.getSquareMatIndicesFromFlat <- function(flatIndex, matSize)
colIndex <- ceiling(flatIndex/matSize)
rowIndex <- flatIndex%%matSize
rowIndex[rowIndex==0] <- matSize
.makeFixedGammasMat <- function(genes, Regulators.vec, fixMe)
if (is.null(fixMe)){
fixMe <- matrix(NaN, genes, genes)
diag(fixMe) <- 1
if (!is.null(Regulators.vec)){
# Make non regulators index vector
nonRegs.indx <- 1:genes
nonRegs.indx <- nonRegs.indx[-1*Regulators.vec]
# Store self interaction element
diag.aux <- diag(fixMe)
# Fix non regulators regulation elems to off
fixMe[,nonRegs.indx] <- 0
# Restore self interaction to initial value
diag(fixMe) <- diag.aux
.readLargeFileReturnMean_c <- function(
aa <- .Call("readLargeFileGetMean",, PACKAGE = "GRENITS")
.readGammaFile_Return_MeanAndNumParents_c <- function(, linksFixed)
aa <- .Call("readGamma_getMean_numParents",, as.matrix(linksFixed), PACKAGE = "GRENITS")
.readLargeFileReturnMean <- function(Bfile, chain.len)
con_B <- file(Bfile, "r")
B.j <- scan(con_B, nlines =1, sep=",", quiet = T) #, flush = T)
sumB <- B.j
for(j in 2:chain.len)
# B.j <- try(scan(con_B, nlines =1, sep=",", quiet = T), silent = T)
B.j <- scan(con_B, nlines =1, sep=",", quiet = T)
sumB <- sumB + B.j
# Return mean
.paramVecType <- function(parameter.vec)
length.priors <- length(parameter.vec)
if(length.priors == 9)
param.type <- "Linear_Param"
# Dodgy work around
if(names(parameter.vec)[6] == "trunc")
param.type <- "nonLinear_Param"
if(length.priors == 14)
param.type <- "RepsStudent_Param"
# Dodgy work around
if((length.priors == 12) && (names(parameter.vec)[6] != "trunc"))
param.type <- "RepsGauss_Param"
.remove_trailingSlash <- function(folderName)
{ <- nchar(folderName)
lastChar <- substr(folderName,,
# Remove last char
if (lastChar == "/" | lastChar=="\\"){folderName <- substr(folderName, 1,}
.readFast <- function(
numElems <- length(scan(, sep =",", nlines=1, quiet = T))
aa <- matrix(scan(, sep =",", quiet = T), ncol = numElems, byrow = T)
if (sum(is.nan(aa)) !=0)
print(paste("Warning found NANs in ",
.writeGeneNames <- function(dataMatrix, resultsFolder)
numGenes <- dim(dataMatrix)[1]
geneNames <- rownames(dataMatrix)
## Check to see if they are numbers or if any names (matrix problem)
num.geneNames <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(geneNames))
if(!any( | (length(geneNames) != numGenes))
geneNames <- paste("G", 1:numGenes)
write.table(geneNames, paste(resultsFolder, "/geneNames.txt", sep=""))
## If any links are more than problem.thresh between chains report
.linkConvergenceMessage <- function(link.probs, problem.thresh = 0.2)
link.diff <- abs(link.probs[,1] - link.probs[,2])
if (sum(link.diff>problem.thresh) != 0)
print(paste("There are", sum(link.diff>problem.thresh), "links with a differnce of more than", problem.thresh))
print("Check ConvergencePlots.pdf and consider a longer run.")
message(paste("There are", sum(link.diff>problem.thresh), "link probabilities that have not fully converged."))
message("Check ConvergencePlots.pdf and consider a longer run.")
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Cut off gammas ------------------------------------------------------------
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.plotCutOffGammas <- function(link.prob.1, chainName="", = NULL, main.text = "", nonTF = 0)
genes <- sqrt(length(link.prob.1))
if ( nonTF == 0 | genes == nonTF)
diag.elem <- diag(matrix(1:length(link.prob.1), genes, genes))
diag.elem <- matrix(1:length(link.prob.1), nrow = nonTF)[,1]
} <- NULL
## If large, remove links (<0.01)
if(length(link.prob.1)> 1000)
{ <- which(link.prob.1 < 0.01)
## Remove diagonals
# links <- sort(link.prob.1[-diag.elem], decreasing =T)
link.noDiag <- link.prob.1[-c(diag.elem,]
new.order <- order(link.noDiag , decreasing =T)
links <- link.noDiag[new.order]
numLinks <- length(links)
col.all <- rep("black", numLinks)
pch.all <- rep(1, numLinks)
if (length(!=0)
true.vec <- as.vector([-diag.elem]
ordered.true <- true.vec[new.order] != 0
col.all[ordered.true] <- "red"
pch.all[ordered.true] <- 4
plot(x = links, y = 1:length(links),
xlab = "Link probability threshold",ylab = "Number of links above threshold",
xlim = c(0,1), col = col.all, pch = pch.all, main = main.text, cex = 2.5 )#, cex.lab = 1.7)
#, main =paste("Number of links for given threshold", chainName))
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Heatmap using ggplot ------------------------------------------------------------
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.heatMap.ggplot <- function(prob.mat, size.max = 80)
title.string <- "Link Probability"
## If too large, sub select
if(dim(prob.mat)[1]> size.max)
topNumLinks <- floor(size.max/2)
prob.mat.largest <- order(prob.mat, decreasing= T)
rowsAndCols <- as.vector(.getSquareMatIndicesFromFlat(prob.mat.largest[1:topNumLinks], dim(prob.mat)[1]))
prob.mat <- prob.mat[rowsAndCols, rowsAndCols]
title.string <- paste(title.string, "(Selected genes)")
all.m <- melt(as.matrix(prob.mat))
(p <- ggplot(all.m, aes(Var2, Var1)) +
geom_tile(aes(fill = value),colour = "white") +
scale_fill_gradient(low = "white", high = "steelblue", limits = c(0,1)) +
theme(axis.ticks = element_blank(), axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 30, hjust = 1)) +
ggtitle( title.string) +
labs(x = "Regulator", y = "Regulated") +
scale_x_discrete(expand = c(0, 0)) +
scale_y_discrete(expand = c(0, 0))
## Calculate and plot distributions on num of parents ---------------------------------------
## excluding self interactions ---------------------------------------
.plotDistribParents.LargeMat <- function(probMat, numParentsMat, geneNames, numRegs = NULL, max.parents = 4, numHighLinks = 4)
{ <- T
if (is.null(numRegs)){
numRegs <- length(geneNames) <- F
numNonReg <- length(geneNames)
numberParents <- dim(numParentsMat)[2] - 1
## Reduce numParentsMat to max number of parents if necessary
if (numRegs - (max.parents+1) > 1)
max.parentsOrMore <- rowSums(numParentsMat[,(max.parents+1):numRegs]) <- cbind(numParentsMat[,1:max.parents], max.parentsOrMore)
col.names.aux <- c(0:(max.parents-1), paste(">", max.parents-1))
# colnames( <- col.names.aux
}else{ <- numParentsMat
col.names.aux <- as.character(c(0:numberParents))
colnames( <- as.character(c(0:numberParents))
rownames( <- geneNames <- data.frame(rownames(, rep("Same", numNonReg), rep("Posterior Probability # Parents", numNonReg),
colnames( <- c("GeneNames", "Same", "ProbType", col.names.aux )
matHighLinks <- matrix(0, numNonReg, numHighLinks)
if (!{diag(probMat) <- 0}else{probMat[,1] <- 0}
for(i in 1:numNonReg)
matHighLinks[i,] <- sort(probMat[i,], T)[1:numHighLinks]
matHighLinks <- data.frame(geneNames, rep("Same", numNonReg), rep(paste("Top", numHighLinks, "Regulator Probabilities"), numNonReg), matHighLinks)
colnames(matHighLinks) <- c("GeneNames", "Same", "ProbType",paste("#", 1:numHighLinks))
## Filter out those with prob[0 parents] > 0.6
remove.these <- which([,4] > 0.5)
# Remove only if more than 20 would be left
if ((numNonReg-length(remove.these) > 20) & (length(remove.these)!=0))
matHighLinks <- matHighLinks[-1*remove.these,] <-[-1*remove.these,]
## How many plots?
numRowsToPlot <- dim(matHighLinks)[1]
max.chunk.size <- 30
numChunks <- ceiling(numRowsToPlot/max.chunk.size)
for (i in 1:numChunks)
first.elem <- max.chunk.size*(i-1) + 1
last.elem <- max.chunk.size*i
if (i == numChunks){last.elem <- numRowsToPlot}
numParentsProbs.final_i <-[first.elem:last.elem,]
matHighLinks_i <- matHighLinks[first.elem:last.elem,]
all.m <- suppressMessages(melt(list(numParentsProbs.final_i, matHighLinks_i )))
(p <- ggplot(all.m, aes(variable, GeneNames)) +
geom_tile(aes(fill = value),colour = "white") +
scale_fill_gradient(low = "white", high = "steelblue", limits = c(0,1)) +
theme(axis.ticks = element_blank(), axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 30, hjust = 1)) +
ggtitle("Network Uncertainty") +
labs(x = "",y="") +
scale_x_discrete(expand = c(0, 0)) +
scale_y_discrete(expand = c(0, 0)) +
#facet_grid( Same ~ ProbType, scales = "free")
facet_wrap( ~ProbType, ncol = 2, scales = "free")
## Save
## Calculate and plot distributions on num of parents ---------------------------------------
## excluding self interactions ---------------------------------------
.marginalUncertaintyPlot <- function(gamma.chain, geneNames, numRegs = NULL, max.parents = 4, numHighLinks = 4)
{ <- T
if (is.null(numRegs)){
numRegs <- length(geneNames) <- F
numNonReg <- length(geneNames)
lenChain <- dim(gamma.chain)[1]
## Make count number of parents matrix
numParentsMat <- matrix(0, numNonReg, numRegs)
for (i in 1:lenChain)
net.i <- matrix(gamma.chain[i,], nrow = numNonReg)
## Remove self interactions
if (!{diag(net.i) <- 0}else{net.i[,1] <- 0}
parents.i <- rowSums(net.i)
for (j in 1:numNonReg)
numParentsMat[j, parents.i[j] + 1] <- numParentsMat[j, parents.i[j] + 1] + 1
## Divide by chain length
numParentsMat <- numParentsMat/lenChain
# write.table(numParentsMat, "ProbNumParents_Full")
probMat <- matrix(colMeans(gamma.chain), ncol = numRegs)
if(!{numRegs <- NULL}
.plotDistribParents.LargeMat(probMat, numParentsMat, geneNames, numRegs , max.parents , numHighLinks)
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Plot distribution and prior lambda --------------------------------------------------
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.plotDistribWithGammaPrior <- function(lambda, prior.a, prior.b, numGenes, main.text ="Prior and posterior lambda", max.x = 500)
all.dens <- matrix(0, numGenes, 512)
all.x <- matrix(0, numGenes, 512)
## Loop through genes plotting densities
for (i in 1:numGenes)
dens.i <- density(lambda[,i], na.rm=T, from = 0, n = 512)
all.dens[i,] <- dens.i$y
all.x[i,] <- dens.i$x
#max.x <- max(all.x)*1.1
# max.x <- 500
max.y <- max(all.dens)*1.2
x.seq <- seq(from=0, to = max.x, length.out = 10000)
prior1 <- list(x = x.seq ,
y = dgamma(x.seq, shape = prior.a, rate = prior.b))
## Plot priors
plot(x = prior1$x, y = prior1$y, col="red", lty=2, type="l",
ylim = c(0,max.y), lwd = 2, main=main.text, xlab = "Degrees of freedom",
ylab = "Probability density" )
## Loop through genes plotting densities
for (i in 1:numGenes)
lines(y = all.dens[i,], x= all.x[i,], lwd = 0.7)
## Add legend
legend("topright", c(paste("prior ", paste(prior.a, prior.b)), "posterior"), col=c("red", "black"), lty=c(2,1))
## Pareto pdf ------------------------------------------------------------------------
.dpareto <- function(tau,a, b)
.Fpareto <- function(a, b, num.points=10000)
tau.vals <- matrix(seq(from=0, to = b, length.out = num.points),nrow=1)
list(y=apply(tau.vals, 2, .dpareto, a=a, b=b),x=tau.vals)
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Calculate tau when link on ------------------------------------------------------------
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.tauON <- function(tau, gamma.vals)
tau.on <- tau*gamma.vals
tau.on[tau.on ==0 ]<-NA
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Plot distribution and prior tau ------------------------------------------------------------
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.plotDistribAndPriorTau.sepSelf <- function(tau1, link.prob.1, prior.param)
## Prior parameter values
a_pareto <- prior.param[12]
truncMe <- prior.param[ 6]
## Separate self interaction elements
num.links <- length(link.prob.1)
numGenes <- sqrt(num.links)
self.interact <- diag(matrix(1:num.links, numGenes, numGenes))
no.self <- 1:num.links
no.self <- no.self[-self.interact]
## Find max value of link prob to use as plotting limits for tau
non.diag.links <- link.prob.1[no.self]
pos.max.nonSelf <- which(non.diag.links == max(non.diag.links))[1]
i.max <- no.self[pos.max.nonSelf]
### Plot NON self interactions -------------
dens.kk <- density(tau1[,i.max ], na.rm=T)
max.x <- max(dens.kk$x)
max.y <- max(dens.kk$y)*1.2
# prior1 <- gaga(prior.param$a_spline, prior.param$c_spline, prior.param$d_spline, interval=c(0,max.x))
prior1 <- .Fpareto(a_pareto, truncMe)
## Plot priors
# plot(x = c(0, truncMe), y = c(1/truncMe,1/truncMe), col="green",lty=2,type="l", xlim=c(0,truncMe),ylim = c(0,max.y),lwd = 2, main="Prior and posterior tau (with prob>0.35) NON-SELF")
plot(x = prior1$x, y = prior1$y, xlab = "tau", ylab = "Probability Density", col="red",lty=2,type="l", ylim = c(0,max.y),lwd = 2, main="Prior and posterior tau (with prob>0.35)")
## Loop through genes plotting densities
for (i in no.self )
## tau1
if (link.prob.1[i]>0.35)
dens.i <- density(tau1[,i], na.rm=T, from=0)
lines(dens.i, lwd = 0.7)
# legend("topright", c(paste("prior ", paste(prior.param$a_spline, prior.param$c_spline, prior.param$d_spline)), "posterior"), col=c("green", "black"), lty=c(2,1))
legend("topright", c(paste("prior pareto a =", a_pareto, ", trunc =", truncMe), "posterior"), col=c("red", "black"), lty=c(2,1))
### Plot SELF interactions if on -----------------
if (link.prob.1[1]!=0){
dens.kk <- density(tau1[,1], na.rm=T)
max.x <- max(dens.kk$x)
max.y <- max(dens.kk$y)*1.5
# prior1 <- gaga(prior.param$a_spline, prior.param$c_spline, prior.param$d_spline, interval=c(0,max.x))
prior1 <- .Fpareto(3*a_pareto, truncMe)
## Plot priors
# plot(x = c(0, truncMe), y = c(1/truncMe,1/truncMe), col="green",lty=2,type="l", xlim=c(0,truncMe),ylim = c(0,max.y),lwd = 2, main="Prior and posterior tau SELF")
plot(x = prior1$x, y = prior1$y, xlab = "tau", ylab = "Probability Density", col="red",lty=2,type="l", ylim = c(0,max.y),lwd = 2, main="Prior and posterior tau SELF")
## Loop through genes plotting densities
for (i in self.interact )
dens.i <- density(tau1[,i], na.rm=T, from=0)
lines(dens.i, lwd = 0.7)
legend("topright", c(paste("prior pareto a = 3x", a_pareto, ", trunc =", truncMe), "posterior"), col=c("red", "black"), lty=c(2,1))
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Reconstruction -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.plotSplinesFunctions <- function( allfs1, all.fsqr.1, Full_F_sqr.1, link.probs1,
data.matrix, GeneNames, mu.mean, plot.thresh = 0.35)
# tau1, tau2, allfs1, allfs2, link.probs1, link.probs2, plot.thresh,, chainNames, GeneNames, op)
sd.f <- sqrt(all.fsqr.1 - allfs1^2) <- t(scale(t(data.matrix)))
time.m <- dim([2] -1
genes <- dim([1]
probs1 <- matrix(link.probs1, genes, genes)
index.flat <- matrix( 1:genes^2, genes, genes)
diag(probs1) <-1
for (i in 1:genes)
whichParents <- which(probs1[i,]>plot.thresh)
numPlots <- length(whichParents)
# total.row.plot <- ceiling((length(whichParents) + 1) /2)
## Need either 3 or 4 rows
if (numPlots < 4){plot.rows <- 2}else{plot.rows <- 3}
# par(mfrow=c(total.row.plot, 4), mar = c(2,2,4,2), oma = c(0.1,0.1,3.5,0.1))
par(mfrow=c(plot.rows, plot.rows), mar = c(4,4,3.5,0.6), oma = c(1,1,3.5,1))
## Place intersection first
plotMe.indx <- sort(which(probs1[i,]>plot.thresh), T)
## Place self interaction first
plotMe.indx <- c(i, plotMe.indx[-1*which(plotMe.indx == i)])
for (j in plotMe.indx)
tot.index <- genes*(i-1) + j
.plot.reconst(probs1[i,j], allfs1[,tot.index], sd.f[,tot.index],, i, j, GeneNames, plot.thresh)
meanF <- rowSums(allfs1[, genes*(i-1) + (1:genes)])
sd.F <- sqrt(Full_F_sqr.1[,i] - meanF^2)
## Add posterior mean intercept
meanF <- meanF + mu.mean[i]
## 2 sd lines
upperLine <- meanF + 2*sd.F
lowerLine <- meanF - 2*sd.F
## Plot y lims
y.lims <- range([i,-(time.m+1)]) + c(-0.18,0.1)
# x.lims <- range([j,-total.time]) + c(0,0.18)
# plotSplinesFunctions(allfs1, all.fsqr.1, Full_F_sqr.1, link.probs1,, rownames(
# Full reconstruction
plot(y = upperLine, x = 1:time.m,col = "red",
lty = 2, lwd = 2, type = "l", ylim = y.lims, main="",
xlab = "time",
ylab = paste(GeneNames[i],"(t + 1)") )
lines(y = lowerLine, x = 1:time.m, col = "red", lty = 2, lwd = 2)
polygon(c(1:time.m, rev(1:time.m)),
c(upperLine, rev(lowerLine)), col = "mistyrose", border = NA)
lines(y = meanF, x = 1:time.m, col = "red", lty = 1, lwd = 2)
# title(main.text, cex.main = 1, font.main= 2, col.main= "blue")
legend("bottomright", c(paste("mean F(t)",sep=""), "2xsd"),
col=c("red"), bty = "n", lty = c(1,2), lwd = c(2,2.5))
title("Full reconstruction", cex.main = 2, font.main= 3, col.main= 5)
mtext(paste("Regulators of:", GeneNames[i]), side=3, line=1.5, font=2, cex=2, col='red', outer=TRUE)
# plot([i,-1], main = "", xlab = "Time", ylab = GeneNames[i])
# meanF <- rowSums(allfs1[, genes*(i-1) + (1:genes)])
# sd.F <- sqrt(Full_F_sqr.1 - meanF^2)
# lines(meanF, col="red", lwd = 1.8)
# par(op)
# Plot data and spline function
.plot.reconst <- function(probs1.ij, allfs1.ij, sd.f.ij,, i, j, GeneNames, plot.thresh)
total.time <- dim([2]
if (i==j)
main.text <- "Self Interaction"
sub.title <- ""
main.text <- paste(GeneNames[j]," regulates", GeneNames[i], "\n (prob = ", round(probs1.ij,1), ")", sep="")
kk <- order([j,-total.time])
## 2 sd lines
upperLine <- allfs1.ij[kk] + 2*sd.f.ij[kk]
lowerLine <- allfs1.ij[kk] - 2*sd.f.ij[kk]
## Plot y lims
y.lims <- range([i,-total.time]) + c(-0.18,0.1)
x.lims <- range([j,-total.time]) + c(0,0.18)
plot(y = upperLine, x = t([j,kk]), col = "red",
lty = 2, lwd = 2, type = "l", ylim = y.lims, , xlim = x.lims, main="",
xlab = paste(GeneNames[j],"(t)"),
ylab = paste(GeneNames[i],"(t + 1)") )
lines(y = lowerLine, x = t([j,kk]), col = "red", lty = 2, lwd = 2)
polygon(c(t([j,kk]), rev(t([j,kk]))),
c(upperLine, rev(lowerLine)), col = "mistyrose", border = NA)
lines(y = allfs1.ij[kk], x = t([j,kk]), col = "red", lty = 1, lwd = 2)
points(y= t([i,-1]), x=t([j,-total.time]))
title(main.text, cex.main = 1, font.main= 2, col.main= "blue")
legend("bottomright", c(paste("mean f(", GeneNames[j],")",sep=""), "2xsd"),
col=c("red"), bty = "n", lty = c(1,2), lwd = c(2,2.5))
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