' is not provided. Setting it to the last position of chromosome", seqnames))
end <- Inf
if(is_split) {
loc <- loc[[seqnames]]
indx <- which(GenomicRanges::seqnames(loc) == seqnames &
GenomicRanges::pos(loc) >= start & GenomicRanges::pos(loc) <= end)
if(length(indx) > cap) {
stop("The fit is too big. Plotting is not advised, please provide a smaller region.")
## assemble the fit
pos <- GenomicRanges::pos(loc)[indx]
y <- fits(x)[[seqnames]][indx,]
else {
y <- fits(x)[indx,]
## assemble the standard errors
se <- se(x)[[seqnames]][indx,]
else {
se <- se(x)[indx,]
## take care of raw data
inputData <- NULL ## the raw data, not present by default
if(!is.null(ggd)) {
inputData <- assay(ggd)[[seqnames]][indx,]
else {
inputData <- assay(ggd)[indx,]
## normalize by size factors
if(is_hdf5) {
aux <- lapply(1:ncol(inputData), function(y) {
names(aux) <- colnames(inputData)
inputData <- DataFrame(aux)
else {
inputData[] <- lapply(colnames(inputData), function(y) {
title <- as.character(.extractGR(loc[indx]))
## if(require(Gviz)) {
## plot_gviz()
## }
## if(requireNamespace("ggplot2", quietly = TRUE) & requireNamespace("grid", quietly = TRUE)) {
## plot_ggplot2(x = pos, y = y, se = se, inputData = inputData, scale = scale, title = title)
## }
## else {
plot_base(x = pos, y = y, se = se, inputData = inputData,
scale = scale, title = title, log, ...)
## }
#' @noRd
plot_base <- function(x, y, se, inputData = NULL, scale = TRUE,
title = "", log = FALSE, ...) {
numTracks <- ncol(y)
if(!is.null(inputData)) {
numRaw <- ncol(inputData)
## compute confidence interval
intervals <- vector("list", numTracks)
names(intervals) <- colnames(y)
for(name in colnames(y)) {
if(log) {
intervals[[name]]$upper <- y[,name] + 2*se[,name]
intervals[[name]]$lower <- y[,name] - 2*se[,name]
else {
intervals[[name]]$upper <- exp(y[,name] + 2*se[,name])
intervals[[name]]$lower <- exp(y[,name] - 2*se[,name])
## compute ylims
ymin <- sapply(intervals, function(x) min(x$lower))
ymax <- sapply(intervals, function(x) max(x$upper))
if(!is.null(inputData)) {
input_min <- sapply(inputData, min)
input_max <- sapply(inputData, max)
if(scale) {
fit_ylim <- c(min(ymin), max(ymax))
if(!is.null(inputData)) {
input_ylim <- c(min(input_min), max(input_max))
else {
fit_ylim <- list(ymin, ymax)
names(fit_ylim) <- c("min", "max")
if(!is.null(inputData)) {
input_ylim <- list(input_min, input_max)
names(input_ylim) <- c("min", "max")
## set penalty against scientific numbers
opt <- options("scipen" = 100000)
## plot raw counts
if(!is.null(inputData)) {
par(mfrow = c(numRaw, 1), oma = c(0, 0, 2, 0))
for (ii in 1:numRaw) {
## write xlab only at the bottom plot
xlab = ""
if(ii == numRaw) {
xlab = "Genomic Position"
ylim = c(input_ylim[['min']][ii], input_ylim[['max']][ii])
else {
ylim <- input_ylim
plot(x, inputData[,ii], type = "p", col = "#73737330", pch = 19,
ylim = ylim, xlab = xlab, ylab = colnames(inputData)[ii])
title(main = title,outer=TRUE)
## plot fits and confidence interval
if(!is.null(inputData)) {
par(mfrow = c(numTracks, 1), oma = c(0, 0, 2, 0))
for (ii in 1:numTracks) {
## write xlab only at the bottom plot
xlab = ""
if(ii == numTracks) {
xlab = "Genomic Position"
## scale accordingly
ylim = c(fit_ylim[['min']][ii], fit_ylim[['max']][ii])
else {
ylim <- fit_ylim
## plot log or normal fit
if(log) {
plot(x, y[,ii], type = "l", col = "black", ylim = ylim,
xlab = xlab, ylab = colnames(y)[ii], ...)
else {
plot(x, exp(y[,ii]), type = "l", col = "black", ylim = ylim,
xlab = xlab, ylab = colnames(y)[ii], ...)
## plot confidence interval
lines(x, intervals[[ii]]$lower, lty = "dotted", col = 'grey')
lines(x, intervals[[ii]]$upper, lty = "dotted", col = 'grey')
## plot 0 (log) or 1 (normal) horizontal line
if(log) {
abline(h = 0, col = "red")
else {
abline(h = 1, col = "red")
title(main = title,outer=TRUE)
## unset penalty for scientific numbers
## #' @noRd
## plot_ggplot2 <- function(x, y, inputData = NULL, scale = TRUE, title = "") {
## numTracks <- ncol(y)/2
## seCols <- grep("se", names(y))
## pCols <- grep("pvalue", names(y))
## sCols <- (1:ncol(y))[-c(seCols, pCols)]
## ## compute confidence interval
## for(ii in seCols) {
## secolname <- names(y)[ii]
## scolname <- strsplit(secolname, "\\.")[[c(1,2)]]
## uname <- paste("upper", scolname, sep = ".")
## lname <- paste("lower", scolname, sep = ".")
## y[[uname]] <- y[[scolname]] + 1.96*y[[secolname]]
## y[[lname]] <- y[[scolname]] - 1.96*y[[secolname]]
## }
## ## compute ylim
## fit_ylim <- NULL
## input_ylim <- NULL
## if(scale) {
## upperCols <- grep("upper.s\\(x\\)", names(y))
## lowerCols <- grep("lower.s\\(x\\)", names(y))
## fit_ylim <- c(min(y[,lowerCols]), max(y[,upperCols]))
## if(!is.null(inputData)) {
## input_ylim <- c(min(sapply(inputData, min)), max(max(sapply(inputData, max))))
## }
## }
## ## put all in one data.frame for ggplot
## if(!is.null(inputData)) {
## numTracks <- numTracks + ncol(inputData)
## y <- cbind(y,, x)
## }
## else {
## y <- cbind(y, x)
## }
## ## create List where to store plots
## plotList <- vector("list", numTracks)
## idx <- 1
## ## plot raw data to List
## if(!is.null(inputData)) {
## for (ii in 1:ncol(inputData)) {
## inputName <- names(inputData)[ii]
## if(is.null(input_ylim)) {
## input_ylim <- range(y[[inputName]])
## }
## assign(paste0("yinput", idx), y[[inputName]])
## plotList[[idx]] <- ggplot2::ggplot(y, ggplot2::aes(x = x, y = get(paste0("yinput", idx)))) +
## ggplot2::geom_point(color = "#73737330") + ggplot2::ylim(input_ylim) +
## ggplot2::ylab(inputName) + ggplot2::xlab("")
## idx <- idx + 1
## }
## }
## ## plot fits to List
## for(ii in sCols) {
## track <- names(y)[ii]
## ## print 'genomic position' only on the last plot
## if(ii == sCols[length(sCols)]) {
## xlab <- "genomic position"
## }
## else {
## xlab <- ""
## }
## ## if no ylim provided make sure that confidence intervalls are included
## if(!scale) {
## fit_ylim <- c(min(y[[paste("lower", track, sep = ".")]]),
## max(y[[paste("upper", track, sep = ".")]]))
## }
## assign(paste0("yinput", idx), y[[track]])
## assign(paste0("lower", idx), y[[paste("lower", track, sep = ".")]])
## assign(paste0("upper", idx), y[[paste("upper", track, sep = ".")]])
## plotList[[idx]] <- ggplot2::ggplot(y, ggplot2::aes(x, get(paste0("yinput", idx)))) +
## ggplot2::geom_ribbon(ggplot2::aes(ymin = get(paste0("lower", idx)),
## ymax = get(paste0("upper", idx))), fill = "grey70") +
## ggplot2::geom_line() + ggplot2::ylim(fit_ylim) + ggplot2::ylab(track) +
## ggplot2::xlab(xlab) + ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept = 0, colour = "red")
## idx <- idx + 1
## }
## ## arrange plots in grid
## grid::grid.newpage()
## grid::pushViewport(grid::viewport(layout = grid::grid.layout(numTracks + 1, 1, heights = grid::unit(c(0.5, rep(10/numTracks, numTracks)), "null"))))
## grid::grid.text(title, vp = grid::viewport(layout.pos.row = 1, layout.pos.col = 1))
## for(idx in 1:length(plotList)) {
## print(plotList[[idx]], vp = grid::viewport(layout.pos.row = idx + 1, layout.pos.col = 1))
## }
## }
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