#' Generate the ECDF of the test statistic under the null distribution -
#' taking the average rates of clonal exclusivity, as well as
#' sampling from the real data for each patient, in how many trees a pair
#' occurs and is clonally excl.
#' This function takes the computed average rates of clonal exclusivity from
#' the data (m1, ... mN), which are specific to each
#' patient and averaged over several trees from the collection of tree
#' inferences. It also takes the histogram for each patient, of the values of
#' how often a pair was clonally exclusive over the number of trees it was
#' mutated in. It then simulates the test statistic under the
#' null for each number of patients a pair is be mutated in from 2, 3, ...
#' 'num_pat_pair_max'. Afterwards, it generates the empirical cumulative
#' distribution function (ECDF) using the \code{ecdf} function of the stats
#' package and returns the list with the ECDF's for the
#' number of patients n=2, 3, ..., N. This step is necessary for each new
#' data set before the clonal exclusivity test can be
#' done. In the clonal exclusivity test, the observed test statistics are
#' compared to the ECDF.
#' @title Generate the ECDF of the test statistic under the null distribution
#' - taking the average rates of clonal exclusivity
#' @param avg_rates_m The average rates of clonal exclusivity from all the
#' patients in the cohort, and averaged over several trees
#' from the collection of tree inferences.
#' @param list_of_num_trees_all_pats A named list that contains an entry for
#' each patient which is the vector with the values of the
#' information from each pair in a patient of how often it was mutated across
#' trees. The patient odering in the list has to be the
#' same as in \code{avg_rates_m}.
#' @param list_of_clon_excl_all_pats A named list with an entry for each
#' patient that is a vector with the values of in how many trees
#' a pair was clonally exclusive. The patient ordering in the list has to
#' be the same as in \code{avg_rates_m}.
#' @param num_pat_pair_max The maximum number of patients a pair is
#' mutated in.
#' @param num_pairs_sim The number of simulated gene/pathway pairs to be
#' generated, i.e. the number of times the test statistic
#' is computed. Recommended to choose a big number, e.g. 100000.
#' @param beta_distortion The value \code{M=alpha + beta} for the beta
#' distribution, with which the average rates will be distorted. The bigger
#' the M the higher the distribution is peaked around the actual rate.
#' Therefore, the lesser the M, the more distorted the rates will be.
#' Default: 1000.
#' @author Ariane L. Moore
#' @return The return value is a list with ECDF's. The first list entry
#' is just set to NULL for technical reasons.
#' @export
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @importFrom dplyr tibble filter is.tbl pull
#' @importFrom stats ecdf
#' @examples
#' clone_tbl <- dplyr::tibble("file_name" =
#' rep(c(rep(c("fn1", "fn2"), each=3)), 2),
#' "patient_id"=rep(c(rep(c("pat1", "pat2"), each=3)), 2),
#' "altered_entity"=c(rep(c("geneA", "geneB", "geneC"), 4)),
#' "clone1"=c(0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0),
#' "clone2"=c(1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1),
#' "tree_id"=c(rep(5, 6), rep(10, 6)))
#' clone_tbl_pat1 <- dplyr::filter(clone_tbl, patient_id == "pat1")
#' clone_tbl_pat2 <- dplyr::filter(clone_tbl, patient_id == "pat2")
#' rates_exmpl_1 <- compute_rates_clon_excl(clone_tbl_pat1)
#' rates_exmpl_2 <- compute_rates_clon_excl(clone_tbl_pat2)
#' avg_rates_m <- apply(cbind(rates_exmpl_1, rates_exmpl_2), 2, mean)
#' names(avg_rates_m) <- c(names(rates_exmpl_1)[1], names(rates_exmpl_2)[1])
#' values_clon_excl_num_trees_pat1 <- get_hist_clon_excl(clone_tbl_pat1)
#' values_clon_excl_num_trees_pat2 <- get_hist_clon_excl(clone_tbl_pat2)
#' list_of_num_trees_all_pats <-
#' list(pat1=values_clon_excl_num_trees_pat1[[1]],
#' pat2=values_clon_excl_num_trees_pat2[[1]])
#' list_of_clon_excl_all_pats <-
#' list(pat1=values_clon_excl_num_trees_pat1[[2]],
#' pat2=values_clon_excl_num_trees_pat2[[2]])
#' num_pat_pair_max <- 2
#' num_pairs_sim <- 10
#' ecdf_list <- generate_ecdf_test_stat(avg_rates_m,
#' list_of_num_trees_all_pats, list_of_clon_excl_all_pats,
#' num_pat_pair_max, num_pairs_sim)
#' plot(ecdf_list[[2]])
generate_ecdf_test_stat <- function(avg_rates_m, list_of_num_trees_all_pats,
num_pat_pair_max, num_pairs_sim,
test_statistic <- NULL
for(this_rate_m in avg_rates_m){
stopifnot(this_rate_m <= 1 && this_rate_m >= 0)
list_of_clon_excl_frac_trees_all_pats <-
list(list_of_num_trees_all_pats, list_of_clon_excl_all_pats)
stopifnot(length(list_of_clon_excl_frac_trees_all_pats) == 2)
stopifnot(length(list_of_clon_excl_frac_trees_all_pats[[1]]) ==
stopifnot(length(list_of_clon_excl_frac_trees_all_pats[[2]]) ==
if(beta_distortion < 50){
warning("A beta_distortion value of ", beta_distortion,
" is not recommended as it will distort the rates a lot.",
" Please consider choosing a higher value, e.g. 100,",
" or 1000.")
num_pat_pair_max <- min(c(num_pat_pair_max, num_pats_total))
## the number of patients that the simulated pairs are mutated in
## are 1, 2, ..., num_pat_pair_max
## also make sure that the rates and the lists with histogram are in
## the same patient order:
for (i in seq_len(num_pats_total) ){
if((names(avg_rates_m)[i] !=
names(list_of_clon_excl_frac_trees_all_pats[[1]])[i]) ||
(names(avg_rates_m)[i] !=
names(list_of_clon_excl_frac_trees_all_pats[[2]])[i]) ){
stop("[Function: generate_ecdf_test_stat]: The rates seem to",
" be\nin a different patient order than the ",
"lists with patient's histograms\nlist_of_num_trees_all_pats,",
" list_of_clon_excl_all_pats. See for example\nthe entry",
" number ",
i , " of the rates.\nMake sure that patients rates and the",
" lists of histogram are ",
"in the same patient order!")
## message to user
message("There were ", num_pats_total, " rates of ",
"average clonal exclusivity provided.\n",
"The average rates will be distorted with a beta",
" distribution and M=alpha+beta=", beta_distortion,
"Additionally, from the ", num_pats_total,
" patients, the values from the data\nfor all pairs of",
" # clon. excl./ # occurrence across all trees are",
" provided.\n",
"From those, it will be sampled ", num_pairs_sim,
" times to obtain the test statistic under the null.\n",
"This procedure is done for num_patients=2,...",
num_pat_pair_max , ".")
ecdf_lrtest_stat <- list()
ecdf_lrtest_stat[[1]] <- NULL
## loop over the number of patients 2, 3, ..., num_pat_pair_max
for (i in seq(2, num_pat_pair_max)){
message("Generate ECDF for the case where a gene pair",
" is mutated together in ", i, " patient(s).")
## generate samples of the test statistic under null for i patients
this_test_stat_hist <-
stopifnot(dim(this_test_stat_hist)[2] == (2+i*4))
stopifnot("test_statistic" %in% colnames(this_test_stat_hist))
stopifnot(dim(this_test_stat_hist)[1] == num_pairs_sim)
## build the ecdf
ecdf_lrtest_stat[[i]] <-
ecdf(this_test_stat_hist %>% pull(test_statistic))
#' Generate the values of the test statistic under the null, and also
#' p-values of the clonal exclusivity test under the null.
#' Taking the average rates of clonal exclusivity, as well as sampling
#' from the real data for each patient, in how many trees a
#' pair occurs and is clonally exclusive.
#' This function takes the computed average rates of clonal exclusivity
#' from the data (m1, ... mN), which are specific to each
#' patient and averaged over several trees from the collection of tree
#' inferences. It also takes the histogram for each patient,
#' of the values of how often a pair was clonally exclusive over the number
#' of trees it was mutated in. It also takes the empirical
#' cumulative distribution function (ECDF) which was generated with
#' \code{\link{generate_ecdf_test_stat}}. It then computes the p-value of
#' the simulated pairs under the null.
#' @title Generate the test statistic and p-values under the null
#' distribution
#' @param avg_rates_m The average rates of clonal exclusivity from all
#' the patients in the cohort, and averaged over several trees
#' from the collection of tree inferences.
#' @param list_of_num_trees_all_pats A named list that contains an entry
#' for each patient which is the vector with the values of the
#' information from each pair in a patient of how often it was mutated
#' across trees. The patient odering in the list has to be the
#' same as in \code{avg_rates_m}.
#' @param list_of_clon_excl_all_pats A named list with an entry for each
#' patient that is a vector with the values of in how many trees
#' a pair was clonally exclusive. The patient ordering in the list has to
#' be the same as in \code{avg_rates_m}.
#' @param ecdf_list The list with ECDF's as generated with
#' \code{\link{generate_ecdf_test_stat}}.
#' @param num_pat_pair_max The maximum number of patients a pair is
#' mutated in.
#' @param num_pairs_sim The number of simulated gene/pathway pairs to be
#' generated, i.e. the number of times the test statistic
#' is computed.
#' @param beta_distortion The value \code{M=alpha + beta} for the beta
#' distribution, with which the average rates will be distorted. The bigger
#' the M
#' the higher the distribution is peaked around the actual rate. Therefore,
#' the lesser the M, the more distorted the rates will be. Default: 1000.
#' @author Ariane L. Moore
#' @return The return value is a list of tibbles with a tibble for each
#' number of patients, a pair can be mutated in. Each tibble contains the
#' columns 'test_statistic', 'mle_delta', and then num_pat_pair columns
#' of the rates of each patient 'pat1', 'pat2', ...; as well as
#' num_pat_pair columns with the information about each patient, in how
#' many trees the pair was occurring and in how many trees the pair was
#' clonally exclusive. The tibble also contains a column 'pval' with the
#' p-value of the simulated pair. The list of tibbles is of length
#' min{num_pat_pair_max, length(avg_rates_m)}.
#' @export
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @importFrom dplyr tibble filter is.tbl pull mutate
#' @examples
#' clone_tbl <- dplyr::tibble("file_name" =
#' rep(c(rep(c("fn1", "fn2"), each=3)), 2),
#' "patient_id"=rep(c(rep(c("pat1", "pat2"), each=3)), 2),
#' "altered_entity"=c(rep(c("geneA", "geneB", "geneC"), 4)),
#' "clone1"=c(0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0),
#' "clone2"=c(1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1),
#' "tree_id"=c(rep(5, 6), rep(10, 6)))
#' clone_tbl_pat1 <- dplyr::filter(clone_tbl, patient_id == "pat1")
#' clone_tbl_pat2 <- dplyr::filter(clone_tbl, patient_id == "pat2")
#' rates_exmpl_1 <- compute_rates_clon_excl(clone_tbl_pat1)
#' rates_exmpl_2 <- compute_rates_clon_excl(clone_tbl_pat2)
#' avg_rates_m <- apply(cbind(rates_exmpl_1, rates_exmpl_2), 2, mean)
#' names(avg_rates_m) <- c(names(rates_exmpl_1)[1], names(rates_exmpl_2)[1])
#' values_clon_excl_num_trees_pat1 <- get_hist_clon_excl(clone_tbl_pat1)
#' values_clon_excl_num_trees_pat2 <- get_hist_clon_excl(clone_tbl_pat2)
#' list_of_num_trees_all_pats <-
#' list(pat1=values_clon_excl_num_trees_pat1[[1]],
#' pat2=values_clon_excl_num_trees_pat2[[1]])
#' list_of_clon_excl_all_pats <-
#' list(pat1=values_clon_excl_num_trees_pat1[[2]],
#' pat2=values_clon_excl_num_trees_pat2[[2]])
#' num_pat_pair_max <- 2
#' num_pairs_sim <- 10
#' ecdf_list <- generate_ecdf_test_stat(avg_rates_m,
#' list_of_num_trees_all_pats,
#' list_of_clon_excl_all_pats,
#' num_pat_pair_max, num_pairs_sim)
#' sim_res <- generate_test_stat_hist(avg_rates_m,
#' list_of_num_trees_all_pats,
#' list_of_clon_excl_all_pats,
#' ecdf_list,
#' num_pat_pair_max,
#' num_pairs_sim)
generate_test_stat_hist <- function(avg_rates_m, list_of_num_trees_all_pats,
ecdf_list, num_pat_pair_max,
num_pairs_sim, beta_distortion=1000){
test_statistic <- pval <- num_pat_pair <- NULL
for(this_rate_m in avg_rates_m){
stopifnot(this_rate_m <= 1 && this_rate_m >= 0)
list_of_clon_excl_frac_trees_all_pats <- list(list_of_num_trees_all_pats,
stopifnot(length(list_of_clon_excl_frac_trees_all_pats) == 2)
stopifnot(length(list_of_clon_excl_frac_trees_all_pats[[1]]) == num_rates)
stopifnot(length(list_of_clon_excl_frac_trees_all_pats[[2]]) == num_rates)
if(beta_distortion < 50){
warning("A beta_distortion value of ", beta_distortion,
" is not recommended as it will distort the rates a lot.",
" Please consider choosing a higher value, e.g. 100,",
" or 1000.")
num_pat_pair_max <- min(c(num_pat_pair_max, num_rates))
## also make sure that the rates and the lists with histogram are in the
## same patient order:
for (i in seq_len(num_rates) ){
if((names(avg_rates_m)[i] !=
names(list_of_clon_excl_frac_trees_all_pats[[1]])[i]) ||
(names(avg_rates_m)[i] !=
names(list_of_clon_excl_frac_trees_all_pats[[2]])[i]) ){
stop("[Function: generate_test_stat_hist]: The rates seem to be",
"\nin a different patient order than the ",
"lists with patient's histograms\nlist_of_num_trees_all_pats,",
" list_of_clon_excl_all_pats. See for example\nthe entry number ",
i , " of the rates.\nMake sure that patients rates and the lists",
" of histogram is ",
"in the same patient order!")
## message to user
message("There were ", num_rates, " rates of average clonal ",
"exclusivity provided.")
message("The average rates will be distorted with a beta",
" distribution and M=alpha + beta=", beta_distortion)
message("Additionally, from the ", num_rates, " patients,",
" the values from the data for all pairs of",
" # clon. excl./ # occurrence across all trees is ",
message("From those, it will be sampled ", num_pairs_sim,
" times to obtain the test statistics and the p-values",
" under the null.")
message("This procedure is done for num_patients=2,...,",
lrtest_stat_list <- list()
lrtest_stat_list[[1]] <- NULL
## loop over the number of patients 1, 2, ..., num_pat_pair_max
for (i in seq(2, num_pat_pair_max)){
message("Generate ECDF for the case where a gene pair is ",
"mutated together in ", i, " patient(s).")
## generate samples of the test statistic under null for i patients
this_test_stat_hist <-
num_pat_pair=i, num_pairs_sim=num_pairs_sim,
stopifnot(dim(this_test_stat_hist)[2] == (2+i*4))
stopifnot("test_statistic" %in% colnames(this_test_stat_hist))
stopifnot(dim(this_test_stat_hist)[1] == num_pairs_sim)
## as a null reference ecdf, the pre-computed ecdf of the test
## statistic under the null is chosen
## for that, the ecdf with num_shared_pats is taken. It is the
## num_shared_pats'th ecdf in the list
this_ecdf <- ecdf_list[[i]]
## compute a p-value given the ecdf of the test statistic ecdf(T)
## from the null distribution
## p_value=P(T>t | H_0 true)=1-ecdf(t) #### (upper-tailed test)
all_test_stats <- this_test_stat_hist %>%
all_pvals <- vapply(all_test_stats, function(x){
this_pval <- 1-this_ecdf(x)
}, numeric(1))
this_test_stat_hist <- this_test_stat_hist %>%
mutate(pval=unlist(all_pvals)) %>%
lrtest_stat_list[[i]] <- this_test_stat_hist
#' Generate samples from the test statistic under the null distribution -
#' here we take the average rates of clonal exclusivity
#' across trees, and also the histogram for each patient over all pairs
#' with the values # clon. excl./#trees.
#' This function simulates gene pairs for the likelihood ratio test to
#' generate values from the test statistic under
#' the null. It draws the average rates of clonal exclusivity from the
#' ones provided by the user. That is,
#' the average rates of clonal exclusivity have to be computed first for
#' each patient. The number of patients the
#' simulated pairs are mutated in can be specified with \code{num_pat_pair}.
#' This function can be used to build the
#' ecdf of the test statistic under the null hypothesis (see Examples).
#' The patients in which the simulated
#' pairs are mutated in are randomly selected proportional to the number
#' of pairs in a patient.
#' @title Simulate pairs to generate values of the test statistic under
#' the null distribution
#' @param avg_rates_m The average rates of clonal exclusivity to be sampled
#' from.
#' @param list_of_clon_excl_frac_trees_all_pats The list of two lists.
#' The first one contains a list entry for each patient containing the
#' vector with the values of the information from each pair
#' in a patient of how often it was mutated across trees. The second list
#' entry is a list with an entry for each patient that is a vector with the
#' values of in how many trees the pair was clonally exclusive. The patient
#' ordering in the lists has to be the same as in \code{avg_rates_m}.
#' @param num_pat_pair The number of patients the simulated pairs are mutated
#' in.
#' @param num_pairs_sim The number of simulated gene/pathway pairs to be
#' generated.
#' @param beta_distortion The value \code{M=alpha + beta} for the beta
#' distribution, with which the average rates will be distorted. The bigger
#' the M the higher the distribution is peaked around the actual rate.
#' Therefore, the lesser the M, the more distorted the rates will be.
#' Default: 1000.
#' @author Ariane L. Moore
#' @return The return value is a tibble with the columns 'test_statistic',
#' 'mle_delta', and num_pat_pair columns with the respective rates that
#' were drawn for each of the patients, num_pat_pair columns with the
#' respective number of mutated times across
#' trees, and num_pat_pair columns with the respective number of times
#' of being clonally exclusive across trees, and num_pat_pair columns with
#' the rate that was distorted by the beta distribution. The 'test_statistic'
#' is the test statistic of the likelihood ratio test. The 'mle_delta' is
#' the maximum likelihood estimate of the delta for the elevated clonal
#' exclusivity rate in the alternative model of the likelihood ratio test.
#' @export
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @importFrom dplyr tibble
#' @importFrom tibble add_column
#' @importFrom stats rbeta
#' @examples
#' avg_rates_m=c(0.4, 0.3)
#' list_of_clon_excl_frac_trees_all_pats <- list(list(c(5, 4, 5), c(5, 4)),
#' list(c(4, 4, 3), c(3, 2)))
#' sim_pairs <- build_null_test_statistic(avg_rates_m,
#' list_of_clon_excl_frac_trees_all_pats, 2, 100,
#' beta_distortion=100)
#' ecdf_test_stat <-
#' ecdf(as.numeric(as.character(sim_pairs$test_statistic)))
#' plot(ecdf_test_stat,
#' main="ECDF of the test statistic when num_pat_pair=2")
#' # assume the observed test statistic t=6.0,
#' # compute a p-value given the ecdf of
#' # the test statistic ecdf(T) from the null distribution
#' # p_value=P(T>t | H_0 true)=1-ecdf(t) ## (upper-tailed test)
#' p_value <- 1-ecdf_test_stat(6.0)
build_null_test_statistic <- function(avg_rates_m,
num_pat_pair, num_pairs_sim,
test_statistic <- mle_delta <- NULL
message("The rates of average clonal exclusivity will be sampled ",
"from the ones provided.")
num_pat_rates <- length(avg_rates_m)
stopifnot(length(list_of_clon_excl_frac_trees_all_pats) == 2)
stopifnot(length(list_of_clon_excl_frac_trees_all_pats[[1]]) ==
stopifnot(length(list_of_clon_excl_frac_trees_all_pats[[2]]) ==
message("There were ", num_pat_rates,
" rates of average clonal exclusivity provided. From those and from",
" the list with observed values for num_clon_excl/num_trees,",
" it will be sampled ", num_pat_pair," times in each iteration.")
stopifnot(num_pat_rates >= num_pat_pair)
message("The average rates will be distorted with a beta ",
"distribution and M=alpha+beta=", beta_distortion)
## get the number of pairs there are in each patient
num_pairs_per_pat <-
stopifnot(length(num_pairs_per_pat) == num_pat_rates)
message("On average, a patient has ", mean(num_pairs_per_pat),
" pairs. (max of all trees)")
## message to user
message("Requested number of gene pairs in simulation: ",
message("Number of patients the gene pairs are mutated in: ",
these_rates_m <- avg_rates_m
num_pats_real <- length(these_rates_m)
message("Found ", num_pats_real, " different rates.")
## each pair is mutated in num_pat_pair patients
pairs_num_pat <- c(rep(num_pat_pair, num_pairs_sim))
## now for each gene pair, we know in how many patients it is mutated,
## e.g. X patients
## next, we draw X indices between 1 and number of rates of average
## clonal exclusivity
## randomly for each of the pairs
## these indices indicate in which patients the pairs are mutated in
pairs_indices_pats_list <- vapply(pairs_num_pat, function(x){
stopifnot(x == num_pat_pair)
sample(num_pats_real, x, prob=num_pairs_per_pat)
## sample without replacement and by weighting the pats
## according to their num pairs
}, numeric(num_pat_pair))
## for each pair, we know in which patients they are both mutated,
## for each patient, we know their rates, and we have the histogram of
## in how many trees a pair was clonally exclusive and in how many trees
## it was clonally exclusive.
lr_test_res_list <- list()
all_pairs_test_stat <- c()
all_pairs_delta <- c()
all_pairs_num_pat <- c()
all_pairs_pat_rates <- list()
all_pairs_num_trees <- list()
all_pairs_num_clon_excl <- list()
all_pairs_pat_rates_beta_distorted <- list()
if(num_pat_pair == 1){
lr_test_res_list <- vapply(pairs_indices_pats_list, function(x){
this_num_pat_this_pair <- length(x) ## this means the simulated
## pair is mutated in the xth patient
these_rate_this_pair <- avg_rates_m[x]
num_pairs_this_pat <-
hist_entry <- sample(num_pairs_this_pat, 1)
num_trees_this_pair <-
num_clon_excl_this_pair <-
stopifnot(num_clon_excl_this_pair <= num_trees_this_pair)
## distort the actual rates with a beta distribution that is
## peaked around the actual rate
## this makes sure that the ecdf is smooth
stopifnot(length(these_rate_this_pair) == 1)
this_rate <- these_rate_this_pair
cnt <- 1
this_alpha <- this_rate * beta_distortion
this_beta <- (1-this_rate) * beta_distortion
this_beta_distored_rate <- rbeta(1, shape1=this_alpha,
beta_distorted_rates <- this_beta_distored_rate
## sanity checks
stopifnot(this_beta_distored_rate >= 0 &&
this_beta_distored_rate <= 1)
if(this_beta_distored_rate == 0 &&
num_clon_excl_this_pair[cnt] == num_trees_this_pair[cnt]){
stop("[Function: build_null_test_statistic]:",
" The beta distorted rate is 0,",
"\nbut there is a pair which is clonally ",
"exclusive across ALL trees,\ni.e. num_clon_excl ",
"== num_trees_pair, which is == ",
". The computation of the delta\nwill not be",
" possible since the likelihood is zero. ",
"Make sure that the rates\nare not distorted",
" too much by the beta distribution.",
"The original rate of\nthe current simulated pair was ",
} else if (this_beta_distored_rate == 1 &&
num_clon_excl_this_pair[cnt] == 0){
stop("[Function: build_null_test_statistic]: ",
"The beta distorted rate is 1,",
",\nbut there is a pair which is clonally ",
"exclusive across ALL trees,\ni.e. num_clon_excl",
" == num_trees_pair, which is == ",
". The computation of the delta\nwill not be possible",
" since the likelihood is zero. ",
"Make sure that the rates\nare not distorted too",
" much by the beta distribution.",
"The original rate of\nthe current simulated pair was ",
this_lr_test_res <-
num_trees_this_pair, num_clon_excl_this_pair))
this_test_statistic <- this_lr_test_res[[1]]
this_delta <- this_lr_test_res[[2]]
}, numeric(7))
stopifnot(dim(lr_test_res_list)[1] == 7)
stopifnot(dim(lr_test_res_list)[2] == num_pairs_sim)
## extract the test statistics
all_pairs_test_stat <- unlist(lr_test_res_list[1,])
## extract the deltas
all_pairs_delta <- unlist(lr_test_res_list[2,])
## extract num_patients, expected_num_co, observed_num_co
all_pairs_num_pat <- unlist(lr_test_res_list[3,])
for (this_num in seq_len(num_pairs_sim)){
stopifnot(all_pairs_num_pat[this_num] == num_pat_pair)
## get the general rates of clonal exclusivity
all_pairs_pat_rates[[1]] <- unlist(lr_test_res_list[4,])
for (this_rate in seq_len(num_pairs_sim)){
stopifnot(all_pairs_pat_rates[[1]][this_rate] >= 0)
stopifnot(all_pairs_pat_rates[[1]][this_rate] <= 1)
## get the number of times a pair was mutated across trees
all_pairs_num_trees[[1]] <- unlist(lr_test_res_list[5,])
## get the number of times a pair was clonally exclusive across trees
all_pairs_num_clon_excl[[1]] <- unlist(lr_test_res_list[6,])
for (this_sim in seq_len(num_pairs_sim)){
stopifnot(all_pairs_num_clon_excl[[1]][this_sim] <=
## get the beta distorted rates of clonal exclusivity
all_pairs_pat_rates_beta_distorted[[1]] <- unlist(lr_test_res_list[7,])
for (this_rate in seq_len(num_pairs_sim)){
stopifnot(all_pairs_pat_rates_beta_distorted[[1]][this_rate] >= 0)
stopifnot(all_pairs_pat_rates_beta_distorted[[1]][this_rate] <= 1)
} else {
lr_test_res_list <- apply(pairs_indices_pats_list, 2, function(x){
## this means the simulated pair
this_num_pat_this_pair <- length(x)
## is mutated in the xth patient
these_rate_this_pair <- avg_rates_m[x]
this_hist_sample <- vapply(x, function(y){
num_pairs_this_pat <-
hist_entry <- sample(num_pairs_this_pat, 1)
num_trees_this_pair <-
num_clon_excl_this_pair <-
return(c(num_trees_this_pair, num_clon_excl_this_pair))
}, numeric(2))
stopifnot(dim(this_hist_sample)[1] == 2)
stopifnot(dim(this_hist_sample)[2] == this_num_pat_this_pair)
num_trees_this_pair <- this_hist_sample[1,]
num_clon_excl_this_pair <- this_hist_sample[2,]
## distort the actual rates with a beta distribution that is peaked
## around the actual rate
## this makes sure that the ecdf is smooth
cnt <- which(these_rate_this_pair == this_rate)
this_alpha <- this_rate * beta_distortion
this_beta <- (1-this_rate) * beta_distortion
this_beta_distored_rate <-
rbeta(1, shape1=this_alpha, shape2=this_beta)
## sanity checks
stopifnot(this_beta_distored_rate >= 0 &&
this_beta_distored_rate <= 1)
if(this_beta_distored_rate == 0 &&
num_clon_excl_this_pair[cnt] ==
stop("[Function: build_null_test_statistic]: The beta",
" distorted rate is 0,",
"\nbut there is a pair which is clonally ",
"exclusive across ALL trees,\ni.e. num_clon_excl",
" == num_trees_pair, which is == ",
". The computation of the delta\nwill not be",
" possible since the likelihood is zero. ",
"Make sure that the rates\nare not distorted too",
" much by the beta distribution.",
"The original rate of\nthe current simulated pair ",
"was ", this_rate)
} else if (this_beta_distored_rate == 1 &&
num_clon_excl_this_pair[cnt] == 0){
stop("[Function: build_null_test_statistic]: ",
" The beta distorted rate is 1,",
",\nbut there is a pair which is clonally ",
"exclusive across ALL trees,\ni.e. num_clon_excl",
" == num_trees_pair, which is == ",
". The computation of the delta\nwill not be",
" possible since the likelihood is zero. ",
"Make sure that the rates\nare not distorted too",
" much by the beta distribution.",
"The original rate of\nthe current simulated pair ",
"was ", this_rate)
}, numeric(1))
this_lr_test_res <-
this_test_statistic <- this_lr_test_res[[1]]
this_delta <- this_lr_test_res[[2]]
num_trees_this_pair, num_clon_excl_this_pair,
## extract the test statistics
all_pairs_test_stat <- unlist(lapply(lr_test_res_list,
## extract the deltas
all_pairs_delta <- unlist(lapply(lr_test_res_list,
## extract num_patients, expected_num_co, observed_num_co
all_pairs_num_pat <- unlist(lapply(lr_test_res_list,
## get the general rates of clonal exclusivity
for(i in seq_len(num_pat_pair)){
all_pairs_pat_rates[[i]] <- unlist(lapply(lr_test_res_list,
all_pairs_num_trees[[i]] <- unlist(lapply(lr_test_res_list,
all_pairs_num_clon_excl[[i]] <- unlist(lapply(lr_test_res_list,
all_pairs_pat_rates_beta_distorted[[i]] <-
unlist(lapply(lr_test_res_list, function(x){x[[7]][i]}))
stopifnot(length(all_pairs_test_stat) == num_pairs_sim)
stopifnot(length(all_pairs_delta) == num_pairs_sim)
stopifnot(length(all_pairs_num_pat) == num_pairs_sim)
## create final tibble to return
## contains the columns 'test_statistic',
## 'mle_delta', and num_pat_pair columns with the respective rates
## that were drawn for each of the patients.
res_all_pairs <- tibble(test_statistic=
## now add the num_pat_pair columns with the rates of average clonal
## exclusivity
for(i in seq_len(num_pat_pair)){
col_name <- paste("pat", i, sep="")
res_all_pairs <- res_all_pairs %>%
names(res_all_pairs)[names(res_all_pairs) == "new_col"] <- col_name
## now add the all_pairs_num_trees columns with the number of trees
## the pairs were mutated
for(i in seq_len(num_pat_pair)){
col_name <- paste("pat", i, "_num_trees", sep="")
res_all_pairs <- res_all_pairs %>%
names(res_all_pairs)[names(res_all_pairs) == "new_col"] <- col_name
## now add the all_pairs_num_clon_excl columns with the number of
## times the pair was clonally exclusive across trees
for(i in seq_len(num_pat_pair)){
col_name <- paste("pat", i, "_num_clon_excl", sep="")
res_all_pairs <- res_all_pairs %>%
names(res_all_pairs)[names(res_all_pairs) == "new_col"] <- col_name
## now add the num_pat_pair columns with the rates of average clonal
## exclusivity that were distorted by the beta distribution
for(i in seq_len(num_pat_pair)){
col_name <- paste("pat", i, "_beta_distorted", sep="")
res_all_pairs <- res_all_pairs %>%
names(res_all_pairs)[names(res_all_pairs) == "new_col"] <- col_name
stopifnot(dim(res_all_pairs)[2] == (num_pat_pair*4 + 2))
stopifnot("pat1" %in% colnames(res_all_pairs))
stopifnot("pat1_beta_distorted" %in% colnames(res_all_pairs))
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