#' Compute test statistic that is based on the average rates of clonal
#' exclusivity of a patient, and the observed
#' number of times a pair was clonally exclusive across several trees of
#' the tree inference.
#' For a given gene/pathway pair, this function takes as input: the average
#' rates of clonal exclusivity of all patients
#' in which the pair is mutated, the number of trees among the trees in the
#' collection of trees from each patient in which
#' the pair was occurring, and the number of times it was clonally exclusive
#' @title Compute the test statistic of the clonal exclusivity test (lrtest).
#' @param avg_rates_m The vector of average rates of clonal exclusivity of
#' each patient the pair is mutated in. It was computed for each patient
#' separately, and is averaged over all gene pairs and all trees. Expected
#' to be in the same (patient) order as the other inputs to this function.
#' @param num_trees_pair The vector with the number of tree inferences in
#' which the pair was occurring in. Has to be the same order
#' as \code{avg_rates_m}.
#' @param num_clon_excl The vector with the number of times the pair was
#' clonally exclusive in the trees in each patient.
#' Has to be the same order as \code{avg_rates_m}.
#' @author Ariane L. Moore
#' @export
#' @importFrom gtools logit inv.logit
#' @importFrom maxLik maxLik
#' @importFrom stats coef
#' @return A list with the test statistic of the clonal exclusivity test
#' (lrtest), and the maximum likelihood estimate of delta.
#' @examples
#' compute_test_stat_avg_rate(c(0.1, 0.2), c(10, 10), c(9, 7))
#' compute_test_stat_avg_rate(c(0.05, 0.23), c(20, 20), c(8, 5))
compute_test_stat_avg_rate <- function(avg_rates_m, num_trees_pair,
num_shared_pats <- length(avg_rates_m)
stopifnot(num_shared_pats == length(num_trees_pair))
stopifnot(num_shared_pats == length(num_clon_excl))
for (i in seq_along(avg_rates_m)){
stopifnot(num_clon_excl[i] <= num_trees_pair[i])
## if the rate is 0, but num_clon_excl == num_trees_pair,
## this will crash this should anyways not be the case.
## If the rate is 0, there should
## be no pair that is clonally exclusive
## at all
for(i in seq_along(avg_rates_m)){
if(avg_rates_m[i] == 0 &&
num_clon_excl[i] == num_trees_pair[i]){
stop("[Function: compute_test_stat_avg_rate]: The rate is 0,",
"\nbut there is a pair which is clonally ",
"exclusive across ALL trees,\ni.e. num_clon_excl ==",
" num_trees_pair, which is == ", num_trees_pair[i],
". This is\nnot possible. Make sure that the rates are ",
"in the same patient\norder as the ",
"histogram of pairs across trees, or that the rates\nare",
" not distorted too much by the beta distribution.")
## compute the test statistic of the log-likelihood ratio test:
## H0=clonal exclusivity just by chance, explained by the general
## clonal exclusivity rates in
## the shared patients, likelihood: s_1_{A,B} * s_2_{A,B} * s_3_{A,B}
## if the current pair {A,B} occurred in patients 1, 2, 3
## each of those s_i_{A,B}=(num_clon_excl/num_trees)*m_i +
## ((num_trees - num_clon_excl)/num_trees)*(1-m_i)
## H1=clonal exclusivity at elevated rates, logit(m_star_i)=logit(m_i)
## + delta, likelihood:
## s_star_1_{A,B} * s_star_2_{A,B} * s_star_3_{A,B}
## take mle estimate for the delta
## LRTestStatistic ~ Chi^2 with 1 degree of freedom (under H0) OR
## compare it to the empirical distribution under the null
## get likelihood of the null:
## helper function
compute_weighted_p <- function(num_cl, num_trees, avg_m){
stopifnot(num_cl <= num_trees)
stopifnot(num_trees > 0)
stopifnot(avg_m <= 1 && avg_m >= 0)
res <- (num_cl/num_trees)*avg_m +
((num_trees-num_cl)/num_trees) * (1-avg_m)
stopifnot(res >= 0 && res <= 1)
## compute individual factors from each patient
l_null_factors <- apply(cbind(num_clon_excl,
1, function(x){compute_weighted_p(x[1], x[2], x[3])})
l_null <- prod(l_null_factors)
message("l_null=", l_null)
stopifnot(l_null >= 0 && l_null <= 1)
## get likelihood of alternative:
## get mle of delta
## maximize likelihood over delta
## to obtain an estimate for the delta (MLE)
## function to get the negative log-likelihood of
## the data for a given delta
## get the logits of the m's: logit(m_i)=m_i/(1-m_i)
logit_avg_rates_m <- logit(avg_rates_m)
## without the gtools function, this crashes when one
## of the rates is 1.0
## They should be identical: i.e. if delta is zero, m and m_star should
## be the same
- avg_rates_m[1]) >= 0.01){
stop("The sanity check with delta=0 did not have the right",
" result. m should be identical to m_star if delta=0!!")
## define the log-likelihood function
this_LL <- function(this_delta) {
avg_rates_m_star <- inv.logit(logit_avg_rates_m +
l_alt_factors <- apply(cbind(num_clon_excl, num_trees_pair,
avg_rates_m_star), 1,
function(x){compute_weighted_p(x[1], x[2], x[3])})
## get the mle estimate of the delta
mle <- maxLik(logLik=this_LL, start=c(this_delta=0))
mle_delta <- coef(mle)
message("Maximum likelihood estimate of delta given the data is: ",
## compute the alternative likelihood
avg_rates_m_star <- inv.logit(logit_avg_rates_m + mle_delta)
l_alt_factors <-
apply(cbind(num_clon_excl, num_trees_pair, avg_rates_m_star), 1,
function(x){compute_weighted_p(x[1], x[2], x[3])})
l_alt <- prod(l_alt_factors)
message("l_alt=", l_alt)
## compute the test statistic
lr_test_statistic <- -2 * log( l_null / l_alt )
message("lr_test_statistic=", lr_test_statistic)
#' Compare the likelihood ratio test statistic to its ecdf under the null
#' for two mutated genes/pathways in clones of
#' patients.
#' Tests whether the observed number of clonal exclusivities of mutated
#' entities (genes or pathways)
#' A and B in clones of patients is significantly different from what would
#' be expected given the average clonal exclusivity rates. The observed
#' test statistic is compared to the ecdf of the test statistic under the
#' null hypothesis.
#' @title Compare observed likelihood ratio test statistic to its ecdf under
#' null.
#' @param entA One gene/pathway of the pair.
#' @param entB The other gene/pathway of the pair.
#' @param clone_tbl The clone tibble as generated with
#' \code{\link{create_tbl_tree_collection}} from several trees of
#' the tree inference, i.e. it also contains a column 'tree_id'.
#' @param avg_rates_m The average rates of clonal exclusivity for each
#' patient. The name of each rate is the respective patient_id.
#' @param ecdf_list The list of ECDF's of the test statistic under the
#' null distribution. Can be generated with
#' \code{\link{generate_ecdf_test_stat}}.
#' It is important that the rates that are used for that are the same as
#' the \code{avg_rates_m} here.
#' @param alternative The character indicating whether pairs should only be
#' tested if delta > 0 or if all pairs should be tested.
#' Can be one of "greater" or "two.sided".
#' @author Ariane L. Moore
#' @return Returns list(p_val, num_patients, mle_delta, test_statistic),
#' i.e. a list with the p-value, the number of patients in which both of
#' the genes/pathways were mutated, the maximum likelihood estimate of
#' the delta, and the test statistic.
#' @export
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @importFrom dplyr tibble filter is.tbl pull select
#' @examples
#' clone_tbl <- dplyr::tibble("file_name"=
#' rep(c(rep(c("fn1", "fn2"), each=3)), 2),
#' "patient_id"=rep(c(rep(c("pat1", "pat2"), each=3)), 2),
#' "altered_entity"=c(rep(c("geneA", "geneB", "geneC"), 4)),
#' "clone1"=c(0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0),
#' "clone2"=c(1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1),
#' "tree_id"=c(rep(5, 6), rep(10, 6)))
#' clone_tbl_pat1 <- dplyr::filter(clone_tbl, patient_id == "pat1")
#' clone_tbl_pat2 <- dplyr::filter(clone_tbl, patient_id == "pat2")
#' rates_exmpl_1 <- compute_rates_clon_excl(clone_tbl_pat1)
#' rates_exmpl_2 <- compute_rates_clon_excl(clone_tbl_pat2)
#' avg_rates_m <- apply(cbind(rates_exmpl_1, rates_exmpl_2), 2, mean)
#' names(avg_rates_m) <- c(names(rates_exmpl_1)[1],
#' names(rates_exmpl_2)[1])
#' values_clon_excl_num_trees_pat1 <- get_hist_clon_excl(clone_tbl_pat1)
#' values_clon_excl_num_trees_pat2 <- get_hist_clon_excl(clone_tbl_pat2)
#' list_of_num_trees_all_pats <-
#' list(pat1=values_clon_excl_num_trees_pat1[[1]],
#' pat2=values_clon_excl_num_trees_pat2[[1]])
#' list_of_clon_excl_all_pats <-
#' list(pat1=values_clon_excl_num_trees_pat1[[2]],
#' pat2=values_clon_excl_num_trees_pat2[[2]])
#' num_pat_pair_max <- 2
#' num_pairs_sim <- 10
#' ecdf_list <- generate_ecdf_test_stat(avg_rates_m,
#' list_of_num_trees_all_pats,
#' list_of_clon_excl_all_pats,
#' num_pat_pair_max,
#' num_pairs_sim)
#' ecdf_lr_test_clon_excl_avg_rate("geneA", "geneB", clone_tbl,
#' avg_rates_m,
#' ecdf_list, "greater")
ecdf_lr_test_clon_excl_avg_rate <- function(entA, entB, clone_tbl,
ecdf_list, alternative){
altered_entity <- patient_id <- file_name <- tree_id <- NULL
stopifnot("file_name" %in% colnames(clone_tbl))
stopifnot("patient_id" %in% colnames(clone_tbl))
stopifnot("altered_entity" %in% colnames(clone_tbl))
stopifnot("clone1" %in% colnames(clone_tbl))
stopifnot("clone2" %in% colnames(clone_tbl))
stopifnot("tree_id" %in% colnames(clone_tbl))
stopifnot(alternative == "greater" || alternative == "two.sided")
stopifnot(entA != entB)
## get all patients
all_pats <- unique(as.character(clone_tbl$patient_id))
num_pats <- length(all_pats)
stopifnot(length(avg_rates_m) == num_pats)
message("There were ", num_pats, " different patient ids.")
## get the number of trees
all_tree_ids <- unique(as.character(clone_tbl$tree_id))
num_trees <- length(all_tree_ids)
message("There were ", num_trees, " different tree inferences.")
## check in which patients the current pair is mutated, and in wich
## trees
## this is the list of trees, where each list entry is the
## vector of patient ids
## in which both of them are mutated
tree_to_pats_ent_pair <- lapply(all_tree_ids, function(this_tree){
## select a specific tree
clone_tbl_this_tree <- clone_tbl %>%
filter(tree_id == this_tree)
these_pats_mutated <- lapply(c(entA, entB), function(this_ent){
this_ent_pats <- clone_tbl_this_tree %>%
filter(altered_entity == this_ent) %>%
stopifnot(length(unique(this_ent_pats)) == length(this_ent_pats))
## now only those where both of them are mutated
these_pats_both_ents_mutated <- intersect(these_pats_mutated[[1]],
## the number of patients in which they are both mutated
## (maximum of all trees)
shared_pats_total <- unique(unlist(tree_to_pats_ent_pair))
num_shared_pats_total <- length(shared_pats_total)
## if there are no patients in which both of them are mutated
if(num_shared_pats_total == 0){
message("The current gene/pathway pair: ", entA, ", " , entB,
" is never mutated in the same patient.\n",
"No test will be performed.")
return(list(".", 0, ".", "."))
} else if (num_shared_pats_total == 1) {
message("The current gene/pathway pair: ", entA, ", " , entB,
" is only mutated once in the same patient.\n",
"Currently, no test will be performed.")
return(list(".", 1, ".", "."))
} else {
## if they share enough patient(s)
## get the rates of clonal exclusivity from the(se) patient(s)
these_shared_pats_rates <- vapply(shared_pats_total, function(x){
avg_rates_m[which(names(avg_rates_m) == x)]
}, numeric(1))
## compute for all patients: number of trees the pair is mutated,
## and number of times it was also clonally exclusive
num_trees_pair_num_clon_excl <- vapply(shared_pats_total,
## take the clone tibble ## just for the current patient
this_clone_tbl <- clone_tbl %>%
filter(patient_id == x) %>%
select(-file_name, -patient_id)
num_trees_num_clon_excl_this_pat <-
}, numeric(2))
stopifnot(dim(num_trees_pair_num_clon_excl)[1] == 2)
num_trees_pair <- num_trees_pair_num_clon_excl[1,]
num_clon_excl <- num_trees_pair_num_clon_excl[2,]
## compute the test statistic and the p-value of the likelihood
## ratio test
## by comparing the observed test statistic to the ecdf of the test
## statistic under the null
res_lr_test <- c()
res_lr_test <- compute_test_stat_avg_rate(these_shared_pats_rates,
test_stat <- res_lr_test[[1]]
mle_delta <- res_lr_test[[2]]
if(alternative == "greater" && mle_delta <= 0){
message("The current gene/pathway pair: ", entA, ", " ,
" has a delta of ", mle_delta, ".\n",
"Since the alternative is 'greater', no test will be ",
return(list(pval=".", num_patients=num_shared_pats_total,
mle_delta=mle_delta, test_statistic=test_stat))
} else {
## as a null reference ecdf, the pre-computed ecdf of the test
## statistic under the null is chosen
## for that, the ecdf with num_shared_pats is taken. It is the
## num_shared_pats'th ecdf in the list
if(num_shared_pats_total > length(ecdf_list)){
stop("[Function: ecdf_lr_test_clon_excl_avg_rate] The ",
"length of the ecdf list\nis not long enough. The current ",
"pair ", entA, " and ", entB, " seems to be mutated ",
"together\nin more than ",length(ecdf_list),
" patients. More precisely, they are mutated together in ",
"Please re-run the step for generating the ecdf and use",
" a higher value for\nnum_pat_pair_max ",
"(at least ", num_shared_pats_total,").")
message("Test statistic is ", test_stat)
message("The number of patients in which both genes ",
"are mutated: ",
this_ecdf <- ecdf_list[[num_shared_pats_total]]
## compute a p-value given the ecdf of the test statistic
## ecdf(T) from the null distribution
## p_value=P(T>t | H_0 true)=1-ecdf(t) #### (upper-tailed test)
message("The value of the ecdf at the test statistic: ",
p_val <- 1-this_ecdf(test_stat)
message("p_val=", p_val)
return(list(p_val=p_val, num_patients=num_shared_pats_total,
mle_delta=mle_delta, test_statistic=test_stat))
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