#' Retrieve a mapping between different gene identifiers.
#' This function retrieves the ensembl gene id's from biomart
#' together with the hgnc gene symbol, the entrez gene id, the
#' uniprot/swissprot gene id, as well as chromosome, start and end
#' position. This is done for the human genes from the human
#' genome version \code{hg19}/\code{GRCh37}, and Ensembl Genes
#' version 88. The user can also specify other human genome or
#' ensembl versions.
#' @title Get a tibble of all gene ensembl id's, gene names (hgnc),
#' entrez gene id's, uniprot/swissprot
#' gene id's and genomic coordinates.
#' @author Ariane L. Moore
#' @return A tibble with the following columns:
#' \code{ensembl_gene_id}, \code{hgnc_symbol},
#' \code{entrezgene}, \code{uniprotswissprot},
#' \code{chromosome_name}, \code{start_position},
#' \code{end_position}. The entrez gene id, as well as the start
#' and end positions are numeric, and
#' the other columns are characters. The chromosome is specified
#' without "chr", i.e. the chromosome
#' 13 for example, would be specified with "13".
#' @param GRCh The human genome version. Default: 37.
#' @param ensembl_version The version of the ensembl data base. Default: 88.
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr as.tbl
#' @importFrom biomaRt getBM useEnsembl
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' create_ensembl_gene_tbl_hg()
#' }
create_ensembl_gene_tbl_hg <- function(GRCh=37, ensembl_version=88) {
message("GRCh version: ",
GRCh, ",
and Ensembl Genes version: ",
message("Obtain a tibble with various gene id's",
" and their genomic coordinates...")
all_genes_tbl <- tryCatch(
ensembl <-
GRCh=GRCh, version=ensembl_version)
message("Retrieve ensembl gene",
" id's and hgnc symbols from biomart...")
all_genes <-
stopifnot(dim(all_genes)[2] == 7)
all_genes_tbl <- as.tbl(all_genes)
stopifnot(dim(all_genes_tbl)[1] == dim(all_genes)[1])
stopifnot(dim(all_genes_tbl)[2] == dim(all_genes)[2])
error=function(cond) {
message("BiomaRt function call did not work. Possibly",
" biomart or ensembl are currently down.")
message("Here's the original error message:")
message("\nLoad 'all_genes_tbl' from the GeneAccord saved data:")
all_genes_tbl <- GeneAccord::all_genes_tbl
warning=function(cond) {
message("BiomaRt function call caused a warning. Possibly",
" biomart or ensembl are currently down.")
message("Here's the original warning message:")
message("\nLoad 'all_genes_tbl' from the GeneAccord saved data:")
all_genes_tbl <- GeneAccord::all_genes_tbl
#' Map a given ensembl gene id to the hgnc gene symbol.
#' For an ensembl id and a tibble with all genes as input, this
#' function returns the matching
#' hgnc gene symbol. The tibble with all genes can be generated
#' with \code{\link{create_ensembl_gene_tbl_hg}}.
#' @title Get the hgnc gene symbol for an ensembl gene id.
#' @param this_ensembl The ensembl id of a gene.
#' @param all_genes_tbl A tibble with all genes ensembl id's
#' and hgnc symbols.
#' @author Ariane L. Moore
#' @return The matching hgnc gene symbol.
#' @export
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @importFrom dplyr is.tbl filter select distinct
#' pull
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' all_genes_tbl <- create_ensembl_gene_tbl_hg()
#' ensembl_to_hgnc("ENSG00000134086", all_genes_tbl)
#' ensembl_to_hgnc("ENSG00000141510", all_genes_tbl)
#' }
ensembl_to_hgnc <- function(this_ensembl, all_genes_tbl){
ensembl_gene_id <- hgnc_symbol <- NULL
stopifnot(length(this_ensembl) == 1)
stopifnot("ensembl_gene_id" %in% colnames(all_genes_tbl))
stopifnot("hgnc_symbol" %in% colnames(all_genes_tbl))
## translate ensembl into gene id
this_hgnc_character <- all_genes_tbl %>%
filter(ensembl_gene_id == this_ensembl) %>%
select(hgnc_symbol) %>%
distinct() %>%
if (num_gene_symbols == 0){ ## i.e., if there was no such ensembl id
message("Ensembl id ", this_ensembl,"
cannot be found in the tibble!")
} else {
if (num_gene_symbols > 1){
warning("Ensembl id ", this_ensembl,
" was mapped to several HGNC symbols:")
for (i in seq_len(num_gene_symbols)){
warning("Which one to choose? Will return ensembl id instead.")
} else { ## mapped to exactly one gene symbol
if (this_hgnc_character == ""){
message("The HGNC symbol for this Ensembl id ",
this_ensembl," is empty!")
} else{
#' Map a given hgnc gene symbol to the ensembl gene id.
#' For a hgnc gene symbol and a tibble with all genes as
#' input, this function returns the matching ensembl gene
#' id. The tibble with all genes can be generated with
#' \code{\link{create_ensembl_gene_tbl_hg}}.
#' @title Get the ensembl gene id for a hgnc gene symbol.
#' @param this_hgnc The hgnc gene symbol of a gene.
#' @param all_genes_tbl A tibble with all genes ensembl id's
#' and hgnc gene symbols.
#' @author Ariane L. Moore
#' @return The matching ensembl gene id. In case several
#' ensembl gene id's were found, they
#' are all returned with ";" as a separator.
#' @export
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @importFrom dplyr is.tbl filter select distinct pull
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' all_genes_tbl <- create_ensembl_gene_tbl_hg()
#' hgnc_to_ensembl("VHL", all_genes_tbl)
#' hgnc_to_ensembl("PBRM1", all_genes_tbl)
#' }
hgnc_to_ensembl <- function(this_hgnc, all_genes_tbl){
ensembl_gene_id <- hgnc_symbol <- NULL
stopifnot(length(this_hgnc) == 1)
stopifnot("ensembl_gene_id" %in% colnames(all_genes_tbl))
stopifnot("hgnc_symbol" %in% colnames(all_genes_tbl))
## translate gene symbol into ensembl
this_ensembl_character <- all_genes_tbl %>%
filter(hgnc_symbol == this_hgnc) %>%
select(ensembl_gene_id) %>%
distinct() %>%
filter(ensembl_gene_id != "") %>%
if (num_ensembl_ids == 0){ ## i.e., if there was no
## such ensembl id or the entrez id
## was empty
message("hgnc symbol ",
" cannot be found in the tibble or there was",
" no matching ensembl id!")
} else {
if (num_ensembl_ids > 1){
warning("hgnc symbol ",
" was mapped to several ensembl id's.")
toReturn <-
paste(this_ensembl_character, collapse=";")
} else { ## mapped to exactly one gene id
#' For a tibble that contains the information which ensembl
#' gene id is mutated in which clone, map the ensembl
#' gene id to the reactome pathways that contain this gene.
#' Such a tibble can be generated with e.g. the function
#' \code{\link{create_tbl_tree_collection}}. If the altered entities
#' in the lists were the ensembl gene id's, this function
#' can convert the tibble into a tibble with the altered
#' reactome pathways. It has the columns 'file_name',
#' 'patient_id', 'altered_entity', 'clone1', 'clone2', ... up
#' to the maximal number of clones (Default: until 'clone7').
#' If the mutated entities are ensembl gene id's, they can
#' be mapped with this function to the pathways from
#' 'reactome'. The pathways are from the lowest level of hierarchy.
#' @title Map ensembl gene id clone tibble to reactome pathway
#' clone tibble.
#' @param mutated_gene_tbl The tibble containing the information
#' of which ensembl gene id is altered in which patient
#' and clone. Can be created with e.g.
#' \code{\link{create_tbl_ent_clones}}.
#' @param ensg_reactome_path_map A tibble with all ensembl id's
#' and their reactome pathways. Can be loaded with
#' \code{data("ensg_reactome_path_map")}.
#' @author Ariane L. Moore
#' @return The tibble containing the information of which
#' pathway is altered in which clone.
#' @export
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @importFrom dplyr tibble is.tbl filter select as.tbl distinct
#' @examples
#' data("ensg_reactome_path_map")
#' mutated_gene_tbl <-
#' dplyr::tibble(file_name=c("pat1.csv", "pat1.csv"),
#' patient_id=c("1","1"),
#' altered_entity=c("ENSG00000134086",
#' "ENSG00000141510"),
#' clone1=c(1,0),
#' clone2=c(0,1))
#' convert_ensembl_to_reactome_pw_tbl(mutated_gene_tbl,
#' ensg_reactome_path_map)
convert_ensembl_to_reactome_pw_tbl <- function(mutated_gene_tbl,
file_name <- patient_id <- altered_entity <- NULL
stopifnot("file_name" %in% colnames(mutated_gene_tbl))
stopifnot("patient_id" %in% colnames(mutated_gene_tbl))
stopifnot("altered_entity" %in% colnames(mutated_gene_tbl))
stopifnot("clone1" %in% colnames(mutated_gene_tbl))
stopifnot("clone2" %in% colnames(mutated_gene_tbl))
stopifnot("ensembl_gene_id" %in% colnames(ensg_reactome_path_map))
stopifnot("reactome_pw_name" %in% colnames(ensg_reactome_path_map))
if("tree_id" %in% colnames(mutated_gene_tbl)){
stop("Please do the gene-to-pathway mapping separately","
for each tree inference.")
## sanity check: to see whether the entities really are
## ensembl gene id's and whether there are no ensembl gene
## id's double in there
all_unique_ents <- unique(mutated_gene_tbl$altered_entity)
which_ones_ENS <- sum(vapply(all_unique_ents,
function(x){grep("ENS", x)},
num_all_unique_ents <- length(all_unique_ents)
all_ents <- mutated_gene_tbl$altered_entity
stopifnot(which_ones_ENS == num_all_unique_ents)
stopifnot(length(all_ents) == num_all_unique_ents)
## make sure that this is just from one patient
this_pat <- unique(as.character(mutated_gene_tbl$patient_id))
stopifnot(length(this_pat) == 1)
## message to user
message("Found ", num_all_unique_ents,
" different Ensembl gene id's in the provided alteration tibble.")
## check how many clones are in the tibble
## minus the columns for file_name, patient_id, and altered_entity
num_clones <- dim(mutated_gene_tbl)[2] - 3
## check how many colnames are named "clone*"
stopifnot(sum(grepl("clone",colnames(mutated_gene_tbl))) == num_clones)
## map all ensembl gene id's to pathways
## if a gene id is unmapped, the ensembl gene id remains
ensembl_to_pw_list <- lapply(all_unique_ents, function(x){
names(ensembl_to_pw_list) <- all_unique_ents
## if there is no pathway to be found, the ensembl id is retained
num_unmapped <- sum(grepl("ENS", unlist(ensembl_to_pw_list)))
" could not be mapped to a reactome pathway.")
## convert each row of the gene tibble to a tibble itself where the
## gene id is replaced by the pathways
## this assumes that each altered entity only occurs once in the
## tibble
converted_tbl_list <- lapply(all_unique_ents, function(this_ent){
these_pws <- ensembl_to_pw_list[[this_ent]]
## extract the tibble row with just this gene and
## create two tibbles, one with the info of
## file_name and patient_id, and one with
## the clones
mutated_gene_tbl_this_ent_pat_file_info <-
mutated_gene_tbl %>%
filter(altered_entity == this_ent) %>%
select(file_name, patient_id)
mutated_gene_tbl_this_ent_only_clones <-
mutated_gene_tbl %>%
filter(altered_entity == this_ent) %>%
select(-file_name, -patient_id, -altered_entity)
## this gene is just once in the tibble
stopifnot(dim(mutated_gene_tbl_this_ent_pat_file_info)[1] == 1)
stopifnot(dim(mutated_gene_tbl_this_ent_only_clones)[1] == 1)
## convert the pathways into a data frame
these_pws_df <- data.frame(altered_entity=these_pws)
## now we create a new tibble with the column
## 'altered_entity' again, but with the pathways
## of this gene
this_converted_tbl <-
## in order to use bind_rows, we have to make sure that
## the altered ent is character and not factor
this_converted_tbl$altered_entity <-
stopifnot(dim(this_converted_tbl)[1] == length(these_pws))
converted_tbl <- as.tbl(bind_rows(converted_tbl_list))
## now it could be that several genes were mapped to the same pathway
## i.e. we have in the same patient the same mutated entity
## (here pathway) possibly with different clone assignments
## this will be merged here:
merged_converted_tbl <-
## sanity check how many ensembl id's could not be mapped
num_unmapped_ids <- dim(merged_converted_tbl %>%
filter(grepl("ENS", altered_entity)) %>%
select(altered_entity) %>%
stopifnot(num_unmapped_ids == num_unmapped)
## message to user
num_pws_unique <- dim(merged_converted_tbl %>%
filter(!grepl("ENS", altered_entity)) %>%
select(altered_entity) %>%
num_pws <- dim(merged_converted_tbl %>%
filter(!grepl("ENS", altered_entity)) %>%
message("The remaining ",
" different Ensembl gene id's were",
" mapped to ", num_pws_unique,
" different reactome pathways.",
"\nThere are ", num_pws,
" clone-pathway associations in the converted tibble.")
#' Map a given ensembl gene id to the reactome pathways that
#' contain this gene.
#' As input, an ensembl gene id is given as well as the tibble
#' 'ensg_reactome_path_map'. It can be loaded with
#' \code{data("ensg_reactome_path_map")}, and contains the
#' ensembl gene id to reactome pathway mappings. The reactome
#' pathways are from the lowest level of the hierarchy.
#' This function returns the reactome pathways for the input gene.
#' @title Get the reactome pathways for an ensembl gene id.
#' @param this_ensembl The ensembl id of a gene.
#' @param ensg_reactome_path_map A tibble with all ensembl
#' id's and their reactome pathways. Can be loaded with
#' \code{data("ensg_reactome_path_map")}.
#' @author Ariane L. Moore
#' @return The pathways that contain this gene as a character
#' vector.
#' @export
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @importFrom dplyr is.tbl filter select
#' @examples
#' data("ensg_reactome_path_map")
#' ensg_gene <- "ENSG00000134086"
#' ensembl_to_reactome(ensg_gene, ensg_reactome_path_map)
ensembl_to_reactome <- function(this_ensembl,
ensg_reactome_path_map) {
reactome_pw_name <- ensembl_gene_id <- NULL
stopifnot(length(this_ensembl) == 1)
stopifnot("ensembl_gene_id" %in% colnames(ensg_reactome_path_map))
stopifnot("reactome_pw_name" %in% colnames(ensg_reactome_path_map))
## retrieve the corresponding reactome pathways
these_pws_tbl <- ensg_reactome_path_map %>%
filter(ensembl_gene_id == this_ensembl) %>%
## convert to character vector
## check how many pathways were found
if (num_pws == 0){ ## i.e., if there was no such
## ensembl id in the tibble
message("The ensembl ID ", this_ensembl,
" could not be mapped to a reactome pathway.")
} else {
message("The ensembl ID ",
" was mapped to ", num_pws,
" reactome pathways.")
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