# get genes from genomic regions
# 'genes' is the input-dataframe for go_enrich, in this case it's genomic regions like 9:123-1225
# output: list of
# classic single genes go_enrich input-dataframe
# gene_coords chr, start, end, gene for all genes (test+bg)
# side-effect: write regions to file for FUNC
# if coord_db = TxDb, then orgDb is used as entrez_db to convert TxDb-entrez-id to gene-symbols
# eval_db_input checks that TxDb and OrgDb depend on each other
# if gene_coords are provided as dataframe by user, use that instead of coord_db
blocks_to_genes = function(directory, genes, coord_db="Homo.sapiens", entrez_db=NA, gene_coords=NULL, circ_chrom=FALSE, silent=FALSE){
# check regions are valid, remove unused chroms for circ_chrom,
# get two bed-dataframes back (candidate and background)
regions = check_regions(genes, circ_chrom)
test_regions = regions[[1]]
bg_regions = regions[[2]]
# convert to GRanges
test_range = GRanges(test_regions[,1], IRanges::IRanges(test_regions[,2], test_regions[,3]))
bg_range = GRanges(bg_regions[,1], IRanges::IRanges(bg_regions[,2], bg_regions[,3]))
# get all gene coordinates
if (!is.null(gene_coords)){
if (!silent){
message("find genes in input-regions using custom 'gene_coords'...")
} else {
# load databases and check if OrganismDb or OrgDb/TxDb
load_db(coord_db, silent)
if ({
# OrganismDb
gene_identifier = "SYMBOL"
} else {
# orgDb (entrez_db) + TxDb (coord_db)
gene_identifier = "GENEID"
# get all genes from coord_db
gene_coords = get_all_coords(coord_db=coord_db, entrez_db=entrez_db, silent=silent)
if (!silent){
message("find genes in input-regions using database '", coord_db,"'...")
# convert to GRanges for IRanges::subsetByOverlaps
all_genes = GRanges(gene_coords[,1], IRanges::IRanges(gene_coords[,2], gene_coords[,3]), SYMBOL=gene_coords[,4])
# get overlapping genes
test_genes = get_genes_from_regions(all_genes, test_range)
bg_genes = get_genes_from_regions(all_genes, bg_range)
# check that candidate and background contain genes
if (nrow(test_genes) == 0){
stop("Candidate regions do not contain any genes.")
if (nrow(bg_genes) == 0){
stop("Background regions do not contain any genes.")
## write candidate and background bed-files for C++
# merge candidate into background for randomsets
full_bg_range = suppressWarnings(reduce(c(test_range, bg_range)))
full_bg_regions = data.frame(chr=seqnames(full_bg_range), start=start(full_bg_range), end=end(full_bg_range))
# avoid scientific notation in regions (read in c++)
test_regions = format(test_regions, scientific=FALSE, trim=TRUE)
full_bg_regions = format(full_bg_regions, scientific=FALSE, trim=TRUE)
# write regions to files
write.table(test_regions,file=paste(directory, "_test_regions.bed",sep=""),col.names=FALSE,row.names=FALSE,quote=FALSE,sep="\t")
write.table(full_bg_regions,file=paste(directory, "_bg_regions.bed",sep=""),col.names=FALSE,row.names=FALSE,quote=FALSE,sep="\t")
# combine gene coords of background and test regions (to create input for FUNC in go_enrich)
gene_coords = unique(rbind(test_genes, bg_genes))
# convert to classic go_enrich input avoiding double-assignment of candidate/background
genes_df = data.frame(genes=gene_coords$gene, score=rep(0,nrow(gene_coords)))
genes_df[,1] = as.character(genes_df[,1])
genes_df[genes_df$genes %in% test_genes[,4], 2] = 1
return(list(genes_df, gene_coords))
# input:
# dataframe with genomic regions (chr:from-to) and 1/0
# circ_chrom-option T/F
# output: list with elements
# test-regions (bed)
# background_regions (merged with test-regions) (bed)
check_regions = function(genes, circ_chrom){
# check that background region is specified
if (all(genes[,2]==1)){
stop("All values of the genes[,2] input are 1. Using chromosomal regions as input requires defining background regions with 0.")
# convert coordinates from 'genes'-names to bed-format
genes[,1] = as.character(genes[,1])
bed =, strsplit(genes[,1], "[:-]"))
bed =
bed[,2:3] = apply(bed[,2:3], 2, as.numeric)
bed[,1] = as.character(bed[,1])
# add 'chr' if missing (coord_db has it too)
if (!startsWith(bed[1,1], "chr")){
bed[,1] = paste0("chr", bed[,1])
# check that start < stop
reverse_indi = bed[,2] > bed[,3]
if(sum(reverse_indi) > 0){
reverse = paste(genes[,1][reverse_indi], collapse=", ")
stop("Invalid regions: ", reverse, ".\n In 'chr:start-stop' start < stop is required.")
# split in test and background
test_reg = bed[genes[,2]==1,]
bg_reg = bed[genes[,2]==0,]
## test that regions are non-overlapping (separately for candidate and background)
# candidate
overlap_indis = check_overlap(test_reg)
if (length(overlap_indis) > 0){
over = paste(genes[genes[,2]==1,1][overlap_indis], collapse=", ")
stop("Candidate regions overlap: ", over)
# background
overlap_indis = check_overlap(bg_reg)
if (length(overlap_indis) > 0){
over = paste(genes[genes[,2]==0,1][overlap_indis], collapse=", ")
stop("Background regions overlap: ", over)
# sort (mixedorder does not work with multiple columns)
test_reg = test_reg[order(test_reg[,2]),]
bg_reg = bg_reg[order(bg_reg[,2]),]
test_reg = test_reg[mixedorder(test_reg[,1]),]
bg_reg = bg_reg[mixedorder(bg_reg[,1]),]
# if rolling chrom: remove unused bg chroms and warn, check that all candidate chroms have bg
if(circ_chrom == TRUE){
if(!(all(bg_reg[,1] %in% test_reg[,1]))){
not_used = unique(bg_reg[!(bg_reg[,1] %in% test_reg[,1]),1])
not_used = paste(not_used, collapse=", ")
warning("Unused chromosomes in background regions: ", not_used, ".\n With circ_chrom=TRUE only background regions on the same chromosome as a candidate region are used.")
bg_reg = bg_reg[bg_reg[,1] %in% test_reg[,1],]
if(!(all(test_reg[,1] %in% bg_reg[,1]))){
wo_bg = unique(test_reg[!(test_reg[,1] %in% bg_reg[,1]),1])
wo_bg = paste(wo_bg, collapse=", ")
stop("No background region for chromosomes: ", wo_bg, ".\n With circ_chrom=TRUE only background regions on the same chromosome as a candidate region are used.")
} else { # normal blocks option
# sort candidate regions by length (better chances that random placement works with small bg-regions)
test_reg = test_reg[order(test_reg[,3] - test_reg[,2], decreasing=TRUE),]
return(list(test_reg, bg_reg))
# take a bed-format dataframe and check if regions overlap
# return a vector of row-indices that overlap any other region
check_overlap = function(regions_bed){
overlap_indis = c()
for (i in seq_len(nrow(regions_bed))){
# if (chrom=chrom & (start inside | end inside | including)) any other region
chrom_match = regions_bed[i,1] == regions_bed[,1]
start_inside = regions_bed[i,2] > regions_bed[,2] & regions_bed[i,2] < regions_bed[,3]
end_inside = regions_bed[i,3] > regions_bed[,2] & regions_bed[i,3] < regions_bed[,3]
include = regions_bed[i,2] < regions_bed[,2] & regions_bed[i,3] > regions_bed[,3]
if (any(chrom_match & (start_inside | end_inside | include))){
overlap_indis = c(overlap_indis, i)
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