write.gctx <- function(mdat, row.annotations=NULL, column.annotations=NULL, write.rownames=T, write.colnames=T, row.hclust=NULL, column.hclust=NULL, file) {
if(!is.null(row.hclust)) {
mdat <- mdat[row.hclust$order,]
if(!is.null(row.annotations)) {
row.annotations <- row.annotations[row.hclust$order,]
if(!is.null(column.hclust)) {
mdat <- mdat[,column.hclust$order]
if(!is.null(column.annotations)) {
column.annotations <- column.annotations[column.hclust$order,]
# h5writeAttribute('GCTX1.0', file, '/', 'version')
h5createGroup(file, '0')
h5createGroup(file, '0/DATA')
h5createGroup(file, '0/DATA/0')
h5write(mdat, file,'0/DATA/0/matrix')
h5createGroup(file, '0/META')
h5createGroup(file, '0/META/COL')
h5createGroup(file, '0/META/ROW')
if(!is.null(row.hclust)) {
id <- paste (0:(ncol(mdat)-1),'X',sep='')
h5write(id[row.hclust$order], file,'0/META/ROW/gene id')
r2atr(file, row.hclust, TRUE)
if(!is.null(column.hclust)) {
id <- paste (0:(nrow(mdat)-1),'X',sep='')
h5write(id[column.hclust$order], file,'0/META/COL/array id')
r2atr(file, column.hclust, FALSE)
if(!is.null(row.annotations) || !is.null(rownames(mdat))) {
write.meta(file, FALSE, rownames(mdat), row.annotations, write.rownames)
if(!is.null(column.annotations) || !is.null(colnames(mdat))) {
write.meta(file, TRUE, colnames(mdat), column.annotations, write.colnames)
r2atr <- function(file, hc, rows)
height <- hc$height
n <- length(height)
node <- 1:n
node <- paste ('NODE',node,'X',sep='')
merge1 <- hc$merge[,1]
merge11 <- paste ('NODE',merge1,'X',sep='')
merge12 <- paste ( -1-merge1,'X',sep='')
merge1[hc$merge[,1]>0] <- merge11[hc$merge[,1]>0]
merge1[hc$merge[,1]<0] <- merge12[hc$merge[,1]<0]
merge2 <- hc$merge[,2]
merge11 <- paste ('NODE',merge2,'X',sep='')
merge12 <- paste (-1-merge2,'X',sep='')
merge2[hc$merge[,2]>0] <- merge11[hc$merge[,2]>0]
merge2[hc$merge[,2]<0] <- merge12[hc$merge[,2]<0]
path <- if(rows) '0/DATA/row_dendrogram' else '0/DATA/column_dendrogram'
h5createGroup(file, path)
h5write(node, file, paste(path, 'id', sep='/'))
h5write(merge1, file, paste(path, 'left', sep='/'))
h5write(merge2, file, paste(path, 'right', sep='/'))
h5write(height, file, paste(path, 'distance', sep='/'))
write.meta <- function(file, isColumns, n, annotations, write.names) {
path <- if(isColumns) '0/META/COL/' else '0/META/ROW/'
if(!is.null(n) && write.names) {
if(class(n) == 'factor' || class(n)== 'AsIs') {
n <- as.character(n)
h5write(n, file, paste(path, 'Name', sep='')) # row or column names
if(!is.null(annotations)) {
names <- colnames(annotations)
number.of.names <- length(names)
if(number.of.names > 0) {
for(i in 1:number.of.names) {
name = names[i]
v <- annotations[[i]]
if(class(v) == 'factor' || class(v)== 'AsIs') {
v <- as.character(v)
h5write(v, file, paste(path, name, sep=''))
read.gctx = function (f, matrix=TRUE) {
mat <- NULL
if(matrix) {
mat <- h5read(f, "0/DATA/0/matrix")
row.meta <- read.meta(f, "0/META/ROW")
column.meta <- read.meta(f, "0/META/COL")
return(list(row.annotations=row.meta, column.annotations=column.meta, matrix=mat))
read.meta = function (f, path) {
obj <- h5read(f, path)
fields <- names(obj) <- data.frame(matrix(nrow = length(obj[[fields[1]]]), ncol = length(fields)))
colnames( <- fields
for(i in 1:length(fields)) {
field <- fields[i][,i] <- obj[[field]]
from.genee <- function(url='http://localhost:9998') {
url <- get.genee.url(url)
f <- tempfile()
download.file(paste(url, 'api/from', sep='/'), f, mode = "wb", cacheOK=F)
m <- read.gctx(f)
to.genee <- function (mdat, row.annotations=NULL, column.annotations=NULL, show.rownames=T, show.colnames=T, row.hclust=NULL, column.hclust=NULL, url='http://localhost:9998' ) {
url <- get.genee.url(url)
name <- deparse(substitute(mdat))
dir = tempdir()
if(file.exists('/tmp/shm') && file.access('/tmp/shm', mode=2) == 0) {
dir = '/tmp/shm'
f <- tempfile(pattern = "file", tmpdir = dir, fileext = ".gctx")
write.gctx(mdat, row.annotations, column.annotations, show.rownames, show.colnames, row.hclust, column.hclust, f)
#curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Expect:'));
x <-postForm(paste(url, 'api/to', sep='/'), binary=T, "fileName"=name, "fileData" = fileUpload(f, contentType = 'application/gctx'), .opts = list(verbose = FALSE, header = TRUE))
get.genee.url <- function(url)
if (nchar(Sys.getenv("GENE_E_URL")))
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